Newspaper Page Text
three of wreck victims
Three of the victims of the wreck wore Atlantans—Engineers R. H.
.•Union, R. A. Hamilton nnd Fireman Oliver A. Gentry.
H. H. Atkinson waa 43 years old. and bad an enviable record of It
.ears' service with the road. He leave; a wife and six children, a son
hems frown. Mr. Atkinson lived at 258 Capitol avenue, and was a
member of the Odd Fellows and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.
Ills son went to bring back the body, but nothing baa been heard from
! ' in, \V. P. Hamilton, the engineer of the other train, was 41 years old
and lived at 7* Simpson street. He had been with the road for 30 years
or more, and alio had an excelled record. He was a member of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and will also probably be burled
under the auspices of the order. His wife and sister left for Dalton
Sunday to attend to the funeral arrangments.
The only one of thetrio whose body has been brought home Is Fire
man Oliver A. Gentry. His body was brought to Atlanta Monday mom-
ins and carried to his late residence at (8 Jones avenue. He was 38
veara old. and leaves a wife and two sons, 13 and 1« years old, nnd a
young daughter. The funeral services will be held from the Georgia Ave
nue Baptist church at 9:30 Tuesday morning. Rev. Mr. Goodwin officiat
ing. The following will act as pallbearers: J. D. Pyron, C- E. Pratt. J.
A Adams, W. B. Adams, E. M. Quinn and James Garsh. The Inter
ment will be at Hollywood.
Freight Trains Collide
Head-on at Early
Hour Sunday.
R. H. ATKINSON, Atlanta, Ga.
W. P. HAMILTON, engineer,
Dalton, Gs.
Spcclnl to The Oeorftan.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 9.—Al
though a large force of firelighters and
rescuers have been at work clearing
the wreckage caused by. the frightful
head-on freight collision on the West
ern and Atlantic the past thirty-six
hours, the remains of Engineer Atkin
son have not yet been recovered and It
Is feared the body has been cremated.
The remains of the other dead'were
shipped to the homes of their families
for burial this morning.
Sps-clal to The Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 9.—One of
the worst freight wrecks that ever oc
curred on the Western and Atlantic
road happened about one mile south
of Boyce station Sunday morning at
1:24 o'clock. Four trainmen were killed
Instantly, about fifteen cars were
burned, Including a car load of cattle,
and the damage will amount to about
Trainmen Forgot Orders.
The southbound train was a few
minutes behind time and had received
orders at Boyce station to taka tha
siding at Kings point switch, but. It Is
believed, Ihe trainmen forgot their or
ders. This train had passed the switch
only a short distance when the crash
came. Engineer Atkinson Jumped, and
at a late hour yesterday his remains
were still In the burning wreck. Ths
body of Fireman Gentry was pinned
between the engine and tender and
was badly mutilated. The' bodies of
Engineer Hamilton and Fireman Pin
son were found wedged between the
tender and the engine of the north
bound train.
Fiftaan Cars Burnad.
About fifteen care were burned and
orders were Issued by. Yardmaater
Canehart to the fire department .to
•end an engine, to the scene of the
Are, and thla engine and company was
taken to the wreck, seven miles away.
In eight minutes. Only three head of
cattle escaped cremation. One of these
wa. seen graxlng in a field nearby with
a broken leg.
Wreckage Cleared Away.
Soon after the collision a wrecking
train, In charge of George Pears, was
sent to the wreck and the debris was
sufficiently cleared sway so that trains
could he operated at 3 p. m.
The wreck occurred on a fill and the
tender of the southbound train was
thrown down the embankment with
the wreckage and waa burned. The
tinder of the northbound train Jammed
Into the cab of the engine and la a total
wreck. Both engines were of the heav
iest type tlght-wheelera.
Both engineers were married, and
r.h the trainmen were among the old
est and moat reliable In the service of
the rtaad. . . .
S12.000.000 INCREASE
Accused of insulting Miss Minnie
Miller, daughter of Bailllf John Miller,
of 184 Edgewood* avenue, Sidney
Barnet a young negro, la held prisoner
In the police station and will- l a tried
Monday afternoon before Recorder
The negro le said to have caught Mlaa
Miller by the arm Just as ahe alighted
from a trolley car early Saturday night
at Edgewood nnd Piedmont avenuea,
and to have spoken to her In an insult
ing manner. The negro then ran and
Miss Miller reported the matter to the
Call Officers Norris and Brannan
went to the scene and soon arrested
Barnes. The negro denies he caught
hold of Miss Miller and protests that
he was speaking to a negro woman In
front of tha young lady.
In order to Increase the efficiency of
the probation work In Atlanta, Proba
tlon Officer Gloer has appointed aa an
assistant Alice Carey, a well known
negro woman, who will have supervis
ion over the negro boys and girls on
The woman assumed her new duties
Monday morning. She will visit the
homes of the negro children and keep
In close touch with them and their
parents as long as they are on proba
tion. With this assistant. Officer Gloer,
who has his hands full with the rat'"
Increasing work of the probation
flee, will be able to give more time to
the welfare of the white children.
Carey woman will be paid for her work
by popular subscription among her
Alice Carey waa formerly principal
of the Mitchell Street public school,
and la regarded aa one of the moat In
telligent negro women of the city.
Hpc.-Inl to The Georgian.
Jackson, Miss., July 7.—The railroad
rommiiaion thla morning Increased the
a/essrnent on “11 common carriers 1
Jf r , a ! n * ln the state 11 per cent. The
lotal.lnceaae will be about 313.000.000.
This action was based on the net
earnings of the corporation capital
•no* engaged fn business. . Ths rail-
Ii*. d * ® r » raising a storm of protest
, w “l endeavor to Induce the com-
ml!Ml, h to reconsider this action.
•>> The Georgian.
savannah, Ga., July 9.—The striking
metricians and Bnemen of the South-
rn Bell Telephone Company had a
Cnb.’nmf 4 '"?*! n, * ht wUh th « no »-
t'lk.LHf" ', vho h * v ® *>*•“ employed to
tie „ th r P 1 *®*- The fight occurred at
3 ;L‘' rn erof Drayton and Broughton
ii.Tlo; I 11 *, honored* of people were
h*-«Wir.e riot F* 11 w “ ** nt tq Police
iecti?e« a wagon load of de-
tbe''"'•formed men hurried to
was found that E. E.
r,, ", 1 ,: •'eetriclen for the Atlantic
Ten were • h,d ._5»* n »'»»>bed. Four
i ® rr **t«d. one union man,
n '"n MtiS d J? ck ' “"d ,hr ** non-union
J. L. u!« k w t ^ 0rro,f - J ' «'• *<•" and
Special to The Georgian. ,
Jacksonville, Fla., July 9.—The decls
Ion of Judge Samuel T. Shaylor In the
court here this morning was to the ef
fect that Information against the local
Ice dealers, or alleged trust, be quashed
on account of certain dafects therein.
Judge Shaylor, howsvsr, practically
sustained County Solicitor Bryan on
ths merits of the case, and gave him
an opportunity to file an amended in
formation, which he did at once, and
which, he claims, covers the defects
In Ihe first.
A. W. Cockrell. Jr, one of the at
torneys for the Ice men, naked that a
week be given the defame to meet the
new Information, which was strenu
ously opposed by Solicitor Bryan.
Jud —'
was Important, and there should be no
'■M—Ally ear **--
delay. 'He consequently set the case
for trial on’next Wedi
The ease against the alleged Ice trust
was first taken up a week ago fast
Tuesday, when Solicitor Bryan filed
Information against* local lea dealers.
The defendants at once secured able
counsel to fight the case, and rarely.
Indeed, have auch distinguished law
yers figured in a case la Duval county.
Those engaged in the case are Francis
P. Fleming and his son; ex-CIrcult
Judge W. B. Young*. W. H. Baker,
president of city coucll; A. W. Cockrell.
jr„ a member of the board of the bond
trustees; Duncan 17. Fletcher, ex-may-
or and chairman of the Democratic
executive committee, and Robert A.
The defense made was a strong one.
Argument! were made lot week to
quash Information, which, the lawyers
alleged, to be defective.
The case has been for several days
enerally discussed and the pefpte
eve been much Interested.
Mr. Bryan today said that even a
conviction of the Ice men might not
■ton the high price-of Ice that now
nrevalls. and that the best remedy was
for tha city to engage In the ice bust-
Continued from Page One.
Clark Howell entered at 11:65 a.m.
and the cheers were equally as enthu
siastic. Both candidates took seats on
tho stage after fighting their way
through the crowd.
At 12:10 o’clock A. P. Voson.
Dougherty county. Introduced Smith.
By this time the crowd had swelled to
nearly 4,000. Outgoing trains were un
til after the speaking.
Smith w ns greeted with cheers.
Hoke Smith 9peaks.
Mr. Smith began by .saying that
year ago he demanded a square deal
between the railroad companies and tho
people. He declared he had not sought
to do Injustice to railroad companies,
but had demanded that they cease to
tax the Industries of the people of
Georgia with excessive charges.
He said thnt those who support the
corporation side do not favor prevent
ing excessive bond and stock Issues
and feel no hostility to dividends on
watered stocks and bonds. They qui
etly permit high freight nnd passen
ger charges on the part of the rail
road cotnpanles to pay dividends and
Interests on the watered stocks and
bonds, lit' asserted.
Controls Freight Rates.
Your railroad commission has con
trol of the freight rate from hero to
.Savannah.” said .V “A study of the
freight rnteji on cotton In Georgia will
showr that ft reduction of from 30 to 60
cents per bale can be made and yet
leave the railroad earning a fair profit.
This would savfe the farmers of Georgia
over $500,000 .a year.**
He said the Southern, Central and
Atlantic Coast Line "have millions of
dollars of watered stocks and bonds,
and are proceeding t" make these
storks and bonds valuable bv the taxes
they levy upon the people fur currying
passengers obd freight.
"If you wish to place the Democratic
party whero It can permanently stand
for the right of the masses of the
people In tills state, you must drive
the use of money by corporations out
of politics In Georgia- You must en-
lnrge and broaden the definition of
lobbying, and lessen the power of the
man or men employed to look after the
Interests of the corporations ln connec
tlon with legislative matters. You
must put an end to convention noml
nations, and require that all nomine
tlons be made at the ballot box by the
“Where Does He 8tsnd7”.
‘Now, where does my opponent, Mr.
Clark Howell, stand upon these sub*
Jects? Where does all four of my op
ponents stand upon them? Not
word of criticism has come from eithor
of the four about the conditions which
I criticise. NHtlmr of tlm four has
said one w ord to help me In this strug
gle. Colonel Estlll, Colonel James M
Smith lm\e not claimed to dcslrt* that
tile I pI*- be freed from taxation to
meet Interests and dividends on water
ed stocks and bonds.
"Judge Russell has openly pit
ed that he stands by the vote he cast In
the legislature In 1885 to take away
from the railroad cnminfsrdnn tin* right
to fix fieight rotes In the present
campaign Mr. Howell hap, therefore,
nit himself In the position of lndora-
ng the course of tho present railroad
commission, and of Indorsing existing
freight rates now* being paid by the
MKTpie ot the state.
our opponents are defending condi
tions as they exist:
ty position that the taxes
Iroud companies are now plac
ing upon the people of Georgia are ex
cessive and unjust, then my four op
ponents are defending tho right of tho
railroad companies to unjustly and ex
cessively tax the people of the state.
“Who Are Backing 'Em?”
‘Who are backing my opponents In
thle race? Tho leading attorneys and
officers of the big railroad systems of
■“ la are supporting them.
...jerever one of the four candi
dates Is selected as the candidate ln a
particular county to oppose me, you
find the leading representatives of the
railroad companies backing that par
ticular candidate/
I call your attention to two matters
which cams up while he (Howell) was
In the legislature One was the ef
fort to put Patrick Calhoun, a railroad
lawyer and vice president of the Rich
mond and Danville Railroad, In the
United States senate. Mr. Howell has
said that ho voted for Hon. N. J. Ham*
mond, his fellow citizen. I ask Mr.
Howell If he did not go Into the cau*
cus of friends. of various candidates
who were opposing General Gordon and
tier- nig* 1 tin- cnucijM t<« select Patrick
Calhoun as the caucus* nominee, and
ask him further If he was really for
Hon. N. J. Hammond, why he did not
urge the caucus to Indorse Hammond
Instead of Calhoun?
"I call his attention to franchise
delation, by which ths franchises of
e railroads have been attacked.
There was a conflict In ths legislature
as to whether the bill called tha Cand
ler bill should be passed, or whether
another bill, which in the senate was
termed the- Skelton bill, should be
Atlanta Buyers:
Here’s Your Chance!
Extra qua lily, high pile Axmin-
sters and Velvet Carpels in un-
usunlly attractive patterns and
color schemes, retailing regular
ly at $1.00 and $1.25 yard,
DAYS ONLY. Made and
Laid on Your Floor for
Velvet Carpets
9x12 Empire Granite Art Squares, beer, selling
?a,r 60 .? a ? h :. ,h '“ $6.00
9x12 All-Wool Art Squares, In hnndsome ;iat-
terne and color schemes, 313.50 (4R rtrt
value, now 4* IUiWU
7.6x10.6 All-Wool Smyrna Rugs, worth regu-
St*!*., :...,$12.00
27x54 Axmlnster Rugs, $3.00 value,
si; $2.oo
9x13 Tapestry Brussel Rugs, In medallion and
small figured designs, $13.50
9x13 Brussels Rugs, In Oriental effects, exqui
site color schemes, $18.60 value, $15.00
9x13 All-Wool Sinyrna Rugs, same grado that
sells for $20.00 everywhere, this $16.00
Lace Curtains
119 pairs hnndsomo Lace Curtains, In beauti
ful Novelty effects, full wide, rich floral j>ot-
tcrmi, etc., worth regular $2.00, to
close .
49 pairs fine White and Cream Ruffled Bnh-
blnot Curtains, with Battenborg Insertion and
hire edge, were priced $2.50 pair.
One lot about lo pairs beautiful Irish Point
Cuitnlna, In . Wi. nn l> ilrl, pnttenm^A ^|-
r, ‘Kuliir $:,.oo vHlue, special ■ • O
50c and 60c Mattings Iron Beds Reduced.
At 35c Yard
FOR 35c
Here’s an after invento
ry bargain that will bring
a crowd of buyers. To
morrow we’ll place on salo
while they last 49 rolls
finest Jap and China Mat
tings, in exquisite em
broidered effects—selling
regularly at 50c and 60a
vard., Y
Eighty-six rolls extra
quality China and Japan
ese Mattings, in beautiful
carpet patterns and de
signs, selling regularly
at 35c and 40c yard bv the
To be discontinued ARE
Here’s Certainly a glorious
opportunity for thrifty buy
ers. •
Some $3.00 Beds $2.00
Some $3.50 Beds...., $2.50
Some $4.50 Beds $3.00
Somd $5.98 Beds... .$4.00
Some $6.50 Beds $5.00
Some $8.50 Beds $6.00
And so on.
Feather Pillows, hygie
nic and odorless, $1.50
pair, cacli
Mattresses, well made,
cotton filled, covered
with best ticking,
$3.00 and Up.
Aceptable to Roads.
"The Bkelton bill was acceptable to
the railroads. Tho friends of frnnchtno
taxation Insisted that the Skelton bill
provided no machinery for enforcing
the taxation, and would have been use
less. The Candler bill was the bill
finally passed.
."I call ble attention to the fact that
_.e moved to recom - — -
and that when he.
the committee was to substitute tha
8kelton bill for tty* Candler bill.
If the appointment of commission
ers remains with the governor, I will
name ha commissioners man with views
upon thla subject In harmony with the
platform which I am urging, and I
would not put upon the- commission
Mr. Joseph M. Brown or Mr. Warner
If the legislature passes a bill to
elect the railroad commissioners by the
people, then It Is of the utmost Import
ance that the party machinery should
be taken out of control of railroad
lawyers, and that an entire change of
our present plan of nominating state
house officers should be made.
“I would urge the railroad commie-
•Ion to bring tha Southern Railroad,
the Atlantic Coaat Cine, the C
Southern and Florida and the
Railroads down to tha standard tariff
‘ rates
As to Disfranchisement.
dy Private Leased Wire.
Oyater Bay, July ».—"I plead guilty,
honor.*' said James C. Sloan, ss-
lervloe man, and President Roose-
body guard, when hla case waa
J before Justice Franklin today.
Sloan was charged with assaulting
Clarence Legendre, a newspaper pho-
passlng legislation which will protect
“■"(.people of Georgia from the presence
the ballot of Ignorant and purchas
able negroes. Six southern states have
passed legislation .upon thle line. Mis
sissippi acted first, then South Caro
lina, then Louisiana, then North Caro
lina, then Alabama and then Virginia.
What haa been the result In tin
-I hold In my hand letters from tha
vemor or North Carolina, from both
nltsd States senators, from the
-governor during.whose admlnlstra-
>n the leg’
jrn other dl
cltzene, who
the legislation upon this subject has
proved to be an unmlxed blessing te
the people of tbaf state, that no white
men have been disfranchised, and that
not five per cent of the negroes bava
been able to register and vote.”
Clark Howell 8peaks.
Judge D. F. Crnsiand, of Albany, In
troduced Clark Howell, who was re
ceived with prolonged cheers. He eald
In part:
"Mr. 8mlth has eald many thlnge
about the railroad freight rate ques
tion with which I agree. The differ
ence between Mr. Smith epd me le that
he never found out about high freight
ratee until he had been hired is a law
yer to do ao. It III became him to
claim to be the father of freight rate
reform when he never took It up until
had been fighting for lower ratee for
two yeara.
-I submit to you my record of stx-
_een years to show you that In no sin
gle Instance did I ever vote against
tha Interest of the people In favor of
corporations. My record Is In ble pos
session end not until two weeks ego
did I get him to specify a charge
against me. Today he has not been
honest enough to specify them, for I
have already disproved the three
chargee he had previously mad#."
About Vlrginls Psttor.
He took up the Virginia mlnlater In
cident end ehowed the dangerous pos
sibilities of an educational disfran
chisement law. In regard to the dis
franchisement circular ha eald that he
did not have to admit the responsi
bility for that circular when It bone his
sign an Inch deep. He readily admit
ted that ha waa responsible for pre
senting the pictures of negroes, but
said that Hoke Smith was responsible
for putting them In their official post-
Mr. Howe)l reed four propositions
which he wee willing to sign and nak
ed Smith to sign, wagering $4,000 to
Miss Berry's school at Rome to be aid
by the one proven wrong. These prop
ositions were In relation to the ap
pointments of the sons of Bishop Tur
ner, a negro, for which Smith had dis
claimed responsibility. Frantic cheers
followed the reeding of the proposi
tions. Mr. Smith did not signify at
the time whether or not he would sign
•napshot of the prealdent at the time
here was a big crowd
Exempted New Roads.
Mr. Howell stated his position on the
Glenn Mil providing for taxing r
roads by counties and laid It
brought $16,000,000 revenue to the
atate. It was true he had voted to
exempt new roads which were then
owned by Geergla men who were build
ing up those roads. The exemption
was for only' five years. He said he
voted for the franchise tax bill and
secured Its passage.
"I joined In the fight for freight
rate reduction long before he ever
chirped on the subject," said Howell.
“No man has done more than 1 In be
half of the people. No man will do
more than I will. In all my record
for twenty years Mr. Smith cannot cite
you any Instance where I have not
stood for the people as against the
corporations. I am opposed to dis
franchisement legislation now, ss Mr.
Smith himself believed six years ago
that It Is unwtae. There Is not a coun
ty In the state where white supremacy
le not greater than five years ago. You
may read from end to end fo the edu
cation bill and not find the word negro
one time."
Mr. Howell said there waa hardly a
business In the South which had not
materially Increased lie capitalisation.
A few years ago. he said, Mr. Smith
had sold his paper for $340,000. At that
time he was paying taxes on It In Ful
ton county for only $30,000, while to
day that paper Is capitalised at from
$700,000 to $300,000.
Smith Offers $5,000.
Howell closed amid a storm of cheers
which continued until after Smith roes
for rejoinder.
Smith was greeted In a deafening
roar, which was queeled only after re
peated efforts. Great disorder ensued.
He pronounced the speech of Howell
as the most remarkable compilation of
Inaccuracy he had ever heard and the
negro circular aa a tissue of false
hoods. He offered to give $5,000 If
Howell could prove his statements
pointmsnts. •
that Howell had sent
Lots for Site Have Been Purchas
ed, $36,000 Being; Paid
for Them.
A deal haa been perfected whereby
the Baptist Tabernacle church comes
Into possession by purchsee of ths
property at the corner of Spring and
Luckle streets.
The property fronts 170 feet on
Luckle street and 161 feet on Spring.
The price paid waa $35,000. In order
to complete the acquiring of property
desired two houses on Luckle street
were bought at a cost of 317,000, mak
ing a total expenditure of $53,000.
Dr. Broughton aaye that on this
property one of the largest church au
ditoriums In ths country will ba erect
ed. It will be used not only forchurch
purposes, but for all kinds of conven
tions. The cost of the building will be
between $350,000 and $104,000.
Some months ago tha Tabernacle
purchased a lot adjoining the site for
the auditorium at a cost of 313,100. On
thla will be built the Baptist Taber-
ancle Infirmary. About 340,000 will be
it on the building. It le expected
. the Infirmary will be built during
the coming winter, but It will be a
long while before the. new Tabernacle
auditorium Is commenced.
his circulars all over the state on a
frank. He criticised Howell for sup
porting the Felder executive committee
which he said was made up of cor
poration attorneys. •
In closing, he repeatedly accused
Howell of making statements which
were not true. He accused him of de
ceiving Ihe people by his Ignorance.
Mr. Smith's address closed at 3:30
o’clock. Crowds climbed to tha stage
to aheke hands with Smith and How-
elL '
tty Private Leased Wire.
Oyster Bay, July 9.—When Secretary?)
Loeb reached tho village today after 1
his usual conference with President J
Roosevelt, ho announced that f’harlea/
Karl, now attorney for the department
of Justice, hns been appointed solicitor!
for Hi*- *l*-|(iirtriHfit -.f commerce ami-
labor. Ilia predecessor was E. II. 8lrn*,‘
now United States district attorney of
Will Prubs Into Mail. ~ [
Ry PrlrsU Leased Wire,
Washington, July 6,—Henry JJJt
Clause, secretary to the commission to.
Inquire Into and report to congreaa Its
t-Ti- IuhIojih r.-n. ornlnK the laws relit*
tlve to second claaa mail matter, haa
ued an announcement that the flrn
'i-M ’Kl I)*- fi*'M .it th.* Holland;
House, New York, at noon, October 1,
O 0
0 By Private Leased Wire. o
O M'lfr.i! N V. July 9 Mary 0
0 and Flora McKinnon, for whom 0
0 their mother, Mrs. Christine Me- O.
O KJnnon, gave her life In an nn- O
O deavor to save them from the O
O Are which consumed their home O
O yesterday, died during the O
O morning at different hospitals. O
o hut within a half hour of each O
other. O
.“Is our new cook clean, dear?**
*Tm afraid not When I asked her
what kind of soap she used to wash
the vegetables she sold she didn't use.
any "—Detroit Free Press.
Phroogle—If you want to g«*t ahead, 1
why don't you cut down your pcrstmul,
Wrounder—Becaust- anybody <«n do
that. I*m trying to get ah«*a.i without
cutting down my personal oxiicnsca,
and let me tell you. old fellow, that’s,
something that require* genius.^—Chlw
csgo Tribune,