Newspaper Page Text
fhidat. mxr. in. wm.
r .markets
Edited by
principal Influence Additional
Salei of Spot Article in
Liverpool did not Sirs a full response
19 New York'* clou yesterday, an *d-
nn'cr of J to 4 points having been ex-
peitwl, whereas the opening •cable
ihowed 2 to S points advance on fu-
tnro. while spot was up only a point.
Spinners Increased their takings to 10,-
•00 bales. ,
• on this showing New York did not
ete encouragement, and as a conse-
-pence that market opened dull with
Seer traders about the only buyers or
idlers. *
the Initial prices were little changed
from yesterday's finals, being 1 point
htsher to 3 points lower, though the
undertone was steady, and shortly af
ter the opening prices.were slightly
hither, leaving buying by Weld of De
cember strenghtenlng the market.
In some of the Atlantic states com-
Milnts are being received of too much
nin while parte of Texas are too dry.
Generally., however, the weather Is con'
sldered favorable.
In the later trading the early ad
vance was lost and prices generally
were forced below yesterday’s finals.
The weekly Interior movement, ac-
rnrdlnt to Secretary Heater, le ae fol
lows'. Receipts, 18,203 bales, against
4K.1«J last year.
Shipments, I7.1M, against 88,311 last
^snicks, 243,473, against 241,384.
Overland for the week. 7,718, against
ll.oss last year, and 1,684 In 1304.
Total .Since September 1, 807,105,
against 1,038,618 last year, and 804,448
In 1904.
In sight for the week, 46,837, against
109 170 last year, and 30,016 in 1804.
Total since September 1,. 10,634,182,
against :12,508,082 last year, and 8,667,
503 in 1J804.
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, June 15.—Business at the
opening of the local cotton market this
morning waa not active, but the under
tone waa steldy with prices one point
higher, to three points lower. The
principal Influence waa additional sales
of the apot article at Liverpool. Con
siderable selling pressure from bear
sources appeared. toon after the call,
however, and prices yielded.
Of the Fleecy Staple.
Wire to Albert * city.
' or .*=- ■»"“CL ,18.-Th.. market Is nor-
IS Liverpool Is doing little
sml the room traders who bare lees bear-
,h * eefkvorsble reports
from Tcxa*. am attempting to con*
il 1 ?* » ,h ? .7*° ,a **1® A* 1 *** 11 ** at uafavor*
able, but the crop there la ready for ralu.
New York Journal of Commerce: The mar*
rft - i h V Uy *** n»let end
•toady, Seller* were more dtapoae«| to na-
•ert their notion* of the ralnea of rood*,
and In many Inatancea they refuaed tr
the view* of Imyern. who bare been f
entlir hammertoe prlco* for two or three
week*. A review of condition*
New Oricaiia-QuIet.. 11HC.
Liverpool—Quiet, 6.u7d.
A ugu*tn—Steady, 11 J-14.
Ha v/uonah-Quiet, 10%c.
f*». J.»iil*-Uulet, 111-11
•Norfolk—Quiet, 11 ML
The following la the rang* In cotton
**•” la N.w York tod.J: p '
fc :!$ Io:m &9 !§:S3 SSS
88! :Sfi M 1S:S !S:5 12:S| m
X»r. .1 >.40 10.40 10.40 HI.4A 1.3*36 10.BU
l»r. .1043 10.48 10.36 10.*0 10.30-» 10.4533
J<n. .1040 10.53 10.41 10.43 10.43.44 I0.4S4S
Mi 10.44-48 10.60-62
It-h. .10.58 10.67 10.60 10.60 1061-63 10.6861
Cltoed steady.
i review of conditions msdo ,
tho heads of some of the leading sailing
houses was observed during the day. and
looked at from Its weakest side little can
be found to warrant buyers to expect any
great conreaeiom white coeta are aa high
they flow are ami *whlle stocks In flrat
bands are not aecumulatltty.
Private Wire to Ware A Leland.
.New \ork. June 15.-One Wall street
house sold 11000 l»nlos of July and lft.OJO
October and Peccmbor lu the late tradlug
•omo of their short cotton.
Weld was a heavy buyer of July. October
and December, l*oth on the break of the
morning and during the last hour.
rial feu tun*:
I Knight a little cotton.
tllng In the market nt present.
1 '» umma ami nee; no louica-
iln; lire are causing crops to dry
> up: plants look weak; crop pro**
roe tUnu last year; crop twenty
The Lesser-Goldtnan Cotton Co., of Rt.
Louis. Mo., gives out the following weekly
report: Our territory has had noother
week of favorable weather, and the rot*
not liceu the case this early :
kanaas river ... . _
abuudsnt. and from some sections In south
ern Arkansas come some complaints of lack
of rain, but no damage has resulted so far
lu either section. Generally speaking, the
outlook Is ns good as can be desired.
New Orleans. June 15.—Liverpool cables droppoJ to i«j
are not any too favorable. An advance of pw
- *-*- *— ■■ - - • *—*— the mark
The weather map shows a few scattered
rains In the eastern cotton belt, hut no
rain lu the western belt. «Texas Is as dry
n lxme.
nothing I" doing In the spot market.
torn have little to sell and buyers are
making the rounds of sample rooms.
Cotton futures ranged ao follows *l Now
■ ’ ms today:
7 Lb it Previous
Opsn. High. Low. Solo, Ctoos. Ores,
j». ,i ft .
ia»*4I 10.33-3?
38 is!is i»:» io.fc ie.M-32 lAit-ii
U 1(846 10*7 10.38 10.37-30 10.4*36
How-i steady.
i0.4*4i 10.6346
lirsrpool. Jims 15.-12:15 p. m.-Bpot sot.
tee burinees mndsrals, with pvteeu steady,
Mld-lllnic uplands. 807d. Kales. 10,000; Amst-
I'-an. >,.10; spsrulatlon ond sxport, 1,000; re
ceipt.. c.oOliAuierirsd. 4.800.
roturi-s opensd tsady.
5.8* 6J3-6.M 6.81
JwfJnly 6.084.82 5B._ 6.80
July-August 0.834.82 5.523.13 5 80
A•« Sept 3.76 8.74 8.714.73
* • t.«4.88 1.044.07 5.81
6.00 8.814.03 6.60
6.00 -6.004.01 647
fto- N,„
X«t. lire. .,,,,
to Jstl
Jan. I’eh
fell Match ....
^' 1-1 quiet.
Th, f-llowln* tablh (bows receipts at tbs
E .» to-luy, compared with tho ooina dsy
t peer: • •
T,* (trteuno.,.
-Nlrestiin ;
Osvssush !
Chari.,.., n
gj* m Y.,rk
5'U>-n News
Brnnar - ■
EST| MATED receipts.
■at 7-ar.
380 arfaal host year;
against 3,670 actual
Cotton—The -otton market waa dull near-
ly oil the morning, nud while the Liver-
pool -shies showed a better tone, ottr
market failed to respond to It. After tho
opening, whlrh was aronnd Isst night’s
efoslng. a letter fasting pravallsd sad the
neerliy optlona adranee.1 3 points. The
distant months were dull and ateady. The
eontlmied dry weather In portions of Texas,
where most needed, and the technical con
ditions seem against any decline, and the
speculation so small that the Imll party
ore able to keep tho market In proper
shape. The r — “ ' —
ponies to taki
In New York —
may cause shipment of this cotton
where and the bleat stock may be very
much reduced. The market Is doll and on
weak spots we bailers in buying cotton
for turns.
Stocks— Renewed liquidation broke out
efrrsh In. the stork market this morning.
Isindon prices showed declines mid our
opening was lower than lest night’s Onsl
prices. The bnltlsh demonstration tho pest
few days In ilsltlmoro and Ohio waa
continued noon after the opening, but the
press arc of stock had Its rffret and that
S ock sympathised wltk the balance of the
■t. The action of the IVnnaylranla sys
tem In Inrrmtalng the dividends on ooveral
of Its subsidiary companies la given aa
the reason for the strength In Baltimore
and Ohio, which road la controlled l.y the
Pennsylvania, and good judges ’
■d by
rent, tleadlng suffering the most.
I per
Keene and his friends had formed an
.. Jng tho market la dnll and low prices of
tho day prerail. A good trading market
seems upon na.
New Orleans, Juno 16.—There was a
dearth of newa from Liverpool, from
which It la natural to assume that
no devetopmenta hare occurred to dla-
turb tho prosnlcnesa of the foreign
market. Options cloned from 2 to 3
points higher than the previous day's
levels, while apot sales are assuming
a decidedly better basis. Ten thousand
bales have been sold today at an ad
vance of 1 point. Today’s early ses
sion was very nulet, but after the
noon hour considerable selling was
indulged In with July the center of at
tack. This new turn of affair* waa
attributed to the liquidation of the
long Interest. The weather map, de
spite the fact that no mine fell In
Texas, waa generally considered fa
vorable. The forecast for tomorrow
for the western belt, however, aeems
to Indicate that the weather Is unset
tled over Texas and showers are pre
dicted for the northern portion of the
state, where they are not needed. The
visible statement Is again expected to
be bullish, and from the comparatively
small amount of cotton Into sight for
the week—namely. 48.000 bales—and
the decrease In receipts and heavy In
crease In shipments of the Bombay
movement, seems to give good grounds
that these expectations will be fulfill
ed. But the trade pays little atten
tion to any marked Improvement In the
etaletlcel position of the preeent crop,
and when the July poeltlon la finally
closed, the last veatlge of Influence,
In ao far aa present supplies are con
cerned. will have been removed, and
the weather alone will govern the
course of prices.
New Tork. June 16.—Stocks—The
market waa Irregulat* In tone today
and accepted eelTlng pressure rather
feeble at times. The principal Internet
was centered In Beading and the cop
per shares, with United States Steel
dividing Interest with these Issues. -In
otehr directions there were occasional
displays of strength, bn* •“ the main
r. .COTTON. O n AIN.
1 Botfd of.T”4*.._
si Cat tea Association
and Long Dl.tsncJ Telephone"5294. ' * " W*. R. FAGAN, Mansgor.
Mr. Lively has edited Markets in Atlanta and the South for more than twenty-
five years. His experience makes him the most reliable market editor in the
South If not in tho entire country.
After the Opening Trading List
Showed a Slightly Harder
tiount of tiNlajr'* tradlns llquidstlou went
.... —.aj, y^ty flight Interruption. M TUs r%
»t Inst ntsht's close provwr to hav
In*(*ii due entirely to repurchase* agnlBa
short contracts, and the withdrawal of
a lr ....
•wept price* off quickly all over the list.
Fitful rallies occurred from time to time
thereafter, but on each iwrlod of atrenstl
stocks were thrown out In l«rge quautltiei
aud quotations would sink lower than ever
It was a liquidating market pure and aim
pie, nnd tho pace or the decline seemed to
In* regulated only by the narrowness of
the demand. 80 far as outside matters
were concerned a good deal was outdo out
of nn accountable rlae, which followed In
the grain markets, so *
waa expressed over *tL_ .
European centers accompanying a very
sharp decline In all daasea of Russian
iKinds. nut apart from all this market
waa Influenced chiefly by Its own Internal
weakness nnd the geueral dcatro In spacu-
latirc circles to get out of stocks.
At the opening of the stock market to
day prices showed Irregularity more than
any pronouuced tendency In either dlrec
tloai. Dealings were fairly active. Haiti
more and Ohio was taken In several round
lots at slight concessions under last night's
quotation. Ht. Paul opened ofT H, but
uulon Pacific received a fair degree of
support. Heading was active., but uuder
P ressure, lotting over s point In the first
iw uiluutea. Rteel preferred, which re
ceived gotMl supimrt yesterday, sold off
Immediately after the opening. After the
iqienlng trading the list showed a slightly
harder tone.
There waa a continuation of the liquids*
tloi * ' —
These two stocks ludl*
at the end of the first hour the early
were recovered lu some cases, and In others
•light net jmlna were made. The buying
of Lnlon Pacific and Heading was con*
aldered very good. Halt I more and Ohio,
which ha* lN»en lu demand from Itanklug
Intercut* for aev
were current rei
In the dividend to n 6 per
rn lu ucummi inuii iwntuiR
evrrnl daya, waa firm. There
reports of a coming Increase
1 to n • per cent basis. Arid-
for London account,
Governments unchanged.
about 15,000
at It la a professional market,
men is uot at the moment subject to any
rry striking Indusuce one way or the
ther. Taking tho mass of tbs crop and
rather news. It la favorable, tllotigli Geor*
Is baa had too much rain ami aoutbern
«exaa too lltUae- Yet In Trass the tem
peratures have fallen and many private
reports are of a favorable character. Thera
aeems to be a very general fear, toe, that
the bull leader sold July heavily against
nrge stocks of the actual cotton which
holds, and which Is said to make a
nrge proportion of low grades. However
this may us, leading
anoris ueemeu u prnneui 10 cover, iney
covered the July ami other months here
•Iso. Under the circumstances nn early
decline was recovered and s moderate ad*
„ Th«r*l>re»S 'la ibr atm-it
mark.: «■» not wltbovt aw effret, par-
t rularljr a. stork rirtwiifo houan aoltl.
Yet. the market rallle. ahenerer wiling
preuiire Is remoreil.’’—Illhert A t'laj
-— ** ""mes-Demc
_ street enough
monel to tbo prtee enemies' palate, jres-
terdsr mornlnx. anil before the. ilsjr was
(lone the whole liunrh hart Jumping tooth
ache anil an sbandsnre of remorse to nurse.
The New Orleans mht summer posUlou, at
l premium of 84 points orer Drtolier, Is
he moat dereptlre speculstlra proposition
’io talent has encountered In nun? u ilsjr.
lore dsmsge larks therein than the glsm-o
f s woman's ope, and quite as much
allurement. Krldrnt enough, this stata* of
Ira south Is aiding the price of all no-
jins In the serersl worlil markets, tin-
assisted, the Juljr option at. New York
could hardlr hold Its own. Liverpool Is
not worried ov.r Immediate supplp prob
lems. Kiports srs picking up, hut '
new crop, eliminating Truss di—
American Mugar Iteftnlng
American Loconiotlvs..
American*HmSt'lng ^* Itednlng.‘.‘.*‘^.*.'. , .**.',‘.*.'”!!i!!!!!!!.*
do preferred
American Cotton Oil
Hsltlmom and Ohio..- '
Brooklyn Hsphl Transit
Canadian fscltlc
ChU-ngo and Northwestern
Chesapeake and Ohio
Colorado Fuel nnd Iron
1o preferred
leaf leather
Chicago and Great Western {
Chicago, Milwaukee and tt. Paul
Distiller’s Heeurliles..
do j>r'e/erri 1 d.'.".".'.‘"‘.'.'.‘.’.'.‘’.'.'.‘.‘.".’.',‘.‘.‘.',',','.",‘l":.‘:.’.’.'.‘i:,‘.'
American Ice Securities
Louisville and Nashville
Mexican f>ntral...,v
Missouri j Fact He....,..*
New York, Ontario and Western
National Lead
Norfolk and Western
People's Gas
Pressed iteel Car
Uock Island
m do. preferred....
United Hta.ra Ilabbsr.
. do. preferred
Hnuthcrn pacific
Tennessee Foal and Iron
Texas mid Pacific
.. do. preferred.........
Virginia Carolina Chemical
do. preferred
eatern Union
Wabash %
do. preferred
Wisconsin Central........
do. preferred.
•From Wall Street
Priests Wire Jo Ware A Leland.
New York. Jane 11-London easy: Balti
more ami Ohio off 46. •
Aetlou of yesterday's market was sag-
restive of ■ .hake oat. and undoubtedly
(hero has been noma Inerenoo In the shift
Interest. A fairly fsrorsbls hank stale.
Htrrnsth of United Hlstes HI eel
preferred eueltes favorable remark.
Ht. Paul appears to be well held, end on
further breaks behave the good .tacks
ran be taken on for turns.
There Is more ar less agitation over lire
isurs lice company nutters sari petalaUatte
rop rejMirts, lint hellera the latter shoald
lie taken with miay grains of allowance.
Railroad earnings make a Ann showing
and traffic* Is heavy In alt aeetlons. ImoE
for Irregular stock market today. Would
tendsy ” “ n * B7 aoch <Up * “ >l * d 7I '
• Hu--’
11 t. m„
12 noon ..
I p. m.,
VW:: r.::::
-im iyl *b ,r ” aha res
New Orleans, June ll.-Cotton hsd a ner
vous undrrtone sml flurtustnl rather unr.r
tslnly shore end then well lielow the level
‘ ‘ which left the tab
- .late of mind than
has bren a time when
the trails sk ■ whole has been so willing
to alt on the fence as now. The large.!
operators and the blggeet brokers openly
isiuiy niiore ana men ,
of yenterday'n closing,
ent In a more imsslrd
ever. There seldom’ has
There was nothing In the weather I
mote .peculation. Tho weather map
ed that tbs drouth continued over 1
lu ths weather to pro-
hut print, reports froa'tbm stats that!
while cotton would he lieneflied by ralu. It
JSSmsry yesterday's stock marks! by gS ld - «?»■
imw. Jones At:, j "American stocks In SK, ln ii,7 , 2.r , . l l'
■TkUJU MIWUHI piwiww "M ni|ll|HO>-
The price appears high when compered
with prerlon. years, but the man who If-
oorea the altered relation, of prod near and
consumer, leeks that degree of speeulatlre
B elly absolutely essential to reasonahla
ly. now that the gtme Is actlust the
Ware A Leland.
New Tort, June U —The market fur cot.
m seed alt was nnlst and nliost steady
■rly, easing off s little during the trading.
There has lieen n little foreign deem ml .le-
relnped during the psM few daya at th.
lower prices, and some Inquiry from soap
eqi Jo septs q|o.| on iuMin| eqj,
market, bowerer, boatlnues very moderate.
New crop dellreries quiet sad waiting for
further developments of the cotton er-m.
Tho' market si the does was dnlL wlfh
price, unchanged to Me lower.-Wsra A
Opening. JTpse.
[[.m dm ..." 3a, <9*
Closed steady.
ww. equeo n - . -American lines. lu
■smdon Irregular, with acure laann rather
bebiw parity,
-‘Huaslan Imnds eaatlnne very weak la
Loudon and 1'arli bu *—‘
“Light demand far stocks In tbs loss
rolMilde Dona of ths ...
Ik* exportsd until ths crop cuuvtug
i»r. refd is over. •
"Ilnltlniore and Ohio wash In Lomlnn.
"Crop reports generally more farnrsldo.
"United Htstes Hmelttng and Refining
corning almut II per cent on common, but
no dividend this year.
’’Northern I'sdflc gross Inure.M for 3I,y
Western I’nl
cent for yenr.
"Twelre I ‘
•Twenty i
Prlrute Wire to fllliert A Clay.
New York, June 16.—Daniel Oiloll A Co.:
"Dsrelopments over night Indicate that a.
the late rally on Thnmday was cbteily
short covering operailima. the market as a
whole may sag off again tmlay, lie Irregular
and nssettleil and pllfylng ths wisdom
of following the trailing poattlnw, for ontu
liquidation Is started It Is almost unpossllil#
to determine tho euset extent before band.
We recommend eonserrstlsm and the tot.
Ing of mdotrate profits on either side of
th market for the present.”
Marshall, Hpsder A Co.: 'Ths market,
from yesterday s Indications, should rally
munewhst today, but In any srent sneh
decline as might take place will doubtless
follow the rei-ent leaders. Storks ought to
lie In strong hands, and as u rule we he-
Here they are. There la no development
In the forecast serious eooagh to causa
their iRalodgement In large volume."
Uptown Hentlment: After yesterday’s
Potnterg on Provision*.
t’hb-ng->. Jnns 16.—Cash business In wheat
In Chicago yesterday was 4S,n*> bushels.
Including 13,303 No. I hard >,c under Hep-
temherTn store: 6,000 No. I Northern nt 1*‘
over sml 26,003 mixed lots
i H«le» "f i-orn were ico.ono and oats J00.80C
Imluth sold 333.000 oats for shipment.
The sralioapl reported no export sales,
Anuour sold 760,300 bushels wheat ou the
bulge and Knvrlsud 1,000,300 Armour nud
all the elevator iieopls ns well aa the ship-
ping Interests are liesrish ou grain.
Tnlrfy-ave ■rlf hlnders are cutting wheal
on the ml Ranch operated by Miller
Itrothere In Oklahoma. They have 42.001
seres of wheat hi harvest this season am
good yield.
Reports covering central Illinois ssy that
farmers are bidding their corn for 60c,
while Idda last ulgbt were He below that
' majority of the reports <n> oats and
from Nebraska were of nn unfavorable
nature. Home of the garni peajdn there
esy that the corn ran go two weeks more
without suffering severely: otbsrs am lie-
diming uneasy. One of the largest grain
houses In Nebraska says the crop reports
on corn ar# good, but farmers am nut
telling corn. The weather In Nebraska
day was clear and hot. with no
at of rain. A few reports said .
were n failure. Reports from northern
Knness were of the asms nature. The
le southwest hsd good harvest weather,
progrt-islng rapidly
a careful Investin'
bushels, against
of Crec,,™ In the sample market yesterday
t "lilqn’t ihlot the purchases wars vary
hesvy last nlcht, said nns of ths largest
cash corn handlers. "We must have mime
rain In Nebraska sad Kansas In the next
few days or w. may get t higher mnrket
on corn. The re ports continue to come In
rather bed on onle from Nehrnskn. Missouri,
Illinois, Indians and Ohio, and It It gon-
ernlly conceded that the hajr crap over a
very large area of this country It IlghL
That will place oats ou s more eubernn-
jlsl basis than any other grain ou ths
e Wire to fllliert A U_..
Chicago. Juno 18.- A Rroomhsll cable
Myu: "Wheat ojiened steady at Hd ad
vance. followed fates by advance of 5^ to
>4d more. Support reunited from the light
Argautlnn ahliuurnt*. aotvl Intiulrj tor car*
am* and acardtr of Manitoba offerings.
Undertone vary firm.
<’orn Arm ami um hanmNl at tha opening.
The light Argentine Ainmanta. dacraaaa
In the vlaltile aunnly and tha atrength In
American «|H»ta •tiiuiilntiHl further support
—-* — *uoa galnn “
heat yaatarday.
i allgntly lower
c and Irregular
dry spell had eaalded tha farmer* to tfcnr
ouglilr cultivate ami clean their flelda and
that It wes keeping down the ravages of
the Imll wcevl|. The dry enell has not put
E rl era up, hut a snaking rain would prelui-
ly cause s material drop ~ ’-
oily sppreeltted ami '
The rollowlnr (ebb. gives the opening
-d closing quotetbins for n * —
livery today Is New York
February.. ..
S. 70-4.71
C. OS-4. |0
July.. „ .. .. .. .. ,. .. {.'SiSo 8.
ffitgust 8.104.16 8
Heplrmher 8.20 8.2A8.26
October 8.264.80 8.K4.80
Nmemlier 8.104.26 8.264.60
0.15 6.34.60
Clueed steady,
malutaluad. The roneeBsue of opinion
that the market will continue Irregular,
and rather unsettled.' for the reel nr the
week at least. Tha general full In prime
yesterday Is not stmooted to any chai
In fundamsntsl rondltlons, hut Is rsgan. .
as sn outcome of technics) conditions whl- Is
Mo* of the
the commit
besrRy 1
the short Interest.
Foreign Exchange, Travelers' Checks, Brown
Brothers' Letters of Credit available in all parts
of the world.
the market waa heavy, with only *ueh
nervous rallle* a* appeared to be occa
sioned by the covering of short Inter-
esta. Apart from the effect of a more
serious crisis In Russian affaire, politi
cal and financial, foreign monetary
condition) are extremely favorable, but
today** news regarding these matters
was extremely disquieting and th* In-
fluenc* must be allowed prominence
among tbe causes at work at this time.
The money movement of the week In
dicates again the bank* of 11,303.800 as
a net result of sub-treaeury and In
terior operation*. There should ba no
great Increase In loans and the state
ment tomorrow can hardly -b* an un
favorable one. Sentiment on the mar
ket has recently, from various eaimmb
become unfavorable, and though th*
close of the week And* fundamental*
In good shape, th* Incentive to more
than moat casual operations does not
exist, and th* market still remains In
professional hand*.
leva! through s rely*erratic
court*, rrlrea responded easily tn pro-
non seed transactions In either direction. *
general fceltus of uncertainly living press-
lent. Doth bulls sml bears appeared to he
willing to Inke small profltn as they ap-
pt-sred rather than to slsiul nut for larger
ones, tong wheat from miscellaneous out
siders came trickling Into the market most
of .the dsy L tnd this was probably th* de-
a Moos h
and Irregular,
rs slant I rrcklei
> tin..—'/ —— ■ i w. ip— i.—i ae
lows and because nf large ar*
_ — mtry of bids tent out
— . i Walla, Cudahy end
a few of the larger k-csl trailers ulrkad
nn considerable corn t% the eerljr break.
Tbit developed e stringency In tbe markst,
whlrh frightened the eerly sellers Into ■
atsmjiede of buying and ran price* lute
the highest llgnree ou ths crop. Toward
the i-lnss there was very heavy selling ky
the Barttett-Pruier following. This and
rest wiles by longs wiped oat most of
**^fl fhnngh' ther* was a weak and lower
•ten lu oats on s rush nf selling hertns*
.„ mMt needsd districts,
llrnthui uf natural coo-
Small Argentine Shipments and
Continued Drought in the
Southwest Factora.
By Private Leased Wire.
■ Chicago. June 16.—Wheat etnsed 3-8
98-4c higher; corn waa, up l-3ff3-4c;
oat* gained 7-101 1-Jc, and provision*
were 602So higher.
Nebraska la now the only state where
drought conditions are still prevalent.
Rains over the remainder of the winter
wheat belt have made wonderful
change* for the batter, nnd tho crop
promlnes. with good weather, couhl
hardly be Improved upon. Thla
in the outloolc caused the long* to sell
freely,, fearing that the movement of
the new crop would also be a factor in
price making.
Corn and oata ruled unaettled nnd
showed the effect of profit Inking late
In the session.
•Primary receipt*: Wheat, 347.0«8
bushels, and corn, 771,800 bushels, com
pared with 836,000 and 444,00 bh-h- Is.
ectlvely, a year ago.
earanees were 114,000 bushels
wheat, 31,000 bushels corn and 5.000
bushels oats.
■ Cash sales hare wera 40,000 bushels
wheat, 30,000 bushols com nnd 116,000
bushels oat*. ■ ' i
Clearness at seaboard 3 loads wheat,
4 load* com and 100,000 bushels oats.
towx't su’”* 70 grata market rangxd is fob
, Prov.
Opto. Illgti. Low. Clot#. cIom.
pill I
i-I'PIB £
July. . 4D
Itept. . *
lire. .. J7
Juljr. .!«.**
July. . *.11714
Hrpt. . I.oo
8 L«£ wv ‘
July. , *.45
K p t,*'.:i:S{
KF* 1:8
3.87H 800
Todajr, Tomorrcw.
iriy ii^riin* taai in* i*au
t uaraaaary to aall a Ultl
nwiM in a mm raaica
•trrnxtli w«* rri
awe* In *11 f **
Provlatena \
HMM4 n*af
huge In the west sml qufre sn srcumulq-
thill of pruilnct during Iks last wsek her*.''
By l4lvate Leased Wire.
New Torlc, June 16.—Rgcltement In
July oata at Chicago thla morning
monopolised the attention of the grain
market'dt th* opening. From last
night’s dosing basis of 3lt-lc. they
were rushed up by th* short* to 41 l-3o
In the first ten minutes, after which
they reacted lc. Th* other markets
responded with advance*.
Caupht a Sea Serpent.
From Th* New York American.
After enjoying line bass fishing In the
streets of Harlem, ths boys of that
section of Manhattan yesterday exhib
ited the largest snake that ever was
displayed In the city outside of a reptile
With the Iridescent color* of ths
famed okapi and measuring 15 fast 7
Inches, aside from Its mashed head, th*
reptile was hauled out of Ih* river by
Intrepid small hoys, after It* discovery
by Captain "BIR" Woods, watchman on
the Third avenue bridge. Wllh the
well-known methods of tha Court of
Bojrvllle, the youngsters proudly care
rled the hug* serpent on ten barret
stave* through the streets of upper
The appearance of the make pro
cession In front of a cafe at Lexington
avenue nnd One Hundred and Thirtieth
street created a small-atsed riot among
the habitues nf the place. They all de
clared that th* reptilian specimen
measured at toast 10 fast and that tt
grew In alt* a* It waa observed.
Wllh due appreciation of th* occa
sion, th* policemen along the lino nf
march failed to make any demonstra
tion against tha snake bearers, and the
procession moved, unmolested, along
One Hundred and Twenty-eighth street
Into Park avenue, to Ono Hundred and
Twenty-ninth street, to Lexington ave
nue and On* Hundred and Thirtieth
street. Large crowds viewed th* rep
tilian wonder, which waa declared by
all to bo th* longest leviathan that
languorously lay upon th* limpid
watare of the Harlem.
Part nf th* skin of the reptile was
conltocated by Electrician Kultxren. of
th* Third avenue bridge, who has con
structed two Ilf* preservers therefrom.
Wheat opened
« hlgherreiored
( lira opened unrhunn-d
higher; vloeed % higher.
inrkantMl; 1:» p. in.,
Follnwln* tabla x»vc* tb« oortlitteal rara
of grain todaj, laat week aod Inst year:
1 ,ii it t Lnat
Today. WMt Year.
15) Ml l
Duluth 4 21 A
Chicago 4 I 1
Tbe following flgure* give tbe primary
movement of grala: ■
Wheat-Receipts today 347,038 liu.hela
M^ad , |L%»fcJSfcW
Ing orar and over the adv* rtf* m# nta in
B K^Wi'7rad , |‘;« ,n . T ^' 7 f^ ,h Mi 1
' at g
oar own enaatnr, reestvad a llfrtlmn l.lnw
la the death of bis BSaea*. He sever after.
‘ meatlossd her same. If any od- i Im
I, be St oars left tbs room.
Oliver Wendell Holme*, our own diuerl-
ran phrsletsu, poet sad iSSlSs
—— In lettr— ‘ —
a sod yet be rarried n po
et sod a ban* cbc.tuut
to keep off rheumatism.
Otdoat Eatabllahcd Office South.
Ground Floor Could nuii'iin* Daily
markst totter and market manual
mailed on application.
Bankers and Brokers,
Comspondiit's Capital 1250,000
atrusKNCC, the ncau bsnn
WM. L. FKKL, PreeMeo).
ROBT. F. MADDOX, Vlee Pres.
THOi. J. PEEPI.KH. Cashier.
jAff. O. I.MTKR, Ass’I Cashier.
CAPITAL $200,000.00
SURPLUS AND PROFITS .... $500,000.00
account* iNvrrco
We invite acrounU of individuals, corporation!). hniik’H
and bankeri* and offer tho beat terms consistent with
conservative backing.
In our Savings Department wa allow Inter*#! at th* Rato of 11-3 per
cent. Compounded Beml-Annually.
*«» Ink *i. Oduii.
fa. J Wall Si.. Mm !«•#. Jftsefa. Ca.
Hew f$tk Collo* h(h$agt. Okif# Start tl Trait.
Ht* Orltait &4n inhatgt. Sittk hihatit.
Uttrptal CtUtt Alto ••>}* St*
h ia’t Witti io Ht* fart, few Orltatt. CUnft B. C C0jhM*h
I Hiudff.
a*4ar4 hot
(Incorporated.) Oaaamant Floor Pudwont Hotal.
Faat Wlra Sarvica from New York, New Orlaana, Chicago.
IDW. HOT It. Manager lt<al atd Lotg Ditltttt Btll Phttt Mi