Newspaper Page Text
I Where Where
Is Are
Highest Lowest
Wednesday and Thursday
Specials at Rogers’
lAr other Lot of Lot of New Crop
Yellow Yams Black Walnuts
at he Peck at 3c Pound I
These A e Petter Than Black Walnut Kernels,
Any Yet. 40c Pound.
Another Carlo?. J of Thos? Fine
Foimciana Brand, Thin-Skin
I Florida Oranges
I 14c J ISc’AA 24c
Also a Solid Carload of Finest
Florida Grape Fruit
Smaii, each, 4c; Large, each, 6c
Piedmont Hotel Tomatoes
Piedmont Hotel Brand Tomatoes are the very finest
quality—perfect., ripe tomatoes .carefully selected ami full
packed in sanitary tins. Following special prices for Wed
nesday ami Thursday :
No. 3 size tins, regular , No. 2 size tins, regular
price 15c: > price 10c.
Per tin 9c Per tin 7c
6 for 52c *> for 42c
| k Per dozen SI.OO Per dozen 84c
| Per ease $2.00 Per case $1.68
J (Not more than one case to I (Not more than one Vase
I a buyer at this price.) to a buyer at this price.)
Piedmont Hotel Corn
j Piedmont Hotel Brand Corn is the finest sugar corn
grown, gathered while young and tender, and earefuliy
packed under most sanitary conditions. Full pack No. 2
cans at following prices:
Per can .... 15c 6 cans for 75c
3 cans for 40c 12 cans for $1.20
Buy by the dozen cans, thus saving 60 cents on the
Just Received New Crop Fine
filace Cherries Georgia Caae
and Pineapple Syrup
50c Pound « c Ga* l ™
Made in the Best Cane-
Very Fine Quality. Growing Section.
For Breakfast Cakes
New Buckwheat and Pancake Flour
Do yon like hot cakes for breakfast? Here are the
fmest new crop buckwheat and pancake (lour.
Piedmont Hotel Brand Prepared Buckwheat (ready for
use) :
Small 4 Medium 4 E Large
Package IUC Package IvC Package ...COC
Nev Pin n Buckwheat, per bag . .30c
Piednioi t Hotel Brand z z*.
Paneak. Flour, per package I (JC
!A Special in Evaporated
Fine Salmon Feaches===New
Splend d quality Pin!; Alas- New Crop California Evap
( ka Salm.m in No. 1 tall tins; orated Peaches; regular 12
■ lac value: I l-2e grade; two days:
I Pe tin 9c Per pound 8c
i 3 ■»r 25c 3 P inds for 23c
| 6 for 53c 61’ unds for4sc
12 for i.c 12 Pounds for 89c
W Wff Demonstration
A Our demonstration of "Try-New-Life,” on the
A B fWS b » WNhTI 'H' isl 'Ptfi W Fifth Floor, is attracting scores of people inter-
® JL» J W M V I * B I W JB fit e S ted in the scientific eradication of diseases with-
M, .Amißi'ei. Yi out the use of medicine. You are invited to attend.
Extraordinary Bargains in Suits ™
«Z fine Pure Silk Ribbons,
of heavy, rich quality.
Another Purchase fX"’rXT
f w—»• | lar price 25c yard, at 19 e
or rine oamples .
A telegram rec ived from our New York Buyer apprises us that he has New Scarfs
shipped in two lots of Women’s and Misses’ Man Tailored Suits which are Beautiful gold-beaded I
the cream of the season’s productions. Bought at I % and i-a. less than cost. I colors and black. i n
“ dainty holiday boxes
95 Beautiful Suits 76 Fine Sample Suits
Values to S4O 00, Choice Values to $50.00, Choice New Ms
I ' 'Z. A N 4 f* 1 * Beaded, also plain net
■J ‘ W I * I Bl ■ double.ruffs, in all sash-
1117 & •L* Sf Qk Q. / ionable dark colors,
TV Jr irk. white and black.
f V 3» JF with sgtin ribbon bows.
■ ■
Outing Gowns
Remnant Sale Buy Gloves Here Tomorrow . for Wmn
Just received, another
«a j 1 z"', 1 . reinforcement of
woolen uress Vrooas women’s “Monopole” is the proper 2-clasp, real Kid outing Gowns for which
the trade has been wait-
and Vi Off Regular Price Glove to buy for street, church and visiting, if you ing patiently, knowing
'' /O ■» ' that we have the best
~, , . L v want a verv high-class srlwve. In white with black values, the warmest,
All colors and black: \ . r. .. 1 fleeciest and neatest
X";, h X'.’...'.'.'..7.:..:.'.'.'.A IZ stitchiug. In black with white MM ’"TV’”"" VS
English Diagonal | Stitching. Pail’ OIIUV
Heavy Wide Wales f Women ’g lleaVV English Walking < Roves, (Jinn
and Specially priced $1.25 and Ol.UU Outing Gowns
~ siik lined walking .< M for children
teKSJ'Si.:/::::::! Gt ' pa " : * ,0U
Fine wool Poplins ..a 1 ' Bovs’ Dog Skin Gloves—heavv weight for CH nn Nl° 14 s’efl"'’ 5 ’ efl "'’ prettz
and | • a. • ~ \ 1 Illi pinks and blues, dainti-
Goods for Mourning. . I fA-C f Winter Wear pair <> I lUU ly trimmed and very
Lengths and kind? suitable for f ■ ITT . . * '
ladies' dresses, ladies' suits, la- / A A IT-rilf wrzvrv>r>vi «„zl 1 '1 1 * cnoice values, at only
dies' skirts, ladies' coats, ehii-/ lj(,n 'rio\cs foi women, men and children nr n soc.
dren's dresses children's coats./ in all sizes. Pair 50c Hlld ZDu
All greatly reduced.
— “Teddy Bears”
Leather-Lined Leather Bags New Arrival of for Women
It. is rarely the ease that you find a good leather-lined Shopping Bag * 1 J • “ 1 These popular and pref-
under $2.50. We bought this lot at a price. / b VjlTllOrdT S C. Tn f"l O* M A ITT ty combination gar-
Whv not get. one for vourself or for your . 1 SBl 1 u f <J h<> flne,lt
friend s Ninas gift ? Price tt J SFI.'C?L? Tj 4? gtrt who *’ In the liab,t
I IX ° f d ° in * her ° wn
McCallum’s $1.25 Silk Hose j-n J
HUh, ■ B z*% Z a Z"% reasonable, qualities
l Z| I■ S! (3 f considered, 98c to |1 JO
Extra heavy pure silk Stockings for women, the celebrated McCul
l»m'« Hosiery that always maintains its dt* -g /A/A Our Children’s Department offers reiM to I,usy, tired
and proves it« value. W e oil the ()1 ,V V mothers in this wise—that we bring out the neat«t, (-lev- High N«k (10WUS
price for one day only, pair •• erest, best garments manufactured and at prices so low
they save money as well as time. for WoUICU
Fine Gingham Dresses, for ages 2 t hrough 6 years, in
rtn • zv M z 1 r-u a variety of pretty styles; ichoice Just received a large lot
Sale of ss.oo Mesh Bags
Bailev's genuine unbreakable Mesh German Silver Bags, in large I 11. inthemuslinsandcam-
sizes and in sterling designs. Zf> p- kz v/ Xz bdes, suitable for wln-
. VJ r z U Mik tGr wear ’ tdmmed in
Specially priced while they Dresses for ages 8 through 14, made of high-grade good, substantia! m-
last vr Scotch plaid gingham; all new styles; choice broideries and laces, In
lovely new styles. All
4*"'X sizes, 50c, 75c, 98c, J 1.50
U W c
Sale oi 10c Outings ,
One hundred pieces of fleecy pink and blue striped and plaid Outings; ch ildrel and n'ductions? * Children S
tegular 10c quality. No phone nor /C 1 Values to $15.00 at $9.95. Sweaters
0. O. 1). orders in this sale. Tomorrow, Qjt Values to $7.50 at. $4.95. T , , „ Un
while they last, yard z ju 3 t received, a splen-
J J —— did lot of all-wool
Sweaters, in all colors;
rTTN-g f • • T • O 1 whlte - aize " Bto 14
Thanksgiving 1 able Linen Sale
Bordered Cloths Table Sets • children’s
Ot pure linen Damask in beauti ml floral and coinentiona! designs. Qf finest linen Damask, one Cloth with twelve Napkins to match. GuimpCS
o i' y ?> i“J dM '1 50°°* Tu floral and Other choicc For children from 4to
2 by 2 12 yards at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.50. ... u years, we will offer a
72-inch Grass Bleached Double Damask in a beautiful line of 2 by 2 yards at $6.00, $7.00 and SB.OO set. large lot of fine la*-n
new patterns at 90c, SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 yard. Guimpes, trimmed in
.... ~ - .... , f «. 7 n n 2by 2 1-2 yards at $7.00, $8.50, SIO.OO, $15.00 and $17.50 set. . pretty styles; SI.OO air
Napkins to match in 22 and 24-inch from $2.75 to $7.50 dozen. • ; ' r ho'ce to-
n 2by 3 yar<lS ” ’ SB -°°’ $lO -° o ’ sl7 - 50 ’ s22 ' s ° and $25 °° SCt ' morrow 75c
Sc 3 ’ loped C tOT hs 2 1-4 by 2 1-4 yards at $9.00, SIO.OO and $15.00 set.
We carry a full stock of both round and square Scalloped - 1"2 by 2 1-2 yards at $8.50, $12.50, $15.00 and SIB.OO set. Children's FllfS
Cloths in all sizes; $2.50 to SIO.OO. 2 1-2 by 3 yards at $17.50, $20.00 and $25.00 set. V *
Dainty Sets for ages 1
———— — ' to J* years, in all new
Bed Spreads StxW Sheets Kimono Outings I 2 l»2c Outings 10c 20c Galatea Isc effect S s an 'fhTb S Xt P vaiues
Scalloped, fringed or We shall offer our 81x90 The prettiest patterns and We will place on sale a New line of Galatea for we ve ever owned at t.
med. full double-bed s’ze Seamless Sheets, which colors In the ( ’ky. You’d large selection of fine prices. Set .. to
of < * ed re « ular,y otmhe flo\verv''kingdo I n'’u Flce, ' y Outings and Flan- b,,v ' and K ,rl «’ ’'lits and
itles \tlanta women have at 75c if «e Had bought Outings were made in Ja- nelettes. in stripes, checks dresses; excellent 18c and H’o’l’s RaSeiTCilt
ev<r seen at Jhe special them at the advanced cost. pan. Special values at, and plaids, regular 12 l-2c ’ S'
P r Le 0f51.50 Special, eachssc yardlsc and 121-2 c values '-..10c 2 0c values, atl5 O Don't fall to visit H ?
Basement —the pla •'
«J. M Jligh Company. ?. ■