Newspaper Page Text
Friday. jult y. i9«c
lilt or.
A eelstanIt.
Thursday evening Miss Ruby Free
man was given a delightful aurprlae
party at her home on Jackson street.
Progressive games were played, and
the occasion was a most enjoyable one.
Those present were Mlsees Marie
Brock. Mary Duff Oeorge, Leble Ew-
Ing, Kathleen Douglas, Mary Jeter, Er
leen Roberts, MVbel Jones, Grace Ter-
Rlanche and Haden McKnlght, Messrs.
Ernest Trottl, Maurice .Ewing, John
Dobbs. Jiilliis Trottl, 'cloyd Evans,
Tommy. Kline, David Klsland, -Eugene
Wallace, Harris Glower, Avary Hillock,
Hugh Trottl. i : 7
A wedding of unusual Interest [to a
large circle-of friends In various parts
of Georgiai was that -of Miss.'An
nie R. tCouncil,- and Mr. Coley John
Lewis, which' took place Thursday ev
ening, July‘l») Rt tftd hotne of Mr. and.
Mrs. L. O. Council, at Amerlcus.
The handsome residence was rpost
elabordWiy adorned with potted plants
and cut flowers, the drawing rooms,
where, the ceremony‘took place; Iralng
especially artistic.. . .
Miss Sherrie- Lewis, of Albany, was
maid of honor, and Mr. Eugene Clark
was beet'tnkh;" *"
The bride was given In marriage by
her brother, Mr. Lee G. Council. Bev.
Dr. J.'P. Wardlaw performed-the cere
mony, after which a very large recep
tion was held, at which several hun
dred guests-were-entertained. . ,
Guttenberger's-orchestra rendered a
charming program during the evening.
received by the
many parts of Georgia and the Bouth.
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis left at midnight
for a trip to Niagara Falls and Canada.
The bride's wedding toilette was a
beautiful creation of .white silk, and
rare laces.- Her tulle veil was'caught
with orange blossoms and her bonnet
was of whits, roses and. lilies of the
valley- Her golng-away gown was of
blue silk with hat to match.
As -Miss Council, the bride, was one
of the most'-admlfed belles of. Amerinus.
Mr. 1-ewls Is prominent In the social
and business circles of Montesuma,
where he has large banking Interests.
The bridge party at which Mrs. Frank
Butt entertained Friday afternoon was
one of the most Important and en
joyable social events of the week. Mrs.
Butt was a charming hostess, wearing
a white lingerie gown of mull, lace
trimmed, and her home was most at
tractive with decorations of roses and
other cut flowers.
The flret prise was a pretty silk work
bag, and the second an attractive new
book. The consolation was a lovely
Japanese plate.
Among the handsomely gowned wom
en present Mrs. Henry Tanner waa
attractive In a white lingerie- frock,
trimmed with Valenclhnnea and baby
Irish lace. Her hat was of pink straw,
trimmed with pink,plumes.
Mrs. Barbour Thompson wore while
chiffon cloth, daintily trimmed with
while embroidery.
Mrs. Charles Sclple’s becoming gown
was a blue lingerie frock, with which
she wore a hat of corn-colored straw,
trimmed with plumes.
Mrs. Archibald Davis wore a pretty
gown of white lace, and a hat of white
straw, trimmed with pink velvet and
pink plurges.
Mrs. duBIgnon's toilet was a white
lingerie gown, trimmed with lace. Her
■ hat was of blue, trimmed with blue
Miss Annie May Hall wore a charm
ing white princesae gown. Her be
coming hat was a blue chip, trimmed
with-plumes. ,
Mrs. John Fitten's gown was of black
net. trimmed with medallions.
Mrs. Wtlmerdlng wore an attractive
lingerie gown of white material, trlm-
■ med with lace and medallions.
Miss Lula Fitten's gown was of
thrown silk, trimmed with embroidered
Mrs. Andrew Nlcolson wore black
-lsce, with a touch of white.
Mrs. Butt's guests were: Mrs. Hen-
,ry Tanner, Mrs. -Charles Bclple, Mrs.
•Fleming duBIgnon, Miss Lula Fltten,
Mrs. Fltten; Mrs. W. E. Wllmerdtng,
Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. A. P. Coles, Mrs.
; Barbour Thompson, Miss Annie May
i Hall, Mrs. Archibald Davis, Mrs.
'George Dexter, Mrs. T. B. Felder, Miss
Ada Norfleet, Mrs. Andrew Nlcolson,
iMrs. John Clark, Mrs. Foster and Mrs.
The following account of a delightful
house party now In progress, at which
several Atlanta guesta are being.enter-
.talned, la from The Birmingham News
of Thursday afternoon:
One of the most enjoyable house par
ties of the season Is the one now In
progress at the summer home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. 8. Pound, of Birmingham,
near Talladega. Accompanied by a
- party of eight or ten couples Mr. and
1 Mrs. Pound left Monday for their farm
and fishery on the Coosa river, about
J2 miles from Talladega. Here the par
ty wl|l spend several weeks of the
heated season amid such pleasures as
are to be found only In the cool and
shady retreats of so Ideal a location.
The opuntry horns Is located on a shady
knoll within 500 yards of the Coosa
river. Next to the home Is a dancing
pavilion especially constructed for the
pleasure of the summer guests. They
have taken with them a band to furn
ish music and evening concerts. The
young people are enjoying bathing In
the river, 4he banks of which graduate
In depth, making It safe for even the
children to take a dally bath.
The Pound summer home la known os
being one of the most Ideal and com
plete farm and fishery In any part of
the state. * *
The young people each morning form
parties for a trip to the river to watch
the inspection of the fish traps and the
drawing In of the fish nets. The aver
age. catch of Ash Is from 200 to COO
pounds, a day.
Boating and Ashing are also favorite
pastimes of' the morning. They re
turn.-to engage In horseback riding,
baseball and -tennis. : The dvenlngs are
ppent at the dancing pavlllbn, where
occasional Virginia- reels,, country
breakdowns" and .cake walks are en
joyed. ' , : . 4
A fox drag, or hunt, for the coming
week Is braked forward'to with matiy
pleasant anticipations, at which time
Mr. and. ^Irs..Pound.,hope to, have with
.them'several more couples. ■
Among th« guests at present are:
Misses Cecelia and lreta McCrosaln,
Lissle Lee Pound, of Birmingham: Miss
I .aura Barker, of Montgomery: Misses
Grace and.Hattie Pound,.. Hattie Lee
Smith and Mrs. I. E. Wlnburn, of At-
nntn: Messrs. Leonard, Robert and
.eslle Barker, Elbert Jemlson, Vernon
Oldham and Clarence Pound, of
mlngham;' Fred E. 'and' Howard
tVInbdrn. Dr. George Edmondson- and
Dr. W. A. HolbVk, of Atlanta, and Mrs.
O. D. Atkins, of Birmingham. .
A congenial party dining at the Driv
ing-Club Thursday i evening was com
posed of . Miss Norfleet, Miss Rolllne
Clarke, Miss Janie Speer, Miss Rebecca
Raoul, Mr. Carroll- Latimer, Mr. Ed-
John Glenn, and Mr. F. P. Gambfi
a charming“house PARTY.
I Miss Annelysbeth Cleghorn Is hostess
of a charming house pnrty at her beau
tiful home In Summerville.- 8he has
as her guests a few of her college
friends. They have been entertained
by a delightful camping-party at Moon
Lake on Lookout Mountain. After re
turning from the camp they will re
main In Summerville a few days and
then go to Chattanooga for a short
time, to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Pltner.
The members of the camping party
were Misses Tatum Pops of Macon,
May belle Jones of Cartersvllle, Julia
Coney of Hawklnsvllle, Floy Milner of
Midland. Tex., Cecil Gordon of Louis
ville, Ky., nnd Annelysbeth Cleghorn,
Messrs. Fred Edmondson, Tom Baxter,
John 8. Cleghorn, Jr., and C. C. Cleg-
horn of Summerville, and Charles Ly-
erly of Chattanooga. The young people
were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
The following are registered at the
Monterey, Mount Airy, from Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hunter, Messrs.
W. A. Hancock, R. B. Swift, J. C.
Woodward, 8. H. Steadman, B. O. Fus-
sell, Tinsley Oglesby, Mrs. W. D. El
lis, Mrs. J. Elseman, Messrs Fred Elne-
man, A. G. Togue, W. T. Jones, Mr,
and Mrs. Barrett Phlnlay, of Athens,
and Mrs. E. A. Glover, of Nashville.
Mr. Eugene Haynes will have aa his
guests at dinner Saturday evening at
the country club Miss Martha Wood
ward, Miss Laura Hill Payne, and Mr.
Walton Harper.
Mrs. Thomas Brumby entertained the
Spend-the-Day Club Thursday at her
home In Marietta. The club members
Include Miss Florence Jackson. Miss
Eugenie Oglesby, Miss Harris Stock-
dell, Miss Frances Tray. Miss Josle
Stockfish, Miss Kate Robinson. Mrs.
Henry Johnson.
At the borne of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
McGregor, at Chattanooga, Mrs. Re
becca Murphy, of Chicago, waa married
to Mr. H. J. Ferris, assistant manager
of Illinois Traction Company. Rev,
W. Bachman performed the mar
riage ceremony.
The bride had been a visitor at the
McGregor home for several days. Bhe
waa gowned In a stylish reception cos
turns and carried pink carnations. The
house was elaborately decorated. The
happy couple left on a wedding tour
through the North and to Wisconsin.
Special to The Georgian.
Huntsville, Ala, July 19.—Dr. A. T.
Grayson, of Shawnee, Okie, and Miss
Tellette Keelleey, of Jeff, Ala., were
married yesterday. Both are promt
The following letter, received by The
Georgian. Is self-explanatory, and will
be read with Interest by persons ad
vocatlng the beautiful Idea of "home
coming week” for Georgia:
Amerlcus, Ga., July 17, 1909.
To the Editor of The Georgian:
Everybody seems delighted with the
suggestion of Mr. James L. Fort In
regard to the "home coming," and
suggestions have been asked for, I wish
to offer this (Inasmuch as Georgia Is
the banner state for women, possessing
the oldest chartered female college In
the world), that we have s "woman's
day." On this day we might erect
monument to Jojtanna Troutman, who
mode'and presented the “Lone Star
Flag,” and Invite Texas also. Inasmuch
as Roosevelt's grandmother was ~
of tbs "Rough Riders.”
Now with best wldhes always to The
Georgian, I am.
. Quite a Jolly set of young people have
JtJet returned to the city after having
spent two week on St. Simone. The
party had a cottage In the Waycrosa
colony, and wars chaperoned by Mies
Willie Parker, of Vaughn, and Mr. and
Mrs.' J. A. Acres, of Atlanta. On their
arrival they -were Joined by- Mr! and
Mrs. B. Marvin I-args, a June bride and
groom, from Atlanta.
The party entered Into the spirit of
the Island with seal, enjoying the . surf
bathing, dancing end pleasure <
alone to nearby Islands.- - '- -
The party consisted of Miss Leo
Temple, Miss Jewell Hall, Miss John
Grogan, Miss Jennie Lee White, Mr.
Re|d Cosby, Mr. J. Oscar Simpson, Mr,
Nell McLeod ‘ and ‘ Mr. Sharley Per-
Reliable Druggists,
We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free
Atlanta Agents for
80c Pound
Miss Lamorale Chunlpg Geiger and
Mr. Adalbert Stebblns wars married at
the home of the bride’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John C. Geiger, on Thursday
evening, July 19. The ceremony, per
formed by Bev. A. B. Campbell, took
plcae In the drawing room, which wa
artistically decorated with palms, ferns
and cut flowers. The bridal party
stood before an Improvised altar of
foliage plants and whits cut flowers,
with sliver candelabra holding lighted
Miss Beatrice Geiger, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor and Mr. Wil
liam Preston Scott, of Lynchburg, Va,
was best man.
Little Miss Mildred Geiger as flower
girl. In pale blue mull, preceded the
jrlde ana her maid of honor to the al
tar, where they were met by the groom
and his best man.
The bride wore a beautiful toilette
of white radium silk, made prlncesse
and trimmed with lace. Her tulle veil
was caught with orange blossoms, worn
wreath fashion. Her bouquet was of
bride roses and lilies of the valley.
Miss Geiger, made of honor, wore a
handsome gown of pale blue measaline
silk, trimmed with Irish lace. She car
ried a bouquet of white carnations.
An. Informal reception followed the cer
emony. Mr. and Mrs. Stebblns left on
the midnight train for a visit to East
ern resorts. Mrs. Steoblns’ golng-
away gown was of silk, with Eton
Jacket and hat en suite.
Friday evening Mrs. George ‘McMil
lan will be hostess at an Informal par
ty to be given In honor of Miss Eunice
Cates, of Augusta, who Is the guest' of
Miss Ingram. The affair will also be
In the nature of s house warming, as
Mr. and Mrs. McMillan have Just re
turned from their bridal tour and have
taken possession of an attractive home
on East Alexander street
Friday evening Mrs. J. H. Baskin
will entertain Informally at her pretty
apartments at the Tallulah In honor
of Miss Nancy Gibson and Miss Ma
mie Whitehead, of Macon. These
young women are the attractive guests
of Miss Ruby Lawton, and during their
stay In Atlanta have been tha guests
of honor on many delightful occa
Mrs. Baskin's party will be small
and Informal, her guests to Include a
number of girls and boys who are Inti
mate friends of Miss Lawton.
The members of the Hollester Hive,
Ladles of the Maccabees, will entertain
a few friends at the home of Mrs. Clym,
Forrest avenue, Thursday evening,
July 17.
Qate City Hive will hold a regular
meeting Monday evening. July 21. All
lady Macrabees are Invited to attend.
Rose Colvin Hive will hold a regular
review Thursday afternoon, July II, at
Mrs. Milton Smith's, 10 Park street.
Mrs. W. I. Haralson Is' visiting In
Miss Merl Rawls, who hss been III
since her return from Gainesville, Is
able to be out.
Miss Anna Foster Is teaching a sum
mer school at Bethel.
Ml's Fannie Wolcott, who haa been
visiting Miss Mamie Foster, has re
turned home.
Joel Herndon, who has been In Car
rollton for some time. Is expected home
this week!
Mr. Leon Rawls la recovering from
retracted Illness.
Mrs. Henry Huhter Smith and Mr.
and Mrs. Teleman C. H. Curler and
family sailed Monday from New York
on the Kaiser Wilhelm I for an ex
tended visit to Carlsbad and other Eu
ropean cities. Thby will be absent un
til the autumn. .. „ . ......
Mr.'nnd'Mrs. T. B. Felder, Miss Ada
Norfleet, Mr. and Mrs.. J. T.,Dargan
fully entertnlned In Wilmington,
where she Is the guest of frjends. She
will visit Philadelphia before returning
to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson and
children and Sirs. T. B. Wilson are vis
iting, friends at Brunswick. They will
go to St. Simons before returning to
the city.
Miss Lucia SIcOowen, of Charleston,
S. C., and Mr. George Benot, of Co
lumbia, S. C, are the guests of Sirs. A.
J. Lythcol on North Jackson street.
Lou Berkeiy leave Slonday for Macon,
where they will be attendants at the
Dure-McOregor wedding.
Sirs. J. B. Hopkins left Friday for
Bar Harbor, where she goes to Join
her son, Sir. Russell Hopkins, on
yachting cruise.
Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan have
returned from their bridal tour and are
at home to their friends at 94 East
Alexander street.
Sirs. Charles Williams, who has been
the guest of Mrs. Herbert Culberson,
has return to her home In Washing
ton, D. C.
Mary Nlcolson, the little daughter of
Sir. and Mrs. Livingston Thompson, Is
quite 111 at their home on Forrest ave
Mrs. Jett Henson and little Dorothy
Clyde have returned from a ' three
weeks' trip to Baltimore and Washing
Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Scott and Messrs.
Hugh and Fort Scott leave Saturday
to sepnd some time at Porter Springs.
Mrs Louise Ragsdale Stewart
epending a few days with Mrs. William
W. Austsll at her home at Inman Park.
The frlende of Mrs. JameB English,
Sr, will regret to know that she con
tinues II! at her home on Cone street.
Mrs. Robert Nixon, of Rome.* who
has been tha guest of Mrs. W.
Hemphill, has returned to her home.
Mias Annie Duncan will leave In a
few days for an extended visit to
friends at Baltimore and New York.
Miss Lolta Terry,-who has been the
K ent of friends and relatives In At-
ita, has returned to New York.
Mrs. Calder B. Lawton has returned
to the city, and is at home to her
friends at 912 Washington street
After August 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Woodruff will be at home to their
friends at 91 East Linden street.
Mrs. Joseph Rhodee leaves Sunday
for Louisville, Ky, after a delightful
visit to relatives In the city.
month of August
Mr. and Mrs. L. DeGIve and Mrs. E.
A. Horlne are spending the summer In
north Georgia.
Mrs. Stephen Ryan and little daugh
ter will spend the month of August at
Mrs. Marian Howard la the guest
her aunt. Mrs. L. G. Walker, at Chat
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Phelan have re
turned from a short visit to relativ
at Waycross.
Mrs. Frank K. Boland and little son
have returned from a visit to relatives
at West Point
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. McCullough have
gone to Highlands, N. C, after a visit
to Mount Airy.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Foreman and
children are spending 1 a few weeks at
Mount Airy.
Mr. and Sirs. Eugenie Wilson and
Miss Pittman returned Friday from
Mrs. Kate Jolly has returned from
two-weeks visit to Mrs. J. F. Rubley at
Mount Airy.
Mrs. Edwin Ansley and Children re
turn Saturday from Wrtghtsvllle
9fW Loulle Roper Is spending tho
summer at her mother's farm, near
Mrs. W. W. Gray and Miss Helen
Kendrick left Thursday for Raleigh
Miss Nellie Hightower left Thurs
day for a visit to Miss Palmer at Ty-
Miss Adele Bomner Is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. M. Somner at Blrmlng
Mrs. E. Coulter and Miss Pauline
Coulter have returned from Mount
Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Hurt are spend
Ing some time at French Lick Springs.
Mrs. G. Floyd Cox and daughter, Lu-
rile, arc spending a few days at Tybee.
Mr. McAllen Marsh has returned
from a business trip through Georgia.
Miss Annie Mell Cashman Is at Sul
phur Springs, Ala, for the summer.
Miss Dorothy Breltenstetn has re
turned from a visit ^o Charleston.
Messrs. Harry Ingram and John Eb
hart are visiting friends In Augusta.
Mrs. George Speer, who has been III
for the past week. Is some better.
Miss Pauline O'Connell, of Mayavllle,
is the guest of friends In the city.
Miss Annie Fltten,will entertain the
Tueaday Bridge Club next week.
Mrs. Lloyd Parks and children are
in the Highlands of North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Everhart
leave Monday for New York city.
Miss Claudia Scott Is the guest of
Mrs. Otto Backam, at Abbeville.
Mrs. A. J. Hansell Is the guest of
Mrs. R. L. Miller at Mount Airy.
Mrs. W. A. Hemphill and
daughter are at Tate Springs.
Rev. Dr. Junius W. Millard and Mre.
Millard are at Tate Springs.
Mrs. Ralph Van Landingham spent
Thursday and Friday In Atlanta.
Judge H.
have returned from
Parry and daught
m the Highlands.
Miss Eunice Cates, of Augusta, Is tha
attractive guest of Miss Gertrude In
gram at 242 Richardson street.
Mrs. Louise Oholstln and Miss Kath
arine Gholstln returned Friday morn
ing from Atlantic Beach.
Mrs. Bulow Campbell and young
daughter are In Rome, Ga, the. guests
of Mre. Campbell's parents.
Mrs. William Redd and her brother.
Mr. Henry Pope, of Birmingham, are
visiting relatives In Atlanta
Mrs. Eugene Thomas, of New York,
Is the guest of hsr mother, Mrs. Mar
garet Ramspeck, In Decatur.
Mr. James W. Austin and Master
Laurens Austin are spending a few
days near Greenville, S. C.
Mrs. H. W. Glover, who Is visiting
her sister In Chicago, expects to return
to Atlanta by August 1.
Miss Ruth Abercrombie has returned
to her home at Watklnsvtlle, after a
brief visit to the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joseph Murphy
of Birmingham, are In the city en
route to Indian Springs.
Mr. Henry Everhart, of Pittsburg, Is
the guest of his mother, Mia C. A.
Everhart, In Decatur.
Miss Daisy Ashford, of Watklnsvllle,
Is visiting friends In Atlanta.
Mrs. J. B. Neely, of Chattanooga, Is
visiting friends in Atlanta
Mrs. R. F. Simmons and son are vis.
Itlng friends at Cava Spring.
Miss Sara Callaway, of West Point,
Is visiting Atlanta friends.
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Cartledge have
apartments at the Majestic.
a protracted illness.
Miss Henrietta Swygert Is staying
with her brother, Mr. Eflrd Swygert
Mrs. William Caldwell Is visiting her
son. Mr. Gilbert Caldwell, In Senola
Mr. Lee Reeves, of Atlanta Is with
old friends here.
Miss Lets Pope, of Atlanta who has
bean visiting relatives hers for the
past few weeks, has returned home,
accompanied by Miss Ray Garrison.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jennings, of
Plains, are visiting relatives here
Mr. L. F. Harris Is at home after a
business trip to Birmingham. Ala
Messrs. E. 8. Harris, J. R. Odum, W. C.
Baggett, L. W. Leslie. Rastus Matthews.
J. T. Harrison, Luther and Matthew
Laslter, Jim Holloway, Lew Smith and
Jim Williams heard the speech of Hon.
Harvle Jordan at Monroe Tuesday.
Miss Thesda Odum visited Monroe
W. B. Treadwell Is taking In the
meeting at Pleasant Grove this week.
Hon. J. C. Bedlngfleld made a busi
ness trip to Monroe Monday.
Mr. Joe Partin Is quite sick.
Mr. John H. Bedlngfleld made a bust-
ness trip to Gainesville Wednesday.
Luthsr Harrison returned home after
a business trip to Greene county.
Dr. E. R. Harris and John Holloway
made a business trip to Monroe Wed
Z. W. Hendrix Is back home after a
pleasant visit to Alabama. *
W. p. Hendrix and C. L. 81ms made
s business trip to Winder Thursday.
Miss Hattie Rogers, of Monroe, Is
assisting Mr. Harrison with his school
Mrs. Bulow Campbell and her little
daughter, Virginia Orme, are visiting
relatives at Rome. .
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Emmons and
Miss Etheiyn Emmons left Thursday
for Aebury Park.
Mrs. Isaac Hardeman-Is the guest of
her mother, Mrs. 8. W. Goode, on For
rest avenue.
Judge and Mrs. William Bailey La-
Mr. Milton Saul, of Nashville, Is In
the city for a few days. ,
Mr. Julian Harris returned Friday
from Now York city.
Mr. Frank Neufvllle has returned
from Asheville, N. C.
Mrs. Charles Hill has returned from
a visit to Michigan.
Mr. Duncan Ingram will return Sat
urday from Tybee.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Meador are at
Porter Springs.
Miss Edith Duncan has returned from
New York city.
Mr. and Mre A. J. Shropshire are at
Asheville, N. C.
Is visiting In
If you are your own friend you will in
vestigate our partial payment plan of sell
ing diamonds, A diamond is a friend in
need. Can be converted into cash imme
diately any place in the world.
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall Street.
Geo. E.
38 Wall St., I
-The railroad commission will meet
August 25 (or the purpose of consider
ing the question of Jurisdiction over
the Atlanta Northern Railway, the
electric line between Atlanta and Mari
Some time ago the commission serv
ed notice that It would assume Juris
diction over the road for the purpose
of adjusting the freight rates and also
to require the road to build adequate
terminal facilities for the accommoda
tion of the public. The street railway
people will be heard 6n the matter.
Lieutenant L. S. D. Rucker arrived In
Atlanta Thursday night at 11:40 with
the body of his wife, who was formerly time he was killed on the rallraod kim
South Carolina wants J. F. A1«j b .
der for forgery, and Governor Heywsrf
hss made requisition for him.
But Alexander won't be turned over
to the Palmetto state authorities, be-
cause he Is now In the Carrollton an
charged with the same offense by Alei
Walker, of Villa Rica, and must dm
stand trial In this state. 1
The residence of .J. R. Holcolmbs,
52 Simpson street, was entered by i
burglar some time Thursday and rob
bed of a lot'of rare coins, together with
mashed and broken watch, which
was worn by Holcomb'e father at tbs
Miss Lucy Newman, daughter of Judge
and Mrs. William T. Newman.
The body was taken to the under
taking establishment of Barclay
Brandon, where simple services were
held Friday morning at 10 o'clock by
Rev. C. V. Bridewell, and the Interment
was at Westvlew. Numerous and ex
qulsltely beautlfuly floral offerings lit
erally covered the casket. Judge New
man and family came down from Ar
den, N. C„ to the services and will re
turn there Friday night.
Mr. J. C. Melllchamp returned Fri
day morning from an extended trip
East where he has been for the past
four wweks engaged In the purchase of
an elaborate stock of Jewelry and art
novelties for his new store which will
be opened at No. 70 Whitehall street on
August 16.
Mr. Melllchamp has an experience of
thirteen years In the Jewelry business,
and Is one of the best known dnd most
popular men In his line In the South,
lie familiarity with the local Jewelry
trade enables him to be In a position
to serve the public In a most satisfac
tory manner.
Special to The Georgian.
New York, July 20.—Two hundred
bassengers on the steamer John Syl
vester, which left Rockaway Beach at
40 o’clock last night, did not reach
New York until 1 o'clock this morning.
The captain had been compelled
anchor tor live hours In the upper bay
owing to a dense fog.
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, July 20.—Imperiling the
Uvea of their 1,600 paaaengera, two
crowded excursion steamers were In
collision last night In New York har
bor off Staten Island. Neither In the
crash Itself nor In the wild panic which
followed was any one seriously Injured.
The vessels were the Perseus, of the
Iron Steamboat Company, bound for
Coney Island, with 600 persons on
board, and the Thomas Patten, of the
Patten line, bound from Long Branch
to New York, carrying 1,000 persons.
Boats In the bay brought the frighten
ed passengers to the city.
time ago.
This grewsome timepiece was utorri
away in a box, where It was discover
ed by the burglar while rifling the
house. The family was absent at the
time of tho burglary. Police Call 01-
fleers Brannon and Norris made an In
vestigation. but failed to find any trace
of tho burglar or stolen property.
The store of J. H. Goldstein, 11 Con-
nnlly street, was nlso visited by a bur*
glnr Thursday night, and a lot of cl-
grtrs and tobacco stolen. Policeman
Starnes, who resides nearby, waa noti
fied and mado a search for the burglar,
but to no avail.
By Private Leased Wire.
Cincinnati, Ohio, July 20.—A move
ment to units the so-called common
people. In opposition to thoee alleged
to be enjoying special prlvllegti by
reason of poUtlcal control by the truiti
has been launched In this city In the
formation of a body called the Com
mons Club of Cincinnati, which la to
be the nucleus of a national organlia-
tlon of clubs under that name.
Specie! to The Georgian.
Huntsville, Ala., July 20.—Hon.
Charles P. Lane, who Is leading the
reform movement In Alabama Repub
lican politics against the Roosevelt snd
office-seeking Republican machine, U
making a tour of tha middle and aouth- j
ern part of the state, and It le UW ,
that he will bring enough pressure te j
bear to bring about his wishes art
overthrow the ring In the orgtnu*' i
By Private Leased Wire.
New Orleans, July 20.—An tnvltetk*
to President Roosevelt to visit New Or
leans while en route to Panama tbs
fall and to participate In the preaen-
tatlon to the battleship Loulelaaa «*•
stiver service from the state of Low*
ana, was mailed today by Presidentju
hert Goodchaux of the New Orleeee
Progressive Union.
Miss, Ellene Glenn has. returned to
Our responsibility for raising the
popular standard of demand here In
diamonds Is too generally known for
denial, and we continue to sustain
this class demand with the finest
equipment. *
Davis & Freeman
Mrs. R. B. Ridley and children are at
Warm Springs.
Mrs. .D. M. Boykin has returned to
the city.
.Mre. Don Pardee Is at Warm Springs.
By Private Leased Wire.
Louisville, Ky., July 29.—The writ of ha
lloas corpus to relesse John Abner and
John Hmtth, who ire charged with the
sssesslnstlon of Ur. I>. I). Cox, st Jerk-
eon. four roars sen, area oallod yesterday
before Judge Roddll). at Irvine. Ky.
The oeao wae auluultted by the attar,
neya on the stenographic report of the
By Private Leased Wire.
Baden, July 20.—All Germany Is now
excited over the condition of the Heid
elberg castle. For two years the ques
tion whether the “Otto Heinrichs" por
tion of It—the handsomest section—
shall or shall not be taken down and
rebuilt has aroused all Baden to the
point where fraternal warfare seemed
close at hand. Now the matter has
lost Its local significance and become
an Imperial Issue. The newspapers
everywhere have taken sides for or
against. Expert after expert has been
consulted, and one commission of arch
itects after the other has had Its say,
only to be overruled or controverted
So serious has the situation become
that there le no little danger of the
structure’s tumbling down before a de
cision can be reached.
By Private Leased Wire. ,
Ashland, Wla. July 20,-It *“ r ^„
that another explosion hid 'iW P““
the dynamite works of the Attaj!]*
der Compear, and that the* •iSefkr
killed. It developed that u S*"« Ztm
wrers, employed In~cleinlng “P '<> "jje
of Tuesday'* explosion, had rf
tire, which caused a premature expW"
stick of drnimlte. ' . cc: i
Three of the men were Injured, t»>
By Private Leased Wire.
Lexington. Ky.. July “J 1 *’,? 2
who formerly . wae deputy ’“ S f b „ v,«
Callsheb. arrived here la.t .ulgbt f«“ „
Mexico too Into to m'e* S I
Csltsbsu trill. He left hU k! ? si!
Jsrllln Junction to testify f[
He will tak*
loo n party
men, among them many
innruiiu S r V A «r«r to l a '‘
fusing « handsome f r \ tw ga-
tike track with him
urty of young_ »£"!{,, „tJ fe»
Just Received. Look st Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall St.
kad plotte,
Aahtirr Splrer to kilt Cox. Hptrer was In
the stable when the swots were tired, but
he claims not to have partlelpetei' '
shooting. He wee the principal
for the rooimoswcalth. Hargis
leased on 210,009 ball. Abner an4 Mmlib
were arrested later, and were refused ball
by County Judge 'faulbee.
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