Newspaper Page Text
4 shed by The Georgian Company,
i E*»t -Aik"?-"* Atlanta.
i < leorg .
I' xj at Atlanta postoffice at second-
’ class matter
|_ bscrlptlons Payable In Advance
“year. mall, postage prepaid ?5 00
. ionths, mail, postagi prepaid. 280
1A months, mall, postage prepaid. 125
/ * month, mall, postage prepaid. 45
Subscriptions Payable tn Advance
"ered by carrier, one year ’5 20
vered by carrier, six months 2 00
•'ered by carrier, three months 1 30
'ered by carrier, one month .45
’ered by carrier tn Atlanta and
ither cities . 10
Ad Rates and Rules
in the Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insert Inn
No ad taken for less than the price I
of ten word*. Ads hi larger type,
12c a line (four wordsi to the line).
Out -of - town advertisements
must be accompanied with cash
Agencies* discounts 10 and f» per
The Georgian « 111 not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of an' ad ordered more
than one time
Closing hours: To secure prop
er clAsHmcation. ads must be In
The Georgian office l>efore I o’clock
the day of the Hsus
All ads must be ordered out in
*4 writing or at office. No dlsocn-
■ T tiruance notice taken over phor>*v
Every word In ttie advertisement,
... including the name and nddres«.
Is counted Each Initial counts one
[- word: compound words are <.-oustid
• wo words.
Telephone ><»ur Wont Ads to The
Jfeurgian (both phones 8000) wb<»n
B is more coi venlent to do so, and
udlection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow -
k , irg day This Is an a-rcommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad p;uions and payment
BE I should ulwr ? be prompt l\ made
; on presentHivjn of bin. aiwhvh
ask that you’ telephone «««] re
pcated back to you by the nd
I Bsl' to make -mrc that it h;i« beer
I taken correctly. The Georgian <an
nut guarantee <n-cnra* v <i
IS ' y •or * rror> < ::in.\ Id rd ,
■ occurring 3t *rh phone miwitre
H f. twrs. i
AJSVERTiSTIRS should retain ••
I »?. ’-<Jpts given hi inrnt lor Wat
K.Kds over the ••ffice counter, as mls
takc” epn no* hr re*-tith'd wit ♦inn'
them. hi answering luivni , <
Lients fuklresso/i in <-an- of Ti
Jr Georgian, if th'* advertl.-ci >» r»
references’, send a diiplh-ao '
Help Wanted—Female.
WANT Eli- Settled ladx tor l’.qln liou.-a
keeping ami wall on si< wifi
Apply J. A \\ a.rblngton. 2.”.' W ,\hi< hell
or &13
W i I I . ; .•. ■ gooii home ami - mall *al;i i ■ to
a nice, refined, settled woman lo assist
with housework. Phone iv\ *.?13 i
.•■ 11-2- 66
< >rcd nur < fin .me '»ar|
old baby. \partjnent N<» i :<o I i 1
gjaMyhth street. _ sl 2 -11 (
Neat glri to lo Ip will. ’
andniake herself iweful .•idjiiii I . <•
k Wantki » Reiiai»i« win •
and do general bon.» work »«.i im< ,
guml wages Write Ihx 163 b. .•miiii Ga
y phone Heratur 27-’ 'I :71 j
I> A n expert <
midd Applv 444 «' Hwnut
1 I-’..’-36 '
WANT! ■is l ’>’> . •■: general i ■
work. Small fntnili No w iiiim >i
'Oreenwood avenue ‘.'.>-2 111
EaT.iF S anywh<-ro per ’(m ii.c.j
collecting addresses; tin i«»s»- Niainp .
Southern information Bureau. I
Memphis, _Tcnn
W\NT IT» White woiiiat foi ■ . w ork '
at small hotel. Reicrvm • > << iim*-.
Call Henderson hotel. H ' i'< u. f: re<-
Want ei > "r. v neat Intelligent la.iy |
| demonstrators. hmisr-i<•.-1 ,ou:•« work;)
connection Const! j ion •.m< . t Weekh I
aalan*. Apph Mr spence. Pled imnt lt<>
Cat »IRS iriake shleh ■ I"
hundred \\ • - >
ble women, P<Tlicula» !•>! stamped nd
flfe&sed envelop. Eureka ♦ mpanx.
X>ept. fS-A, k MU It-izou. M ’ h I.’ 2 il I
permanent atn ». ;i\o p.- . hns
Welfare- ol opi ratters and .ark . i.».-l\
SUp-.n vised l»j lie «»mpan.\ iheu • m ’
duel on the premise <: ireful I,\ ;<i'.ird«-d b\ ;
matron, women simm isoi ■> and . hiei '
Oporalor. who haw lonipu ti- . ontrol ovei
tno retiring and opera i.ion Two
week*’ training course fpr those m> \pe I
rienced, Mtlarx being paid ieawmi
Hal'G’x inciva -»d at tla « ml - ; > v .■< K s
ano. for tb«vb« c>n h>g efficient n
creased ns they become worthy, with op ;
por.unities lot ultimate i la..n< emeni to J
$75 t>e-r month Keteret <n s r. vine the
atandrng of Ihe applicant vxss.-riijd n ~v,
educational advai p • i i n d
Launch ro< .> and ■ ■.r al-l. retiring
' rooms providetl, wth * rai hundred
E/Carnegie librarx book> foi ih» conwn
I >®r»- o* ope ;>toi-s Matron am rail • d
tiutwe In atten.jut • \i .>!> t»r. f»-t tbl\ in
| person. B:3t a. m. to .» p. m . third floor I
Bell Tch-pL. i « Exc g. . • • i nl-i \li;» hell '
• •
UeSIEJIY maum,|._ .. ’- ‘l.ex to
visit consumer.'' direct Exclusive let-
Trit l
to. siod pop m-mti ’’a ' . Mils ;;V,
I’hestnui st- ect, I •Idlndeluhia H.I 5T|? n<
Pw AX fEi ‘ \ 11f "I -< !:i v up-to out. Cook
Ip £ u<au on h»> -Apply ’•<• Kart l-ifteimh
- 1 IP
room on lot !llni g«-o. wages \pi ix .’■23
Spring street i-i 4e
NVZkNTEI > Two j ' cm . .irn- H i s
\opl \ ’ Mb.
f ren - LO-818;{!
W A NT 171 ‘
professional nun In on* expert j
ttn<*ed preferred kddress V <» Bo\ 160. |
AU.i I
glevp in house; goed wages Apylx 20
fort McPherson Gi|
| KTTfSrf \Vest For M- Ph-rv • |»hone |
Hollidax . Mam
’STaN t i :i
g<»od men and women, to take a i ■ u
grip on life and tr> a little I applr*- f, • a
change The Ninth Annlversarx i:dt •
tion of The la.s Ama-les Exanilm i out
December 25, will tell bow t< do it
Mailed to any address in I’nited States
or Mexico 15 cents. Panada or foreign
tadnts. 25 cents. Send in your order now
' 10-21 4
? ®>MBINATI' 'N ' I <! ■! K<- m
Southern Stove and Suppl> Compati>.
is" w id ■
Help Wanted—Male
WANTEI' Manager Th* h ieruatiotud ‘
Railway Corrvs pom mure lustitri. . o* ,n i
| diKbatsdis. intends opening a brancn ot
nee at Atlanta, and v shes a bright young
nan for manager MmH ho able to fur
|. Dish g*»<xl Write W \ ,
son, 1*1? Maiestic Lcihilng Indianapolis,
p Inti __ IK-2-11
•IEA”i‘i:TIS’TI\E Earn sl.Mi . Mao
per month; travel over world s n< ; k , .
particulars. National Detective \gvm-\. !
L*ept. I!*6 Chii'dg" '’<2-2-11
M kN wantol with rig to intHMiuc. ami
sell 85 houaeholii necessities. b;g mono
VA’ilsou made s’.>o weekly We mean bus!
nvss Box 774. Department 13, Cedai
lowa. 71 -2 -11
WANTED Experienced
young man
Wholesale Groerr. i
Georgian. 77-2-11
til ’ • ar .i w
“<D Mm . <:..ruing . < , i
p pan' 11-2-77
~ X" ■ -
Help Wanted—Male.
WAN'I'EF ♦ :.»od man <-o<»k: must < orn»
well r< <-oinmcnded; g-»od home and go<»d
pay. 610 Third .National Bank Bldg.
BOY to feed job press and run errands.
Piedmont Printing <’ompanv. 127 <’en
tral avenue 11-2-7?.
i WANTED Tw*-rd' fast messetigers, with
or without wheels; best pay in <iU
Millers .Minute Messenger Serve e. 11 u,
2 i •
MEN \C ANTEI • to ’<;«rn trade
<’an qualify for position in few weeks.
Wages while learning No pro*. ;.»us ox
pcriem e necessary. Everything in the
business laugh’ ; raet irally. Sure .f su<--
epws with us. T<<ols triv* n <’all or write.
Moler Barber C’oliegi .8 Eu<-kie street.
_ ?< j 11
L< a’AL d:i'j'iii:.-i.\'r x’’ i\i: wante< .no
canvassing or soliciting r^quircA l Goo*!
income assured Adma ss Nat lona. Co-
Operative Realty Company. V-’.H - Marden
■ i ; , < ‘l2 1i
ci ' ' ■ am I
l<er month. Travel over tho world.
Write Sum-rintomlent Ludwig, 1463 Scar
ritt building. Kansas City, Ab.. *2-2-11
BE A ‘bETI? 7 TI VE” _ You can be 'one.
Earn big wages, travel, see the world.
Address Johnsons Detective 'l'laijiing
Correspondent *• School. I **pt i Grand
Raj■!* ATP i 16-2-11
FRJ E iIJJsTi: i_: • »-.< m ; .
more than 360,000 proiecietl positions In
Cnited States servie< Mort than 10,000
vacancies evuiy year There ,> a Idg
< hanct her* for you, n* and g. i 4-roir-
pav lifetime employment Eas\ to gel
Ju»i /Ljc boOKiet <’-412 No obliga
tion. Eari Hopkins, Washington l» <’
’*•a nt > y < ng mei
U ggi >i riehi for young n n
tndav Gig „y. -bort hours, pb-cant
work. We prcpaie you ..i home m im
Weeks, you to nj<' good posl
thm. Frc* ’.<■} i.. nd -...0' iu.|. : ’
R«a>rvmLb’< Write (. .d . f.c
National Llnotyi < Ji, if )<<• lb luster.
N v
A NTI J » ; minji man - enegra pi <*i ■<
curate In tigu'»s. In making out taie
ments and ••■.«-) • i iiei a w illing worker,
regardless <r horns not es ;it\ do
ttiande ■
motion. Ib-for' tires \ddre s I' <» Box
4.!::,_ < Jr<enviih st hi 12
BE A DET’I ?Tl \ H Men want* i « ver.\ •
where; cart! >!0<» i<. 300 monthly writ*-
Loraine System, Dept 63, Br»4ton, Ma: <
HERE’S vi d i; •I'j’.'wTl’N’TTT so ma*ke
S2OO monthl -|:< « time; m< mailer
where \ou lr < no . n\. .m ; guarantee
free bo.ikh 1 will show <*u now if E
Rogers, Dept AS B«< <m,
1 w i Li. :. ■ it': >■ ■ 1 urnlni 1 d • at
home n Bear* thim, sllv- r mirr<a>-.
no « i.ui mu; ri*<‘ Instructive book!*" giv-
I Irr plant • f •j.• .< .< 0. G I’. rid
I »epf. fir H<. -nm. Ma> 14 !!•
ED lor (’ s army, able-bodied
unmarried men hetwtien ages <<l LS aim
citizens *»f 1 nitod States, of good
rb ra< ter an*] temp*-rafe habit , who '-an
pak r* ad rmd write the English lan
git up 1 r infoi ma 1 ion, a ppl> to Re
• rviiinj! ’»ffi<pr, corner Peachtree anti!
Forsyth ..reefs. Atlanta, or 411 Cherry
ll " " ’ - 7 !
\1 \NTE!» I’w* printers (hand ), four |
Hnotyp* op(>raiors anti two pressmen;!
union shops; eight hours and good wages |
Luther II Still. k)6 Xusteil Bldg. II 1-71 j
\\ \N 1’171» Al uni••• straight compositor; I
g'v« . •; p» 11 once and talnn »\'ppet<‘d ; pay J
ev* r y Saiurdax Nt w . Ibs-kmar!. (In.
1 1
1 ' n 'i rb ' \ <■]..' mme- I
<iiufel\ to \ Huff. Heard x’atmmd Bank j
budding, Jacksonx ill* I-la H-1.-43
|U ANTi7D Sign pain. 1 \ppl after 7
T‘ m T I. \\ right, 33 l-’ormwalt street.
I .. _ 37-1-11
\ ■ ! 1.1 > Colored boj to deliver drinks. I
iged 16 to Ih 118 East Pine 10-31-24 :
1 m i-; si:tti:rs rm: I
CK'iIKKHi; HEATIN'; <'• .M 1•A N Y H 5 I
. M ARIETT \ STi: i I. r io-:ti -r, I
'A a N ti.ll y. ■■ i.” 1 1 11 tiiore | , ; t. ;
• ad as ah'sman ai d b-arn th* ival es- I
•a • • b • Se< M • Flak 1107 Em] re
Life < l bund ■ corm-i I’each-
• 1 ■ . i .<. I . .... 10
' a •i > blacksmith and horiu thoei No
bo<»zc-tighter \pplv to C || Stewart.
> W indcr, < hi 10 - !!«• 4
'A \\rl. I ♦ Discouraged bul perfectly
good men and women, to take a new
! grip on lift and try a little happiness for
• 'large The Ninth Anniversary I7dl
: lor ot The Los A ng* les Examiner, out
; Dec ember 35. will tell you how to do il.
Mailed in any address in t'nited States
•r \le> i<-o 15 «-*'-nls. Canada or foreign
i points 25 cents. Send in your order now.
10 21 4
1 ‘ I’OP HUburii hotefTheiirt of eiiy’. Tov, I
Walton . if \ ot; want a ch an, <|nlet '
>oom: tt-ar.-bnit ,10c open all nlpht
3-21-19 I
\\ \XTEI) Bright, strong|
hoys io deliver routes in i
;;d f ernoons. Good wages |
and <hance for promotion.'
J Call al circulation depart-;
nient The Atlanta (leortrian.
20 East Aialiam;. street.
I T-'l ENISHEU room lTe<» to boy making .
’ - (l 7‘' ~ 1 ’ K hub:.ll jrrr! 10-:'.:-32 I
aD ' . 1 ’ \ 1 TrT’?: i>. • t.ufi, e < !<>i
* “ month. Atlanta, *;« ICxaml-
iia t Im i < l lr •ng No\ • mher i-'rre c«ui< hing
plan ii 1 . Ulate. I »cpt 4a T |;. ,],< - l( . r .
N V * i 0
FREI • \ s. K - \(: e ha •• i, -. ' \ .«s. \li barber \\<<ik net Clean '
H‘te» \Canta Haib< i V.h _ ;o Ems:
U F.-27-.6;
• < ANTED Ide .s Invent »r v rlti ■< 11 il
”f ln\entmns wanied and prizes offered ,
by n nn'itac’nt*-:- \l- . bow lo get your I
M 1
: dolph Briscoe. |.»; '♦!!( attornevs Wash
l < ’ DJI
YE? ' or < Bra ■ " ’ acl
v»u the bather trm> (It’s nasvh We
>»a« h n ore-ludf time of other colleges
' ■ • and Ition in shops onlj
•o W‘-.' i num ‘ Thousand. <>f our
" rimnbtv sb. >ps or muling good 1
wag. Atlant;. Ba. her Callep . 10 ! ass
MID t ell st re* ■* 5 11-17 I
teip Wanted Main and Female.
i The woman lo <to cooking ami
tenoral housework, the man to j
care for the _\ar<l and assist gen
erally about the place. This of
jters a good home and profitable
: employment to a worthy while
eoupl.- \pply in person at room
>1 I Khodes building opposite gas
ofimc. Marietta street, or phone*
Main 320,> and ask for Mr. Bai-1
11 1 till :
\\ \ NITIi eomp. i.-ifi clerk fol gcll.THl I
s'« ! « in small t» un. Man <>r woman. ;
i ) None but I
! cxpt rmm<d ch-rk want* ’ md «nc who
• ran give best references ami thorough sat- **i< th»n sis to ri.pabiliix and \d- I
; d‘?’ ss F Box Nn ’■ T> T- Gh U*-3L46i
•lirSTLERS an make 7»n 'iuuga~
zine prm sitlun C<<mmissEm and sal
ary Retet &|tc< < t equ»r*'<i. Se. Mr Bark-
'.'■•■ ’ WANT 17 D t
<’al»t«»rnla, where it grow s better than
any where »Is* in the worlu. one dollar
g’- .w-s t<» ton before know it. The
xmti. \nniversary Edition of I’l.< L»‘
utgelcs Examiner will giv< some exam
•t c- t a. ’ual vases, tmt December 25.'
Mailed to any address in IT -ted States j
■ <»r Alexfco 15 cents. Cantala or foreign,
points 25 cents Send In your order now I
~ "—;-rv.-r=.-;' —u==.
Teachers Wanted.
SI’EeiAI. fall enrollment goo,t opentnirs i
I. et Foster's Teachers Agency. Atlanta
pla »-2»-31
=rT-- |
j i W'i ies «... , . ...„m K u..,. ..„ 4 , I
| 3,2 l .as! Hunter street Sa< |
vi a run i •••-.» »t u
Salesmen Wanted.
\\ ANTED High-grade salesman to sell
i, <-x*-luHive line *<’. baH-rclief D<-Luxc cal
. endars and novelties; exclusive territory
> given; classiest line in America. Smith-
I <o » Indianapolis, Ind. 68-2-11
WANTED Traveling men wiu< are rnak-
H ing snail towns and crossroad stores to
■ , hand!** our new and up to date i •»< k«-t
side limf; pays a commission of $4 per
order: a winner. For full particulars, ad- 1
i John 'Ji. Mg-. 21<» Sig*d st.,;
' * • ;m-'". 111. 04-2-11
\\ A N'l’Li» <a pa ble .-.alesman to c<*ver i
Georgia with staid* lire. High commls
, Mons. s’oo nmntnly advance and j»er
man»-M position to right man Jess H ,
, Smith (’omiidby D-droi’, Mi* h. l~i< J 1
Sfi ••-.idNE SALESMEN O eke!
sideline pays you $2 each order. Send
, j for outfit at on* •• and get your share of 1
; she holiday trade. Nev, Enterprise Com- I
pany, Cpton, Ky.
i I WANTED Sal*-men to < arry our lin* of
cigar- on th<- road on a salary *»f 816» ,
i : per month and expense.-. Expei i* nee n**t •
i necessary. Grea’ Western cigar C*»m ,
pan> . I'* ujder, < Join 11 -2-10
SALESMEN W.\NTEi*~:er a high-class!
specialty. Almost over.v automobile I
owner buys at sight. 8100 a week ♦•asily
made. No experience ne* <»ssar} Address
I National Specialty Companv, Atlanta.
Slid. Li.x'i: MEN •'! I ION! ' ■ -
! got it; a big h# liday-maker for you; 25 1
( per cent commissii . ■, the Import I
r (’ornpany, 624 Granite building, St. Louis,
Mo 10 : r- 15 '
WANTI7D Four ijesmen tv handle well 1
known autom*»bi>e sj<* « ial:y on comrnls- !
sion basis. Good mon»-v for hustlers. Ap- |
ply 34 Auburn .iventm from !♦ to 12 a. m.
! I 10-8 26
I WE SELL STOVES ‘.'•h.-ar>~~our |
expenses ar* I s Southern .stove and
< ;•• '
J- ■ s i i.. i • to plant in soulht rn
I (’aliiornia. where it grows better than*
lany w'lu-r. »]••• in the world. *me dollar I
grows to mn before you know it. The j
IN: ’ Auniversary Edition of The Los
| Angch s Examiner will give some exam-
I pl* • of actual < O4CS. < »ut December 25. j
Mailed to any address in I’nited States j
or Mexh-o 13 < <’anada or foreign I
points 25 cents Send in your order now. ■
Agent? Wanted.
AGENTS VV \ NTI line of fast
.-<II« , !S ear: not be beat. No-sew hooks*
and • ' ell 'i ghl r gge , i
(’ircHlurs fre*-. Pierce \ Co., Fork Ridge,
T<-im._ '
.last coin money selling New I
In t Ho-dei v *dre* t from mill v, i K
our big advertising offer; you < an make'.
$25 daily: everyb*Mly buys, credit; sam-.
Pies m leatherptt*- case fr**» NT-w !m- I
jIK li 1111 111 { d Ills, C ig< 70
M1 N \XI • \V« >M I.N -:a • '' *
Ever hear of well km.wn publishers .<*-11-
ing Sue sheet music !’*■]• 6c? I atest hits.
I u-gesi variety Sales easy ; profits big.
ibih h r. Silvortoi.. < q,i< ; *i o 69-
AGENTS 'o’ busy make S2B weekly I
I easily, fast sellers; big pr*»fits; men or i
women agents semi for free circulars.
Bert Mullen. 1325 \V. Walnut st.. Des
; M •m •. lowa 61 .
* l< >'■ \i. representative wanted in each I
town to sell underwear, sweaters and
| neckties direct from oor factory to wear
!«r; permanent; liberal terms, big
; profits; “very article guaranteed. Stead- |
fast Mills, Dept a., (’oboes. N Y.
. 63-2-11 j
I • ♦ S3OO M< ’NTH LY. ■
XA’AN’I’ \CTIVI-: agent this locality.
Spare or full time. Experience un
necessary. Sick, injury, death benefit so
ciety Writ* l-L-I’. 5!*7. Covingt.m, Ky. I
I COLORED AGENT wanted thia locality.
.*IOO month. All or spai* time Write j
i quick. Box N-409, Cincinnati, Ohio. I
I VI \ Eli \gents in every town Best
selling household article. Start at once.
Larg“ demand for goods. Success as-
] surod. Investigate today R. .1 Born
I ALinuf ( cluring C*»mpany . liai ipion. Va.
| L 38-2-11 |
1 * ‘. I 1 ; Nt ’ S’ ,i ♦ ! ;i m.i i <irder
business In your own home We tell I
you Imw. and furnish everything needed!
wholesale An honorable and profitable ;
business for man or woman. Particulars
free Many make S3OO a year. Murphv
Manufacturing Company, South Norwalk,
f’onn 5-11-5
x ■' x i •i • X can make m g
ja-es. They all want it; sells itself
Not s<»ld In stores. Sell two. four, six In
every Imine forty or fifty’ a day. Made
of Swedish paper. Hangs dresses, suits,
overcoats without folfling or mussing
I ’l’hi *•“ sizes. 40c. soc. 75c. Goulding sold
! 2.000 Gridley 500. Mrs Webster 300 in
I thr* e days. Evans 100. Quick sales;
laij.. profits No experience. FYee sarn-
I pie offer. Write for description agents'
I selling plan. Wak. Manufacturing Com
pany, 30 Miller building. Cinrinru.ti. Ohio.
\ LARGI WELL KN< »\x N << • all ’\ \ y
i about to sp< nd sloo,ooo on a tremendous
j advertising campaign, requires the serv
ices of a bright man or woman in each
; town ami city. The work is easv, pleas
lant and highly i <>pe« table, ami no prcvL
( "us exprricm'e is'nwessary. We will pay
a «•»<•<; salar.* and offer an unusual oppor
i tunity for adv;iimem* nt to the person who
•an furnish good references. In addition
to ’his salary we offer a Maxwell Auto-
• nrnbile, a Ford Automobile ami over SB,-
00u in to the representatives doing
th. b- < i work up tc lu.rmbM* ;’J. In
I y<<ur letter give ag»- and releremes. Ad
•’r* s IRA P. ROBINSON. Advm'isiug
Manager, 216.’* Ri-verly fc?t.. Ruston. Mass
8 <
'' I ■x TS x, \ TED Men and v, < »men to
si » H the b.•. i “B ug insurance on earth.
<me agent sold 2< o.oOu last month. Dis
trict mana ers wanted for MUalsslppl
Xlahiiir.a an-l Georgia. Address Join* r &
i Hitch, 646 Temple Court building. At-
: 1 |
and live times as good as the one you
♦re toiling on ba* k East. Take advan
tage of the u:-it* nt;.ge In your favor. The
Nm Annivei mry edition oPThe Loa An
•<vl: i s'Ex.ia m i out December 25. will tell |
you imw, this can b» . Mailed to any mi- 1
I dress m I’nited Slates o’- .Mexico 15 cents,
('ai ida or foreign points 25 cenis. Send
' 4
Situations Wauled—Female
xx 4.NTED *■ ttion by k-1 stenographer
| at once Address I R., care Georgian
92 2-11
.p< <>ri R<\ w aNTEI • by refi <d lady of
Vir.-iinla as housekeeper, or assistant 'll!
I light housework In small family, or as
compani •” for lady object, good home.
| Address Miss E \\ Halley. R F D No.
; 1. Box 58, Montvale, \ a 73-2-11
\\ \NT 171' Position by reliable colored >
i woman to do housework mornings and]
i evenings W illing to work all d.ay Sat
i uniuys and Sundays. Mattie Davis, 49 I
i th,x, r 3 bTft. 51-2-11 ;
IW \NTED Position by exiierieneed col-l
ored girl in office Address Colie Lev
•S’..Hop'. 77 Hjiyn*‘s Street. 3G-2-11
CL \BB ' >
i open for position. Cal! Ivy 6468-.) after
I 6 p rn. 19.I 9 .' 1 '!!
EXPERIENCED lady stenographer de
sires either permanent position, piece
I work or copy work. Ivy 4809-J. Minimum
1 l )rices 27-1-11
|\\ \NTi7i' Position by young lady ste-
I nographer. capable iff handling small set
lof books or assisting with large set.
T\\ ■ years experience Best references.
I Call Ivy 2682
■ 'c iNTED I si on an sales! &< Igai
s ,•!' or cashier; beet of refcrem » s : phone Main -(>67 .1. Main 105 V-J.
' !4
P(‘SITp »S: \\ \\Tl !• Elderly lady wants
position as <-omuaniuii t*» lady or house- I
keeper 1< r light «(»rk. ('all Ivy 3057.
i ;;i -io *
W \N I D Position by y.»ur.g ia-iy ste~ i
tiogiapher with abou* two years expv
l’’• ■ • Am lews employed hut will be
without a posi(i»m in a few days Refer
ences If needed. Call Atlanta phone 5204.
35-31-10 I
ai working house -
i k- eper. in private family, or small hotel.
| cit' or country City references 42 Au-
• ...
| LAD\ WISHES POSITION 1n some r« s
tanrant. raft or candy department ('an
gi\« best of references Call Ivy 3123
! W \ NTED Stenographer < poidtion. fine
i n.l s’ “dm'ation Write Demonsira- :
• ■ c • ’ 0-28 i
IPI ’i! l ’T i• • X .-h I “u' <• '* 5 ‘ :p •
u • S’ove and Supp’y <’ npany.
. e ♦
' - -
fCTTI , r> . D 11 *.• W Do Your Renting and Searching Through
1 he Georgian s Kent Bulletin This Bulletin.
Ar<- you ’ooking to. the best Rooms, Houses, Apartments. Rooms for Housekeeping, Offices, Business Locations, Garages, Storage Houses, Boarding and <
■ 'I S lin! otin • ..ntains .1 . ompiete list of every desirable and suitable place that is For Rent in the city and suburbs in each issue.
I- < th. and '-onv. niem'e of our patrons. The Georgian employs special men to cover the city and suburbs each day in search of al. the desirable ,
Save time, useless steps inonev and worry by consulting this bulletin. It is for your convenience, so take advantage of it.
Rooms and Board.
7 \VO Nl' ELY furnished rooms fur ladies
"t gentlemen, with or without board.
I . 15_Ci ew ke fe. fenced 11-2-79
WEST END 156 Gordon street. Phone
Wes’ 17 L Board and table board reas
! onabte. 11-2-76
furnished i *>orn. furnace heat, nortli
s!<|h; private family, with or without
_ ar -'- I’lmne Ivy 597 L 11-2-67
WANTED Two young men to board,
suburbs, and to be at home; $3.50 week
ly Atlanta phon“ 6032-F. 11-2-57
xx YNTED Boarders at El 9 WaShington
clofk in; fine io*-at:i<»n. 1' -2- 52
BOARDERS can secure nice rooms an*!
i best meals In city, new house just
i opener; rates reasonable. _49 Whitehall
reel 11 - 2-86
If. x p<; ( coml >1 'table ioon ,t tl board* in
small familv. 148 West Peachtree. Ivy
■ )• I ' > P.- • HID] IRS a t 159 Central ave
nue; reas »nable. Main 830-L. 11-2-46
! NICELY furnished looms and excellent i
table b*>aid. Capitol square. Main]
48£. _ _ 11 -2-2 f I
BOARDERS •• • \NT El Terms lea ua -
I ble Phone Ivy’ 2! : C2. 30 East Cain. j
WANTED Two couples or young men
boarders; twu nice from rooms close in; >
north side; best *»f h*»rr<“ cooking. Pimne
Ivy 4606 11 L-36
ing i ■ • ■ an se< ire ome com
forts; excellent meals. 52 Formwait.
11-. - .'.4
74 FORREST, nice pretty home Wouldn’t
you like to board there? Ivv 4345.
, EXCIILLE NT R< )< >MS and b< ard a t 102
reef <■ • >
BEAETIFIT' R( h'IMS with board;’ just
like home. Table hoarders solicited. 17
i'iist North uvenm*. 34-JL-ll
s 'i7\V GGRIx »N STREET home, I'-jrnace
heat; ever convenience; unfurnished
I rooms, with hoard, (’all West 950-J. 419
- -.-18
RO< MS with oi without board at 32 East
'• '’ht Phone Ivy 2903. • ajl for Mrs.
Tl ornt u 1 >-31 -70
NICP’I Y furnished rooms v.i r h excellent
I table hoard, $4 to $6 per week. 123 Cau
. . . .. 10-81 -39
7’WO Yol NG MEN; fine table; close in.
| •»<G Peachtree. Ivy 1146. 10-31-11
TABLE BOARDERS wanted. Terms rea
-< nable. Ivy 1050-L. 13!' West Peaeh
ree ;<'-31-12
ROOM and b< »ard a I 20 South F( > syth st
! 16-30-39
| WEST END PARK Front room in pri
vate family to gentleman or couple 107
street 49-30-_lO
PLEASANT room with board; refined
couple or young inen; two beds; con
veniences; references. Main 5361-J, at
' H1 Washington. 10-26-53
WANTED Couple or two young men or
y oung ladles; day boarders wanted; ex
cellent meals 139 West Peachtree. Ivy
I 1050-L. 10-26-62
i.Xi' IILY furnished rooms and excellent
; table board. 121 Capitol square. Main
' l“:il*-L. 10-2(5-41
class boarding house; all conveniences.
179 Capitol avenue. Mein 3758-J. 10-26-51
NEAT ROOMS and homelike cooking,
also table board; close in. 127 Capitol
avenue. Main 5172-. L 10-22-26
|HELP WANTED -To develop the re-I
sources of Southern California, the lend
•of progress and new ideas. Read about
the opportunities in the Ninth Annlver- ■
sary Edition of The Los Angeles Exam- 1
liner, out December 25th. Mailed to any
address in United States or Mexico, 16
cents a copy; Canada or foreign points.
25 cent Send in your order pow. 10-21-4
Board Wanted.
YOI’NG C<»I’PLE desire board in private
family, where home privileges may be
had References exchanged. G., Box
295, care Georgian. 91-2-11
WANTED Room and board by couple
with child three years old. Must be rea
sonable. H. A., care Georgian. 40-1-11
• Furnished Rooms For Rent
TW(» rooms furnished for light house
keeping. $3.50 per week. 266 Whitehall.
Nk’ELY furnished room with board; all
conveniences; close in. 11l Washington.
Main 5861-J.. Hit? 2
FoR RENT Two nicely furnished front
rooms, complete for housekeeping; pri
vate entrance; new curtains; frethly pa
pered; now heater; ideal apartment for
Northern couple; sl6; hot hath; Bell
plume; best location. 290 Washington.
_U -2-6*’
S’l EAM llfl7\TEi» room tn private family,
suitable fur two gentlemen; walking
disiam »■; al! conveniences. Ivy 6565.
I 11-2-53
FOR RENT On first floor, In private
h<>t:.' . (ne large and one single room,
bright and sunny . all conveniences. 401
i eel 1\: _pi9j-.7
FOR RI7N”)' One steam-heated, fUr-
nished room, all conveniences; very close
ill.- L'_ Goßn ~ h M’ 11-2-44
FOR RENT One or two large rooms,
furnished or unfurnished. 198 Oak
strrtet. j.l-2-43
F<»R RI7NT One nicely furnished up-
I stairs r iom. 117 West Baker street.
1 Atlanta i>h<»ne R 555. 11 -2-4 7
FOR RENT One, two or three rooms,
with kitchenette, on two car lines, one
block from Peachtree. Apply 75 East
Pine, corner Courtland. 11-2-48
F< >R RENT Two nice connecting rooms,
private entrance. sll, including lights
and water. 387 East Georgia avenue.
Phono Main 4491-.J,11-2-49
FOR RENT Bright second-floor front
room: convenient to bath; three car
lines; walking distance. Ivy 3707-J.
U-2 50
FOR RENT Sunny connecting rooms,
with kitchenette, close in. Mam 2369-L.
205 u uthPr .vo* • 11-2- 51
i FOR REN’J' Three furnished connecting
moms for light housekeeping: gas
1 range: use us phone. Ivy 6407. 73 Cone
! street.6o-2-11
. FOR RENT Living room, two bed rooms,
bath and kitchenette, furnished. Pri
vate Entrance. Alsu one front room ami
bath, furnished. Private entrance. North
sloe. Phone Ivy 245.59-2-11
FOR RENT Tw- 1 nicely furnished rooms,
with or without meals. Reasonable. At
3’.' West Peachtree. Ivy 3354-J, 11-2-24
FOR RENT To adults, two rooms and
use of reception room, completely fur
nished for housekeeping. In private hume,
with couple; sls per month; Gran’ park
section. Ph *me Main 5035-J.LI-2-1
FOR RENT—One large first-floor room,
completely furnished; convenient to car.
Appl\ to Mrs Henslee. 74 Oak street.
I West End. 11-2-21
l ——-
< i’oß RENT Furnished rooms for light
housekeeping 106 kuburn avenue At-
I lanta phone 5740-A. 29-2-11
Situations Wanted—Male
YOl ’NG MAN. 21 ' ears old, vHth bw. j
\ ears experience In grocery store, warts |
position. Can earn my salary and am
not afraid of work Gond references as
Ito my reliability Address Grocer, care
Georgian. 55-2-LI
POSITION WANTED bj bookkeeper,
aged 30: want position giving all or most
of time out of doors, where he can use
experience gained in ten years railroad
and commercial work. I’ave handled la
bor and can give bond if required. H.
V I. . Box 200. care Georgian. 53-2-11
YOl NG .MAN. aged eighteen, desires po
sit ion as office work* r S**me knowledge
of bookkeeping, typewriting, etc. Willing
■ ■ ' a--'Mpt small salary to ’ egh Address
.11 ■■ Kenned} Mr vt. . • ph<*ne Allan i
I la -"'‘S 3<M-U J
i Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR R EXT Furnished
rooms, with or without
; furnace heat. Beautifully
fitted up. 75 Washington
street. 4-2-6
1 TWO furnished bed rooms in steam heat
ed apartment with private family; dose
I in. 28 E. Alexander st., Apartment E.
!F< >R RENT Two furnished rooms, suit
) able fur light housekeeping; best section
,of West End. Dr. C. P. Ward, 220 Gordon
street. 54-1-11
FOR RENT In West End, fw«» nice con
necting rooms, furnished or unfurnished,
suitable fur light housekeeping; every
: convenience; references require*!: also up
to-date sleeping porch. West 1062-J.
NfGELY furnishe*! rooms for housekeep
ing; large, clean, comfortable; all con
i veniences; reasonable rates; * lose in. 138
j Pulliam st. 57-1-11
4ML 11-1-66
■NIGELY furnished front room; steam
heat, electric lights, hot and cold water,
j Peachtree. Ivy 2332-J, Apartment 3.
NICI7LY furnished steam heated rooms:
all conveniences: near in. 28 East Alex
ander, Apartment \. Ivy 4°68. 11 -1-52
NICE, newly furnished front room; rea
sonable; all conveniences; close <u. 33
Crew street. Main 4661-J.ll-1-51
NICELY furnished room; reasonable. 308
South Pryor. 11-1-50
FURNISHED ROOM; all conveniences;
furnace heat; couvle or young man. Ivy
5267. _ 11-1-49
THREE furnished rooms; no children!
taken. 2763-.1 .VI. 11-1 -4.8
FOR RENT—One large furnished front
room. Can be arranged lor light house
keeping Excellent for business women
or young men. Ivy :>93-J.ll-1-47
FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished
rooms, eastern exposure, first floor,
$12.50 each; also two furnished rooms, sec
ond floor, $6 and $lO, between Jackson
and Boulevard. Owner, 323 Houston.
FoR RENT In private home, one large
room, with running water. Good meals
can be had in block. 205 North Jackson.
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room on
north, side; clean and quiet: three
blocks of Candler building. 23 East Har
FOR RENT Two connecting furnished I
rooms tor housekeeping; all con ven- I
iences; sl6. 28 Pulliam street. Phon**
Main 3770-L. 11.0-60 ;
BRIGHT, spacious room in refined neigh
borhood; $2.10. 67 Cleburne ave.
FOR RENT Bright front room, second i
flour, adjoining bath, with steam heat i
and all conveniences. 88 East Ellis; apart- •
ment 2. Phone Ivy 1323. 11-1-29 i
FOR RENT Fur two gentlemen, large, ■
furnished room: twin beds; In steam- ]
heated apartment; north side; private
I family. No other boarders. Two meals if j
1 fl ps^r<> b. Telephone Ivy *‘Bsl. 11-1 28
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished, con
necting rooms. Be used for light h«;use-
I keeping Ivy 4394-L. 81 East Sixth
1 afreet. 33-1-11
■ FOR RENT Nicely furnished front
r<H m; private family; hot and cold bath;
I close in. 47 East Cain._ 30-1-11
j TWO neatly furnished rooms; first floor;
for housekeeping: sink in kitchen, hot
ami cold water, Hell phone. Apply 34 W.
Fair, Just off Forsyth.lo-31 -65
NICELY furnisher! room, with or without
board, in private family; steam heat.
north side. l_vy 4.»38 10-31-68
i FOR RENT Neat, clean, steam-heated, !
furnished room; board optional. 41 East i
' Phone Ivy 2020- J. 11-1-1
ONE furnished front room two blocks
from Terminal. 75 Nelson. 10-31-62
To NICE young man or business woman,
newly furnish***! 'runt room; all con ven
lenses, <»wrier. Ivy 2211-L. 10-31-61
THREE rooms and bath; completely fur
nished for housekeeping; sl7 month;
private apartment; 10 minutes’ walk
Main 2353.10-31-55
BEAI’TIFI’L front room; steam heat,
oleetric lights; gentlemen only; sls. 61
E. Caln st., Apartment 5. Ivv 3137.
FURNISHED room; all conveniences; ad- *
joining bath; private family; north side;
references exchanged. Phone ivv 3913
' J "■••'ll 7
F( )R RENT Hatidsome, well-furnished
• room in north side private home. Fur
nace heat; modern and new house. \d-
■ ■ f^r<?3s x _ ?£• care Georgia:i. 10-31-37
i FoR RENT one furnished room in walk
! ing ''.istance on north side, for two la
l dies or two gentlemen. (Jail Ivv 6886.
’ 10-31-28
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; all
’ conveniences; private family; excellent
meals next door. Ivy 5455. 10-31-32
FOR RENT Two or three ro ms, nicely
; furnished for light housekeeping; rea
: sonable to desirable parties Call Ivy
4804-.T.1tn31 - 35
FoR REN’r - Nice, newly furnished front
room, reasonable, all conveniences:
close in. 33 Crew’ street Main 4661-J.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms.
’ cheap. Phone Main 4528-.1. 10-31-10
■ FOR RENT—Close in; north side; nicely
furnished room; two meals, breakfast
7:30. supper 7. Call Ivy 6595 or Atlanta
] phone 3924. Terms very reasonable to
couple <>r two young men. 10-31-13
FOR RENT—Two ur three elegantly fur”
nished rooms to nice married couple, ur
1 refined young men. located in best resi
dential section of Peachtree street. Ivv
| FoR KEN’i one largo downstairs room,
j* nicely furnished, with board. East Point
i 192-L. 10-21-16
• FOR RENT—Nice from room: also iwuse-
keeplng rooms. 210 Suring. Ivv 3205 I
‘ •
For RENT Four oi five fun ished rooms
fur housekeeping, with all conveniences;
be vacant on the first of the month 178
; Forrest
FOR RENT—Large, nicely furnished
rooms, near in; conveniences. 20 West
■ Harris 10-29-39
FOR KENT—Two nice front rooms at 28
West Peachtree place. Ivy 6537-J.
10-29 37
FOK KENT -Well ventilate.! room, steam
heat, large closet, connecting bath, elec
tricity, phone; everything first-claas;
walking iliMtance. Main 9086 33-28-10
NIi'HLA furnished steam-I eate.l front
room; two young men. Ivv ..580-.L
NIt'ELY furnished front twin in Die
Marlborough adjoining bath Phone Ivy
'3730 10-28-2 S
Situations Wanted—Male.
i WANTED By Ice plant engineer, place
l chief engineer or manager of ;0 or
2.' ton eaiaicity plant, prefer Frick or
1 ork Machines. kin sober and all-round
mechanic. Best . f references furnished.
Address Box 94, Elberton, Ga. 49-1 -11
YOUNG MAX, three years experience as
steno-bookkeeper. wants to make a
change Any office work Address Box
882. .are Georgian. 45-1-11
POSITION wanted by ntan thoroughly ex
perienced In office work, business cor
respondence. collections, etc., where abil
ity and hard work will count; use type
writer; references. Address H . Box’Bß2,
.-.'■i < r 41-1-11
i RIILI ABT E c< loro man wants position
as ■■barffctir Pall at 188 Piedmont ave
| rue 38-1-11
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms,
with board.; all modern conveniences.
179 North Jackson. Ivy 1907-J.lO-26-36
roomers, 32.50 and
per week. Heart of city. One block
from union depot. Young's Hotel. 27%
South Pryor street. 44-26-10
FOR RENT—Two beautifully furnished,
connecting, cheerful and homelike first
floor rooms, with all conveniences; north
side; walking distance; 315 and $17.50 per
month. Gentlemen preferred. 74 East
Merritts avenue. 10-25-15
FoR RENT—Delightful front room: pri
vate bath; garage; refined home. Peach
tree, care Georgia’;. 27-23-10
WANTED —Vis;t->r« to come out and see
the great Southwest. Most of them
will want to stay. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th, will set forth the reasons.
Mailed to any address in United States or
Mexico, 15 cents; Canada or foreign points
25 cents. Send In your order now. 10-21-4
LOOK at our stoves and ranges before
you buy’ one anywhere. Southern
Stove and Supply Company, 121 White
hall. 10-15-4
NICELY furnished rooms, 50c night, $2.50
a week and up. Broadway Hotel. 7%
N. Broad street. Hot and cold water.
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two first-floor rooms with
kitchenette, toilet and bath. Southern
exposure. Apply 250 Lee street. 11-2-7
FOR RENT —One, two or three beautiful
connecting rooms, furnished or unfur
nished. with every convenience, with cou
ple 451 Whitehall street. Bell phone
Main 2871, 40-31-10
ROOMS, newly papered, for gentlemen or
ladies or couple, furnished or unfurn
' ished: live minutes walk center of city;
all conveniences; private family. Atlanta
phone 2584. or F.. care Georgian. 10-31-21
FOR RENT—Rooms, furnished or unfur
nished. for light housekeeping. 98%
Central place, corner Capitol avenue. See
< >rr. 27-31-10
FOR RENT—Two adjoining rooms, one
furnished, one unfurnished. Will rent
separately if desired. Private Forrest
avenue home. Phone Ivy 5824. 10 31 -1
ONE furnished or three connecting un
furnished roonts. 137 West Baker st. i
43-28-10 I
— ■■ ■ '
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping, in Inman Park; electric lights
and water; $lO a month. 65 Waddell st.
TWo ur three unfurnished rooms to cou
ple without children; price reasonable.
Phone Ivy 6213-J. 11-2-65
I ONE large unfurnished room with kltch
; enette or private family on north side.
I '‘ llone 'VY "454. 11-2-31
j E< >R RENT—Two unfurnished'rooms and
. kitchenette; electric lights and modern
; conveniences; reasonable. Ivy 2813.
j 11-2-31
FOR RENT Unfurnished or partially
furnished first floor of my home. Five
rooms and bath; hot water; sls per month.
i Maln 1888-J. 11-2-80
| FOR RENT one large furnished room for
one or two gentlemen. 39 Carnegie
wa y- Phone Ivy 5552. 11-2-29
i EOR RENT -Three beautiful, Targe and
sunny second flour rooms; north side;
I walking distance: S2O per month. Ivy
5428-J, 11-2-20
FOUR desirable, unfurnished rooms and
bath for light housekeeping. Phone Ivv
899-J. 11-1-38
LARGE, unfurnished front room for rent
with modern conveniences. Call niorn-
Ings. 63-B Highland avenue. 11-1-39
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping, with private family; all modern
conveniences; ten minutes' walk from
center of ci f . Call at 117 Puliiani street.
ONE or tw’o large light rooms; no house
keeping.63-B Highland ave. 1(1-31-63
UNFURNISHED rooms on north side with
owner, four second floor rooms and bath
with hot water heater, sink and large
front porch. Call Ivy 249. 10-31-49
FOR RENT -Two nice rooms with kitch
enette fi r light • housekeeping at 247
Grant street, one block of St. Patil church;
only $12.50.10-31-38
FOK RENT —Three large and one small
unfurnished rooms; large hall; private
bath; rent reasonable. References. Ivv
FOR RENT—Three nice, large, unfur
nished rooms, w’ater and gas, sll. 176
I East Merritts avenue. 29-31-10
I FOR RF,nt—One large downstairs - room";
all conveniences; cheap; close in. Good
section. 270 Houston street.
Housekeeping Rooms For Rent.
EoR RENT—Three bright, sunny rooms,
all conveniences; bath and gas: sink In
I kitchen, 180 Cameron. Main 4688. 11-2-26
TWO nicely furnished rooms with kitch
enette in steam heated apartment, en
tirely separate; walking distance; every
thing furnished. 28 E. Alexander. Apart
ment K- 11-1-73
FOR RENT- - Three furnished rooms and
kitchen, adjoining bath; eastern expo
sure: first floor; between Jackson and
Boudevard; $26. Also two upstairs
rooms and kitchen, furnished, adjoining
bath. sls. Owner. 323 Houston. 48-1-11
I’OR RENT—Two or three furnished
housekeeping rooms to couple with ref
erences. Apply mornings only. 24 Houe
WANTED—One or two business girls to
share light housekeeping rooms. Phone
Ivy 6156. 10-31-23
WANTED—-Children to attend the best
schools in the United States. They are
located In Southern California. Bring the
old folks along. The Ninth Anniversary
Edition of The Los Angeles Examiner wlfl
'el! the story of the most remarkable
school system ever devised. Out Decem
ber 25th. Mailed to any address in United
States or Mexico 15 cents; Canada or for
eign points, 25 cents. Send in your order
now. 10-21-4
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FIVE ROOMS on first floor, also two large
bright rooms and kitchenette, second
floor; nice bath, modern conveniences, fine
neighborhood. Phone Ivy 2478. 11-1-35
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
NORTH SIDE, 5-rootn, first-floor apart
ment; every convenience; janitor serv
ice. Phone Ivy 5608-J. 10-31-42
Fire-Proof Storage.
? llanos. Office and warehouse, 239-241
gewood avenue. Ivy 2037 John J.
Woodside Storage Company.
Situations Wanted—Male.
LICENSED DRUGGIST open for work;
three years experience. Address 11. J .
care Georgian. - 89-1-11
WANTED Position ae shipping clerk or
general-office man; can give best of ref
erences. Address Shipping Clerk, Box 871,
care Georgian. 44-31-10
WANTED—Position by inexperienced but
competent male stenographer: will work
for small salary to start. Phone Ivy
5503-.1. 10-21-41
WA <TED—Position as cotton buyer; have
had three .tears experience; can give
references. Address Cotton Buver Box
»T 3. ‘ 45-31-10
GOOD piano plater wants a job. picture
show or dance work. Address Plano
Player 8.. x 871. care Georgian 33-31-10
Furnished Houses For Rent.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
EIGIUDRI X >M HOUSE, 45 WaikePstreef
next door to Walker street school; s3<j
per month. Phone Main 2395.11-2-36
SIX-ROOM HOUSE, 13 Stonewall street
three doors from Walker street, near
Walker street school; $25 per month
Phone Main 2395, ls-2-39
FOR RENT Six-room bungalow, East
drive; two blocks from North De
catur car. For Information, call Decatur
550. 11-1-30
445 LUCKIE ST., right near Tech; suit
able for boarding students; $45. 778 E.
North ave., six rooms; modern in every
respect with every convenience; near
Druid Hills: $35. 387 North Jackson st.,
eight rooms; S3O. Call Webster. Main
2106 day, 2506 night. 807-8 Fourth Na
tional Bank Bldg. 10-31-66
in; near corner Lovejoy street; four
rooms, large hall and all conveniences;
$12.50 per month. Apply Fitzhugh Knox.
1613 Candler building. 10-31-4
FC»R RENT—Seven-room cottage, en large
lot, Vesta street. College Park. Well
on back veranda. Electric lights. Phone
Main 4469. 64-30-10
ARTISTIC BUNGALOW, screened, fur
nace. tile bath, garage Ansley Park,
care Georgian. 26-23 10
HELP WANTED—To develop the resour
ces of Southern California, the land of
progressand new ideas Read aboutthe Op
portunities in the Ninth Anniversary Edi
tion of The Los Angeles Examiner, out
December 25th. Mailed to any address in
United States or Mexico, 15 cents a copy:
Canada or foreign points. 25 cents. Send
in your order now, 10-21-4
IF YOU want your proper
ty rented list it with me.
We act quick. See Mr. A.
S. Giles. Edwin P. Ansley.
Rent department. Phone
1600. 10-19-53
FOR RENT, HOUSES—CaiI, write cr
phone lor our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
For Rent.
FOR RENT—Nine-room two-story house;
near in; lower five rooms furnished.
Phone owner. Main 846-L. 11-1-21
Stores For Rent.
MARKEFFOR~^NT^Fine5^'a5ion~ 95
Windsor street. Apply 97 Windsor.
BRICK STORE and six-room cottage ad
joining, north side, good location. C
W. Hatcher, both phones 44, 221 Grant
Bldg 10-18-4.
Office Space ¥or Rent.
FAIRLY light inside room, J 6 feetxioi?”
convenient to both passenger and freight
elevators, fourth floor. Commerce Hall,
22 Edgewood avenue. Inquire the John
eon-Lund Company. 10-71-44
CAN DIVIDE large office in Austell bldg.,
including use of telephone, for $lO. Ad
dress Box 789, care Georgian. 10-26-58
Desk Space For Rent,
FOR RENT—Desk space or half of furn
ished office. Apply No. 920 Austell
Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga. J. M. Jenkins, 920
Austell Bldg. 11-2-40
Garages For Rent.
GARAGE FOR~RENT~at~74 Forrest
nue. Phone Ivy 4345. 11-1-59
Business Property For Lease.
FOR LONG LEASE, 314 Peachtree street:
54 by 176. John H. James. 54-2-11.
Furnished Room# Wanted.
WANTED—One bed room with two beds,
dining room and kitchen, furnished com
pletely for housekeeping Address Box
881, care Georgian. 34-2-11
REFINED COUPI.E, husband responsibly
employed, wish nicely furnished steam
heated room, with strictly private family,
on north side. In answering, please state
if board can be obtained. H., Box 221.
care Georgian.s3-31-10
TWO refined gentlemen wish one or two
furnished rooms with optional board
with private family; state terms and loca
tion. "Harden,” care Georgian. 47-31-lfl
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
WANTED—Room and kitchenette, fur
nished or unfurnished. Address, stating
price, X., Box 297, care Georgian. 58-3-11
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
REFINED COUPLE, without children,
would rent furnished steam-heated,
apartment. References exchanged. Ad
dress P. O. Box 1596, Atlanta. 87-2-11
Furnished Houses Wanted.
REFINED FAMILY, grown people, want
to rent furnished house or apartment
(three or four sleeping rooms). Give full
particulars. Address "Near Carline," care
Georgian. 46-1-11
WANTED —Office of one or two rooms in
center of town; state terms and location.
Harden, care Georgian. 48-31-11
Desk Space Wanted.
ROOM and desk wanted with respectable
firm in center of business section. S'ate
terms and location "Harden." care,
Georgian. 46-31-19
Situations W’anted—Male.
TA’ANTED -Position as assistant drug
clerk at night, in or rear city. Ad
dress Graduate, care Georgian. :il-;.l-10
WANTED- By exper enced bookkeeper,
employment alter hours and on Satur
day afternoons Address Bookkeeper. Box
87a, care Georgian. 45-30-10
WANTED--Position by young man with
two years experience as bookkeeper
and three years as stenographer. Best of
refernces furnished. G E . Box 100, care
Georgian. 18-::S-1O
WANTED —By professional male teacher,
position In basin, .-.s .-h, g. ... )t , ,-s
--taolisli business college where one is de
sired. Also teaches literary branches
Excellent indorsements Exi ■ ■■■ e ced In
bookkeeping and hotel iraimgcai.'iu. \c
dr*»« Reliable 8..\ I*l, care Georg an.