Newspaper Page Text
Tho month of June has been taken
up almoet entirely with weddlnga, the
mono tony being broken by the pres
ence of several charming vteltora to
the city.
Monday at noon Mra. W. D. Ellis, Jr.,
gave a luncheon to Mtaa Phoebe Kills
and Mr. E. L. Bishop. In the after
noon Mr. and Mra. George Howard en
tertained at a buffet aupper at their
home on Ponce DeLeon, In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Orton Biahop Brown.
The wedding of Mias Phoebe Kills
and Mr. K. L. Bishop, which took
place Monday evening at All Saints
on West Peachtree, was of Interest
to a large number of society folks.
Tuesday morning Miss Eugenia
s Oglesby gave a breakfast to Miss Mary
Nii olson and her bridesmaids. In the
afternoon Colonel and Mrs. R. J. Low-
ry's coaching party to Mr. and Mrs.
Orton B. Brown was a pretty compli
ment to these visitors. After a drive
tn the country the party were enter
tained at dinner at the Piedmont Driv
ing Club, tn the party were: Mr. und
Mrs. Preston Arkwright, Mrs. Walter
Taylor. Mrs. Frank Callaway, Miss
lams Dooly, Mr. Charles Crankshaw,
Dr. Willis Westmoreland and Mr.
Fulton Colville.
Tuesday evening Miss Marlon Peel
entertained at a buffet aupper In honor
<,r Miss Mary Rend and Mr. John Kiser.
On the same evening Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Conklin gnve a dinner at the
Capital City Club to Miss Mary Nlcol-
enn and Mr. John Goddard. Thelrguests
Included Miss Nannie Nlcolson, Mlsa
Laura Payne, Miss Annie Fltten, Miss
Mary Klngsbery, Dr. and Mrs. W. .8.
Elkin, Mr. and Mrs. Horn Coleman,
of Macon: Mr. Frank llawklns, Mr.
Robert Shedden. Mr. James McKel-
dln. Mr. Will Hill, Mr. Ilrutua Clay,
Mr. William Tnyloe, Mr. Robert Clarke,
Mr. Andrew Nlcolson.
.Mr. and Mrs. MrCerrenl'a bridge was
ni. Informal affRlr of Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Charles Harman's luncheon on
Wednesday was n compliment to Mrs.
W. J. Snow, the guest of Mrs. Cheealey
Howard. Invited to meet Mrs. Snow
were: Mrs. R. M. Walker, Mrs. E.
Hi shop, Mrs. K. O. Mntheson, Mra
Stephen Barnett, Mrs. Frank Smith,
Mlsa Mary dude, Miss Laura Candler.
on Wednesday afternoon Miss Emma
It.d.ln-on gave a lawn party to Mlsa
Alary Rend and her bridesmaids. On
the same afternoon the Tech promo
nn te wae an enjoyable affair.
Wednesday evening at All Salnte
■ hurch the wedding of Mr. John Ood
din'd and Mine Mary Nlcolson was
wItnneed by a number of prominent
society people.
Thursday morning Mrs. Harry Eng.
llsh entertained the Young Matrons’
Club. Her guests were: Mrs. Charles
Conklin. Mrs. J. W. English, Jr., Mra.
Charles Hclple, Mra. Thomas Paine.
.Mrs. Evelyn Harris, Miss Huth Hall'
mun, Miss Eugeni a Oglesby.
In the afternoon Mrs. Walker gave
n. tea. tn Mrs. W. J. Snow. She was
n»M ted in receiving by Mrs. Cheseley
llowdrd. Mrs. E. L. Bishop, Mrs.
O'Hesr. Mrs. A. N. Glide, Mrs. John
Cny. Mra. William Jennings, Mra. C.
II winner. Miss Oude, Mlsa Cay, Mias
Peoples. Mias Btonsy, Miss Walker.
Friday Mra. Thornton Marye'e ten
iu honor of her slater, Mlsa Marie
Nlsbet, of Savnnnah. wae a pretty
event Assisting Mrs. Marys were:
Airs. Barbour Thompson, Mra. Jamea
c. Miller, Mra. Alex Smith, Mre. W. W.
Gray, Mra. Duvall, Mra. Inman (blun
ders. Mrs. Edward Peters, Mrs. Milton
Colonel and Mra. Lowry gave
coaching party the same afternoon to
Mra. Ida Montgomery. The other
guests were: Mlsa Mary Thomas. Mlsa
Julia Porter, Mlae lama Dooly, Mra.
Walter Taylor, Mr. E. II. Barnes, Mr.
Lynn Werner, Mr. Tom Lyon. Mr. Bern
Slluer, Mr. Charles Blsaon and Mr.
rrlday evening at the Capital City
Club Mr. and Mre. W. H. Kleer gave a
dinner In honor of Mies Mary Read
and Mr. John Kiser.
Saturday at noon Mies Janie Thorn-
tnn'i luncheon was a compliment to
Mlse Mary Read.
Pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Lyon and a bright and popular
graduata of th* Prathsr Homo School.
A tea wilt be given on the lawn of
Mra. R. T. Dorsey's home Saturday
afternoon at t o’clock to the members
of the board of directors of the- Young
Women's Christian Association, to the
members of the various committees of
Mg association, and to the delegatee
Just returned from the conference held
terenlly at Asheville. Every associa
tion worker Is urged lo be preeent.
Much Internet Is felt In Atlanta In
the approaching marriage of Miss Nor-
mu Wright, of Etberton, and Mr. Harry
E Mngton Hawes, also of that town.
Mlse Wright Is an Atlanta girl, hav
ing lived here until recently, when her
parents moved lo Etberton. Bhe was
one of the r»iat popular students at
W. ehtngton Seminary, where the was
gi.i lusted only three yeore ago.
The marriage of Mlsa Wright and
Mr. Hawes will take place on the eve
ning of June 21, at the home of the
hi life’s parents, near Klberton. The
spacious home will on this occasion be
decorated In pink and whits rosea, a
t ninth of green being given by the use
of palms and graceful ferns. The cer
emony will be performed by Dr. I. B.
it' nklne, of the First Methodist church,
Athens, fha bride and groom standing
beneath an archway of dowers.
The bride will be given away by her
fattier. Bhe will wear a gown of white
rudlum allk, made prim-esse, and trim
med with princesae lace and seed
p< 11 lie. Her shower bouquet wilt be of
brlile roses.
Mlse Rebecca Tate, of Etberton, will
be maid of boaor, and will tw gowned In
» bite silk mult, fashioned with lace.
The bridesmaids will be Mlseee Con
stance Cheatnutt, of Savannah; Mtee
Marguerite Wright, of Augusta; Miss
Busts Mae Pope, of Atlanta; Miss
Weenona Blackwell, of Etberton, and
Miss Beasle Pope, of Atlanta. Little
Thelma Wright, Marjorie Weldon,
Martha Jones and Bertha Gardner will
act as ribbon bearers.
Miss Wright le the eldest daughter
of Captain and Mrs. R. F. Wright, and
la one of the moat popular young wom
en In the state.
Mr. Hawes la highly esteemed and la
one of EJberton's moat prominent
young buetneaa men.
The announcement of the engage
ment of Mlsa Wright and Mr. Hawea
has occasioned sqpie delightful enter
tainment* In thelr honor.
Certainly no other city In the south
con boast of such a complete, attrac
tive and fesctimtlng pleasure resort
as Poneo DeLeon, with Its myriads of
electric lights, Its surging crowds of
well-dre-scd, well-behaved people; Its
many compensating diversion*, and
the absolutely perfect order and deco
rum observed by visitors and em
The Casino ta thronged nightly, and
at the matinees by the best clasa of
theatergoers, who have felt especially
repaid tot their attendance during the
post two weeks by the very excellent
performances of the Welts-Dunne-Har-
Ian troupe.
Mary Marble le aa fascinating ae
ever, white years seem only to Increase
the charm of Little Chip's humor. The
rest of tH* troupe le thoroughly well
balanced, with the members doing con
sclenttous and satlefactory work.
The skating rink le welt patronised,
and with Its great floor space, gorgeous
lights good vebtllatloh and careful
management, Is one of the most di
verting features at Ponca DeLeon. Mr.
Cardura succeeds wondrously well In
conducting one of the most beautiful
and attractive summer resorts In the
country. In hts splendid management
of Pone* DeLeon.
Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam II. Rleer entertained at a de
lightful dinner party at the Capital
City Club In honor of Mies Mary Read
and Mr. John Kiser. Dinner was serv
ed In the blue room, where the decora
tions were of feme and of gladioli,
ranging from pale pink to American
Beauty. The place card* were white,
and contained the monograms of the
host and hostess tn allvrr letters
Invited to inset Mlsa Read and Mr.
Kiser were Mr. and Mra. L C. Read,
Colonel and Mra. W. L. Peel. Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Howell, Dr. and Mrs. Elkin,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Paine, Mr.
and Mra. Eugene Black, Mr. and Mrs
J. G. Hollenbeck. Mrs. Clark Howell,
Mtaa Bars Peel, Mlaa Phoebe Wether-
all, Mlsa Florence Hobba, Mlaa Marion
Peel, Mias Robinson, Mlaa Speer, Mlaa
Thornton, Dr. Roy, Dr. H. F. Harris,
Mr. Gordon Kleer, Mrs. Frank Orate,
Mr. William Tilt. Mr. Irvin Dickey,
Mr. William Parkhurst and Mr. Jamee
The following account of the mar
riage of Mlsa Evetyn B. McCue, to Mr.
William Elliott Baker, at Staunton,
Va„ on Thursday will be of much In
ternet to the friend a of the young brido
tn Atlanta, and of her slater, Mrs C.
X. Dahlgrea, of this city, whom aha
Ttatted a year or two ago:
Frances Gresham, Miss Annie I-ou f'ol-
ller, Miss Sadie Jarvis, Mias Rose Sug-
arman. Miss Hallle Fannie .McKinnon,
Mtaa Augusta Gardlen, Miss Rose Sug-
urman, Miss Alllne Parks. Miss Edna
.MnnlK-y IIml Miss Margaret Ashford.
Saturday afternoon Miss Elle Goode
was the’guest of honor at a charming
euchre party gtvM fee bar by Km W.
B. Price Smith. Mrs Smith’s attrac
tive home on Linden street was deco
rated with sweet peas and daisies, these
Dowers bring used In quantities
throughout the lower Door.
Besides Miss Goode and her brides
maids, there were present Mlssea Mar
garet Walstron, Annie May Trice, Mar
garet Duncan. Lillian Perdue and
Louise Johnson.
Di-st prize was a dainty white
gauze fun and the consolation n pretty
liver hat pin. Miss Gooilo was pre-
ented with two pieces of beautiful
Rev. and Mrs. E. Dean Ellenwood
wore very pleasantly surprised b;
number of the members of their c
gregatton who called upon them
their new home at 10 East Harris street
last Tuesdny evening, bringing with
them many useful and beautiful aril
. P-s i.f house furnishing*, which
I much appreciated by the young pas
tor and his wife, who have only re
rently began housekeeping. Mr. and
Mrs. Ellenwood have been living at the
Peachtree Inn since their arrival In the
'city last December. They will gi
North about the middle or July, ac
companled by a number of their pariah
loner*, to attend the annual convention
of the Young People'* Christian Union
of the Unlvertallet church, which will
convene In Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs.
Ellenwood will also make a short visit
In Chicago before returning to their
work In Atlanta.
The Uunlversallst church In Atlanta
Is enjoying a period of very encourag.
Ing growth and prosperity and the pas
tor expresses himself as vary hopeful
of a good work to be dona by hie
church In this city.
The wedding of Mr. John Duklette
Knox and Mlaa Annie Mae Thorn will
take place Tuesday evening, June 26,
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Thorn on North avenue.
The attendants will be: Mlaa Grace
Thorn, meld of honor; Mra. Lucian
Harris, matron of honor; Mlaa Haxel
Adkins, Miss Zula Adklna, Mis* Floy
Felker, of Monroe; Mlsa Joal* Lee
Williford and Mies Willie Russell Law,
bridesmaids. Mr. Garnett Hardin, of
Shreveport, will be best man. The
ribbon*bearers will be Gladys Byrd
and Ella Lawrence.
The bride's gown will be a creation
of white crepe de chine trimmed with
duchessa lace. The skirt Is made with
panels of the lace and the corsage
made of ducheasa Jace and chiffon. She
will wear a tulle veil caught with or
ang* blossoms. Her bouquet will be of
*A very pretty wedding took place roaes and lilies of the valley.
Thursday morning at the home of Mr. The «nald °f honor will wear a gown
and Mra. W. C. Marshall, at Staunton. of . p * ,# * r ^®“ C ™P* d# .f h m * de
Vs.* when their slater Atlas Evelvn I princess*. The hridcemalde will wear
Baker McCue. was married to Sfr. wfl- white chiffon gowns, lace trimmed, and
llam Elliott Baker, of Minneapolis. carry bouquets of roses tied with green
“The parlors were decorated with tu l'®- . . . ..
potted plants and wax tapers. Allies In their hair they wilt wear roaes and
were formed with pink ribbons carried maidenhair ferns,
by title Mlases Fannie Ker and Mary The ceremony will be performed In
Caperton Braxton and Masters AlcCue the drawing room, where tho decora-
— - - — - tione wilt bo palms and white roaes.
After tho ceremony there will be a re
General nnd Mrs. Duval will enter
tain Informally at dinner at the Coun
try Club Saturday evening, their guests
tn Include Mr. nnd Airs. Robert Alston,
Atiss Wodbrldge, of Savannah, and
Captain Donnelly.
The pupils of Miss Jessie Alay Da
venport, assisted by Miss Luclle Den
nis, will give n recital Thursday eve
ning, June 28, at 8:30 o'clock, at tho
Cable hell.
The following program will be ren
Duct, "Trot de Cavnllerte," Ruben-
steln—Alins Charlie Atae Dodd, Alisa
Fannie Scott.'"
Plano eoto, "Tulip,” Llchner—Attss
Mne Belle Casey.
* Duo; "Second Waltz," Godard—Allas
Fannie Colwell, Allas Margery Daven
Vocal soto. (a> "Husheen." Needham
(b) The Ould Plaid Shawl,” Haym
Alisa Luclle Dennis.
Trio, "nondo,” -Straebog—Mies Alay
Bell Casey, Mis* Louise Thompson,
Alls* Elizabeth Ramey.
Plano solo, "Because, I Love You,
Dear," Hawley—Mtss Luclle Dennis. .
Plnno solo. "Walt* Caprice," New-
land—Alls* Charlie Mao Dodd.
Duet, "Los Sylphes," Bachman—Allas
Helen Watkins, Allas Luclle Watkins.
Plano solo. "Con Amour." Beaumont
—Mlsa Aline Pullln.
Piano solo, “Polka, de -Concert, 1
Bartlett—Mies Fannie Colwell.
Duet, "Spanteh Dances, 1 and 2.”
Moeskowikt—Mlaa Annie Atae Smith,
Allas Davenport.
Marshall and Gray Hicks.
“Tha bride waa attended by her sla
ter, Mra. W. C. Marshall, as matron of
honor, who wore white ellk and lace,
carrying a shower bouquet of pink
roee* and maiden hair ferns. The
bride waa becomingly gowned ■ In a
princes* costume of wmte crep da
china and duchess lace; she wore the
pearl* worn by both her mother and
grandmother. Her veil was caught
with a single diamond. She carried a
shower bouquet of bride'* rotee.
"The groom wae attended by the
brother of the bride, Mr. a Miller Mc-
Cue, of Richmond. Rev. A. M. Fraser,
minister of the bride, officiated. Tha
Beverley orchestra played aoftly dur.
Ing the ceremony.
"Atr. Baker Is a son of the late Rev.
W. E. Baker, of Roswell, Ga, for to
many years tha greatly beloved pastor
of the FIret Presbyterian Church of
this place. He Is a successful business
man of Minneapolis, Aflnneaota.
"The brld# Is the youngest daughter
of the 1st* Ur. William A. McCue and
At re. M. F. McCue. She la a young
woninn of many accomplishments.
"An Informal reception was given the
bridal party Tuesday evening, June l».'
The § prettily gowned women and
children who were seen at the tea
which the ladle* of All Saint* Church
ga'v* Friday afternoon at the residence
of Mrs. Charles A. Conklin on Peach
tree street, presented a very charm
ing picture. Friend* who were driv
ing dnd calling stopped In to enjoy a
social chat and tha delightful refresh
ments. Th* table* were placed on the
lawn and were surrounded by attrac
tive women.
Mm. Conklin wore a gown of flow-
end organdie and a hat of lace trim
med with pink rosea.
Atr*. John Fltten wore black lace
over silk. Mra. Harry English was
lovely In white mull and lace. Mrs.
Henry Tanner wore a gown of laven
der lawn. Mre. Ed Ehney wore white
lawn and lace. Mrs. Ed Peters' gown
was of cream mull and Valenciennes
lace. Mr*. Wllmerdlng wore whit*
mull with a touch of pink. Mm. W.
A. Wlmbish was gowned in pink mull
and tare. Mlsa Anne Wallace wore
white lawn trimmed with lace. Ml**
Jennie Dargan waa gowned In whit*
lawn. Alls* Ruth Hallman wore a cos
tume of tight blue altk mull. Mr*. P.
K. Nelson waa beautifully gowned In
white linen lawn, hand embroidered.
Atr*. W. 8. Elkin wore white organdie.
Mr*. Hunter wore an afternoon toltett*
of lavender mull and lace.
The Cable Company’s concert hall on
Whitehall street waa Ailed Wednesday
evening by an Interested and well
pleased audience, which gathered to
hear the recital of Mies Furiow An
derson's music class. «
Their work reflected great credit on
of their capable
We wish to thoroughly impress the public that now
is the time to buy Diamonds. The longer you wait the
more you will have to pay; so why not invest now and
get the benefit of the increase in value which is sure
to follov- Our “face to face facts” will undoubt
edly interest you.
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall St.
the careful training
The various numbers on the pro
gram were Judiciously selected by Mies
Anderson, and rendered with good ef
fect by her well trained pupils. Th*
phrasing and technique were good, and
th* smooth and beautiful runs brought
liberal applause and several encores
from the audience.
Th* occasion was mad* more Inter
esting and delightful by the pretence
and participation of Mr. Dev* silver-
man, who rendered several exquisite
number! In hla own Inimitable way on
hts violin, accompanied by Mlsa Annie
Langford, and by some of Mlaa Ander
son's pupils.
It would be difficult to prats* one
more than another where all did ao
well, but It Is safe to say that Mies
Anderson has reason to feel gratitled
and the families and friends of th*
pupil* wall pleased with thetr progress
ana the success of th* occasion.
Those taking part In tha recital
were: Mr. Roger Gardlen, Mlaa Mary
Niumally’s Candy Factory
A Model In Cleanliness
and Sanitation
The various surroundings under which a food is manufactured have
much to do with its desirability. If made in a clean, sanitary, well-
lighted factory, the product is probably a good one, but if made under
other conditions, it is almost sure to contain impurities and be other
wise undesirable.
Nunnally’s Candy is made in a factory which is pronounced by
experts as the cleanest candy factory in the country, ana as one where
the sanitarv conditions are practically perfect.
It is this fact that gives to Nunnally’s Candy its purity and whole
someness, and gives the purchaser the satisfaction of really knowing
that what he is eating is pure to the last degree, and has been made un
der almost ideal sanitary conditions.
The expense of this unusual system of sanitation is considerable,
and the care and trouble entailed by its maintenance is even more. But
back of every piece of Nunnally’s Candy there is a reputation that will
be upheld at any cost.
Mlaa Janie Thornton entertained at
a luncheon Saturday In honor of MU*
Mary Read. The tably waa prettily dec
orated with white rosea and fame.
Atlas Thornton wore a gown of white
mull and lac*. Atlsa Read’s gown was
of white Itnen and Irish lac*.
Those present were: Mtasee FIor
enee Hobbs. Emma Robinson, Janie
Speer, Marlon Feet, Laura Wltham,
Laura Payne, Ethel Gay, Harris Stock-
dell and Mary Thomas.
On Wednesday evening Mlsa Rarah
May Ray entertained at her home on
Luckte street In honor of her attractive
guest, Mtee Lillian Grist. Mtss Ray’s
guests Included a large number of her
young friends, and the occasion was a
most enjoyable one.
Monday, from It to 4 o'clock, and
from 6 to t o'clock, there will be sepred
a delightful menu at Child’s reatau
rank on West Mltchall at reel, for the
beneAt of th* Children’s Society of
Sacred Heart church, tha object of tha
society being the care of and attention
to needy elck Children of Atlanta, re
gardless of denominational lines.
Mra. Samuel Prioteau will give a din-
ner Monday evening at her home on
i sad i
For m<
Tbit wear well, mat
don't break, don’t come apart:
e me*
DAVIS d. FREEMAN. Jewalara
47 Whitehall.
Baker street In honor of Miss Elle
Goode* and Mr. Isaac Hardeman, Whose
marriage take* place next week.
Mre. Prioleau’s guests will Include
Miss Julia Goode, Mlu Nan Stephens,
Mlse Edith Fisher, Alls* Susie Fain,
Alls* Pauline Middleton, Air. Julian
Prioleau of Charlotte, N. C, Mr. James
P. Williams, Mr. Vernon Cooper Of Nel
son, Mr. DuPont Guerry of Alacon and
Mr. W. Cole Jones.
At the grounds of the Southern Bar
becue Club, near East Point, a barbe
cue was given Saturday In honor of
Mr. Miles M. Dawson by the board of
directors of tho Southern States Life
Insurance Company. Special cars,
fllled with guests, left the city at 1
o'clock, returning late In the afternoon
The Invitation committee Included the
names at Air. Lewis Beck, Mr. C. E.
Harmon. Mr. Wllmor Moore, Air. Thom
as D. Meador ami Mr. A. E. Thorn
Mr. and Airs. Orton Bishop Brown,
of Naw Hampshire, arrived In Nash
ville from Atlanta this morning to visit
Mr. and Mre. A. G. Brandau. This
Is Mrs. Brown’s flrst visit to Nashville
■Inca her marriage, and she will be
much entertained by friend* made dur
ing her girlhood, when aho waa on
sevaral occasions th* guest of Mrs.
Brandau, then Mlsa Roberta Seawell, a
Hater of Mrs. Nannie Seawell Boyd, of
Atlanta. Mra. Brandau gave a morning
affair today for Afra. Brown, which,
though Informal, waa vary pretty In
Its arrangements, the picturesque
Brandau home, which contains so
many Interesting curios, gathered by
the hoateaa abroad, being prettily dec
orated with garden dowers. About for
ty guests mad* up a representative
guest list
Air. and Mrs. Brown will be In Nash
ville until Tuesday, and among the
affairs given for them will be a dinner
at the Golf and Country Club, and
an Informal musical*.
Allen Hinton, who has been attend
ing Vanderbilt, and hla slater, Miss
Fannie Hinton, who haa been In Nash
ville for ten dayt, visiting Mlaa Cor
nelius, returned to Atlanta Thursday.
Mrs. Louis Beck, of Atlanta, accom
panied by Afrs. T. B. Neal, of Nash
ville, will go to Atlantic City and other
eastern points In July, to (pend several
weeks. Mrs. Neal will return home to
welcome her eon and hla bride, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Rutland, on their return to
Nashville after their western honey
moon trip. They will make their home
with Mre. Neal, at her apartments In
the Polk. Th* wedding of the young
couple, on last Wednesday evening,
was one of the most notabl* of the
year In the city where It waa solem
nised. Atr*. Neal, who la very popu
lar In Atlanta, her former home, waa
superbly gowned In white brocaded
satin and duchess# lace, with diamond
buckles, and touches of stem green
chiffon. 8he wore diamond Jewels
and carried La Franc* roses.
The Hat of wedding gifts making
on* of th* moat magnificent collec
tions every received by a Nashville
bride, Included a number of handsome
remembrances from - friends of the
groom’s mother In Atlanta. Mra. Neal
hereelf presented a silver service and
massive waiter, three valuable pieces
of West End real estate in Nashville,
and a check for thetr bridal Journey.
Personal Mention
Atr. and Afra. L. .A. Shipman, of Bir
mingham, are at the Piedmont for a
few days. .Mrs. Shipman an Mips Or-
llne Arnold, formerly of Atlaslaalppl,
but later or Birmingham, wan one oi
the most brilliant and fascinating belles
of the South. Since-her marrlago Airs.
Shipman has haan one of the very no
table social leaders of Alabama and
Florida because of her beauty, great
wit and unusually magnetic person
Lion. Rufus N. Rhodes, of Blrmlng-
hnin. In spending Saturday In Atlanta.
General Rhodes In editor and'proprie
tor of The Birmingham News, one of
Alabama's moat successful dallies.
The tea which the ladles of All
Saints church gave Frldny nfternoon
at the home of Mrs. Charles Conklin,
on Penchtrec, wan one of the enjoya
ble affaire of the week.
Afr. and Mr*. William Worth Martin
will leave Alonday to spend a month In
Virginia. Later Afra. Alartln will Join
friends In Canada,..whero she will spend
the remainder of the summer.
Miss Annie Humphries, of 2I> East
Hunter street, who has been quite sick
with typhoid fever for the past two
weeks. Is still seriously III, to the re
gret of her many friends.
Mies LIHIe Mitchell, who has spent
the last two months In New York and
New England, stopped n few day* with
her sister, Mr*. Worth Alartln, en route
to her home In Alabama.
Captain J. Lindsay Johnson and
Letltla Johnson hava returned from n
delightful trip West. Later Alisa John
son will Join Mr*. William Worth Mar
tin In Canada.
Rev. R. M. Inlow, of Kansas City. Is
th* gueit of friends In Atlanta. Dr.
Inlow In Held secretary of the Sunday
~ Southern Baptist
Colonel Peterson Arrive*.
Special to Th* Georgian.
Savannah, Ga., Jun* It.—Colonel R.
H. Paterson, th* new commanding offi
cer at Fort Screven, haa arrivad, ac
companied by hla wife and daughter.
He waa actively engaged during th*
scenes following th* San Francisco
earthquake. He waa raised to the rank
of colonel on April I.
Faculty Completed.
•pedal to The Georgian.
Hampton, Go, June 22.—Th* trus
tee# of Hampton High school met and
elected Professor J. W. Bennington as
principal of tha school, and Mias An
nie L. Nolan aa directress of music.
With Mlaa Emma Manley and Mlaa
Loll Dickson already elected, tbla gives
this school a moat excellent corps of
I sac here.
Air. and Mrs. L. Q. Whitney will
leave Tuesday, June 26, for northern
New York and the St. Lawrence river,
where they will remain during the sum-
Mr. and Mra. Biahop Brown passed
through the city Friday en route to
Nashville, where they will be the
guests of Mre. Brandeau.
Mrs. W. C. McIntyre and daughter,
Mlaa Ruby McIntyre, are the guests of
Mra. Rlrdle Snyder. No. 212 Lawton
street, for several weeks.
Aire. Joseph D. Kites and Mlaa Wil
lie Frank Redd, of New York, are the
guests of Mrs. James D. Carter, of
East Pine street.
Miss Martha Whitman and Atlas Ro-
Itne Clarke left Friday for Birming
ham, to attend the Holmts-Jemlson
wedding. / -
Mr. and Mre. Jerry Goldsmith, Mtee
. ESS ,*! th,r * fall you. we gunrnntee
eatlifactlon. A Trial will coarluce.
Price* the lowest.
83 Peachtree St., Atlanta. Gi.
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merohant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall SL
Lillie Goldsmith, Alisa Edmel Caw-
thorn have returned from Atlantic
Mr. and Mrs. Bulow Campbell and
tittle daughter leave Saturday after
noon to vlztt the latter's mother at
Mr*. George Denman and daughter,
Elizabeth, left Wednesday morlnng to
visit Mra. Denman's mother In Ken
Alls* Belle Thomas and 'her lilt!*
nephews, Eustace and James Speer, left
Saturday morning for Porter Springs.
Mrs. Thornton Marye'e tea to her
sister, Mlsa Neablt, waa an Important
aoclal event of Friday nfternoon.
Mre. Henry Hunter Smith will leave
N^w York the lost of tht* month with
a party of friends for Europe.
Mis* Julia. Hampton will leave with
a party of friends on July 6 to spend
the summer at Chautauqua, N. Y.
Afra. W. A. Hemphill and Atlas Elean
or Hemphill are the guesta of Dr. and
Afra. Eben Hlllyer. In Rome.
Airs. Irving Thompson, of New York,
la vlaltlng her daughter, Mrs. Dan
Lyle, at College Pork, Ga.
The friends of Mrs. Ada Mosely will
be glad to know that she Is recovering
from her recent Illness.
Airs. W. B. Price Smith entertained
at euchre Saturdny afternoon In hon
or of Miss Elle Goode.
Mr. and Mre. R~s! Barrett are Ha
lting Aim. Knte Waller Barrett *t her
bungalow at Cape Henry.
Mlaa Nelle 8harp and Ml*« ,8*<H*
Thomanon, of Carrollton, are visiting
friends In Atlanta.
Mr. nnd Airs. A. L. Richards will
be at home to their friends at •»
Luckle street.
Sirs. Georgia Starke and Ml«» *>’®»
Belle Starke will spend the summer at
Continued oil Opposite P*t*-
The Only French Dry Cleaning
Process in Georgia
Dry Cleaner of fine Gowns, Silk Robe* and all garments of
the finest textures. Price* reasonable.
65 North Pryor. Phone* 41