Newspaper Page Text
playing ft
r~ ' :~L.~ i VOU may think you are kIU
‘'T ■ .utterly lacking in mu- Ea(
sical instinct—have not vO
even an ** ear for nMisn.-." (e\
4ff ,'<L Tsc Uut. there is a simple way [g|
x c i to prove that Nature has H
\ \ ’ endowed you with this O
Instinct. |||
T way is to seat yourself in front of the
j n ,- ; •<• t the music roll of some piece you like —song waltz W
Run it through once to get the "hang" of the’ simple W
e? . n buttons tinder your left hand and tempo lever. Then AN
j!„ v again. \M
X ill be astonished, fascinated, thrilled. For you’ll find SS
■■ your instinctive guidance, the music pours forth S\
r . mid or subsiding to softness, rushing swiftly or slow- Lx
j ie • dniness, as your mood and fancy—through' your in- J|
stinct dictate to your Angers.
]• very easy to have access to a Virtuolo. Call at our
, >u an play the Virtuolo there to your heart’s content ■/
■fallet i Davis Virtuolos $750 to SBOO, Conway Virtuolos $575 fll
. to $650,
19 r'< id on convenient terms. yjj
Dealers Wanted in Unoccupied Territory. IS
Hallet & Davis Piano Co. S
:• A • ■
■■■ . rJu^ i ’F • ■’tajished 1339. EL
WM. CARDER, Manager j
fc C
l g M
At the Auto Show
, ‘ Wear a Benjamin”
Full Dress Suit
Ca s>? Then your mind and bodv will
v> i ,
,'k be ai perfect ease, and von can
f /iti I the show to ilie fullest.
Dj '* i/ 111 a “ BEX ’ IAAHX " Dress
' 1/ / /Cff Suit von tret MORE than the
|L‘RMF newest style and tine, fill-wool
\ material. You get a snug-fitting
'Il I I collar, graceful shoulders, full
t '7 11 K
■ B fl armholes and well-set sleeves.
11l /u ail of which combines to insure
’ ■ kJ il 'h‘‘ pimper drape of the coat
’ lit I.■ 8.l ’. J
1 Ml <iud,a comfortable fit.
Il m ■il Lome in and let us fit you
Ur prlces ran R e trom
—s3o to SSO
fjenjanpn fiotties
We Rent NEW Dress Suits
Shoe and Clothing* Co.
36 Whitehall Street
—. ,»lmi w T-r.~j-nr-.-i -n -jr™-™ ~»r--.-w r-»»ar*--- y «u.i «*■ ■■nan raw> «ii 'K I >«■
Lowry National Bank
(Capital and Surplus . . . $2,009,000.00
Undivided Profits .... 224,000.00
Insur ■ (he safety of your Stocks. Bonds, valuable
papers, jewelry, etc., by renting a Safe Deposit
in our fire-proof and burglar-proof Vault. „
pir .<2.50 and upward, you can secure such pro
itectiou f ()r j| whole year.
have provided a separate Vault, equally
iii which may be stored Trunks and bulky
•irtirles. she charge for this is based upon the
6pa«- used.
i’i’ivate Booths and a private Consulting Room
tarnished for the convenience of customers.
Designated Depository of the United
States, the County, of Fulton and the
City of Atlanta.
Under Government Supervision.
(£—=•; l— =J □===](=!■
d for Profit. Use for Results
WI :1 W
WR ti- /i
7he Fashionable Tailor
The gentlemen of Atlanta and vicinity
certainly showed their appreciation of my
opening Saturday, as my store was crowd
ed from the time the doors were opened at
8 a. m., until they were closed at 10:80 p. m.
My salesmen informed me upon my ar
rival from New York that they were not
able to wait upon one-tenth of the cus
tomers who called to make their selec- |
In checking through the many names
that were registered on my books Satur
day, it was gratifying to see the many fa
miliar names, some of whom I have known
personally and made clothes for for the
past fifteen years.
I am sure that fifteen years from now
I will be able to say the same thing about
the many new customers whose names were
J registered on my opening day in Atlanta,
I My salesmen were asked by thousands
of customers wh ;• called at my store Sat
urday to register their names and were
? unable to be waited upon, “Why I did not
i treat everybody alike?” And in order to
keep the good will of all the best dressed
gentlemen of Atlanta and vicinity, I am
forced to continue this sale ONE WEEK,
§ SIX DAYS, LONGER, from Monday.
November 19, to and including Saturday,
November 25, 10:30 p. m.
Gentlemen, this is my loss and your
igain, so if you are wise take advantage of
this wonderful offer of U N H E A RD OF
Remember that- the clothes I am making
! during my sale are not at a profit to me,
but only to get acquainted with the high
class dressers, and to show my fit and
workmanship. g
These clothes will be tailored high-class
throughout, as though you had paid me
full price. Once a customer always a cus
tomer, my motto.
Price Sale Week—Suit or Overcoat
Regu’ar Price $25 to SSO
The Fashionable Tailor, Cutter and Fitter
Twenty Years on Broadway
-7 r— . 1 1.— ...... j. .
Put Your Surplus
Earnings in Diamonds
Because they are n form of investment that <lo< s not
fluctuate. They are absolutely sound and secure.
Their possession fosters self-respect, ami the respect of
Thex are better than a savings bank, because they pax a
better interest.
Our partial payment plan of one fifth down ami the bal
ance divided into equal monthly payments, places them in
easy reach of every one earning a regular income.
Upon receipt of satisfactory references we will send a
selection package anywhere on approval.
IFugehe v O aymes Co).
The success of our pre—thanksgiving sale so pro
nounced that we give it special feature throughout the
The appreciative crowds attendant upon these sales
yesterday, emphasized the timeliness and popularity of
these offerings.
Continual display—enlarged space—recruited sales
strength will add to the attractiveness of this sale.
Many dainty and desirable napenes so novel in
their character that enumeration in this space would
be impossible—are fresh linen attractions daily.
Bordered Damask Cloths in beautiful designs, including Rose,
Blue-Bell aad Fleur-de-Lis and Laurel Wreath and Stripes,
72x72 inches $3.50 each
72x90 inches. . 54.38 each
72x108 inches $5.25 each
72x126 inches $6.12 each
72x144 inches $7.00 each
Napkins to Match:
22 inch Napkins. .$5.00 dozen 26 inch Napkins. .$6.50 dozen
Damask Cloths in New Designs including Rose and Ribbon Stripe,
Poppy, Grape and Dot.
70x 70 inches $2.20 each Napkins to match—
70x 88 inches $2.75 each 20-inch $3.00 dozen
70x108 inches $3.30 each 22-inch $3.50 dozen
From Belgium, snow white Satin Damask Cloths, from one of the
largest manufacturers in this European center of the linen industry.
Meadow Bleaching is responsible for, the texture of this Cloth—very
2x2 yards $3.00 each 2x3 yards $4.50 each
2x2 1-2 yards $3.75 each 2x3 1-2 yards $5.25 each
24 1-2-incb Napkins to match... $5.00 dozen
Our open stock of Napkins represents all that s 3est at the lowest
of prices from Ireland. We are offering:
18- SI.OO dozen 22-inch $2.75 dozen
19- $1.25 dozen 24-inch $3.25 dozen
20- $1.50 dozen 23-inch $3.69 dozen
20-inch $1.75 dozen 24-inch $4.00 dozen
22- $2.00 dozen 24-inch $6.50 dozen
23- $2.25 dozen j 26-inch $6.95 dozen
Cluny Centerpieces and Scarfs and Tray Covers. The largest
stock we have ever shown; the patterns of 1912 are the prettiest yet
and the lowest in price:
20-inch 79c each 45-inch . $7.50, $12.50 and $15.00 each
28-inch $2.25, $2.75 and $5.00 each 72 inch $12.50 and $19.00 each
36-inch $3.50, $4.50 and $7.50 each 90-inch $40.00 and $50.00 each
14x20 Tray Covers SI.OO to $2.50 20x54 Dresser Scarfs $4.50, $6.50 and $8.50
20x38 Tray Covers $2.25 ( 20x72 Sideboard Scarfs $6.50 to SIO.OO ’
A special offering of HL S. Silver Bleached Tea Napk ins,
size 14x14 inch 10c each
From Austria, New Eyelet Embroidered lea Napk ins. . . $3.79 dozen
Hemstitched and Scalloped Tea Napk ins
$1.50, $2.75, $3.50, $4, $5. $6.50 dozen
Hemstitched Dinner Napk ins
Size 20-inch $5.00 dozen Size 22-inch $6.00 dozen
Size 24-inch $6.50 dozen
From Austria H. S all Linen Pillow Cases, 45x36 inches. .$1 60 pair
Hemstitched 45x36 all Linen Pillow Cases, special $1.19 pair
H. S. 45x36 all Linen Pillow Cases. . $1.50, $1.75, $2 and $2.25 pair
45x35 Embroidered and Hemstitched all Linen Pillow C ases,
$2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 pair
1 ! i ■■—■ii. ■■ ■ ■ '■■!]■■ ""jijij ■' .i ■ i ■ —.-i „
Georgian Want Ads Bring Results
K E E LY ' S