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The Stars Say That He Will Be
a Sleep Walker, Will Marry a Poor
Girl, Divide His Wealth with
Her, Have Three Women in His Life,
Survive a Great War, Have No
Children and Will Die Poor
ASTROLOGY is a very ancient science. In
Babylon, in Chaldea, in Egypt —and in
civilizations that were dead ages before
these were born —men believed that the stars
ruled their destinies and drew from their posi
tions in the Heavens auguries of good and evil.
“To deny the influence of the stark is to deny
the wisdom and providence of God," says Tycho
Brahe. The Pyramids and the mysterious mono
liths of Stonehenge were raised to observe them
and to read in them the Book of Fate. Not a
princeling or a serf born, but had the Heavens
read for him. his Horoscope cast to see what
his future might be. From Astrology came
Astronomy, which reads in the stars the Des
tinies of worlds, instead of persons. But Astrol
ogy has never died.
The birth of the little son of the late Colonel
Up L.IK .15LUI UdUJ B UU I VbCAI | “ lUllun?
NO btrth is due to Chance. It is all gov
erned by Law. The moment has been
set apart from all Eternity. The Astor
baby was born at a PARTICULAR moment of
time, at a PARTICULAR moment in the world’s
history, when the stars and planets were in a
PARTICULAR relation or “aspect" to another:
and these determine his future —his life
One can not in so limited a space as I have
here, tell just how it is possible to describe
not only what kind of woman the subject of
the horoscope will love and what kind he will
marry either for love or other reasons, but
actually to describe what the appearance of
these women will be. what their station in life,
what their character. Yet it is possible. Astrol
ogy, as it was practiced by the most enlight
ened of the ancients, is so precise, so minute,
that by the calculations every minute detail
of the future life can be foretold. For instance,
when Lillian Russell was only twenty years old
her horoscope was drawn for her by a very
great Astrologer of my acquaintance. She was
born on December 4, 18tu at 11:40 P. M. He
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rhe Astor Baby’s Horoscope as Cast by
the Distinguished Astrologer
Leo Bernart.
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John Jaccb Astor and his young bride aroused
unusual interest. The hue and cry that at
tended the marriage of beautiful Madeline
Force to the holder of the liu£e Astor fortune,
her husband’s heroic death on the Titanic and
the possible effect of a posthumous heir upon
the fortune ail served to focus the attention of
the world upon the baby. The fruit of so un
usual a union, his pre-natal experiences so ex
traordinary, what kind of a man would he grow
up to be? What would happen to him? What
w’ould he do with his money—only $3,000,000
now. but $100,000,000 perhaps when he reaches
twenty-one’’ What would happen to him in
These are questions that only Astrology can
pretend to answer. It is an interesting problem.
And so this newspaper has had Leo Bernart.
one of the world's most famous astrologists.
draw up the Astor baby’s boroscope it follows-
no: only fortold her marriage to all her husbands,
but described them minutely. He even told ths
occupation of her last.
I have spent many hours in drawing up the
horoscope of the Astor baby, and I feel that it
is perfect. The child was born under the royal
celestial sign of Leo the The Sun rules
this sign and is well advanced on the Cusu.
or the beginning of the 11th and 12th Houses,
with no evil aspects. At 8:15, the moment of
his birth, the sign of Virgo—the Virgin—was
ascending* with the Moon, Mercury, Venus and
Mars posited therein. Mercury pules the day
of the week —Wednesday, the First House Virgo
and the Tenth House. Gemini. Saturn rules
the Hour and is the highest planet in Elevation,
being on the Cusp of the Tenth House—the
House of the Mother, and the place of honor
No doubt the mother’s birth month was June.
Saturn is in good aspect (relationship) to the
Mystic Planet Herschel or Uranus, in Aquarius,
the Water Carrier, the Sixth House Jupiter is
in the fourth House; gitarius is in good
aspect to the Sun, and Neptune is in Cancer,
the Eleventh House.
Sc much for the superficial aspects of the
Horoscope. Those who know or who wish to
further study the matter have opportunity in
the drawing on this page. On studying it you
will observe that the Sun is alone in the Rising
House, and altogether free from any planets
in the same House—a very rare thing. It
shows success in life. In the House next to
this will be found the Moon and three other
planets, also a very unusual thing.
I cannot go further into the technical aspects
of the matter. I can now only give in bare
outline what the horoscope tells of the future
of the Astor baby.
His mind will be bright. He will be fascin
ated and attracted by mechanical things. He
will be fluent of speech and will be fond of
oddities. He will be too fond of travel. There
is a distinct tendency to somnambulism mani
tested which must be guarded against. He
faces in his sixth year a great danger from
this somnambulism He will have a tendency to
be over free with his money.
Until the child is three months old It is most
important that he be not handled much by
friends or outsiders. Only his mother should
handle him until November 14. If I were one
having influence in the Astor household I would
iCopyrtrbt 19tS bv An,»rtean-Examiner Great Hrfta’n ’timti Kraerra*.
The Astor Baby Was Born in the
House of the Lion and the Lion Is
His Sign. Here Amons the Stars
Are Some of the Things the
A stro'otyer Says Will Happen to
Him. Below Is the Photograph
of His Beautiful Young Mother.
not allow him oven to he touched by anyone
except his mother until after ‘his date I would,
in away keen him In a glass case until that
time. After that the danger 1= over. Especial
care should be taken of the stomach and of
the legs, to which accidents are liable to happen.
He Is in danger ’tom falls.
The child will grow tali and slender Ho will
he much lighter than either father or mother.
The stones wh’ew he should wear are the ruby
and diamond His colors are red and green
His mind win he inventive, svstematic. and will
turn to menh-jn’cc chemistry and law.
He will, beginning at his tenth near, have
e-nonent quarrels with his mother although this
will not aTogf their fnv each other
When ho 1= twelve he wl” nr°’-ont bis mother
from ro-Tn*rrv-**g but nnh- tn' two rears TTn
until ho is twontv-six his life will bo eomnara
tivolv nrovnntful. ovoon‘ fnr eno tr> P jfi Pn | He
wii’ neve- have on-- oMI (Iron— ♦’•>«> b n,.r P p <flens
r s Gemini Leo and Virgo are too strong in the
When he •- twon«-.fwn he w'll here hf= first
real love affair. ”c wii’ hn a hunter and a
lover of strange nlacos He will moot dange
«... in t T, p North W P will bo saved
hr the First Woman Tho-o Is a ship connected
wit*’ If—th« Rferjß .ir«» nlaln
There is , great stro’oh of lpp Ts wo)|M
seem to ho the Arctic There is 3 vessel lying
bv. Tt io tn the grin of ‘hr f P n Vonn? Astor
is fighting with boasts Th e Hoar throws its
’’-’’pence hnt fhf o mav moan simniv the North
for the Groot Wear circle around Pnlarfs and
Polaris to of -he T.lttlo Wear )q
the North. The woman fa roar Rhe Is tall
and d’r’- and slim gho jn Vpq Astor He fa
under the naw o' *’m boast. She draws him
out Os doneor and V”ls the nerf’. The shanos
are not too clear He loves her for n t f mp ,
see tra-redv—hnt not for »he man.
Again the air enters cnrionGv and largely 'ntn
Ow bamwr.... Gemini, libra and Aquarius,
the Alm wens are powerful Will fbo ti mp
when this habv is a man be really the air
T do not ’.now hut 1 -oom IO SOO „
are Throe Women in Astor’s life who will affect
if profoundly. She whom T have so Inadequately
described in the struggle In the North i a th
'■•frot The qoo on q n .|)j p
her through the air and wins b»r’ thronghTbe
air Around It is poril, opposition, enormous
influences for and against. rj OSP to (hp o ’’ s
inc is danger and accident Th P ,
nv>or, of another snhei-e A n ,i vp f t b ' 1 n . ’ 9
of countless multitudes o' that snhoro elf*
to and affecting Astor I see fp o a
wealth at this point Dimlv 1 see th P '° n . Os
away of all wealth in years to f o j> ow r^ p ’"S
dies poor, and yet not poor W’ at can it J .
I venture soon to answer, to ■.eeonst-un? P ‘ in ,
have the fight in the North. W?U fn t e’
of his marriage to this poor girl comes
Third Woman She fs of thp same Se
that in which he was horn. There is much ? rf L as
piness I sen danger, sorrow, hatred arnd
seems to be a great war. The Third W httt
is conquered by the Second a.t the 1,57 n’r
there is much bloodshed before it Is done Tho
Third Woman loves Astor even more than
Second. I think she wins him for a tim e 1
daro again to reconstruct. The premise 1
explicit, certain, determined bv the stars Th!
details I gather logically from the condition!
and me probable environment of that ti™ n 3
He meets the Second Woman from the a ir
say the signs, hut her feet are on ground She
is not tall, she is very light-golden haired I
should think a daughter of the people The
meeting is a surprise to both What can the
aeriai meeting mean? This perhaps—it i s ra
Summer. On the roof of her tenement the
Second Woman is lying. Aloft, above her am
pears a small dot of color. She sits up ’ and
watches it. Now she sees that it is a great
yellow aeroplane. At Its wheel is young Astor
flying home from the city. Just as it approaches
her it quivers, drops, and on her rooftop spills
out the man. He sees her standing there pale
large-eyed, one hand clutching her heart the
loose hair falling about her white neck and
bosom. Love strikes them to the hearts. It
is the meeting!
Wl X 0
/ W /
i Ww
v - < s /rwV ?
V-RA’' / '■
Again they are together Again \?'-' '
it in the air and a great aeroplane V- " •
rushing along, this time with two in \
it The hordes of that East Side \
of more than a score of years from V ' • /
now follow The Rich strive to beat V /
them away. They overcome the xk <x
Rich. With millions alxjut bhn the
Heir of the Fortunate weds the
Daughter of the People!
There is a gro.vlng unrest. The
Poor have grown ever poorer; the
Rich richer. Astor has divided hi« „,u< u
wife. The division sign at this tT,® miUio , ns wlth hla
millions she has given away to her°i lB tnnnr. These
1b in the air. I know see the ThiL .. u<t Evolution
very tall, her hair is flaming Hko « d Wo .? alL ahe 1B
eyes. She is of Astor’s own C la«« o. has gree “
own age. born in the House of the 1 *? i 3
same sign. She works to win hfmfr “.. Und ( or tho
Woman and back to his own cast. ™ tne Secoh,J
years of war Through them the T hiTd w ar ° many
stantly arises, always to be ch Ala n 7v ma a n Con ’
Woman, she of the Golden Hair who , by the ( Second
' riair who fs Astor’s wife.
/ ]z4 a
r Q
Wuito suddenly she vanishes and as suddenly then
comes peace. With her, too, vanishes the signs oi
wealth from Astor. And yet he is not poor. Happiness
seems to be over him. What does it mean? a grea'
sjcial revolution? The passing away of the rich? i
reign of equality? I do not know.
Hut there are the signs, and I do not think that then
is any other reading of them There is much, muct
more —but I have not room to tell it. What will tha
world be when Baby Astor ’ a man grown 1 Tha
Horoscop tells. I would stake all I have on It,
The stars are wise, the stars know all.