Newspaper Page Text
'■Jg STAMPED GOODS, RM| M V sit Our Greater Furni-
| "^ >kmc " ie 's IV|, Qg Di\v3 e vXJo| ,p "‘ m F^Hh fi.„ €
| End = oJ = the=Month Sale: A “Clean-Up” of Broken Lines-Great |
lingerie Waktx Merchandise doesn t last long in this big. busy store. Lines soon become l~ S£
"ken, stocks dwindle to odds and ends, much merchandise becomes soiled from display. WOflieil’S SI.OO <<
< _®’ ’ 01*111 tO $3, at -—Now we just can t have all this merchandise cluttering up stocks and inter- lln*on nt C 3 2 ~
Nearly all the white waists that hiing with regular lines Rich s stocks must always he (dean, fresh and attractive.
*5 er season sre now grouped "w" "’"So every department manager has been set to rumaging—each has brought $1 I mon Suits at oOc
<z® values to $3. Im th all his odd lots, broken lines, and oddsand ends, and marked them ata price to (dear them s ! art °5 P tax''
> Choose lillg , TOS in hig „ alld low quickly. Many of the best items- in lots too small to advertise. . - “pUnoTon'krt’hoZ 2 ‘
Tl | $l5O. Also lingeries'of liner mi lit'"' 'V -t ° i I h(> Htle lasts two days Wednesday and Thursday. But we have no wav of knowing how long inpr ‘
> lily trimmed, worth $3. [>(" jfc V, "‘'°" S lotS * aSt 80 We 110 P lloue l,r mail orders. Salo' starts Wednesday at Y H»®, h “ l'««"'nl»r maker jg
2 I I,, t you-U h«ve n, be lynx.
JJ lliat were s2.sooVX've AU Cha '» t Purchases Made During This Sale Hill Not Be Payable Until December Ist !>fi 1 eyed to Bud the hurts
> hundred it, alla „ llon ly.. ,eraß ! 59c / ' 4|MjiisKSMl S'
, (Ready-to-Wear—Second Floor) ’ 1 1 ~ fine soft ribbed Sea island
j® I —— — ’ I' l - Hi 1j If ’ cotton. Full length sleeves,
c I <• • »-« a ankle lengths, shaped body,
v I <miac rTiIA >1 — mercerized taped and crochet trimmed and pearl
..A# LuUlv3 1 illv tpi.Lt) W<r w ICT' zii buttons such as shown. Fine elastic white rib-
| , PI II Tg 4 </’ 4 0 < /*"’ 4 IK T bed. An sizes - Worth regularly sl, at only 50c. ML-_
5 fS* tne Most Sensational Corset News isss® 38 g
11 HE®g£" z That Atlanta Women Ever Read Over Our Name . S, SM* I
For these $1.25 gloves al 83c are an I fro "' !f P ' BO not t 0 b ® con £ use <] gf*
-> equally good value. Made of specially se- with the silk boot hose commonly offered
~ sea ’ rpronnb i Q ™k <,l-;. £ r • ‘. - - -at this price, r melv finished and full sash-
> i tmse «nd clear hl color"SSuE’m "rn The Very Newest and Finest '""‘ sna ! y'
di and boantiftdly linishrd in ererv drtail. WMWMtaCTBmt toned stlk stookm KS at 4W. Sorvtoe aa. JC
.eam h s , ;.^' v iH'r , th:"''-:"" s " , s,J 'lr r-'l Corsets Greatly Below K”X*'.!? ’
3" I embroidery atitohing on bark. Al aiz°“'it feWKi HAIF PfcTF of silk bale lined. Chiefly tn black, a few
>| white. I.laok, navy, brown, gray, dark red !?< HALf FKILL odd oohtra. •-
"J® j tan and mode. Vx Children’s 15c Stockings, 11c
"TJ I N. B.—We’ll be too busy to try anv on. accept T TkRFS TI4F RF<?T r'HI?QE'T NTT7U7Q Serviceable stockings for sturdy boys and girls.
• phone orders or make exchanges /jb®. I I ‘ “I- O£LC 1 V-V/lX.Oll»l iXItSWo Medium and heavy ribbed, fast black, stainless.
c-r" (Gloves—Main Floor) J E £j[ that wc or any other Southern store ever spiked heel, double sole and double knee, ah
/j/ I printed. A\ e have been favored with the (Hosiery and Underwear—Second Floor)
'tl I infMl Cloth’s I f WSS / Y entire sample line of the renowned Madame Grace *U
.W Llllv.l VlUlllb .W.ov siO I JW/ / that are absolutely the last word Fild-of-the-Moilth Sale of
Small lot ot linen damask table cloth* beautiful materials, exquisite workmanship and
eJJ for round tables. Size 48 and 54 inches h ' / graceful styles. Ulltrimmed HatS 30(1 TfimmillgS
JJ wuth neat scalloped edges. < hoice designs. ( 1 J Jl / Since these are the samples from which the maker Rare chances JG
Odd Table Cloths Save a Third J convinced buyers “from Missouri,” von mat be sure that in this End- , ®_ : ~
c* About a score of ail linen cloths without nap rach corset is as perfect as the maker could create Everv of-the-Month
BP kins to match. Variously in sizes from 2 yards to lo zU' +UIS ... ,1. . i i • i i . i “ <n 1 for
2 1-2 yards square. All at about a third less than ' this Season (.ath model is absolutely new. ‘ ' 11 . aate"
regular prices. j \ £g The materials in these corsets are of the finest im- c ‘‘ v l ;r w ' ,n ] -
tZ 35c Towels 25c ported batiste, coutil and silk and satin brocades and broches All are en t 0 ’! 1 • ■
3J About 300 linen mwk ' fine „„ all ,v. / / «ll<.<l with the gemtin.. wlmloboning. Tlwmod..U nre the very nnwest. for anew hit at very little prices. Forex-
and flaxful. Deep hemstitched borders. Neat de- / lines, low and medium busts extreme. ler.£th hips. -mmlp ;?
TB signs with place for monogram. Size 19x38 inches. y 7 / p nichly trimmed in French and Babv Irish laces, embroider silks SS$
3* 75c Pillow Cases 49c l&W / 7 ' // / a , nd Six hose supporters attached. All on sale at these less $ 5 Velvet Hats, $3.98
TOC rtltow V9C t,7 I'p/Uf than half prices. . Smart styles in large and small shapes, some
Rich’s Cotton round thread pillow cases. Neath I ! .W .. . r. j- with the new tam crowns. Made of a fine quality
5 X^ er £^tE?<^a::llSd^X‘ n ia; / ladameiraceCorsetstff 4Q Madamifir no Anr “ l ’ , " eyou £5
inches. Worth 75c each, for 49c. 77 Usually $4 to $7.50, at / Usually $lO (0 $17.50 aK A/O 7 - 95 Veour Hats, $4.98
~ few $2 a pair f° r A llO a fi’h neu cast s // // I 1 111 I tfdrtb' Shapes as piquant or daring as you please— ~
W with hand-embroidered initials. 45x !t; - rx complete assortment in all styles. Made of tine
inches j I Zfn Cirace rinest 1D to Corsets, $0.98 quality, soft body genuine velour. Black, brown
One small lot of the artistic renaissance cen : i AmCrtCA S RPSt StO 1 Sf) of $$ Taney Bands, $1 ScE
terpieces. 45. 51 and 72 inches in diameter viivu, u ryvuv UV xp \>Vl OCVO <XI 8 fancy bands in pretty combinations of wool,
diinn 4:1 A n £-. on. sE**rl I ' I ... . chenille, velvet and metal effects. Very pretty.
S CtaJaL iLws and Ife Hl ’ - I rade agreements'v it ■ the makers prevent lls
(Linens—Main Floor) XrL'l 3 111 Olli using uames, mt u hen toil sec the boxes you ( Large piece fancy ostrich feathers in smart
JW Stfkrh J / >'/ " " instfiiitlv recognize the corsets as America’s combinations of biack and white.
Sft 50 Blankets. $4.98 IT? foremost makes. Corsets consist of broken lines $1.25 to $2 Fancy Feathers on S '
> , Dialing <pt.7U and discontinued models, but all are good, up-to- LL and Wtngs 89C
55 It you dontinint! a C■ v date styles, and there are sizes and .styles for all. All Big lot of odds and ends of fancy feathers and JC
the least soiled from display, you can save wahlon filled stick-ups in white, black and colors. Also an at- «<Z
x.'from $1 to sl.oo a pair on these. Ihe bum- ♦ *i r « < «r-i . , , , . , tractive wing effect in black and white worth 98c,
kets are all wool, full 11-4 size, and are in gtW nl^- 01 O ]7T,Is J ulld brocaded silks and satins. Beau- for 59c.
55 neat plaids. Just about a score in all. $6, tifully trimined in laees and Not a corset in Ribbons Worth 50c nr*
> «.50 , 1)1 „.k t O .:«.<• $2.98 tor 25c
(Blankets eai am oor U messaline and taffeta ribbons in Sp 4
"'fea lUF K’’ r 1 L T> f TT 1C T\ • fancy and light shades. All solid colors, 100 to
: S Clearing Odd Ru?s More hme Corsets Below Pnce —— 5.
VIUUIIIIS vuu S s ,4, “The Plume Store of Atlanta”—Millinery—(Second 5*
nZ Odd rug and discontinued patterns offered at 1 n * B . e 4r * regular stock numbers ot very prominent -makes (wish Floor)
these little End-of-the-Month Sale prices: we could give names). 1 hey are perfectly new and clean; differ
$27.50 Axminster Rugs. 9x12 (41 at $25. '>nly from the vet y LUest models in being just a tritle higher in the
3? S3O Wilton Velvet Rugs. 9x12 (2) at $25 iMlil bust and more moderate Made ot batiste and coutil and e-abo- /5C NCCKWCar. 49C
$35 Ardahan Rug, 9x12 (1) at $25. Xftj rately lace, embroidery and ribbon trimmed. ivv nvvn w vui, tyv JT
$32.50 Body Brussels, 9x12 (6) at $25. Cnrsoß X'nno ivnrfh /b < A A CorMpfs Xmio worth zh -r Plauen or venise lace collars, with round,
S4O Wilton Rua'S 9x12 (2) at $27.50. loibfts. Aonc UOltll 1 QO .(Th. dsoue WOITII O' square or pointed yoke. White, ecru and black.
$55 FiuX-nXs
SSO Fine Axnnnster Rugs._9xl2 (8- at $45. worth $6.50, at . . V W(>rth f() NeCkWCaf, 27C
$35 Wilton Rugs. 9x12 (15/ at $27.50. (Corsets —Second Floor) (Corsets —Second Floor) Embroidery Dutch collars for dress and coat
Sw $6 Wilton to match above. 36x63 in.. $4.75. I trimming, and Dutch collar and cuff coat sets, of
i-® j (Rugs and Draperies —Third Flooi) i (Main Floor) O
> 10 Big Bars A Sale of Usual 20c to 50c £ *‘° a * 2 |Q C 25c Wash Embroidery, j n> c A Jewelry Sale
3° Fairv Soap. 25c a Dozen Buttons at .. . ’-*** Se v ß r»i h, m <ired bei ts -th e a «. Edging, or Scalloping Braid ■*• V toe to 50c in
1 J t cumulations of past seasons—but PifiQ pfr 1 C ,
" ..ii .. Htii,. Fairs in More than 1,000 dozen buttons the rein- many of them in very good styles. It’s a privilege to offer such •> "r»i ” o io- m •’ / .
Have you ■ 11 i-Jmws nunt Lit< of various lines —ar(‘ offered at the There are leather belts, velvet belts, | ], - . .." ‘ pkim. Real _oc ( leaving the stocks in antiei-
your home.’ Every l,n '' ' ' nailt . ' velvet lined with leather, elastic belts, bolts 01 embroidery edging or braid, daintily seal- pation of early* Christmas novel-
□a this famous bain next-to-notlling price Ot t jet and tapestry belts, etc. Some are loped with a dot between each scallop Black white tie !’, We ' ve « ro ' u P (!d hundreds of bar
knows that it is a . mu p nrlce lg no indication oi the buttons real val- in solid colors, others are in combina- , ~ , J| 1)1,1 K * wnlTe and beauty pins, belts, brooches nov-
everywhere, so there rbe a rallj * > I buttons sold for less than 20c tion colorings. Oriental effects, etc. aml wanted colors. Six yards to bolt. Worth eltles. etc., to sell for 10c; former
*2h| get 10 big 5c bars for just-sc. ue. 101 none 01 u u White metal and gilt buckles. Leathers 25c and not to be missed -it 1()n prices 19c to 50c.
N. 8.-10 bars limit NO phone 00 n dozen; many sold for oOe. and even more. are in all sizes and styles. The price „ ~ at l° p - Just about anything you want is in
ders; none sent C. O. D. There are buttons for every' purpose —bone but- justifies a look. Former price 50c to (Notions Counter, ( (‘liter Aisle, Main Floor.) the lot. Variously in rose gold oxi- WS
Jfci 10c bottle Peroxide, sc. (ons f or coats and dresses, silk buttons for trimmings, $2; now 10c. dized effects. French gray etc Only
□JB loe bottle Peroxide. Bc. buttons with metal rims and silk or satin centers, buttons (Center Aisle—Main Floor) Sci*«nrC Worth tn nt Kr 10c -
50c Rosetta Face Poydt 1.- ■ . n sj7P « from the size of a ten-eent piece to a quarter (24 to •- ■ —— DviSbUlb “61111 10 |jC 31 Z3C t! 1 D 4nr SKJ
25c Rich’s Almond Cream. 19c. 45 ngnesT. and buttons in every wanted color. $3.50 Mesh Bags, $2.48 $1 Bags at 25c T*s=
-frns 7bc Kicb's Toilet Matei. • the bultolls best suited to your purpose, and buy Unlined German silver mesh bags, A ,lew self sharpening shears with 7, 8 ami 9-inch Very neat bags of black velvet with
5c follet. Soap, • - p p]e n ty. For they are worth 20c to 50c a dozen and ln the charming round link mesh with blades. Tension springs, pointed bent trimmer Fverv hmisp gold trim ming. Various shapes, with t*:
Jai ..<■ loothpicks . pack.i- • Rnls the End-of-the-Month Sale price per fancy link handles; large 6-inch size wife should have one 5,.,. then, uth . r ‘ » flap that buttons over with frog and jjg
10c for odd lot of Tooth Brushes, dozen is only 5c with plain frames. "'fc should have one. See them at the notion counter. button. Moire lined. Long handles.
“ 5 ?, „ nr th 50c (First Table—Center Aisle) (Center Aisle-Main Floor) (Center Aisle-Main Floor) A neat and inexpensive bag. Former
25c tor Nail Butreis, worm w > prices $1 to $1.50; choice now 25c.