Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta, Ga.
fTTered - at Atlanta postoffice at second
class matter
subscriptions Payable in Advance.
, ne year. mail, postage prepaid. $5.00
r x months, mail, postage prepaid. 250
?*ree months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25
*»ne month, mall, postage prepaid. 45
’—'Subscriptions Payable in Advance,
nelivered by carrier, one year $5.20
f Jjvered by carrier, six months .... 2.60
Pelivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month4s
delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
” other cities, one week 10
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
one cent a word each insertion.
Xo ad taken for less than the price
cf ten words. Ads in larger type,
13c a line (four words to the tine).
Out of- town advertisements
must be accompanied with cash
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be In
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the day of the issue.
Ail ads must be ordered out in
writing or at office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word In the advertisement,
including the name and address.
Is counted. Each Initial counts one
word: compound words are counted
two words.
Telephone your Want Ada to The
Georgian (both phones 80001 when
tt Is more convenient to do so. . .id
collection will be made at vour
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
I not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsiblity for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given in payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them. In answering advertise-
I ments addressed in < are of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Good cook; room on lot 125
Pulliam street.lo-8-71
GOOD NURSE to live on lot. J. N. Wal
lace, 294 E. North ave. 10-8-65
WANTED —A good cook, single woman, to
live on lot; one who can furnish her own
room, who understands fancy as well as
plain cooking: references required. Call
477 Peachtree st. 10-8-63
tVANTED—Extra work to do; typewriting
or stenographic. Phone Ivy 4469, or Box
879, care Georgian 10-8-61
WANTED— Experienced salesladies for
suit and millinery departments. Apply
93 Whitehall. 53-8-10
WANTED- Good cook. Must live on lot.
Applt 119 North Moreland avenue.
WANTED- Cook; small family; no chil
dren Apartments. 139 Capitol avenue.
WANTED—Good cook. Good wages. Ap
ply 328 Capitol avenue. 10-8-26
It AN TED—Girl for general work, city
references required. 32 East North ave
" ANTED—At once, girl to travel, help
get up stock; any one can do the work
Good wages All expenses paid. Ad
feweler, care Georgian.3s-8-10
TOOK WANTED—Competent, good cook
can secure place with room on lot:
final! family Apply to Mr. Butts, 218
Atlanta National Bank building, or phone
1754 Main 10-8-14
W ANTETi— CoI ored woman or girl to cook
and rio general housework. Good wages
to right party Apply 37 North More
land avenue. 10-8-15
C' >L>ORED WOMAN wanted for general
housework in small family. Apply R.
f: Duckie, corner Seventeenth street and
Prado, Ansley Park. 10-8-20
V ' NTED—Good cook, without family, to
’ve on place; lighted and heated serv
ants quarters; cook for small family.
Must be neat and reliable and fprnish
references. Apply 842 West Peachtree
Take Buckhead car.lo-8-3
WANTED We have an opening for set
eral experienced saleswomen for suit de
partment: permanent position and good
salaries to right parties. Frohsin's.
" ANTED—Nurse to do light house work.
*1 Bass street. 10-7-11
ANTED—Lady demonstrators and can
vassers for popular toilet article: agree
able work; salary J 9 u week. Apply Mr.
I ’ollie. 51 Inman building. 47-7-10
" ANTED—Good cook and laundress, ref
erences required; good wages; cook
r ist sleep on pfetnisee Apply at once,
29 Fort McPherson.lo-7-20
" ANTED—At once, one first-class cook:
small family; $4 a week. East Point
"ANTED— Colored woman to cook and
general housework. Must room on
West__Blxteenth street. 10-4-15
"■ANTED—Bright girls between sixteen
and twenty-two years of age. Attract
occupation, with excellent opportuni
for rapid advancement. Salary paid
"' ‘ learning Applicants must have a
, ninon school education and be able to
f irmsh satisfactory references as to
character. Apply in person at Room 303.
8 South Pryor street. 10-4 -12
' ANTED—Young lady stenographer until
ar.uary 1. Give age. salary expected.
v_>>96__poiiglas, Ga. 9-3-54
lanta Dental College, cor
ner of Edge wood are. and
I v y st., is now open daily,
Pxeept on Sundays. Apply
a. ni, to 1 p. ni. 10-2-7
" 'NTED— Nurse. 2 West Fort McPher
son Phone Main 2063. Hollidav
Help Wanted—Male.
' ! np—Neat, Intelligent office boy
• Ply ”:30 a. tn. The Blosser Company,
alton street 10-8-69
NTED—Two linotype operators at
‘.nee. Eight hours. $28.50 per week
n n shops Phone 4058 Main or wire 406
, L -’<‘ll building Luther 11. Sill! 10 8-70
" ANTED with wheel to deliver
' 'l* Comer Ford, 184 E Pine st
" ANTED- Several experienced
hardwood door men. Apply
415. 10-8-19
ANTED- \ wagon painter at 124 De
I’ur Apply at once 4.;.s o
nt i.j, om.-e a flrat-claee. sober
"nite barber. 813 per week and half
'D I want a man who will appre
good treatment and a permanent
n good town Married man pre
yed Address W W Farrow. 1307%
yy-01. Newbern. S C 58-8 10
" P< 'Slt’i'iH wanted at once 110'»
A hitehall »t. M 3864-.1 10-8-35
"LATE " t iRK GOt>D .It tB Fi ill
'many <hh\ir si.mPß".n
l;| :i I AMi Si >1 I HEKN Il »11
Help Wanted—Male.
Twenty-five messenger boys
Mm ,^ OU w W lee 8 at once; good salary
Millers Messenger Service. Rear City
”s*l _ - __ 10-8-38
" ANTED—At once, an experienced col
ored packer for stationery, druggists’
sundries and holiday goods. Apply at
Montag Bros., Nelson street. 10-8-4
WANTED Experienced young man ste
nographer and billing clerk; accurate at
figures: no others need apply The Rice
& Hutchins Atlanta Company. 10-8-6
’'ANTED Men to learn barber trade.
w£ omm ssl ° n ,Pkid for bringing students
wages In finishing department. Expe
rience in shops Saturdays. First work
on free customers. All practical. In
structions with charts and diagrams saves
' ears. Positions w-aiting Catalogue free.
Moler Barber College, 38 Luckie street.
WANTED—At once, several good all
round gas fitters. To sober, competent
men we offer steady work at $2.75 per dav
and will allow transportation to Augusta,
Ga. Gas company has no connection with
labor troubles The Gas Eight Company
of Augusta. Ga.lo-3.5'5
THE CLINK’ of the At
lanta Dental College, cor
ner of Edgewood ave. and
Ivy st., is now open daily,
except on Sundays. Apply
9 a. in, to 1 p, in, 10-2-6
WANTED -Ideas Inventors write for list
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers. Also, how to get your
patent. Sent free to any address. Ran
dolph &• Briscoe, patent attorneys, Wash
ington, D, C. 7 11-23
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city,
Walton street. If you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c Open all night
YES. Professor G Os Brannlng will teach
you the barber trade (it’s easy). We
teach in one-half time of other colleges
Course and position in our shops only
S3O Why pay more? Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
wages Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell street. 5-11-17
EREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27-.6
MAID CARRIERS, postoffice clerks want
ed; SBO month; Atlanta examinations
November 6: free coaching Franklin In
stitute, Dept. 49-S. Rochester. N. Y
WANTED— Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Call al circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Schools and Teachers.
FOUR WEEKS complete course of pen
manship by correspondence to all Geor
gia teachers, $lO. Some students ac
<-epted. Diplomas granted to graduates.
Begin any time. The Swindell School of
Penmanship, Demorest. Ga. 10-7-17
Teachers Wanted.
WE FURNISH schools with competent
teacher? and assist teachers in secur
ing positions. No charge to school boards;
moderate charge to teachers. Correspond
ence invited with school trustees and
teachers. Address Dept. R-5, Interstate
Teachers Bureau, Rhodes building. At
lanta. 10-5-21
SPECIAL fall enrollment; good openings
yet. Foster's Teachers Agency, Atlanta.
Ga 9-28-31
Salesmen Wanted.
A SPLENDID opening is offered a clean
cut young man as salesman with a large
corporation, one who -lias had experience
in selling business men and residences
preferred: position permanent with chance
of advancement. Apply with references
or records, Sales Dept . 407 Austell Bldg..
8 to 12 W^dnesday. 51-810
Agents Wanted.
WANTED -Wide-awake agents in manu
facturing districts to sell boiler com
pounds on libera! commission. Continen
tal Chemical Company, Forrest building.
Philadelphia 49-7-10
Situations Wanted—Female.
POSITION at once by capable and expe
rienced young lady stenographer; can
furnish best of references. Box 418. care
Georgian. 44 8-J0
A GOOD dressmaker, colored, will sew b.,
day or do maid work and plain sewing.
Phone Ivy 4608. 52-8-10
WANTED Position bt young lady as
steno-bookkeeper; four years' experi
ence Address C. B. M . SO Pine st.
WANTED- Position as oompanlon or
mother’s helper. Refined woman. Will
consider small salary, in good home. Sat
isfactory references Box 121, care Geor
gian. 37-4-10
YOUNG colored woman wants cook's
place In a small family 366 Jackson
EFFICIENT lady stenographer with three
years experience desires good position
23 Highland avenue Atlanta 2032, ivy
3501 36-7-10
WANTED —A position by young white
lady as stenographer; office assistant,
six months' experience. Phone Atlanta
EXPERIENCED lady stenographer wants
work at once Best of references Ten
years' experience Phone M 1652 .1
VVANTED---T0 sew at private home, good
dressmaker; $1.25 per day Address
Seamstress 374 East Hunter street.
WANTED- Position by an experienced
colored maid. Address Fudie May
■loner, 185 Gilmore street. 30-4-10
»S~l"ri« iN in home of widower with chil
dren, able to pay good salary to cul
tured widow competent to manage every
detail of home; references exchanged
Box 811. care Georgians 2-4-10
BY' ivn >< »W Who l as had broad experi
ence in hotel work, wishes position as
housekeeper or manager of apartment:
A-1 credentials furnished If desired. Box
811. < at" < leorgial. 51 4-10
WANTED Position by young lady ns
stenographer Four years experience In
law office Literary and business educa
tion Can furnish references Address
p ii Box 27. Dahlonega. Ga 27-4-10
LADY’ desires'posiTion in family as fioUM
geepe' cate of chlldn n. help sew Ad
dreaa 1. N. K Tert in. K> 00-8-10
• Situations Wanted—Male
POSITION WANTED by younc man of
twenty; anything honest clerical or of
fice work preferred Salary no obje< t
v, ifeet Box ■ •• r* Ge.igmii I - '■
W ANTED Position h' young man Ger
man, to work around ho s, and act as
hutlet . ' an't speak English prefer with
Gen ,' family Address German ar-
Geoigian. s 1°
Situations Wanted—Male.
DRUGGIST and prescriptionist with At
lanta experience and Georgia license de
sires six or eight hours’ work in after
noon and evenings in Atlanta: salary rea
sonable; best references Address Effi
cient. Box 825, care Georgian4l-8-10
OFFICE POSITION or collecting by
young man with knowledge of stenog
raphy; good reference; must have work
Box 42.1, care Georglaiils-8-Id
WANT ED—A t once, by young man of
good education, who knows how to hus
tle and has had experience as collector,
a job as office assistant or collector. Ad
dress A. B. 0.. Box 823, care Georgian
EXPERT steno-bookkeeper and general
office man with eight years experience
desires position with company that ap
preciates man who can take entire
charge of office A-l references as to
character and ability. Address Box 269,
care Georgian. 56-8-10
WANTED—Position in an office or as
collector, by an experienced young
man. Can furnish best references and
can use typewriter. Address H. Noble
Weathers, 69 Metropolitan avenue. 30-8-10
WANTED—Position by experienced dou
ble-entry bookkeeper and office man:
operate typewriter References A-l and
bond if required. 810 Austell building
39_ 8-10
WANTED- Position; have had several
years experience in railroading, also
postoffice and general merchandise Can
give references Box 822. care Georgian.
EXPERIENCED young married man must
have position at once: any kind. Phone
C. E. Bennett. Main 330-.1 27-8-10
Ginger and the Work Habit.
TWELVE years business experience in
the wholesale dry goods business as
salesman and assistant to general mana
ger. this with ability, ambition, lofalty
and enthusiasm I believe 1 possess and
want a chance to prove it. Am thirty
years of age. have good education, pleas
ant personality. A-l references 1 know
I could make myself valuable to some
busy executive or any other position in
which my experience would be valuable
Salary, while important is second to op
portunity Address Box 821. care Geor
WANTED- Young man, twelve years ex
perience in hardware, machinery and
autos, wants position to travel or to in
vest small capital in promising business.
A-l references. Personal reasons for
change Address J., Box 31, care Geor
gian. 48-7-10
WANTEfy -Position by young man in
afternoons at any clean work. Expe
rienced drug clerk. Phone Ivy 759. A.
E. Young. 195 Ivy street. Atlanta,
WANTED Position as chef or second
cook In case or club 312-B. Piedmont
WANTED- A position as night watch
man; have had seven years' experience
Phone 414 East Point.lo9-5-10
WANTED -Positron as druggist, am reg
istered; six and a half years experience,
four of which was manager; married and
strictly sober. Best references The
firm am now with .selling out. Could be
gin October 15 Address Druggist, Box
225. Dalton. Ga
WANTED - Position as salesman working
out of Atlanta, with some good, reliable
wholesale house. Can give the best of ref
erences. Address Gresham, care Jacobs.
8 Marietta streets 6 5-10
WANTED Position as prescription clerk
or manager of first-class drug store;
have had ten tears experience Will give
best of references. Address G A P.
care. Georgian 63-5-10
INTELLIGENT young man must have
work at once; any kind. Address Com
petent. Box 815. care Georgian. 27-5-10
WANTED—Position by an experienced
double entry bookkeeper; operate type
writer and good penman: A-l references
furnished Address P. O. Box 1263. At
lanta.46-4 10
POSITION WANTEDbyhigh-class office
man; fully experienced in up-to-date
methods, business correspondence, etc
Satisfactory references Address Box 711.
care Georgian. _ 4 L 2 ’J°
EXPERIENCED cotton buyer and ship
per is open for immediate engagement
with reputable people as buyer, shipper
or classer. Satisfactory references Ad
dress '‘Cotton Expert." care Georgian.
Situations Wanted—Male and
WE HAVE listed with us
several good stenogra
phers. Remington Type
write] 1 Company. 56 North
Broad street. 10-8-24
Model 5 Before Yon Bu\
Boarders Wanted
SEE “Rooms and Board" Under Georgian
Rent Bulletin.
Lost and Found.
LOST—Black and white spotted coach
dog. Please return to R C Congdon,
185 Myrtle st.lo-8-68
LOST Knight Templar charm; liberal re
ward if returned to C. H. Johnson, 55 S
Forsyth stlo-8-66
L< IST - A ladles’ umbrella, silver handled.
M. M 'l' Reward. 75 Forrest ave.
1 • C S j 6 7
1 j i<T < >ctobei 4. ladies' bra elet en
graved L. N. inside. “From Weldon
to Lillian: 10 10-11" Reward for re
turn to W H Holt, Route 5. Box 24.
Atlanta. 36-8-10
EOBT P»«“kethool • ila ning $36; ■■ ,i
'*'» hills, sixteen $1 hills Al 80 check f< !
$55. payable to \V. 'I Shelnutt. Return
to 62 Flora avenue Itcwani 38 8
BrifLAl' HA'JS. all kinds fi I: Logan
Com Atlanta 10 ' 59
I.* -st in or near postonlce7~p
taining $l.O. notes and receipts (’all
\tlanta phone 4647 \Y P West Re-
LOST -Silver mesh bag. Sunday, Septem
ber 29. Please return to a little girl,
Liberal reward. 182 St Charles avenue
Phone Ivy 6319-. I 91-5-10
wanted For the Quaker Girl Compenj
one girl: must be pretty, of tine phy
sique, good voice and young, none others
need apply; only one needed to fill the
full complement of fifty girls, a golden
opportunity for an ambitious young lady
with histrionic ability: salary >25 per
! week to start Apply Mr Gray. .Manager
(Quaker Girl Company. Atlanta Theater.
LADIES Ask your druggist s o - w n**j..
ters Pills, the Diamond brand, for 25
years known as bent, safest, always relia
ble, buy of* you: druggist, ’’ake no other
Chichesters Diamond Biand .‘His are sohl
by druggists everywhere
ACTHCHK WRITERS 1-et us secure
your copyrights, print and place rour
books on the market Morton Publishing
Company. Dept ATG. Morion building.
New Yori 7-ii 26
SCREENS Wood fly screens metal fiy
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furulflhed anywhere
in the South Write or phone W R <’al
luway. manager, 140.3 Fourth National
Bank building Atlanta <>a Main 5.310,
b ir. □
SERIOUS RERUI7rS~ <>'!>• truaias
improperly fitted John B Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert filter ami it
will uuil you no more to Lave him fit
you. and it means insurance 6-24-19
Dancing Lessons.
' "Jr TEAt’H the correct way Hibernian
Dam ing a ademj, 53 : t South Pr yor
'«tr<-et Ma r. 2184-L (’lass meets x p m
| Tuesday. Thursday and Ha turda> 25 8-10
If what >ou haxe for ’■* not worti
the price of a Want Ad in The <;».»rg .4i
for a times then talk huatnesv t<> the
’ jutik man
74 Walton St.
Office Hours, 9 a m.. 9 p m.
Sunday, 10 to 4. Ladies' Maid
in attendance.
REVEALS PAST, present and future.
Can bo consulted on all affairs of life.
Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
(In tent).
IS NOW LOCATED In tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
all affairs of life. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
• Dropsy.
DROPSY CURED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing tn fifteen to twenty days. Write for
particulars. Cullom Dropsy Remedy Com
pany, 512 Austell building, Atlanta.
Disease of Women
200-202 Hillyer Trust building
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
50c. Frank Edmondson X- Bro., manufac
turing chemists. 11 North Broad street.
Atlanta 2-17-14
W anted—Miscellaneous.
WANTED - To buy second-hand circulat
ing gas heater: must be cheap. Phone
Ivy 3116-L. 10-8-43
WANTED —Gear wheels for Jones speed
ometer, to work on 30-inch wheels.
Apply to Mr Brooks, Georgian office.
10 7-7
BURLAP BAGS; all kinds. F. R. Ixigan
& Co,, Atlanta. 10-5-59
WANTED Secondhand surrey, good con
dition Address Surrey, care Georgian
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced.
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Prvor St.
Bell phones Main 1434. Main 187, Atlanta
DROP A CARD Will bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestiare, 166
1 'eeatur street. 27-42
WANTED We pa> highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments Springer's Auction House. 25
£outh Pryor street. Hell phone Main 1526
W E PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
Cash advance.d on consignments Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-26
\V AN T Et>- - You to know W Cox
cleans all kinds carpets: rugs a spe
cialty. Ivy 3135-J. Atlanta 1818 145 Au
burn avenue. 10-2-12
I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card 1. Bock, 32 Bell street
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
ONE National cash register, two iron
safes, one Dey time clock, one covered
delivery wagon and one flat bottom dray.
I Anderson Hardware Company, 32-34 S.
' Pryor street.lo-8-46
WANTED Five passenger 19TT or ~1912
Ford touring car. Must be in first
class condition and a bargain, as 1 ex
pect to pay cash for it A. L M . Box
206, care Georgian 37-8-10
FOR HOME-MADE bread. rolls and
doughnuts, phone Ivy 31'60-J. 10-8 7
FOR SALE “Two oil cook stoves cheap
Phone Ivy 1746 Apply 460 Peachtree
and large home safes. sls; Hall’s bank
and fireproof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
J Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank build
ing. 9-7-33
i Live Pieces of Any Music
TO any one sending us the NAMES
of 5 responsible people, the heads of
families, that have not an upright pi
ano in their home, we will send five
pieces of any music you may select—
CLASSIC or POPULAR—-as soon as
we have verified the list, in sending
in names, it Is absolutely important to
give the correct address, street num
ber, town and state, if iri the country,
give RURAL ROUTE, postoffiee and
county. The music will be mailed,
postpaid, to party sending the names.
Not more than one in a family consid
ered. Write your name and address
plainly. \ddress P. O. Box No. 1623,
Atlanta, Ga.
CHICAGO '’hop Suey Restaurant for col
ored No. 9 Ivy street Atlanta phone
5938-F Open now 30-7-10
BURLAP BAGS all kinds F It. Logan
& Co., Atlanta s lo-5 59
FOR SALE—Gas stove and coal King
steel range. In perfect condition. Also
girl's bicycle Box 416, care Georgian
J 'lit SALE - jonquils and narcissus bulbs,
11c evol Call fvj Git-.i 10-5-46
FOR SALE —Good Knabe piano, $25. Main
3904-J. 4-10-21
SAFES, files. ■ alilriets, new i 2nd hd.
Gookin Bank & Office Equipment Co
National Cash Registers.
$35-SSO, S6O-175 and up Terms easy Lib
eral exchange allowance Both phones
NEW beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service:
plain or designed; any size Catalogue
free Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore.
• ’ ———— -, ~ .. ..
\l>td'i. 'l II ">< rektsters everything
.tint ii <t ii Latest itnprovetnents.
/ I. Old r.-glstera exchanged
’ All sizes; easy etrn.-
I Atlanta '.’ash Register Co
111 I. It I. East Alabama street
>; 13 4,
WOOD. 7 l» ll
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
w\NTi:i' To pxehantft* houftf* and lot
near Grant park for Ilgiji auto. F*or<l 01
Mhxw«*ll pi*hTr»<l K K care Georgian
\\ ‘ tKI • I " •x< I jcwpl w’Hl< h
K.f k < * \ddrehri A . Hom 6*
Houle 5, A Han << 8 10
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses. Apartments. Rooms for House' eeping, Offices, Business
Locations. Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.?
This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city
and suburbs In each issue.
b’or the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and
suburbs each dpy in search of all the desirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
ONE LARGE ami one small connecting
room, with board, at 513 Peachtree
, 71-8-10
477 PEACHTREE now" open to guests,
rooms with private baths, furnace heat,
new furnishings 10-8-64
DESIRABI.E ROOM for rent, with or
without board, to young men or couple
Telephone Ivy 3119-J. 63 8-10
LIGHT, clean front room on second floor.
excellent meals; homelike, good neigh
borhood; walking distance; reasonable.
Call Ivy 2856-L. 81-8-10
SUNNY’ rooms, running water, best board.
furnace heat; strictly refined surround
ings Phone Ivy 5551. 82 East North ave
Two gentlemen boarders in a
private family: $lB per month Call 162
Atlatita phone; ask for Mr ._Le w Is. 10-8-18
LARGE front room, with all conveniences,
with board. Pnone Ivy 1659-J. 388
Piedmont avenue
DELIGHTFUL home cooking, gentlemen
only; private family. Ivy 6727-J
TWO elegantly sanitary rooms for two
couples or two gentlemen.
Everything new; delightful neighborhood,
next to church; best of references re
quired; terms $6 per week in advance:
delightful home atmosphere. 354 Capitol
ave.. corner Georgia, next to church.
DELIGHTFUL ROOM: good board; pri
vate family; no other boarders; for two
congenial ladies or couple. Main 1592-J.
GOOD ROOM ami board to Y'oung men
72 Spring street. 10-7-10
DESIRABI.E room with board 79 West
Peachtree st. Ivy 1449-J..10-5-66
GENTLEMEN or couple without children
to occupy room aud board in modern
home Inman Park Reasonable. Ivy
FIRST-CLaߧ BOARD at 39 East Hat
rls street. Ivy 3741-L.
LARGE delightful room; private bath.
steam heat, electric light; excellent ta
ble Garage on lot. Wesl Peachtree.
Ivy 1.959-L 86-5-10
WANTED -Two couples or six young
men for freshly papered, newly fur
nished upstairs front rooms, modern con
veniences: rates reasonable it Curaler
TWO GENTLEMEN-Room aud board,
with furnace heat. Ivy 433-1.. 73 West
Peachtree. 10-5-38
LADIF.s' OR GENTLEMEN cVn^get nice,
large, front rooms at 18 Capitol place at
$4 per week 68-5-10
WILL exchange nice room and board.
close in, for diamond, motorcycle or
typewriter Diamond. Box 250, care
IF YOU appreciate cleanliness try us.
$4 to $6 per week 123 Capitol avenue.
board, rooms suitable for three young
men; reasonable 119 Washington
98 Ivy Street.
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board 121 Capitol Square. Main
4839-L. 10-4-41
FURNISHED rooms and board, all con
venlences. 202 South
TRY ®OARD ar s<iß South Pryor; refer
ences. Main 2456-L. 10-3-33
BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms.
with board; strictly private north side
home, for two young men. Best refer
enees r<-.>>. i' I \ v 1903 18-1-39
I? E. N' >htji ave.. boarders; rooms
with bath; also table board4l-1-10
FIRST-CLASS TABLE board at 16 Por
ter place, off Peachtree Convenient to
eight or nine car lines. 1vj_6705 10-1-30
JUST OPENED! The most attractive
home on the north side Eight rooms,
with best home cooking 33 West Har
rls, corner Spring. 10-1 32
BtIARD AND ROOM in delightful home;
north side. No other boarders. Ref
erences. Ivy 1762-L. 10-1-16
ROOM AND BOARD. 30 East Caln
Terms reasonable Phone Ivy 2903
• 10-1-11
Board Wanted.
ROOM AND BOARD in strictly private
home wanted by young man. Refer
ences exchanged. Give full particulars
H. \v . care < H ;r u n . i . • 0
TV.■' • YOUNG MEN want one or two
furnished rooms with private l»ath.
steam heat and board What have you to
offer? Box 816, care Georgian. 61 5-10
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Two or three nicely fur
nished front rooms, complete for house
keeping; sl6, private entrance; dressing
room, sink in kitchen; hot bath. Bell
phone Best location. 29U Washington
street. 10-8-58
FOR KENT Two rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping; hot water and use
of phone; $3.50 tier week 340 Whitehall
TWO connecting rooms with attached ga.-.
and electric lights 35 Sells avenue,
\\ e-'t End 10-8-33
FOR RENT To two young men or couple.
desirable front room; neatly furnished;
in second floor apartment, with couple,
close In. ('all Main 4534. '0 8 4.'
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms
light housekeeping rooms 210 Spring
Ivy 1907-.1. 10-8-53
FUR RENT—Nicely furnished room on
first floor for two business ladies Ivv
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished con
nectlng first floor rooms for light house
keeping, with every convenience Close
in. Main 3174-1, 69 East Fair 10 8-55
FOR RENT One nicely furnished room;
conveniences; close in. 127 West Caln
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room,
first floor, private family Ivv 6748-J.
FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms near
ll ? ; heat 34 and 35 Cone.l3-8-50
FOt{ RENT—Large, nicely furnished
room for two young men. with private
famfl;., within walking distance of center
of citv Write Box 263, care Georgian
For; nt-. nt - Delightful, sunny rooms,
with private bath, or adjoining bath
261 Whitehall Atlanta phone 2203
MRS D H WHITE, late of “Hotel Plaza,
has taken No 11 Cone, rooming house
Steam tieat, hot baths Phone Ivv 6135 .1
Ft'lt RENT Nicely furnished close-lti
looms at 185 South Pryor street Bell
Ipl on« Main 5800 29 8-10
FOR RENT (.'tie furnished room Call
Ivy 6886 10-8 11
H rent Large comfortable room In
honu young men preferred Ivy 1576-1.
Fi itNis!ll.J' ft.,o' room for rwnt. <an
be used for light housekeeping Close
In ami trasonuble 28 Pulliam street
( all Bell phone Main 1231 J fur Ittforrna-
io 8
!• l'i' >T nicely furnished t„.rn«
for llgi t housekeeping at 185 Smith
I’m m s'f-eet Hell phone Main 5033
IFt >R RENT In ■ s net a home four rooms
and pr’vate bath furnished complete
| ' m.sek. .•t'.iig ',»>!' .itirl sunshine Adults
•only Ivy J135-L 10 7-3 fl
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
11 CURRIER STREET—Wanted, two cou
pies or six young men for freshly pa
pered. newly furnished mahogany upstairs
front rooms: modern conveniences Rates
reasonable. 63-7-10
NEWLY’ furnished steam heated apart
ment; ice chest, gas range furnished;
also every convenience; north side. Phone
lv> 839,10-7-27
SECOND FLOOR front rooms, bath; pri
vate family; meals across street Ivy
FOR RENT—One nicely furnished, well
ventilated, front room; modern, reason
able; north side; close in; two blocks
from Carnegie library 49 West Cain.
DELIGHTFUL front room; private bath,
garage; refined home. ’Peachtree.'’
care Georgian. 33-7-10
FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished front
rooms; complete for housekeeping; sink
in kitchen, hot bath. Bell phone, parties
without children; S2O. Also three fur
nished rooms to couple only, sl6 Best
location 29u Washington. 10-5-66
FOR RENT—Large nicely furnished front
room; steam heat; all modern conven
iences; private family. Will rent at very
low rate to gentlemen only Call Main
3335-J. 10 5-63
SVIR RENT Nicely furnished front room,
adjoining bath, gas and electric lights;
nortlt side3B2 I*l edmont_ avenue. 90 -5 -10
FOR RENT—On North Side, Ideally sit
‘uated. a room with bath and sleeping
porch Very attractive Box 417. care
Georgian. 96 5 10
FOR RENT —Newly furnished loom,
modern conveniences. Bell phone Ivy
6430 65 East Caln street 10 5-48
FOR RENT —Three connecting furnished
rooms for housekeeping; all conven
iences; private entrance; to couple with
out children. 423 Central avenue Bell
phone 5339-J. 10-5-50
FOR RENT- -Two rooms, furnished com
plete for housekeeping; Courtland
street, between Forrest avenue and East
Baker Furnace heat; alt conveniences
Phone evening Ivv 6158-. I or during day
Main 3840 75-5-10
oK'E OR TWO refined young men for
nicely furnished front room; strictly pri
vate family; all home comforts 50 Grady
place. West End Phone West 48-1.
FOR RENT - Three looms, furnished; use
of phone, to couple without children,
for sls per month, who can furnish five
meals a day to owner at 20c a meal
Phone 5614-F 10-5-8
FRONT ROOM for gentleman, modern
conveniences, including steam heat
Walking distance 215 Ivy street, Apt 1.
NEWLY furnished rooms: hot and cold
water 46 Houston
MARLBOROUGH apartment 12, attract
ively furnished room; all modern con
veniences; use of phone Ivv 2958-L.
124-5 10
IRJfi RENT Three furnished rooms, with
light housekeeping, very cheap 407
Fraser street. 40-4-10
NICELY’ furnished rooms, 50c night, $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel, 714
N. Broad street Hot and cold water.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms In strictly
private home 19 East Harris street
ONE handsomely furnished furnace heat
ed room. Call Ivy 2933-J, or call at
4 Peachtree street, upstairs 10-6-27
LARGE nicely furnished room, steam
heat, electric light; private family. 12
East North avenue. Apartment 4 Ivy
1294-L. 10-5-26
THREE rooms, furnished complete for
light housekeeping; every convenience*:
Ideal surroundings. north side. Ivy
NICELY furnished rooms; conveniences;
single or for housekeeping Main
3565-JL 10-3-44
ONE furnished room; close in. 221 South
Forsyth. Main 4482-J ._ 10-3-45
FOR RENT Steam-heated room, adjoin
ing bath, hot and cold water, electric
lights; gentlemen only. 136 West Peach
tree; apartrneiit ::"8 10-3-23
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms;
no children taken 2763-J Main
NICELY furnished front rooms; steam
heat; all conveniences. 45 Williams
street. Apartment 3. Ivy 2116. 10GCio
FOR RENT To nice young man or busi
ness woman, newly furnished front
room; all conveniences Owner. Ivy
2211 I. 101-9
NICE, newly furnished rooms; also light
housekeeping apartment, close in. 151
Spring street. 9-27-20
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO large rooms, light housekeeping, one
ami one-half block Peachtree; reason
able. 110 East Pine st. 42-8-10
TWO connecting front rooms for light
housekeeping, close in, at 220 East Fair
FOR RENT Three large first floor con
necting rooms. 439 Central ave. Bell
phone Main 9081. References 10-8-34
Ft ill RENT Three rooms, hot and cold
water, sink, phone, lights convenient to
two ears; to couple Main 1663-J. 488
Central avenue. 10-8-40
Fl >R RENT To couple without eldldren
three rooms, private bath: references
443 Courtland street, comer Pine._ HKB JJi
FOR RENT Three rooms IVa blocks of
main entrance Grant park Bath and
gas Lights furnished sl2. 201 South
avenue “
FuR RENT Two connecting rooms; sr>
a month. 129 Kelly Street '" 4
!■'< iR RENT Two unfurnished l ooms for
light housekeeping 114 East Fair st.
FOR RENT - Two rooms, with owner, to
couple without children 26 Orange
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms;
rent reasonable Take South Decatur
car Third avenue, ukeview. 10-5-53
CALL IVY 3570 J regatiling large, bright,
sunny room, unfurnished, steam heat:
north side; private home: adults; splen
did location. All conveniences. 10-5-30
F< |R RENT - Three unfurnished room* for
light housekeeping 233 South Pryor.
THREE connecting first floor rooms: sink
In kitchen. 225 N. Boulevard 10-1-52
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
LIGHT housekeepers and roomers wanted
at 145 Spring street. Ivy 2904 1. 10-8-49
FOR RENT One room for light house
keeping also furnished rooms 140
FIRST-CLASS small furnished apartment,
for rent, close In. references. 18 East
Pine, between the two Peachtrees.
l-TtoNT rooms furnished complete for
housekeeping reasonable; close in. 18
Woodward '®'^ -4
I\ Y 2904-L 10-1-27
FOR RENT Four completely furnished
rooms for housekeeping 205 South For
Hytli Atlanta 2559 9-30-59
Kverv desirable room, apartment, house.
rooms foi light housekeeping business
locatipns. garages stores that are for
rent ip Atlanta and surrounding* can be
found th Tha Georgian a Rent Bulletin '
on the Want Ad pag> ■» •
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
_ - _ ' ■”
THE WOODROW-Entirely new man-
Furnished or unfurnished.
143 Spring IQ-g-52
TWO large, delightful connecting steam
heated rooms with bath in a Peachtree
home, furnished or unfurnished; refer
ences required Phone Ivy 4906 10-7-3
NICELY’ furnished and unfurnished
r00m5.29 East Ellis. 10-7-10
FOR RENT—HaIf cottage, unfurnished or
partly furnished, on Park avenue; no
children Phone Main 3866-L. 10-2-34
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT-Three-room apartment, fur
nished for housekeeping. References re
quired. 250 Spring street.lo-7-19
THREE attractive sunshiny rooms for
housekeeping; north side; no children;
also beautiful room with bath for two
gentlemen Iflione Ivy 2478 10-7-5
FOR RENT Half cottage, completely
furnished; four connecting rooms anri
bath; everything private: new gas range,
sink in kitchen, hot water atfitchments,
phone, good locality, near cars: south side.
Phone Main 4433-J 43.7.10
BUSINESS WIDOW wishes to share fur
nished apartment, three rooms, with
congenial woman. Price very reasonable
t’ail or write Mrs. Behenna, Georgian of
fle* 10-7-15
ENTIRE first floor of six rooms; front
and back porch, north side; tine neigh
borhood. Phone Ivy 2478 10-4-38
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
mer.ts For Rent.
IN the' ST. BRIDE,
two desirable kitchenette apartments:
one furnished if desired. Each, three
rooms and large bath. Three big closets
Ideal arrangement for couple, comfortable
for three, for housekeeping. New. Clean.
Quiet. Sanitary Close in. Good neigh
borhood. Steam heater!, but cool in sum
mer. Good light and ventilation, with
windows on three sides. Storage room.
Good janitor. Only first-class tenants.
References required. Owner lives on
premises Unfurnished. S4O and $45 For
details ring house phone, apartment 9, in
entrance hall. Hamilton Douglas, owner
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT Two new 4-roont apartments
with front and rear porches. 279 East
Pine street. 55-8-ls.
FOR RENT—Seven-room apartment;
modern; large rooms, hall and porches.
41 East Cain. io-8-p
FOR RENT -One beautiful flve-roorr
steam-heated apartment; modern Ap
ply phone Ivy 3698-J, 41-7-15
FOR RENT Five-room apartment In the
Corinthian. 136 West Peachtree street
Apply to Mr. Kelly, 264 Walton street.
Furnished Houses For Rent.
per street, s6o.lvy C62-.IIQ-5-6C
FOR RENT Cozy bungalow; beautifully
furnished; north side. No children
References. Ivy 1762-L. 10-1-17
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
FoR RENT--An eight-room moderr
home, near Grant park. Terry, 66 Cen
tal aye_, ■ 68-8-K
modern cottage, large lot; pretty loca
tion; fine neighborhood; $25.
18 HUMPHRIES STREET; six-room cot
tag.- porcelain bath; near Whitehall
A. J. & H. F. WEST.
10-8 U
EIGIIT-ROOM house on Highland avenu«
and near end of car line; water, sewer
$18.50 per month Call at 10 Auburn ave
... 51-7-K
ARTISTIC bungalow, screened, furnace
tile bath, garage "Ansley Park,’’ car*
Georgian 34-7-1 C
FOR RENT. HO! SES Call, write'"or
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph ()
Cochran, 111 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE 801 SE you build, buy or
reut will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Stores For Rent.
FOR RENT Nice store room on Edge
wood avenue. 25 by 75 feet. and. If de
sired. a loft same size: freight eleva
tor Address D R. J , care Georgian
Storage Room For Rent.
ONE ROOM for storage; cioae in. on
Crew st., No. 168 Main 4805-L
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED- Furnished room, with or with
out board, with Jewish family. B R.
care Georgian. 72-8-10
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
COUPLE wishes to rent three or four
rooms for light housekeeping; near In
References furnished Main 2381-. T
WANTED -Three unfurnished connecting
rooms with bath, by young couple with
-0118 children North side preferred Giv»
full particulars with reply. Address W
H Byrd, Box 837 care Georgian. 48-8-16
WANTED One large or two small un
furnished rooms, near in. for light
housekeeping. Mrs. L. A. P., 73 Wood
ward avenue. 10 8-5
Furnished Apartments Wanted
z -Z - Z - . Z - . . _ Z- •
nice neighborhood, close in, north side,
near school Must have at least four
rooms, heated and modern conveniences,
for family of two adults and two chil
dren igirla. eight and eleven 1 Don't
answer If no children wanted State ex
act location, rent, etc., so we can see
immediately Want possession October
15. Address M. B , Box 824, care Geor
glan 34-8-"1
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos and warehouse, 239-241
Eagewood avenue ivy 2087. Jonn J.
Woodside Storage Company.
Oarages For Rent.
GARAGE and three- mule Mtablew for rent
Tvy 1746 Apply 460 f’oachtree 10-8-2’<
Contractors and Home Builders.
IT WILL PAY Vol’ to get our ent I ma’ *»,«
on steam heating and plumbing before
le ling your work. 35 veaia’ experiercH
In <J(v puta us In puafHon in give vou
best work at rnlrtlrnuni cost Baahlnr
Heating an«i Plumbing Company, 43 • ar
neg>e Place. M 455. 7-20 4a