Newspaper Page Text
Drum Corps Goat Which Made
Famous Dies of Acute
- ' Tincanitis.
fakrab la dead.
Taarab, the Great, has passed to his
The diagnosis of Fireman W. H. Ivey,
Vaarab’s apodal friend and physician,
nhowed that the famous mascot of the
Atlanta Fire Department, succumbed
to an attack of tincanitis, superinduc
ed by the shock caused by Harley's
winning Friday's baseball game from
Little Rock.'
Saturday, morning Taarab noted his
last alarm, raised his head from his
sick couch In the base ment of Mo. 1
engine j house, counted the strokes of
the alarm, and with u wan smile, laid
himself down to die, Now he Is In the
land of perpetual eatings. No longer
will he pine for tin cans and good ci
gars; his tobacco will forever bo tho
best and there In the whereafter of
goatdom, Taarab, the world's most fa
tunus hollow-horned ruminant, will
rule over hla kind, and lend his good
spirit to the festive occasions In which
his former comrades, the Atlanta Fire
men Drum Corps, shall hereafter take
part, without Taarab In the flesh In at'
tendance. ■
As the far famed Capra of the world,
Taarab has led a most Interesting life
has showed remarkably good sense,
has always maintained an appetite
guaranteed to withstand any old thing
at any time, and now has passed to his
Wrapped In 8ilk Blankets.
Wrapped In the silk blankets
which he has slept’ for four and a half
years, a blOe mantel on which there Is
the emblem of the Shrlners, and a red
one surmounted with "A. F, D.,’’ In
white, Taarab will be laid to rest with
great ceremony Sunday morning at No.
T engine house In West End. All honor
will be done to the celebrated mascot,
who has contributed to the gaiety of
mnny great functions since he came
Into this world over four years ago.
Taarab was presented to Chief Joy
ner. of the Atlanta Firs Departmen,
when but three months old. George
Hope, former chief of the sanitary de
partment, entrusted the little haedus
to Chief Joyner, who has since been
his special master, though Fireman W.
H. Ivey has always been looked on as
Ynarab's most Intimate friend. It was
only to Ivey that the workings of the
secret orders were revealed by Taarab,
who had access to the meetings of the
big Atlanta lodges.
In the Shrlners' circles Taafab's place
was second to none. It was to Fireman
Ivey that Taarab looked his last word.
It was a pathetic scene and one that
will be long remembered by the confi
dant of the goat that made Atlanta
Yssrsb’s Last Moments.
Friday afternoon Taarab complain'
ed of being 111. His method of com'
plaining was made up of a groan and
a growl, mixed with flgltyness, one of
the usual symptoms of goat sickness.
He was doctored and nursed, but Sat
unlay morning he was no better.
.Gradually growing worse, his ■■■■■
and comrades saw that he was losing
out In his fight with death, but they
endeavored to make his last few hours
on earth as easy as possible. About
15 minutes after s o'clock Saturday
morning the fire alarm bell sounded.
Though everything had failed to' rouse
Taarab from bis dying slumber, tho
bell acted as If magic. Rising up from
bis bed of hay, Taarab looked at Fire
man Ivey, nodded his head with every
stroke of the bell, assumed an expres
sion as If to say, "That lire Is at box
22; I think I'll have to go,” and' laid
his head down on the hay and breathed
his last.
The firemen who had not answered
the alarm covered the goat with hla
Shriner blanket, and went about their
work with saddened hearts, trying to
decide how they would break the news
to their comrades when they returnei
Taarata as the mascot of the drui
corps, made trips to Savannah, Chatta
nooga, St. Louis, New Orleans, Louis
vllle, Memphis, Rome, Ga., and Mil.
ledgevllle. At all of these places he
met the very best people, attended
balls, receptions, Was received with
much honor by the nfltyors and city of
ficials, ats his meals In the main din
ing rooms of the finest hotels
and acted like a gentleman generally.
And as for a parade—well—without
Taarab there could be no real pro
Always a Gentleman.
Taarab was a gentleman. He lacked
one trait, considered a falling of the
entire breed of billy goats. Taarab
didn't have It at all. Therefore Taarab
was received everywhere, and was al
ways well behaved.
Taarab had many little tricks about
the fire engine house. As a helper he
was strong. Pushing the shaving box
about for the firemen eras hla special
dally task. That concluded, he would
take himself off to the alley where he
would consume several tin cans, i
piece of old hose, and a few rocks be'
fore attempting any other hard work.
Taarab was a comer all right and his
demise leaves a big hole at No. ,1 en
gine house. His like will never '
found and his head, mounted oi
handsome oak board, will be placed
over the bfg alarm gong, hn so loved
to hear.
Taarab Is no more and sad are the
hearts of the firemen.
Last Wednesday evening at the din
ner given by Governor Terrell In honor
of George Foster - Peabody and Dsan
James E. Russell, of Teachers' College,
Columbia University, the subject of
honorary titles came up, and the way
they stuck to some men while others
were never known by them. Mr. Pea
body remarked .that he had been hon
ored by a university with a doctor's
degree, but that It was safely packed
up at home and no one ever knew any
thing about It Governor Terrell said
that he. too, was entitled to be known
as Doctor Terrell, but that no one ever
used the title. Colonel N. E. Harris
teas another who had been so honored,
but who did not use the handle to his
name so given hjm.
It developed that President Mathe-
son, the new head of the Technological'
School, was the 'only one present who
at some time bad not had this honor
conferred upon him.
Just then the telephone rang and
President Matheson was called for. H<
left the table and went to answer the
'phone, and when he came back his
face wore a pleased, expression as he
"Gentlemen, realising my deficiency,
Washington and Lee University has
today conferred upon me the degree of
doctor of laws."
He was Immediately heartily con
gratulated by the others, and since
then has been In receipt of a large
number of congratulatory letters and
telegrams from all parts of the coun
Dr. Toung J. Allen, the distinguished
mlutonary from Shanghai, China, will
deliver an address at Trinity church
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
Dr. Allen has been a resident of Chi
na for nearly fifty years and In that
time has beepme known as a famous
statesman and historian as well as a
missionary of the Methodist church.
So highly thought of was he by the
< nines* government that be was re
cently made a Mandarin. LI Hung
< hang furnished Dr. Allen with all the
Pt 'ate secret messages that passed
between the Chinese generals and the
*ar department, that they might be In-
Special to The Oeorgian.
Augusta, Gs., June !».—The survey
ors are at work on the lines for the
new county, which will have North Au
gusta Os the county site, and they will
In a few days be ready to report- The
officers who have the surveying In
charge are Messrs. D. V. Reeevs and
R. C. Mixon.
corporated In the history of the war
between China and Japan, which he Is
now preparing. President Roosevelt
recently called Dr. Allen to an Impor
tant conference at the White House.
Extremely Low Round Trip Rates
WASHINGTON, D. C„ $17.75.
Tickets on 3ale June 29th and July 2d and 3d,
limited to July 11th, with privilege of extension
to August 11th, by depositing and paying fee
of fiftv cents.
SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., $73.90. . ,
Tickets on sale June 24th to Julv 6th inclu
sive, limited to September 15th. Privilege go
ing one route, returning another.
HOT SPRINGS, ARK. $22.05. . M
Tickets on sale daily June 22d to .September
30th inclusive: final limit .October 31st.
DENVER, COL., $37.75. # .
Tickets on sale July 9th to 14th, limited to re
turn August 20th: diveree route west of
the Mississippi, if desired.
For particulirs call on any Agent Southern Railway, or write
J. c. BEAM, Jr.
District Passenger Agent.
But June 30 Will Be the Las
Day for the Summer
The Tech and many other literary
echools and colleges hare Just closed,
therefore, the summer reduced rates of
tuition now being offered by the South
ern Shorthand and Business Univer
sity. of this city, will be In effect'un
til Saturday, June SO, after which date
the regular prices will be charged.
Since the first of June, fifty new pu
pile have entered and quite a number
of others have arranged to begin next
week, the last of tho reduced rate sea-
son. This Is a better showing than
waa made last year by the Southern
Shorthand and. Business University
during the corresponding period
time, and this speaks well for the
old reliable Southern, which Is ever on
the upward and onward march.
Several of the Southern's students
accepted positions this week, and the
managers have -more than a doxen
places open now for stenographers and
bookkeepers, which they are unable to
Start right by attending a school
which haa stood ths test of seventsen
years. Compare the Southern's fadll
ties, equipment and standing with
bthsr business schools, and If you are
looking for something real good, you
will select tho Southern.
Call or write at once for catalogue.
A. C. Briscoe, president, or L. W. Ar
nold, vice president, Atlanta, Ga.
Continued from Pape One.
to any railroad on earth,” said HowelL
"Never owned a dollar's worth of rail
road property, or borrowed money from 1
He asked If It was fair or right for
Smith to stand before that audience
and visit hla own sins on Howell.
“Why, friends, there was never a day
’ • *• JI as luuus, tunc nu IlCfCi iV UHJ
when Hoke couldn’t give Hemp cards
and spades and beat him at the game,"
declared Howell.
Wanted Specific Instances.
Let Smith apeak for himself about
this. Will he do Itf
Cries of “He 'will” were drowned .out
bjf. "No, no.”
"I do not deal In glittering general!
ties, and you can bet your bottom dol
lar that I have the record to back up
any etatement I make here.”
He said Smith would shut out rail
roads; Howell would let them come In
to develop the state, but they must live
strictly under the laws Hs said Smith's
campaign had been one of vllllltcatlon
and abuse for every public official, yet
Smith had never put hla linger on a
specific Instance. Ha asked that In
Smith's hour and a half to specify and
not to make vague charges.
Audience Rises to 8mlth.
As he spoke Increased applause went
up for a full minute, while a stage
hand produced an unearthly nolo# with
bugs piece of sheet Iron.
As Smith rose over half the audience
stood and yelled Itself hoarse.
Mr. 8mith 8peak,.
Mr. Smith said, In part:
"I have charged that ths people are
not receiving a square deal from the
railroads. I have criticised the Dem
ocratic machinery, the governor and
the railroad commission for not pro
tecting the people against unjust
freight and passenger rates. My crit
icisms have been answered not by ar
gument, but by personal abuse. I care
nothing for their slanderous charges.
1 will prove my criticisms to be true.
"Tho two railroads which run
through this city and Immediate sec
tion are the Southern and the Central.
The rates charged by each of these
railroads fpr parrying passengers and
freight are the same. Tou pay them
10-100 higher rates than you paid thir
ty years ago.
"For about eight years past these
railroads have been enjoying an un
precedented prosperity. The volume
of their business has been Immense,
and yet your rallmad commissioners
and your governor quietly sit by and
lake no action to tistore the rates
formerly charged by these roads.
Rates Wars Reduced.
“Last fall, I brought to the atten
tion of the public ths gross Injustice
of allowing these 'roads, and others
which'I have named, to charge the
standard rates and 25 per cent added,
view of the Immense business they
were doing and ths great profits they
were making. I told the people of El
berton, Gs., that even before I wai
nominated for governor I would sc
make tha public understand this
question that ths railroad commission
would be compelled to do something to
ward reducing these rates.
''During ths month of January, of
ths present year, ths rates which ths
Central and thf Southern roods were
charging were ordered reduced by the
railroad commission about I per cent
Additional Market News.
Officially corrected I>y Atlanta Fruit and
Prodoc# pirhuDC*.
Lemon* to J5.73.
Lime* 73 to ft. . . .
Ptssa pales 9fQ to SS.W, market at present
time well stocked.
Bananas. »tmights. t*** hu«ch tlM to
$1.75. rails, per hvovU. Si to $1.25.
Ktrn wherries. Georgia stock. 24-eusrt
crates. to 12; Tenneeeee SI to .$1.50
per crate. .**
Wtser melons, $10.00 to 120.00 per 100; do-
inn ml pusl.
LWe hens 35 to Styf: frle* 224 to 25c;
broilers 1ft to 3%c. lire docks. Pekin »
to 9Sc; puddle * to 2; i 3 c.
Dressed hen*, per Is., Ur to 11c; dressed
turkeys, per lb.. IV to He; very dull.
”— — * sis. • .
20 to 2214c; cook
. 'nney—NewItyiOc lb.; In Mb. racks 10
*VKGETABI»R&-Irish _
stock S4a)0 lwirn-1; N.», 2. stork to 14.
^ Rests* cabbage crate*, per crate $2.25 to
Tmrntoss. per crate. J2 to $2J0.
Jleans. greet:, per crate, Jl to 11.23; wax
GO to 73e.
to Si.25; whits Tic
market overstocked
to 71c, market
Corn, new, IS to 20c per
Okya, per crate,> to t
Cucumber*, per crate, 50
well stocked.
potatoes, pi.
Kwect potato*«, per bushel, SI to $1.25.
Kplnseh SI,per bustl'd.
Asparagus l? 1 * to flta* bunch.
Peaches, per crate. $1 to $1.53.
Cherries, 21-quart crate, $> to Si.
Cantaloupes no- emte, Q to
Illnekberrtes 1"? fs :?•£c nuart.
Dewberries 10 to If*? unart. »
FLOCn.-Posteta Hlegnnt Sill; Diamond
patent $•• fancy patent $5.10; half pntont to_$4.»; f«nrj $3.90/ spring wheat
patent SS.Goi^d! Market strong. »
COItN.-Choice red cob 7*o; No. | whits
74c; No. 2 yellow 71c; mixed 71c.
white clipped, 62c;
“ I Ten
k*; No. 2 yell
White. 60e; choice mixed, Oc
proof, 60c.
MLAL.--I'lnln water ground, per bushel,
73c? I tolled )40-ll>. Jntofc per bushel. t3r.
Shorts, white. $1.40: medium. S1J5; brown.
$1.30: pure bran, $LJ0; mixed bran, $1.15.
IIAY;—Timothy, choice large bales, $1.10.
do., choice small bales $1.14; do.. No.
timothy Iwles. $1.06; do.. No. 2 $1; do., No.
clover mixed $1.06; do.. No. 2 closed mixed
CLOVEll.—Cfeelro «*.
The above prices are f. & b. Atlanta, and
■abject to Immediate acceptance.
HUG AIL-Standard granulated 5c. New
York Ucflued 4*4 to 4!i; plantation! 4 to 4H?.
Market stronger.
COFFKL'.—Roasted Arbuekle's $15.60;
bulk, Ui ^hags or ^barrels, 12%c; green 10 to
RICB-—Carolina 4V4 to 7Hc, according to
grade. Market very strong.
'’IIKEHK—Fancy full cream dairy, 14c;
Inc, l*%ej brick. 14c. Market atrong.
PROVISIONS.—Supreme him*. 14Vfc*. Cal*
Ifornla hams lOtfcc;* Red Cross hams. 15c. Dn
salt extra ribs, f.76; bellies, JW-5 lbs. 10.60:
fat backs. »H*. nlates *Rc. Supreme laid
Red Cross 10c. Snow Drift compound.
Did. Asked.
Georgia 4Hs. 1915 114
Georgia, R. It. lib 1910 Iffi
Savannah 5a. 1909 IMtt
Macon is. 1910 ‘
Atlanta, 5s, 1911..
Atlanta nml Weft l'olnt.1«
itlnnta nml West l’ulnt Delits, 107
Stgu.lV'and HaveniisbtH117
Honthwimtrrn,... IIS
leorxtn IlirtBv lata ID
c" soil A 1st A 1M
By Private LeMed Wire.
New York, June 22,—George B. Mc
Clellan, accompanied by his wife,
sailed for Europe today aboard the
steamship New York. President Mc
Gowan, of the board of aldermen, will
act as mayor until Mr. McClellan's re
turn to the city in September.
of Oeorgla mors than half a million
dollars a year.
"The effort of two of ths commis
sioners to show that the light by At
lanta waa to-obtain an undue advan
tage over other Georgia points Is un
fair and uncandld. It may be that Mr.
Warner Hill does not understand tha
qusatlon, but Mr. Joseph M. Brown
does, and when he published that this
was an effort to obtain an unique ad
vantage for Atlanta, he cams squarely
In conflict with another publication
which ho haa made.
Ha attacked me by his letters gen
erally In Georgia, and undertook to
show that lower rates from the ports
were fought to give an undue advan
tage to Atlanta. This was upon the
theory that the lower rates ware to be
for Atlanta and not for other dlstrlb'
rtoudr tonight and Sunday, probably show'
Ulwl.alppi—Ofwuwnml anil Winona, clear
uiwiMippi-weeawoml nml Wlnnnt, rleir
nml tUntunt. Vaioo nty. UerbUan. Iluslr.
Unmi. Jnrkaon, Vlrk.lmrg. Broanhnven.
Y rar and hot. Oreiiaila, dear and . coot
niches, clear an
„ ■ — — OreuniU, clear end. cool.
Nntehes. clear and hot.
Montgomery, Hlrnilng-
nml hot. IIuntiTttle,
portly cloudy and
hmn. Opelika, clear an
pertly cloudy and warm
(Irorglii-Mncon. Altwuy,
Atlanta,, clear and hoi.
Americas nml
I ISHdritM, MlnlMlppI, Alabama nail Went
Florida—Genera lly ' 1 k
iluv: llrht to ..... ...... .
xn»—Fair Sniurilaj-. except
■ wb-r In northern —— “■
fair and cooler In the lot'
Went Toxas-Falr Saturday; cooler In the
nonth portion; Sunday .bower, and cooler
Saturday; Sunday partly cloudy.
Tenneaaee and Ketiltirky-i'arlly cloudy
Saturday; ahowera and cooler at night and
Sunday. ,
Thoro l« a trough of low proMura *xL
rn, ilng orar a narrow atrip of country!
mas tho eastern lake region aouthwcsM
Into Non hern Mexico. Thera are two ecu
tcra of low pressure, one over North*cat
Texaa nml tno other over Western New
York. The eastward drift of this "lowla
haa rnlined rain In the lake region. Ill
Ohio, upjwr MIhhIhrIppI and lower Mlaaourl
valleys. The .North Pacific high pressure
area has moved eastward and la centered
near Htmkane, Wash.
■The temperature baa rteen tome what at
tost stattona south of the Ohio, while fig
II somewhat cooler over the northern hs
(of the United Statea..
The conditions favor partly cloudy weath
er In this section tonight and Sunday, prob-
ably showers Sunday. _ ^
a, A In liama and. Smith Carolina—I
For the 24 hofira ending at I a. m., TGtb
I-or the 21 hours ending at
meridian time, June 21 flOA
^Atlanta ... ...
"Chattanooga ...
Gainesville ... ...
Jewnan ... ...
Homo ... ..I ..«
SiMrtanbnrg ......
TallapooM ...
Toccoa .:. ...
West Point
•Minimum temperatures sira for 12 hour
period ending at H, tills date.
Temperataree were somewhat higher over
** ‘ * ‘ ig most decided In
— Light rains fell In
Augusta. Memphis. Galveston. Oklahoma,
Harsnnah and Wilmington districts.
Local Forecaster,
Now York, Jane a.—The Han aaym
shat ringnlar ami uerbapn rather
fact that the inarli.t pnyn little
to continued drought In Texu.
a somewhat
IgnMcant ~
attention .. _
with maximum
, night In Texan,
with maximum temperature In many place,
ranging from N to 1M degree,, nor to tha
fuel that no rath wn, predicted for Mouth
t It In moat needed. Hay-
ran months there was by
• hoanaa. Llrerpnol took
Homo of the room
McFndden A Urn.
a I boons nd bales
l j rnnti
been |
The railroad rompanteo have filed
bill In the United State* court again.!
the commlaalon. objecting even to tbla
■mall reduction.
"It la ahown by the railroad com-
mlnalonera themaelve., Joseph M.
Brown having aworn to tha statement,
that the average rates in Georgia on
the Southern and Central for the dis
tances named are It per cent higher
:han. those charged In Virginia, North
Jirollna. South Carolina. Alabama,
Mississippi and Tennessee.
It la also stated In this answer, sworn
to by Mr. Brown, that the total value
of property exempt and subject to tax
ation of the Central railroad In Geor
gia, aggregates' Iff.MI.IM.
Would Save Money.
"Do I not moke a case which justifies
me In seylng that our railroad commie-
aloners could be better engaged work
ing to reduce the rates than In writing
cards to defend them and to abuse one
who Is showing the people the unjust
burden which they bear? An average
reduction throughout the state of M
cents per bale In the' price of hauling
cotton to ports would leave the rall-
1 < lltc-iable eonil'-ri,.t!|oo
th-lr work, noul'l >alc the farmer.
to arouse the marble men of
North Georgia against my candidacy
he furnished The Cherokee Advance a
letter addressed to the Marble Hhlpper
‘ Georgia, In which he used this Ian
gunge; ‘If these port rates had been
ited to Atlanta they must have
granted to other Georgia cities.'
Who He’d Turn Out.
Ha then took the-cities of Albany,
Atnericua, Athene, Columbus, Hawklna-
vllle, Mllledgevllle, Macon, Borne and
dsdarad'that all of these cities would
have received the reduction In the
rates from the porta right along-with
Atlanta. The same principle which
he them admitted with reference to
these cities would have applied to the
other cities of Gaorgta. and I present
to you Mr. Joseph M. Brown's state
ment, dated June 12, l>0«, a copy of
which I hold In my hand, which con
tradicts all he haa published heretofore
on this subject, and also contradicts
Mr. Warner Hill’s etatement.
"I believe It la necessary to turn the
pohtloal agent and the political attor
ney of the great railroad companies
out of our Democratic state executive
committee and put men in charge of
your Democratic organisation who
really desire and are determined to
right these wrongs. I believe It la
necessary to put upon your railroad
commlaalon men who are In earnest,
who see the altuntlon, and will fsar-
lasaly and isaloualy serve the people.
"I see In the struggle I am-leading a
great service to the people of my state,
and I will seek to do my part to win
for them a victory, regardless of criti
cism and slander.
8mith Net Surprised.
"Tha whole effort of the men who
hays failed to do their duty, and of tha
political agents who serve the gnat
slander and abuse. I have not
been surprised at this. I well knew It
would take place. It to a natural re
sult from my attacking an entreachad
political machine, and of making a
struggle for popular rights against cor
porals greed, but I do not fear the re
sult. • _
itba more and the people I Fire was scattered ove
It to their loke for whb h |b-for. aid could be
Sard.” boon Was burned ent!
of the new et
s of the wire
August to some extent.
.hurt., too, Itnaiht and
— - 'im
- . ...a Then. Price. They
were also, It seems, boring Jely. The
expectation, moreover, la that tho weekly
statistic will her* quite the bullish look
riqt cloth* waft said lo have been
be other
, Nothing
•eem* to be able to arouse It from III
lethargy. Thing* were not Improved either
by the report that Insurance companies
have refused to leene potlele* no a large
quantity of rotten ntored ee Htnten Island.
Other* said It waa only U,0M lute*, Molly
removed at comparatively small root. Then,
again, tieopl. tire nfrnl.l of Jnlr. I* the
liquidation In It over? Hears maintain that
not much cotton In effected by tbs Texan
drought, or at least not more then a quar
ter of what torila nay la. - Good many sus
pect. however, that the Mouth, which la
short, sad heavily short, to throwing cold
water on any attempt to bull the market
either here or to hew Orleans. Ilut the
weather wee clear In the mstern belt, ae
la desired, and It won sot bet to some parte
of Texes. Notice day, too, comes next s«l
In New Orleans ou Wednesday and to New
York ou Friday. Homs profess to sniff dsn*
ger for e bull already."
"SImI" lilt Jack S1.00.
“Beat" Bolster Springs, $4.50
Mr. Crime makes a strong talk on
the many excellent qualities of the
Mr. Upchurch banka on the "Old Hickory" Wagons and Drays "be
cause they run light and outwenr all > others.". , t »- . J
Mr. Reader knows a good harness when he sees them. "I make 'em,
and I know we uso tho finest leather that money will buy.”
Mr. Kimball thinks "Moyer” Buggies and "Frailer” nond Carts the
beat on wheels, “good enough for anybody.”
Mr. Daniel takes In tha shecklos, and says “we have to sell 'em too
cheap for these good, times." "Everybody knows.”
Front New Depot,
44-46 Madison Aye.
Continued from Pape One.
. effort of
_ at la tha eeriy
crap section of Texas, (be talent quit*
logically refuses lo eell new crop op non
drawn out drought to
•elds of the law Star male, murk may
bo made of loot night * bullish vlalble sup
ply etatruwat. In any event, the if*rc*
ehowlag a decree** of 2H,*N bale*, ••
■eatnit s deeroese of I20.N, bales In 1*04,
will add continuation to the bulll.b ex
pectation of a rapidly dtmlatoblng oapply
and <he uraent MMf of a new crop produc
tion of 12.ona.0oe or our*. Thu*, ataay man
an Impelled to believe In the Integrity of
current value*, lint 'few of them an anf-
flolently optlmiillr to warrant the .taking
of good mousy on the obscure prospect' ef
e radical rise. On the other hand, tb—
Is no Inducement whatever te eell either i
or aew crop option*, and with the pql
wholly out of the game, eperotatlvr tr*dl
therefore Is rail need to tho Irrednethlp min
imum. lienee, the alienee of lotenret gen
erally awl of the everagn
profoeeloMl.'—were A belaud.
•perlal to Tho Oeorglen. .
Comer, On., June 22.—Comer was
visited by a violent storm of wind, rain
and hall yesterday afternoon. Neigh
boring farmerr. report crop, nearly
ruined by th^ hill.
During the hardest part of tho atorm,
the wind blow down tho chimney of a
negro houaa on tha outskirts of town.
tha hou*e, and
unniii'ine I, the
nested on n desk and Plunket waa seat
ed In a. chair a few feet nway. In
stantly there was a loud report and
Plunkrt cried out, "Oh. I'm shot,” at
the same time throwing both hands to
111* heart.
Terrified at what he had done, young
Urown rushed to the side of his wound-
id ’ triand, and,, togathor with Wood
Bosom, ,of 72 Walton street, another
night watcludan who was In the office,
Intel him down and made him as rum-
fortnblo as ponalbtc. Brown then
quickly telephoned the Grady hoipltnl
and summoned tho ambulance. Young
I. In til" meant line, i.m 1" tl"
house, nearby, and notified J. B.
Plunket, an uncle of the wounded
Taken to Hbipltal.
Tim nmbulnnco waa aoon on the
scene anti Plunket was hurried to the
hospital. The bullet Imd severed tho
life chord, however, nnd before
could lie gotten Into tho operating room
III- breathed dlls last. „
Brown tnnde no effort to esenpe, but
remained In tho olllre until the arrival
of Policemen A. U. Bnbort* nnd Mitch
ell. who sent him to tho police station.
It was not thought at first nn lnqueet
would 1"' him cm ai > and tlm tii.iti
was arraigned for examination before
Recorder Broyles. It developed, how
ever, that Rogers, although he was
resent In tha office, did not sea tho
atal shot fired, and, under these cir
cumstances, Coroner Thompson deetd-
. 1 i.. ti,-Id mi lru|ii"-.t
Both Brown and Bpgera relate sub
stantially tho snino Story and muko out
a clear rasa of accidental death.
Brown’* Story of AeeldenL
To the recorder. Brown told n
straightforward atory of the shooting.
He sold:
Plunket and myself were the beat
of friends and 1 loved him aa I would
■brother. I would not bavo had this
rrllde affair to occur for anything In
I he world. No one regrets It os I do.
"It was Just this wny: Plunket, Rog
ers and myself work In the yarde at
night and are together, a great deal.
Last night we made sevoral trips
through the yard* together. This
iimnilng about 3 o'clock 1 was at lela-
ttro and we were all three In the de
livery rlerk'e ofilce. Rogers waa lying
down and Plunket nnd tnyself decided
to ehoot at a target on the wall, each
of us having a' pistol.
■ “Wo shot twice rnch at the target
and then began cleaning the pistol*
with n handkerchief I had been wear
ing about my neck. 1 cleaned my pis
tol and replaced the two empty ahells
and three cartridge*, after which
Plunket borrowad the handkerchief to
ran hto weapon. Ha removed the
cylinder and while rubbing It, re-
mnrkod hla pistol waa hard on trigger.
I replied that mine was also. He then
handed me hla pistol and told me to
try both of them together anil aaa
vhlch of the two wae the h&rdeat to
■nap. I waa saatsd on a desk and laid
the pistols on my lap, one In each f
hand. I bad forgotten about replacing
tha cartridges In my pistol and snaiqied
both of them, thinking they were both
unloaded. There won. a report and
iPlunket, who was sitting In a chair
I near me, riled out he waa shot. I then
■tophonod for tb* ambulance.”
■ lingers stated that he was lying
down and heard the two young man
ng about the pistols, but did
^■th* fatal ahot fired. He heard
the report and heard Plunket acclaim
Bis was shot.
"We had been together for some
[tlm*,” sold Rogers, “and I never heard
Brown and Plunket apeak a cross
word. They war* perfectly friendly
and ws had all planned to go fishing
today In the Chattahoochee river.”
The two pistols and (ha handker
chief, just aa they ware found after
the shooting, wer* Introduced In evi
Deplorable Accident.
In rendering hto decision. Judge
Broyles commented on the tragedy aa
being deplorable. He said that under
Ith* evidence the killing wae purely
accidental and he would dismiss the
cose. Brown wae then locked up again
to await the coroner's Inquest.
Brown to a son of Mr*. Husle Brown,
who to now In the hospital for Incura
ble*, afflicted with cancer. He say*
hr ha* not seen hto step
father, R. W. Brown, for the past three
year*. The dead young man I* the
son of John A. Plunket, who works for
|the Georgia Railway nnd Electric Com
Second and Last Week of the
Musical Corned) Company, In Goorgo
Ade't Great Success,
Next Week.
Mifineii Tuesday, Thursdiy isd Siturday
Europe’s Most Famous Hothd-
womnn. direct from New York
Hippodrome. Introducing her
Arabian Horses.
Comedy Gymnast*.
Comedy Duo.
waterWbros? 0 " 1 ^
In their Great Musical Act.
New Moving Pictures.
6sie st Grsnd Box Office.
Will lecture next Thurday Even
ing at
Wesley Memonal Church.
Governor Taylor Is well known si ibs
Greitcst Lecturer on Ihe Pisiform.
Prices: 50c and 75c
Tickets on Sale st EDMONDSON ft
BKO.'S, 14 Soulh Broad Street,
Coliseum, June 26th, 27th
ThU will bo Walthour's last appear
ance. Admission 25c, Reserved Seats
25c extra.
I P-/VRK n
Of Atlanta.
A NEGRO WOMAN " 1 "«"«ntiy
Csrfthsrs Is a m< tuber of c
I Madison county's mi
Hperlsl to Tbs Georgian. j Madison county's most prominent fum-
Comer, Gs., June 22.—News has Just lllMI ' __________ •
reached hors of tbe alleged killing of a L w ,„„ rr „ cn .„
negreaa ni Kmniu Brown by Bud EX-CONFEDERATE SURGEON
Cartther*. who Uve. 2 mile, fronf here. |
ft to charged that while C'arilhera waa ;
In Comer, ti trading to some mittirofj^J**.
busInesM, th«* negr-i woman hod a ml#-
understanding with Mrs. Cartther*. and * • Orrrn
used soma very profane and obacrae army an<
lan$«Me city, n «
On i*arlthers* return, he wag told of jMwuntalr
th* trouble, and'' itoinfc to the negro's (at fxnH-*
renewed the quarrel. She be- to Ml«sh
In* him. and Mr. Cartth^M. • hi** ^rvt
pi* k*:«i up a pl-jw b**um and ver pla*i
••nn, June 23—Dr. L*
• n in thf* Confederate
ir.* n» physician of this
hip h*»me on Lookout
r.iduated la medicine
. in ItiJI and went
H** rendered Invalua-
uuilng the yellow to-