Newspaper Page Text
p Polished by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta, Ga.
“ntered at Atlanta postofffee as seco'nd
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance,
one tear. mail, postage prepaid. JR.OO
v■; months, mall, postage prepaid, 2.50
■>,ree months, mall, postage prepaid. 1.25
ne month, mail, postage prepaid. .45
Subscriptions Payable In Advance.
• . vered by carrier, one year $5.20
Pel-vered by carrier, six months .... 2 60
delivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
Pe'ivered by carrier, one month 45
Pelivereri by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger type,
12c a line (4 words to the line).
njt-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash.
>. gencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the clay of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out In
writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
s counted. Each initial counts ona
word: compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Prwgian (both phones 8000) when
i’ is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
' or at your office the follow
ing cay TTiis is an accommoda
ti..n service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
n p-osentntlon of bill. Always
as!< that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
• esponsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WAXTKb Good cook; also for general
housework. Good wages. Apply at
131 jGeorgia a■. • nue at once. 9-4-46
WANTED—Position as stenographer with
some insurance corn pan v; three months
experience; salary $35 or .S4Q per month.
M. M. P., care Georgian 66-9-4
\\ \NTEI)—Girls for musical comedy
company. Experienced or unexpe
renced. Experienced ones preferred.
Salary sls to $23 and expenses a week
Inquire Atlanta Hotel, .32 Houston street.
SEX ERAL young ladies wanted at cnee
P-r packing candy. Pleasant work.
Apply at Nunnally’s, 59 Ivy street.
v- kNTED Woman or girl to do house
cleaning and launder on lot. 315 South
boulevard. 9-4-42
EXPERIENCED operators to make The
Mechanic union made overalls anrl
pants: steady work for all and highest
wages paid for short hours; we will eni
!'•'?• inexperienced persons and teach
1 mm this work so they can soon earn
k-hxl wages. This is the best employment
'Ji Atlanta for v. omen and girls. Call
is explain i Marcus Loeb & Co.,
• » Souti■ Pryor s; reel. :i-4 -,30
\\ W’TED A chamber maid at 80 East
Ellis st. 9-4-26
A \ XTED Good washerwoman. Decatur
—<2l 2-4-28
t'NE good wash woman for small ram'll.' .
43 Drewry street, near Highland ave
nue. .9-4-21
XNTED—First-class cook. Xpply 45
South, Gordon, West End park. Good
servants’ room in basement. 9-4-22
195 1-2 MARIETTA ST.
' V J‘ lJ( J are c - A Dahl Co., Sept. _4.
' xNTijt -Reliable colored woman for
1 < nd general bouse work; good
i7__East Ninth street. 46-9-4
- s|, 'E location for good stenographer who
• ate dotij le keyb »ard macl ine;
*'jn<Hi, Address. In own handwrit-
In K- '' R Box 450, care Georgian.
v 'XTED A cook to cook and do laun
' tor small family; must room on lot;
3 references. 22 West Fourteenth st.
•’ED- '.bod cook Apply 155 Peeples
" 'Th > Woman to wash and iron on
155 Peeple stree ■- 1 -I 1
1 Thi • girls as clerks i deli-
• • ' -*ei: 15 Whitehall. Regular lob.
. T. .lTl: oT-k
x N ri :i)--Sn'.art woman for seamstress’
acp. < wi (, pas had some experience
' ’V Henning work preferred. Capl
'’>t\ L.'undry._ 9-4-11
' \ ! First-class cook, male or fe
for small family. References re-
1 11 * East North avenue. 9-3-26
' x I FD At once, young ladx to learn
finishing; pleasant work and good
Must be refined and industrious.
tn person, G. AV. Romer. Romer’s
■ • •<>:<.r\, r;; Grant street 9-3-9
■I ED ,\n experienced seamstress
• 5 oung ladies to work in assorting
Excelsior Laundry, 40-42 Wall
•L; 9-3-2
'•A TED Colored woman to cook and
nurse. Must have references
/ M press street. 43-9-2
?A‘ED A reliable cook; single pre-
’ d room on lot am] good wages;
e required. Apply 325 Washing
’!» Lady stenographer; must he
; d at figures; one to help with office
state salary expected; references
"♦ Cartersville, Ga. 9-2-17
’’ED \ nurse to stay on lot. Ap
» West Mitchell.
- !> r ° ok - Dab iW 30. 9-2 7
ED—Good cook at 91 East Linden
\T;<J)— Colored woman for cook. Ap
-1 avenue.
X-XTED Lady bookkeeper. Elyea
5 ell < Jompa nj 8-29* 56
Help Wanted—Male.
•I ED Boy who can use typewriter.
' 1 • ss. own handwriting. Box 802, At-
—Ten stock salesmen to make
' a d'Dx 504 Candler building. 9-4-37
ANTED— For assistant bookkeeper, a
right young man who has had some
in office work. Answer D 47.
Georgian 9-4-42
X NTED For I’. S. army, able-bodied
1 - nrfed n-en between ages of 18 and
• itizens of United States. <>f good
'••aiir-r and temperate habits, who .an
' read and write the English lan
- .xu” For information. appl\ to Re
' g <)fficer corner Peachtree and
,s ’tli streets. Atlanta, or 411 «'herr>
la ■*-•1-37
l‘ETl\N’i‘ tinier man for grocer}
♦ Xpplv 2 i<> 6 p tn 271 Pivrlniont
x 9-4-29
ERNM’EN’r P< |Tit »NS - dsv :
. XL frpp b.-okl * V- H ’ tells h-.n
( ‘ P tnda\ -imw Earl Hopkins, XVa .
<!i - "O. D C. 57-9-1
Help Wanted—Male.
WANIEiTSY several men
1 "mHrfi-5? tler References re-
• Apply ,03 Edgewood avenue.
' 1 a good contract for two or three
I . le n . le lt t 0 h a nd >e fruit and pro-
I to .retail merchants only. Applv
references to E b Florence. 130
to 138 Peters street. 65-9-3
TRa\ ELING cigar salesman wanted for
nor th Georgia territory. Apply Camp-
Kin Importing Company, Fort Gaines, Ga„
sending reference and experience Salarv
or commission. 9-3-2 fl
WANTED—Registered pharmaolrtTv'oung
man, unmarried; with push, ability and
experience. East Highland Pharmacy,
Columbus, Ga. 8-31-24
once A a colored fireman
' attillo Lumber Company 9-8-6
WANTED—Cpholsterers and boys to
work on gad boards. Southern flphol
stermg Company, corner Jefferson and
Echo streets. 9-3-11
WANTED—An office boy MimCbeTive'
—South Forsyth street. 9-2-22
repair shop; some horseshoeing; must
be all-round, good man; white shop;
wages $3.50. Albany Blacksmith Co., Ai-
C ’A n -b__9‘L 38-8-31
Vt-ANTED—Men to learn barber trade
Light, clean work. An army of our
graduates now running shops. Be one of
them. Wages while loaming Tools
given. Cali or write Moler Barber College.
08 Luckie street. . 31-8-31
WANTED- Young men Io learn pharnT
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply. Next session begins
October 1. Southern College of Pharmacy.
81 Luckie street. Atlanta, Ga. 8-1 -1
' M ANTED—Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
WANTED ideas. Inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers. Also, hnw to get
your patept. Sent free to any address.
Randolph * Briscoe, patent attorneys,
Washington. D. C. 7-11-23
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of dry, Toti
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c. Open all night
-2 DI 9
YES. Professor G. O. Brannlng will Teach
you the barber trade (It’s easy). We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
Course. and position in oar shops
[ only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of
; our graduates running shops or making
■good wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10
' F- nst Mitchell street. 5-11-17
I‘REE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free. Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College, 10 Fast
i Mitchell. _ 5-27-16
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
i SE'I'I’LEI) COl T PLE. without children, to
cook, milk, clean house and look after
premises. Nice house on lot, gas and
j bath. Apply 606 XVest Peachtree. 50-9-3
EXPERT PIANO TI.'NER —Action, regu
, [ lating. voicing and repairing. Bell
i phone Main 2254-L. East Atlanta. Drop
a postal. 1 will call 8-19-24
, ' ■ . ~. ■
Salesmen Wanted.
jXXLANTED Ambitious salesmen to sell
Scarborough’s surveys; we pay big
‘ and give sure guarantee.
1 Address Scarborough. P. O. Box 160. care
, Georgian. 39-9-2
i proj os’iticn u ill make you money. Good
lin» up as -ured. Address the Mid-West
Securities Uompany, 1012 Hartford huikl
. ing. Chicago. 111. 45-9-2
Agents Wanted.
WANTI'ID lady agents to sell toilet :>r
, tides; good sellers Apply Room 1.'.??
Brown-Randolph Bldg , Marietta st.. 8 to
! 1.0 a. m 44-9-1
Situations Wanted—Female
YOI’NG GIRI, with experience wishes po
sition as stenographer at once. Call
3776 4D:I-4
RESPECa'ABLE colored woman desires a
position as house maid and wishes to
I room on lot; has no incumbrance.? 3S?
I Richardson street. .1. A. Hill. 37-2-4
; COLORED Girl wants job as maid. Ap
_ pl.' 187 Fort street. 62-9-3
MANAGING housekeeper’s position by re
lined, middle-aged woman. Mrs. S.. 324
’ E. Georgia ave. 53-9-3
Enterprise_Mfg. Co., 36 W, Ala., ;Segt, 4;
COMPETENT white nurse with training
desires position as nurse or maid; ex
' cellent references. Call Mary, Ivv 5356.
64 9 3
WANTED Position by joung lady ste
nographer who is witling .to work and
’ has had fifteen months’ experience. Call
■ Atlanta phone 5204 60-9-3
EN I ‘EI 11 ENCED stenographer, with ret
erences. wants position. Can use die
tophone and run mimeograph machine.
Salary SSO. Address Box 775, care Geor
-1 . gian. 28-9-3
YOCNG LADY with experience as typist,
who knows something about bookkeep-
; ing wants to make a change. Dissatis
i tied with present position. Can give ref
-1 erences. Address D. M . care Georgian.
, 2£±2
: GENERAL house work; white; mother
with babe, desire position In country
! Box 461, care Georgian. 78-3-31
I -..=
Needle Work.
EMBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing
and darning. 13 Baltimore place. Ivy
5968 8-28-8
l"i REWRITING, all kinds: called for and
I delivered: reasonable rates Stenogra
, pher, care Georgian. 36-9-1
Situations Wanted—Male.
1 WA N TED—A P( )S ITI () N A S
|gjve best of references.
, GIAN. ' -‘ll-9-4
WANTED Position by young
man. agi’d 23. as office assistant
or stenographer. Rapid anti ac
eurab’. Furnish good reroniinen
dations. Address H W North
avenue. 27-0-4
\\ ■■. rED PosH na? neal < tei
years’ experience Meat <’ut-
I ter, JBox ■ • • • ■
j P( »S.' v\ anted by man thorriug’ l> px -
! pprienced in office work a* manager nr
.«> ta •• charge nf rnrrespondencn.
Hinns etc. sat.sfartory reference* as tn
liihili' reliability, etc Address i'< \ 7’"
1 ’ t d 34 ;■ i
Did you ever try to write a Want Ad?
Then why not try your skill at writing them and get a couple of
tickets to the Forsyth theater at the expense of the \\ ant Ad man?
Here is how you can secure f ee tickets to the Forsyth:
Read over the Want Ads on these pages. You plainly see that
■some of them read better than others Now, you Know that you can
write better ones than these, can’t you? Get a couple of pieces of
paper and scribble off a few. You will find that the more you write
of them the better you will get.
For the five best written ones each day the Want Ad man will
give a couple of tickets to the Forsyth Theater. He will judge the Ads
and give the tickets to the ones that have written the best.
There appear among the Want Ads in this issue the names of the
five lucky people that have secured tickets for tomorrow night s per
formance. Your name will appear in this style.
Get in the swim this vary day with the jolly throng that are
writing Ads. Your skill will surely get you one of the pairs of tick
ets that are being given away each day.
Ads will be taken up until 1 o’clock each day.
The winners' names will appear in the next day's issue among
the Want Ads. and all you will have to do is to find your mime,
bring your Want Ad receipt and that issue of the paper to The Geor
gian Want Ad counter (so that you may be identified) not later than
four (4) o'clock the next day, and get you: tickets to that night s
performance. Remember, they will come in pairs, so that vou can en
joy the show with a friend.
Don't wait; start today, and try your skill at writing Want Ads,
and win some of the tickets to the Forsyth theater that are waiting
for you.
Situations Wanted—Male.
YOUNG MAN stenographer, employed in
day time, wishes position from 7:30 un
til 11. Address E. B S, 1 Whitehall
street 48-9-4
WANTED—Position by young man. ex
perienced in bookkeeping and office
work. Address L. D. Jolley, 107 Trinity
avenue. Atlanta phone 1091. 28-9-4
PRINTER wants situation in country or
city office. Address Economy, Box 31.
care Georgian. 54-9-31
WANTED— By a young man position as
bookkeeper or assistant bookkeeper;
reference furnished. Box 733, care Geor
gian . 41 -9-8
WANTED—Position In wholesale or pack
ing house: am willing to work and can
furnish best references. Box 730. care
Georgian. 34-9-3
COMPETENT bookkeeper desires em
ployment part of time. Either morn
ings or afternoons. Excellent references
Box 557, Hapeville. Ga. 29-9-3
Fertilizer man wants position this
season. J. A. Austin, Kirkwood. Ga
WANTED—Position as chauffeur; had
three years experience: have best of
references. Address Allen McLeod. 151
Spring street. 34-9-2
PtISITION wanted bj fully experienced
office man; business correspondence,
collections, etc.; progressive, capable, en
ergetic; satisfactory references. Box 414.
care Georgian. 25-8-27
Job Work.
WE CjjJ'l SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62’4 S Forsyth street. Bell 1187;
Atlanta 6087-M.
| . =
Stove and Range Repairing.
“'DA^ 7
SELLS second-hand gas stoves. We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters We
i sell wick and wickless oil stoves. We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges. Atlanta phone
2235. 121 Whitehall street. Bell phene
j Main 3699. 4-4-7
Boarders wanted.
COMFORTABLE BOARD can be obtained
in private family; all conveniences. Xp
ply 744 Piedmont avenue. 9-4-45
BO.' Fi DI NG places for students Atlanta
of Pharmacy; give rates. Ad
dress George ’ . Payne. ;>l Edgewood
ave. 40-9-4
I BOARDING places wanted in private
families for young ladies and for young
men students, give rates Address Dr.
' Georg*' !•. Paynt . President Atlanta Col
' lege of Pharmacy. 94 • • Edgewood ave.
WEST HXI> —Couple without children
two young men one room, one man to
share room; table board. 156 Gordon.
West ledJ ‘.*-4-10
WEST END famii\ have nice room and
board for couple without children; room
for gentleman. Phone West SCB-T.
139 WEST PEACHTREE has changed
hands; open for congenial boarders:
large front room with private bath and
dre sing room; day boarders wanted;
meals ft pei week Call [vj 5551 9 2-25
EXCELLENT table board a 79 E Mer
ritts aye. 9-2-23
THOSE desiring to take Teen students
as boarders kindly notify the office at
once, as the list is now being compiled
LAlb.i-:, defightful room private batl .
steam heat; good location: best table
241 West Peachtree. Ivy 1959-L. 37-9-2
ROOMS and board; also table board:
north side. __lvy 2423-J.
J msit Off Peachtree
SELECT rooms will) or without board:
reasonable. 19 W. Cain st. 8-29-48
NICE ROOM and board in exchange for
diamond, motorcycle, piano or type
writer. Small cash payment. Piano. Hox
10. care Georgian. 8-17-30
NEAT, cool rooms and homelike cook
ing 173 Luckie street. Atlanta phone
2437. 8-22-38
$1.50 to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly.
American plan, 50c to $1.50 <iav; $3.00
to $7.00 weekly European. References
exchanged _ 8-’. 3-36
IF you appre ate eanlini ss ry s. $4
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue S-10-7
Board Wanted.
.TewTsH~BOARD WANTED -Two joung
men desire room and meals with a
Jewish famllv. References. Address r
O. Box 775. 37-9-3
Summer Resorts.
CAN ACCOMMODATE eight people at m\
mountain home for September, at. mod
erate rate Elegant food. Grand seen
cry. M.. Box 93. care Georgian 60-9-4
Lost and Found.
LOST —A Boston terrier, white coda’-,
short tail, short ears, four while feet;
will answer 10 the name of “Bob.” Re
turn to W. M. Strong. A black spot on
each eye. Bell phone Main 3511-I and
get reward. ’2* k > iv> 63-9-4
I,< >st One con , irse ontainlng a
rosary key and small chain, between
Fourth street and the Sacred Hear’
church. Return to Georgian office.
'• l 4
a VERY fine stock bull; worth $500; will
sell for SIOO, also several cows and heif
ers K 9
I.< 'S'i Whlte an<i yefioiw Spotted dog
Blind in one eye. Answer* to name
of Trixie Reward if returned to L Da
vidson. 341 East Fair street 33-9-3
DROPSY CURED Relieves ehortnesa of
breath in 36 to 4fi hours Reduces swell-
; ng in 15 to 20 days Write for particu
lars. Cobom Dropsy Remedy Company,
.'•l2 Austell Building Atlanta. 5 25-11
I Df< EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Co i R< Pills, a safe and ie -
liable treatment for painful and sup
j>rr?--«’d menstruation irregularlt ami
v.milu’- obstruct <ui v Trial box b> mall.
.0* l':au . I'do. .rob-rr, ,ro , manufac
t » hem *t.-, 11 South Br<»ad
A Ganta, Ga. 2-17-14
WANTED—Addresses of all STAMMER
ERS who are willing to pay $lO for a
certain cure. The Fon-Lfn institute. G
2516 Indiana avenue, Chicago. liy 8-7-4
ARE you desirous of making
ance, through correspondence, with lady
or gentleman, matrimonially inclined?
Send 20c postage. Correspondence Ex
change, Baltimore, Md. 9-3-19
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, A’enetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. AVrite or phone W R. Cal
laway, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank Building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
Improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and It
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, and it means insurance. 6-24-19
refined, homelike: limited number of
petients cared for; home provided for In
fants; infants for adoption. Mis. M. T.
Mitchell. 26 AATndsor st. 6-22-12
YOUNG M AN. Southerner, limited means,
desires to meet lady who possesses
lovable character: object matrimony; con
fidential. .1 , Box 100, care Georgian
SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, clairvoyant and
palmist. Parlors, 74 AA’alton street. La
cies maid in attendance. 8-6-7
(REVEALS PAST, present and future
(Jan be consulted on all affairs of life
' . Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
; Ln tent).
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
j all affairs of life Charges moderate
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-J5-13
For Sale Miscellaneous.
i • - - - - ~
i !•< >R SALE - Ten or inure shares of stock
;i Raii’Aa? Postal Clerks’ Investment As-
Isuciation. Apply Mrs. W. J’. Mooney, 700
• Gordon st. Phone -West 821-. L 9-4-41
| FOR SALE—A beautiful S4O gan range
won in The Journal contest; cheap for
I cash. The same can b.- seen at liigh-
I lower's. Further information. Ivy 2082-L.
, __2913-4
FDR SALE—One postoffice cabinet of 96.
i cells, 16 lock boxes, general delivery
, window, also one nest of 24 small, four
medium lock boxes and two lock draw
ers. also one section and eight keyless
, lock boxe,s For particulars w r rite Post
master. Palmetto. Ga. 55-9-4
e* ■i: SALE One steam cylinder (half
price) for cotton gin press. G. D. Col
ons ._ FI in t. Ga. 9 - 4-19
, FOR SALE —Two feather beds and sew
ing machine, in line shape. Apply at
84 North Boulevard. 43-9-4
FOR SALE—Family horse, buggy and
harness. The team for ladies and chll
■ ■ ■ . 4586 9-4-2
FOR SALE Excellent babj carriage,
mahogany room suit and sideboard. 386
Washington street. 9-4-8
FOR SALE—Motorcycle, Flying Merkle,
last vMir’s model: has new oversize
tires. Eclipse clulch. luggage carrier, and
is in perfect running order; a bargain at
$125 cash. 11. N. Cooledge, 12 North For
l.ifeTiinp Furniture. Rugs
and Draperies.
Guaranteed Brass B’ds $lO up.
National Springs $3.98
Fell Mattress $7.50
Dining Tables . . $11.50 and up
Dining Chairs $1.98
Sideboards $16.00 and up
If it's Furniture. we have it.
and at tiie right price.
Pay for your Furniture while
yon use it. ‘ A little at a time.”
I Life-Time Furniture. Rugs
ami Draperies.
62 Peachtree.
W E. Crusselle, rar? Constitution office.
Sept, t.
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpet*-’,
floors, etc. vacuum cleaners from
up; vacuum sweepers, $t».75. C. J. Danle*
A- < ■ 416 Fo i: th N.l' I',, Bldg 1 ' I
MAK E~O \ N ; -.-. < jar rollton, <la be
offer on complete architectural drawing,
all text-books and drawing outfit com
plete; course original;* cos: mg sl2l in
best correspondence school in I’. S.
8-26-2 X
EX<’HAN<;e—Grand square piano for a
violin. Box 42 9-3-34
S2OO CASH buys tw<» 36-foot boxball al
leys in almost perfect condition. R .
Singfleton, < »\f<>rd. Ua t ■ ■■ •
FOR SALE X Ita Cofi with Kale
doscope 'and two tubes. Portable bat - '
tery, Mil-Ammeter and Rheostat: also 1
Ear Telephone for the deaf. Less than I
ha I f price Ma n
practically new. Call Ivy 4314-J
F(»R SALE —one incian motorcycle, pood
, running order. $66. One covered b jg
g>. >35, Ml Cap’tol avenue 2* ‘ J
For SALE -Fixtures and shelving, one I
Ton safe, four ceunt*' - show cases. ni<r
r> • 170 Pei I ’ l • street 8-2
HIGH-GRADE ICE ' t.' \ M 1
N ; s Te cream <iepartAtlanta 1
Ga 18-21-.b 1
XITI’RE. 1) I X 1 N G
I) R A P E R I ES. (’UR-1
TEMBER 6. AT 12 E.j
COMMFINCINg at 10 a m . Friday, vx e
will offer to the highest bidder, the
entire furnishings of 384 Washington |
street, including sideboard, dining ta
ble. china cabinet, leather seat din
ing chairs, fine hall rods, wardrobe,
mahogany and bird’s-eye maple
dresser and chiffoniers, three elegant
brass beds. National springs, felt
mattress to fit. fine rockers, reception
hall furniture, mahogany parlor suit,
leather ifbrarx furniture, mahogany
library (able. Wilton, Axminster and
body Brussels art squares, rugs, ball
runners, blankets. Crex and matting i
snares, and many other things too
numerous to mention. They can be
seen Thursday Sale starts promptly
at 10 a m Friday.
12 E. Mitchell Street.
Decatur street We buy and sell any
and everything ' Atlanta phone 2285; Belt
p’-.vne Mitin 1434. Main 18, 7-29-20
PEMBROKE Sales Company unSer new
management: will accept, your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced; settlement, on date of sale.
143 S I‘rWir st. Bell phone Main 1434.
Main phone 2285. 8-6-30
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
Ainpripu)) “ It registers everything "
xsiiici nan Latest improvements.
4>l<l registers exchanged,
v cISII sizes; easy terms.
Atlanta Cash Register Co.
JAUglblt lS 34 East Alabama street
WOOD. 7-19-15
National Cash Register.
$35. SSO. S6O. $75. SIOO. $l5O and up to suit
your needs. Terms easy* Linera! ex
change for cash registers in use Bell
phone Ivv 4155. Atlanta 594
NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
plain or designed; any size. Catalogue
free. Oriental Rug Company. Baltimore,
Md 8-16-81
1 WILL BUY small stock of groceries or
any kind of retail business, will pay
cash. What have you? Box 738. care
i Georgian 55-9-3
I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
FURNITURE and household goods,
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment, (.’ash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South ITyor St
Beil phones Main 1431 Main 187. Atlanta
| 2285. 8-15-J2
jlHitH 1 A CARD Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes The Vest tare. 166
I.K-catur street 6-27-42
WANTED We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furnituie Casl a h anc< d oi ■ msign ■
menis. Springe- s Am -lon House, 25
South. Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
PAY HIGHEST va il prices for house
hold good?, pian< s and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Central !
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-26 !
-- — |
PROSPECTIVE buyers, drop rae a line
I have a proposition that .ill interest
you Prospective, Box 71, care Georgian.
WANTED Runabout, ae cash payment on
beautiful six room buwgalow; all con
veniences. close iu Balam e < ru-aptr than
rent. Xddress I». H. W . 254 Elliott
street, or call Main 828. 1
WILL TRADE SI,BOO demonstrating tour- ;
ing car. fully equipped, for vacant lots.
Fine appearing and serviceable car Ad
dress S . Box 700, care Georgian 9-2-28
Monuments and Stone Work.
All kinds stone work
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
ROUNTRE’L’S ;7^eet all
PHONES: Bell Main 1576. Atlan’a 1654
.. . : I
Sewing Machines.
WE REN I’ new machines with complete
set of nt'achments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 wi;-• r ..ii 1 '.*’444
Business Opportunities.
SMALL market for sale, $25 ca«Ji pay
ment; balance arranged to su't ,<i
Hanston street *' -2-27
WANTED As partner, to buy half intei- |
est in new patented rallioad device 1
which will in near future be used on all I
railroads In th J s country. Will sell half j
interest cheap to get u.mpany organized
May be a fortune for R<»me one Don’t
answer if you <lon’t mean bus ness. B «» .
Box 100. < arc Georgian
DRUG STORE in one of the best subur
ban locations of the city. Sub-station
postoffice in the store. Owner going into
other business reason for selling. M. O.
(’ . care (Seorgian 8-28-4
Legal Notice.
(1 E( HIGIA —O( once t’ounly :
iu person «<mu . b«?fore ith , an officer
of h iid stun- duly authorized by lav, to
.(dminisL r >aths. James I> Pr ice. \\ ho, I
being duly sworn, says that all tin
campaign expenses in< lined by him
uml ail the money expended by him in;
his < imp .ign for the office of (’o:nmi>- •
ioner of Agriculture of Georgia, elet - I
lion August 21st. 1912. are fuly shown!
by the follow ing stat< merit
A •'■essment made by commit
tee $ 50.00 |
Railroad fare?, hotel and li\cry
b . 1,257.00
Newso.iper annotinrc ’nents. no-
tices and advertising 675.'in
ionei and stamp* 527,50*
Stem ' ju-t oi» I
Total s•_■ j
Xml afllin' fiivtl), : that all tb.-|
airi i))!»ia' was his own arvl C.rnishf ri j
by him-elf anti that no
trbuted any pa: t of it.
.lAMES"|). PP.It'E
n :. > and -*■l.- <■ ri h,~d i .»■ f. -r, m--.
Bopteinbr'r 3n. 1912.
N I’ and E:,-< 'ft. J. I’.
‘ The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
ij It contains a complete list each Hsue of »verv desirable nlaee th’t is For ’
S Rent in the city and suburbs; no matter whether it is ft.rnished or unturnisl ed i
.? they are all here below
For the benefit and convenience of Its patrons The Georgian emnlovs a '
|. special man to search the .-Uy and surroundings each day I„r t.esnaul. p.aees >
J inis bulletin will save you time, money and worrv It Is for your "-nrve- I
IS nlenee, so take advantage of it.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
IFOR RENT —Three n> • connecting
j rooms; all conveniences; private en
. trance; couples prei'erred. Bell p'.one
Muln 5-3'.*-.L 9-4 47
I THREE first floor rooms tor light house
keeping; desirable and cheap. sls
W. W. Chambers. 390 Spring su 65-9-4
j ONE nicely furnished room. upstairs;
. close in; all conveniences 44 East
' thrln st 9-4-40
BRIGHT, attractive furnished room in
best residential section of north side.
I P ho n e IVY 308 42-9-4
FOR RENT Furnished rooms in strictly
private home. 19 East Harris street.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms: ell cori
i veniences. Atlanta 3266 116 West
[ Peachtree street _ 9-4-6
I AT 41!> NORTfI JAt'KHON there is room
and board for one or two. Ivy 4349-J.
k s 9-4-7
Ftiß RENT —Handsomely furnished
steam-heated room, adjoining bath, in
Atlanta’s most modern apartment. Gen
tlemen preferred. Price moderate Ref
erences. Phone Ivy 6729. 9-4-3
FOR R ENT - Furn ish ed rooms for two
young men. Gall at 78 East North ave
| ni j e after September 4. 9-4-1
For RENT—Attractive, steam-heated
room, all conveniences: five minutes
walk Five Points: private family; north
Side; gentlemen only Ivy 5580-J. 9-4 12
TVVO furnished rooms, light housekeep
_Jii‘B T> East Harris; close in. 68-9-3
STEAM-HEATED ROOM for gentlemen;
private family; references Atlanta
phone 3636 9-3-40
FOR RENT—To nice young man. newly
furnished front room; all conveniences
With owner. Ivy 2211-1. 9-3-36
LARGE, nicely furnished room, steam
heated, electric lights, north side, pri
vate family, to gentlemen, ivy 1294-L.
ONE nicely furnished room in modern
apartment; all conveniences; near state
capltol. Call Main 3299-J 51-8-28
LARGE, nicely furnished room (two
beds); modern apartment; private home,
meals i£_d*sired._ 41_E L _Caiu 9-3-27
FtJKRi§HEI) room in modern apart
ment for gentlemen only: three minutes
to Candler Bldg 45 Williams street
THREE nicely furnished first-floor rooms
with bath, for housekeeping, connect
ing no children; references Owner. 250
Woodward avenue Phone Main 2590.
FOR RENT - Entire second floor; three
rooms; furnished for housekeeping. 251
East Pina stree' Ivy 3960-J. 9-J-10
For renT“’ni. ~ cool front room; hot
water; private faniily Main 4946 and
ask for Mrs St. it . 386 Washington street
NICELY furnished rooms, close In; con
ROOMS, sic in heat; all conveniences;
rates re»is>>i.:i hie. 27 E Alexander, Ev
erett Ap. 51-9-2
NICE, newly furnished rooms, also light
lio-i • keeping apartment. Close In.
Mrs J M George, 151 Spring street
FOR KENT lairge. furnished, steam
heated room, adjoining bath; north side
Phone Ivy 1184 32-9 2
FOR ItlCNT—Nicely furnished rooms with
good board, bath and all conveniences;
.-lose in; under new management. 130 Ivy
s !. r A® .1 * - 81*51
Ft>P. RENT Nice, coot rooms; table board
a specialty. Near South Pryor. Atlan
ta phone 2959 37 East Fair street.
IVY tIOTEL. 98 ivv Strpet.
; AMERICAN PLAN $1.25 UP. Weekly
FOR RENT Three nicely furnished
rooms, close in, cheap: all conveniences;
nice neighborhood. Apply- 83 Pulliam
street. 8-29-20
BEAUTIFUL front room: private bath;
gentleman preferred. Address Peach
tree, care Georgian. 41-8-24
NEW, clean rooms tor men onlv. 74 Wal
ton street. Ivy 5606 -J. 8-28-3
\VANTED Young men or couple; pleas
l ant rooms, with or without meals: good
j beds; good meals; reasonable price 64
' B - Harris st 8-31-60
I LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4.
West I’eachtiee st. Beil pnooe Ivy 6790-J
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
THREE largo, cool and elegant rooms
with ball, dressing room, den and use
of bath, for light housekeeping, in north
side private home: attractive terms to
congenial couple without children. 74 E.
Merritts ave. 9-4-32
FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms
for light housekeeping, close in; pri
vate family 233 South Pryor street
' 4D9-4
FOR RENT Three connecting rooms,
with bath and sink, to party without
I I Idldren. College Park (’all Be]) phone
East Point 320-L. ;i-4*4
T\Vc> l-itg.' rooms .-end I:.' <■ nonet te tfl
West Harris. 9-3-37
HAL] : ; se,paiate entrance7~open>ng
on veranda; porcelain sink Ivy 99
• first-floor fFont unfurnished
room, one large first-floor furnished
room tents very reasonable, hot baths
: use of phone Ivv 4175-.1. 15 West Pine.
| F(>R RENT Five rooms and bath; use
of phone; references exchanged 319
N. Jackson st. 99-8-31
THREE unfurnished looms. 15 Little s'
| ====z===vr
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
W ANTED- By a well-known couple of
good standing, no children, two unfur
-1 ni«hed looms with private bath If poasi-
I bb-. <»n north side, with or without board ,
i v.ish place with no other boarders or
i nols.' children. Address Beeman. < are
j Georgian 32-9-4
Railroad Schedule.
The following schedule figures are pub
lished Ohly as information, and are not
gua t a n:»ed.
j No. Arrive From —I No L)ppart To
I .15 N. York. 5;00 ami .36 N. \ ork. 12:1.»am
)3Juxvu:e ;»:Joam :o(’o; ous . 5:20 am
. 43 Wus’ion. •> 2 • amj l3Cinci .. 5:30 am
' 12 Sh’poit.. 32 Ft. Vai.. 5:30 am I
- 23 Jaxviile. 6:50 am' 35 B’harn. a;4sam*
*1 i l oc<’oa. S; 10 am • • La t ga . 6:4u a m I
• 26 Heflin. K. 20 am 12 I*'mond . am I
I 29 N. Y< :k. 10: 30 ami 23 r < <’i i y.. 7 ;ofi [
j 3Chat‘ga. 10.Dam' 16 Br'ins , k.. 7.4.7 am
7 Maron.. ’0 10 am U. i am... 10:4., u . u
[ 27 M Vai 10.45 an> .:s N York 11:01am
[ 21 Col’biis U);soam| 40 ( ’h’lotte. !L’;Oo n’n
6 <’inci... 11:10am 6 Macon . 12:20 pm;
' 30 K’hai u... 2:30 pm 30 N. Yoik. 2 4‘. pm'
40 B'ham. 12:40 prrV l'i('bat? ga ::.(•(» 'i i
I 39 (’b'lotte. 3.55 pm 39 B'ham 4 '0 p-n ;
5 Mamn . 4 :00pn *lß’•’oc-’oa 4 ".o t> n
: 37 N. York 5;00 pm 22 Uol’b ts. 5:10 tr:i
[ 15 Bruns . 7:50 pm! s<’a ci. 5:10 pn
I 51 K iuo: d. 8:30 pm’ F Valiev s:2*>pm:
; 24 ;< City 9:20 pn: llnflin.... 5:45 pm
• ]6Cbatt*ga ‘‘.35 pm 'OMaonn... 5:30 pm:
i 2‘‘ Cnl’b i c; 'O2O pm <1 W.; «h’n .. 8 ;4.*> pm i
l 3I F’ Vai 10:"5 pm :.'t law ’ , >* 3(i om
36 R‘ am v/ nOngt HSh nort 11 iopn>!
’ 1 4 ( ’ ; r- • 11 on pir 1 1 .laxvd!e 11 r» pa •
' ’drains marked thus (•» run rn;ly, ex-
• cei ' supra \
/ • >ther »ra ns run • central time
City T.c.»et Guice, No. 1 i’eachtrue St. |
Furnished Apartment., For Rent.
K $lO--Three-room apartment, bath, porch
and separate gas; near Teen school;
e place for chicken.--. Atlanta phone 5828-B.
1 26-9-4
EOlt BENT—At 196 Juniper street, near
1 Seventh, fir.wt-flonr seven-room fur
-4 nisheq apartment, by the year. S6O nor
\ month, ivy 662-J. 9-2-3
1 TWO or three connecting rooms with
l» bath; private entrance: for light huuse
u keeping: couples or business women. 345’v,
Peachtree si. 8-28-1 t
4 ■ "" - ==x
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
; APARTMENTS for rent; two steam heat
ed apartments in the Stafford, 32 t'ar
. negi, place: very desirable location, new,
well kept, all conveniences. Applv lani
-1 tor or Phobe Iv.v 6109-L. 52-9-4
- FOR RENT Five rooms; «c •nd floor;
modern; stables, garage. Main 4091-. L
’ LlV 5
_ ONE five-room apartment, without heaU
one four or five-room apartment with
, heat. Apply Owner, 356 N Jackson. At
tends phone 78. 8-31-70
IN the Boscobel apartments. 83 Hurt
, street, Inman Park, there are left two
. | three and four-room apartments, $32.50
l and $35 each, with steam heat, hot and
cold water. \pply to Janitor or t'tzhugh
Knox, 1613 Candler Bldg 8-27-19
’ Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
i WANTED—To rent unfurnished three or
> four-room apartment ; must have »orch
and heat; permanent party of three
adults. Address P. O. Box No. 6, Mari-
j etta. Ga. 54-9-4
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
CENTRAL AVENUE, near Richardson:
1 for rent, six-room cottage. 242 Wash-
- ington street. Bell phone Main 5322.
! 9-4-36
> FOR RENT—S3O: six-room cottage; north
: side, 447 Courtland st., near Peachtree
1 W. C. Tolbert, 824 Atlanta National Bank
Building. M 2688. 45-9-4
’ BARGAIN in a home: six-room house,
. lot 50 by 800, price $2,500. S6OO cash.
; S2O per month, or 7 per cent off for all
» cash. Call Main 638 30-9-3
’ FOR RENT—Near-fn six-room cottage.
1 modern Improvements; good repair. 149
; Walton street. Cail Ivy 6212-L 41-9-2
Mrs. M. E. Bossen, 32 E. North ave:,
) FOR RENT—Five-room cottage on car
: line; corner elevation: porcelain bath;
! Instantaneous heater; nice neighborhood.
1 Call Ivy 3815-J 35-9-2
and near car line; four rooms on sec
j ond floor with all conveniences; separate
- entrance; price $10.60. Apply Fitzhugh
’ n(| x. P>l3 Candler Bldg. 8-30-3$
j ; PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin,
excellent houses all over the city at
1 moderate rates. Turman. Black & Cal
houn. 803 Empire Bldg. 89-63
5 FOR RE’N-r. lIOUSES —Cali; write Er
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
‘ Cochran* 19 South Broad fltreet. 4-1-21
31 THE HOUSE you build, buy or
1 rent will not be a modern home
y unless it is wired for eleetrieitv.
fl -v..: .........-1
Furnished Houses For Rent.
ATTRACTIVE cottage home; finest loca
tion north side; to lot for winter ' > r -
F loot party. <'a 11 I\ V 752-J J -4-33
y SIX-ROOM bungalow, servants i and
'1 garage: new house; built for a !'•> ■
I 156 Westrninstei Drive. Anslev I
n 9 1 :l
0 .
Furnished Houses Wau'cil
» . ..
-[WANTED—To rent ten or tvol'o- -■ h
1 house, furnished, close In. on i • »U. t-u
• Answer immediately. C. F. H . 2JO Smub
I Boulevard 37-: - 3
1 r — -=-~ '
; Storage Room For Rent.
I ON’E room for storage; close in. on Crew
street No. 168. Main 4805-L. 8-28-33
i L
Garages For Rent.
• Ft.R RENT 75 '?4 'East' Pine
’ street. 8-30-8
Stables For Rent.
FOR RENT—Stable and garage. Apply
to H. Lewis, 170 Jackson street, nr at
office. 213 Temple Court. 9-4-23
[ .r-
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos Office and warehouse. 239-241
[ Edge wood ave Ivy 2037. John J. Wood
side Storage Company.
Public Baggage and Transfer,
M C. FURNITURE transfer; we pack
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42
Madison ave 3-12-7
Mr. Buslnes Ahan or Woman: Aren’t
you on a sharp lookout for competent help
of all kinds? You know that it is good
’ business policy to get live wires with you.
Let us call your attention to the “Situa
tions Wanted” columns nf The Georgian,
j Here is where vou have a chance to select
I the best help that nan be had on the mar
jkeL These people that advertise can
I furnish you the best of references So.
j frotn now or read the “Situation Wanted ’
[ column*, of The Georgia and r®t the help
I that will be of the most service to yon.
Money To Loan.
LOANS made on real estate. Pur?hs‘'a
money notes bought and sold. I M.
Lmcles^U.TJJ Candler building. !>-17-'O
SI RAM ’E <'(). of Ameri
ca can make you a loan on
Atlanta improved property,
through their loan corre
.spondents. Turman. Black
A Calhoun. 203-8 Empire
Building. 6-7-12-1
hi i- i >i: S \ i.a:t r.i > ri;< >i»i “
\Nl‘» OTITEHS. upon their own panes;
■'e.ip rates. ras? tyrm nt« Conhden*
tla I l» I! 'i ’oh”a».. ..-’i building
WE ■.<» make i«nr.- on Atlanta real o<-
and farm land* Apply to RfCyh
■. CncLra?!, V 1 south Broad. 7-IC-1.0
.‘.lUAnf «io Pano lor ii"u , eiiia’>e h-ans on
property fn o - M’ania I r. 'An
SOI E<i’:':aldc Rldg
WEVA TA N a* CON nT>T ;S? ”■
EST A BIJSE ! :r» 1390
M • 1
'V E 11A \ E plenty of mon ‘\ <>
Ipikl ;il lowest rates on Atlanta
•ii'.'l m . ■!>’. property, eitiier lor
straight or monthly payment
phci Also for pnrchasinsr pur
hi < ■ mor nop < Eo<U'r <iL