Newspaper Page Text
p Wished by The Georgian Company,
_.i East Atlanta,
> abania-st. ' J Georgia.
JT red at Atlanta postoffice at second
class matter.
« bscrtptions Payable in Advance,
n. year. mail, postage prepaid. $5 00
c tenths, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
'. r.fe months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25
/.J. month, mail, postage prepaid. .45
- bscriptinns Payable in Advance,
i -ed by carrier, one year .... 45.30
rw ered by carrier, six months .... 2.60
ered by carrier, three months... 1 80
r.« ■■ cred by carrier, one month4s
.'-..■red by carrier in Atlanta and
,• ner cllles, one week 10
ant Ad Rates and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
u.e cent a word each insertion.
, ad taken for less than the price
' -en words. Ads in larger type,
a line, (four words to the line).
>,it -of - town advertisements
; st be accompanied with cash.
■ rencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
se tor more than one incorrect
t.-ertion of any ad ordered more
■ an one time.
•losing hours: To secure prop
, 'assificatlon. ads must be tn
■ Georgian office before 1 o'clock
ay of the issue
tli ads must be ordered out in
•ng or at office. No discon
,unce notice taken over phone,
very word in the advertisement,
,Hiding the name and address.
: < counted. Each initial counts one
■ . compound words are counted
• r i words.
I'eiephone your Warn Ads to The
-orgian (both phones 8 000) when
■ : more convenient to do so, and
,rction will be made at your
■ in- or at your office the follow
g day. This is an accommoda-
I •>n service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
-r.ould always be promptly made
riresentation of bill. Always
«-k »hat your telephone ad be re
. ..rod hack to you by the ad
■ ,ker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
>t guarantee accuracy or assume
-suonsiblity for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
• DVERTISERS should retain re
- ipts given in payment for Want
Aus over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them. In answering adverttse
i. elite addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED —Nurse. Apply in person, 320
Ponce DeLeon ave. 95-26-10
DEPENDABLE nurse, willing to help
with general housework and stay' on
place at bight; colored nurses must bring
written recommendation. 73 Rosalia st.
WANTED—-A good cook at once; room on
lot Apply 38 South Prado, Ansley Park.
LAhIES anywhere can earn sls weekh
making silk hand bags. Mall dime for
pattern and instruction. Adelle. 613 West
'37th street. New York. 72-26-10
SETTLED woman to take care of sick
woman and baby. Apply Sunday after
1, or Monday before 12. E. Fair st.
WANTED—Nurse: also light house work;
good pay. 41 Bass at,lo-26-54
WANTED— A first-class cook: must come
well recommended. Apply 665 West
STENt »GRAPHER, graduate English
commercial high school, at least five
years' experience, wanted law office; sl2
start. Answer Box 10, care Georgian.
• 10-26-56
WANTED—Good colored woman to do
cooking and gene.ral housework. Call at
305 Lucile averrua.lo-26-42
WANTED —Steady girl or woman, white
or colored, to work cheap while learn
ing face, scalp and body massage. Short
hours. Dr. Daniel Morrison. 414 Kiser
building. 10 26-83
WANTED—First-olass cook for large
house: good -wages 241 W. Peachtree.
WANTED—Good cook and maid who will
stay on place and occupy furnished
room together. 72 Spring street. 52-26-10
LADIES make shield® at home. $lO per
hundred. Work sent prepaid to reliable
women. Particulars for stamped ad
dressed envelope. Eureka Company, Dept.
62- A. Kalamazoo, Mich. 39-26-10
• ANDY HELP WAK’TEJD—Young ladles
to work in packing room. Experienced
help preferred. Norris. 267 Edgewood ave
nuo ' 10-26-5
HI'SIERY manufacturer wants lady to
visit consumers direct. Exclusive ter
ritory. Credit. Experience unnecessary.
SSO to SIOO per month. Parker Mills, 735
Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Pa. 53-19-10
WANTED—At once, a good cook: good
wages; room in house. Apply 20 Fort
McPherson. 10-25-30
" ANTED -A girl to live as one of the
family to go to south Georgia. C., Box
-99, care Georgian. 50-25-10
'A ANTED- Skirt and waist hands. Some
•>ne used to doing iirst-class work. 121
List Pine street. 38-25-10
h 'NTED —A good cook at once. Apply
• Greenwood avenue., 10-2i>-4
'ANTED—White woman as general
• ouse servant In small family; room in
Djuse; good wages. Call Ivy 3574.
R' BACHELOR on farm a working
• ‘usekeeper: healthy, energetic, orderly
: • understands the work. Apply Mrs.
■ v Shutze, Stone Mountain, Ga.
V 'XTED-—A first-class nurse. Apply
11 North Jackson street.lo-24-2
'•NTED Operators to make the Me
anic union-made overalls and pants
s • v work, short hours, good wages,
•ake inexperienced people and teach
■o they will soon earn good pay.
work is not hard, but is the very best,
yrnent for women and girls. Call
let us explain in detail. 75 South
■ street Marcus Loeb ft Co.
''' I'ED—Discouraged, but perfectly
; ; men and women, to take a. new
c ■ life and try a little happiness for a
I’', The Ninth Anniversary Edi
, : The Los Angeles Examiner, out
re-, ember 25, will tell you how to do it.
■ io any address in I’nited States
0! M-xicc 15 cents. Canada or foreign
l“ 15 ce’.ls Send in your order now.
I'ED Young women ano girls desir
permanent. attractive positions
of operators and clerks closely
’ sed by the company: their con
'■ 'lie promises carefully guarded by
i. women supervisors and chief
• tor. who have complete control over
tiring and operating room. Two
training ourse for those inexpe
i salary being paid while learning
■ncreused at the end of two weeks
tor those becoming efficient, n
■•'“ as they become worthy, with yj
-1 ies for ultimate advancement to
' < month. References proving the
■ ng of the applicant essential Those
! < educational advantages preferred.
room and comfortable retiring
/os provided, with several hundred
1 r Sie library books for the conven
" of operators. Matron and trained
In attendance Apply preferably In
( 'm. 8:30 a. m. to sp. nr. third floor
. telephone Exchange, corner Mitchell
»outh_ Pryor. AtlantsGa.lo-9-22
iBIN.y'CION coal and gas ranges
~.- ’’ithern Stove and Supply Compan'
, u Whitehall. 'O-Jo-«
tractors and Home Builders
"ILL PAY VOL to get out estimates
< '’tram heating and plunih ng h?f<- e
E out work* 36 years ntrtei r
hf)i« ijw position o yo
,1..;.. Ba
mho $-• .•_ bin g G-npanj. *
M 466 7 ‘ 0 ,3
Help Wanted—Male.
" i! ? ,t ' c,RSS auctioneer for
storP xrJ merchandise stock. Department
care Georgian. 96-26-10
W H^ TE <SI7 C * n ?l a !? erß for F** l proposl
-8 and m 1^ 11 &t 46 E M <t£helT st.. Between
10 a n> '' Oc t°ber 28. for R. B. Vp
A I,E TLETIVE—Earn $l5O to S3OO
ler month; travel over world. Stamp
> ear v. ith same business. Spare time. No
canvassing I will show you how. In- '
am.Kl Ve x? >< i ok free - Voohies, Desk 346.
oinaha, Nebr. 71-26-10
S- ' aa "J'ED With rig to introduce and ;
sen so household necessities. Big money 1
011 n nade -- 90 week 'y- mean bust- |
Ranta B ? X <l4 ' T’epartment 13. Cedar I
Rapids, lowa._ 69-26-10
XT ? D ~ Y °'Jng men to learn the-!Iino
mln 15 ? business. Biggest field for young
pay ' Bhort hours, pleas
i *' e Pt epare you at home in ten
' aaai ßl . You to secure good pqsi-
Ff ee k *y l) oa r d to each student.
v a ?’ P t < "rite today for particulars,
national Linotype Institute. Rochester.
ANTED to learn barber trade.
At e teach by free work and save years
of aprenticeship. No better work. Jobs
always waiting Tools given. Wages in
finishing department. See our offer. Mo
ler Barber College. 38 Luckle street.
about eighteen years old. Good chance
to learn candy business. Experienced pre
ferreds. Norris, 267 Edgewood avenue,
WANTED—Competent butler. Apply
. Peachtree. 10-26-16
81. \ DETECTIVE—Men wanted every
i , where; earn SIOO to S3OO monthly; write i
i Loraine System, Dept. 63. Boston, Mass. I
I .... 9-14-8 |
| WANTED—Colored agent in this locality: i
> hustler; $l5O a month. All or spare I
time. Insurance secret order. Write I
quick for particulars Box M.. 409. Cin- I
cinnati, Ohio. 10-5-17
more than 360,000 protected positions in
t inted States service. More than 40,000
vacancies *very year. There is a big
chance here for you. sure and generous
I pay, lifetime employment. Easy to get.
Just ask for booklet C-412. No obilga
f tlon. Earl Hopkins, Washington, D. C.
i No canvassing or soliciting required.
Good income assured. Address National
I Co-Operative Realty Company, V-949 Mar
den building, Washington. D. C. 37-6-10
|BE A DETECTiVE-Earn $156" to‘~s3oo
per month; travel over the world,
"rite Supt. Ludwig. 1463 Soarritt build
ing, Ivansas City, Mo. 41-28-9
S2OO monthly; spare time; no matter
where you live: no canvassing; guarantee
free booklet will show' vou how. H. E.
Boky? ’ AS. Boston. Mass. 9-14-17
I WILL START \'<si; earning :.4 Sally at
home in spare time, silvering mirrors;
no capital: free instructive booklet, giv
ing plans of operation. G. F. Redmond,
Dept. 85, _Boston,_Mass. 9-14-19
" ANTED— For U. S. army, able-bodied
unmarried men between ages of 18 and
, 35: citizens of United States, of good
character and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
i guage. For information, apply to Re-
I crulting Officer, corner Peachtree and
Forsyth streets, Atlanta, or 411 Cherry
st.. Macon, Ga. 9-4-27
EXPERIENi'ED electrician with speed
and accuracy at once Call Atlanta,
phone 4878. 58-24-10
STENOGRAPHER and filing clerk, rail
road Address L. M. Fouts, vice presi
dent and general manager, Charlotte Har
bor and Northern Railway, Boca Grande.
FURNISHED room free to boy making
WANTED- Discouraged, but perfeSfy
food men and women, to take a new
p on life and try a little happiness for
a change The Ninth Anniversary Edi
tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 26, will tell you how to do it.
Mailed to any address in United States
or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or foreign
points 25 cents. Send hi your order now.
FREE MASSAGE, halt cuts, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free Clean
linen. Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Mitchell. k G 2 Il®.
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, lOb-
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c Open all night.
Al (IL c.aRRIERS. posloffice clerks want
ed. SBO month. Atlanta, Ga Exami
nations during November. Free coaching
Franklin Institute, Dept. 49-T. Rochester.
N. Y. 25-9-10
WANTED - Ideas. Inventor!) write for list
of inventions wanted and prizes offered
by manufacturers Also, how to get your
patent. Sent free to any address. Ran
dolph ft Briscoe, patent attorneys. Wash-
Ington, D. C. 7 11-33
YES. Professor G. O. Branning will teecli
y<iu the barber trade (it’s easy). We
teach in one-half time of other colleges.
, Course and position in our shops only
S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of our
graduates running shops or making good
wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mitchell street
WANTED— Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. (rood wages
and chance for promotion.
Call at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian,
20 East Alabama street.
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
W A NTED—Wh Ite laborer: also young
lady to do typewriting: experience not
necessary. Answer phone. Apply at 7
o'cim-k. 18 Trillity.lo-26-27
EVERYBObV wants •‘Grandma's Fever
Tea” for biliousness, bad colds and
fevers Ask your dealer or send his name
to Grandma Medicine Company, Atlanta,
Ga. 39-21 -10
MONEY WANTED to plant In southern
California, where it glows better than
anywhere else in the world. One dollar
grows to ten before you know it. The
Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Los
1 \ngeler Examiner will give some exam
' pies of actual cases. Out December 35.
i Mailed to any address in United States
or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign
points 25 cents Send in your order now. *
Teachers Wanted
li \->iU ere looking tor position ss tern i.-
er write or call to see us; easy terms.
1 South Atlantic Teachers' Agency 1125 At
lanta National Bank building. Atlanta, Ga
.am* 10-26-81
>.• a \Yj.-j. a few more first grade teach
i ere for rural schools, five months. Janu
iarv openings laclj assistants $45. men
principals $75 Write, for blanks Regis
te Veach era Agency. Register, Ga n
lv* .
qprri > rollment; good opening*
vet Foster’s Teachers Agency, Atlanta
Ga. „„
Salesmen Wanted,
i (VENTED- Salesmen for 1913 to sell our
exclusive lines of calendars, signs, fans
ind novelties. M'e are manufacturers.
I \v». cave men making SIOO a week 4. rite
' fc<inv The Winters Company. Spring
field < >hi‘.c
y/V~i'i'D Traveling men who are mak-
I s rc siriall towns and cross roads stores
■ , >Brdh- our rev an.i up-to-date pocket
, ipe Pa’s a commission of $4 per
■ r.u i- \ wirinei For full particulars.
1.,.,1t-.”- Burd .Manufacturing t'onipany.
<igr.i street, fchicago, m. .0-26-10
I . ~U'ri b'-o-.i' ■■<• our
I ar/ Ic.- Southern So ye ami
A ;■. eh • 0-16-4
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED—Capable salesman to cover
Georgia with staple line. High commis
sions. SIOO monthly advance and perma
nent position to right man. Jess H.
Smith Company, Detroit. Mich 42-26-10
WANTEIb—Man to travel in Georgia:
soaps, groceries, jewelry, etc. Good
pay and tailored suit or twenty-yea r gold
watch in nintey days. Experience un
necessary. J. E. Mcßrady & Co.. Chicago.
got it; a .big holiday-maker for vou; 25
per cent commission. Write the Import I
Company. 624 Granite building. St. Louis.
•A'L 10-19-15
WANTED—A high-grade
specialty salesman. Splen
did opportunity for a good
producer. Call at once 604
Third National Bank Build
ing. 10-25-27
WANTED—Live, producing insurance
men for Genera! and local agents for
Georgia and aujoining states. Under
writers Realty Company, 66 West Mitch
el! street. Atlanta. Ga.lo-23-16
WANTED to plant tn southern
California, where it grows better than
anywhere else in the world. One dollar
grows to ten before you know it. The
Ninth Anniversary Edition of The Ix>s
Angeles Examiner will give some exam
pies of actual eases. Out December 25.
Mailed to any address in United States
or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or foreign
points 25 cents. Send in your order now.
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS—Get busy. ~Make' $25 weekly
easily. Fast sellers. Big profits. Men
or women agents send for free circulars.
Bert Mullen, 1325 West Walnut street,
Des Moines. lowa. 76-26 10
AGENTS— Big money in window signs.
Our beautiful gold letters easily mount
ed, 1c each. Samples complete. Instruc
tions free. Eastern Specialtv Company, 63
Barclay street. New York. 73-26-10
At lEN'fs—Here’s the best line of flavors,
perfumes and toilet preparations ever
offered. No capital needed. Fine sample
case furnished to workers. Write quick
for full particulars. American Products
Co., 6445 Sycamore st., Cincinnati, Ohio.
$1,200 COLD CASH made, laid, banked
in 30 days by Stoneman; $15,000 to date.
Join our famous SI,OOO class, which abso- i
lutely Insures SI,OOO per man, per county. I
Korstad, farmer, did $2,200 in 14 davs; I
Schleicher, minister, $195 first 12 hours |
after appointment. Ten inexperienced I
men divided $40,000 within 18 months. I
Strange invention startles world. Agents '
amazed. Think what this invention does:
Gives every home a bathroom with hot
and cold running water for $6.50. Abol
ishes plumbing, waterworks. Self-heat
ing. No wonder Hart sold 16 in 3 hours
$5,000 altogether; Lodewick 17 first day.
Credit given. Come now. Investigate.
Postal will do. Exclusive sale requires
quick action, but means SI,OOO and more
for you. Allen Mfg. Co., 3588 Allen Bldg.,
Toledo. Ohio. 68-26-10
AGENTS—Just coin money selling New
Improved Hosiery direct from mill with
our big advertising offer. You can make
$25 daily. Everybody buys Credit. Sam
ples in leatherette case free. New lin
proved Knitting Mills, Chicago. 67-26-10
AGENTS WANTED—Men and women to
sell the best selling insurance on earth.
One agent sold 200,000 last month. Dis
trict managers wanted for Mississippi,
Alabama and. Georgia. Address Joiner ft
Hitch, 646 Temple Court building. At
lanta. 10-26-37
• 5 25i' PAH' for distributing 2,000 free pack
ages perfumed soap powder in your
town. Reliable men or women. No money
required. L. R. Ward & Co., 1770 Berteau
avenue, Chicago. 40-26-10
BETnBePENDENT! Start a mail order
business In your own home. We tell
you how, and furnish everything needed
wholesale. An honorable and profitable
business for man or woman. Particulars
free. Many make S3OO a year. Murphy
Manufacturing Company, South Norwalk,
Conn. 5-11-5
AGENTS Write today for information.
Article of merit and big seller. You can
stand back of it. T. J. Durrett, Cordele.
Ga. 49-12-10
ANYBODY can make money selling Waitr
esses. They all want it: sells itself.
Not sold in stores. Sell two, four, six in
every home—forty or fifty a day. Made
of Swedish paper. Hangs dresses, suits,
overcoats without folding or mussing.
Three sizes. 40c, oOe, 75c. Goulding sold
; 2,000, Gridley 500, Mrs. Webster 300 in
. three days. Evans 100. Quick sales:
I large profits. No experience. Free sam-
I pie offer. Write for description agents
I selling plan. Walts Manufacturing Com
pany, 39 Miller building, Cincinnati. Ohio.
about to spend SIOO,OOO on a tremondous
advertising campaign requires the serv
| ices of a bright man or woman in each
town and city. The work is easy, pleas
| ant and highly respectable, and no previ
ous experience is necessary. We will pay
a good salary and offer an unusual oppor
tunity for advancement to the person who
can furnish good references. In addition
to this salary we offer a Maxwell Auto
mobile, a Ford Automobile and over SB,
900 in prizes to the representatives doing
the best work up to December 31. In
your letter give age and references. Ad
dress IRA B. ROBINSON. Advertising
Manager, 2168 Beverly St., Boston. Mass
A $5,000 accident and sickness policy cov
ering auto accidents, $lO per year
Write for application blank. Box 180,
Loganville, Ga. 43-21-10
FOR SALE—Farm one-fourth as large
and five times as good as the one you
are tolling on back East. Take advan
tage of the percentage in your favor. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An
geles Examiner, out December 25, will tell
vou how this can be. Mailed to any ad
dress in United States or Mexico 15 emits.
I Canada or foreign points 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 10-21-4
Situations Wanted—Male and
WANTED -Ships of all kinds to burn
California oil and carry merchandise for
the port of Los Angeles to and from the
Panama canal. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition ot The Los (ngeles Examiner, out
December 25th, tells just what the canal
will do to Southern California. Mailed to
any address in United States or Mexico,
15 cents; Canada or foreign points, 25
cents. Send tn your order now. _lO-21-4
EXAMINE the royal
Model 5 Before You Buv
Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED—Position as experienced
housekeeper in hotel Will consider
anything out of city. Answer P O Box
356, Atlanta. 34 26-10
W(>Ctb like a position as cook or house
worker with a good family of people
that are going to Florida for the winter.
Call at 386 Fukonjft. 67-25-10
DRES.SMAKfNG -Mr*.“'N. ~S~Smith 'will
be glad to see her customers at 96
Love street, near Washington. Children’s
dresses a specialty. Phone Main 1888-J.
YOUNG LADY wishes position with good
concern. Seven years experience in
steno-bookkeeptng Can furnish best of
references. Business reasons for making
change Address M B. S., Box 206, care
Georgian. 27-25-10
COLfiftED GIEI wants work as office
maid or other public work. Call At
lanta phone 3341, or write Rebecca, 370
McDaniel street 57-24-10
EXPicffIENUED stenographer wishes po
sition at once: neat and accurate; ran
give the best of references Address Mrs.
Tllgglns. 340 Whitehall or phone Main
2913. 32-24-10
• COLt'TIED NURSE wishes massage case*
a’ your home Address X H . Box 206
I care Georgian. 55-24-10
| .MIDDLE-AGED LADY, well educated,
wants housekeeper's position, to super
l vise and do pract cal work in widower s
horn*. wi<! family, one servant, no la
! l»>e- Particulars and rofererer -' Lour a
i Hale> general delivery,. Maeor •;«.
uJ 23 10
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED—A position as private teacher
in some nice family or as company for
some nice, Christian lady, in or around
Atlanta preferred: state salary; best of
references given and requested. Miss A.
Jones, Henry Ellen. Ala. 48-24-10
LADY with several years experience in
bookkeeping and clerical work; good ref
erences; desires employment at once. Ad
dress C., Box 203, care Georgian. 39-24-10
Foil SALE—Farm one-fourth as large
and five times as good as the one you
are tolling on back East. Take advan
tage of the percentage in your favor. The
Ninth Anniversary edition of The Los An
geles Examiner, out December 25. will tell
you how this can be. Mailed to any ad
dress in United States or Mexico 15 cents,
Canada or foreign points 25 cents Send
in your order now 10-21-4
WANTED Stenographer's position; fine
English education. Write Demonstra
tlon, care Georgian. . * 10-19-60
PERFECTION oil heaters. $3.50 up.
Southern Stove and Supply Company,
121 Whitehall. 10-15-i
WANTED Plain dressmaking. 485 Peach
tree street. Upstairs. Phone Ivy 2933-J.
Situations Wanted—Male.
position with Atlanta architect; in suc
cessful business for self several years;
good on perspective and preliminary work;
renders in pen and ink and water colors;
age 28; married; Mason, Christian;
thoroughly settled; will do anything con
nected with office or building trades; will
start on reasonable salary. Address
Draftsman, car«_Georgian. 93-26-10
WANTED—A position by a registered
graduate druggist in Georgia town of
from 3,000 to 8,000 population; is em
ployed at present, but desires to perma
nently settle in a smaller town. Address
At Once, care Georgian. 88-26-10
1V AN T ED —By professional mule teacher,
position in business college or will es
tablish business college where one is de
sired. Also teaches literary branches
Excellent Indorsements. Experienced in I
bookkeeping and hotel management. Ad- |
dress Reliable, Box 1.0, care Georgian
66-26-10 5
SALESMAN with year’s eiyierlence de-
sires city work. Address Box 219, care
Georgian. 60-26-10 ''
AN experienced chief cook xvants work at
once, with good references. 172 Pled
nivnt avenue. 59-26-10
SITUATION WANTED by man past mld
dle age to assist in office and do some
collecting. Resident of city thirty rears
Bond end reference. Address J. W. B , 85 I
Bryan street. 30_-26-10 I
WANTED Position in afternoons and!
Saturdays by gentleman; clerking or 5
keeping books. Address I)., Box 215, care
Georgian. 38-26-10
\VANTEI i By young man, age 19, posi-
tlon in office; have knowledge of book
keeping and stenography; will take posi
tion as apprentice in mechanic shop. Ad
dress 440 Woodward ave. 51-25-10
POSITION WANTED by bookkeeper.
aged 30. want position giving all or most
of time out,of doors, where he can use
experience gained in ten years railroad
and commercial work. Have handled la
bor and can give bond if required. 11.
A. L., care Georgian. 44-25-10
YOUNG MAN, 20, must have work, good
character and willing; use typewriter,
collect and office work. Salary no object.
Let me prove. Sincere. Box 868. care
• leorgian. 43-25-10
WANTED—At once, position by young
married man; have had long experience
in general office work, loose leaf book
keeping, and have had a little experience
as stenographer. Am now employed, but
wish a change. Address Box 999, care
Georgian. *52254®
COLORED boy wants position as chauf
feur: willing to <lo butler work. Ad
dress Chauffeur, Box 864. care Georgian.
FIRST-CLASS accountant and auditor
with practical experience; sober, ener
getic and competent; desires connection
with high-grade firm or corporation; best
of reference and bond. Address I’, O.
Box 556, Rome, Ga. 60-23 10
WANTED- By practical scientific farmer.
position as overseer 1913; good manager
of labor; guarantee results under normal
conditions: systematic rotation; legitimate
responslbilty assumed. Address J. H.
Cotton, Bennettsville, S. C. 51-23-10
CAN REPAIR and tune any kind of mu
sical instrument: twenty-two years in
the business. Automatic and inner play
ers. orchestrions, and band organs. I’ O.
Box Atlanta^ Ga. 43-22-10
WANTED -By present foreman of United
Motor Atlanta Company’s garage to
make a change. References as to ability
as salesman or to take charge of any
garage; salary on agreement; capability
unsurpassed. Address W. D. May, care
United Motor Atlanta Company, 380
Peachtree street. 10-21-15
WANTED-Manufacturers anu merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal. It is located at Los An
geles, the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25,
will have the facts about this great proj
ect. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents, Canada or for
eign points 25 cents. Send in your or
:ow. 10-21-4
GOOD, SOBER, steady man wants Job
running stationary engine. Can give
good references and have good expe
rience. Address W. T Johnson, 12 New
York avenue, Atlanta. 31-21-10
Boarders Wanted.
I SEE “Room* and Board” Under Georgian
I Rent Bulletin.
Lost and Found.
LOST —Bunch keys in postoffice Friday
morning Return to Lyric box office and
receive reward. 90-26-10
LOST Atlantic CoasF Line railway pass,
property »f Mrs. A. I. Whipple. Re
turn to 556 South Pryor and receive re
ward. 37-25-10
LOST or stolen one bay mare, three white
feet: weighs 850 pounds. Finder call
3104, reward. 29-25-10
LOST -Small black purse containing bills
and check. Mrs. G. E. Miller. Chatn
blee, Ga. 28-25-10
LOST- Tuesday, on Highland avenue
road, tan colored St. Bernard puppy.
Answers to name Teddy Phone Ivy 265.
Reward. _ J 3-24-10
WANTED-Manufacturers and merchants
to help manage the business end of the
Panama canal It is located at Los An
i geles, the key to the great Southwest.
The Ninth Anniversary edition of The
Los Angeles Examiner, out December 25,
will have the facts about this great pref
ect Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents. Canada or for
eign points 25 cents Send in y our or
der now 16-21-4
Sewing Machines
WE KENT new machines with complete
set of atta aments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases,
' '’“retailed
PHO^’F 8 h *l! Vain I '* 76 - Atlanta ISM
Stove and Range Repairing.
We sell secondhand gas stoves
We sweep chimneys
Atlanta Phone 2235 Bell Phone Main 2639
Instrument Makers.
Instrument Makers
N<>« UX'tTED 8T 2871*. EIKSEWQOD
At I'NI'F. Ml kinds of high-grade I'ght
I machine work done. Special attention
I gitm to lej.ait! g ol engineers' inrtru
ineii » i.iA'FUS' ecu TR ANSITS 10-24-26
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting and Searching Through This Bulletin.
Are you looking for the best Rooms, Houses. Apartments, Rooms for House eeping. Offices, Business
Locations. Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and Rooming places, etc.? .
This bulletin contains a complete list of every desirable and suitable place that Is For Rent in the city
and suburbs in each issue.
For the benefit and convenience of our patrons The Georgian employs special men to cover the citv and
suburbs each day In search of all the desirable places.
Save time, useless steps, money and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take
advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
Close in. First-class
meals. For particulars call
or phone 115 Auburn ave
nue. Atlanta phone 4477.
TO A COUPLE of gentlemen, in a fur
nace heated home; everything first
class. Phone Ivy 3281. or cal! 200 West
Peachtree. All convenietwes.lo-26-65
76 WEST PEACHTREE —Refined couple
or two refined ladies can get room and
board in nice home, where there are only
a few select boarders. Phone. Ivy 1727.
PLEASANT room with board; refineS
couple or young men; two beds; con
veniences: references. Main 5361-J, at
111 Washington.lo-26-63
WANTED ('ouple or two young men or
young ladies; day boarders wanted; ex
cellent meals. 139 West Peachtree ivy
1050-L. 10-26-52
NICELY furnished rooms and excellent
table board. 121 Capitol square. Main
4839-1,. 10-26-41
149 West PEACHTREE-Large front
room, with board, in private home.
LARGE, comfortable rooms with board,
all conveniences, close In. Main 5527-J.
158 Washington 10-26-40
PI.EASANT ROOM with board. " 79 'W<xst
J’fachtree street. Ivy 1419-J. 10-26-38
SINGLE ROOM; tirst-ciass" board. 29 ■
East Harris. Ivy 3741-L. 10-26-48 i
WELt. FI’RNISHED koOMS in first- J
class boarding house; all conveniences. I
179 Capitol avenue. Main 3758-J. 10-26-51 !
NICE rooms with good board; close in;
table board; reasonable rates. 72 Spring
strmit. »U*®llo
NEW Gordon street furnace heated home:
every convenience: unfurnished rooms;
sleeping porches: with board Call Main
2312-J. 10-25-31
R< >< 'M and board to couple or busiii.->
ladies. Main 1592-J,58-25-10
LARGE, delightful front room, private
bath, steam heat, best location, excel
lent table West Peachtree. Ivy 1969-L.
EXCELLENT front room and all conven
iences; walking distance; good table;
home-llke. Call Ivy 2856-L.47-25-10
ROOM-MATE for young man in private
family; every convenience; rates reas
onable Call Ivy 3824-.1.5U24-10
RO(>M and board, block of Candler, Bldg.
102 Ivy street. 10-24-37
LAfiGE front room for couple-or gentle
men: hot and cold water; $46 per month
with board. 130 Ivy streejh 10-M-W
THREE young ladles < an get room and
board in private family. Rates reason
able. References. Main 380-J. 10-24-28
ROOMS and board in flrst-ciass house;
every home comfort; no children taken
under 12. 82 E. North ave. Ivy 5651.
PI.EASANT room with board Refined
couple or young men. Two beds, con
veniences, references. Main 5361-J. at
11l Washington street. 10-2448
WANTED —Few boarders at 53 Crew st
Main 5485-1.. 10-24-20
NICE large room, with board. $4 to $6
per week. 123 Capitol avenue. HB-2£-10
ROOM AND BOARD for couple Tn pri
vate family. Steam-heated apartment.
All conveniences Call Ivy 5792. 34-22-10
FOUR young men or business women in
private family; room and board. Terms
■ reasonable. 261 Forrest avenue. Phone
Ivy 6185. 27-24-10
LARGER neat front room; good board;
first-class house; $4 per week: near In.
_ 26-24-10
NICE sloeping porch, suitable for two
young men; excellent meals; $4.50 per
month. Main 3618-J. 10-22-45
NEAT ROOMS an<T homelike cooking;
also table board: close in. 127 Capitol
avenue. Main 5172-J. 10-22-26
INMAN PA kT ■One or two furnished!
rooms, adjoining bath. Board optional.
96 Sinclair avenue. 10-21-9
HELP WANTED-To develop the re
sources of Southern California, the land
of progress and new Ideas. Read about
the opportunities In the Ninth Anniver
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam
iner, out December 35th. Mailed to any
address in United States or Mexico, 15
cents a copy: Canuda or foreign points.
25 cents. Send In your order io>w. 10-21-4
WEST T<Xl>- Near corner Gordon and
Lee streets. Good table board; rea
sonable. Also one J'oom: to either cou
ple or tw'<> gentlemen 156 Gordon street
Bell phone West 17-L. 10-18-10
Board Wanted.
GENTLEMAN wants small room with
meals tn strictly tlrst-dass boarding
house, north side of town; must have
breakfast al 7 and dinner at 12:30; give
price and location in answering this ad.
Addres- Box 209, care Georgla.ii. 68-25-10
A WIDOW desires i,.oni and board with,
private family West End preferred.
References. Phone West 726 10-24-9
Furnished Rooms For Rent
TWO niqely furnished front rooms, com
plete for housekeeping; private en
trance; new wall paper; new beater; new
curtains; on ideal suite for Northern cou
ple; hot bath. Bell phone: best location;
to couple without children; sl6 290
Washington st.lo-26-68
NICET-Y furnishrel front room; north side,
close in: one block from Lyric, rates
reasonable. 49 W. Cain.lo-26-64
NICELY' furnished room; steam heat, hot
and cold water 14 W. Baker st. Phone
Ivy_so3!<. 88-26-10
TRAVELING MAN wants gentleman to
occupy room with him in bachelor apart
ment; njust be a good fellow; everything
O. K. Address Bachelor, care Georgian.
FOR RENT In walking distance, be
tween Jackson and Boulevard, eastern
exposure, newly furnished four-room
apartment. S3O, also three-room apart
ment, newly furnished. S2O. nice section;
locker rooms In basement. Owner, 323
st. 82-26-10
ANTE IT (me or two business ladles to
share nicely furnished housekeeping
FOP. RENT Newly "furnished rooms,
with board; all modern conveniences.
179 North Jackson. Ivy I 10-H-M
i I’OR TiENT Six furnished rooms In north
I side home Cal! Ivy 3614-J. 10-26-39
NICELY furnished room with board; all
conveniences. 62 West Baker. Ivy
5025-,R_ 10-26 47
NICELY furnished front room in steam
heated apartment: bath adjoining. 4(i
East Baker. Ivy 2965-L. 10416-46
>ll Furnished rooms for house-
keeping, on two car lines, one block
from Peachtree 75 East Pine, corner
RENT Nicely furnished steam
heated room; very reasonable. Apply
Frederick Apartments, 352 Whitehull:
apartment D. 68-26-10
’I v\ o nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping, ail conveniences: close In:
$8.60 per week Phone 3058-B, 242 Cen
tral 57-26-10
NICELY furnished front room: conve
nient; quiet; Catholic family Phone Ivy
261*6-.1, 55-26-10
TWO newlj furnished front rooms for
light housekeeping to couple in owner's
'new home _l''Y_34Bßj4 ; . 10-26-29
I WANTED Gentlrmafi roomers $2.50 and
s:■' per y eek H* .<rt of city, hup block
Ifi'im union <!ep< ‘ Young's Hoto 1 . 27*4
'South Pryoi streei. 44-26-16
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
'furnished steam
heated room, light and airy; near in;
sls. 28 East Alexander. Apartment A.
Ivy 1068. 10 26-19
FOR RENT—Unfurnished, for light
housekeeping, four nice upstairs rooms
with bath. Call Ivy 3835-J. 32-26-10
TWO NEATLY’ furnished rooms for rent
at 170 Washington street; three minutes
walk to KlmbaH house. 49-26-10
Fduit or five furnished rooms for house
keeping. with all conveniences, will be
vacant on the first. 178 Forrest avenue.
A NICELY' furnished, steam heated room,
with or without two beds; adjoining
bath. Call nt No. 30 Avalon apartments.
Phone Ivy 5119-J. 27-26-10
FURNISHED room, connecting bath; all
conveniences; private family; north
side; references exchanged Phone Ivy
3913 10-25-28
KITCHENETTE and bed room for light
housekeeping; private family. 70 West
Bilker. Ivy 3366-J.lO-25-26
FOR RENT -Front room; new apartment:
first floor; nice bath; near in. YVould
allow housekeeping. Main 3188-J.
FOR AenT —Two front connecting rooms
downstairs; fumlshexl for light house
keeping: sls per month. 134 Formwait.
FOR RENT—Two beautifully furnished,
connecting, cheerful and homelike first
floor rooms, with ad conveniences: north
side: walking distance; sls ami $17.50 per
month. Gentlemen preferred. 74 East
Merritts avenue.lo-26-16
FOR RENT- Three~furnished rooms for .
light housekeeping at 339 Whitehall.
NEIVLT 1 furnished 7r<>nt room; private
entrance; $8 82 Simpson street 10-25-1
ONE nicely furnished upstairs room. 117
West Baker. Atlanta phone 4655.
FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished rooms,
steam heat, electric lights; gerttlemen
only. Call at 44 East Harris, apartment I.
or telephone Ivy JALE 10-25-3
J*ARGE"'furnished room - to young men,
two single beds, on Piedmont avenue,
three doors north of Forrest avenue. Pri
vate Home. care Georgian.lo-24-44
FOR RENT Nicely furnished steam
heated room adjoining bath; first class
in every respect. Phone Ivy 6849.10-34 41
NICELY' furnished rooms, gas and bath;
close in 206 Ivy street. 10-24-34
TWO furnished bed rooms in steam
heated apartment to gentlemen or two
rooms with kitchenette for housekeeping;
entirely separate; to congenial couple;
close In Phone Ivy J 1713. 10-24-35
NEWLY furnished roomss; hot and cold
water _46 Houston atreet 10-24-38
NICELY' furnisKed room; close in; all con
veniences. 65 East Caln street. Phone
Ivy 6480 10-24419
FOR RENT- Two furnished rooms, bath,
heat, board reasonable; private family;
half block North Forrest avenue 85-A
Summit avenue. 41-34-10
TO COUPLE. <>ne front complete fur
iiished room for light housekoeping; all
conveniences and reasonable. 28 Piiillam
st. Call Main 4231-J. 10-24-30
FOR RENT —Six furnished rooms in north
side home. Ivy 3614-.1.10-24-17
BRIGHT, airy, well-furnished room, con
necting bath, steam heat: electricity;
• phone, everything first clasa; walking
distance. Price reasonable to young men.
Main 9088. 42-24-10
TO NICE .voting man or business woman,
newly furnished front room, all con
vet)lenc<'s. (Iwner 10-2jD25
?OR RUNT Furnished
room near bath; gentlemen only. 194
Ivy. ('all I-.V 6989 J
F< >1: RENT Two furnished rooms for
light housekeeping to couple without
children. Also single furnished room to
gentlemen. Phone,,Main 3069. 58 Form
wait. 10-24-14
FOR RENT Delightful front room, pri
vate bath: garage: refined home. Peach
tree, care Georgian. 27-M-1O
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms;
strictly private home. Gentlemen pre
ferred. 19 East llarris ; lo-22 30
FOR RENT —Nice, large rooms, for cou
ple or gentlemen. 210 Spring Ivy
' 10-32-25
F< >lt HEXT Two (■onnecting furnished
rooms for housekeeping 58 West Peaeh
tree. 10-21-30
CONGENIAL young man roommate; nice,
steam-heated room, close in, $9. Inquire
Ivy 5680-J. 10-21-33
FOR Sent Furnished front room for I
ladies only. 251 Capitol avenue 10-21-3
WAITED Visitors to come out and see
the great Southwest Most of them
will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
I lecember 25th, will set forth the reasons.
Mailed to any addrt «s in United States or
Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send in your order now. 10-21-4
TWO beautifully furnished front rooms;
adults: North avenue; block Peachtree.
Pyy 514.5.10-19-58
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms.
28 W. Peachtree place. Ivy 6537-J.
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep-
ing 106 Auburn avenue. Atlanta
5740- A. 10-16-22
Look at our stoves and ranges before
you buy one anywhere Southern
Stove and Supply Company. 121 Whlte
NICELY ftirnlslied rooms, 500 night, $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel,
N. Broad street. Hot and cold water.
What have you lost? Try a three-tlme
ad in the "Ix>st and Found" columns of
The Georgian and recover your article*.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
ON TeTond~Buck
head. three upstairs rooms. $5; two
beautiful downstairs rooms, $lO. Y’lrglnia,
Georgian. 80-26-10
FOR RENT -Unfurnished rooms; also j
one furnished first floor front room.
Fine location. Ivy 895-L. 10-26-62
)R IYENT -Two or three unfurnished
connecting rooms, suitable tor light
housekeping, at 90 Richardson street.
! ' •'•: KENT Thtoe nice, large, light, con
necting rooms, private entrance, prl-
I vale bath; garage if wanted: only one
; couple in house; select neighborhood;
north side. 15 YVeet Pine 'lvy 4175-J
He 26-40
T\Vo or three targe connecting rooms; all
convenience*; private entrance; in <:<«-
tage with couple 163 Oak street, We*t
I End. 53-26- 10
| FOR RENT— Four unfurnished rooms, two
blocks of Candler building No children.
First floor. 166 Courtland Main 4347-J.
I 10-26-28
; !■'< ill RENT -Two of three nice connect
ing unfurnished rooms for housekeep-
' ing. modern conveniences and reasonable
rent to right party. 34 East Alexander
street (between the Peachtree*). 47 26- 10
Fi Kt RENT—Unfurnished room; close Tn;
$£.210 South Pryor.lo-26-28
Pgr tiENT (sne large downstairs room]
all conveniences; cheap; close in Good
section. £7O Houston street. Phone Ivy
6651. 10-38-34
E< >li KENT Two unfurnished rooms to
couple without children, in private fam
ily; one-half block from Cooper street.
16 Eugenia street. 46-26-10
TW( ’ iarg<- upslairs rooms; ball: private
poreh. 400 Courtland street. 29-26-10
TW<> unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping Main 1.872. 307 Whitehall
Three or four
papered; near capitot, modern iinprove
ment.s Bell phone Mam 3889-J. 10-25-26
FOUR connecting rooms: clean and •om
f< liable; No. 5 Oglethorpe <’ourt en
lisnce No 44 East <’aiu. 48 25-10
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Four rooms, complete apart
ment, in West End, near Gordon street,
in home of owner, also three-room apart
ment; every convenience for housekeep
ing; no children Phone West 668-L.
TWO nice rooms w'ith kitchenette for light
housekeeping at 247 Grant street, one
block of St. Paul church, only $12.50.
FOR RENT -Three large unfurnished
connecting rooms for light housekeep
ing to ixrties without children. Bell
phone 3868-J. 10-22-3
tl'AfJ'TEb -Children to attend the beat
schools in the United States. Thev are
located in Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner will
tell the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. .Mailed to any address In I’nited
States or Mexico 15-cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now 10-21-4
THREE connecting upstair rooms: all
modern conveniences; no children. Ap
ply 60 East Alexander, corner Peachtree
and Alexander. Ivy 2326. 10-19-11
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent •
FOR RENT—Two large front unfurnished
connecting rooms for housekeeping,
close in 127 Washington street. Main
NEAT rooms for housekeeping close tn
229 Central avenue. 10-21-7
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent,
TWO unfurnished or partly furnished, 01
room and kitchenette: electric lights and
all modern conveniences; reasonable. 31
stre ® t - 1.0->G-'io
LARGE front room; close in; gae an»i
_ 1 j 1 .,. t - 10-23-4
THREE or four rooms, furnished or un
furnished, for housekeeping, or will rent
Singh* to gentlemen; first floor: private
rSJ l A Hifhts and all conveniences
156 East Fair street Main 4758. 10-24-3
ROOMS furnished and unfurnished. 143
Spring street. 10-19-38
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished five-room
apartment, north side, November 1 to
May 1, Furnace. Phone Ivy 6047. 10-23-4
FIVE beautiful sunshiny rooms or three
rooms and two large rooms with kitchen
ette; lovely for winter; bath and modern
conveniences; north side. Phone Ivy 2478
b<>R RENT—HaIf cottage, completely
furnished; four connecting rooms and
bath; everything private: new gas range,
sink in kitchen, hot water attachments,
phone, good locality, mar cars: south
Side. Phone Main 4433-J. 10-21-34
WANTEI' - Children to attend the best
schools in the United States. They are
located in Southern California Bring the
old folks along The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The I#>s Angeles Examiner will
toll the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address In United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points. 25 cents. Send in your orde:
now. 10-21-4
Unfurnished Houses For Rent
FOR RENT Three and four-room houses
$6 and $10; also brick apartment, S3O
Ivy 4676.10-25-6
FoR RENT—Seven-room brick house,
large lot, central, stables, garage. Main
4091-. T. e 10-24-5
ARTISTIC BUNGALOYY'] screened, fur
nace. tile bath, garage Anslev Park.
care Georgian. 26-23 10
HELI’ WANTED- To develop the resour
ces of Southern California, the land of
progress and new Ideas Read about the Op
portunities in the Ninth Anniversary' Edi
tion of The Ix>s Angoles Examiner, out
December 25th. Mailed to any address in
United States or Mexico. 15 cents a copy:
Canada or foreign points, 25 cents. Send
in your order now. 10-21-4
IF YOU want your proper
ty rented list it with me.
We act quick. See Mr. A.
S. Giles. Edwin P. Ansley.
Kent department. Phone
1600? 10-19-53
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O.
Cochran, 1? Soutit Broad street 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a. modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Stores For Rent.
BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad
joining, north side, good location. C
Yv. Hatcher, both phones 44, 221 Grant
Bldg. ■ 14-18-45
Office Space For Rent.
HALF of pleasant office for rent. Appß
,_327_Austell Bldg 85-26-1(1
CAN DIVH'E largr office in Austell bldg.,
including use of telephone, for $lO. Ad
dress Box 789, < arc Georgian. 10-26-58
WANTED—Some one to share office rent
and stenoip’apher'H salary with me in
Austell building When replying state na
ture of your business. Xddress Rex. care
Georgian. 49-25 10
E< IR RE NT—Desk space with telepfion e
and stenographic service. Atlanta Build
ers’ Exchange. 1510 Candler Bldg. 56-26-10
Garages For Rent.
GARAGE for rent Apply 442 Peachtree.
Fire-Proof Storage.
goods u:7d
pianos. Office and warehouse. 239-241
Eugewood avenue Ivy 2037 loan J.
Woodside Storage Company
Furnished Rooms Wanted
TWO young men desire steam-heated
room, furnished with two beds: must be
near in and reasonable. Answer, stating
terms to "Immediate,” Box 203. ■ are
Georgian. 25-24-10
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted
TWo lii'Si.NESS ‘JIRI.S want two tine
unfurnished rooms and kitchenette, near
in. reasonable, or select boarding place,
near in; S2O a month. Answer. 15 West
Pine Iv> 4175-J.lO-26-66
WANTED Two large or three small (Tv
furnished rooms, by elderly couple. Ad
dress ('. fi'-le._care _Georglan. 48-36-10
TRAVELING MAN wishes at once three
or four Unfurnished room*: nortn side
preferred or share house with couple
references exchafiged. Write or . all
J. F. Reed. 103 W. Harris street 34-24-16
If what you have for sale Is not wore
the price of aW’ant Ad in The GemgAn
for a few times then talk business to th*
junk ni«u.