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AATrnnAY, joke a, im
$««••*••••• mmmm&M»««««
| Largest and Cool-
2 es< Ca/e m 7oa;n
77ie Daintiest Din
ner In 7ou;n Served S
•/. LEE BARNES, Manager. JESSE N. COUCH, Assistant Manager.
This popular hostelry has recently gone oq the European plan exclusively and is receiving tho finishing touches of artistic decorations and new furnishings in
volving an expenditure of several thousand dollars. The former American dining room will be used in the future as a convention hall and for banquets and large
• dinner parties, of which the management now makes a specialty.
The cafe will be transformed into a thing of beauty. The decorations havo been assigned to Mr. J. W«_Otto, whose work on the Candler building has attract
ed so much attention. The kitchen will be placed in close proximity to the cafe, and this, with a large corps of trained waiters, will insure prompt service. And
prompt service means a lot when you are hungry. It is needless to assure those who are familiar with THE ARAGON that everything the market affords will be at
your command at reasonable prices. * •
New carpets of exquisite design and furniture of the latest pattern lend a special charm to the hundreds of large,, cool rooms, while the hotel itself, located on
the highest point of delightful Peachtree, is unrivaled in its situation. It’s the most home-like place in town. Telephone in every room.
Courtesy and desire to please are the very keynote of the management. You notice it on the part of every attache of
So Hqndy |
j “Just to Drop In’* I
ta the Aragon 9
| While You Dine
| at the Aragah
the establishment. How could it be otherwise with such gentlemen as Fred H. Hauser, S J. Lawrence and J. J. Joines among*
those in charge? In short, the new era preserves all the charm of the old, with many additional attractions and conveniences.
Biennial Echoes
Following Is the complete Hat of of-
Biere elected by the General Federa
tion of Women's Clubs at St. Paul:
President, Mrs. Sarah Platt Deck
er. 1550 Sherman avenue, Denver, Colo.
First vice president. Mrs. Philip N.
Moore, 1125 Lafa*»ite avenue, St.
Louis, Mo.
Second vice president, Mrs. May Al-
den Ward, 1382 Beacon street, Boston,
Recording secretary, Mrs. John Dick
inson Sherman, <614 Lake avenue, Chi
cago, ill. .
Treasurer, Mrs. Joslnh Cowles, Los
Angeles, Cal.
Correa ponding secretary, Mrs. Chas.
Perkins. Knoxville. Tenn.
Auditor, Mrs. Percy Pcnnybacker,
Austin, Texas.
directors, Mrs. Joslah Evans Cowles,
Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Sarah Platt
Becker, Denver, Colo.: Mrs. Allco 51.
Johnson, Central Falls, R. I.: Mrs. O.
P Kinsey, Indiana; 51r». Philip N.
Moore, St. Louis. Mo.: Mrs. William
P Orr, Plqua, Ohio; Mrs. Percy V.
Pennybecker, Austin. Texas: Mrs.
Charles A. Perkins, Knoxville. Tenn.;
Mrs. Sarah Evans, Oregon: Mrs. John
Dlckliwon Sherman, Chicago, IIL: Mr®.
Charles P. Stoutenbrmigh. Platta-
mouth, Nebr.; *Mr». May Alden Word,
Boston, Maas.; Mrs. W. A. Johnston,
Knnraa; Mrs. Mary I. Wood. PortB-
jnouth, N. H.; Mrs. Charles B. Yard-
ley, East Orange, X. J.
In the midst of echoes from the
biennial of 1906 the next convention
already being bullded, saya The
Municipal Tribune. To work for two
years and bring about a series of
meetings covering ten days Is a task
few women dare set themselves to ac
This has been accomplished ant
now a matter of record. Mrs. Sarah
Platt Decker with an able board of di
rectors and efficient chairman In every
department of work, Is to be congratu
lated that the most successful biennial
since the Inception of* club work has
Just closed.
It has been, attended by women, In
tellectual, educated, alert and digni
fied. It has been presided over by a
president and officers gracious and fair
In their rulings. The audience was
an Inspiration to speakers and thoso
who took part upon the program felt
this close attention and live Interest
The audience recognized the quality of
the Intellectual feast spread before
them and were loud In words of praise
and commendation.
The speakers were experts each in
his line of work, bringing the beet as a
recapitulation of the two years’ work.
The place of meeting, the armory*,
was a bower of beauty under the spell
ful touch of an artist. The rest rooms
were Inviting and comfortable. Great
pains had been taken during the entire
convention to have great bunches of
the moccasin flower. Mlnneeott'e chos
en blossom, everywhere In evidence.
The armory was declared ••officially
surrendered" by Captain Kelly for ten
days, with a picked company of his
men to act as bodyguard. Right well
they served the Indies of the federa
tion, standing in lines to guide them
down the steep steps, handing them
Into carriages and leaving nothing up-
done which should add to the com
fort of thousands of women. It was an
Impressive sight when Mrs. Decker,
on the closing evening, requested that
President—Mrs. James Jackson, 96
East Marten avenne. Atlanta.
First Vice President-Mrs. M. A. Lips
comb, Athens.
Hrcond Vice President—Mrs. It ’T.
Humphreys. West Point.
Iterordlng Secretary—Mrs. Robert Tay
lor. Griffin.
Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Hugh
Willett. Atlanta.
Tressarer^Mrs. E. I*. Dlsmukes, Jr.,
Auditor—Mrs. Mallory Taylor. Mscon.
Directors—Mrs. B. A. Peoples. Val*
rtoata; Mias Louis M Xers. Augusta;
Mrs. E. H. Heard. Middleton; Mrs. W.
P. Fattlllo. Atlanta; Mrs. Lewis Drown,
Fort Valley.
Mrs Lindsay Johnson, director life.
General flecretary for Georgia—Mrs. A.
O. Granger. CarttrirlKo.
Htate Editor—Mrs. J. Lindsay John*
son. Rome.
Mrs A. McD. Wilson elected president
of Atlanta Woman's CJub pn May J4.
The tenth nnmuil ronveutton will be
held In Macon November 6, 1906*
Federation Colore—Green end white.
List of Committeee.
lop—Chairman. Mrs
Johnson, Itlo Vista, Home;
Tlfton: Mrs.
rllle: Mrs. A. V. Undo, v ...
M. n. Higginbotham. West Point; Mi
J. P. Averlel, At la ota; Miss A ana W.
Griffin. Columbus; Mrs. Lyman Amedeo.
Atlanta: Mrs. G. it Whaley, Jeotip;
Mrs. J. L Stewart. Athena
Mrs Eugene
Station alar
Johnoon. Case
Heard. Middleton; (.
tow county). Mrs. M. ~ _ r _
Htatlon; Tallulah Falls, lira. _ __
Lipscomb, Athene; Wattere District
t Floyd comity i, Mrs. C. l>. Wood,
Home; Free Kinders*rtens. M'.*s. Neill*
Peters Hlsck. Mrs. T. A. Hammond
Music—Chairman, Mr*. E. T. Brown.
M2 Peachtree street. Atlanta; Miss 11.
L. WlUe, Csrtsrsvllla; Me*. Rufus
llrown. Augusta; Mrs. Rhodes Browne.
Columbus; Mrs. Alexander Proudflt,
Men. Wilson. 411 Puchtret street, AW
lanta; Mrs. W. II. Jtlce. Marshal) vtlfe;
Mrs. L. I). Clark. Atlnuta; Mrs. Itohert
/nhner, Atlanta- Mrs. Thomas Mills,
Griffin; Mrs. J. M. Talley, Macon.
Annum; >irs r.uwin i.nng. west roiru;
Ml an Georgia Donaldson, Balnbrldge;
Mias Mattie L Huff Dalton; Miss An
nie Blalock, Yntesvllle; Mrs. O. A.
Woxhvm.l, AfmnfH
Garden and Milage Improvement-
Chairman. Mrs. W. f. Hines. Calhoun;
Mrs. Godfrey, Covington; Mrs. C. 8.
Hnarks. Rome; Mrs. Pearl H Edwards,
Norrross: Mrs. A, P. Hltrhle, Hnliuii
Gap; Mrs. II C. White. Athens.
Library—Chairman, Mrs. K. O. Mr-
Cah#. 927 Peachtree street, Atlanta; Mrs.
W. O. Tift. Tlfton; Mr* It. A. Carson.
Jewell* Miss Itosa Woodbury, Athens;
.Mrs Minnie f If Iyer Csssln, Atlanta:
Mrs. J. C. Prlntup. Home; Mrs. William
King. Atlanta: Mrs. Edward Brown. At
lasta; Mrs. Fleming duRIgnon. Atlanta.
Clnh Extension—Chairman. Mrs. W. P.
Pst Milo, HI Hast Fair strset. Atlanta;
Mias Anna Banning, fnlumhue; Mrs. J*
K. Ottley. Atlanta- Mrs Mallory Tay
lor. Macon; Mrs. Eugene Heard, Mid
die;..ii, Mrs. c. <*. Baoders. Gainesville;
Miss Louise Nees, Augusta; Mrs. C. C.
Brantley, Valdosta; Mrs. J. fJudasy
Johnson, noma
Program- chairman, Mrs. J. K. Ottley,
resell tree street, Atltnta; Mrs. ft.
Hwaasoo. Fslrhurs; Mrs Nichole
iintn, ,nrs. once auk 1 iuoii
Mrs. J. T. Moody, Atlanta.
West Point Club
The West Point Women’s Club gave
their annual plcnto at Robinson’s
Park during last week. The ladies
went out at 11 o'clock
noon an elegant picnic lum-h
served to thoso assembled. Tl
nl* < .H•• .« f> .iton i»f cU'dl \
have bororne one of the am Ih
In West Polnt’e social cnlenda
Woman's Club at Norcross
Captain Kelly bring forward lilxt com
pany to the platform. Aa the tramp,
tramp of the soldiers was heard every
heart thanked God this -was the
tramp of peace and not war.
The exercises were of a patriotic or
der on the last evening of the conven
tion when the North, East, South and
Weet were presented aa one united
family, leaving the thought that was
the caption on the program. “North,
South, East, West, Home'* Beat” Mra.
Decker's response to these beautiful
tributes payed U) the different sections
of the country waa a ehort address,
touching upon the principle* which
unlta and cement the club life and
make the right homes of the country.
It waa a scholarly, serious communi
cation. Her voice had the touch St
jiriiho.-*, uliilii Mlrn-.l the patriotism <»f
the audience Into expressions of Iona
and loud applause. The address and
the applause had the ring of sincerity
which was the triumph of the last evo-
nlng of the biennial and had been the
dominant note throughout the conven
The bosteaa city had extended lavish
hospitality, palatial homes had been
generous without stint In financial mat
ters and detail was complete.
One evening on the program was de
voted to music, and thl* phase of wom
an’s work was recognized for tho first
time ns nn “Evening With Women
Tho success of dignifying music In
this way was unquestionable. The art
ists were the best In the country, and
the evening devoted to song was one
or the most enjoyable of the session*.
Art was also given an evening by It-
Ir. V hl< h uii* ■ -jiiiiu* n«l» 'l Til*- «■ v*
nlng with “Women In Professions" waa
as delightful ah ft was novel'.
The day of pleasure spent In Min-
mup'.IlH Jit .MlniK-luilm fall** v. .* < j< i -
feet In arrangement and execution. The
exhibits ot the old capital were fully
up to expectation and were viewed with
pleasure and appreciation by thou
sands. Tho weather wan on the whole
agreeablo and the eighth biennial
might cIobo with the word* of jOeorge
H. Maxwell, who spoke at the forestry
"If you find crime anywhere; If you
Continu,d from Oppoitte Pag..
MU* Mildred .McGhee, of Chattanoo-
f*. I* vuttng Mtu. I.oulse Waddey, of
Mra. Ellen Meade Clarke, of Vlr-
Hnla, will visit Mill Florence Werner
next week.
MU* LouUe Lyon and Mlea Katie
Lyon leave Sunday for a trip to Call-
, Mr. and Mrs. James T. Williams Vlll
£*»• Saturday night for Atlantic
Dr. and Sirs. William Nicholson and
»»d children hare returned trom Boa-
Mr*. M. H. Dooly and MU* Loul*e
Dooly will return from Cumberland.
Dr. -E. C. Cartledge and hi* bride
»» at the Lodg., Tallulah Fall*.
Mr. William Worth Martin will re-
Mr. WIUI* Ragan left Saturday for
New York.
Mr*. O. W. Brine haa returned from
Boston. ,
Magnificent collection beautiful Pic
ture Postal Cards. It will Intercat
you to aee this dlsp.ay. For sale by
la Lobby Piedmont Hotel.
turn Saturday night from Mobile.
Mr. and 5Irs. Tom Whltner and *on*
have returned from LouUrllle.
MU* Lizzie Lyon U the guest of 5II*a
Jeeale Winston, at We«t Point.
MU* Louelle Hard£. of West Point.
Is visiting friend* In Atlanta.
Mr. and Mr*. Boykin Roblmon will
leave Saturday for Europe.
Mr. Ira Fort returned Saturday morn
ing from southwest Georgia.
51 Us AllUon Badger la the gueat of
friends at 5lonroe, Oa.
51Us Lucy HarrUon will go
5Joorehead In July. i .
niC * ar " “ 1 Athena. Greece, has many fine build, j
Wrightavllle Beach^ but the p^rWons for fighting
Mr. and Mra. a a Coleman havo re- Iflrea are moot Inadequate. The fire
to Macon brigade conp.ft* of men detailed from
turned to Macon. the regular army. who. in addition to
Miss Sophie Clark Is visiting friends [clothes and keep, get only 10 cents a
In the West, ‘
The recent destruction of the Baku
petroleum wells has caused great loss
to one Turkish concern, capitalized at
$7,000,000. Their latest well woe down
1.600 feet, costing $1 $0,000, when the
Russian troubles culminated there. Ca
to n&dlan drills were used.
(Copyright, ISOS, by American-JocrnalEx
The question to whut to flo during the
he*te*J term Is perplexing mof* than on.- «f
the hra>u of fsmtlle*, as two very Impor
tant problem* have to h«* solved before
they n re overtaken by tb» Ip tensity of the
naubsr'i heat. F!r-\ there Is a great
* arrl$y of place* where *..l*t pw.ple ><n4
children -on go for the kind of recreation
th»-> .It *lr.. Another nnewioo i*
that there seetn ,fo be but few fAurmb
where the exiKMi**-* nr* not far beyond the
■afarltts or
_ . insider the
irardrobe* and the eipens* of
they decide op°n remote or In-
many resorts for the wealthy
-- * J **-— |1m*
r re*«rt,*tnetr tastes nre Imiuedl-
sid*r*d. If they are fond of me-
Idlng <>r dissipation of any bind,
active of th* promoters of th'-s*
vices proceed to establish themsclvea at
that resort, hoping to Inveigh* parties of
wealth Into fiat rot. I zing their special vires
on the ground that tlipy ore furnishing
amusement and recreation for this class.
They sometimes present themselves In such
disguised *hnp*Jhnt they wonld docelv*
very eiecC They are ever the einbod!
t or energy swl
Audacity, and do not
modntlon of their
orbits nt i
There 1* i
the pleai .
patrons, most charge » %
■I everything (ujjgg
in", h extravagant •
* rwo-
i nrronire them if n,. >
would. And aa the prospect of large profit*
on Investments seems to lie the rhlef mo
tive of life. It Is very hard to And n de*
rabto place wh.-re one ran go for a little
spite from the labor and fntlgie of the
<it|-N of life
One Is dally Impressed with the fact that
the old tln:» method of going info the coun
try and living slmirfy. Is rapidly growing
Into disfavor. We hear constantly that
those Mho have gone to farms to spend the
find there !« something wrong with
the water or the milk used In these quiet,
out^f the nay places, and that It Is neces
sary for one to pttrawls* the
The Woman’s Club of Norcross Is
doing fine work. Tho Vlllago
provement (,’lrcle ho* tranaformed
many waste places Into "things
beauty." It Is wonderful how rapidly
a good Idea or suggestion coming at
the right tlmb grows. IIow It de
velops Into a movement being adopted
political corruption or anything going
wrong In otir political Inatltuttons you
will And, If you trace It bark, that the
fault lies In Its original source, at some
place or other, In the fact that there
was not the right kind of h home and
the right kind of a mother. If you And
a man of strong and sterling character
(or woman either) you go back nnd
you will And that it was because there
was the right kind of a mother and
the right kind of a home. We have
heard a good deal lately about ’the man
I- bln ! ! b«- Km:’ and »U- in.-in behind
the pick* nnd *the man behind the bal
lot* nnd the mnn behind* a great many
other things, but I want to tell you
that you can pile them all one upon
another like Ossa upon Pellon and all
of them together are not of aa much
Importance as tba "mother behind the
by a few, until an entire town la
arouacd, nn«l Interested, nnd great
things accomplished. Their latest
work la organizing the small boys Into
an Order League. They will keep the
wattle paper ph bed up off the street*
and deposit It In barrels placed in dif
ferent parts of town for that purpoea.
Jefferson Davis is the study for Jun*
The election caused no disturbing el
ement to enter the harmonious rela
tions existing throughout the week's
work. It tfim Just an predicted and
d. 'di .*d.
Minnesota’s director. Mrs. Lydia P.
\*. N.-rv.'d four years and
retired by the expiration of of Arc, ac
cording to the constitution Mrs. Wil
li •: -ibl i’<»r allow to-r name ta
rqe before the convention In any way
r Advancement, ev**n though her
fi 1 »• 11d i -I v.Mi-mI Mrs Williams'work
has beep recognized In forestry and
•tnte Interests; and her clear thinking
and straightforward speech 'make her
Hgllde to the hlghent honors the con
vention can bestow.
Invitation* were received from Boo-
t• \ r I .n*!• t 'It y, Saratoga Spring*,
Hot Springs and Niagara Falls, which
doe« away with an Independent bien
that comt a greet deal of money. There Is
nothing left for persons of small tnnina
hut to remain In their own home* and en
dure the brat of the euinuer as beat they
eao, kmmme they are not able to Indulge
In extrovflg.mce, and nre too proud not p>
follow the rYftmple of their more wealthy
mdghhora. Many who ran III nfford to do
to go abroad, because there th. y are un
known. and prertW eeeaeaitee they are
too timid to ur.d. rtake In the presence of
their more affluent friends.
When one consider* the glorious moun
tain, lake and eeiiMhore scenery that l» In
tbla rouatry, h** regret* extremely that if
U not apprrouted by our people. A fen
here onr«nlse<l clohe an*l ramped at the
seaeborae «r In the mountains, mid hod an
*• i • J. »> able nnd healthful mention This
t'-ieb ln - > should be eneoiirnged more e*|H-
elnllv In fainlllea
people. An there
the rhh f moth
- * . t and spend mot _ _ _
p«-< Inlly uiifortumite thut young je-ople vbs
Lave -jk*uI mu* h of rheli \If.<fit v In the
frivolities nnd dU«l|mtl<in« ..f •*.».•!.*»> «h<Hihl
tlitnL thnt they most continue rhh muiuc ex-
clteni'-iit throughout the summer; In fact.
tiik<- no time hi the year to retire from
•otlve partleipntlon in the gayvtb-a and va-
Carlea of almlma aectety.
• Mllh. JOHN A. LOGAN.
-! of the |.<- trust. It hae
■•I la Greenland for thou-
_ _ ■ . , thl of t
than the cuNtom of some of our M«*nlthy
people of taking their children to hotel*
where multitudes •••uign-gnte, and when
these nilhora are constitutl/ brought Into
conuet With every apeele* „f dlM«!lMttlon
nnd vice that ran 1»e c*incrfr»1. nnd which
haa n tendency to vitiate the mlmU of the
youth.* The eloner children are kept to na
ture, the better for them mentally, morally
nnd phvah-nlly. nnd it would Iw a happy
thins It American* who have Independent
wealth In their lakes, niountalaa. rtrera and
r.iiinf re*,rt* Mould amireclate and patP-n
*1 give up tb«
the nae 1 lie the
auppmiexl to aver
thick aces, Its a mi
For days mllllo
bound over YuNt.
to - ' -Ilf ri I.I I
recently . At nig)
■ohlns flew Mouth-
mnl IMncer
•alvc great eloudg
nigm iio-v slighted on treesu
k*. md at dayl»reak reaumea
Nothing haa c»cr fo*e» ace*
at p.-rl<«l of th
• me »mit* railways me
to February 20. 1906. was HI-
''reus.- o\er the «ocreapo<idfBf
- previous year of $M»,60$i