Newspaper Page Text
We make a specialty of this line, searching the markets for gifts that
are different, and at prices to fit any purse. Our line was never more com
plete, the department is filled to overflowing.
. .. ■.. -
SEVEmm-- 1 >t r . s2 '°°
SELECT FROM —HR HI __d $4 00
in the most beautiful designs and I 4-Piece Tea Sets in best quad- JBF
rich cuttings. ruple plate . .$7.50 to $25.00
'■ Baking Dishes. $5.00 to SIO.OO
2 ■ ISyrup Pitchers . $3.00 to $7.00 ;
Brmid Tr;rs . $1.50 to $5.00 ,<
' Fire Sets.... $5.00 to $15.00
,98c to $5.00 $
i * ’nbrella •‘''•intis $2.50
Genuine hand-hammered cop- w lAF Jr
P pr <‘hating Dish $5.95 1 jfOfcfrSObzm.
Original price was SIO.OO. Y
5 O’ Clock Tea Kettle
\\ e have a big assortment of
U v), : them in brass, copper and ' ... , . , ' ~ ~ , v
• . . , , , ~ . ' ~ Nickel plated ( hating Dish just
8-inch Berry Bowl, like cut .. . $2.1!) nl<> kel-plated finish. Some | |ik „ ( . ut $ . IJ(J
K^ U .‘ a, ;, ,4 o (W PI Yd, Ue i lu O new designs. We haV( . a big asSl)l . lnle „t. Prices
anywhere Huplltated |> ri( . (is ftjy $3 0Q to SIO .OO ( . $ . (J(| SJ . im ,
and Percolators make practi- Such famous brands as IXL ... . .
eal. useful gifts. They come BokerTree brand. Henckel arc showmg a lug assort -
in nickel, copper and alumi- and Landers, Frary & mem in silver, nickel and cop
num $3.50 to $15.00 ('lark . $2.50 to $25.00 per finishessl.69 to $7.50
87 Whitehall Street 53 Peachtree Street
Chamberlin s Johnson=Diißose Company
To Announce .A Demonstration Os
Bear Brand Yarns
We will have with us until November yth a
special demonstrator of Bear Brand Yarns.
Besides giving lessons in knitting and crocheting
she brings with her a beautiful display of made-up
pieces and she will show you how to make them, how
to make such things as mackinaw coats, Manhattan
jackets, scarfs and caps.
We believe our friends will find it interesting as
well as instructive.
—ln the Art Goods Department.
The Charm of the Leather Goods
Was there ever a woman to whom a fine-and soft leather
hand bag or purse did not hold a .certain charm?
in gathering this stock, worked on
that principle.
Ihe result is a display ol notable elegance and distinc
tion, one that means real pleasure ’when you come tq select
one. Tor there is much newness here now, showing the
style changes of the season, those that have won favor in
1 ans. \ lenna, Berlin, London and in New York.
Some ot these smart novelties that were originated
abroad and named in New York are: ’ •
Tne Colonial Dame’---a small strapped purse that
opens into many compartments; one showing a mirror,it may be
had in black or colored seal—to match your suit.
' The Berkley”—a fitted bag showing the tendency toward
small bags. Jt is very compact, very neat.
Another and unnamed novelty is a fine seal purse, rather
long with a new elastic ctfain strap. Very noticeable, too,
aie the pin seal bags ot various shapes, with mountings of
real gun metal
But the collection is such that vou will find a bag to
your own best liking.
n -ices begin at SI.OO.
1 ... fc ...
Avail Yourself of Mrs. Marvin's Visit
She is here demonstrating
La Vida Corsets
She is here as an expert corsetiere and brings to
those who are not satisfied with the style or fit of their
| corset their opportunity to become perfectly satisfied.
' —• -I
, .
, )
Mutt and Jeff
i —~ I
Silk Hat Harry
I Let bul On II
i : ====== |l
fi l
Ihs Dingbats
I =============.
Nel! Srinkißy
* 3 X.,.,.,.. „.L ,
And Articles
by the
Best of i
1 Modern Writers |
| Are
j Regular
Features of
•5 1 A 10c Sale That Will Appeal ?
? T° Your Eyes and Pocketbooks |
'D* Just to prove how great is the variety and quantity of Sr
AJ goods one can get for 10c, Rich’s Economy Basement tea-
lures this special 10c sale. ’ JC
—Everything is underpriced —don't ski}) an item; each is significant of Sr
| big savings. Every item advertised is at 10c.
'■Jb» No phone order, exchanges or approvals.
U) dozen of 3c safety pins. Ten (10) 5c shaving pads r
10 spools darning cotton. 1A 10 spools of machine thread K
12 papers of heavy steel pms. 1 I IF' edU -
I'2o fancy or plain white pearl V Iwo (2) 10c spools 100 yards a?
yjd buttons. One dozen on card. Ten sewing silk. Black and colors.
cards. 5 invisible silk hair nets, with Sr*
12 ironing wax with handles. and without rubbers. jjb
l'i < ' sturdy Galatea cloth, plain, colored, fancies. 27 inches.
yjß 15c soft kimono flannels, neat patterns, light and dark colors. FY ®
b’ e k percale, light and dark grounds, neat designs. 1 I 3 s
15c ITrsian chailies, attractive patterns for kimonos, etc.. 3(1 inch.
•sjj -■ “ . V;11- ds 7c. apron cheek ginghams. Wanted checks and colors
<5! J for 2 yards 10c chambray, pink, bine, gray, tan, 28 inches.
f° r 18-i n<? h embroidery flonneings, 4to 12-inch edgings, etc.
for 21-2 yards 17c outing flannel, dark check patterns.
3* 15c C. T. X. Curtain Swisses. in very neat patterns, 36 inch. 3
15c fine bleached cambric for underwear, 36 inches.
‘‘M Y lir( l- wide cretonne, for draperies, pillows, etc. I I kF*
15c curtain scrim, tan or green .with flowers. 36 indies. VFVz
xv for 2 yards of 7c unbleached domestic, 40 inches wide.
I for 2 yards of 7c cotton chailie, for comforters, etc.
1 III’ for 2 yards of 10c cotton eluny and torchon laces. 5b
for 1 yard 15c line quality soft English nainsook.
15c Linen Glass Towels. 3 Men’s Cambric kerchiefs.
19c Stamped Hand Bags. ?-’"“pT- Bar kerchiefs. J*
' >C b’bbed Hose—boys and IF
Xurses’ 19c Percale Aprons. B ■ girls.
ytSB with bib. J')c Ladies Gauze Hose, in
3® ' ~ . BSRHBEMESK 1 biack, white or tan. Good quality. Jb
25c French Stamping Outfits. 2 pair men’s 15c Socks, black 5=-
'Tmb ii c-ii 1.-, , ! ■ or colors.
lac all pure Silk Ribbon, plain .> . , ~ .
1 1 2 pair girls fiat rib Hose.
b®® solid colors and fancies. Size 7.
.... 5•
15c famous 'Twenty-Mule Team Borax, full pound, only
Z\ 3 packages of Pyle'-. 5c Pearline washing powder.
I 1 3 bars of Swift 's 5c Pride Laundry Soap. I I
.Zjß* ■> ] ar g e b ars o f pure 5,. castile toilet soap.
——- 3 packages of the famous “Gold Dust Twins" 5c powder. ' ■!.
cans o f Fairbanks’ Polly Prim cleanser.
for two (2) ladies’ 10c sew-on hose supporters.
1 for 15c all linen napkins. Firm and flaxfuL ZY
B>l ' s ' ze l’ib°' v eases. Deep hems. I 18/*
25c ceiling feather dusters. A household necessity. J.
for 4 rolls of Pich's Ecpnomy Toilet Paper. - J
' for very prettily stamped buck towels. =====
.g - t
S ’ Advance Notice of a Great Sale. «
■yU Tomorrow we .shall print a full page in The Journal and another J'
XSi lull page in The (it'orgian of BARGAIN NEWS that you just don’t at'
want to miss. «i'-.
Some of the items are advertised at prices to tax vour belief.
ASM But every word is true.
There will be a hurrying and a scurrying from Atlanta breakfast
'53 tables Wednesday morning to come to Rieh’si
& B "°s-
rs.., 1 ■ '■ - nirßirnwr''->wm~w~iii~TTnirTiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiniiii mu uiiihiiiiMMwiiiiMiiiiwiiiL iiifiirrnr
i I
Issi ■ If you want a Good Trunk—one that will wear
, for vears —buv a
Rooms, Ii is made to stand all t e bumps and thumps I
* of continuous travel, and is guaranteed by us
/kOSiST!£“ against breakage.
House of Guaranteed Baggage
92 Whitehall
Hooses i
. _n w— *'■
<ZX |g3| ■ S
p' /or ||
'Tins is the one classification that contains many
A tempting buys each day in The Georgian Want (2x91
Vn„ll i „ GSzl Ad pages. All the various articles of wearing ap- fXJ/j
i. r !n . C''' ll -.'-. books. pietur M . and «,ry kind of
plete list ol al I desirable useful and ornamental merchandise, both new and
furnished, unfurnished. yen second-hand, are daily to be found advertised in
housekeeping rooms the “For Sale*—Miscellaneous’’ columns. Quick
•and rooms with board !S© sales us,ial1 ?' ?ollow these offerings, and what may
tn +me he advertised today that would interest you msj r/xX)
in this page today, and bp Bold before tornorrow coniPS gg
exert dav. Look carefully thru this classification each ryys
Read The Ueorgian ; im™ ?‘ r L,, ""t d ' lay **“ ffil
‘'For Rent” Ads when pyCS lza
SQM gj