Newspaper Page Text
AliahUa f
laving l
Road Luc
L. Edited By L jS
ball Dc
Far and Near
Special to The Georgian.
New Orleans', La., June 15.—The Pell*
can* flew away with a l-to-0 game
yesterday, after an hour and a half of
fierce at niggling.
Charley Frank's men put the game
on cpld storage at the outbreak of
hostilities'. Klrkort waited for four
miscuea and then ambled flrstwnrd.
Cargo tried to sacrifice, but -the
grounder to Fox proved to be a field
er’s choice and Fox chose Rlckert, who
gave up the ghost at second. Cargo
pilfered nnd hugged the second bag
while Blake went out by the old fa
miliar short-to-first route.
Then came “Punch” Knoll, he of the
dark complexion and the big league
experience, nnd "Punch” sent a single
down Dick Crosier’s way. Of course
Cargo scored, and that run won the
00000004000000 00 000
O Game put Atlanta In third O
0 place. New Orleans In second. O
O Atlunta made most hits, least O
.O runs. O
O Another game lost by Atlanta O
O by a margin of one run. O
O Both teams played speedy ball O
0 nnd both pitchers were In.fine O
O form. O
After the first Inning Atlanta had
numerous chances to score, but could
avail herself of none of them.'Time
and again when a hit was a sure run
the said bIngle was not forthcoming.
Phillips pitched one of the best
games of the season and his effective
ness when a crisis arrived was remark
The score:
In s fifteen mile nice, notshle for the
sAtlonnl riding of the contestants nnd for
the exciting spills, Bobby Walt hour, the At
lanta rider put It over Hugh Mellon, of
Boston, at the Coliseum Thursday night.
Bobby was the lietter man at all stages of
the game, and lie won In fine style. Mr-
L*«n, however, had hard lurk. Before the
raee was mneli more than well under way
his tire was punctured nnd he took s nasty
tumble, spilling down the side of the In
cline nnd taking Ills bicycle witli him For
tunately his pacing machine ami (be of her
team got clear of the wreckage nnd an ac
cident was averted.
As soon ns the damage was repaired Me-
f^aii went on with the nice, hat he was
never able to endanger Walt hour's leftd.
Waltliour rod® a fine race, hugging his
pace and taking oil kinds of chalices In
rounding the steep and sharp tnrns.
Winters, rf.
Kiultli. 3b. .
Jordan. 2b. .
Fa*. 11*. . .
Htlusoii. cf. .
Morse, «s. .
Rlckert.,If. . . . . .
«*nrgo. ss
Blake. 2b
R soll. rf
Bird, cf
O'Brien. 3b
Htrsttou, e
Phillips, l*. ....
All. It. II. PO. A. E.
. . 4 *» 1 1 d 0
. . 4 « « 2 « »
. . 4 n 0 l 4 2
0 0 4 2 0
.32 0 # 6 24 13 2
00 00 000000 00 0000000
Atlanta In New Orleans.
Birmingham In Memphis.
Nashville In Little Rock.
Montgomery In Shreveport.
0000000000000000 O00
. All. It. II. Pit. A. E.
. . 2 0 0 2 o 0
. 2 0 0 1 4 1
.3 0 0 5 1 0
.3 0 0 1 3 0
.27 1 1 27 14 *2
Hrore by Innings
Atlanta. . . . . . .
New Orleans.
.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
r ^— I II II II II II 0 II 1 11
ft a in inn ry: Htulcn liases. Fargo 121. rise"
z. nascs on nans, «
Umpire, Keniiiily.
League Standings
CLUBS— Played. Won. Lost.
Hlueveport . . 60 31 19
New Orleans .. 62 30 22
Atlanta .... 51 29 22
Birmingham. . 62 29 23
Memphis .... 60 26 24
Montgomery . . 61 24 27
Nashville ... 64 23 31
Ultlc Rock . . 49 13 36
Clubs— Piayed. Won. Lost. P.C.
Augusta I
Columbia ,
Hnvannah .
4 narleston
'Macon . . .
Itulie" ‘ Btirnum, who "Holm" Smith has
had on the suspends) Hat for some time,
was given IiIm bump* by the Pirates. In a
few days. If Btirnum gets another dnae, B.
Kmlfit will sua|M‘iid him and pull out of
m|m another suspended pitcher.—
New Orleans States.
Worry not. Brother Diaries; the only
twlrler still reiimlnlng In the big sticks Is
“Hoc” t'hllds, and. Judging from the trim
mings he fs getting among the semi-pro-
fcMlonnls. he Is likely to stay there for
quite n spell.
In spite of the fact that Manager Ollks
denied tlfe re|>orts coming from Atlanta to
the effect that Birmingham could not land
a pennant tm account of the fact that the
several immagcrs “had It In” for this city,
the explanation that he promised In an In
terview lifter returning home has not
yet gone In-fore the public. Wonder what
kind of a reception he Is planning for
1 lurryf—Birmingham Ledger.
That's not especially dear, but ns to
what Bilks said, II was: "Vaughan has a
’poor chance for the pennant. The other
niniingera In the league hare If In for him
liccntise they do not feel that they get a
square deal In Blrnilughuni.” or words very
much to' that effect.
The Notions) Association will look after
the wobbly Padite 4'oust league. At s
meeting In New York Wednesday It was de
cided that the leagues gild clubs In organ
ised boll lie asked to subscribe the follow
ing amounts for (he const league: The Na
tional League, the American League, and
National Association, each $500; cadi
major league eltib, $160; each class A club,
$36, and each class D club $25. It is ex
pected Hint nlMiut $20,000 can be raised lu
this way. which will l*e turned u|er to
Mecretary Pul. Kwlug, of the Coast league,
to ln» used In meeting deficiencies and pay*
.265 ) big wdnrle*. Thus the Pacific people will
be kept on enrtli until they are able to
take care of themselves. It was also vot'd
that no player can l*e any of the
coast dubs without the consent of Presi
dent Bert. This Is to prevent the disrup
tion of the league by such men ns Morley.
Pordfle .
'Valdosta .
Albany .
- Chicago .
Pittsburg .
•New Yolk .
Ft. Louts .
Brooklyn ,
Boston . . ,
Cincinnati .
New York .
Cleveland . .
Detroit . . .
Ht. Louis . .
Chicago . . .
.Washington .
Boston . . .
Played. \\ on. I«o*L
The offering at the Coliseum for Friday
night Is far and sway the beat of the pres
ent bike-racing season. Manager Prince
bua secured as the attraction Bobby Wal-
thour, Hugh McLcnu and Tommy Hall, nud
these men will meet In three five-mile con
In the opening rnees at the Coliseum
Wnlthour defeated Hull. The Englishman's
pacing machine was not In good trim for
those events, however, and the question of
supremacy Is still unsettled, nt least In,
the mind of Hall.' The champion of the
Hnioll Island Across the Big Pond still be-
»*»«* llwt t»‘ I. fn.t.r tbnn
«n,l will try to deui»nairar» i, SfP
night. 31 c-Lcau dcfentii] W.lihoar In ih '
dre-mlle rac*.. taking two out „
But the ra,« ware won l,y a
n any t
lute supremacy of tb«?
the Atlantan.
The question of first hAmrs I
tiiranhet) oat Kriilaj, night, when™ ,hr~
meet, ami n raeonl crowd will iindonhteja
turn l oat to we the doing.. Thr.„ hm
will W meed and lu ewe each man ,
•dreg * h**t a fourth will I* r „„ . „*£
elde . the <|Uf-itlon of flrat bo
Some Howls of Dismay
Just Some Notes Clipped From Exchanges
at a terrific dip. In no one of the last
three games he has pitched have more
than two ruus been made off him. Now
the fans nre shivering nt the thought of
what they came so near doing — Age-Her
Baseball Is n gamble. Every once In n
Willie a team Is entertaining a phenomenon
unawares nnd the fact crops out after If
Is too late to coutlnue the entertainment.
The Ht. IcOiilw Dispatch roasts Niles
through one-half of a column nud predicts
he will never make good In the big league.
It la conceded by this paper that Niles
Is fast, but It la added that he hats like
a lady. Just at the present time the Ht.
Lulls Americans nre hnvlug a lotting
slump and naturally the papers are ronstlug
the club, Niles In particular.—Birmingham
If Ht. lamia does not want Niles several
Houthern league clubs will gladly find u
place for him.
Andy Anderson, the catcher who assault
ed Umpire Buckley In Little Itoek the other
day. has come out with the following card;
“To the ladles who wero presput nt Tucs-
dny's game nt West End park I desire to
make an apology for the affnl^ between
Umpire Buckley nnd myself. To me It
Seemed that there was great provocation
for striking Buckley, but lit the time I
forgot the presetted of the. ladles and al
lowed my temper to get Hie best of me. 1
regret the affront offered them, but wish
to assure them that ft was through an error
of the moment and not of my best judg
ment thnt fbe affair took place.
By publishing the foregoing you will
oblige, yours very respectfully,
funny to watch the way those Birm
ingham scribes change their tune. Him
day they rise on their hind leg* and howl
at the Barons—can’t find a good wool to
sav or an atom of excuse for dropping any
game, 'and the next, If Vaughan cornea out
mi top of the heap, they utter Inspired
rhapsodies of praise.—Montgomery Journal.
When the Nationals catch a Iwtso run-
Angeles malinger. who has lieen m*r off Ills base and attempt to run him
trying to make money by selling bis play
ers without any regard for Hie good of the
That decision probably means thnt Jake
Ats mum go luii'k to the roast mid that
New Orleans eaiuint get his services this
Flicker Hnllee, whom Itlrmlnglinni talked
of selling or trading for any price- or any
old player only a short while ago, since
thnt time lias pitched three games for
Birmingham, and won them all. nud besides
pitching winning ball ho baa l*een batting
Liti'lrtti, June S-
tlie ItnalM for the Davis teuiili
Smith. EnglAud. defeated Hay
I rophy H.
Jd l». Lit-
lit three straight sets. Score,
down, they never seem to know exactly
what to do. Each player who receives the
ball looks about 1dm with an i)Ndogetlc
air, and hurls the sphere to the flrst player
who has' Ida hands out. Three or four
times during the Inst week, runner* on op
posing teams have elude'! the entire Infield
and reached tlietr bases In safely.—Boston
The two best left fielders In the Southern
League nre “Hefty” flouts ami Joe Rlckert.
Very few imsslble chances get uway from
tlirse fielding stars and the way the? throw
Hie ball In la something hard to ladlevo
until you tinvu clapped your eye on It.—
Montgmnery Journal.
Funny thing, but Atlnnta fans can’t get
away from the Idea that they have the boat
left fielder In the league. They may lie
wrong, but auyway they arc happy fu their
Last week for the first time In two years
Pitcher Willis was forced to leave the slab.
—Ht. Louln I’oat-Dispatch.
Few pitchers enu boast of such a record.
But the Pelicans nre laying for Atlantans.
The Inf ter g»f ffii* former started on the
soapy slide and our !>oya have causu for
malice toward them. Homethlug's going to
leault. .
Yesterday’* game Indicated that the Peli
can* have regained their stride nnd that
menus tlmt,they will more than bold their
own ngalnst any club In the league. At
lanta play* the best ball nt home, but It
ha* always been a matter of record that
Uoorgtsns couldn't do much on the
road, no there Is little to fear from them.
They outplayed themselves for several days
at Piedmont park, setting a gait Hint no
minor league team could keep up, and It
would lie Just Ilka them to take a slump
a 4a Pel lea n when .they strike this city.—
New Orleans Item.
Comment on the above, after what has
happened, would be quite superfluous.
By Private Leased Wire.
London. June 16.—The condition of Beals
C. Wrlgbt. the tennis player who cut hla
right hand on a broken soda water bottle
on the ere of his departure from New York
for England to play lu the matches of the
Little Bock, June 13. —The trial of Catcher
Anderson, of Little Rock, for assultlng Pm-
This business of dropping a peg a day fs
very bumping.
Great snakes! We're almost down In Blr*
mlughatu's class.
Hope the Crackers are not In another of
thoae “loat-by-oue-rnn” ruts.
If 111rinIngham wins Friday and Atlanta
loses, the Crackers go to fourth place.
And from there the second division is so
dose that Its nearness la appalling. How
ever, the worst half of the present trip Is
over Humbiy night. From then on It ought
to lie easy sailing back to Atlanta.
It Is a shame that, when Atlnnta makes
five hits to New Orleans’ three, that the
Pelicans nre able to win.
The teams broke even down the error col
umn. Both made two apiece.
Hpenklng of Morse anil that batting nnd
fleldlng slump which Is past, Wbftey made
two «f the five hits Thursday and accepted
four chances without nu error.
Crosier, Fox and Zellar divided the other
three hits In the equitable proportion of
one to each man.
Cargo was the only man who could steal
on Evers Thursday*, and “Chick” got away
with only two.
A little pinch hitting would have given
Atlnnta n tin nnd maybe the game. How
ever, pinch hitters can’t always perform
right up to the notch-especially on the
Thnt boy Knno (s certainly a marvel for
111 luck. In the game Thursday at Colum
bia he struck out * thirteen men and al
lowed not a single hit. The men behind
him did.not make an error either, and yet
Columbia scored a run. And Havannah. al
though able to land on Russell for three
bits, could not make a run.
This Is the second time In his career
that Kane has pitched a uo-hlt gamo and
yet lost. -
Well, Albany, In the Georgia State
league, went up agnlnat It just the way
Atlanta did, losing to Columbus 1 to 0.
For upsetting “form” the Nashville turn
is becoming famous. After trimming jw
pbta In remarkable style the Flnnites «r.> t*
Utile Book loot to Hi.- uii.p’J
Bruit]., the Atlnutn •tumlillm-M". fc i, t
them down with wren hit., l ittle It,*,
nude two how Bit* and two more rum
The Traveler, nre redurml _ I
fe»«lomit eiiteller named orr to take Vkl
place at Anderson.
New York National, plnrrd pntiv ...»
Irnll Thursday, lint nt that they immamd
to defeat Ht. « t„ t. si.tjinnit,
pitched, bat ttave op eight lilt*.
Boston auil (-Ineltmatl proved
nut tolled team Thursday, hut the It,-,it, y'nt
ers hnd a shade the Itetter of It an,| voa~
3 to I,
Patten pitched a three-hit name for Wart
Ington aimluat Chicago, but three err
lost the game. The score wad : , 0 „
Cleveland nnd New York tire surolv play.
In* n line series. Thursday tlto Napalm*,
turned the tables and won-3 to i
By Prlvsfb Leased'Wire.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., June 15,-Coach
Courtney forbade the Cornell oarsmen to
use gum In any form, and caught two of
them vigorously chewing after practice. He
made them throw the stuff away. He bad
the pockets of the men searched. It Is
said, fpr gum, confiscating nil thnt bo
found. There Is said to be somewhat »f
a spirit of rebellion among the Coruellltes
over the anti-gum rule.
Confidential loan* on valuable,.
Bargains In unredeemed Diamonds,
IS Decatur 8L Kimball Hovm.
Work-outs At
Toledo . . .
Milwaukee. .
laouisvllle .
Kanaas City
Si. Paul . .
Newark 3, Jersey City 1.
Montreal 6, Toronto 4.
Rochester 4. Buffalo 3.
Providence 3, Baltimore 2.
Boston 2, Cincinnati l.
Plttsbur* % Brooklyn 1.
.New Tork 6. 8t Louia 4.
Chicago D, Philadelphia 1.
Detroit 6, Philadelphia 4.
Chicago 2. Washington 0.
Cleveland 3, New York 2.
New Orleans I, Atlanta 0.
Little Rock 4, Nashville 2.
South Atlantic.
Columbia 1, Savannah 6.
Macon 2. Augusta 2.
Georgia Stele.
Columbus 1, Albany 0.
Vfcidoft* 11, Cordele u.
By Private l-eased Wire.
(irniesend. !«. 1.. June 15.- Weather clear,
track fast. Try outs:
Rereueh, one tulle lu t:tf, galloping. Will
’ win.
Sklddoo. four furlongs In :5J25, haudtly
No amHlliY.
t'olonbtl Girl, one tulle In 1:44 2 5, twees
llig. Neyor better.
Kuramvwi. four furlongs In ^0, baudfly.
H«*od work. \
Piintoufie. six furlongs In 1:16 35. She Is
Memories, one tulle In 1:46, galloping. Try
her again.
Gray Day. six furlongs In 1:18. handily.
Rapid Water. 3 furlongs In :37 3-5, handily,
! Dandelion, tulle nnd a furlong In l:tt 35,
! ha tidily. Rare form,
j Dover Create mile In 1:44. oil out. WtU
. win.
Winning Hand. 6 furlongs iu 1:03 1-5.
breetlng. Iss»ks well.
1 Royal Breeze. 4 furlong* In ;4$ 3 5, hand
Illy, t’leier colt.
I Ogdeu Belle, 4 furlongs lu :5> 25 hamlllr.
lias’s *|we*l.
Aunmiaster. mile and quarter In 2:13 15.
handily. Uood work. *
luqulsltur. tulle aud furlong In 2:92 15.
handily. All he need*.
GraxlclK 5 furlongs In 1.-4&, handily.
xDotng well. .
Janets. 7 furlongs In 1:32, handily. Is fit.
Itoneheii. 6 furlongs la 1:15. tm tidily. Never
better. ,
Ancestry, tulle lu 1«, galloping.
Edna Ja.-ksou. 6 furlongs In 1:16, breezing.
I s»lng lietter.
Ttck«*r. 7 furlong* In 121 15, handily
Very s»«*d work.
Sell those 15, 16, 17, 18
and 19 Youths’ suits at re
ductions. said the “boss”
man. $5, $7.50 and $10 get
the pickings of some extra
ordinary values in Youths’
suits, sizes 15 to 19.
To the Mountains, Sea Shore or Country
Never mind which, glance over the list and see what you want:
The only way to have what you want is to take it along.
Complete your wardrobe economically.
Two-piece Serge, and Wool-Crash Suits, single or
double breasted, $5, $7.50, $10, $12.50 and $15.
Blue Serge Coats, unlined, $3 and $5.
White or Figured Vests, $1, $1.50, $2, $3.
Straw Hats, 50c, $1, $1.50, $2, $3.
Panama Hats, $5 and 1 $7.50.
Underwear, 25c, 50c, $1.
Outing Shirts, 50c, $1, and $1.50.
Silk Neckwear, 25c, 50c, 75c.
Trousers, $1.50, $2, $3, $4, $5.
Hosiery, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c.
If you are going to take the boy along, there are Special 7 "«
Opportunities now in the Boys’ Suit Department. /
The $5.00 Suits, 8 to 17, are $3.98.
The $4.50 Suits, 8 to 17, are $3.48.
The $3.00 Suits, 8 to 17, are $2.40.
^^^wT = Press = ^^^s = Free = ^^
89-91 Whitehall St.
(Manufacturing Clothiers.)
oritm* Tbumfauf anil abut uut Allanu. PAGE SEVEN.