Newspaper Page Text
iWT 6
Was in Terrific Storm
All Night But His
Balloon, Nirvana,
Weathered it Safely.
'Copyright, ItOt, by W. R. Brant.)
' Diagram at the top show's the
, remarkable flight from New York
on Sunday laat of Dr. Julian
Thomas, formerly of Atlanta. Ha
traveled farther, than any Ameri
can aeronaut haa ever done before,
(a) shows where the balloon Nir
vana started from New York; (b)
where It was lowered almost to the
ground; (c) .how It met a terrific
electrical storm, and (d> the man
ner In which It landed. At the
right and below Is a snapshot of
the balloon as It ascended.
It Is Alleged They Made Slaves
of Forty-Four Laborers in
Cope County.
R.v Print* Leaned Wire.
< ape Girardeau, Mo., June IS.—'Two
It, i ictments, containing forty-four
• mint* each, charging peonage, have
been returned by th* Federal grand
Jury against Charles M. James and
Rex Smith, of Slkeston, and six other
i • rsons, associated with them. It la
Charged that these men have reduced
to a condition of elarary forty-four
negroes whom they have been working
on their plantation* In th* Cape coun
It waa stated by wltneaeee who ap
peared before the grand jury that the
ni'croee were formerly chained to keep
them from running away, and armed
K i.ird* were kept on the place* to make
them work.
The trial* of the nine were aet tor
Tuesday, September 11, before th* Fed
eral court at Cape Girardeau.
groundTopieces ■
Spe-lsl to Tbe Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tedn., June IS.—George
Ashworth, aged SI years, a. car re
pairer of the Cincinnati Bouthern, waa
run over and ground to pieces yester
day, while at work underneath a car.
The car was shoved by a switch en
Frank Durham, another workman.
narrowly escaped.
Committee of Federa
tion Reports Against
Their Employment.
Vico Presidents Are Initructed to
Aieiet in Organising the Ma
chinists of the State.
Hi-rial to The Georgian.
Augusta, Ga., Juna Judge W. F.
Ev u la preparing to experiment on a
n. r road material for the roads of
ltl. hmond county, and during the next
few weeks It will be put on one of the
n nda In the vlclnty of the city. The
new material that la to be experimented
wiih Is tar. .
Judge Eve haa tried the oil theory,
and he says that It makes a very line
:oud. but he find* that from actual ex-
lertmente that have Deen made with
i be tar that it has proven to be the
lest material, and he Intends to try
p here. The tar la also a much chcap-
• r material than the oil.
there haa been a abort distance on
the Wright*boro road oiled, and there
i» not a better road tn the county.
It Is herd, and almost dustiest, but the
ruat of making It Is more than the
' inty feels like standing. The oil can
not be purchased for less than 11 cents
per gallon, where the tar can be pur-
< iased for not over I cent* per gal
Special to The Georgian.
Augusta, Ga., June 2S.—The eighth
annual convention of the Georgia Fed
eration of Labor baa closed and all of
the delegatee have returned to thetr
hornet In the various parts of the
atate. The union people were very
kind to Dennis P. O'Connell and have
elected him the state president of th*
j organization for the ensuing year. He
It one of tbe moy prominent flgures
In the association and there was noth
ing but praise for him from the mem
bers of the association.
All of the resolutions that were re
ferred on the second day were adopted
by the convention.
It was decided yesterday that the
various vice presidents will assist the
organiser In organising the machinists
of the state, who are not In the Feder
ation as strong as some of the other
It was decided to ask the legislature
to create an ofllee of boiler Inspector
and that he la to Inspect boilers all
over tile slate, and thereby protect the
life of engineers.
There was a rising vote of thanks
cast for the kindness that Judge W. P.
Kve had shown them In letting them
have the murt-houa* for holding tbelr
The laws committee decided to line
each lodge IS If they, after being In
bad standing with the Federation, were
admitted back Into the Federation. Tills
action was unanimously adopted after
mnatderable discussion.
The legislation committee reported
on the resolution against negro firemen
on railroads, and the Federation asked
that the matter be taken up with the
Georgia legislature and aerk to have
the negroes stopped from tiring rail
road engines, where many llvus are at
the mercy of the engineer and fireman.
The legislation committee also re
ported against the using of convict
help, as they claimed It was putting
salaries down.
There was much said about the dele
gate to the American Federation of
Te Drive Out Maleria
And Build Up th* System
Tate th* Old Standard, GROVETS
know what you are taking. Th# for
mula Is plainly printed on every bottle,
*' »lag It Is simply Quinine and trots
In a tasteless form. The Quinine drives
out tb> malaria and the Iron build* up
If* system. Bold by all dial* ra for It
Price M cent*.
making the delegate subject to a pub
lic reprimand If he went to the conven
tion and did not have a report.for the
After atl the reports had been made
officers for the ensuing year were
named. There was opposition In ons
place only, and that was for the third
vie* president. C. W. Holiday and
T. M. Alexander, of Rome, contested
for th* place and Mr. Alexander was
Reside* the other nfflerrs elected
yesterday for th* ensuing year there
were th* following district
Special to Tbe Georgian.
Columbus, Ga., June 2$.—J. O. Mc
Bride and associates, of this city, have
organized the Columbus School Deak
Company, for the purpose of manu
facturing school desks, opera house
•eats, church pews and such other fur
niture. The Arm has leased the old
Pear foundry and will he In operation
by August 1.
bpoelal t6 Tbe Georgian.
Charlotte, N. C„ June is.—It la
claimed that "Lord Douglas,'' the al
leged bigamists, who disappeared with
Miss Josephine Hood, made Charlotte
his home for a short while. In Char
lotte he represented himself as being
a mining expert. Interested In mines
In South Africa, and a sear which he
carried was, according to hi* story, re
ceived during the Boer war.
He directed his way to South Caro
lina and at Spartanburg Is said to have
become the aueplcloned culprit of a
theft of IS.
ONCE WORTH $50,000
Special to The Georgian.
Augusta. Ga, June 21—Mayor Allen
.has come In possession of an old piece
of money, which h* prizes very highly,
although there Is no premium attached
to Its value. It Is a bill that was Is
sued by the city In HIP. and was Is
sued to raise a $10,000 debt on the city.
The bank note was signed by the col
lector and treasurer of that day, who
was J. II. Mann, as well ns the badly
time-worn piece of paper could be read.
Th* city note was made payable to P.
N. Strong.
Special to The Georgias.
Decatur, Ala, June $S.—Late Thurs
day afternoon, a* the steamer Joe
Wheeler came down the Tennessee
river from Triana caused waves which
raised the remains of Oeorg* Rider, the
young man who was drowned near
Triana on laat Monday. The remains
were found within a hundred yards of
where the young man went down.
The great Auction Sale of 57 Choice
Residence Lots on South Boulevard,
Ormewood, McLeod, Confederate, Rose-
dale and Marion Avenues, Tuesday,
June 26th, 3:30 p. m.
Beautiful shaded lots. They
strike the hearts of the people who want
lovely Grant Park as a play ground for
their children, and old folks, too.
Come to our office, get a plat and select
your lot. This is a great opportunity to
secure a lot for a permanent home in one
of the best sections of Atlanta.
Tlie terms will be only one-fourth cash.
Anybody can buy. We will arrange
the money to build your home.
J, W. FERGUSON, Auctioneer.
First district, W. M. Adair, of Sa
vannah; fourth district, Albert Buch
anan, of Columbus; ntth district, A. J.
MrGehee, of Llthonla; sixth district,
W. R. Goodyear, of Macon: seventh
district, W. D. Brewner, of Rome;
tenth district, W. H. Anderson, of Au
gusta; eleventh district, H. M. Can
non, of Waycross; delegate to th* A.
F. of L.,' Jerome Jones, of Atlanta;
legal counsellor, C. T. Ladson, of At-
Itant; executive board, D. P. O'Con
nell. w. C. Puckett. J. W. Itrldwell,
G, W. Lindsay and T. N. Alexander.
Just after the election of the officers
there was a resolution passed thank
ing the city and those wno had lended
to thetr pleasure while here.
Architects' and Engineers’ Supplies at
Jno. L. Moor* A Sons,.43 North Broad
street, Prudential building. •••
The following communication from Hon.
II. Warner Hill was saat to The Oeorigan
several days a«o, bat wst delayed In reach'
Ing the editor’s desk:
To the Editor of The Georgian:
The people of Georgia will bear witness
that I Imre been exceedingly patient under
the continued msllcien* and vindictive at
tacks of Mr. Hoke Smith, candidate for
governor, during the pest few month*. r*.
tlence has cessed to be t virtue. This mem.
her of the Atlnntn bsr, who Is a caudldata
for governor, nnd who ennnot secure • ma
Jorlty nf his own profession to vote for him
for governor, on account of his peculiar
methods of practice, has seen fit to contlnuo
hla attack! upon in* peraonally, and the
railroad commission of Georgia, of which 1
• in n member, In ordar, If poaalble, to fur
ther hla ehancea for governor. Ila la too
unfair tn make • specific charge, but Inula
untea that I am Influenced In aome myste
rious wny by railroad Influences. In bin
Atlanta harangue the othar night. Ipeaklng
of the recent meeting of the atete I>omo-
eratlc eseeutlve committee, he**eld: "The
three leading spirits of that caucus ware
Judge Hamilton McWhorter, political agent
of the Mnuthern railroad; Judgu Enoch Cal-
'—ay. a corporation attorney, at times rep-
JUtlog clients politically a* well asi la
tha court houses, and Hon. Warner ltlll,
your railroad commissioner. Thera yon eee
the close Identlflcstlon of your railroad
commissioner nnd the rallroed politicians.
There you nee iko alliance Inside tbs Demo
cratic organisation controlling It."
Notwithstanding the fart that tha execO'
five committee waa practically unanimous
In Its decision, he single* oat three mem
bers for ntlnrk. The Intimation Is that 1
aui In close alliance with railroad official*,
and that na a railroad commissioner ol
Georgia I am Influenced In favor of tho rail'
roads as agnlnst tbe people. That state
ment was made by lloke Smith deliber
ately. maliciously and falsely, and he knew
when he mad* It It we* false, lie knew
that all my practice as a lawyer In itemege
suits waa ngoinst tha rallroads-thougb I
never hired bailiffs tojteenre cases forgne.
The test case 1 tried before going on the
commission was one In which 1 recovered a
large verdict against a railroad. Blnra qual
ifying as a commissioner, I have taken no
cue# or rases for
_ _ __ nt»
laatouer. I have taki
or against the railroads,
mreciiy or moirvetly. In order that f “
Ixr In a position of perfect Impartial
tween the people of the etatc and tl
mads. And I have always been and still
am perfectly Impartial between them, nnd
•hell try each cat* as t have does, fairly
and Impartially, according to tha tew and
evidence. The threats af demagog'
coward* oa tbe sue hand, or uw
v,.u.u,.-... when b* attend th*
above false nnd slanderooa statement by
Imtendo that It waa false. Ho knew. far.
ther. that the precast railroad < ommlaslon
baa been Instrumental tn reducing freight
rates In Georgia more than any one Com
mission In perhaps twenty yenrs^ although
> kn*w that tl
he any*
cases p _ _
test year to rnjohs
be the railroad coo . —
upon the advice of the attorney-general
Georgia, and not te the committee of th*
Atlanta Freight Banau. Th* redaction*
that were mud* then for* were brought
about by tha eommtestou. lie knew alee
that we have made may other red net Ion*
tn rate* within the teat art*** mouths. Yet
be wilfully and maliciously Intimated that
1 waa Infloaneed by the railroads lu soon
way. This Intimation or charge I* la.
famously fate*, sad ha knew it when Ira
uttered It, and he altered It keuwtng It
te be false Tho unfair t* make a direct
charge, he makes It by Inatnuatlon. He haa
‘ — —- -tore ha
— Attests
___ commission tamed
-th* pert rate," which
la hut a aether name for * lute to enrich
th* Attests Jobbers at the expenee of th*
net of the shippers a ad rosawam of
Georgia. And "
sea and '
day, ai
been criticising tha reuMstaaton aloe*
waa tha paid attorney *' te* |
I’rrlght Bureau and Ibe .
down hla !»•! ■-the
the people of Georgia will
Hit sooner nr later. Nobody
te baiter lham Mr. Hoke Smith.
u railroad cvi
•anting the entire atate. he would not vote
for the port rate, as asked by the city of
Atlanta, unless he Is more regardless of his
oath than I want to bellere him to be. Tbe
Joblters of Atlanta at the ex
pense of the shippers and the cltlxan, of
Georgia, If It could be enforced Just on Mr.
Smith wants It, but In Justice to the other
people of Georgia outside of Atlanta the
commission conld not conscientiously grant
th* port rate. Bnt while criticising two
memlier* of the commission, Hon. Joseph
M. Hrown nnd myself, Mr, Smith takes oc
casion tn praise (Ion. Fope Brown for vot
ing for It. This port rate was twice before
the commission, one* when he was not a
candidate for governor and once when he
wns. When be waa not n candidate be
voted against It. and when he was n ran-
dldnto he voted for It. When was he right?
When Mr. Iloke Smith was not * randl-
dole for governor I never heard of his In
teresting himself much ee te port rates or
any other rate* except when he waa paid
to do so. He has bad to do with railroads
when It was hla Interrat to do ao. They
neyar failed to get him when they wanted
him, and. Judging tbe present and future
from tho peat, they would not now. nor
hereafter. With elf of his boasted opposi
tion to them, why an prominent rallroed
men supporting him! It sounds very much
tike the cry of "Stop thief!"
In on* of hla speeches, made shortly af
ter the meeting of the state Democratic ex
ecutive committee, he said that I waa pres
ent at a caucus In which were Hon. Ilnm-
Uton McWhorter end Judge Enoch Calla
way (either one of whom te Infinitely a
better men than he Is), ndvocntlng a pro
rating scheme to defect him Tor gorernor.
He knew, or could have known upon te
nuity, that that statement ateo was tela*.
I not only did not advocate such a scheme,
bnt was opposed to It. He knew that that
statement Wee maliciously falae when bo
uttered It, end If not, he wna criminally
negligent In not knowing It He has done
everything he conld to prejudice the people
of Ueorgm ngalnat the Democratic execu
tive, committee crested by a convention
e ne x^
governor. He ’lantta*kteg"hteownparty
leaders because they called a Democratic
primary. Strange doctrine this for n Dem-
io preach, and yet he hug* to hte
4 the chief opponent* of the Demo
cratic party hecanae they are for him for
Why be has chosen to attack me 1 know
»t. except that 1 prefer to vote for a bet
ter men then be Is for governor. I bare
remained silent under the continued and
malicious charge made by Innendo by this
designing nnd unacrupnlons demagogue, bnt
1 shall remain silent no louger. In hte tl-
' air* te become governor
nearly. If not nil, the
the last twenty yean.
Men whose shoe latches he Is unworthy to
loose ere not free from hie slanderous
tongas. May the Lord have mercy upon
hte malicious and hypocritlc eoal!
II* Intimates that I am Influenced by the
rallroeda. when he knows that then te not
one word of truth In lb He knows end
knew when he spoke In Attest*, end'else
where. that my right years’ service In the
stele legislature waa absolutely free from
eorporate or other Influence*. I Invite an
Inspection of that record, my record since,
and every vole as rallroed commissioner,
and It will be In accordance with the evi
dence In each case. The flies of his own
paper, Tbe Journal, white I wss a memlier
of the legtatetnr# will corroborate my etate-
tueut that all hte charges new made are
Commenting on s speech I made In tbe
house In favor of th* Ullve bUI. The Jour
nal was eo flattering that modesty would
prevent my repeating the comment. H«
snows all this, aad yet he continues to wit
fully lultnpreaenv me. Is It difficult to
know the cause?
He haa threatened. If elected gorernor, he
would eee that the commission promulgated
1 rate, and otherwise declare hla
rise be would suspend tbe cocamla-
. - telling. No doubt ha thought be
bad that power from the follow!ag words
faced Is the act creating the railroad corn-
"Any commtemotier may be na
pe uacq rrom office by order of the gorer
nor. who shall report tbe fact of suck ana
peas!on. and tbe mean therefor to the
next general emwmMr. and If a majority
ace who might be guilty of
•mproehablo conduct. It DOGS NOT moan,
aa evidently Intended to be understood by
Mr. Smith. that a commissioner niny ho
suspended for exercUlng tho DISCRETION
vested In him by tho legislature. A gover
nor might differ with a commissioner-
whether "tho port rn‘ ■■ *"■
remedy, nnd yet no j
the right .to suspend
sloner thought mother —
any candidate for gorornor who doesn’t
4cnow that this la so, or who thinks he can
suspend Just because ho differs with a com
missioner as to the proper remedy, hat
hnrdly that knowledge of law whleh would
qualm him for a safe cot
■tl tut Ion of tho state of
the legislative. Judicial, and executive
branches of the government shall forever |
remain separate. The railroad commission
Is a part of tbe leglnlntlve branch. It was
created by It ao a tribunal to ascertain cer
tain facta for It as to what constitute! Just
and reasonable rates, etc.* It It an admin
istrative body created by tbe legislature,
and Is a part of It for a specific purpose,
nnd Is retted with a certain discretion.
Therefore, no governor would have any
siontr who
ftrred upon
K lvate-citlxeu woul
Interfering with
meat, and hence eueh
»y the legislature than a
ild. The executive would
h the legislative deport-
usurpation of
„ . ice eue_ _
power would be lUcgal, and any governor
...— a. - Tula (>e subject to imp
exercising It woul
ment. And yet this c*ar
S ana would suspend a commissioner be-
nee. forsooth. In the sound exi
hte discretion, be conld not vote
port , rate when tbe governor wanted It
uono. ■„ •
Ho would not be content exercising the
functions of governor alone, but ho would
be railroad rommlslsoner as woll. The
stnte hourw officers arc to bo mere figure-
hoods. They must bow to his Imperious
will. IIo must be "It.”
What soy the people of Georgia to thief
Ir you want n czar now la your chauce te
elect one. Suppose by noino chance he
snould be elected czar of Georgia, and sop-
poso he anould demand the port rato of the
commission, when the commission thought
In tho exercising of Its discretion tbe grant
ing of it was not fair to tho entire ntnt»,
and suppose he «houbl come Into the offlie
of the t-ommlfdfon nnd my "you must put
In the port rote or I’ll suspend you, as owe
or the ‘commission," I desire to say that
hie departu: “* -----
with i || .......
lative department of the stnte. They must
remain forever separate, saya the shite con
stitution. Mr. Smith would not interfere
with the commission’s discretion notwith
standing his threeta to do eo.
And now, having shown tbnt this un
scrupulous demagogue has maliciously and
falsely misrepresented ma before the people
of Georgia for the sole purpose of helping
elect himself governor, I conclnd with the
hope (and I eay It reverently) that God In
Hla Infinite wisdom and goodness will spare
this great state of Georgia from the reign
of this tnallelous slanderer nnd designing
Bjr Private Leased Wire.
Cincinnati, Ohio, June $$.—Patrol
men Rainey and Occlla found two Sy
rian women In the center of'a large
ring formed by a number of their
countrymen, fighting a duel with atl-
lettoa. Both were bleeding profusely
from * number of small cut*.
The duellsta were plnced under ar
rest. They gave their names as Freda
Wallace nnd Mary Staney. The Zaney
woman claims that the Wallace wom
an ha* been trying to ateal her hua-
band, and consequently she called on
her to fight a duel.
8pee 1*1 te The Georgian.
Huntsville, Ala., June 23.—Harvey
Maatln, a prominent young man, died
yesterday at Richmond, Va. He waa a
*on of A. E. Maatln, assistant cashier
of the Huntsville Bank and Trust
By Private Len*ed Wire.
Cincinnati, June 3$.—Notice* of tha
entry of the household good* of Hon.
Bellamy Stprer, former ambassador to
Austria from this country, waa received
yesterday at the customs office. Tn*
goods are ordered to be passed without
Inspection. The shipment coruUt* or
sixteen cates and two trunks.
Comfortably Reached
Leave Atlanta dally 12.00 noon
Arrive Greensboro, N. C 10.50 P.M.
Arrive Morehead City...... 11.40 A.M.
The accommodation* and time cannot be Improved. Leave on th*
vestibule on which you get. lunch and dinner in Southern Railway
Dining Car, and on arrival Greensboro you get Into through aleeper tor
Pullman fare per double berth .... . . „ J- 50
J. C. BEAM, JR-,
District Passenger Agent.