Newspaper Page Text
Hall Fights Black
burn Patrol
Live Session of House Monday.
Hall Says Police Are Paid So
Much a Head for Negroes.
Outside of the sensational Flanders
Incident In the houee Monday monitor,
and the attack of Joe Hill Hall on the
county court offlclale of the etate, there
iraa little done at the mnrnlnr eeealon
of the lower branch of the general as-
eeinbly. Arrument on Blackburn'a
county patrol bill wne begun but un-
■ The houee met at 10 o’clock, with
tho ueual prayer, roll call and reading
of the Journal.
Mr. Covington, of Colquitt, aa vice
chairman of the committee on temper-
an.'e. reported favorably a bill by Mr.
Thicker, of Clarke, to ubollsh the dls-
pcnaary at Athena.
On a Joint reaolutlon by Meaara. An-
(h i - n and Htovall, of Chatham, Thura-
■I., ’ evening, July 12, waa aet aa the
time for the general nnaemhly to be
addressed by Hon. Walter U. Charl
ton. ..f Savannah. •
The houee reeolved Iteelf Into a com
mittee of the whole to conalder the bill
In Mr. Blackburn, of Fulton, to estab-
hah county patrola by tha county grand
Jurlea. Mr. Nolan, of Henry, took the
Pokte Pun at Bill.
An amendment to the Blackburn bill,
Ini induced by Mr, Rainey, of Schley,
created quite a laugh when read before
Hi.- houae. It wan ae follows:
"Amojid by adding, Hint each of aald
patrola be provided with four galling
guna and alx blood hound’a.”
Mr. Blackburn, of Fulton, and Mr.
I’m ter, of Floyd, apoke to favor of the
Iowa Officials Resign By Wholesale
Because Deprived of Railroad Passes
By Private Leaned Wire.
Dei Molnea, Iowa, July t.—The anti-pass taw, paaaed by the legtats-
ture hut winter, which went Into efTect July 4, la craating a veritable epi
demic of reslgnatlotu throughout the etate.
From every one of the Of countlee reporta have been received that
county and townahlp officials are deciding that the annual paaa over one
or more lines of railway Is more to be dealred than a public ofllce with a
fee aystem or salary attachment
Two Boye Run Away.
A Daugherty, IS years of age, and
Jests Eller, 12 years of age, ran away
Sunday from the Decatur orphan home
and art being sought by the police, The
boys left the home together, and It la
thought cams toward Atlanta.
Major Halferd Speak«.
Major K. W. Halford of the Depart
ment of the Oulf, apoke to both the
morning and evening congregations at
and waa
the large congregations present
.Mr. Knight of Berrien, opposed the
bill to a speech.
Joe Hill Hell Takes Floor.
Mr. Hall, of Bibb, opposed the bill
nil the ground that It contained milch
ml .chief. He roundly scored counjy
court ofdclala for prosecuting poor
"nlggera" for shooting "erspa for a
penny. Strong hints at grafts among
i minty court ofdclala wars made by
whole.nle by Ur. Hall. He continued:
" 'Twould make an Irresponsible
county police. The niggers who are
pu lie 1 up to rourta are not tha mean
tmvrllng niggers. They ain't got noth
in' The criminal laws are enforced
to make money for court ofdclala. I
believe that these court oMclals should
be put on a salary. I have long op
posed this, but the abuse of the pres
ent system has led tne to this view. 1
a in opposed to discrimination to en
forcing laws.
"I unilerstand to some counties police
are paid so much a head for tha nigger
gamblers they bring In.
"I understand to the supreme court
the other day that here to Fulton coun
ty out here at Armour's plant, some
niggers wars to a houae talking one
Saturday night, when a hobo nigger
cam* in and started a game. He (eft
ami the county police appeared and the
nigger, were arrested and while they
Were being brought to town the hobo,
who had come back, eecaped and these
nlsgeri were lined 250 and 171 when
Heavy Vacation Travel.
The railroad traffic on all local lines
broke the aeaaon'e record Saturday and
Sunday, hundreds leaving the city for
the seashore and mountain resorts.
The Seaboard train to Wrlghtsvtlle
Beach on Saturday night waa taxed to
Its capacity and upon Its return Mon
day was also filled with excursionists
who had spent the Fourth at that de
lightful resort.
to the Philippines. Major Erwin la a
Savannah man, and was detailed for
service with the Georgia National
Guard to 1222. After alx weeks' ser
vice the Spanlah-Ameiican war broke
out, end he went Into active service. In
1I02-'0I he waa with the National
Ouard of Alabama for Inspection ser
Assigned to Chickamauga.
Captain Carl Relchmann, of the
Seventh Infantry, has been assigned
for duty aa military secretary to tha
commanding general at the Chicka
mauga encampment.
Deputy Sheriff Oliver Hit by Car.
Deputy Sheriff J. C. Oliver came
within a few Inches of being knocked
through Death's door Saturday night
after 0 o'clock by a College Park car
at the Junction of the Campbellton
road and the car line, while the car
whs running at n speed of some 20
mllee an hour. As It was, ha sustained
painful brulaea on tha right arm.
West Virginia Party Hare.
J. W. Stewart, president of the
American Horticultural Distributing
Company, of Martlnaburg. W. Vo.:
» •’IMJIUIIJ, til KIHIllltoWUlli V* s V IV, •
Charles Lamar, of Martlnaburg: Alec
Clohan, postmaster at Martlnaburg, and
ft. D. Henahaw, deputy
revenue col
lector at Martlnaburg, passed through
the city Monday noon after spending a
week at Fort Valley and MOron Inves
tigating the outlook for the peach crop
of the present eeaaon. All the above
gentlemen are largely Interested to the
peach and apple Industry of east and
West Virginia and thalr visit to Geor
gia had a significant Importance.
Nurserymen Meet Next Month,
President Orlando Harrison, of the
Southern Nurserymen's Association,
has called a meeting of the members
of the organisation for August II and
14 at Chattanooga. Aa a majority of
the local nurserymen are members Of
the organisation, much Interact la be
ing taken to the coming session.
Political Bailiffs.
-This bill provides for the constables
.> be sort of ex-officio captain*, doesn't
I? My God! The worst thing to the
iurld le a political bailiff. (Laugh-
' This bill gives a lot of Irresponsible
fell iws authority to raise bell to the
country. (Laughter.i
I "You pass this bill and to twenty-
; ir hours every officer to the county
I. oitrte would have a contract with
those patrols.”
Mr. Hall was asked several queatlona
to regard to Macon. '
"1 lira to Macon, but I am net re
sponsible for It."
-Hava all the nlggera left Macon?"
asked Mr. Anderson, of Chatham.
"All thn good 'una, but we have police
officers who are responsible and would
not like this patroi, running out tha
"You paaa this bill and as soon aa
all the nlggera are run away Ihesa
patrola will start on lha poor white
f 'Iks and ‘Run, nigger, run, or the pat-
r i ll catch you' will be sung to Georgia
. nk. to. The patrols will have theee poor
folk, running all over the fields."
Mr. Longley, of Troup, differed from
Mr. llall. He said In part:
"My friend from Bibb Is a prophet of
evil. Ho In to favor of protecting the
rural districts, he says, but opposed to
grnn.l Juries appointing, what he says,
would be Irresponsible parties, who
would drive the niggers away.
- "1 believe the grand Juries of lha
stair are made up from the beet men
in tho etate, and they do conscien
tious work. I would have Introduced
just such a bill ae this, had not my
friend from Fulton done so. I trust
this committee will report tble bill fa
vorably to the house."
Mr. Mann to tho Defense.
,. Mr. Manta of Catoosa, answered Mr.
Hall, whoso arguments he said, smack-
ed too much of crap shooting nlggera.
He defended the grand Jurlea from the
snack made by the gontloman from
lJlbb. Ho laid:
"This bill did not originate with the
gentleman from Bibb, It to true, but
good can come from other sources.
. "The gentleman from Bibb damns
the constables. I don't believe these
constables are all dishonest."
f Mr. Felder, of Bibb, differed from
Mr Hall, whom he answered to a
strong speech for Mr. Blackburn's hill.
The burden of hie argument was that
the bill would tend to put down crime
to the country, and fore# all "nlggera"
to go to work.
' At U:40 o'clock tho committee of the
whole reported progress to tha houae
and asked leave to alt again.
Then cam# the sensational Flanders
On the call of the roll of countlee
: f ni new business the following bills
and resolutions wars Introduced and
read by Reading Clark McClatchey:
By Mr. Anderson of Chatham: To
rearrange tho several senatorial die-
• Addition to Plant.
A til,000 addition to the plant of the
11. M. Beutell Manufacturing Company
on Bellewood avenue la to be com
menced at once. The firm manufac
tures bank and office natures and la
enjoying un unusual era of prosperity.
31. Anlhonye Church Plcnie,
81. Anthony* church, West End, will
give a picnic Tuesday at Chief Joy
ner's farm. Fair Oaks, near Marietta.
Tickets may be obtained at tha rectory,
No. 251 Ashby street.
Old Lowry Benk Sold.
One of the most Important real estate
deals of recent days was that of Sat
urday, when James A. Farmer, a recent
arrival to Atlanta, purchased from the
Lowry National Bank the property at
the corner of East Alabama street and
Central avenue, .formerly occupied by
the bank before the erection of the
Equitable building, for the cash price
of 125,000. It Is understood that Mr.
Farmer purchased for Investment.
East Point Teachers Elseted.
James T. McGhee has been re-elected
superintendent of schools at East Point,
being hie fourth term to that capacity,
during which time the school has
grown and flourished aa never before.
Mr. McGhee's assistants during the
next year will be Miss Ada Norton and
Mrs. A. B. Sparks, of East Point, and
Miss Simmons and Mlta Daisy Lee, of
Dr. Jameson Preached Sunday.*
Dr. S. T. Jameson, principal of Mer
cer University at Macon, was to the
city Sunday and occupied the pulpit of
the Jackson Hill Baptist church at the
mornlag service.
Youthful Culprits Caught.
For several weeks the Atlanta Gas
Light Company haa been the victim of
thieves, who have during that time
carried away more than a car load of
braes fittings. On Saturday a sorry-
looking trio of youngsters faced Judge
Broyles on the ch&rge of being Impli
cated' to the petty larceny, l.lge
Thomas, Mud Parke and Noah Famea
ware the names to which they an
swered to court, and they were bound
over under S50 bonds for their appear
ance In higher courts. The arrests
were the result of clever detective
work of Officer Rowan.
all a little
The first car load of Elberta peaches
of the year will arrive In Atlanta on
Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock.
The Elbertoa this year are a little
later than unual in arriving, but the
growers promise that what has been
lost in time will be fully made up In
quantity and quality. The first con
signment of the "Pride of Georgia" will
!.*• «<-nt from pear h on hards <<(
Fort Valley and within a very few
days car loads from all points of the
state will bo arriving. The first of the
*•!<>!> will he sent (<> .%!«"•» and At
lanta and on Wednesdny the ship
rnents to the North will begin.
The fruit this year Is of a moct ex
cellent quality and Is In the best of
condition for packing for Northern
points. It Is expected by the shippers
and the railroad companies that all
records will be broken before the
Northern movement Is finished and for
the purpose of facilitating the work of
the shippers the railroads have every
available car on the scene.
By Private Leased Wire*
Suffolk, Va., July t.—When the Atlantic
Coast Line passenger train was nearing
Knfleld, N. C„ yesterday, Elisabeth Bran
Photograph of Mrs. Frederic
Tudor, formerly Miss Amy Isabel
Logan, a pretty stenographer, who
was married at the home of her
sister, Mrs. C. R. Felton, on Friday
last. Mr. Tudor is a gas magnate
and clubman. The young couple
left Boston for a honeymoon trip
In an automobile.
ner, a passenger, 22 years old, arose from
her seat, pissed quickly dowa the slate of
the ctr, opened the door and stepped out
upon the platform, from which »hr leaped
to her death from the atens. The train
was moving at the rate of w pitas ai boar
at the time.
Bank of Buckhaad.
A charter waa granted Monday
morning to the Bank of BuckhMd, to
Morgan county, by tha secretary of
state. The capital stock la 225,000 and
Incorporators P. 1L McWhorter, John
B. Swords, It. II. Paschal, O. M. Gale-
aert, J. Ilulino Morgan, C. C. Bhouse
and W. L. Rogera. Thla la the thirty-
third state bank chartered ilnce Jan
uary I.
New Llv, 8tock Company.
Tha United Live Stock Insurance
Company, of Batobrldge, was chartered
Monday by the secretary or state. It la
a mutual concern, and has aa Incor
porators J. W. Callahan, J. C. Me-
Caaklll, Dr. J. E. Tools, Q. 8. Mc
Nair, E.*1I. Hammond, M. B. Hammond
and others.
Admitted to Prattle*.
Arthur Thurman, of Atlanta, waa ad
mltted to practice before th, supreme
court of Georgia Monday.
Big Cheek fer University.
State Treasurer Park received Mon
day morning a warrant for 225,000 for
the University of Georgia, thla amount
S olng annually to that Institution un-
ar tha provisions of tha Morrill, bill.
Captain Park mailed tha warrant at
once to the treasurer of th* university.
Railroad Commission. „
The regular monthly meeting of tha
railroad commission will ha held on
Wednasday. Aa tha mnrbl* rata case
went over until August t, no matters
of unusual Interest ur, sat for a hear
Prison Commission.
The prison commission will meet on
Tuesday morning. Guile a large num
ber of petitions fojr clemency are to be
considered, but there are no cases of
unusual Interest. The annual report of
the commission will be ready for tha
general assembly this week.
Glnnsrs' Insurants Company.
A charier waa granted Monday to
the Glnnera’ Co-operative Insurance
Company, of Athena. It haa no capital
slock, and among tha Incorporators are
W. P. Jackson, \Y. F. Dorsey, W. ~
Dorsey and W. A. Mallory.
Georgia Man Promoted.
Major James B. Erwin, of the Ninth
cavajD', haa been detailed major to (he
Inspector general’s office and ordered
tricte of the state.
By Mr Flynt of Spalding: To amend
the charter of the city of Griffin.
By Mr. Lumpkin of Walker: To
regulate the running of automobiles to
aald county.
By Mr. Rainey of Terrell: To amend
the act establishing graded school, to
By Mr. Rainey of Terell: To amend
the charter of the city of .Dawson.
By Mr. Calvin of Richmond:
create a department of banking to (hla
By Mr. Singletary of Thomas: To
repeal an act to create county courts
In certain countlee.
By Mr. flSlngletary of Thomas: To
establish tha city court of Cairo to
Grady county.
By Mr. Singletary of Thomas: To
incorporate the city of Cairo.
By Mr. Sears of Montgomery: Con
cerning compensation of county com
missioners to said county.
By Messrs. Wilson and Nix of Gwin
nett: To Inspect all alchollc liquor*.
Picnlo at Pairoake Tuesday.
Tha ladtaa of St. Anthony's church
are arranging a picnic to be held on
Tuesday, weather permitting, at Chief
Joyner's summer home at Falroaks,
and, Judging from the number of tick
ets which have been sold, a large num
ber of members and friends of the
church will attend. Cara, will leave
from In front of the postoffice on Ma
rietta street every hour during that
day and a special fare of 50 cents for
adults and half fare for children la an
nounced for th* round trip.
N,gro„ Besom, Excited.
The negro colony at the foot of
Piedmont avenue was thrown Into an
uproar Saturday nlghl by tha appear
ance of a squad of officers under Ser
geant Lanford, and the subsequent un
expected and unwelcome call of the
guardians of the peace upon the club-
houee at 12 Piedmont avenue, where
Albert Rogera waa entertaining a big
party of hla race with a crap game. A
stampede followed the visit, but the
officers caught tan and others will be
produced later.
H. C. White Get, Home.
Among the arrivals In the city Satur
day waa H. C. White, of Atlanta, who
haa been desperately 111 at New Or-
leane for several weeks. Mr. While Is
a well-known and popular traveling
salesman and hla many local friends
gave him the glad hand aa he passed
through the streets while en route to
hi, home. He Is still to a weakened
condition and will be unable to return
to hla work for several days.
By Priests Leased Wire.
Paris, July Tha Longworths and
the whole of fashionable Paris, espe
cially the American contingent, will
spend the evening In the Bola de Bou
logne, where the president Is giving
an outdoor fete to honor of President
Roosevelt's daughter, at which the
royal Cambodian dancers will be th#
chief features
Party Going to Asia.
On Wodnoaday of this weak Bishop
Warren A. Candler, of the Methodist
Episcopal church. South, leaves Allan
ta for the Pacific coast, where later In
the month ho will oall for Japan to re
main eeveral months. Bishop Candler
will be accompanied on hla long trip by
A. D. Thompson and Aaa W. Candler.
The party will probably visit China and
other foreign lands before returning to
thla country-
After having been hold In the police sta
tion since Haturdsjr pending au Investiga
tion Into the fiuestlon of her sanity, lira.
Kinioa Karwlsb, wife of Benjamin Kar-
wlsh, a merchant at Marietta and Ttoe
streets, waa arraigned before Recorder
Broyles Monday morning and fined 15.75 on
Mrs. Karwlsh has declined all along that
she Is perfectly wine and that the talk of
lunacy waa merely a ruse on the part of her
hustiand to get ner In the asylum so he
could get an of their property Into hla
Urn. Karwlsb says thst at the time of
_rr arrest she had liecome Intoxicated
from one drink of whisky, taken to relieve
lllnt*sa. Hlie states that her hustaml for
merly conducted a saloou and that she
learned to lore the taste of whisky l»y
coming so constantly Inti* coutart with It.
"1 am not craay. There ta nothing at all
wrong with my mind.” declared Mr». Kar
wish Monday morning. "My hnsi«nd stm
in get all of the property.**
Karwlah and hla wife are said to be
worth eeveral thousand dollars.
By Private Leased Wire,
Bt. Petersburg, July t.—The Rojest-
renaky courtmartlal la holding Its final
aeaalon today, the testimony being all
in and the addresses of counsel be
Special to the Georgian.
Marietta, Oa.. July t.-Coloiwl J. If. Es-
tlll, candidate for the Democratic nomina
tion for governor, addressed the voters of
Marietta today. The speaking was held In
the court house, nud was attended by a
large crowd.
Music wag furnished by the Marietta
Judge EstIll’s speech wss along the usual
lines, snd the occasion was not marked
by any unusnal Incident,
**Of course we know Dr. Broughton says
some things thst are not so, but all of us
do that, t think I even do so myself some*
times.**—Dr. W. W. Landrum.
*Tf Dr. Landrnni will just keep on 1
think there Is some chance that be may
be converted yet.**—Dr. Broughton.
The above fragments of two speeches by
Drs. Landrum and Broughton at the meet
ing of the Atlanta Baptists ministers Mon-
‘on umile n speech setting
building of an auditorium, ani. — _ „
id good humored speech Dr. Landrum
Ms ei * ' * - - -
only uisn who coubl successfully carry nut
sttch a scheme, and that he himself could
never undertake the work of sack a church.
Home good humored criticism waa In
By Private Leased Wire.
Memphis, Tenn.. July 9.—Private advices
to close friends state that the paralytic
stroke suffered by United fits tee Senator
Edmund W. Pettus has so undermined hla
health as to make those who know the
facta fear that the end la not far off. Tbs
senator la a very alck man.
By Private Leased Wire. ■
Cl.veined. Ohio, July 'The *ran<! Jury
haa In hand the caaea at the (overnment
atalnat the Standard Oil Company,
N. N. Anipach, chief or the Lehe Shore
railroad freight tariff bureau, and Georte
told of the Lake Shore tariff oa puhlisl
By Private Leased Wire.
Newport News Vi., July ».—But for the
precautions of tho attendln* physician, Bias
Maude Wallace. dau,hter of J. 8. Wallace,
of Koxhlll, BlUabeth county, would prob
ably hare been hurled alive.
Miss Wallace wae taken lit two weeks
a*o and gradually becama worse. Hhe waa
attended l>y Or. Rowe, of Hampton. Sat
urday, dnrint the absence of the phyab
din. the youuf woman grew worse, and, tc
all appearance., died. There were ao at(ue
whatever of reepUatloa or pules. The par
ent, of the girl, bettering she bad died,
made arrangements for the funeral, going
to far at to notify the undertaker and bare
her body told out In a cofttn.
Dr. Howe dlecorered, however, that tho
body of the young woman was etlll limp
«f respiration.
Immediately declared
Since then Ml _
comatose condition. Tho phyetetaaa bar#
been utterly unable to arouse ^ej, or to
( ^■to arouse Jhr;
■roduce any other erldencea of life.
Si no doubt that the spark of life
that, the eps
body remaining Uiup
By Pritate Lraaed Wire.
Washington, D. C„ July I.—Tha navy de
partment has been advised that the United
By Print* Leased Wire.
Denver, Colo.. July l.-Mrs. Sarah Ilatt
Decker, of the National Federation of
Women'■ Hubs. thrills the ear* of roc-
ccMful business men whom Oaler would
retire or chloroform, acordlng to tbplr age.
by the proposition that when th
the age of 40/wealthy men should
to fill offices of public trust
t .JM
: without pay.
Deaths and Funerals.
Wiley Bennett.
Wiley Bennett, 24 year* old, died
suddenly of heart fallur* at hla home.
No. 521 Sunset avenue, at 1 o’clock
Monday morning. He loaves to a wife
to whom h* had only beet married four
months ago. Tha remains will be taken
to Calhoun. OA, for funeral services
and Intarment at 2:25 Tuesday morn'
By Private Leased Wire.
Zurich, July l.—The daugh
ter of Don Carlo#, the Pre
tender to the Spanleh throne,
la here with Count Ftlchl, an
Italian painter. She Is Princess
Rlvlm tie Bourbon and the count
left a wife and family to fly
with her.
Nettie Holcomb*.
Nettle Holcombe, the 2-months-old
daughter of M. L. Holcombe, died at
the residence of her father, No. 107
Julian street. Sunday night. She fol
lows closely her mother, who died
only a week ago. . The funeral service*
were held from the residence at l
o'clock Monday afternoon and the In
terment was at Hollywood.
The city of Bt. Louis le soon to have an
exhibit building, or permanent museum,
that will cost The committee
farthering the ImlMing of the museum t«
sow to report definite plan*. A SLMM09
fund haa already bee* amnred that will
take the form of au endowmeat.
Emmie Thompson • nN-rtaiiifil a
1<friends on Wednesday evening in
honor of Allss Lucile Moore, of Sha-
Various games were played and ai
!• •• course was served during the even
Ingr. Those present were: Misses Em
mlo Thompson, Lucile Moore. Sallle
Pat Burney, Hallle AIcHenry. Virginia
h ltler, Mary Junes, Louis** McHenry.
Irena Austin and Mary Walton Tram
mel, Messrs. Everette Atkinson, Wal
ter Brooke, Mason Williams, Frank
Austin, Thornton Brooke, Guerry
Moore, of Sharon; Ernest Snelllngs
and Brooke Thompson.
Colonel and Mrs. E. H. George have
returned home, after a trip to New
York and other places of interest.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shepherd are at
Indian Springs.
Mrs. C. O. Price and Miss Mary Jones
have returned from Wlntervllle, where
they attended the annual meeting of
I Hightower, Armond Jernlgan and Kyle
the W. F. M. S.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Burton, of Car-
tersvllle, spent a few days of last week
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reinhardt.
Misses May Thomason and Sue Reid
Walton are at home, after a visit to
Elbert Birins, of MIUHgevlUc, Is visit*
Inc bis Rl«t4*r, Mrs. Htepbou W. Brown.
Missus Nannie Dunham. «>f Cochran, and
Clnrnbell Miller, of Atlanta, arc visiting
their aunt, Miss Mattie Hutton, on Broaa
street.. . .
Mrs. W. N. Parsons and little son are
Tlsltlng friends at Birmingham, Ala.
Morgau Thompson, cashier of the First
National hank, la recuperating In Virginia.
Mr*. McC. Pate win spend a few week*
of directors and agents of an In
surance romiutny he represents.
Miss Ida Tarver, a recent graduate of
county many years. Is suffering from nu at'
tack of rheumatism, but Is iignln able to
ride to his office, and attend hla tin ties.
Announcement of the marriage of Miss
Ethel Dupree, of this city, to David Crock
et Pleree, ot fhe county. Is made by Mr*.
Martha Dupree, mother ot the soon-tn-lH»-
bride. Miss Ethel la on* of HgWklBSrUle’g
beautiful and charming young ladles. Mr.
IMercs Is a teacher or ability and high
The Ladles* Eochrs Club was entertain*
ed on Saturday Afternoon by Mrs. Prank
Mrs. Charley DuPre entertained the
Bridge Whist Club on Saturday afternoon.
Professor Nortbcntt's dunce Frldny night
waa much enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gilbert. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry DnPre, Mr. and Mr*. James
Welsh, Mis* Mary , Dean Towers, Mrs.
Henry Wyatt anil Mr. Floyd Northcutt will
leave for Wrightsvllle Beach, N. C., on
A number of young people left Tuesday
a— — * *' Will
for Mweetwater Shoal*, whore they
camp for a while. Among those in
party are Mra. J. II. Miller. Misses Olivia
Bacon, Cecil Cantrell. Huslelee Cantrell,
Leslie Gann, 8aryt Anderson, finale Andsr-
■uui Mary «uu«avi
Anderson, and Messrs. James and Itobert
“ Ml
Anderson and Louise
Anderson, Walter Miller, Harris Lyon, Will
Duma*. J. J. Daniel, Jack Collier, Dtv*Mix
on, Jose PareJo, of Havana. Cut*.
Mlw Nina Moon Is, visiting friends In
Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Hall are vialt-
Ing Mr. nn<l Mrs. Hill Hall, of Mg*
Miss Belle Armor Is spending several
day* with friends In Atlanta.
Mlattes Henrietta and Elolse Smith
left Thursday for an extended visit to
relatives at Sharon, Thomson and At
Mrs. Thomas Winn and Mr. W. T.
Linton attended the funeral of their
aunt, Mrs. McDaniel, who was burled
at wOodvfU* Monday.
Professor P. P. Carter has returned
to Columbia. S. C., where he has his
Mlaaea Blanche Holden, of Whits
Plains, and Mary Myrtla Corker, of
Atlanta, are expected to visit Miss
Heba Jernlgan next week.
Miss Addle Copelan entertained ths
Domino < ini> Friday afternoon, ths
29th. The game was played on ths
vine-shaded veranda. The score cards
were four-leaf clovers, hand-painted by
Miss Jule Copelan. The same motif
was displayed In the prlxss, a lovely
handkerchief bag and dainty clover
blotter, and won by Misses Jennie
Evans and Henrietta Smith. Delicious
cream and cake were served at th«
end of the game. Miss Copelan was
assisted in entertaining by All sees Ju
lia Copelan and Frances Adams. Those
who enjoyed Miss Copelan’s hospitality
were: Misses Jennie and Kate Evan*,
Henrietta Smith, Julia Copelan, Fran
ces Adams, Mary Copelan, Hallle Partt,
Ellse Armor, Atlle King, Blake and
Frances Bickers, Wilson of California,
Reba Jernlgan and Neile Hall.
Miss Helen Davis Is tlsltlng friends
In Maxeys.
Colonels W. P. Park and Joeeph
Faust attended the' barbecue at Wat
son Springs, given In honor of Miss
Bessie Brlghtwell’s house party.
Miss Nell Coyen, of Atlanta, Is vis
iting Miss Frances Bickers.
Mrs. B. B. Calloway and children
spent the Fourth at Farmington.
Mrs. 8. F. Merritt has returned from
a visit to White Plains.
Rev. Owens, of Crawfordville, ex
changed pulpits with Rev. O'Kelley |
Sunday and delivered a highly Inter-
* — —Lend, from
„ra. LH.BHI. of Atlanta, Is visiting btr
father, Mr, Hatcher.
Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Robeson and two chil
dren have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and children.
-*j * • »U'I ana. »uuu wiuitu ■UU t'limii ru,
o, cart#r>Tllle, ner# the (neat, of Ur. ana
Mri. Joseph M. Brown thin week.
Mr. nnd Un. John Northrntt sad family
sml Mr. snd Mm. It. II. Kortheatt nml
inner', numuicr home in Gilmer county.
Minn Kunio Ituttelpli In vlnltlnx her broth
er and bln wife In New York city.
Mr. and Mra. H. M. Beutell, of At
lanta, are her* for the summer.
Mrs. Louis Csrhsrt, of Atlanta, waa
at tha Hotel Brunswick during tha
Miss Kmmle Willingham, of Toccoa,
receiving much social attention as
ths gusst of Miss Sara MoElroy.
Mins Jennie Sue Bell, of Atlanta, Is
SIIB3 STIIIIIO ouo UUII, VI J\ lilt mil
vlstlng Mr. and Mrs. llomer J/inen.
Miss Sara Webster and Master Ed
ward Webstar srs visiting Alins Hoyls
Skinner snd Master Frank Skinner at
their country horns on th, Chatta
The Walking Club were entertained
Thursday afternoon by Miss Lillian
McDaniel. Ic«n were served on the
lawn, and tiny United Slates flag*
were given ss souvenir#.
Air. and Airs. Jamea L. Key, of At
lanta, are visiting Dr. Thomas Terrell
Mrs. Charles Browder, ot Sweetwa
ter, Tenn, Is th* gusst of Miss Lola
anting lecture on the Holy
which he han Junt returned.
Miss Annie Hamilton, of Atlants, han
returned home after a visit to her .In
ter, Airs. O. T. Irby.
Mr. Guy W. Hall han returned from
a trip to Atlanta.
Aliases Maude Townsend and Mattie
Clayton and Mrs. Townsend have re
turned to Greensboro and will npeml
the summer with the Aliases Clayton.
Air,. Blount, of Waynesboro, I, vis
iting her mother, Alr». Luther Vln-
Alf*. J. L. Plnnon delightfully enter
tained the Daughter, of the Confeder
acy on Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Miller Armor I, the guent of
Mr. Holcombe Armor, of Eastman.
Mr. Walter L. Jones, of Atjnlnton.
Ala., returned home Thursday after s
visit to relatives here.
Miss Francs* Bickers wo* hostens st
a luncheon Thursday morning at which
she entertained th# members of the
Dolnlno Club to honor ot her guests.
Misses Wilson and Coyen. She wa« as
sisted to receiving by her mdther and
Allises Blake and Alay Bickers. The
house was very dalntHy decorated
with bowls of pink geraniums nnd
yellow nasturtiums. The score cards
wsr* copies of Glbnon heads, and ths
prixes wer* a framed picture and cush
ion cover and won by Misses Maynile
Bayne* snd Mary Copelan. A salad
course was served snd very much en
joyed. Those present were: Misses
Alsyinle Baynes, Kate Evans, Hallle
Park, Lucy and Reba Jernlgan, Dun
lap of Atlanta, Frances Adams, Ellse
mu Ul> nuomu. a-aeteev*.-. *
Armor, Allle King, Alary Copelan and
Addle Copelan.
Mill Norms Cooper entertained Tuesday
renlng at her horns on Koutb Broaa
street In honor of bsr guests. Misses Mitch*
ell and Vinson.
Mias Ovetler la spending her vacation In
Deri, Shannon spent Wednesday Is Lex
limner Blackwell, of Do# West. 8. C„
spent Monday here, the neat ot hla broth-
Her. J. D. niarkwell.
Mrs T. R. Key was hostess laat Thors,
afternoon at ss enjoyable party for
day afternoon st ss enjoyable psi
Mias nsriday. of Atlanta, who hat
— — tbl
a made
Commerce ber home for some time: her
many friends regret that she Is to tear*
s tires
Uoy Shannon spent Wednesday Is Allan
Tha yonng men entertained tha young
ladles st the park Tuesday evening with s
moonlight pteulc.
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, of Cedartown.
will be tbs nests ot Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Shannon next week. •
Her. M. L. Troutman will arrive Mon
day to sstint In the protracted service! st
the Methodist rknrrh.
Mrs. A. J. TIUey Is st Franklin Springs.
Miss MlteheU has returned to her h
In Macon after a rlett to Miss No
Mr. snd Mrs. John Palmer and grand
daughter*. Ruby and Margaret, of Au
gusta, ere spending the summer with
Mra. G. A. Hall..
Air*. Willingham, of Marietta, spent
several days with Mrs. J. B. Park dur
ing this wesk.
Frank Robinson has gone to Atlanta,
where h* has accepted e poslton.
Mist Leila Jernlgan has returned
bom# after a vialt to Whit* Plains.
Mis* Msmla Baynes la visiting Miss
Frances Adams.
Several ot the young men of the
younger aet complimented thelc spe
cial friends with an al fresco party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Armor. The following young ladle,
were present: Misers Reba and Lucy
Jernlgan. Ruby Palmer. Sere Lee
Thornton, Celeste Pmk and Mary Jim
Dunlap, of Atlanta. The hoats of the
evening were: Messrs. Garnett Evan,,
Miq: -to
.......... ..... p»t*Jltn*AUt USSq ««| *U
Henley Hall, Lloyd Smith, Grover ;ui|q .Unwin o) Xu|oX noA *4V—»II*<»
Ml,, Ruth Whiting, of AlcRse, In th,
guest of Miss Mabel Wynne.
Mr. Edwin Cosby, of Louisville, Ky,
la to the dtj-.
Miss Maud Allen, of Birmingham,
Ala., Is spending some time to East
man. the guest of Miss Ethel Wynne,
on College street. .
Miss Lucile Hodges, of AlcRse. spent
last week with Alls* Pearl* Peacock.
Alls, Lucy Barton, of Buford, In vis
iting her brother. Air. Charles Burton.
Dr. Georg* Lane, of AlcRse, spent
Wednesday to town.
Miss Hsttle Harrell l* spending some
time to Canton. Oa., the guest of Alls*
Annie I-aurle Kilby.
Airs. J. D. Bass snd children, of Dex
ter, G*., srs th* guests of relatives in
th Mr. ll *nd Airs. Edward C. Hanford
leave to a few day* to spend some time
st St. Slmom.
Mr*. W. L. Jessup will leave ,oot
for St. Simons.
8. C. Smyly left lest week to spend
some time lit Washington and New
Mlsa Anne Winn It to Athens, th,
guat of Mr*. C. A. VerNooy.
Afr. Tlnk Veal spent pert of lest
week near Warm Springs.
8. O. Brown visited at Jersey Sun-
d *MlMe» Julia and Luelle Brand,
daughters of Judg* C. H. Brand, of
Athens, are here for the summer.
Miss May Waldln, of Athens, I, visit
ing Mr*. W. Al. Sasser.
Mr. Jacob Pentecost, after ■* week •
visit among relatives, returned to hlx
home at Demopolls, Al*., Thursday.
Miss Ztlla Buchanan, of Atlanta, i«
the guest of Mis* Grace Austin.
Rev. Air. Welker, pastor of West End
Presbyterian church, Atlanta. Is con
ducting a successful meetlag st the
Presbyterian church. .
All Ibo Lawreneevllle Sunday schools
wilt picnic at Grant’s park, Atlanta,
next Friday. ,
Miss LllUe Ambrose has been visit
ing st Bulord for a week.
Miss May Hwlxsnti. of Athens. Is «o»
Ito snd Mr*. Fred O. Hodgson st tbwr
summer cottage. HIU L'rest. j
Mra. J. fi. O kelly. of Westminister, *
l\, Is rl siting her dsoghter, Mrs. J “•
C,?h -' ird. Jr... has returned
Is visiting Ms mm. Dr. O. T..WMta : Jr
Russ both 7,
"MletFrisabeth i. Oregfcof A
Susie, of Coluabas, era st tbe Monterey
Judg* T. P. Wsnty.
ssr&JrSd m .ui?r jSSfe
••jrt tawooJH-'tttW >" 0 ?!
its atotnt nsEstaajynk”^ 1