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Modish *f
Figure? I. L I
v IfW
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I Have. tfSQf
\ Wear .
i h
To Be Had On'y at Keely's-$1 .00 to $5.00
HTcmmT™ '1
rJ I
hu.\ a solid leather, leather-lined, full ent
i Traveling Bag. '
, 'hie that we will guarantee against breakage.
The Home of Guaranteed Baggage.
| 92 Whitehall
Use Georgian Want Ads
College Cl othes
Knowing the College Chap to be
responsible for so many smart, snappy
styles in Young Men s Clothes, is our
reason for calling our distinctive
mode s College Cloth s. Mnßpi
College Clothes mean Business, ,W lw
Street. Club or Campus Clothes.
Our variety of th s e Original
Young Mens Styles has latitude
enough to gratify each and every I
young fellows idea. jHSVGK
Some are Semi-English— some H9H Vfl
Fu l-Endl
sh--some plain conservative vEaS ■nil
styles—others Box styles. HN |j4j
Sizes from 30 to 36 chest—in all correct BK MH
shades—blues and black. In
We sell them from $12.50 to $27.50
Write for our big new catalog
11-13-15-17 Whitehall St.
| Itch! Itch! Itch!
The very first drops of D. I). D. Pre
| scription for Eczema stop that awful
I itch instantly; yes, the very moment
S; n. I>. I> touches the burning skin the
to ture teases. A 50c bottle proves it.
S I». D. D. has been known for years
> as the only absolutely reliable eczema
i. remedy, and all druggists keep it.
Go to them If you can’t come to us—
| but don’t accept some big profit sub-
I stltuta
i If you come to our store, we are fto |
, certain of what D. 1> JY will do for you
that we offer you a full size bottle on
this guarantee: If you do not find that
! It takes away the itch AT ONt’E. It I
I costs \ou not a cent Jacobs’ Pharm.i- '
| cy, 6-8 Marietta St. (Advt.i
i RpfcgC! M. RICH & BROS. CO. |
ta — ———
g < The Real Department Store
| The Season’s Sensational Suit Value!!! |
» A Seemingly Thirty-Five Dollar Garment for Twenty-Five Dollars .'.,
S ItL££.L_ t take occasion to at the price elsewhere in Atlanta. 3'
about these Aft Our opinion of these Suits as ex- J-
g that what we pluited is not one-sided. 1~
ap IjaK. 5, 2 j_J H 2 ( !L£_Jl < }£ tl(>r done them shared by every woman that looks Si
—1 ,justi< < because the more we at them, and the reputation of their
N» -■ toiiyeiyonr convictions be- : TL' quality and splendid appearance, like S '
£l2. t £__ l JklLlt l - < 'j.L_ e( l li al at the price ? an ever "'idening ripple, is gaining «
MB ■•— ’I-I'l ■ 'H-c been offered for < avor day. Won’t yon come ‘
jjjs ——-22.1L-I.A_I I .fl.'ll.'l' ve hi assuring ,and look at the new assortment just
» £12Lh2L212.2i l LlL2L K, lLt , 'oir (aptal received? S'
£ v : ' y I
gv 3 riicso $2.1.00 Suits are modeled on the ■■ > “cutaway" motifs, and cords, girdles. ITogs.
yi '" l " dl1 '-blored lines and the “demi- L I <■ F 1 massed knots of velvet, interpoial ions of sat ‘5 .
sa» ,:feßs ' departures from severely straight line ILtO J • i i•• .• . , , ..
• rrf| f-ni nn< I 1,1 charmeuse. flecks of lace, splashes <>l .»|
"* lx * ri p ’ ( her class, the workmanship, de- 2 BkA 'wß 1 | , . . . . <t
, . , wl Mw'i WW 4 color, and daringly dashy departuri s too nu-
'Cjm and charming effectiveness show a merit I W ||| 1 |
■<-. finishing ami stylish touches you have |W to mention. Buttons, strap , panels
never hefore seen in ready-to-wear garments f H ' hl P ' aitS a ' S ° i " 1 " ~H' s > , r " of " !( '
?»P a: this price. |r /'ia» ensemble. Xew eoncei's in eollais--I i>e i f ««i
J® 1 ! "’ s, rietly tailored, models have the L|B 'BHI Robespierre show cape. etc.
cm plain coat, and also the modified Fabriesare rich ami fohiouahh iv n’< R
'' ll ' l "' l ' b-ature, which has become the \ jOr 't wear, and wide and narrow wale serges. A
m- st popularly established vogue of the pres- ||J cheviots, worsteds, whipcords, diagonals, etc.
A' M Braided effects give some of 'Ot Colors include the season’s exclusively cor-
•suiisanau <>.• exquisite nearness. |wl jJ■> rPC - shades, taupe, wood browns, tans. <rrays.
In demi-dress models show charmingly wfeg smart mixtures, navy, black and a number of
einal om he> of stylish “dressv" effects ‘>iH J '> sl|9r>< self-striped effects in several colors.
•?V f 11 1 * ’ W saSr SIB sSilo/
? "I "1,,,.!, dl .„„ 11 ,„ si „ lh , s . tisi ._ « w-.- glHgr hli ,. s Sllils
Ijn 1 " 11 " ,,1,1, ‘1> I'epceseiiiative. t| g —of thfir chiefest chsirms. Tliev .«• «1n il.-ii:.- Os-
} ' t oats become extremely "sladv" in their It fTiO 11 • 1 •> > " »t ‘
'y _ • • 111 ,n( ir i Wf? W 1 I ly and exactingly tailored. w
£ Twenty-Five Dollars ' Twenty-Five Dollars
£ —.llll hi; mi mi ' mi
w—__■■■„ ,
u-’U.its for $1 4-./ 5 that look the value of $25 .
gta ■■ —■■■ •
-MB /ft . nw— ~ Y °u will be surprised and delighted at the remarkable values
teffl H. Ik 4 i C «m?'£ Sen r e »ia I li-= t} ’ e f 14 -"5 Suits. A year ago these same values were /ft i fr.j ]>w r ''‘
Jfc Ml i selling at Sl9uo to 525.00. These Suite are correctly tailored and V. 1S A /L r
~ p - !i Ad 86 V sUish in every feature of their fashioning. Strictly tailored inef- W /fl •£'’
S / fiu VA an 2 ma A‘ by one of the most 'eputablc concerns in New J ‘J Atyj Uh O
P ArJflU ; ork - ' oal s box and semi-fit form and lined throughout with Skin- /A*
a E ~r a»ss^,XE h '" ««™..»«»....» |ZJL
Tnese Suits are positively worth up to $25 and have everv ap- W M
pe-aram - and ciuvaeteristie of this latter value "A
M .. . You can be fitted— all sizes in the Jot. Trying on one of these FK A
Suits is simply the equivalent of a purchase. They fit so nicely Sj
S*< ana look so well.
» 8 S
tea ■:
fefli b ~ ~ ~ —— B’’*
g The New 1 all American Beauty Corset Will Give the Lines and J
S figure. Sought For. It is a Remarkably Clever S*
S T Model, Designed for the Average or
S /Co .Slender Figure g
£ $1.50 (Mh |
wFvJ AMERICAN BEAUTY Corsets make gowns drape perfectly.
w and . ! * r< T ent the at ber best. We are showing so many
£ i- i A sty es that praetieally every hgnre can be fitted to perfection. A ' A\ 7
L’ LH high standard of quality is represented in this American Beautv / A\l'i
* Mi ll inodel at $1..>0. Excellent fabrics, styles and workmanship; has I/ \M
Ki ,!• (AM thf n ] n< , >h wa,lte,i bnig hip and low bust effect. Women who ward 'b/i <
fja F j/'l *' 'M 8.-ii garment at a moderate price will lie delighted with thi" "* ’M *■»
w i ' M model. * ‘ ’HU !
J - ; d i *;
g ( orsetieres of rare ability are at your service here L
S 2'22 tlw r* wit - v of havin s if Ht p«^riv-our«»- £
IO . ''>ll hl \ou so you will scarcely realize you have a corset on. Corsets fitted ’ nn
t» ’ I - 11 1 • J ( £
** * r J/ k V 17 y ’ 1 V u \i J J V ■ i 'll V ) c .
Help for the A-i
Crippled t
C. jb Feet, I- ■ Meso* the Spin*
other nfllM tone win <« • efu II y •
tr.-at.d. I.' litbli.*! <•<! 3M yt rtFH. fall
H lie today fur ill urt rated cal- 1 [j n
Nation*! Surgical la*.tilute, 'dScW
12 S Fryer St Alleeta. be *
WANT AD «*s*»;«