Newspaper Page Text
Tl’ESf >AY, JINK 12.
Colonel Robert J. Lowry entertained
a number of the visiting and local
banker. Monday afternoon with
coaching party, which left the city
about 8 o'clock. After driving out
Peachtree Road the party enjoyed the
elegant reception at the Piedmont
Driving Club. Colonel Lowry'. gue.ta
were: .Hon. Charle. H. Treat, occupy
ing the box .eat: Mr. Dl.mukea, of St.
Augustine, Fla.; Mr. Lane, of Jack-
■onvllle, Fla: Mr. Hlllyer, of Macon:
Mr. Joaeph T. Orme, Mr. Handy, of
Birmingham, Ala; Mr. Blount, of Flor
ida; Mr. Hammond, of Baltimore.
Mr.. Robert Toy entertained Tuesday
afternoon at a card party in honor of
Ml... Loulae Lamar, the young niece of
Congreaemon William Bailey Lamar.
Ml** Lamar I. one of the moat attract-
. Ive visitor. In Atlanta, and Is the guest
\of Mis. Caro Hutchins.
Mr». Toy", home was decorated with
marguerite*, the mantel, being banked
wMh these dainty flowers, and vase, of
them being used throughout the house.
Mrs. Toy wore n handsome dress of
black silk. Miss Lamar was a picture
of girlish beauty In a gown of dotted
Swiss made over pink silk. Her hat of
soft white straw was trimmed with
Dresden ribbon.
Miss Hutchins wore a pretty lin
gerie dress of white Swiss, and a be
coming black hat trimmed with white
Kuchre was played, and after the
game an elaborate luncheon was served.
The score cards were hand painted,
and contained miniature figures of col
lege girls In cap and gown. The first
prize was a white spangled fan, and the
consolation was a white leather belt.
Miss Lamar was presented with a white
linen parasol. Those present were:
Miss Lamar, Miss Caro Hutchins, Miss
McGowan Phelan, Miss Lottie Wyley,
Miss Dora Anderson, Miss Emma Bell
DuBosc. Miss Antoinette Blount, Miss
I-uura Hill Payne, Miss Anise Hawkins,
Miss Eliza Dancy, Miss Marlon Nut
ting, Miss Mildred Wooley, Miss Helen
Cny, Miss Mary L. Berkeley. Miss Mar
tha Lambert, mV*. Albert Collier, Mrs.
James G. Miller, Miss Louise Brown,
.Miss Florence Martin, of Tennessee;
Miss Mary Brent Smith, Miss Kate
Waldo, Miss Kate Steele, Miss Louise
Miss Laura Hill Payne will entertain
at an elegant luncheon Thursday at
her home on Peachtree In honor of
Miss Mary Nlcolson and her brides
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth De-
Gralfenreld and Mr. Herbert Smith
Thomas took place Tuesday morning
at All Saints church, and was witness
ed by a large number of friends.
The church was handsomely deco
rated In palms, and the ceremony was
performed by Rev. Mr. Farland.
The bridal party consisted of Mrs.
O. S. Nunnally, Miss Elwyn DeGraf-
fenreld and Miss Schofield, of Macon;
Mr. Allen Ruffin, of Hillsboro, N. C,
and Captain Hansell and Dr. \V. 8.
.Immediately after the ceremony, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas left for North Caro
lina, where they will spend the sum
The wedding of Mr. Frederick B.
Crowell and Miss Nell Kennedy took
place Sunday, June 10, at the home of
the bride’s parents, at White Plains,
Mrs. Crowell, who, before her mar
riage, made her home In Atlanta, has a
large circle of friends, who are In
terested In her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Crowell are at the
. Kimball.
The Joseph Habersham chapter of
.the Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, will meet Friday afternoon at 4: JO
o'clock at Bolton Terrace. Vehicles
will meet the Brookwood cars.
The board of managers of the chap
ter met Monday and elected Mrs. J. M.
Graham chairman, Mra. J. O. Hollen-
be, k vice chairman, and Mrs. H. R.
Callaway secretary.
FYlday afternoon, after the executive
meeting of the Joseph Habersham
chapter, of the Daughters of the
American Revolution, which takes place
with Mrs. W. L. Peel, at Bolton Ter-
isce, the ladles and their husbands
"ill be entertained at a garden party
by Mr. and Mrs. Peel.
The marriage of Miss Ethel Alex
ander to Dr. Lewis Oalnes will take
t.o.ce Tuesday evening at the home of
the bride's parenta on Washington
nrfet, and will be an event of Inter
rat to a large number of friends.
The marriage ceremony will be fol
lowed by a reception, to which over
two hundred Invitations have been Is
sued. -The bride's wedding gown will
of chiffon cloth over silk, made
princesae and trimmed with prinrease
lace. She will carry a shower bou-
quet of bride roses, and will be at-
tended by her pretty young slater. Miss
Luclle Alexander, as maid of honor.
Mias Alexander will wear white mull
over pink silk, and will carry pink
roses. The other bridesmaids. Misses
Carrie and Elotse Alexander, wilt w-ear
white, and will also carry shower bou
quets of pink rusea
• Mr. Frank McFarland, of Staunton,
Va., will act as best man, and the
groomsmen will be Mr. C. D, McKIn
ney and Mr. Harry Alexander,
Captain W. A. Hansell and Mr. S.
T. Sparkman will act as ushers.
The ceremony will be performed be
fore an altar of palms, and tits housi
will be decorated in white roaea and
sweet peas.
After the reception, the bride and
groom will leave for a stay of sev
eral months In the mountains of North
Mra. Gaines' golng-away gown will
be of blue chiffon panama, and with
this she will wear a dainty hat of blue.
The organ recital to be given Tues.
day evening at l:!0 o'clock at the First
•Baptist church, corner of Cain and
Peachtree streets, will be brilliant and
program of rare excellence has
been arranged by Professor O'Donnelly
and will be rendered by the regular
choir, assisted by some of the best mu
steal talent of Atlanta.
The marriage of Miss Rosa Denk to
Dr. Henry Charles Freeh, of Savannah,
will take place. Tuesday evening at the
Lutheran church. The following con
stitute the bridal attendants: Misses
Augusta Denk. Josle Denk, Lillie Elsas,
Kda Btahl, Amelia Burkert, Messrs.
Henry Freeh nnd Joseph Bruekman of
Savannah, Christie Denk of Nashville,
Tenn., Louis Stahl, George Roerlg and
Hugh Connally,
The reception given Monday after
noon at the Country Club for the
Georgla-Florlda Bankers' Association
was a notable social function.
Among the many handsome women
present, Miss Treat, the daughter of
the United Btates treasurer, was much
admired In a white lisse gown, painted
In roses. Mrs. Lowry, her hostess, wore
a handsome gown of ping rajah silk,
and a hat trimmed with pink plumes.
Mrs. J. K. Ottley wore a gown of white
batiste, embroidered In pink and blue.
Mrs. J. W. English, Jr., was most be
comingly gowned In pale blue, elabo
rately embroidered. Her hat was of
blue, trimmed with plumes of the same
Mrs. Clark Howell was very hand
some In a toilet of white net, dashed
with black and made over black silk.
Miss Isma Dooly wore white lace,
and a hocomlng hat trimmed with roses
and blue plumes.
Miss Josle Stockdell was one of the
prettiest women present, and was
gowned In cream mull. With this
costume she wore a pink hat, trimmed
with pink plumes.
Miss Harris Stockdell was becoming
ly gowned In white batiste.
Miss Nannie Nlcolson wore white
silk. Her hat was especially becoin
Ing, and was In black, with trimmings
of black plumes.
Miss Janie Speer wore white and
pale green.
Mrs. James Robinson waa much ad
mired In a lingerie dress of mull and
Miss Barah Collier wore a dainty silk
In black and white.
Mrs. W. B. Wlthkm’s handsome gown
waa of black and white silk.
Miss Ada Alexander and Mlaa Julia
Porter wore'pale blue gowns that were
especially becoming to their blonde
Mrs. Albert Thornton was attractive
In a gown of white embroidered mull
and hat of white.
Mrs. Doughty Manly's toilet was ol
white embroidered bastlte.
Mrs. William Montgomery was much
admired In black net over black silk.
Mrs. W. L. Peel wore rajah silk and
laCc. i Her' white hat was trimmed In
white plumes.
Monday atternon, at S: SO o'clock, In
the club rooms at the Grand, the final
meeting for the summer season of the
Atlanta Woman's Club was held. Ow-
Ing to the absence from the city of
Mrs. Rpbert Zahner, retiring president,
and of Mrs. A. McD. Wilson, newly-
elected president, Mrs. Hamilton Doug
las presided during the earlier part of
the meeting. Later, Mrs. Boling Jones
presided. >
Reports, gratifying and satisfactory
In every way, were rendered by the
chairmen of the various club sections,
as well as by the club treasurer.
Mrs. Lewis C. Phillips acted aa sec
retary pro tern., owing to the absence
of the regular secretary, Mrs. E. O.
The next meeting of the Atlanta
Woman's Club will take place In the
early autumn.
Monday night* at the Casino always
bring out a large contingent of society
folks, and this week waa no excep
tion. Among thoee present were Miss
Janie Speer, Miss Mary Nlcolson, Miss
Nannie Nlcolson, Mis* Mary Read,
Miss Emma Robinson. Miss Florence
Hobbs, Miss Marion Peel, Miss Annie
Fltten, Miss Loulle Roper, Mlsa Laura
Payne, Miss M. A. Phelan, Miss Bsrah
Peel, Miss Ethel Kelly, Miss Bessie
Woodward, Mlsa Martha Woodward.
Mlsa Sadie Morris, Mlsa Anne Bonney,
Mlsa Agnes Ladson. Mlsa Leone Lad-
son, Miss Martha Whitman, Miss Heth-
crlngton. Miss Gladys Levin. Miss
Kate Robinson, Mies Nina Gentry, Mlsa
Hortenar Horne, Miss Katharine Ghol-
etlu. Miss Neill# Hightower, Miss Mar-
gnrel ijidson. Miss Julia Porter. Miss
Ada Alexander. Mis* Florence Werner.
Miss Mary Thomas, Mle* Florenv
Richardson, Miss Harry Stockdell, Mr.
and Mrs. Cobb Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs.
W. I* I‘eel. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Peters,
Mr. and Mr*. L. C. Read. Mr. and Mra.
W. Kiser. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dargan,
“As The Diamond Palace Goes”
So goes the fashion in Jewelry. Always
up-to-date and a little ahead. . . . .
Look to us for new and novel ideas in
Jewelry. If you are a buyer of Jewelry
let us reason together
diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. 37 Whitehall St.
Mr. and Mra. Cosgrove, Mr. Will Glenn,
Mr. Fred Scott, Mr. Kirkpatrick, Mr.
Toombs Caldwell, Mr. Erwin Dickey,
Mr. William Parkhurat. Mr. John Ki
ser, Mr. Walter Naah, Mr. Jamea God
dard, Mr. Stafford Nash, Mr. Robert
Ryan, Mr. Versatile Glenn, Mr. Charles
J. Bayne, Mr. Robert Keely, Mr. Ulric
Atkinson, Mr. F. P. Gamble, Mr. Car-
roll Latimer, Mr. Edward Dougherty,
Mr. Charles Ryan, Mr. Lynn Werner,
Mr. Robert Ryan, Mr. J. D. Stewart,
Mr. Freeman, Mr. Walter Colquitt, Mr.
Burt Adams, Mr. Edward Barnett.
The beautiful reception given by Mrs.
A. J. Smith Monday afternoon at her
home on West Peachtree street. In
honor of her sister, Mrs. Osslan D.
Gorman, was one of the very delight
ful social events of the early summer
season. An orchestra rendered an elab
orate program during the reception
hour*. Mrs. Smith, Mfa. Gorman and
their receiving party wore gowns of
exceptional beauty, a full description
of which was given In Monday's Geor
gian. Mrs. Katharine Cooney Abbott's
toilet was an elegant one of white
lace over white silk, made in empire
In the dining room the arrangement
of the table was very artistic, with
Its great basket of sweet pea blossoms,
with handle tied with pink tulle.
Miss Todd presided at the punch
bowl with much charm, wearing a be
coming blue toilet, trimmed with Ihce.
Delightful salad and Ice courses were
served throughout the afternoon.
Among the handsomely gowned wom
en calling at Mrs. Smith's reception
were: Mrs. Hawkes, Mr*.,E. L. Con
nally, Mrs. Dr, Purse, ' Miss McKin
ley, Mrs. Lawsne, Mrs. Alfred Truitt,
Mrs. Lewis Thomas, Mrs. Frank Pear
son; Mrs. F. H. Orme, Mrs. John S.
Cowles, Mrs. Miller Hutchins, Mrs.
Wheeler and Misses Louise* .Price,
Louise Lamar, Hutchins, Tupper and
many other pretty girls.
Mrs. Chesley Howard will entertain
at a 5 o'clock tea Thursday afternoon
In honor of Mrs. William J. Snow, of
Fort Riley, -Kan*., and Miss Phoebe
Ellis, whose marriage to Mr. E. L.
Bishop will take place on the evening
of June 18. Mra. Snow was Miss Belle
Locke, of Atlanta, before her mar
rlage, and Is receiving a warm wel
come from her friends here.
Mrs. Howard's home will be deco
rated with palms and cut flowers. In
the dining room, sweet peas will be
used, and pink will be the prevailing
Receiving with Mra. Howard will be
Mra. Snow, Miss Phoebe Kills, Mr*. W.
D. Ellis, Sr., Mrs. W. D. Ellis, Jr.,
Mrs. O’Hear, Mra. F. R. Logan, Mrs.
T. K. Glenn, Mrs. John Cay, Mrs.
Charle* Harman, Mra. K. G. Matthew-
son, Mrs. Will Jennings, Mra. R. M.
Walker, Mrs. Stephen Barnett, Mra.
Frank Inman, Misses Cay, Miss Mary
Gude, Miss Roslne Raoul and Miss
Hallle Elds.
to missTgude.
Mrs.' Charles Walker will entertain
Thursday morning at cards In honor of
Miss Elio Goode. The party will be
delightfully Informal, only twenty-four
of the friend# of Mrs. Walker and Mlsa
Goode being Invited.
Mre. O. F. Cox entertained at her
home on Capitol avenue Tuesday after
noon the Matrons' Club, composed of
women from the south side nnd a few
members from the north side.
Mra. Cox’s home was decorated In
quantities of cut flowers, and In the
Ices, mints and bonbons served, pink
and white were the colors which pre
dominated. . , ,
Six-hand euchre was played, and the
first prize was a dainty plctuqe.
white lace fan was the guest pi
nnd tho consolation was a pair of silk
hose. Those present were Mesdamea
Fred Healey, J. W. McEnchern, M.
Stahl, Oscar Ragland, Joseph Thlba-
deau. Jack Bradley, E. W. Culpepper,
W. H. Carnes, Voorhees, McCall, Cum
mings, Taylor and Parker.
Tuesday evening, Mlsa Elio Goode
will be the guest of honor at a box
rty to be given at the Casino for her
y MISS Susie Fain. Mlaa Fain's guests
will Include the member* of Miss
Goode's wedding party, and a few In
tlmate friends.
very Interesting service occurred
Monday afternoon at S o'clock at 8t.
John's Episcopal Chapel, College Park,
when Rev. Dr. Pise and Rev. Mr.
Moody, of St. Paul's Cathedral, christ
ened the two children of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Ravenel, the child of Mr. und
Mre. Benjamin Neely, and the child
of Mrs. 8tan*ell. A number of friends
were present to witness the beautiful
christening ceremony.
The Atlanta friends of Hon. and Mra.
Theodore Shonts and of their two at
tractive daughter* wilt be Interested In
the following account of the recent so
cial success of Mrs. Shonts and the
Misses Shonts In London. Advices
from London tell that "social promi
nence ha* been quickly attained by Mrs.
Shonts. Her daughters, the Misses
Marguerite and Theodora, have been
the talk of the American world In Lon
don. The girls are voted to be charm
"Mre. Whltelaw Reid's kindness ha*
done much to assist the family socially.
The ambassador lent Mrs. Shonts hi*
box at the opera Wednesday night,
when Mra Shonts and her daughters
were the observed of all observer*. The
mother wore bright purple satin, with
splendid diamonds In chains around
her neck. The two girls were In white
satin and wore some of the moet mag
nificent pearls ever seen In the opera
These splendid pearls they wore at
court when presented by Mra. White-
law Held. Their presentation was very
pretty as, contrary to the usual way
of passing the throne. Miss Marguerite
and Miss Theodora walked together
and curtseyed to the king at the same
moment. Evidently he was much struck
by their appearance.
"'His majesty gave them a kindly
bow and a smile all to themselves,' said
Mrs. Reid afterwards.
"The whole American contingent re
turned from court to DorcbeMtr house
to a very late (or very early morning)
"The Shontses were prominent, too,
at the Reids' Wednesday reception and
were made much of by the embassy
"Another night they were Invited to
the big dinner the ambassador gave In
honor of the American vtaltora, and In
accordance with-Mra. Reld’a desire,
they wore their court gowns. Miss
Marguerite's dress waa of white tulle
.over white satin, with garlands of con
volvuli In diamonds and silver, while
on the bodice were epaulettes of dia
monds and pearls. Miss Theodora's was
made In princess# style of silvery satin,
with ruchlngs of sliver ribbons and sil
ver gauze, edged with pearls. Bouquet*
of white satin roses and lilies edged the
skirt. She wore a spray of national
white'roses across the bodice."
The bridge party which Mra. Jamea
W. English, Jr., gave Tuesday after
noon'waa a pretty compliment to Miss
Mary Nlcolson. The house • was
beautifully decorated with many roses
and In the dining room where a dellc
loua luncheon waa served the table
had In Its center a silver punch bowl
Ailed with daisies. The candle shade*
were made after the design of a daisy
and the Ices and cakes were In the
form of daisies.
Mra. English received her guests in
a becoming gown of cream embroid
ered batiste, made princess#. The
bodice was trimmed with cluny lace
and hand embroidery.
Miss Mary Nlcolson wore a millette
of cream batiste made princesae.
Miss Nannie Nlcolson was becom
Ingly gowned In blue mull trimmed
with cluny lace.
Mrs. English's guests were Miss
Nannie Nlcolson, Miss Eugenia Ogles
by, Mlaa Mary Kingsbury, Miss Annie
Fltten, Mis* Josle Stockdell, Miss Har
ry Stockdell, Mr*. Henry Johnson, Jr.,
Miss Sarah Peel, Miss Mary Read, Miss
Katharine Gholstln, Miss Isma Booty,
Miss M. A. Phelan, Miss Nellie Howell,
Miss Janie Speer, Mrs. William Mont
gomery, Miss Mary Thomas, Miss Nel
lie Hightower, Miss Rollne Clarke, Miss
Ada Alexander, Mlaa Julia Porter, Miss
Kate Robinson, Miss Sadie Morris, Miss
Nan duBIgnon, Mre. Martha Whitman.
Miss Susie May Pope, Miss Hortense
Horne. Mis* Anna Bonny, of New York
In these June days, when the very
atmosphere seems to throb with the
melody of wedding bells, and to be
fragrant with the sweetness of orange
blossoms. It Is not amiss to bear In
mind the traditions and superstitions
of other times, regarding wedding
dates, colors, etc., aa were told In the
i»* lace. '
>hlte ro*e
“he will
Married In January's hoar and time,
Widowed you’ll be before your prime;
Married In February’s sleety weather,
Life you'll tread In tune together;
Married when March winds shrill and
Your home will lie on a foreign' shore;
Married 'neath April's changeful skies,
A checkered path before you llee; ,
Married when bees o'er May-blooms
Strangers. around your board will sit;
Married In queen-rose month of June,
Life will be one long honeymoon;
Married as July's flower-banks blaze.
Bitter-sweet raem'rles In after-day*;
Married In August’s heat and drowse,
Lover and friend In youf chbsen
MariTed ' In gold BcmtrmbtdM.'glow,
Smooth and »erene jToi^r llfrfrilfil flow;
Married when leaves In October thin.
Toll and hardship for you begin;
Married In veils of November mist.
Fortune your wedding-ring has kissed;
Married In days' of December cheer.
Love's'star shine* brighter from year
to year.”
Every bride knows that the color of
her gown for that most momentous of
all momenta is a matter not to be set
tled merely by what Is becoming. What
Is written In the hymeneal law and
Married In gray, you q-ill go far away;
Married In black, '.you will wish your
self back;
Married In brown, you will live out of
Married In red, you will wish yourself
Married In pearl, you will live In a
Married In green, ashamed to be seen;
Married In yellow, ashamed of your
Married In blue, he will always be
Married In pink, your spirit* will «!nk;
Married in white, you have choeen
Theh, arises the question of the day
of the week.
"Monday for health,
Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday the best day of all;
Thursday for losses,
Friday for crosses.
Saturday no lurk at all.
The party at which Mis* Willie
Lewis Crusselle entertained Monday In
honor of her friend, Miss Annie Laurie
Poader, of Columbus, was a happy
event among the younger set. Bridge
waa played, and after the game a de
lirious luncheon was served.
Mlsa Ruth Lewis won the first prise,
a silver cologne bottle, and Mis* Hat
tie Lee West cut the consolation, a
hand painted fan. The guest prtae was
a dainty set of baby pin*.
The wedding of Miss Bennie Johnson,
and Mr. George Summers, of Augusta,
will take place Tuesday evening at the
residence of Mis* Johnson's cousin, Mr.
J. Will# Pope, on Peachtree. The
ceremony will be performed at 8:10
o'clock by Rev. S. A. Wragg, of Au
gusta, In the presence of relative* and
a few Intimate friend*. .
The best man will be Mr. P M.
Boyce, of Augusta, and Miss Susie May
Pope will lie maid of honor.
The bride will wear * gown of white
silk mull made over taffeta. The en
tire gown la trimmed with Valenclen-
A Rock In The Baltic
The Cleverest Story of Recent
Years. A $1.50 Book for 50c.
It can be purchased only of the
69 Whitehall Street
Miss Pol*- will wear a toilette of
white embroidered batiste and will-car
ry pink sweet peas.
Mrs. Wllle Pope's gown will be of
cream lace made over silk.
After the ceremony an Informal re
ception. will be held. A number of
friends and relatives will come from
Augusta, oh a private car to witness
the ceremony- Among these will be
Mr. and Mra. Robert Beedle, Miss Sum
mers. Mr. P. M. Boyce and Miss Helen
Mr. Summers and his bride will re
side In Augusta where Mr. Summers Is
prominently connnected In the social
and business world.
Mr. John Little will be the guest of
honor at a stag dinner to be given at
the Capital City Club Tuesday evening
by a few of his Intimate friends. Twen
ty guests have been Invited.
A silver lea mil be given at the resi
dence of Rev. C. T. A. Pise, It Wash
ington street, Wednesday evening, June
19, from 5 to 8 o'clock. A musical pro
gram will be rendered' and refresh
ments served .
Mrs. Daniel Denny will entertain at
a bridge party FYlday afternoon at her
apartments at the Lorraine In honor of
her guest Mrs. Alfred Sanford, of
Knoxville. ,
Miss Lucy Hnrrlron entertained at
an Informal bridge Tuesday afternoon
at her home on Peachtree Road In hon
or of Mss. Stanford, the guest of Mrs.
Tuesday Mrs. Ralph Van Landing-
ham was hostess at an Informal and
delightful whist party at her country
home at Roswell. Those Invited were
Mrs. James English, Jr., Mrs. Lowry
Arnold, Mr*. Oscar Pappenheimer, Mrs.
Don Pardee, Mrs. Hugh McKee, Mrs.
Archibald Davis, Mrs. J. H. Nunnally,
Mrs. John Fltten, Mre. Robert Ridley.
The Gordon Circle of the King's
Daughter* and Sons of Georgia will
meet In regular session Wednesday af
ternoon at 4 o'clock at 1* East Mitchell j
street. All active members are re-1
quested to be present.
Mr. F. P. Gamble will give a dinner
Thursday evening at the.Country Club
In honor of Mra. Alfred Sanford.
Saturday evening Mr. Charles Sisson
will entertain at a dinner at the club
In compliment to'Mrs. Sanford.
Mrs. Michael Hoke will compliment
Miss Mary Nlcolson with a luncheon
on Friday at hir home on Peachtree
Miss Augusta Garrett will entertain
at bridge Thursday afternoon at her
home on Washington street In honor of
Mra. Alfred Sanford, of Knoxtllle.
Tenn., the guest of Mrs. Daniel Denny.
Miss Eugenia Oglesby will entertain
at a breakfast tho latter part of the
' veek at her home on Washington street
n honor of Miss Mary Nlcolson and
ier bridesmaids. —
Ilsa Louise Todd will entertain a
few friend* at bridge Wednesday morn
ing In compliment to Mrs. Alfred San
ford, the guest of Mra. Denny.
Magnificent collection beautiful Pic
ture Postal Cards. It will Interest
you to see this display. For sale by
In Lobby Piedmont Hotel.
Mayor Hopkins goes next week for
Augusta, where he will attend the flfth
annual session of Georgia municipali
C. Wroton, who has been In the
Refined Taste
Nothing is so welcome as a
box of Nunnally’s Candies.
Their exclusive style and un
questioned purity place them
first among the world’s con
office' of Trainmaster G. F. Dickson, of
the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic
Railway, has gone to Waycroes, where
he has accepted a position with the
Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.
Mr. and Mre. Walter Harris, of Ma
con, who have been spending some
time on Cumberland Island, have re
turned to their home.
Miss Mercer Knight will leave for
Eastman on Monday, where she will
visit Rev. and Mrs. Walter Gilmore.
Mrs. A. D. Gale and children will
go to Dixie on Monday, to attend the
marriage of Mlsa Lucy Lofton and Mr.
W. C. Ham, which occurs on the 27th.
Miss Annie Whldden has returned to
her home In McRae, after a visit of
several weeks to Mrs. Rosa Franklin.
Mra. John E. Young and her guest,
Mias Asbury, of Crawfordvllle, are
spending a few days In Darien.
Mrs. Harry Herndon ha* returned
from a visit to relatives In Fitzgerald.
Miss Anita Courier, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Prouty,
Boston, has returned home.
Miss Annie Extrowltch, who has been
visiting relatives here, has returned to
her home In Atlanta.
Dr. A. Christie Is spending a week
at White Springs, Fla.
Mrs. Robert Brooks and little son,
of Atlanta, are the guest* of Mrs;
Miss Arabella Wright Is visiting Mrs.
Spencer R. Atkinson, In Atlanta.
Mrs. J. W. Thomas and children have
gone to their cottage on St. Simon's for
the summer.
Mrs. Mary Long, Miss Long and
Samuel Long, of St. Marys, have been
spending a day or two with Mre. Wil
liam Baker,
Mra. Plummer and Miss Plummer
have returned to their home In Maine,
after an extended visit to Mra. E. O.
The Daughters of the Confederacy
were entertained Thursday by Mrs. T.
“ Winter.
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Cranhshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall St
Mra Belle Hill King leaves Monday to
attend the music festival In Gainesville.
Miss Selene Armstrong,. of Atlente, spent
several daya last week with her parents.
Mr. and Mra Jamaa W. Armstrong.
Mra M. V. Moore will leave In a few day*
to visit her aleter, Mra Grier, In Dublin
Miss Mery Fortson, who bee been visit
ing In Atlanta, returned Wedneedty night.
Mra John James Bill entertained Infor
mally st bridge Friday evening.
Misses Lacy and Mary Dillard left Fri
day- morning for a tour of zevertl months
In Europe.
Mlsa Nora McNeill, of Mount Carmel, sr.
rived Friday to visit Mra. Benjamin Cade.
Mra Mary Cooper left Thnredey for
Ashevlllo, N. C., where she will spend the
mer months.
_ ra T. C. He
Atlanta lift woe*.
Mra. P. It. Sims l ._
ton, S. C.. are visiting
In stem ana WUkee.
Miss Frances Andrews,
tho guest of Mra T. M. Green.
Miss Ida Alexander returned Saturday
fr-'iu Atm-rlous.
Miss rinrnli Quinn, of Pistol, will spend
next week with Mlsa EllxxlH>th Ilnmsev.
Mrs. EL A. Adnmz entertained the ledlee
of tho Methodist church st a silver tea
Friday afternoon.
Misses Julia Wootten and Lillian Adema
of Tlgnall, will visit Mlaa Lena Wootten
next week.
Mre. II. P. Qnln leaves In a few deye to
pend several weeks with her daughter,
Irs. II. U. Murray, In Newnnn.
About the milk .and cream that comes into your
home you would never use any but the Pure
Milk and Pood Company’s product.
For your health’s sake and for your chil
dren’s sake here are a few things you should
First—Who Is your milkman?
Second—Do you know from where he ob
tains his supply and whether that supply is
pure, the. cows are healthy, and if the barns and
surroundings are under sanitary conditions?
Third—Ii your supply is delivered in bottles,
arc the bottles absolutely clean and sterilized?
Fourth—Do you know where these bottles
are filled—whether in a wagon, on the street,
a filthy bam, or in a sanitary plant where the conditions artf such as to insure
against contamination?
Through our modern scientific pasteurizinz plant (the only one in the city),
all of our products are rendered absolutely free from any disease germs, pro
ducing a pure and healthful article.
Why use any other kind when you can get the best from us at the same price?
Pasteurized Cream
Used in Our Ice Cream.
We make a special point, and take particular pride in furnishing deli
cious ice creams and fruit ices for dinners, parties, luncheons and ban
“Last Minute Orders”—when something has gone wrong in the kitch
en—are a particular specialty with us. We deliver in time for dinner any
ice cream order received up to 5 p. m. that day.
Wagons Deliver to All Parts of the City.
PHONE: 3301.