Newspaper Page Text
IPECIAL council committee
«*.» special committee appointed by
.-mdl to take up the mntter of na-
ft'Bi! park* will hold session In the
moibec of Commerce Tuesday aft-
at 2:30 o'clock to consider the
ST., drawn up by City Engineer Clay-
STof the three battle grounds around
Atlanta- It Is.probable that the matter
establishing parka on these three
lues will bo urged until proper ap-
eeonrlatlon Is made by the senate next
foember. The bill to be presented by
fj, Georgia congressmen will also be
jycussed Tuesday.
Councilman Edmund W. Martin,
chairman of tho committee, said Tuea-
JL,. it was especially desirous that the
oitter bo taken up and settled, so that
a,, bill can be among the first to go
jifore the coming session of the na
tional body.
Special to The deorglajt.
Columbus, Ga. June II.—Further de
tails from Chlply, Ga, In regard to the
killing of T. T. Murrah, a member of
Governor Terrell's staff, the banker at
that place, by A. B. Hasty, are to thp
effect that Murrah and Jackson, the
latter postmaster of Chlpley, were
walking toward the depot Sunday
evening, when they were met by Hasty,
who fired at Murrah with a pistol con
cealed in his coat pocket. In a struggle
which followed the pistol was dis
charged again, but no one else was
Murrah was almost Instantly killed.
Hnsty wee arrested and locked up,
but that night he mado hie escape.
The killing Is supposed to be the re-
ault of an old feud which terminated
two weeks ago tn the killing of Hasty's
brother and a man named Irvin at the
time Hoke Smith was speaking at
Special to The Georgian.
Charlotte, N. C., Juno 12.—The civlt
court which opened here Monday
broke the record for divorces, grant
ing five before I o’clock, the court con
vening at 10 o'clock In the morning.
nam, unu IV. II.
Pa.; W. II. Me-
j!..ui. .War York; A.
out.; Frill II «■•*•••» t
<ill< hrlst. Phi..
nourli. Aniilutud; I
r*r line; J. A. Brown. Winona,
W. FriHtman, Mansfield, Oa.: T. K. Atkina
and *on. Mayarlll*. Oa.; M. B. Leitb, Ifew
York; George A. Merritt and wife, Greens
boro, Oa.: B. W. Copelan, Greensboro, Ga.;|
It. L MeComana, Greensboro, Ga.; J.
UlaMngbam, Greensboro. Oa.; II. W.
Whaley, Jesup; Miss J. B. Klnff, Asheville,
X. C.; We \V. Thompson, August a, Go.;
I* X*. Peteraon, Anruata. Ga.; 0. W. Wnl-
tm. Hrnnswlck; X'. McQulnn, Georgia;
thHuw II. Hmlth, Brunswick; J. F. Lsney,
I Monroe,' N. C.; II. II. Dowmsn, New Or-
TT T E8PAY, JTTNP! t?. livid
By Private Leased Wire.
Hun«in C nrov5mL. C r>wi Un ® K*—""“T" «"■ rne nas resulted irom nooas In
here p lnce ' chlna ' b F ""O'* of floods according to advlcee received
ter m t nn?. n l , iii a ” °“ t of * helr an Immense territory le under wa-
go'a^voS in hav ® been w, P* d out- The ion of life. It Is said, will
go away up In the thousands.
So far as heard from all the missionaries In the flooded section are safe.
It’s the Most Valuable in Town-
,. it and Keep it on the
-Get After
Tha Atlanta Georgian dollar started on
Its wanderings Tuesday morning. Look out
for It, and If jou get It be sure you spend
It for all fbat Is coming to you Bead the
card attached to the.silver ring and then
get Into the spirit of the jpune. It Is an
efTort on the part of The GeoraUn to deni
onstrate what one dollar will do.
Soma of the n
valuable dollar.
fared a premium for . ,
establishments. For instance.' If you get
the dollar The Atlanta Georgian will give
u six months* anbscrlptlon tor l». the In-
nslc value of which la $2.60. Below wo
scrlptlon $2.50
Elsemnn k Well, I Whitehall street... 1.10
Bass Dry Goods Co., IS W. Mitchell... 1.26
Globe Clothing Co., 89-91 Whitehall 1.26
Ktoirnh Restaurant, Whitehall and Ala
bama streets 2.00
.. L. Cnrtls Drug Co., Forsyth and
Mitchell streets 1.10
Walter J. Wood Stove Co., Whitehall
and Mitchell streets 1.26
Wolfshelmcr A Co. (beef market), 114
Whitehall street 1.23
Cole Book Co, 69 Whitehall street 1.26
McClure Tea Cent Co.. O Whitehall.... 1.25
The dollar wan spent this morning at 10
o clock by C. W. Upchurch, au employe* of
The Georgian, with the Globe Clothing Co.
Mr. Upchurch bought a 1910 umbrella on a
rainy day. Its price was $1.26. Mr. Eln-
tteln, manager of the Globe Company, will
spend the dollar Immediately, and ft will
thus be started on Its long journey.
If you get huugry, go to Harry Silver-
man’s and get $2.00 worth of food; If you
need a trunk, a hag or any kind of mer
chandise. go to.any of the storea Hated
above. Other merchants
iir decide that
*y would ilke to handle The Georgian
far. If such la the case, all they have to
do Is to tend to The Georgian office their
names and amount of premium they will
pay. and tho announcement will be made.
The scheme waa brought to Atlanta by
the L. A. Woodward Company, of which
F. H. Day is vice-president, with offices In
Day kindly consented for tbla paper to use
asble one lu town.
Special to The Georgian.
Columbus, Oa., June 11—'The Geor-
a State Baj Association, which will
> In session at Warm Springs July
18, 18 and 20, will be honored by the
presence of William Travers Jerome,
the New York prosecuting attorney,
who will deliver an address.
Judge J. H. Blount, of Macon, who
was for years one of the supreme
judges In the Philippine Islands, hut
who has since returned to Georgia,
will make an address on the subject
of the law In the Philippines.
Special to The Georgtan.
Savannah, Ga., June 12.—The Georgia
State Dental Society will bold Its thirty-
eighth annual meeting at the De8oto hotel,
beginning next Tueoday. The meeting will
be In session four days. Mayor Herman
Myers will deliver the sddrost of welcome,
the response to be made by Dr. 8. W. Fos
ter, of Atlanta. The annual address will
be made by President S. II. McKee, of
Thursday evening there will be an excur
sion on the steamer Clifton to Tybe, bar.
Special to Tho Georgian.
Gainesville, Ga., June 12.—The
Southern Music Teachers’ Association
began its annual meeting here today In
conjunction with the annual meeting of
the Georgia Music Teachers' Associa
The attendance Is large and repre
sentative. President Frank Nelson, of
Knoxville. Is presiding over the gath
The meeting will continue In session
three days, and In addition to routine
business recitals will be given by many
well-known musicians.
Speaker Joe Cannon is Threatened
By Writer Who Uses Postal Cards
By Private Leased Wire.
Indianapolis, lnd, June 12.—Search Is being made here for the writer
of several post cards threatening Speaker Cannon, of the national house
of representatives, presumably because of his attitude on tho pure food
bill. Although the cards havs been dated from various Indiana towns they
have been postmarked Indianapolis. All are In the same handwriting.
Ga.: F. Jordan,
ion, Fort Gall
IT-mpklua, Middle, FIs.; C. C. Ilush, Cob
qnitr, Gs.l b. Klmoac. Colquitt, (hi.; It.
C. Imnlnp, Ashhnrn, Ga.; 1.. It. Farmer,
Louievtlle; John M. !Iogsn. Savannah; D.
b. llule, Leesburg. Ga.; J. D. Taylor, lours-
burg. (In.; J. H. Ilrrou, ByronvUle; A. L.
IDogaton, Jr„ iladlsoo. Flu." * ** * —
Uvt- oak; iirs. E. II. Tift
M!m K. L Tift, Tlfton, Oa.: J. II. Falls,
Tlfton. Oa.; It. II. Knox, Tlfton, Ga.; J.
6- 8hlngl*r, Ashhurn; John 1). Walker and
Sparta: Robert Holmes and wife,
Jprta; o. allien. Lake City, Fla.: W. II.
Pm* tor. 8wnlnabom; H. J. Flamler*.
Bfilnalioro; H. D. Strickland, 8walnalmro,
m li; Ross. Pretoria, Ga.; E.
lit Into re; Jam** Knox, Way-
wdo, FU.; E. C. Smith. Griffli
'■a: n. Roberson, Jacksonville, Fla.; $
McAjpln, j^jllhekaheer, Gs.j Fred # Lntflns,
Jon.; K. M.
unroe. Ocala,
J 1 I'n.lleberry. Gainesville. Gs.; T. W.
*£»». Toecoa, Os.; Miss Hallle Mae Scott.
Tw.-uti. Ga.; litas Berths Scott, Tocroa,
(;«■: W. A. Matbsson and wife, Toccos,
b*; Jit met L. ltonahsln, Cincinnati; James
UUmun. Cartersvlll#; J. D. Waddell. Blr-
aliieiiam; J. D. Kurnelt, Snarta; C. J.
[!,“■-1 »ud wife, Commerce; £ C. Hayes, (In.; b M. Brand, Lswreuee-
. sVldsoit sad vrtVe^Vhlte
S* w -,1'erry. Gs.: Mrs. Kettle, Georets; IV.
g White. North CiroUaa; J. M. Car-
alfhn. i. Georgia; J. O. Bben. Griffin. Gs.;
^ ~ — ' ,; Ter
***■ Ortains^Elmraoe I Browiislj;
jf* Orleins; Back Witts. St. I/>nls; J. W.
wrt'-r Tampico, Mex.; Wlllltm K. Hallo-
Mootgomary: James Boyd. New or-
Crystal Etched Glass.
The cut glass and etclied
ff y'tal displayed by us Ib
hping chosen for wedding
gifts by some notably taste
ful buyers.
It is appropriate, elegant
•»d beautiful.
Maier & Berkele.
Thompson, Covington; T. J. Park. Msec
B. B. Jours, Georgia; W. A. Covlngte
Moultrie; W. L. Hodges. Oenln. Flo.; Mi
Ingham: --
ley, Ssvannsh; J. Beck, Nelson. Os.; Mra
O. A. Bull, Colnmbus; M. W. I lmer, l lor-
Ids: T. C. White, Baltimore. MU.; It T.
Shaw. Madison. Gs.: Mrs. B. 11. King.
Washington, On.; W. A Books. Georgia
railroad; Miss N. Corbin, Orlinn. Oa.; J.
C. Turner. Jefferson, Os.; L. V. Hsteher,
Augusts; Ga.; M. S. Bell, GeotgU; K. C.
Benton, Cetlartown. Gs.: H. \V. Dexter.
W. Walker, Georgia; A. K. Snead,
,—> . ><- •>. Hoberison, Mn'Uson,
city; J,
Carrollton. \n., »». *. »»w
Ga.: B. J.Jltrlckland u Ort
Carry. IMrkrns, South Carolina; 5. *
Baldwin, Bammore. Md.; II. A. Davta.
Naahvllle, Tenn.: Miss Crawler, Nashville.
Tenn.t 8. A. Davla NashvlUe. fsM.tW,
i-hhups,. LmUsvrfle. Ol.j J. M. MePhlt-
ridge. St. Louis; W. N. Edens0eM.^ Hne-
hurst, Os.: W. B. Wlnrtleld, Kllterton.
os.; fc. A. Fseer, city: A. Ie IMrrojj •*“-
ton. Os.; W. V, Anderson. Cincinnati.
Ohio; A. W. Dunbar, Southern railroad,
8. C. Dunlap. Georgia: O. D. Hnnter,
Maryland; E. B. Uoodrieh, Knoxville, Tenn.
K. Pritchett. A. H. Townes. Villa Blea,
Miss.: O. II. ‘llall. Kt. Louis; C. K. Tar-
per, •f'nmpa; F. E. Bustln, New York, B. G,
Sebrammeyer, New York; Eva Marie Mill
er. North Carolina; George A. Merritt and
w/fe. Greensboro. Ga.: Crot , A; Strolt,
Cordova, Ala.: W. II. White, Oeorgla. T'
II Clarke, Macon, Ga.; M. R IritMen,
New York; C. B. riohe. Winston, N. C.:
Dr. W. o. Plffln, Italnhridge; J. M. and
T. L Wtleoi. Florence. A„C.: C.L- Car-
roway. Charleston. S. C.lO. K.Hawkias,
<4*orcU: 0«orn II. Carter, Sanford, x.
C.: Til. Watts, Georgia; H. V. Raymond,
New Orleans, A.; o. n. wmu-x Si.™-;
W. O. Neal, Blchmond, Vs.: L. O. Gllll-
con tml wife Georgia; J. M. rfesltorhe.
JseksonvIlle. Fla.; L; J. Smith, Fltageralrt,
Oa.; C. A. Oreer. Georgia; l» F^Carter,
IVrry, Oa.: A. i. Doirte. Sanford, .Jake
Writs Virginia; Otlallart
H. B. Milner,
Tydlngo, Ocala,
Edward F. Bell. South CaroBaa; Oeonte
W. Adams Alabama; b k. PrattjKnox-
vllle Tena.; F. H. C*nrtls, Kew York, II.
T Araold. cHy; Dr. C. T. Stovall. Vienna.
Arnmi. n.j. w c Hlnegar,
is&§? ^c»tt|v!v
uh li. C. Godwin, Knoxville: T. r.
m Ham
iS£. n n U de,"^lfte ; B A
'g! JIT/ner,"’JsekionviUe. 'Fla.; C.
_ ... Fj,.
rhatmnoogi; Georgs W.
Main. Chicago.
By Private Leased Wire.
Paris June 12.—Is It possible to live
to be 100 years old and still bo In good
health? Men standing high In sden-
ttfle world believe It Is among them
Professor Metchnleoff, of the Pasteur
Institute, of Pails He says th* «s-
fermented milk as such a beverage.
Hr. M. G. Ilnillrrlim’h xonlnk, which le
prescribed by the medical profo&slon,
Is Bald to fulfill the requirements. *
has had wonderful results.
Atlanta to Louisville.
On account ot tho abovo occasion
the W. & A. R. R. nnd N. C. & St.
L. Railway will soli round trip tickets
on June 10, 11 and 12 at rato of one
fare plus 25 cents for tho round trip,
the rat) from Atlanta being 513.55,
tleketa good to return until Juno 23,
1905. By depositing ticket and paying
fee of 50 cents. However, tickets will
be extended until July 23.
Three trains dally, leaving Atlanta
at 8:15 a. m., 4.50 p. m. and 8.50 p. in.,
all carrying standard Pullman sleep
ers Atlanta to Nashville and Nashville
to Louisville.
In addition to this service there will
be through sleeping cars operated on
the 4:60 p. tn. trains of June 10 and 11,
Atlanta to Lonltllllp Vtthost change,
arriving Loulavllle next morning at
8:20 a. m.
Route li via Chattanooga, Nash'
vlllo and Mammoth Cave.
For further Information write or
call on
C. P. & T. A. U. T. A.
Peachtree Viaduct. Union Pass. Sts.
General Passenger Agent.
By Private Loosed Wire.
Watertown, N. T., June 12.—The flint
victory for municipal ownership In this
city waa won here today, whan Virgil
Kellogg, by (S majority, defeated Hines
for water commissioner. Mr. Kellogg
has long agitated the subject of the
city owning Its own lighting plant, and
It was on this Issue alone that be an
nounced hie candidacy after the poll*
had been opened two hours. Hie op
ponent la a prominent engineer and
had been on the board for yeara.
Wrightsville Beach, N .0.
Commencing Saturday, June the 9th,
nnd continuing each Saturday during
tho months of June, July and Au
gust, through sleeping cars will be op
erated, delivering passoigera st the
hotels at Wrightsville Beach, leaving
Atlanta at 9:35 p. m.: returning, leave
Wrightsville each Thursday, arriving
Atlanta the following morning at 6:30
ft. m Season tickets $18.35; week
Institute, of ran*. ****J2Ji end tickets, good for live days, $8.25.1 cost. In spite of sn order, snd were
l«t »»r *» to apIifUBn [ overcome by .moke and gas from a
£23£m tt» OrtSSlI SEABOARD. IhM* mad* only a few minute* hetoro.
Special to The Georgian.
Little Rock. Ark., June 12.—The ques
tlon of municipal ownership of water
and light plnnts Is receiving consider
able attention In Arkansas. It la be
llevtd that within the next ten or flf
teen years every city In this state will
own and operate plants of their own.
Argenta recently organised an Im
provement district for the purpose of
raising money to establish water and
light plants.
The I-lne Bluff city council has dt
rected the mayor to notify- the Pine
Bluff Light nnd Water Company that
under tho right tho city reserved when
granting a fmnchlao to tho corporation
tho city wishes now to exercise Its op
tion of buying tho wntor plant.
Jonesboro has organized an Im
provement district, which has bought
the water and light plant at that city
for $175,000.
The city council of Russellville has
passed an ordinance creating an Im
provement district of the entire city
for the purpose of building and operat
ing waterworks.
Forrest City Is considering a prop
osition to buy tho electric light plant
In that town for 518,600. The city now
owns the wntor plant.
The franchise of ths water comj
at Camden is about to expire ana
question of the city buying the plant
will soon come up for settlement.
31.760—Mrs. M. L. Garrison to James
W. Harper, lot on Peyton Road. Bond
for title.
58.000— Mrs. Nettle M. Young to Mrs.
Emily H. Howell, lot on Oordon street
Bond for title.
3450—C. H. Flournoy to W. P. Kelly,
lot on Thomas street. Warranty deed.
31.000— J. T. Scholl to E. E. Ooodlett,
lot on West Mitchell and Jsptha streets,
Warranty dood.
3400—E. E. Goodlet to Mrs. Georgia
Tumlln, lot on Jeptha and W. Mitchell
streets. Deed to secure debt with
power of sale.
3150—J. C. Butler to Mrs. Maggie Y.
Treadwell, lot op Parsons and Vine
streets. Deed to secure debt, with pow
er of sale.
31,100—Mr*. Sallle F. Carroll to Chas.
J. Keith and James Banks, lot on Pratt
and College streets. Warranty deed.
3200—Hollywood Cemetery Corpora
tion to Mrs. J. L. Smith, lot In Holly
wood Cemetery. Warranty deed.
31.150—M. E. Ford to Katie M. Dick
son. lot on Chestnut street. Warranty
35.000— T. A. Perry to Francis M.
Stocks, lot on Foster street. Bond for
325.000— John E. Murphy to W. O.
Raoul, lot on Marietta street and
Jones avenue. Warranty deed.
27,600—DeWItt C. Bacon, Holcombe
Bacon and Milton K. Bacon to W. O.
Raoul, lot on Piedmont avenue and
Fourteenth street. Warranty deed.
310.000— H. P. Smart to W. O. Raoul,
lot on Piedmont avenue and Fourteenth
street Warranty deed.
32,400—Elisha 8. Norris to'Mrs. Lena
Chamlee, lot on Simpson street War
ranty deed.
3450—Mrs. Laura Green to Mrs. Lena
Chamlee. lot on Emmett and Kenedy
streets. Warranty deed.
34,750—Nat Kaiser ti J. Lee Barnes,
lot on Auburn avenue and JButlqr street
Warranty deed.
313—Anderson Boyd to change kitch
en roof, 405 E. Hunter street.
340—W. H. Baker to recover frame
dwelling. 535 Whitehall street.
325—W. H. Baker tc add to frame
dwelling, 519 Whitehall street.
SI2T—Mrs. Msud M. Bsane to make
alterations, tit Woodward avenue.
340—0. W. Ware to repair dwelling,
5 Julian street.
3110—A. D. Adair to raise parapet,
II W. Alabama street.
51,050—Mrs. W. L. Nlsbet to recover
end repair frame dwelling, 184 H. Pryor
3400—H. B. Lemon to build one-story
frame dwelling, 384 Houston street.
- lie—Jo* Stewart to build frame
stand, lit Glltner street'
Grace O. McDaniel died at (30 De-
Kalb avenue.
Mertl Oordon Mauer, Infant, Tiled at
II Kenendy street.
Ira Honor Weems, Infant died at
118 N. Jackson street.
Albert B. Mali. Infant died at 100
Cherokee avenue.
Ruby B. Crytnes, aged 18 years, died
at 70 Hendrix avenue.
George Denton Whlttleeey,
died at 177 B. Oeorgl* avenue.
By Private Leased Wire.
Fnglnaw, Mich., June 12.—Two young
Frenchmen, brothers, who joined th*
Caledonia Coal Company two weeks ago
from St Charles, Mich, were found
suffocated In the mine last night.
They went down to make a blast of
This is the time to select a lot in this beautiful and historic sec
tion nestled in the very foothills of the Blue ‘Ridge. More than
this, you can get this lot at your own price at the
AT 1:30 P. M.
Directly facing Piedmont Park, these home sites include all the
advantages ol both city and country. For further particulars
apply to
Forrest and George Adair, Chas. M. Roberts, Ansley Brothers.
.The Georgian s Daily Short Story...
Lorenz Falk waa an author, and ev
ery one knows what a beautiful thing
It Is to be an author, especially In Nor
way. Ije had even been very success
ful. His books sold well nnd he was
well paid by his publishers In Copen
hagen, where every ambitious Nor
wegian author must publish his books,
If he wants to gst a reputation.
This afternoon he was sitting alone
In his room, which wae large and ele
She Jumped up aa If bitten by the
gilt snake carved on the back of her
chair. "I beg you to forgive me for
having wasted so much of your time,
but It Is Mamaell Jesperaen's faul; she
has played a Joke on me, I am afraid."
“And who la Mamaell JerpersenT"
*'8he lives In tho same room with
me In the -Old People's Home,' and she
said one could get a nice poem for
three kroner and that If one would pay
five, one could get something extra
gantly furnished. The August sun fell ??*Lj ub TramTrn-
on the beautiful flowers ami palms, i "" ienHeman* llki! 1
<ha u-ln.t,.u< nn tha .lit nrtiin, inOUgm a HnO k' Mil* M 111 M like
near the window and on the cut prisms
of the crystal chandslter.
He wae In Prince Albert .with black
Perhape he was expecting company?
No. Then maybe he hail Just returned
from n party? Yes, In a way-—he had
conie from n funeral.
The sumptuously furnished room had
lookod quite different a few days be
fore. It wns then used as a sick room J^r
would not nrcept five kroner."
Hor poor old wrinkled face looked ao
hopelessly sad that Falk was deeply
-I saw In the paper two beautiful
verses,"-she continued, "you had writ
ten to the king. That Is why I came
to you. But 1 should of course have
known there Is a difference between
King Solomon and Joeraen Itnlteina-
because It was the largest and lightest
In the house. A bed had stood In the
one comer and In this bed lay the
woman whom he had loved more than
iv othor In this world- hls mother.
For weeks he had been at hsr bed
side, one moment reading to her the
sermons and hymns she loved so much,
while the next moment he had sat at
his desk writing couplets to tunes by
Offenbach, for he waa working on the
libretto or a musical comedy. It had
been ordered by the manager of the
Tivoli Theater and had to he finished
within a certain time, and the rnone-
was to bo used for his mother's funsral
any funny It must bs, though written
near a deathbed.
Now the funeral was over. Tho
frlonds hnd gone home. He had fol
lowed tho relatives to the depot and
aa qow sitting here all alone. .
A strange 'feeling of peace had come
over him. The air was laden with the
fragrance of the hundreds of wreath*
sent by friend# and hi* head felt
heavy. Ills eyes were burning hot and
he wished he could cry, but could not.
The door bell rang—a timid ring. He
heard the servant open the door.
Then she came Into the room. She
was In mourning and tried to look sad,
though she was overjoyed at her new
black dress, which had coat her noth
"There Is an old woman outside who
wants to ese Herr Falk/'
"Toll hsr I cannot se u.„
"I have told her, but she pleaded with
i you If only for a mo-
me to let her
"A beggar, I suppose. Tell her I have
no old clothes to give away."
"I do not think she Is a beggar. She
looks poor, but dlstlngulshsa.
"Then let her In."
A little old lady, with a face full of
wrinkles and thin gray hair came In.
She was desssd tn an old silk grown, a
straw hat, Svldsntly more than
Reason old, and a short cape.
In one hand she held a small leather
satchel and In the other some object
carefully wrapped In tissue paper.
She wae evidently very embarrassed
and remained near tha door, Imposed
by the elegance.
Loren* ares* and offered her a chair.
"Please lake a seat, madam, and
tell me what I can do for you.”
She murmured her thanks and sot
down on the edge of the chair, opposite
"You have a flpe room here,” she be
gan after a pause.
"Yes, a pretty nice nam."
"Whet beautiful red plush chairs!”
"I am glad you Ilka them."
"I am sura they are not cheap.”
"Well, I suppose they did cost q-th*
a llttls,” he replied, rather Impatiently.
T auppoee you must write many
poems to be able to buy things lUcw
thess.” . ...
-I have Inherited them,” ha replied
Falk was toying with ths chain of
his eyeglasses.
-Excuse me,” he said, -you said vou
must see ms, but I suppose you did not
come to speak about my furniture. It
Is not for sale.”
-Do not be angry. I grew so em
barrassed when I came In. Everything
elegant, even yourself, and I
light of a poet as sitting In
le picked up hor little bundle with
thin, bony hand, the flnkcra of
smoking a long pipe, with
beer mug In front of him.'
Ha smiled faintly. *
‘That was tn olden times. Nowadays
posts are quite well off."
“And you ere reelly a poetT"
"I have at leaet writen a good deal.”
"Poems, too?”
"Yes. poems, too."
"You havs perhaps also written
poems for weddings, confirmations and
*Mngs like that?"
‘Yes, on* often has to write nil aorta
of things. So you want n poem.”
"Yes, n poem foe s silver wedding,
but It must not cost too much. I have
very little mousy. Tall me what do
you generally get for n poem? You
will forgive me for asking your'
-Well, I sometime# get fifty kroner
which went bent and crooked from hard
work, and started to go.
"For whom did you want the poem?"
he asked.
"For my son, the dearest son In nil
the world. You have probably u moth
er yourself and then you will know liuw
a mother feels.”
"I buried my mother this afternoon,"
ho said, with a tremor In Ills voles.
"And than L old fool, come hsro nnd
disturb you when I ought to lenve you
alone that you might have a good cry.
God bloss and strengthen you. Now 1
will go home."
"Walt n moment. I will writs the
poem for you.” '
"But I should have It tonight and
besides—I am so poor.”
"Yeu did not 1st me finish before. I
either get fifty kroner for a poem or
nothing at all."
"But I cannot expect that you should
) this for n stranger like me."
"Well, now we have made each
other's acquaintance, so you Just sit
down and tell me about your son. What
Is his trade r-
"Ii« Is a printer, and has a paper In
} imall town, and now he Is going to
sbrate his silver waddings and his
twenty-five years’ business anniversary
on the same day, and therefore I
thought It would be ao nice lo send
him a poem that he could print In Ms
paper. That would make him so hap-
"How old is hs?"
"lie will soon bs fifty. I am seventy.
1>ut 1 married young ami woe young
when I became a widow."
"What woe your husband T”
"lit was a-teacher and a vary good
man he waa when he waa sober, hut
that was not very often. When he
died I made a living by taking In sew
ing and renting out on* of my rooms
until I got my son In a good position."
"And then he helped you?”
-No; then he married, and you know
how It la when a man has a large fam
ily to provide for”—
-Then n man lets his old mother take
care of heraelf.”
I need so little. Now I hav* free
room In the home, and I can thank the
Lord i am still so wall that I can mend
clothes and knit for people, so 1 get
along quite well. My boy would Ilka
to help me, but there Is his wife. She
had money, and she holds th* purse
strings pretty tlght."
"But w* wanted to speak of th*
•Y*e, you are right. You see. 1
would not Ilk* that he should feel
ashamed of hla old mother on such an
occasion, so I havs bought a real pret-
•- present for him.”
She opened her bundle and produced
a moet astonishing milk pitcher, with
cheap gilt edges and an Inscription
In gilt letters, which she placed on
the tsble and looked at It with evi
dent admiration. "Isn't It beautiful?”
"Very beautiful," he said, friendly.
I am sure you paid a good price for
Tonight—Matine* Thursday.
Assisted by the Musical Maidena in
the Musical Comedy Success,
Tuneful Music. Pretty Girls. Sale
at Grand box office.
I pmlrk; n
Of Atlanta.
Walthour vs. Mean
Admission 50 Cents.
Tickets on sale at
"Yes, It waa not cheap," she eald
proudly, "and I have saved money for
a long time to be able to buy It.”
"I believe that” ,
"Ye*, you are kind and good end I
Just feel Ilke telHng you how I did It”
“Yes, do!"
"You see w# poor people live mostly
on bread and coffee, add then I thought
that not all people take sugar and
milk In their coffee. And really one
can do quit* well without It."
"Yes, in the South lots of people
always drink Mack coffee," he said
quite seriously. ,
"There, you see,"
"And so you drank black coffee.'
''Yes, for over a year, and th
bow I saved enough to buy thi
tlful present and five kroner
for a poem," eh* sold,
beaming with Jot.
"Now you take a book and read while
I write a nice poem for your boy."
"How wood you are."
She sal with her hands In Imr lap
and looked at him admringly. niv hu<l
never seen any on* make poems before,
she aald.
He did not hear her. but waa already
writing. The pen How nrroaa the ;>a-
P»r and he felt that he had never writ
ten like that before.
He wrote of mother lovo, the
and moet unaelnali of all lore, which
aacriflre* everything without ever uek
ing for anything In return, and before
he knew It the poem waa flnl-hcd -a
real poem, full oL the true «;drlt of
love. Then he turned around and read
It aloud.
The old woman sat there motlonleas.
while the tears ran down her eheeka.
though her fare worn an expression of
Joy which mad* him think lo- had
never seen e mors beautiful on- He
handed her the paper.
She took It with a hand which trem
bled with emotion, at the same time
hiding In an emberra**-*--l manner tho
live kroner which she hnd droned on
the floor.
"You muat have had a good mother
to be able to write Jn«t how ,1 m-ther
feels," she aald, nnd took hla hand.
"I can never thank you enough, but
It will be your best reward that you
have made a poor eld woman happier
ok bln
than she ha* ever t
Her etnbarrseamei
disappeared, and she
tween her hands an
head, "nod Idea y
aa happy aa 1 think 11 H
You hav* a mother with Him who wilt
pray for you 0* 1 will do every even
ing now.”
lie wrapped her precious milk pit. it
er up again and walked out happy and
When he woe alor i* one* tnor* h#
laid down hi* head upon hla ann* and
cried, but hla toon wer® nni
on**, and brought r*M«f.
When h* rmla*d hi* head t
raya of the 'evening aun were
Into the room, and everythlnx
clear and bright.
He mi down ut hla dealt and began
Ilf] through a pile of old rr
Jiitu- 12 ,\ whaling
rv ha-4 born **tab«
S >und. Imh than 10<>
•rla, writ*?* <*on«ul
whales on
tn look through a pile of old manu- j number h, t
scripts. There cams wet spots on tb^ai
nn«l already a
the new factory.