Newspaper Page Text
The Georgian’s Poultry and Live Stock Pagel
Edited by Judge F. J. MARSHALL • • I
Gang of Laborers Busy at the
Auditorium-Armory, Getting
Ready for Exhibits.
A gang of laborers, in the employ of
the Georgia Poultry association. took
over rite Atlanta Auditorium-Armor.',
yesterday and began the task of p;<
paring U for the coming Great Centra 1
Poultry Show of the South, which
• pens Monday at 1 o'clock.
Sunday morning the erecting gatia
will give place to the cleaners and they
1n turn to the superintendent and hl
force who will begin the work of put
ting the birds ui place This will be
rusb'-d Sunday and Monday morning ■"
that •werythfng will be In readiness f
the opening, which comes Monday at 1
o’dcrk. Judging begins at that time
and will be completed Tuesday by 1
(t'oJcm k
Strong Class of Reds.
It begins to appear certain that the
■hcrwjng in several classes thia year
wTD be the best that the South has ever
known and the competition will be tl>e
» atrrrMMSt
One class that s.enis likely to stand
out above all the r. st is the Rhode
bflamd Reds Those birds occupy a
p*»co unique in the poultry’ world. They
were originated, for one thing, as the
»w»ult of haphazard outbreeding
When they oace became knows they
gwopt the country and achieved a suc
<hm unknown to any other variety.
Those who bred them found two things
—that in utility they were second to
nan a in the world, but that it was a
XMCttar at extreme difficulty, as a result
es tho manner of their origin, to get
them tn breed true to Standard.
Tor several years the Red class at
toe Georgia Poultry association’s show
has been one of the best and the com
petition has been the keenest. This
year there is more quality and a prom
ise of hotter competition than ever be
fore. Some idea of what may be ex
pect'd can be gathered from a hint
about the ■ xhibitors. One of the beat
known exhibitors is Barrett Phtnizy, of
Athens He has entered thirteen birds
and they will be heard from. Mr® P
T. Callaway, of Washington, Ga.. and
Mrs. Don Donaldson, of East Point, will
both make strong showings of Reds.
J. I Hosford, of East Point, has Mi
tered several good birds, and so has
Payne's Poultry Pens. Dr. W. P.
Hardeman has entered a corking big
string of birds, which includes not only
Reds. bur. White Rocks anil Wyan
dottes as well
Callahans Will Defend.
Possibly the most notable of the
Southern entries is that of Callahan &
Son. of East Point. This firm won the
handsome Tumlin Brothers cup last
year for the best pen of Reds, and as
tlrte fa a ohallenge trophy they will at
tempt to defend it thia year The Cal
lahAii birds are said to he extra fine,
but tlsey are bound to find the competi
tion tremendous Another entrant who
e*n always be counted on to win prizes
to T. W. Martin, of Decatur. His birds
stsculfi be in exnepttonaliy fine condi
ttezi tor the forthcoming show
Mrs. A, L. Matthews, of Redan, will
ahow Stogie Comb Red*, end so will
the ijresentha Poultry Tends, of At-
W.U end Fraolc C. DottghraM, of De
na tur Dr J. A Wdgbt who has some
strong Reda thia year, is an entrant and
MhmiW do well, evan against torrid
Altogether. the showing of Reds at
fb« forthcoming axhfhit should be an
excellent one and any birds that win
there wifi be able to win anywhere in
th* South.
Reds Have No Monopoly.
The Red exhibit and the Orpington
Showing are destined to be the most
notable thia year, a* has been the case
for recent years, but they will not hold
any monopoly. The Rocks are excel
lently represented as usual, and the go
ing in the Barred and White divisions
will be lumpy for anything but the
highest class birds. The Wyandotte"
are strongly represented as usual, and
so are the Leghorns
COLUMBUS, GA.. Oct. 36.—The Co
lumbus Poultry’ association will hold its
annual poultry show December 2 to 7, it
being one of the big attractions of the
Georgia-Alabama fair, which will be
held here November 27 lo December 7,
Inclusive. We have secured the serv
ices of Judge F. J. Marshall, editor of
The Georgian’s poultry departmem ,
also Judge Lansden, of Tennessee,
w hom Judge Marshall was kind enough,
to recommend to us.
While last year's show was a great
success, we are endeavoring to make
this year's show a still greater suc
cess. and from the numb* r of inquiries
we are receiving for premlimi lists and
entry blanks, we will have one of the
largest shows held in tin South. The
fair association is now having con
structed a building no fix I_h feet, which
will be used entirely fix the poultry
association, so you see We have plenty
of room to show at least 2.500 birds
We will have our premium list ready
for mailing out on November 1. It will
be one of the most attractive premium
lists issued by any poultry show in the We will have a number of hand,
some silver cups besides several cast
prize-, ranging from sso down.
Dm exhibition coops ate of the best
All birds will have the Inst of care
" • only lost one bird lasi year and io
" in bail shape wh nhe came inti
Hit eliuu room.
I "i ’ ;
Ji? -
: ■ Fk ■ * , \ i! L< ■" /_ --" " • ■" "' o -
>. ,
Picked at Macon
The Oak Di an I'oaiti m. of Stone
Mountain <>a.. won a lion share of
premiums in l-awn ami Wliite and
White Indian Runnel dmk.-, Pekin
ducks and White W\amloiti s. Their
premiums weicas follows: l’ii..| sec
ond and third on Pawn and White In
dian Runner liens; first second, fourth
and fifth on l-'awn and White Indian
Runner cockerel: first cock, first hen,
first ami second cockerel and first pul
let on Pekin ducks; first and second
ben. first pullet on White Wyandot tes.
Mrs. T I’ Calloway, of Washington,
Ga was -tiietlx- in a ■la... :o herself
in the Rhode Islam! Red exhibit, and
surprised all by her magnificent show
ing of Reds. Mrs. Callaway entered
sixteen birds, ami \>.ieh look off a pre
mium. She won the ribbon fm the best
type and best colored bird in the
show, sweepstakes cockerel ami best
cockerel in show, all breeds eoiiipoting.
Also first and second pen. fir-i, si ■ ond,
third, fourth eoekeicl. second am! fourth
Mrs. B H. Middlebrooks, of Yates
ville. Ga.. had a splendid showing of
Barred Plymouth Rocks asil also Fawn
and White and White Indian Runners.
She won second and fourth pens in
Barred Plymouth Rocks second pen in
White Indian Runners and second pen
in Fawn and White Indian Runners
C H. Ledford, of Atlanta, had every
thing his own in the Blai k Minorca
class, capturing nearly everything that
was to be caught in this entry. His
winnings were first, second and third
cock; first, second and third hen; sec
ond cockerel.
The McOrorey Farm, of Woodland. Ga..
showed up fine on Fawn and White and
White Indian Runners, winning six pre
miums on an entry of eight ducks.
M. H, Collins, of Fairburn, Ga.. won
first cock and fifth hen in Barred Plym
outh Rocks.
On nine entries in Barred Plym
outh Rocks. Mr. W. P. Barnes, of Grif
fin, Ga.. won first, second, third, fourth,
fifth cockerel; first hen; first, third and
first, third and fifth pullet.
Mr. Lurman Marsh, of Idacon, Ga .
won first hen, first cockerel and first
pen on White Plymouth Rocks.
Mr. W. G. Turpin, of Americus. Ga.,
won five ribbons on fix e birds entered
in White Orpingtons. His winnings
were third cock: third and fifth hen:
fourth cockerel and fourth oullet
Nine premiums on nine birds entered
in the Rhode Island Red. Rhode Island
White. Pit Gaines and Faws and White
Indian Runner ducks was the showing
that was made by Mr. H. L. D. Hughes,
of Danville. Ga, His list of wins con
sisted of six firsts, three seconds, one
third and one fourth.
Competing with an unusually strong entrance In ducks, the McCrorcy
Farm, of Woodland, Ga.. came out with Hying colors and captured six pre
miums At h ast 25 breeders were exhibiting' with ducks, more entries being
made in this line at the Georgia State fair at Macon October 15-25 titan that
of chickens.
The McCrorey Fann won as follows: Second pen on Pure White Indian
Rtinii'-r-. third pen, tlti.,l cockerel, fourth cock, fourth hen. fifth pullet, on
Fawn and White Indian Runners
Tie- MeCrotey I':.rm is one of the largest breeders oF ducks of tin-
South. It contains three hundred and forty acres and is idea! with natural
-u lountlingi as to water and "hade, which is essential sot the raising of
poultry. Seven hundred ducks ate on the market for -ah- at present.
Mr. .1 T Met’to ey. proprietor of the farm, is such an eiitltusiil breeder
of the Indian ’Runnms and lite demand for this bleed is so gretH lie lias de to raise them by the thousands. His father. Mr. L. B. McCrorey. is an
u'lixe memlit; ot the farm at the age of 86. and is strong even at tills ad
vanced age. Wha: he knows about du<ks would fill volumes. He was also
born oil this farm in Woodland.
The demand for . ggs for hatching is so large that lie has to limit their in stock. Ihe invariable rule of the McCrorey Fann is to ship on ap-
1 ,n ' -11 ista■ ti ai gtm' intend ot monex refunded Our eggs -ell as
■ ss than half of the other bleeders, quality consider'd.
Reim mb'-r that the liatdiing season of duckling- is from Februat \ I to
I>♦ t rinbvi 1.
MMre"." uTeommunh’ations for "lock and ' M■..
Woodland, Ga Your orders will have our prompt and best attention.
Three of the prize winners in the yard of A. V. Clifton. Athens. (5a
77/e Augusta
Tim clcvi-nth annual exhibition of the
■ Augusta Poultrx association will be
held in that city Novembe: 4 to 9. This
, will be the representative show of the
South, as it has been so considered for
yea rs.
Last year over 11.000 head of poultry
was cooped, pigeons not counted. This
was made up of the very cream of the
country, both North and South. Man
agers of great Eastern poultry farms
were simply dumfounded at the ex
hibit they Had run up against. They
had been informed that they would
have to compete with a high class of
birds, but they considered this to mean
a high class for the South. Hence their
surprise when they ran up against
class aft i class that was the equal
of what tin y would find in Boston. New
York o Chicago. These experienced
exh’hito." I;m \v a g-oil .thing when
tlw.x "iw it. - i we;, not surprised rm
the awards went up to find them widely
scattered in many cases. It was a bat
tle royal between the giants of the
poultry kingdom of this ■ muntry The
leading hotel lobbies of the city were
alive during evenings with these lead
ing poultrymen discussing the various
phases of the poultry work, breeding,
mating, exhibiting, etc. The novice
took it all in with open ears and mouth,
for it was a veritable bonanza for him.
The veteran officers worked like trained
guards in carrying out their experience
laid plans Not a hitch or a break to
prevent the sueeessfeil culmination of
one of the best poultry exhibitions ever
held in this country. The exhibitor
with his one pen of fowls was accorded
just as much consideration as the man
with a national reputation and scores
of fowls. Ali received their prize
money alike before the Hose of the
The same set of offii ■ rs that ion- ;
ducted last year’s great show will man- !
age this year’s exhibition. I’racti. a ily I
the same rules will be carried out. So I
that there is every reason to believe
that last year’s show will be duplicated
SAVANNAH. GA., Oct. 26. — In mak
ing your dates to show your poultry
and live stock, don’t forget the second
annual poultry show of the Savannah
Poultry and Live Stock association,
which will be held in Savannah No
vember 26. 27. 28 and 29. Entries close
November 19, Over 2.000 entries are
already assured. Mr. Alf Bertling will
judge the show, and Mr. C. O. Harwell
will be the superintendent. Premium
list sent on request. Address all com
munications to Savannah Poultry and
Live Stock association. 206 Bay street,
West Savannah, Ga.
Poultry Shozv
or perhaps excelled It is ; great school
for the novice or the amateur and they
have been known to travel many miles |
to visit this show, where they can lit
erally absorb good poultry’ stuff, both
day and night. As, Josh Billings would
say, the woods is full of it. Better
plan to go and spend the week. No
matter whether you are exhibiting or
not, you will get your money's worth
many times over. One can not do jus
tice to this exhibition on paper. It has
to be seen to be appreciated.
THOMASVILLE. GA., Oct. 26.-The
second annual show of the South Geor
gia and Florida Poultry association will
be held in Thomasville, Ga.. on No
vember 13 and 14. Judge F. J, Mar
shall will judge bv comparison. A big
show is expected, with quality the main
point. Write Henry W. Lester, Thom
asville. Ga., for premium list.
BL’OOKS. Yatesville, Ga.,
won .second and fourth pen
BaiTed Rocks, second pen
L. and . Indian Runner
Ducks al Georgia State
Fair, Macon. Ga. Stock and
eggs for sale, 10-26-8
H»R QI ICK SALE —On account of mov
mg, 1 fiffei- for Male my entire stock of
d c ? £ 1,(l poultry. 125 fine S.
R. I. Reds. 75 Barred Rocks, 50 White
Leghorns, 25 Cornish Indians and 15 White
prvingtons These biffds were all raised
in 1911 and 1912 and are of the very best
strains. \\ ill sell single birds or pens,
but would like to have some offers for
the entire lot or by varieties. Many blue
ribbon winners. Birds range in value
from $1 to $25. A. A. Webb. Adel, Ga
REDS—Best, by far. for money.
< 1 and young stool;, from 6 months to
u years, from $1 to SSO each. First eggs
1 bought came from SIOO cock. Next year
came from a Chicago blue ribbon win-
I ner. besides winning in several other
states. The next year my eggs came
I from a blue ribbon sweepstakes winner.
| Three-fourths of my chickens came from
tnesc three cocks. Ml hens were prize
[ winners. Mine are fine. I want more
room and will sell about 100. I also have
about 50 S. C. V\ hiu Orpingtons to dis
pose of for the lack of room. Have dis
’ posed of all culls. - Perfect satisfaction
with every order. Frank Bohannon. New
nan, Ga,26-26-10
EGGS—Eggs. Baby ducks, baby chicks,
White Runner ducks, White Leghorns
and Rhode Island Reds. Strong fertility.
All fine premium stock. I nick eggs $2 to
36 per setting; heft eggs $t to $2 per set
ting. Free Range Duck & Poultrx Farm.
.Chamblee. Ga. 10-26-2
FOR SALE - Very fine Rhode Island - Red
cockerels and White Leghorns; White
Runner and Fawn and White Runner
ducks; trios and pens. Baby ducks and
eggs. Write for prices. Free Range Dui k
& Poultry Farm. Chamblee, Ga. 10-26-3
Hastings' 100-bushel oats, *1 bushel.
Extra fine cotton seed for planting, $1
bushel. Fancy Berkshire pigs, sired hv a
great son of the $4,000 show boar. Star
Value; prices reasonable. Jersey bid!
calf, six months old; xyill register; only
$26. Barred Rocks and White Orpingtons,
cheap. Fairview Farm, Palmetto, Ga *
-14 - 67
GOLDEN Laced Wyandottes. Columbian
Wyandottes, 3. C. Rhode Island Reds.
Indian Runner Ducks W. I>. Bennett.
Molena. Ga.l2-13-3:1
SELLING OCT -Black, White, Buff o?7
plug:,ms Black Langshans, Pekin. Huff
• Orpington and Runner ducks (white and
fawn and white). Prices should move
them. Also collie dogs and Berkshire
hogs. W. E. Lumley, Tullahoma Tenn
MY_ WINNINGS at Macon fair October 15-
were six firsts, three, one
third, one fourth out of eleven entries in
It. I. R.. 1. W. Pit Games. F. and W.
Ducks. Stock and eggs of above breeds
for sale \lso Black < irpingtons. Write
IL J. ’■ I '■ Hughes. Da n v file. Ga. 10-23-28
FOR SALE Pun- strain S i' iT 1 — iteil'
H. P. Rock and 1 ight Brahma bens, pul
lets and cockerels at $' and $1.50 each
Trio I’oiihry Yards. Gurdon, Ga. 'O-25-17
Fi >i: S AI.E Sex ent v-tl’ve WKite~l3e2horn
pullets eight months old and Mann bone
cutter used one season. Telephone Main
4330. 10-26-20
TAKING ORDERS for .dgln weeks fine
Berkshire" a’ st. pair Morris Ear n.
Clarksfim, j kt. 10-18-7
81-.I: KS1111:E PIGS I have tor quicS sale
one hundred and twenty choice, long
bodied. big boned English. Berkshire pigs
at $lO eucl,. Buy some and watch vour
money grow Joe .1, Buttle, Moultrie.'Gh
TAMWORTH HOGS Boars, brood sow*
and pigs from America's best registered
Tamworths. The bacon hog for the
South. They grow as large in twelve
months as other breeds in c’ghtren to
".x nt.x four Cot respondetac solicited.
It K Ragland, Talbotton, Ga 10-21-38
Practical Notes
A writer in an exchange says that he ;
has cured his hens of the egg-eating
habit by filling empty egg shells with i
mustard and cayenne pepper and plae- .
ing th?m in the nests where the egg
eaters can get them. After tackling I
one of these eggs they swear off for
The best way to handle the lice
question is to keep them out. Once
they get into a poultry house they
make a determined tight before giving
it up. Whitewash, kerosene on the
perches and the free use of lice killer
pays. Th best,time to use lice killer is
before the lice appear.
BALsTAMS—Game bantams. Sebrights,
Buff Cochins. Carlisle Cobb. Athens.
Ga, 4-26-30
TEN MAMMOTH White Holland turkevs,
twenty-five Fawn and Wliite Indian'
Runner ducks for sale. W. D. Bennett,
Molena. Ga. 10-23-29
INI >1 AX RI’NNiLR ducks, pure white and
fawn and white, our specialty. No
breeder las better stock at any price.
Birds raised from best eggs money could
buy. <>ur invariable rule is to ship on
approval and satisfaction guaranteed or
money refunded. We have no dissatis
fied customers. Stock and eggtrfor sale at
reasonable prices. At Georgia State fair,
Macon, Ga., October 15 to 25, we won six
premiums on eight ducks entered, twenty
five breeders competing, with exeeptiona’l
ly strong birds. 10-26-10
IMPORTED White Runner ducks, one
drake and five ducks, direct from birds
imported from England February. 1912.
Something fancy. Now laving. S3O will
buy them Worth SSO. William J. Lloyd,
Chattahoochee, Ga. 10-19-5
EX 111 Bl ri< »N White Runners for sale.
If you want first-class breeders or
birds sot the show room at reasonable
prices write us quick. Jefferson Poultry
Farm, Albany. Ga.lo-5-43
INDIAN RI’NNER ducks, $1 each; fawn
or penciled; all kinds of chickens; write
us. Munnimaker Poultry Company, Croth
ersville, Ind. 5-25-3
RAY’S RACY RUNNERS are the best
White Runner ducks; they are prize
winners in the hottest competition: lay
pure white, delicious eggs. See our string
’ of beauties at the show; stock for sale;
■ eggs from pen headed by "Georgia K”g"
and four prize-winning ducks at $5 per
setting of twelve. Snowhite Poultry
Yards. O. O. Ray, Manager. Kirkwood. < >a.
, * 1 n-25-24
Fife’s Pure White Runners
1 W't.N on every entry last two Atlanta
shows. 1 offer a limited number of fine
1 young matured stock bred from my all
prize pens Special prices on drakes.
, George C. Fife, Box 1181. Atlanta. 10-24-23
Buckeye Incubators.
; NEXT WEEK at the big poultry show we
I will show the new 1913 models, 60, 175,
| ::>n and 350-egg capacity. Awarded gold
~ medal and highest honors at the Chicago
. I \A orld s fair. 1913. and at the St. Louis ex
position in 1904. Thev are the world’s best
hatchers Get a catalogue. Marbut &
, Minor, East Atlanta. Ga. Both phones.
' 10-23-27
; 'IHOROI GHBRED Buff Orpington eggs
fifteen. 126 Windsor street.’
Main .3588. 10-9-15
I —— - ■ . ' ;
i Dogs.
■ w P> is s ’ S,a ' . Satisf fi»ction guaranteed.
, Huldrip Mountain Stock Farm. Route 1
, “'P""" 78 26-10
j IRI. \«'l! Bl 1.1, and Boston terriers, the
. ■ xv.nmr...' kind: the winning French Hull
II 1 ipo H at sti.u: tee $lO. 1115 N. Twenty
• nmth st, Birnfingham, Ala. 10-24-32
. | SALE Coon and opossum 'logs: fox
I and eat houn Is. M. L. Crawford, Tiger
; I 21 10-12-53
] I .- —— ...
1 □ows
) I
WILL HE at Shipper Bros. ,<■ White’s
stock yards October 30 with ear of milch
cows, fresh in, and soon to be fresh. Also
- some nice beef cattle. .1. R Waldrip.
! *''-*6-10
IWEX I -FOI’R good dairy
cows, all fresh served .July 1,
' will be sold to highest bidder
; Wednesday. October 30, 224 |) e .
. eatjir street. S. M. Davis. Main
■ Stiindard 831, . 10-26-12
> A PARTY would like to tent a healthy
cow giving hi least two gallon- a da-.' '
' Phone Ivy 3445. 10-26-13
IX selecting a pen of breeders, it is well
enough to have good individuals, but
equally as important is the breeding be
hind these individuals.
My foundation stock was from the best
this country has ever produced. I breed
nothing but the best that I raise, there
fore the stock that I offer is closely re
lated to sweepstakes winners
Trios $lO. Pen of four pullets and one
cock or cockerel sls.
Breeder of White Orpingtons exclusively
MY WINNINGS 1911-1912:
Georgia State fair, Macon. Ga.. October
15 to 25, 1912, five ribbons, namely, third
cock, third and fifth hen, fourth cockerel,
fourth pullet; ::trong competition in an
Cgpington show.
Georgia and Florida. Poultry show,
Thomasville. Ga., November 14 to 17, first
cock, second pullet, third pullet.
Savannah Poultry show. Savannah. Ga.,
November 27 to 30. first cock, second pul
let. third pullet.
Columbus Poultrx show, Columbus. Ga.,
December 11 to 15, first cock, first pul
let. second pullet.
Georgia Poultry association. Atlanta.
Ga.. January 8 to 13, 1912, second cock,
third pullet.
Also four special ribbons offered bv
American White Ot pington elub.
Five birds entered by me at each show.
Stock and eggs for sale. W. G. Turpin,
Americus, Ga. 10-26-7
MY EXTREM IT Y X i’h ’if < •»•!>< >R’i I NITY
-- Orpingtons, White, Black and Buff-
Owing to my’ business, I must close out
by January 1 some 200 high-class birds.
Now is your chance to secure the best
blood in these. tb< best of all chickens.
Price sl, $2 and $3 each. Worth double.
W illiam J. Lloyd, Chattahoochee. Ga.
Bi FF ORPINGTONS —Exninition stock a
specialty. Eggs tor hatching and baby
chicks. Reduced autumn prices. Send
for catalogue. Bacon Harwood. 166
Springfield avenue, Guyion 2 Ga. 8-31-1
FEW PENS or single birds. Buff Orping-
tons; high-class stock. Morris Farm.
Clarkston, Ga. 10-19-8
ALL my’ last season’s winners for sale.
Pens and single birds. Ribbons and
cups go with birds. A' A. Ham, Newnan.
Ga. 9-21-1
Plymouth Rocks.
tion stock a specialty. Eggs for hatch
ing and baby chick". Reduced autumn
prices. Send for catalogue. Bacon &-
Haywood. 166 Springfield avenue, Guvton.
Ga : 8-31-2
EGGS from prize-winning Barred Plym-
outh Rocks; four ribbons, first cock,
first, fourth and fifth hens. Silver cup
(sweepstakes) on just four birds. Fine
cockerels for sale. Benjamin H. Spurlock,
Lithonia, Ga. 9-14-5
Poultry—Miscellaneous. Poultry—Miscellaneous.
h c;. Hastings & co.
BEG IN NOW hEEI) IN G\ 01 R 11ENS a gihk! laving
tonic. We recommend either of the following as be
ing. good Conkey *s Laying Tonic, Lee’s Egg .Maker and
Rust's Egg Producer. 25c imd 50c packages of each,
CONKEY’S ROUP REMEDY Is a sureTure for mug
Once tried, you will always keep it handy. Prio.
25c. 50c and SI.OO a box.
mediated salt briuk .) 3r( .. 1r|1 p ure
Pressed Salt Brick for stock and pigeons, !•’»<• eaHi
or two for 25c.
you to try Hastings' Evergreen Lawn Mixture tlii*
Season. 20c a pound. 3 1-2 pounds (>sc, 14 pounds th
standard bushel $2.50.
SA VE THOSE SOREHEAD EOWLS~ with (,’oilkey s
Chicken Pox Remedy . Price 50c a box.
WHEAT BRAN, alfalfa meal, whole coin, chicken
wheat, shorts. poultry bone, shell, grit, crushed oy >ut
shell, charcoal and beef scraps.
RED COMB MEAT M ASH EEEI7 is ihe feed me ■
ing hens and ducks, 10 lbs 25c/50 lbs $1.20. 100 lb
Georgia rye, seed wheat, barley, oats, Movers, etc.
WE HA A EON HAN!) a beautiful lot of Male Canaries.
They are all guaranteed singers. Price $2.50 each, By
express, charges prepaid, $3.00.
LEE’S GERMOZONE. The poultry' medicine,
roup, canker, cholera, etc. It is not only a I'cuieU
but a preventive. Both liquid and tablet form. Price
50c. The tablets can be sent by mail.
SI 1 EPPARD’S SONG "RESTORE R is what is needed
for canaries that are moulting or have lost their soil'
Price 25c: by mail 35c a bottle.
dozen: two dozen 25c; 75c per 100. Petty PoulH?
punches 25c each.
PHONE US V()l'IJ ()R‘l )|\ for tlower pots. I*' l ' ll
pans, pot saucers and plant tubs. '
YOU WILL KIND that t Brand” >
Manure is what is needed for fertilizing yoiir bom
bulbs and all pot plants. Comes in 100-pouml bag
only. Price $1.50.
DON’T WAIT TOO LATE:~7tlrt bulbs now. We ran
supply you with the best grade of the following ' :!
rieties. all large, strong, sure bloomers: Paper W 11 ’’
Narcissus. White Roman Hyacinths, Bermuda L 1 '’ 1
Lilies. Crocus, Single and Double Dutch llyacii' '■
Single and Double Tulips, Vonsion Double clln" M"
Daffodils. \\ rite for a copy of our Bulb Catalog llo,
!50 FINE "-
S. Bottenfleld. Phone 371 J -
FOR SALE— Ten Whiter—
ex t *, ra &ood quality u ;\j
worth S2O; pullets now lavii lE C p c $:
burn, Cumming, Ga E ' R 1 Si lai
hens one year old. at 75
B. Robprtp
T , s 2?P? est vitalityY mmS, q 'W
Exhibition stock a speeialix 2 u,iii "
hatching and baby chicks < Egg< for
brings interesting catalogue and - p '’ sta:
autumn prices. Send for it
eon * Hay wood, 166 SprinafieW ess p ’ a
Guyton. Ga. r mgneld avenue.
F(.)R SA L
Leghorn pullets; good stYv ' S hi<a
Havey, Box 81. IJthonla. Ga Wlt ' , 8
Pv. LRcds.
ribbe* for best tvnt? and t
in show, .-ill breeds competing fi*' 1 Wm
second pen, first, second 6 i fira .' ail,i
eockercl. second and fourth p
stakes cockerel. I had sixteen liraY p '
tered and each one was a l M ,'
and eggs for sale Mrs p r n o „ Sl0cli
W ashingion, Ga. Callaway,
have a tew Single Comb eockerJth 1
iW&artagr ’is,™"
IF YOU WAXTT’lwVgabnn" -
me during the next days havo
my farm: must sell stock females
s3;.males, $1,50 to $lO. .1.1 ipmY 'Y''
' P,,int ’ Ga ’ Bell phone, i t
W yandottes at the New York
. fatr September 10-14. 1312. swept all L
fore them, winning first, second third ,-?
fifth on cocks; first, second ’tHrd S
fourth on hens; first, second, thin’
fourth and fifth on cockerels; first
■ fo H rth on pullets: 'flZi
third, fourth and fifth pens (old) ftr<r
: s wi ol,<i <- t} ' ir ;i a,ld „ fourth pens lyuuug
' ' m X ’ ev '. ? °’h biate fair <on>niistlolg
gold spec al. lor best display, all varied
ties competing. In the past "even veari
V.L'.!‘ e ,X ew }o rk State tali’, the Reni
'' I tc A yandottes have won thirtv-dr
. I blue ribbons out of a possible fortyltwo.
; The Regals are bred to win and bred tn
lay . After November 1 wc will have four!
,'pens <if these grand birds mated and
I can furnish eggs for hatching at $3 S
land $lO per fifteen. No stock for sale
. I Regal Wyandotte Yard. Mrs. H. W Beith'
| owner. 230 Oglethorpe avenue. Atlanta
. i 10-1.6-1’
; FOR SALE—Few partridge (Vwndr.- m
| from Kentucky- and Tennessee fair win-
, ; ners. H M. Hoss, Tullahoma, Tenr,
1 • 10-E-li
■ I Is your business worth a<lverti?t:r'
. ; Then if not try a For Sale or Business
> I Opportunity ail in The Georgian.