Newspaper Page Text
HATrnnAT. jr.NK o. isoc.
(n Georgia and Adjoining Sores
I Mr*. R. B. Coleman, of Apalachicola, {
[ Fla., fa fn the city. *
Mlaa Pradal, of Kufaula, Ala., la the
Iffuest of Mr*. George Griffin.
I Mr. A. J. Callahan, of Thomasville, la
in the city.
Professor Roland Bower Is attending j
the commerfcemcnt qt the University of I
1: 1 Mr. J;
The World*s Wonderful Waters
Mrs. Oeorge E. Pickett, widow of the ft-
mil officer who led at Gettysburg the
o«t gallant charge la history, spent Friday
i ii<- city, the guest of General and Mrs.
>lm W. Clark, 1101 Greene street. Mrs.
HNPVEnptlmented with an automobile ride
by the Daughters of the Confederacy and
In the afternoon receive** veterans and
Daughterv of the Confederacy. She left
Friday afternoon for her home In Washing-
toll I
One of the moat brilliant commencements
in tlif) history of the Tnhman lllgh School
was held last Wednesday evening In the
Grand - opera house, when thirteen of An*I
gustftta brightest young women graduated*
That their number was thirteen and that i
the date of graduation was the 12th were
two coincidental facts that had no effect
whatever on the successful carrying out of I
the program that waa necessarily brilliant
bernaaa of the. rare degree of mentality
bn-k af it, for the 1906 elsss Is one of tha
bricvest claaaes avar graduating from the
Tubman High School. Mlaa Bertha Young
racMKl first honor and Mlaa Sarah Evans
r**r,-irfd second honor, together with the I
Kiiff t «p and Latin mads).
Tli* r.i of atswarda of St. Johns
hurrb entertained
epUoo in the Sunday
on Friday evening in eo
nnd Mrs. Charles Wesley ...
slon u-iis one of thorough enjoyment.
Miss Lena Ferris entertained her bridge
club last Wednesday evening. The first
prise, a pair of pale blue aflk hoee, was
ura. Paul Mnatln. and the consol*-
prlx*\ a white portemonnale waa aecnr-
- fit Fargo. Mrs. Thos. Tobin
embers of tha
!><l by MIm Belle Fargo. Mrs. Thos. Tobin
Miller will antartmln the■■hsaMi
club next Wednesday.
Mrs O. II. Jones complimented Mr. and
Mra. Sweeney Kikes with a large reception
on Saturday evening at her home on Chefs
iturdny evening nt her home on
Misses Calvin are visiting tha Mlaaen
|Moa h
training department
Hrhool. hee returned
Mr. Pee-
General r.vnne, bf Atlanta. le In the elty,
the gueit of hie daughter, Sira W. K. Bv*.
Llitlo Mile Nett wiee, who l> tourlntt
Europe With her mother end Utrm C **
Cohen, le quite
Mr« Spnrke ....... ......
roll, htsv* Tuesday for e two month* vlelt
to r.iatlree In Virginia.
I Lee, with MIm Merten ret WSSi-.
lesvr thin week for l'nrtmiiniitti. Ve., to
.p.n.1 e rotiplo of weeke with relatives.
Ml.. Dnlejrn Men Itameey hne returned
from rorsytb nnd Fort Valley. .
Mr* III.*kin Wright end Altos Marguerite
Wright hare gone to Philadelphia far a
Miss Elizabeth Pennlman, of Savan
nah, Is thn guest ot Mrs. E. D. Walter.
Mrs. A. D. Gale and children are vle
lt Ing In Dixie,
Mies Clare O’Conner has returned to
Albany, after a visit to Mra. J. A.
Mrs. L. Artau nnd children have gono
to Wilmington, Dels., for the summer.
Mra W. R. Cox and children are In
Richmond, Va_, where they will spend
the summer.
Mi*. A. M. Smith and little son are
▼totting Mr. and Mrs. Htrflt; till" week, ^.Mtoa JcnnneU
.MvtTin.I Mrs. Ralph Tup per and rhll-fMonllcoJJo, -Ua
di .it are spending some time In their
cott.-irr* on Ht. Simone Island.
A leading social event of the week
was. the marriage Thursday evening of
Miss May Fergueon and Mr. Charles A.
Ilunkl. y. The ceremony was perform
ed at th* First Baptist church, Rev. A.
M. McCool officiating. The church was
beautifully decorated.
Mrs. Thomas Fuller, entertained the
’Acacia Club Wednesday afternoon with
five-hand euchre.
Miss Annie O’Conner Is visiting In
’Albany. She will* He there several
M tv. William Clifton and Miss Nan
Cain, of Darien, are visiting friends In
Brunswick. Wlllla and May Pace, who
have been visiting Miss Lula Btaoey
have returned to their home In Gardl.
Messrs. Gendror. nnd Henry Cain nnd
■W. Barclay, of Darien, were In the city
eevsrol days this week.
J. M. Young has returned from i
visit to hie daughter, Mrs. Owen Phe
lan. In Atlanta. .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Durand, of At
lanta, are expected at Cumberland Is
land next week.
Mrs. William Nightengale. Sr., leaves
today on the Mallory line for New
York, where she will spend some weeks.
Mrs. J. R. C. Blltch and children
are spending several weeks In Tlfton.
Mies Nell Atkinson to visiting Judge
and Mrs. B. R. Atkinson, In Atlanta.
Miss. Beulah Walters, of Monteiuma,
to Melting Mira. D. W. krauss.
Dr. and Mra. J. H. Crawford, of At
lan tn, are the gueeta ot Mr. and Mrs.
J. ft Davenport.
Mr. O. C. Smith, superintendent of
the-Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic
Railroad Company, was In the city this
sociaITcircle. 1
Mfeg Lucia Goddard, of Griffin, to
the charming gueat of Mlae Ruby
several of Mtoe Mettle Blanton’s
friends gave her a delightful surprise
party Monday evening.
Mies Annie Alee Conner attended La-
Grange Female college commencement
lost week.
Misses Mattie Laurie Gresham and
Ethelene Gibbs have returned from an
extended trip to Baltimore. Philadel
phia and' New York. *
Mr. and Mre. E. L Newton vtoltod
their daughter, Mrs. John Nowell, In
Monroe, this week.
Ml--to* Annie Mayo and Lillian Me-
Cleskey are at home from LaGrange
Female college to spend vacation.
Our people are expecting u rare eve
ning of fun at the auditorium next
Wednesday evening, when Mr. W. H.
Li-ngaton delivers hie famous lecture.
•Tub. Laughter and Pearls."
Miss Lemma Dacue has returned
fr ira a vlelt to friends at Montlcello,
J i kson and Mansfield.
1’rofoaeor and Mrs. W. C. Carlton are
vIMtlhg relatives at Robinson and VI-
Mr. Butler Hanson le at home from
Emory college.
Mlseee Annie Mar and Mamie
Conner entertained very delightfully
Thursday morning from 10 till 12,
In hnfior, of their guest, Mies Lillian
Garrett, of Llthla Springs.
Mr. and Mre. G. W. M. Whitehead,
who have been spending some time
with relatives In Savannah, will return
9mIi|Jw 1.
The moonlight picnic given lost Fri
day evening In honor of Miss Bunny
Cook, of Wstklnsvllle, who was the
guest of Miss Jessie Gunter, was a
highly enjoyable affair.
f Mra. John King Is here from Ro-
, chelle, on an extended visit to her
mother, Mra. J. A. Johns.
The Baptist denomination here Is
highly pleased with the new church
pastor. Rev. Walker Combe, of Locust
Mrs. A. J. Wurth and children, ot
Atlanta, hare been spending the poet nations,
week In the city, guests of Mr. and ] white mull and lace.
Mra. H. L. Conner.
Mr. G. F. Spearman, of Atlanta, waa
with home people here Sunday.
Mr. C. W. Miller returned Tuesday
from a visit to Newnan.
. Mra. J. B. H. Day visited her sla
ter, Mra. W. B. Veesey, In Galnegvllle,
this week.
Mra. S. B. Ledbetter, who Asa been
visiting her mother, Mrs. N. C. Napier,
the poet week, returned to Rome to-
Professor M. L. Brittain, who has
been eonductlng the Walker County
Teachers' Institute here this week, left
for his home In Atlanta this mom-
Mra. Hooker from Asheville, N. C„
to the guest of her brother, Mr. W. A.
Mra. Paul D. Wright entertained
elaborately on Friday evening at* her
home on South Main streeL The af
fair was a compliment to the young
people of Lafayette. The lower floor
ot the home was thrown open for the
occnslon and beautifully decorated. A
millinery conteet was the feature of the
evening for the gentlemen, while a
“tle-maklng" waa the Idea for ' the
young ladles. The first prise, a hand-
embroidered hat, was awarded to Air.
Will Center, who presented It to hlg
"tie-maker,” Miss Alice Shankle. The
booby went honestly. to Mr. Archie
Fortune, who shared It with Miss Annie
Moore Hammond, a dainty creation of
straw and pink. violets. The beat lie
waa made by Mies Pearl McWhorter
for Mr. Will Mean. The prise for this
was a pretty tie, while Mtoe Mony Ella
Mean made for Mr. Jack Farles a
two-inch four-ln-hand, which captured
the booby, a pink string tie. After the
conteata games were played on the
lawn In the moonlight, and at a late
hour a salad course and punch waa
served by Mieses Beulah Bale and Nell
Kirby In a corner of the stairway.
Mias Marion Pate, the little daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra. J. W. Pate, enter
tained about fifty of her friends on
Wednesday afternoon-In honor of her
eighth birthday.
Mieses Ruby Lilly, Jeanette Wade.
Tecoach Hendry and Mr. Lewie Wade
spent several days this week In Thom
asville aa delegates to the fifth annual
convention of the South Georgia Kp-
worth League.
Mies India Turner to visiting In At
lanta thla week.
Mra. Francis Stone, who spent the
winter here, has gone to Macon.
Mr. Morton Turner has gone to
Philadelphia and New York on a visit.
Mr. J. Russell Davla and Mr. Frank
Spain have returned from Atlanta,
where they attended the bankers' con
Mr. and Mra. Y. W. Ogleeby and
Mlae Leaward Oglesby are visiting In
Mr. and Mra. Joseph Mabbett have
returned from Indian Spring and Ox
ford. Air. Henry Mabbett, who grad
uated at Emory, returned with them.
Miss Jeannette Wade la visiting . In
. Mrv-U’lU. L'taatbrrs |eavr» Monday
for Uarnrsvllle to spend the summer.
■ -*>-. go - ——
A^W^* ,r ' e0d * “
Mra. W. M. Hill leaves Monday to vlelt
her mother, Mrs Stokes, In Auguste.
. Jidfc
, „ ... . Stewart
limn* p ir$n, tad- AlsUto -Woollen
have returned from I.ucy Cobb commence.
R&ohv.'JLb^'ra 8 iii'%.:?. rt o?*fla!
J. SI. Wood on Nprlng street.
Alisa Luelle Norman arrived Alondey night
to visit her grandmother, Mra. Neraii
‘ MheT lxin'Tenkereley wlil spend the Sum
mer with Mre. Relknan Hmlth. „
Mlae llehe Irvin la attending the Walker-
Mrl’rary wedding In Monroe Ibis week.
Miss Cordells Bullosa, of l.lslion, le vis
iting Misses Merle end Orere Ramsey.
Mra. linliert ■ Anderson returned to An-
guets^ Friday after a short stay, with Mrs.
< A(las m Allre Martin, of Lexington, Miss.,
la visiting Mra. T. II. Walton.
-rerel weeks In Chsutsuqu*.
Miss Leila mint, of Atlanta, Is ths guest
of Misses Lucy Mae and Elisabeth Sima.
Miss I-ells Irvin, i who to visiting Mlaa
Jilts Hirers In Griffin, waa rnmpltmrnted
-'rider afternoon with a bowling party.
Miss Mary Hmlth left Tuesday Tor Dalton,
where she will spend the summer ae the
gueat of Aire. L E. Hhumete.
All social Americus, aa well ae so
ciety throughout the elate, are Inter
acted In the announcement of two July
The first, that of Mtea Luelle Clegg
to Air. Emmett Clements, of Buena
Vista, will occur on the.tlth.
Mlaa .Clegg to on' unusually street-
Ive young woman and very popular.
Mr. Clements to a merchant and
planter of much prominence through,
out Houth Georgia.
Another wedding of social Interest to
that of Mlae Ann Council and Mr. Coley
Mies Council has been known
throughout the state ae a noted belle
and beauty. Her many charming wo.
manly traits have won her many
friends wherever she has visited.
Mr. Lewie to a promising buetnesg
man of Monteiuma.
Mr. and Mra. H. 8. McCleeky have
returned from a week's stay at Warm
8pringa. •
Mies Regale Wyatt to a visitor In
Mnrahallvllle this wsek.
Mrs. O. W. Glover and Mrs. Renton
have returned from Warm Springs.
Mr. nnd Mra. J. B. Small are In Ben
ton. Ala, the guests of Mra. Small’s
Miss Nannie Sue -Bell will entertain
quite a large crowd of, her young
friends st her home on Lee street on
Miss Kate Dunwoody, of Atlanta, to
the guest ot Mrs. E. A. Hawkins, end
Is the recipient of many charming so
cial attentions,
Mr. and Mra. Crawford Wheatley ars
spending the week very pleasantly with
a camping party at Myrtle 8prings.
Mr. John Allen Fort to at home for
the vacation, after having mhde a
splendid record at the University ot
Georgia the past year.
. Mr- Will. Jones entertained a small
but congenial party at Myrtle Springe
one night last week.
Mlaa Melrose Charles was the host-
s at a reception.given In honor ot
her guest. Miss Kats Am ray. of Cue-
seta, Ala., last Thursday evening. Af
ter enjoying delightful games, lunch
eon waa served. The room was artis
tically decorated with bright-colored
flowers, and the table had aa Its cen-
tsrplscs a beautiful vass of whits car-
Mlss Autrey’s gown was ot
11 and lace. Mias Gertrude
Charles wore pals gray crepe de chine
trimmed In Irish lace. Those present
were Misses Kate Autrey, Gertrude
and Alelroee Charles, Bonnie Roberts,
Belle Canning, and Messrs. W. B. Ro-
E sr, of Camming; A. A. L. Collins, of
qla; C. N. Davis, Alandn Green and
A. T. McKinney. Several social func
tion* have been given in Miss Au-
trey’a honor during her short visit
here. She leaves the last part of the
week to visit her slater, Mrs. J. D.
Mauldin, of New Holland.
Mr. and Mra. J. A. AlcCrary hare
returned from Monroe, Go., where they
attended the Walker-McCrary wedding
Thursday evening.
Mrs. J. O. Suggs has gone to Rome,
where she will spend some'days on a
vlelt among relatives.
Mrs. J. It. Jordan has returned from
Ty-Ty, where she has been during the
past month on a visit to her sister.
Mrs. R. P. Beamon, Sr., of Allen
dale, 8. C., to In the city, visiting her
eon. Colonel R. P. Searaon, Jr., and
numerous other friends.
Mlaa C. E. Sewell, of Orantvllle, to
In the city, visiting the family of her
■later, Mra. H. D. Pace. ,
T. C. Stonecypher, of Dublin, haa
been spending the week here with
•Senator E. H. Bloodworth returned a
few days since from a pleasant visit
with friends In Augusta.
Mra. E. J. Nottingham, of Macon,
was the recent gueat at Mra. Emma
Outtenberger, and other friends In ths
Mra. J. M. Van Houten has gone to
Atlanta to remain a while aa the guest
of relatives
Dr. A. P. Kemp, of Macon, spent *ev-
eral days here this week, greeting his
numerous friends In the community.
Mr. and Mra. Sanders Walker have
bean spending the week in Monroe,
Os., where they .attended the Walkor-
McCraiy wedding.
Colonel and Mrs. Leon G. Greer,
of Oglethorpe, have been the guests of
relatives here several days the 'past'
Ike Mlddlebrooks has gone to Bir
mingham, Ala., tn engage In business
with his brother, Marvin Mlddlebrook*.
Mr 1 , and Mrs. B. F. Reeves have re
turned from Atlanta, where they re
cently spent .several days.
Joseph Brown, of Atlanta, a former
citizen of this city, was with friends
here several days recently.
Miss Alary Lee Ollphant, of Maoon,
I* In the city with relatives, and to
receiving marked attention among the
young people, having formerly lived
James B. Hardy has been spending
the week In Oalnesvllle with tho family
of his brother, A. 8. Hardy.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Jo
seph Vason gave a reception tn honor
of Miss Gertrude Holden, of Crawfords-
vllle. The receiving party, composed
of Airs. Joaeph Vason, Alisa Gertrude
Holden, Mra. W. K. Shepherd. Mrs.
Well Vason und Mr*. J. W. SneUIngs.
stood In the (Ii-Uwing Mom,-which »»>
decorated In pink and white sweet
peas. In the reception hall there were
ferns and white rosea^. Atlssrs Bessie
Walton and Caro Price served punch
from a huge cut glass bowl, banked In
ferns and rosea. In tha dtnlng room the
color scheme was pink and white.
Misses Martha Foster, Carrye and
Edna Pou and Mrs.C. M. Furlow as
sisted In serving the guests. About
one hundred guests called during the
Miss Octavta Pou entertained
Saturday afternoon In honor of her
friend, Miss Martha Hall, of Hartwell.
She waa assisted by her sister* Misses
Carry* and Edna Pou. Th* guests
were given little pink cards, on which
was printed the guest of honor's name.
Miss Mabel Smith discovered the most
pords In ths name and was given tha
prise, a box of candy. The guest of
honor was presented with a pretty
handkerchief box.
Miss Mary Jonea entertained twenty
friends at a “school 1 * party on Wed
nesday afternoon In honor of Miss Jes
sie Burton, of Cartersvtlle. In the
"school room” each guest was glvsn a
smalt "slate,” with questions on geog
raphy, physiology, literature ana tne
alphabet attached. After the ques
tions had been answered the “pupils'
were given dainty schoolgirl lunches
Miss Minnie Jlelle Qullllan was award
*d the prise, a. lovely hat pin. i
! serry party accompanied Alls* Burtoi
o the train on which she left after i
peasant visit of two weeks.
newbe"rry, s; c.
June, the month of brides, will re
calve favorable'recognition In Newber-
ty, there,being four announcements of
weddings In which Newberrians are
Interested during the coming week.
Miss Elisabeth Griffin Land, of Au
gusta. Slid Air. Jests Young McFall
were married at the Flrat Baptist
church. In Augusta, Thursday morning,
st * o'clock. Rev. 8. W. Melton per
forming the eertmony. They return
ed home yesterday and will make their
home at Mr. arid Mrs. John Af. Kl-
Mr. and Mrs.’ J. F. Mayes have Is
sued Invitations to the marriage of
their daughter, Caroline, to Mr. G.
Letand Bummer at tionte on Wednes
day evening, June 20.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Sara Lura Moseley, of
Prosperity, and Mr. Thomas Duckett
Copeland, of Clinton, which will take
S I sec at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
[anson Colbert Moeeley, tn Prosperity,
on the evening of Wednesday, June 20,
at 0 o'clock. -
Cards hav* been Issued by Colonel
and Air*. Osborn* Lamar Schumpert to
the marriage of their daughter, Thyra,
to Mr. John Sanford McClure, of Knox
ville, Tenn., which will take place In
the Lutheran Church of the Redeem
er, on Thursday evening, at 7:20
Mlaa Unity Gibson .and Mr. Isaac
Hamilton Hunt will be married at the
home of her father, Mr. Albert J. Gib
son. on Wednesday, June 57. Owing to
a recent death In the family of Miss
Gibson, the marriage will ba a quiet
Rumor has It that there will be sev
eral more marriages during the month.
No announcements have yet been
made. ,
Huber nnd family or*
«-ck at Panacea Springs, i
Hattie Rrarkln Is at home from!
Alonro* College at Forsyth.
. Allss Florence OrinTn returned to her!
home In New Smyrnn, Fliu, Monday,
after spending several months with
relatives In this city.
Mr. J. T. Allen and family leave In a!
few days for the mountains of North J
Georgia, where they will spend the
.Mr*. Dodge Is visiting relatives In I
Alls* Leslie Harrow has returned
from Thomasville, where she attended
Young's College.
Mrs. Jule McCree ha* returned from
a visit to Columbus.
Air. Jack nisener, of North Carolina, nnd
Air. C harles Power, of Mlsil*al|itil, spent s
few ila/s of last week In Aewortb.
Mr. J. D. Hlrlekland, of Kcnalngton, spent
Hnndsy with lira Oetavls Humphries. He
was accompanied home liy bis two Ultle
sons, 1.,-wls and Uirlsnd.
wuvhib * iiiiii|vm ua« reiurucu iron
S visit to Powder Hprlnjrs snd Marietta.
Mr. sad Mr*. H. tv. Kitchen are visiting
friends -st Majsvtile.
Air. William Lemon, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday with borne folks
Airs T. W. Hast, of Marietta, Is visiting
her mother, Mra. II. M. William*. 6
Mr. l'esn Mitchell spent s few days the
first of ths wsek st Ilsslrimrst, Miss.
Miss Cicirgls Kendrick, of Plains, la
spending this week hers with her broibar,
Mr. D. B. Kendrick.
Mrs. William Baker, of Csrisrsvllle, vis
ited her stater, Mrs. John McEver, the
first of the week.
Mrs. A. J. Johnson snd little eon,. Ralph,
are spending tom* time with the family of
J. N. Johnson,
Mr*. H. B. Goodwin, of Atlanta, Is spend-
wlth her father, G. c.
Blue nidge, Is
AUIkmi. ot iloatgotoerr. Aim.. Is
borne for n while.
Mr*. U. W.. Furetoo nn«l Mins M||Iab
Cvrttn* •n»l M<wm. J. M. Cxi
Cnreton. Walter iNirrto*,
‘ twm a
Ion la
and B. L. A1Usoa bar* re
' AL Cautrel'b Mrs. John G. lisle
Mr. and Mr*. C. E. Roop spent the
first of the week In Roopvllle.
Alls* Ruth Whatley has returned to
her home In Newnan, after spending a
week .with fiends In. C'arcoliton.
Bev Tbomsisson comes home Satur-
ty for th* summer.
Miss Judle Gaston goes to Cumber
land Island Tuesday to spend a week.
J. O. Cheney Is spending this week
In Augusta.
Miss Josle Carroll, of Thomaaton, Is
the guest of Aflss Eula Mbore.
Mis* 8ada Thohmason and Mira Nelle
Sharp leave Wednesday Mr Atlanta
and Fayetteville for a short visit.
Miss Willie Kato Russell, of Winder,
visiting ths family of Rev. W. B.
Mr. L. C. Mandlvllle and daughter,
Alls* Nelle, have returned from Warm
Airs. F. Af. Camp to visiting her
mother In Hoganavllle.
Postmaster Mays to now able to be
at hts office.
'Squire R. 8. Bottoms, pf Knowle,
visited his son, Claud, here this week.
Kelley Fite Is back home after
spending several months In Paris,
Tex. -
Terry Johnson vlsled his parents st
Barnesvllle.last SntuiUny. ,v, '
Altos Alice Mtdddton Is touching in
Lamar county.
Charles Lunsford; of Bear Creek, wan
here thla week, visiting friends and
relatives, *
Atorgan Holcomb* and family visited
relatives- at Winfield during the past
Mra. O. B. Mixon Is visiting her son,
Dr. G. W. Mixon, at Hnckleburg...
Mrs. Bankhepd Alison, after spending
several flays at Guln, has coma home.
The little girl of Mr. and Airs. &
T. Bottoms Is Improving from her re
cent" lllnbita.
J. A. Smith, of Covin, who spent a
few days In town this week, visiting,
has returned home.
Mra. D. N. Cooper to here visiting
her brother, Judge W. R. White. Judge
D. N. Cooper Is also hsre. i
Thera will be a picnic on the Fourth
ot July at the Military Ford.
W. C. Shotts, who haa been teach
ing at Summltt, haa returned home, :
J. L. Wilson left this week for Coal,
In Walker county, where he will teach
during the next four montha.
R. A. Baird, of Guln, candidate for
sheriff, waa In town Thursday from th*
western part of the county.
Pink V. Dunn to now In Tampa,
Misses Ansi* snd Katherine Wheeler,
Brinson,' Gs„ retarnsd tn their home.'Moo-
day after s tew day*''vlstt te Mrs. T. H.
Ilstrta st the Bell house.
Mra Calvin W. Parker snd little dsugh
r, Christine, of Wsyeros*. spent several
days last week in thn city, the guests of
Mrs. James L Msuldln.
Miss Addle Lillis* Townsend, of Baxley,
returned to her home Wednesday morning,
after a stay of several months In Cairo.
Miss Monitor Hoddrnliery, of Kafsnis,
Ala., arrived Thursday to lie the guest ot
her uncle, lion. W. B. noddeubery, st hto
summer home.
Messra. II. A. Powell, Will Matthews and
“reek from
Mr. Potatli
Mi—r*. II. A. - Powell, WUI M
Ward Wight returned last week
Gonlon Institute, Bsrnesvlllr. Air.
grsilnsted with second honor and Messrs
Matthews nml Wight mi
MB th*lr elii»oea i Th
im,’ Jr., who has
.— , _._,ju principal of the
hool here, returned to bis home st
Vs., last week.
sy nnd Khetta Neal, of Boston,
Gn., spent Saturday and Hnndsy as the
guests of Miss less Msuldln.
Hr. W. M. Hesrcy spent lift finmtay la
Miss Wilson, a charming young tady of
Quincy, Fta., who has been spending the
summer with her sitter. Mra. J. W. South-
all. will return to her home soon.
Mr. (1. A. Wight end. mother, Mra M.
L Wight, left Tnesdty for Msron, to be
atisrut several weeka lira Wight goes to
sister, 'Mrs. J. W. Arnold.
M. Hesrcy Is spending the week In
Havsnnab, attending the annul meeting of
the State Dental Hoelety.
Mr. J. D. Iloldmtn spent Inst week In
make this place their fetnr* home. Mr.
Lawton takes rbstge of an agency here.
Mr. Albert Iloldmtn. who has been spei
lug a month at Hot Springs, Ark., will i
turn home July L
Mrs. Robert M. Rawls, of Athena visited
hero the past week.
Mra Msngruiu has retarnsd from * visit
to Mlsstsdnril.
Mr. snd Mra. Henry Love nr* vlritlng In
Atlsuti. Gs.
Miss ciutlr Bloodworth to at home from
a visit to LaKsyette.
hilts Martha McUwtar Is st home from
West Point. Miss
Mra George McGregor, of llsrtsell*. vis
ited In the city the nest week
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. IL Frailer, *f Hsrtsstlr.
sro visiting here.
Mtaa Kite llrneken, of PUnt, vtsltefl ben
the post week.
Mite Hb-dhsm. of Flore new visited ben
the Test week. . i
Misses Janie snd . Joeephle* Prenlt. of
own Crook, visited her* this week.
Mra. T. W. llsjrea of Mdridtanrillt. Is
visiting hero.
Mni'J. W. Boatright - to- -vtoltlsg Is
Mra. J. T. George Is to Birmingham.
The Mecklenburg Chloride
Calcium and the Mecklen
burg Lithia Waters
Dr. George Ben Johnston, ot Richmond, Va., one ot the most conservative men In his profession,
as well as one of the most prominent, says: "The.Llthla water to second to none. The Chloride Cal
cium li unique. Such a combination to my knowledge docs not exist anywhere else."
Leading physicians throughout - the country speak voluntarily in praise of the beneficial results
from this combination of waters in Eczema, all Blood, Nervous, Kidney and Digestive Disorders, es
pecially In Rheumatism artd Catarrh tho most satisfactory results ore promptly seen. Constantly
guests come to us on crutches or stretchers and leave us active, strong and well.
These are not fancies, these are facts. N .••.»>’ ■ ’ ■
We have llvfng witnesses to testify to what wo claim. ‘ "" _
Tho Baruch Baths, the Scientific apparatus and'the Sanitarium Equipments cannot be sur
passed in this country. Tho appointments, the service, cuisine and whole scheme of the Hotel are
first class In overy patrlcular. This Is an all-the-year-round Hotel and so Is In excellent running or-
ili-r at 111! times. Drives, Hunts. Amusements. Howling. I’nol, Billiards—Indoor nnd out of doors—ni»
a feature. The accessibility to railroads, especially to points South, makes The Mecklenburg deslrablo
for family parties.
Send for handsome illustrated booklet Terms moderate. This will be the greatest season at Tho
Special rates for parties.
Write at once.
President and General Manager.
Mr* aIHA JHa, HHtuias •****vsuuru sis rat
home from Bowling Oraen. ,*». -
Alias Clara Chamois* Is riming* [n BIrm
“’fitas*' ugtxi Walters Is visiting Is
MIm Mlnnto Parsons Is st boms after a
mIs?O.'jfT'liliklo*,, of Montgomery, Is
the guest of her ttater, Mrs. W. P. Robin-
’"miss Rllsshelh Speak visited In Hants-
T> Siuai| l> AlfS/e BlKkWfll Is st home from
Rer. and Ur*. Curry are on nn extended
visit to the ses coa*t.
Miss Usrgurett- Banks Is st horns from
M Dr!*aoa r ^Irs. H. A. Moody, of Bnltay
Ued Mrs. J. W. Troy the Met week.
Mra. Cnrdllf Conkle, of KaehTine, visited
ABes^Ororide^bb Is visiting In Colum-
baa. Ga.
Mr*. W. J. Kesblt Is visiting relatives In
Mrs. Thomas Jones his returned ' to
HostsriRe after a visit to the Decaturs.
Ml** Mary llonner hts returned to Nash-
title after a visit to MIm Gladys God bey.
Mra. C. L. Vorta Is vlaltlDg In Blrmlng-
h, Mra. D. W. Speak vlelted this week In
Miss Edna Lee bat returned from an os-
tended vlelt tn St. l/ouls.
Mra 0. A. AUraball, of Huntsville, visited
her* this week.
Mr. and Mra. Andrew Lacy visited Is
Birmingham this week.
Miss Susie Simpson, of Trinity, visited
era this wnek.
Mle* Nhll Topp Is st home from Rich
Miss Emms Rainey, of Athens, to visiting
n Mtaa King Is at bom* from Jack-
"°MiM*| D |*'*el Hanley, of Union City, Tenn.,
la TtaitlDe bar*.
Mies Maud Walters Is visiting In Hants-
mV* Nancy Glenn visited In Gndaden the
'’‘on Test Sunday night Mr. John Owens
and Miss Cnrnelta Howell were married at
th* bom* of the bride's parent*. The wed-
dlsg was s quiet on*.
On Friday afternoon Mr. Herbert Cstb-
rart gave "
n tun her
Y*to-,*AlA,*A>Ai>iAli.iil l *AlA«AlAil..Alito
"In the Land of the Sky ”
Situated in a Private Park of 160 Acres. Biltmore, Near Ashe
ville, N. C., 2,500 Feet Above the Sea Level.
V Iradlng hotel In the m-uotalnt fit Western
horih Carollnt. No sesnery Tn the world will compere with the view
from this hotel. Atonnt Mitchell and Plsssh In nil! view. Adjoin*
p * , * tr Cool. Invigorating cllmtte. mtg-
farotihed. culilne an*urp***ed. Pure water. All eegstsulee
*5 Ijflrato garden gathered fresh every morning. Orchestra,
hrotT. beautiful rides end drives.
I sll trains at Bfltaior* station. Consumptives sot sc-
ider any elrcuniatancr*. Coicb Is operate 1 liy man-
hslr hour between trolley from A*!:erfll» ssd
tacb mi
lodatod under
... . --- boor between troTlejTff&ai~A«w3 .
Open all tne year. Write or wire for ixvtklet and raft*.
SfQOlie. Proprietor.
re a.boatlnr narty on the rteer to a
of ladfea and gentlemen. They re*
to the city bjr moonlight. There
were alx roaplea In the party.
On Prtday afternoon Mlaa Annie Bkcgga
entertained at cattle la honor of her gueat.
Sr.^t^rrigh?' WM WUB b *
and Mra W N. 11*11. lira brid*-tod>* to *
stater eg Walter M. Grnhhn. editor of Th*
Decatur Newt.
Mra jn'llllam Jtancen entertained
st the home of the bride's psrents
Jane 27 at IJO p. m.
A charming wedding was that of Miss
Nods Alien.- Grubb*, of Deestnr. to Mr.
Joseph Alexander Cnllom, of Nsshrllle.
Tenn. The wedding took place Wednesday
afternoon st o'clock st the home of
the bride's sister ami brother-in law, Mr.
and Mra W. N. HsU, on Oak st
H. E. Wesson officiated. Just
ceremony Mis* Therota Wallen gi
piano selection*, and the bride i
entered a* Mite WsUen pliyed th* wedding
march. Miss Annie Loa Hplght rang "Be
cause." The following young tad 1 —
the attendants: Mleaee Mary Lem
Brock., Annie Iran Hplght, Emma
Beetle Brown and Annl,
tallies were
ec and Bins
tarns Pointer,
were gowned In white with green girdles.
The bride was gowned In t bln* cloth trav
eling drou nnd carried a bunch of white
nwx The bridesatahta carried Imuquets of
white carnations. The color scheme wss
white ssd green, and this wss carried oat
•a the psrlora ssd thlle, the Mrlora being
beantlfslta decorated with .lotted plants
anil rat flowers of white snd greea. Th*
ceremony took piece In th* Ulirsry. Mr.
and Mra t’nllom left Wednesday afternoon
st 5:1* o’clock for s tea days' trip to the
Eastern cttlee, after which they will lie st
home to their friends In Nudirllle,. Tenn.
The hrlde Is the youngest daughter of- the
tale well known elttoen. Dr. L. Hensley L.
Grubba, for many years the able editor of
cstnr News, snd
the licet known
Mra J. IL Galvin entertained nt cards In
honor of Misses Mason aid Coffee, of
VtovUatieus nn the-wedding of
WVGimii'“'-Th! ffl^-toh* plane
m» wiiu.
■nd MraT. R. Itawta of -Nethrllle, Mr.
Kelly P. Cnllom In brother of the groom) of
Nseivljle. Miss France. Rseroil ofiUhins.
Ala.. Mra E. F. \ ancles of Bummer.
Min Anna Bradley, of Forsyth, arrived
uuIfTA.tfi—.***** ?MS5S r
... MU> Neil# WllW/otf MadJm' lMi been
plac« ihv gttc*t uf 3]1m Mabfi Ballard.
Air*. C. D. Jordan and Af r - Luclon Beta
too have returned fronj i stay of two weeks
st Indian Hpring.
. Miss IJtltan Hardy 'has returned hoo*
for the holldsy* from Atlsnts, where •*•
has. been studying music.
Afro. Edward Wysn enterttlne-l the Ma
trons' Clnb In t deHghtfnl way Thowlsf
Mrs. James Csmphell, of Adrian, he* bras
the gncit of rotative* her*.
Ulan Minnie Benton Is visiting rel*tk>*
In Jones conuty. , _
Misses Csro llnroey tad Itattle Kelly
Tuesday morning to attend n hon»e P* r ’»
given by Miss Annie Clyde Wright, of At-
Min Ota Bradley, of Cevtogton. I* ,b *
guest of rotative* on Forsyth street.
Miss Kate Tolleson hat returned fn*
« visit to Mra Eugene W. Carroll, of < <*•
Ington. _
Mies Ron Cook, of flhtloh. will •««> h#
the guest of Mrs. It. I* Afarab.
Mra E. W. Butler, of Mtdlson, ba* «*■
the goest of Mrs. Jeannette Glover.
Quite s nnmlier of friends were iifjen'
St the Webb Stewsrt wvd.ll**. wblch t«*
place’Hamtay- uoralsg, June_l;. *t "JJ
home af Mr.-and Mra. IV. A. Beld. oq CM
Mra^hendTilddeu, of Jacksonville. **J
Mra IL A Tnlmsdge, her mother, ere *'
bon;.* for th- hum.uer.
The T. W.-O. flub meets W^oe»l»v •'
trrnona with Mra Doyle Campbell nt c«v
UIIUttV*llllF I*' t'tl AAB*ngwll w* 1 * - *■
Mr. snd Mra Allwrt Wyn*. of _M-'L C
hsre been on a vlelt te rotative* here in»
*Mtae Tamer, of Gray*, will be the
of Mra. R. A. Mnlooe for some time..
“The Lucky Tklrtien." s h*w. eoctal
eomp.**.-i ..f thirteen lucky yeeeg
lilt-.-!. .ftermnie with Mra L
A. Greta wu