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Newspaper Page Text
McConnell Shoe and Clothing
Under New Management
With a Complete New Stock of
Fall and Winter Clothing
Regular sls to S3O
fen’s High-Class
Are Offered at
lIPIW i f W. ,- j; /
$lO F I
uM ftW 11
S2O =H M
1 ¥
zAj'iX “ SHOES
11111 w'Mr In addition
41/iwltiiM to the b ' ! r
ijhiJw \. r tk«ar. I ’ ill »') stock oI
il /JlpF > a 1 en .’ s
O ne ot ' t * le ■
|W® , ar ß est ,. .
|WfIM I W<l< lines of
I wH Fu . rnish - t
JOSHI \ <r:.jr 5 in £ s ;
OHd/ V’ Mens, I
\K*l \ Women’s and Children’s
lAO Shoes in the city will be s’
■ \7 found at money-saving ;
BOYS 5 ’ "\
vioining . 4 yy
Department | 1
Our Boys’ Clothing i 1
Department offers ex- A 1 |jl
ce. tional values to the g£ ||d 1
economical mother. Ft * ? < -it
Nowhere else will ‘
such values in knicker- W
Meker suits, odd pants j
1 overcoats be found.
opu ar rlcos W’ : Pr vai in Al Depar men s
2reat buying facilities make i’ poss Tn 11 °
bigger bargains in all departments tha <’
Known before. No matter what you want in our line,
1 n save you money. L
“The Store That Sells °r L * ss :’’ ?
FILSAN, Manager. Cor n er Fy P ~c t
30 Seconds From Five Po u. J
Allen & Kenna. with their big com
pany of Aviation Girls, will be seen tn
Atlanta for the first time today in a
new comedy, entitled “Spending a Mil
lion. ' ».
This is one of the classiest musical
comedy companies on the road, and the i
pa runs of the Bonita will without I
doubt greatly enjoy their engagement.
The costumes of this company are j
said to bo the finest that have ever I
been shown in a popular priced house in I
the South.
Continuous performances will bej
given both afternoons and evenings, I
v. i h beautiful motion pictures in adrii -l
Manager Glenn is to be congratulate.! !
on the high quality of the attractions]
lie is booking for the Bonita. (Advt.)
Are you looking for Real Estate to in
vest in or do you want to sell vour pr.»p
°r’y? Then read the Real Estate \ds
in The Georgian. Ever> dealer of ini- I
rortanee tn me real estate business tn ;
•Ins section, advertises in The Georgian's !
Real Estate columns.
A Few Applications of “La
Cieole” Hair Dressing
Will Restore the Nat
ural Color to Gray,
Streaked or Thin
out one gray hair- and a dozen
u ill take its place.’’ to a great extent is
true, if no step arc taken tn stop the
?aus« . When gray hairs appear apply i
it once "La Creole” Hair Dressing. It is
Nature's own remedy. Gray hair, dull,
hair, or hair that is falling out, is
not necessarily a sign of advancing age.
for there are thousands of elderly people
with perfect heads of hair without a sin
gle streak of gray.
When gray hair comes, or when the hair
•< ems to be lifeless or dead, some good.
■ liable hair-restoring remedy should be
tpplied at once. Those who have tried it
that the best preparation to use is
the famous “La Creole’’ Hair Dressing,
i preparation originated by a fanuxus and
proud Creole beauty forty years ago.
-«'«-7itiiically compounded with hair ton
es and stimulants.
"La C/eole’’ Ha ; r Dressing is clean and
wholesome and p* r fcctly harmless. It re
freshes dry. parched hair, removes dan-
Iruff and gradually restores faded or
gray hair to its original color.
Don’t delay another minute. Start
using “La Creole’’ Hair Dressing at once,
ind see what a difference a few days’
'realmint will make in your hair.
This preparation is offered to the pub
at $1 a bottle, and is recommended by
ill druggists. (Advt.)
By Dr. W !l BAKER’S
i überc liar Remedy
lie greatest Tonic. Alterative. Kxpecto-
•it ard Tissue Builder in the world.
The result of twenty-one years’ earnest
ludy and research of a prominent ethical
i ysician.
If you have friends suffering or even
meatened with tuberculosis be sure to
oil th«-!U to send for free booklet on “In
< .. tii g Easts '
uid “How to Live.” It ma.y be* the means
.-aving their lives.
Wo will send you Case Report to fill out
ir our regular Consulting Physician to
xai; inc and he will forward you his sug- i
;> st ions free.
Examinat’on free.
Write for testimonials of prominent peo-
A-.»-nts wanted in every locality. Spe-
. al inducements to traveling men.
510 Hippodrome Building.
Cao' yo'jfl]
| Value fl
I J I ■
Any man cm
ploying a large
L force of men will S
tell you that the
| man with a sav- Lj
ings account is the
. most valuable em-
I! ployee. h
K His mind is free j
H from the strain of < I
t- money worries and
U he can give busi- F '
ness affairs his i;
L whole attention.
Start now to L
IB save. It means a i
better position
- later on. I
j Every Ddlar Deposited
Earns More Dollars
We Pay 4 Per Cent 0
on Savings
j City Savins Bank i
>5 Ea I Ahbama St
I—WiaMlWw-JCT.-.* 'ia—llgßaTS.A ■■Hill Il'lOCr ■ BUYS A— - . * ' -r— I a
11 Henry & S. G. Lindeman Piano 1 1
'' • 7 dS • Vsfcd
W . 4.H888 ATLANTA. GA.. (g I O.U / /I.
t , I\X\ C--y~ , JjY.s .-I Prg'fir A ( |l7 and n.ntfr I I / x
C -'. 2*. *_• T i/n "if t ’
* Kpte ' r / i a f] \ x
i r \
* I,l ' ,Ay - v? ' i, 1
WwWlal x
• •- '■"■■ J r B
...o' IJ Jt OfJ ‘ 1 /I ! ■
OPbP. t |4<*vb Fw'y
' z fttn>z * o/ ' •' ' Anr, ' “ V J /\jl v
u ”" Mutn ‘‘ riA ‘ L 9
/A ' and f _—jf I
i < ,s **, 'k l
l T7, CO; . FGF |
Ilii* official Piano of the Gerard-Thiers Vocal College will Im* a
I Henry & S. G. Lindeman Piano I
ra 'l'liis letter and order is onlv one more 1 estimonial of the unequalled quality, both in tone and eon
| struction. of the HEXItY &S. G. LINDEMAN PIANO.
>3§l Atlanta. Ga., October 24. 1912.
Cleveland - M anning Piano Co.
Gentlemen: After trying many pianos in Atlanta I have decided to purchase the Henry &S. G. Lindeman Baby Grand which I have
been using in my studio, i. e.: No. 37402. For beauty of tone, beauty of workmanship and beauty as to compactness in size, it is in
comparable. I am enclosing my cheque for $700.00. Yours truly. GER A RD-TH I ERS VOCAL COLLEGE.
* Pe- Albert Gerard-Thiers.
JF Albert Gerard-Thiers can see the wisdom of purchasing a HENRY &
S. G. LINDEMAN PLANO, surely you owe to yourself, at least a de- 9
monstration, before you purchase a piano anywhere.
! Cleveland-Manning Piano Co. I
80 North Pryor Street
“The Most Progressive in Our Line” 9
! ' X.■■■■ 9
,U I ..1 —Ml——sr —n— -- :J<H- .-,!■.;. ■M » .Ml .»■»!'«k ■—■ ■ --- . ■!»■■■■ -3...TM1 i . ■■ i.i—iii ■■! _ s rr_ —nr- -U 1.1 Mm—^———^————s
A Smart “BENJAMIN” | To Women-
Model Just Received I About Banking
From New York Wh £ n you carry a bank account with a
a x vni a'l » < good banK. you are getting tne service or ex-
Tlh illustration eiv, - pert tellers, bookkeepers and clerks,
mi iil<-a of the smart "Vl*
lines Inuit into the y (L* d** ion are having your money counted and
model. i cared for, always subject to your check.
new and reniarkalm y t- 7 'x
'•"' ! ill ~ 'i.'i wi’h in. ( . \•' k: / \ Your disbursements are audited for you
'\\n' n C \ \ and your receipts held in orderly file until yoi/
e i'-. foremost tailors. r \ call for them.
Alfred Benjamin Co |L\' H T L ’ ’ J
We would eel: •sn ■ -I ! h ’ S mcans reat convenierce and protec-
cial attention to m-w /,V-' b ! tion to you. Incidentally it means a distinct
'' i 'irmed pa., ii / yj , saving of your time and energy.
u'v / i'u 'i •• 1 ■ '''■*• At this bank, every department of the
1,1 II I-> -I A MIX a. / «* W I--.:’.'-!!" • • 11 • f
fashions. This smart t service is as complete and satisfactory as we
pattern is not shown / t !< can possibly make it.
in the illustration he I *A
' hip'' it is B!i.\ •I) ti ~ p \ And we have a department exclusively for
I • We cordially invite you to do
* " ,,H ‘ * ,ni ' ; '' l "' I’ % \ business with us.
-how you what a stun- I J ®A
nine soil this is. It’s p
“' dd'dd.-jJ' r ' i Fourth National Bank
Shoe and Clothing Co. THE BEST AND QUICKEST
36 Whitehall St.
Use Georgian Want A ds JSETHEGEOK “ IAN ‘ RENTBULLET,N ’’