Newspaper Page Text
Get Rid of Backache, Pains
in Bones, Straining,
Swelling, Etc.
xidneye and ■■■--■ need a!
H : ,i.,int to expel the accumulations I
sugar and uric acid which lodge I
ihjse delicate organs and which ■
: filiations cause so much misery.
r ■- Buchu and Juniper Compound I
for just such a purpose. This |
v cleans out the kidneys and i
like hot water cleans out i
Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper I
. ;! mind is uniike any other kidney
. Ji and cures where all else fails.
I jiabetes is cured by its use. The
<;1 . ,r is quickly reduced after taking
~ . » Buchu and Juniper Compound.
W .jldn't it be nice within a week
fl . to begin to say good-bye forever
... scalding, dribbling, straining, or
j., 0 frequent passage of urine; the
c.i.head and the back-of-the-head
the stitches and pains in the
i lie growing muscle weakness;
si '.. before the eyes; yellow skin;
i'ugnisli bowels: swollen eyelids or an
leg cramps; unnatural short
' .c ; ; sleeplessness and the despond.
|!. V
T:il«- Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper
. ■ .pmnd for above troubles it you
t to make a quick recovery. Stu
it s Buchu and Juniper Compound
. ,11‘oins only pure ingredients and
in, kb shows its power over kidney
bladder diseases. All symptoms
ckij vanish. $1 per large bottle
at drug stores. Samples free by writ
ing Stuart Drug Company. Atlanta, Ga.
Both Phones M. 3648
The Cheerful Grate
or |.:i l lor stove on cold winter even
ings will make you think of that coal I
If you bought your coal before
price jumped, you will enjoy the
■s th and cheer all the more.
' oal goes up without warning.
I here is still time to get it at under
■er price. If you wait till tomor
"r next week, you may have to
acre. The best coal produced is
"'i to our customers. It givefe more
< 'ting value than cheaper coal, and
'■"s far less ash and dirt. And there
e no clinkers in it to choke out the
ti c on cold nights.
Telephone your order today.
Randall Bros.
r "'* ?il eet al *d Xorth Avenue, both
timiies 1,6; South Boulevard and Geor
'l l ’” 11 Plmnc Main 538, At- I
-93; McDaniel street and Southern!
• ii'.m. Bep Main 354. Vtlanta 321: 64
’".ffi-t. Bell Ivy 4165, Atlanta 706:
».outn Pryor street, both phones 936.
Correctly Engraved
Wedding Invitations
" ! ,’. ell you require engraved
miing invitations, announce
ments, visiting cards or station
'd- you should have the best
qualiti of work and in the latest
and most fashionable styles.
1 o'- quality ~f our engraving
m not be excelled anyw here, Kin
lri " ""rk our prices are quite
\ ,,ur order is solicited with the
■ mi.erstanding that no charge will
1 made if our work is not abso
'•'ly satisfactory in every de
or write for samples and '
' I'Oftal request will bring you I
° UI ' ISb-page
Maier & llerkele. Inc.
Society Engravers
0-33 Whitehall Street
Established 1887
- J
English Dining and Tea
Tickets Limited.
iurmshe.l ui Ivaemi—
t mm;,,,,.. ' mular.|.|j,n-t - x ,1
x ' ''"mil \,, iU ~-■<
JohnsoiHiewinner Company Opens Wonderful Store in Atlanta
- ; - ~ ’
MP, Lfi—fl FiV IB
a ° er - \\ Il \ 7 z / ■—
• ■••••••a •• ■■ \\ I \ ' ) // y r—*.r~eTm»i Marshall Johnson. Secretary and Tree
• * ••••••••••••••••••• _ \ y // y*" ~ urer '
• A shop where practical ideas and • <22'’* "F»2''2. ’ '**'»»> eeeeoeeoooooeoooeeeeoeeee.
• necessities for the automobile are e- ~~ **<-> '«. — ,
• blended with luxuries and com- e -wsr V > *’**& nif* • A visit to this store equals a trip «
• fort* in a moit remarkable man- e ’’tL '*•*’ * to New York - Every s t y | e that's i
• n, [; • * 9° Oe *, every novelty that’s practi- <
• Magnetos and carburetor*, the e 1 *■' 1 y S • ca t ®very fad that’s popular i» «
• life and energy of the engine. La- a • show ' l here. <
• d>es’ beautiful coats, improved e *** • The establishment is operated «
e dust veils and marvelous crea- e . ''/xk -e in a systematic manner that bring* «
• tion* of automobile millinery are e * j ,,y t 0 the purchaser. Thorough- «
• handled under one roof. e -> „v, • ne** and perfection reign supreme •
• Each line is a specialty in itself, e • an d quality predominates. s
• calling for the highest degree °f • • Atlanta n°w boasts of a real *
• experience and skill. e * metropolitan shop for motor ap- *
• • * parel, supplies and accessories. *
off . ; 2'L,* ’-wWs ■
Krol | J J - »w Ml 31 ■
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SK 1 M®®WEr“'T w ar *
t Ml g;, fa?** K W
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View snowing part of supply and me
chanical department.
TO open a nevi business in a city of
Atlanta's progressiveness that in
on» or two months gains the rep
utation of being the city's finest and
most complete establishment in its line
is no small undertaking.
In no other line is competition hard*
tnii development further advanced than
in the automobile business. Atlanta has
always boasted of the best stores of the
country in this line. To open a new
business under these conditions re
quired the utmost courage and determi
nation. and the two meu. whose Indom
itab.e wills have enabled them to sur
mount thee* obstacles in a most suc
cessful manner deserve the unqualified
approval of the public
Few men In commercial lines lave
accomplished a is:ger undertaking than
-Messrs. Johnson and Gew Inner. The
establishment of this business a led
so brains, ability energy except;. >na y
good taste and money The automobile
uss developed demands of a thousand
kinds Almost every different branch
of manufacturing has felt Its influence
Clothing. rubber, hardware, electrical,
eat her clock and chemical manufac
turers ate only » partial list of those
who have been affected by its develop
To keep pec* with the constantly
growing demand* of the automobile
and Its users la a task that requires *
foundation of broad “xpe-ience. con
stant application am! persistent effort
Johnson and G-ewinner have a store j
that covers every phase <«.' the industry
and one that w 111 arouse the jiiml ation
and pride of each Atlanta citizen. Ils
interest is amazing and the stock of
good* are bound to fasoiraie arid r iiarm
every automobi* own* wl'« enters it
The know edg* of I'* mechanics
pa-t of the autn nob e and the itdlvid
ual'ty and good taste dlsp'ayed In the
*• action ‘if appare and cove ties
proves ita owners to be men of exo* -
str judgment, keen appreciation of
good values and thoroughly alive to the
needs of the automobile trade. Every
line they handle 1* a specialty with
them AH the concentration and
thought possible Is put Into even the
smallest d»la: * .*•}• is manifest
tn» effo-t to nah* ’heir business * -i.i
and pea-u •• lh»i pa. ■•one |
Teeir • >"<« inn* through • ’ •
- Mims -‘a .
\W- im -jf®" '/
O ?: ... -gL 1
r == :rr- £X
Exhibit of exclusive automobile coats
and millinery.
! block with two stores on Enr-vth street
I and one on Peachtree This arrange
j ment enable* them to divide their .•*-
tablishment into distinctive depart-
I in e n t s
The main entrain e Is on Peachtree,
directly opposite th* I'andier building
and Within the very heart of the busy
business section. The floor space cov
er* 7.00 n square feet
Motor Apparel and Millinery.
The Peachtree entrance opens upon a
displav of automobile appirel and ml!
linerv that causes th* eve of the visitor
to Unger long and loving upon a most
beautiful array of rich and asty gar
mt-nt*. built exclusive • fin mutu: wea’
I 'or • of fur ami fim «.«>»« of wool
en* raincoats, mackinaw s and ulsters in
gentlemen's wear, and for milady tin
daintiest ami prettiest appare evu
conceived nv trie expert manufacturers ’
of i hlc motor tarnw« a-e on the
racks tn every sire and weave This
department will -pv ia Ire .ci pirec
I styles of chauffeur I ver Re gi ■ng
th* grow mg •-s • * an. ng <■ ■ :
clothe thei: ■ hatiffeit• * in a n.a nn<i ■ ba'
w|i be in good taste and in keeping
with their if.-, they have brought ti ■
largest and most varied assortment of
chauffeur suits, cloth nnd fur overcoats
and hats ever seen in the South
On the ’eft side of this department
are tows of beauttfu mahogany show
’ .sees filled with I'tirtni ub assort
' men:* of noy ■ tie- rimtoi s and .-on
i ep'lons t" I • li.a :»'• I ' imc .!■ I
Wllu ..Hl9Ue>IA. iUvtll '.'S • -1 AUU .
1 4-
-..1? *
35' “
fc€:’' ’», ■' -- * c x'S i
• /
YgWMMwMF _i__„
Th« Rasch magneto cab'net, containing 720 d-avrirn so oarrytng a comp<ot«
line of Bosch magneto pa te*
' Tin r.iiufc i.o'," ties uro in prof:- «;.>n: lan
robes, goggles, fart*. gauntlets, etc.,
fairly fill ong cases an< cause one to
Unger around the section in fascinat
ing inspection
<>n the shelves ba It of the novelty
case.- are shown automobile trunks In
•-vert conceivable -I.ripe. c z.r and ma
| t•• I'. ■: -sii-1 ■•:. -i • • .ire ml
.i.* I V . i ■ I U J»•V . M V ■ d.. . d ciii b
th* dainty and - o.npltte assort
ment f equipment for the picnic. These
articles, such as knives, forks, dlshest
spoon* Thermos bottles, etc., fit com
pa : mot !•• - ase and may t>e stowed
a. • ' on" -a ready for use of tue
•it . g b ' : rouds.dr .ui.t.u.
Mechanical Department.
•’■ ~ ,u, . U ...icy .i ■ ! g I >.>' ,\ ••.' p [
Attractive display of Thermos bottles
sod lunch baskets.
Forsyth street is the d<-purtn.< tit of me
chanical supplies Here - mown the
I most complete stock -. i bled
| under one roof In the So ttiiern states.
Special effort has been made to s.o.ik
automobile hardware, such as aps,
. screws, nuts. etc., in every known
i thread and size. Every possible too’ j
tor use on the automobile tog.the* with
a countless assortment of unique labor,
saving devices for adjustments and
repairs are an interesting exhibit in
this department.
The oil and grease department will
also bo In this store and the stock
consists of all well-known makes Dif
ferent designs of .-ar* require d'ffer
*nl kinds of oils am! it 1s the inten
tion of Juhi.sun-Gew inner company to
meet every demand in lubricants uwn.
on will undoubtedly appreciate the op
portunity of buying the most sui'abie 1
products tor their Individual 'ar.
Bosch Magneto Station.
At 86 North Forsvth street is Io- ■
ated tne Bosch magnet" department.!
The Johnson ttewlnner < pmpan.v rep
, resent the Bosch In seven Southern
’states, aud in this department wil ebn
’ duct a shop especially equipped with I
! machinery tor making repairs on this!
i well-known magneto. Every part, of
ths Bosch is parried In stock, tn large,
quantities, at all times and motorist*
will have no Ignition wnrr>« In the fu. 1
ture that • an not lie easily ami speed
, tly remedied
I This lepartment wl’l he In hgrg* .
is lllgl. educated *. -H - factor* |
The Peachtree entrance, oppo* t te Caw
dler Building.
and sent to Atlanta to take care of all
Bosch troubles. in securing this agenev,
Johnson-Gewlnnet- Company have es
tablished their enterpr'se and progres-
I slvenesa Knowing the long felt want
among owners, dealer* and garages of
a Bosch branch in At anta. Gewinner
went to the factory end put rhe propo
sition before tne oftl. ia.s The resit.t
was the placing of a service sta'log
for the South in tne band* of hl* 'em-
■ pany.
I ne doors of rhe 55 North Forsv H
' street store ate being widened In o"der
'•'i a iw cars to be driven Into 'he simp
from the street This will a,*<> ma*»
*ne special work such as pui’ing >s
speedometers. bumpers, ar-, iretors,
•• c„ more risiy a, omp.'.si.ed.
The Personnel.
Then Jobn K 'l*w inner, president
and gene”a manage: there I* pose)b »
no man as well known In autoniobi e
circles. Affable, energetic and able. i»
s at all times working progressing and
bettering tne condition* of his estab
lishment. He carefully watches its
markets and when some new and at
tractive idea Is conceived in automobi »
accessory and supply lines he either
wires for goods or make* a special r a
to the metropolitan center*. If i’»
stock 1* right and rhe idea praxticnl.
tie purchase* the article for hts store.
This fact Insures Southern motorisss
. - 'y
iof an establishment where every new
concept ton of any worth may be found
almost the instant It is offe-ed to th*
Nev. York public
Ma •shall Johnson. secretary and
reasure- while * newcomer In auto
: i "h e lines Is widely known through
lout 'hi* section Xmnng the** who
know ' .m he en.ioi* an -n' ah* repu
tation *>> sound burn-** *en*e and
.sheer ability His ?ng -xper.ene* to
I t.h» hanking business makes aim a '* •
I liable asset a* a financial man for t «
new flrm.
That,the establishment ot Johnso--
’Gow Inner ha* come to Atlanta to sta , •
g... s without saying, and as it grow t’’
o dor and larger u wt become on* ■ t
o bu'waras of i>- .i* ui At-
..•■l.l i veritahe r* d f " ne -n
--(lhuaiuatk mot unau tv:u.)