Newspaper Page Text
“Ail It I ' A 1 , Jl 1.1
Monday evening Mr. and Mr*. J. C.
Beam entertained a few frleada at an
Informal dinner at their apartment* on
Balter *treet. On the tame evening
Mr. Samuel Sheer save a dinner at the
Capital City Club In honor of Mr. H.
St. George Tucker, prealdent of the
Jamestown Exposition. Mr. Sllcer'a
guests were: Governor Terrell, Hon.
W. S. West, Hon. John M. Slaton, Mr.
Clem Dunbar, Hon. Clark Howell, Mr.
George Walton, Mr. Maurice Thomas,
and Mr.’ W. E. Christian.
Tuesday morning Mr*. C. J. Maddox
wa* hostess at a meeting of the "100"
' Club of Edgewood. Those present were
Mrs. C. D.' Maddox, Mrs. Robert Clay
ton, Mrs. W. F. Denny, Mrs. Sam Find
ley, Miss Katharine Dennis, Miss
Cleveland Zaliner, Mrs. Virgil Mad
dox, Mr*. Farendon, Mrs. George W.
Chapman, Mrs. Harry Schutt* Mr*.
Tate, Mr*. Pelham, Mr*. Ernest Hen
derson, Mrs. Pierre M. Phelan, Miss
Adelaide Lewis, Miss Nan Connelly and
Mrs. Robert Parkey.
Wednesday Miss Julia Dodd enter
tained at euchre complimentary to
Miss 8arah Jackson, of Charleston. In
vited to meet the guest of honor were:
Misses Sarah Jackson of Charleston,
Annie Sykes Rice, While Muse, Carrie
Muse, Margaret Haverty, Bessie Jones,
Eva Bell Gregg, Imogens Thorn, Jen
nie Knox, Nellie Lawrence, Minnie
Hay, Irene Austin, Bessie Pope, Harry
Schleslnger, Agnes Harrison, Adele
Holliday, Ruth Wing, Jennie Pnttlho,
Lillian Yow, Sarah Rawson, Bertha
Wright, Laura Cowles, Ruth Era-In and
Madeline Walsh. ,
In the afternoon of the same day
Master Vassar Woolley celebrated his
10th birthday. His guests Included Vir
ginia Lipscomb, Adgate Ellis, Annie
Bates, Marlon Woolley, Lettle Bello
Burbank. Mary Peabody. Josephine
Peabody, Helen Dykes, Mary Brown,
Marlon Huh, laiura Cole, Clara Cole,
Annie Stuart Ellis, Marie Roberts, Ida
Cramer, Mary Rice, Margaret Wilkinson,
Elisabeth Tuller, Gladys Paine, Isollne
Campbell, Charlotte Wilkins, Agnes
Smith, Cornelia Moore, Hugh Wlllet,
Iatwrence Wlllet, Theodore Peabody,
Quill Ortnc, Jr., Thomas Hull, Beverly
Evans, Julian Evans, George Evans,
Oeorge Brown, Beverly Wayt, John
Wayt, John Oliver, Albion Wlmbleh,
Hilton Wlmbleh. Frederick Cole, Ed
win VanValkenbtirg, William Van-
Valkenburg, William McKensle, Will
1 Campbell, William Ellis. Jr., Franklin
Mike!, Charllo Caverly, Burke Ponder,
Basil Woolley, Whitman Burbank, and
Wllmer Moore.
Mrs. William Wllmerdlng's bridge
party of Wednesday afternoon was a
compliment to Miss Ada. Norfleet, of
Tennessee, the guest of Mrs. Thomas
Felder. Mrs. B. C. DeLeon entertained
her bridge club Wednesday. The Aral
prlxe was won by Mrs. Evelyn Harris
and the cqnsolatlon was won by Mrs.
W. M. O'Brien.
Mrs. Thomas Brumby entertained the
Fpend-the-Day Club Thursday at her
home In Marietta. The club members
Include Mis* Florence Jackson, Miss
Eugenia Oglesby, Miss Harris Stock-
dell, Mis* France* Gray, Mis* Josle
Stockdell, Miss Kate Robinson, and
Mrs. Henry Johnson.
The Misses Woodward entertained
their card club Thursday morning at
their home on West Peachtree. The
club members present were: Misses
Laura Payne, Ethel Gsy, Mary Dean
Tttpper, and. In the absence of other
members, Mrs. Sam Hewlett, Mrs. Ed
ward Fprtaon and Miss M. A. Phelan
acted as substitutes.
Mr*. Claud B. Henderson's reception
at her home In West End, complimen
tary to Mrs. Alfred Russell TensUAv, of
Jacksonville, and Mrs. Louis F. Hen
derson was a large affair of Thursday.
A delightful theater party of Thurs
day evening Included Miss Kate Rob
fnson. Miss Nannie Nlcolson, Miss Jo
sle Stockdell, Miss Martha Woodward.
: Miss Harry Stockdell, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Shedden, Mr. Stuart Boyd, Mr.
Logan Clarke, Mr. Hugh Robinson, Mr.
Joseph Brown Connally, and Mr. An
thony Byers.
Miss Ret Dargan gave a dinner on
the same evening In honor of Miss Ada
Norfleet, the guest of Mrs. T. B. Felder.
Mr*. Frank Butt entertained at an
enjoyable bridge party Friday after
noon. The event, while small, brought
together a congenial group of well
known bridge player*. Mr*. Butt's
1 guests were: Mrs. Henry Tanner. Mrs.
I Charles Sclple, Mrs. Fleming duBIgnon.
I Miss Lula Fltten, Mrs. Fltten, Mrs. W.
: E. Wllmerdlng, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. A.
! P. Coles, Mrs. Barbour Thompson, Miss
Annie May Hall, Mrs. Archibald Davis,
Mr*. Oeorge Dexter, Mrs. Andrew Nlc-
olson. Mrs. John Clark, Mrs. Foster,
Mrs. Johnson.
Friday afternoon n number of small
parties were seen driving nut to the
. Country Athletic Club, where they en-
’ Joyed tennis, boating and other sports
known to athletic devotees.
Saturday evening the table d'hote
dinner at the Driving Club brought out
a number of society people who always
enjoy these Informal affairs.
Photo by Motes.
8u*an Deane snd Ralph VsnLandinghsm, Jr„ the 4-yesr-old twins of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Landingham, of this city.
Miss Pearl Peck to Marry
Mr. Richard C. Shoup
Dr. and Mr*. Frank Hoyt Peck announce the engagement of their
dnughtcr. Pearl Beatrice, to Mr. Richard Conwell Shoup, of Wilmington, Dei.,
the marriage to take place on the evening of September 4, at #:30 o'clock,
at the home of the bride's parents, on West Peachtree street.
The announcement of Miss Peck's approaching marriage to Mr. Shoup
Is of much Interest to a very large circle of friends, not only In Atlanta, but
In other portions of the South, by whom she Is admired for her many.beau
tiful womanly attributes, and for her rare musical talents. Her removal to
Wilmington after marriage will be a source of sincere regret to t Atlanta
friends. ...
Mr. Shoup has already attained to success In business, holding-a* .he.
does a responsible position with the United States Reference and Bond As
sociation of Philadelphia, with headquarters at Wilmington, Del. ; j
, Miss Sarah Law, of Sheffield, Ala.,
wa* on Friday evening the guest of
honor at an "up Jinks" party given for
her by Miss Margaret Wlkte. Miss
Wlkle's home In West End was at
tractively decorated with cut flowers.
The score cards were hand-painted
brownies, and were the source of much
merriment to the guests. Miss Law
wore white and green and Miss Wlkle
was gowned In a white lingerie frock
with girdle of yellow.
Miss Wlkle's guests were: Misses
Sarah Law, Mertle Law, Erskine Fra
sier, Emily Keen, Edna Wade, Irene
Siler, Eleanor Collier, Martha Wag
ner, Marie McIntyre, Annie Ray, Nell
Prince, Mae Richardson. Allle Purser,
Llssle Richardson. Bessie Pope, Bessie
Dyre, 141 y Akin, Lollte Tipton, Messrs.
Esmonds Falvey. Tucker Callaway,
Philip'Morgan, Lewis Foster, Charlie
Goodman, Roy Brooks, William Jen
kins, Wallace Haskell, Clarke Frailer,
Brown Keen, Walter Crowe, Walter
Smith, Marshall Nelms, Earl Cox, Gray
One of the many pleasant Infortrfal
affairs of the week was the party at
which, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Oeorge
entertained In honor of'their guests.
Misses Helen Hitchcock, of Tallapoosa,
and Florle George and l.rtulo Austin, of
New York. The floral decorations were
elaborate and a delightful menu was
served during the hours of the recep
A quiet but pretty wedding of this
week was that of Miss Moy Beatrice
Garvey and Mr. Albert Henry Bailey,
of New York city, which took place
The announcement Is* made of the
engagement and approaching marrlago
of Mias Estelle Smith, of Opelika,
daughter of Mrs. Evelyn C. Smith, to
Dr. Mell Frnxer Jackson. The wedding
will take place at the First Methodist
church at Opelika August 16, at 9
o’clock p. m.
The young couple will make their
home at Birmingham.
A new bridge club haa been organ
ised In West End, It* members con
sisting of Mrs. ,JL F. Elmer. Mr*..L Z.
Ruff, Mrs. Gordon Woodruff, Mr*. W. E.
Miss Carrie Klrtley spent a week In
Athens recently, and while she was
looking after her own business matter*
she took time to enjoy visiting the
summer school.
Miss Klrtley was a teacher In Ken
tucky before taking up insurance
work, and la, therefore, a competent
Judge of the work done In Athens. In
speaking of the work being done at
the Athens Sumtder school, Miss Kiri
lov said:
“The student body Is made up prin
cipally of teachers from the country
or small town schools. The children
In the state of Georgia need not com
plain of Inefficient teachers, for It Is a
representative body of men and women,
all eager and Industrious in getting
new Ideas and methods to be used In
the next scholastic year. While nearly
every branch In the public school or
college Is taught by capable, wide
awake teachers, possibly the largest at
tendance Is In the grammar school
methods, child study, primary methods,
drawing and handicrafts, showing a
disposition on the pars of the teachers
to grap new plans for the foundation
work. «
About handicrafts. Every man and
woman In that section of the school
was as Intent on finishing one or two
baskets or boxes or rugs as If these
were the most Important things In the
world. This work Is evidently being
used with great good In the country
“How about domestic science?”
‘‘Yes, 1 forgot that. Children are to
be taught to cook better than their
mothers. I used to think that Impos-
, slble. Things have changed—not only
rcook better, but to have a more scien
tific knowledge of what and how to
conk. That Is always an Interesting
“What about the methods for begin
“In contrast to the old way It was
delightful. Things to handle and count
and match and build—colored chalk to
mark certain words or make pictures:
leaves and flowers to study- As my mind
went back to the ‘olden days,' when I
studied, things abstractly and wondered
what they meant, 1 could but envy the
cmfd'of today who has such beautiful
-Interesting plans for work.
“Thfi literature section was, of
course. Interesting to me. To see ‘The
House of Seven Gables' torn to pieces
by the skilled teacher and to see the
parts handled by the alert student-
teacher wa* a work of art.
"To And Just the theme, the motif,
In each chapter: to ascend by step*
factually outlined on the board) to the
climax,, and. then as gradually descend
to the Apish,was Indeed fascinating.
"The lecture course was especially
Instructive and .pleasing.
"Mis* Rutherford was the chle' lec
turer while I eras there. Her talks
on 'The Holy -Land' and 'Southern Lit
erature' ■ were especially good. Her
deductions of the sociological and psy
chological reoibns for the difference be-
tween th* writtye of the North and
South was splendid, and each teacher
at the home of the bride Wednesday Foster. Mr*. J. C. Mason, Mrs. Marshall went'away feeling that he
night. MlUsOMIvl?' EdWard A ’ Holbr ° 0k “ nd or she was ®bmh?riUncS‘of a V«t
The house was, very tastefully deco
rated with palms, ferns and pink and
white flowers, the pink and white col
ors being carried out In the Ices.
The bride's dress was of white chif
fon mull over taffeta silk, fashioned
prlnceaae, quantities of Irish crochet
and Valenciennes* laces being used In
the make-up. Her hair was adorned
with a full wreath of orange blossoms,
and her bouquet was of bride's roses.
Her attendants were: Miss Jean
nette ConnelL maid of honor, and little
Mildred Thomas, cousin of the bride,
flower girl. Mr. George Mills acted
as beat man to the groom.
The maid of honor's dress was of
soft lingerie cloth, made In prlncesse
style, Irish crochet and Valenciennes
lares also being used tor the trim
ming. She wore a half wreath of pink
roses In her hair, long pink gloves and
pink slippers, and carried pink roses.
The little flower girl made a very
pretty picture In a dress of pink silk
mull, made In French style, accordion
plaited, with pink slippers and stock-
ngs. Her golden curl* were tied on
one side with a large bow of pink
ribbon, and she also curried an armful
of pink roses.
The wedding ceremony was perform
ed In the front parlor before an Im
provised altar of palms, the Rev. Dr.
:,ee, of Trinity church, officiating. Mrs.
Walter Lovett played Mendelssohn’s
wedding march while the bridal party
came In from tho back parlor, the
little flower girl being the first to en
ter, then the maid of honor and best
man, entering singly, the bride and
groom coming In together. "O Promise
Mo" was softly played during the cere
The bridal couple left that night for
an extended trip In the East. They
will visit several of the seaside resorts
on the Virginia -and Jersey coasts. In
cluding Virginia Beach and Atlantic
City, after which they will go to New
York, the home of the groom, for a
several weeks' stay.
The bride's traveling suit -was of
dark blue voile, with hat of Neapptltan
braid to match.
The wedding guests Included only the
most Intimate friends and relatives of
the bridal couple.
Mr. and Mr*. Bailey will return to
Atlunta and be at home with the bride's
aunt, Mrs. Thomas, for several months,
before making their permanent home In
New York.
spend-theTday PARTY.
Friday Mis* Emma Oregg entertain
ed at a very charming spend-the-day
party at her home, her guests Includ
ing a congenial party of young men
and young women.
Luncheon was served In the large
summer dining room, which was taste
fully decorated with cut flowers.
Miss Gregg’s guests were Misses
Mary Akin, Elisabeth Adair, Helen
Muse, Helen Cay, Emma and Elisabeth
Gregg; Messrs. Lewi* and Robert
Gregg, Robert Parker, Richard Thom
ton, Blake Johnson and O. H. Jones.
If you are your own friend you will in
vestigate our partial payment plan of sell
ing diamonds. A diamond is a friend in
need. Can be converted into cash imme
diately any place in the world.
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall Street.
Miss Ogllvle.
Tuesday morning the new club will
meet with Mrs. Marshall Hchford.
A number of folks will enjoy the
table d’hote dinner at the Driving Club
Saturday evening. In one party there
will be Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Goddard,
Mr. and Mrs. McPheters, Miss Nannie
Nlcolson and Major Joseph' Nash.
Mr. and Mrs, Cobb Caldwell will have
as their guests Miss Josle Stockdell,
Miss Harris Stockdell, Mr. Hugh Fore
man and Mr. Hugh Robinson.
Mr. Eugene Haynes will entertain
Miss Laura Hill Payne, Mis* Martha
Woodward and Mr. Walton Harper.
Among those who will dine at tfie’club
are Mr. ami Mrs. Mitchell llomer, Mr.
and Mrs. James W. English, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. James McKeldln, Miss Janie
Speer. Miss Annie Fltten, Mr. Wilt H.
Glenn. Mr. Elaworth, Mr. A. P. Corse,
Mr. Charles Wlnshlp.
Miss Maude Daniel entertained at an
Informal domino party during the week
In honor of her guest. Miss Willie
Willis, of Elberton. Sweat pea blos
som* were used profusely In the deco
ration of the home. During the game
f >unch was served and later a course
uncheon was enjoyed. Miss Daniel's
guests were Alias Willis, Misses Maud
und Claude Sims, Alisa Floyd Sprat-
itn, Miss Grace Abernathy, Miss Lu-
rile Oslln, Mias Ellsubeth Mellon and
Miss Rayle, of Washington.
Alisa Evelyn Warde gave a charming
salmagundi party Friday evening at
her home In Edgewood, complimentary
to Alls* t'orlnne Aiurphy and Alls*
Mary Aiurphy, of IatGrunge. Thirty
guests enjoyed Alls* Warde's hospi
Airs. James B. Timmons la entertain
ing at her home In Opelika a charming
house party composed of the following
young ladles: Alias Lucia Jeter, Miss
Lamar Jeter, and Miss Elisabeth Raw-
son of Atlanta, and Alls* Lillian Brock,
of IjiFnyette, Ala. On Wednesday-
evening from 6 to 7 o'clock Airs. Tim
mons entertained at an Informal re
ception In honor of her guests.
Friday evening Airs. Oeorge McMIl-'
lan entertained Informally In honor of
Miss Eunice Cates, of Augusta, who I*
visiting Mias Gertrude Ingraham. A
number of the Intimate friends of Alls*
Ingraham were her guests, and the af
fair was the flrst of many pleasant In
formal occasions at which Alls* Cates
will be the guest of honor during her
stay In Atlanta.
Mrs. J. H. Buskin was hostess Friday
evening at an Informal party given In
her pretty apartment at the Tallulah In
honor of Miss Nancy Gibson and Miss
Alamte Whitehead, of Alacon, the at
tractive guests of Alls* Ruby Lawton.
Airs. Baskin'* guests Included only the
Intimate friends of Alias Lawton, and
the occasion was a most enjoyable one.
principle an fmegl-al part of the whole
North of solid South.”
All In all. Alls* Klrtley believes the
summer school to be the very best
thing the state can do for her teach
er*. “It strengthens them In coming
together for a few 'weeks and enables
them to grasp the essentials of good
teaching In a shorter time. Each In
structor has slftsd out the things a
teacher can easily And for hlmsetf and
only gives what would require time
and patience for experiments."
The announcement of the approach,
Ing marriage of Airs. John Gass, of
Abbeville, 8. C, to the Right Rev.
Theodore DuBose Bratton, bishop of
the diocese of Mississippi, will be re
reived with Interest throughout Geor
gia, and especlally In Atlanta.
Some eight years ago Airs. Gass re
sided In Atlanta, her husband, Dr. John
Gas* being rector of St. Lukes church,'
Since his death she has lived largely
at Sewanee, Tenn.
The marriage will take place at
Sewanee,, August 15, and Immediately
after the ceremony Bishop and Mrs.
Bratton will leave for Jackson.
The marriage rite will be performed
by Bishop Nelson,.of Atlanta, assisted
by Dr. DuBose, dean of the theological
department of the University of Se
Med to iniitM, and games. th<
of which was a guessing contest. In
which All** Annie Davies and Mr. O. J.
Barnes won flrst prize*, and Alls* Inez
Bolneet the booby.
Those present were: .Misses Evelyn
Robbins, Annie Kate .Robbins, Lottie
Sanders, Annie Davies. Inez Bolnest,
Ira Sullivan, Willie Alae McWilliams.’
J.utile Parks, Theresa Alorganatem and
Mrs. W, F. Crons, Afessr*. Boyce Eden*.
O. J. Barnes, Calvin Berkstrumy. Billy
Oerald, Henry Erensberger, Herman
Rademacher, Jim Cochran, Air. and
Mrs. J. C. Branan, Air. and Air*. W. H.
Irby, and Air. and Mr*. J. A. Davies.
Friday morning Mrs. Thomas Daniel
entertained, at a charming luncheon In
honor of Air*. Joseph Rhodes. During
her visit to Atlanta Airs. Rhodes haa
been the honored gueat at a number of
pretty entertainments, and It la a
source of pleasure to her many friend*
here to know that she will return to
Atlanta In the fall to make her home
Mr*. Daniel'* guests were Miss Alma
Pope, Mr*. Georg* Tlgnor, Mrs. James
Dougherty, Mrs. Clifford Hatcher, Mrs.
Sumner Lewis, Mrs. James T. WII
hams, and Airs. James Crawford, Jr.
Mra. Claude Bennett Henderson gave
a delightful reception during the week
complimentary to Mra. Alfred R. Trus-
low, of Jackaonvllle, and Mr*. Louis F.
Henderson, one of the summer brides.
The color scheme, pink and white,
was carried out with artistic effect In
the decorations of Mrs. Henderson'
pretty home at West End. Assisting
the hostess In receiving were the guests
of honor and Miss Luclla Nolan and
Miss Conkell.
Mrs. Claude Henderson wore a be
coming gown of white embroidered
mull, lace trimmed.
Airs. Trualmv'a toilet wa* also of era
broidered mull,
Miss Conkell'a gown was of figured
mushlin, and Miss Nolan wora white
mull, trimmed with lace.
Refreshment! were served during the
Mrs. Henderson's guests were: Afrs.
D. Lester Nichols, Mrs. LeRoy Austin,
.Mrs. Robert Mlddlemas, Mr*. J. H. Pitt
man, Airs. J. H. Andrews, Mrs. Edward
Hyde. Mrs. William Emerson, Mrs. R.
T. Prior, Mr*. J. Q. Bowden, Afrs. Mc
Clellan, Afrs. J. N. Grlssard, Airs. Lora
Orlszard Spurlln, Airs. Burnley, Alls*
Ferguson, Mr*. Walter Archer, Miss
Conkell, Alla* Catherine Conkell, Miss
Nolan, Alls* Irene Nolsn. Miss A. A.
Nolan, Air*.- J. T. Goodrum, Alisa
Schane, Mlaa Nannie Schane, Mrs. W
I. ’Calloway, Mr*. E. A. Wachendorf,
Mfs. S. B. Chapman, Mrs. John Rice,
Mrs.Ambroae W. Hordnett, Mrs. T. M.
Thompson, Alls* Hordnett, Mrs. W. S.
Duncan, Air* George T. Smith, . Mrs.
Charles Owens, Alls* Terry, Mrs. Fred
Terry, Mrs. Johnson, Miss Buchanan,
Miss Vlenlg, Alls* Means, Alls* Stella
Noiah, Airs. Llssle Hule, Mr*. Wllkgr-
son,’Alls* Travis, Mrs. F. K. Boland,
Mra. William Rushton, Mr*. E. E. Hu-
guley 1 , Mrs; Moses, 'Mrs. Jobes, Mrs.
KUiayi mra, munca, into, uuhcb, ***»».
Tupper. Mrs. Cam mage, Mr*. Hunnl-
cutt, Mr*. R, J. Park, Mrs. W. F.
Hancock, Airs. Raymond Lee, Airs.
Hearst, Mrs. Walthall, Mrs. Alltchell,
Mrs. Harrison, Miss Leila Floyd. Mlsaea
Headrlch of Chattanooga, Misses Arch'
er of Jonesboro.
Dr., and Mr*. W. P. Dickinson, of
Opelika, announce Ibe engagement of
their daughter, Annie C„ to Mr. WII
Ham P. Smith, the wedding to tnke
place at the First Alethqdlst church,
Opelika, August ?, at' < o'clock p. m.
The bride-to-be Is the second daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. Dickson, who moved
to Opelika three year* ago to accept
the pastorate of the First Methodist
church In that city.
Mr. Smith Is at present superintend
ent of the Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical
Company at Jackson, Ml**., having re
cently been transferred to that city
from Opelika, where he held a similar
Mr*; Carl Branan entertained at her
home during the week In honor of her
guest* Allas Ira Sullivan, of Girard,
Ala., and Mist Willie Alae McWilliams,
of Newnan.
The occasion was one of much pleas
urs to those present. The evening was
That la Invisible, with no cement to
come loose, made exclusively by Jno.
I*. Moore Sc Rons In Georgia. There Is
nothing on Che market to compare with
It In dressy Appearance and eye-com
fort. It Is the Integral Kryptok Invisi
ble Bifocal Eyeglasa. 42 N. Broad St.,
Prudential building •••
. Diamonds
Our responsibility for ratstog the
popular standard of demand here la
diamonds Is too generally known ftr
denial, and we continue to sustain
this class demand with the finest
Davis & Freeman
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Alerchant and Jewslsr.
Century Building. Whitehall 8L
The reception which. Mrs. H. V
Show gave Friday at her home In Mad
ison In honor of Mrs. H. L. Simmon*
of Atlanta, was one of the most enjoy
able of the season. The wide verandas
were made comfortable with rugs,
chain and table* and here Mrs. W. E.
Adams and Ain. C. AI. Furlow served
Mesdames Mark. Few, Sallle High,
8. F. Beckham and Lee Trammel re
ceived In the hall when green plants
and whltw flowers ware effectively
combined. The parlor, when the re
ceiving party stood, was attractive In
red and green tints, vines trailing
gracefully over the windows and
around pictures and crimson rosea
tilled vases on the mantle and tables.
Standing with Mn. Simmons, the
guest of honor, were her mother, Mr*
Sallle Shaw, and Mesdames Irvine and
The dining room was In pink find
green, the bay window banked In ferns
and palms. The handsome round ta
ble held candelabra with wax tapers
and pink shade* and had as a center-
piece an Immens* bowl filled with La
France rosea, the same flowers being
used on the sideboard and small ta
bles. •
Mrs. Simmons wore a handsome
white net gown over taffeta.
Afrs. Sallle Bhaw’a toilette was of
black silk.
Airs. Irvine wore white and Airs.
Hogue was attired In grey.
About one hundred guests called be
tween the hours of 6 and 7.
Ice Cream of Quali
CE CREAM is a delicate, thing, hard
manufacture, and difficult to get just
Special equipment and technical knowl-'
edge are both necessary for the best results.
The equipment in Nunnally’s factory is
the best that can be had, the cream used
tests over twenty-five per cent, butterfat, and
the men in charge of the ice cream depart
ment have had years of experience.
The result is a perfect product of smooth,
rich cream.
Mr. and Alra. F. W. Patterson are
visiting relatives In Montgomery. Sun
day morning Mr. and Mrs. Patterson
and Air. and Airs. Frank Lockwood, of
Alontgomery, will leave for New York
The following musical programs hav*
been arranged for Sunday:
Voluntary, "My Redeemer and My
Lord," Buck—Miss Marguerite Dunlap.
Anthem, "One Sweetly Solemn
Duet, "Crucifix," Faure—Mrs. Todd
and Air. Scott.
Offertory, violin eolo, Demuth—Mr.
Erwin Mueller.
Choir—Airs. Peyton IL Todd,
B rnno. Mlsa Alarguerlte Dunlap, alto.
Ir. Thomas B. Davl* tenor. Mr. John
Srott, baaa. Mr. C. T. Wurm, comet-
Ist. Mr. J. P. O'Donnelly, organist and
Organ prelude—Batiste.
Anthem, “Vault*"—Dudley Buck.
Offertory, "The Lord Is Mindful,'
solo, Mendelssohn—Mrs. Lee.
Organ, postlude. First .Movement of
Sonata No. 4—Mendelssohn.
Organ prelude—Wehly.
Anthem, "Art Thou Weary?"—
Selection by chorus, "Give Thanks to
the Lord”
Offertory, “Crossing th* Bar"—
Selection by chorus, "The Land of
Pure Delight.”
Closing Hymn. "The Glory Song.'
Organ postlude. First Movsment
Organ prelude—Volchmar. •
Voluntary, "Father, to Thee We
Pray "—Gounod - Bach.
Offertory, Jubllante Deo—Tour*
Organ postlude—Rink.
Voluntary, "God, Be Merciful”—
Offertory, “O, Divine Redeemer”—
Anthem, “Let Not Your Heart Be
Troubled"—Foster. ,
Musical service at 7:J0 p. m.
Prelude and fugue In G major—Bach.
Offertory In D minor—Batiste.
Funeral March—Gullmant.
Charles A. Shelden, Jr, organlsL
via Savannah.
Air*. W. 8. Crofton, of Quincy, Fla,
formerly Alls* Wallace West, of this
city, passed through the city en route
to Spartanburg, S. C, to visit her par
ents, Captain and Mrs. W. Frank West
at their home, Oakland Heights.
Alias Ellen Richardson has returned
from Wlntervllle, where she attended
a house party, given by AIlss Leila
Waggoner, at her country home, near
Allas Grace Callaway has .returned
from a charming visit to LaGrange.
Miss Mary Ridley, of LaGrange, will be
her guest In a few weeka.
Alra. J. H. Ellsworth and Mr* J. F.
Renard will leave next week for an
extended visit to New York, Phlladel
phta and Strausburge, Pa.
Allas Ollle May Osborn returns Sat
urday night from Savannah and Tybee
Island, where she has been visiting
Mlsa Georgia Alay Taylor.
Alra. Charles Conklin entertained her
bridge club on Friday. The prize, a
piece of Dresden chin* was won by
Alra. Robert Shedden.
Miss Katherine Lambert hat gone to
Birmingham to attend a house party
given by Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lambert,
Jr., In that city.
Air. and Mrs. W. H. Howard and Air.
and Mr*. J. B. Howard are spending
several weeka with relatives at Car-
.Mra. W. W. Landrum and children
will leave the flrst of August for Vir
gin!* where they will spend several
Air. Charles F. Cooper Is spending
several days on a camping trip among
the mountains of North Carolln*
Aliases Maud Kirkpatrick, Marian
Morrt* and Marian Wood are members
of a houa* party at Mount Airy.
Mrs. Rush Burton haa returned to
her home th Savannah, after visiting
her cousin. Airs. J. B. Osborn.
Mr. and Alra. J. T. Rhode* of Spar'
t* have returned to their home after
a visit to friends In Atlant*
Mrs. Harry English returns Monday
from Warm Springs and will have as
her gueat . Miss Allis Joseph.
Alls* Pauline Hausman, of Alontgom
ery, Is the guest of Mrs. Paul Hausman,
47 Washington street.
Mr*. J. C. Wayt and children are at
Haddock Inn, Toccoa.
Alls* Nummlc Glenn, of Llthonl* G*,
Is the guest of Miss Camilla Stipe,
on Whitehall street.
Mlaa Jessie West leaves Saturday
night for a trip to Spartanburg, 8. C,
to visit her parents.
Allas Mildred Spratllng Is spending
sonfe time with AIlss Courtney Harri
son at Fembanlc.
Mra. W. H. Eckford will hav* as her
guest next week Mite Elisabeth Ed
wards, of Toccoa.
Mra. B. F. Cobh and children are at
Eallll Springs, Tenn, for the remaind
er of the summer.
Miss Ella Claire Cutt* of Savannah,
Is spending some Itme with her cousin.
Mis* Telen Bagley.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Candler are vis
iting the family of Air. E S. Aiurphy
at Barnesvllle.
Mr* J. H.\ Mirrltt and children are
the guests of Mr* C. O. Brown, at
Eastman, Ga.
Mr*. George Law, of Weat End, will
leave the latter part ofr this week for
Miss Alary Telford has l
Gainesville for a visit of td
two weeks.
Airs. Willard M. Gregory
her brother. Rev. J. O. ~
Mr. W. C. PoMey leaves Sl ur( j, y
night on a visit to friends In Skrtan.
burg, S. C. V
Hon. and Air*. James L. K»A. V .
returned to Atlant* and are now l the
Majestic. \
The Misses Murphy, of LaGrangd
visiting,Miss Evelyn Warde, at
Air. John H. Cooper la spending V,
vacation among the Carolina mol.
Mr. H. C. Bagley, who has be
quite sick with fever, Is now -*r. zg«
Alls* Dusenberry Is the guest of h
sister, Mrs. w. H. Burwell, at Span
AIlss Annie Pyron, of Kenneiaw, I
the attractive guest of relatives hen.
Mra. Howard Pattlllo and dsughtrs
or* spending some time at Norcrosi
Miss. Katharine Wopten 1» vising
ills* Pauline HarHs at Carrollton; |
AIlss Julia Rankin leaves the lsi)(
August for a short trip to Europe,
Mr. and Airs. Cobb Caldwell Vi
leave next w^ek for Tate Springe.
Mr*. L. N. Trammell, Jr, of Afarlett..
Is visiting Atlanta friends. ,
AIlss Nsll Atkinson Is the guest c\
Airs. C. T. Nolan at Marlett* 1
Miss Beulah Ewing, of Lawrencevlll
Is visiting friends in Atlanta.
Mr. Strother Fleming and Mr. Hug.
Kirkpatrick are at Tallulah.
Allas Alberta Orr Is the gueet of Airs,
R. H. Thomas, at Sparta.
Air. and Airs. Paul Dobbins will go to I
Tallulah In a few days.
Alajor and, Airs. Dawes are spending
a few days at Tallulah.
Afr. and Air*. Henry Af. Wood are it
Wrlghtsvllle Beach.
AIlss Aiken Is the guest of Alra. R. B.
Baxter, at Span*
Air. and Alra. J. Owen Henley are *1
Hot Springs, V*
Alls* Bert Jones Is visiting relative*
at Norcross.
This summer our city has been desert
ed by a large number of folks ti*vj' ,, 2*
In Europe. Mr. snd Airs. J. N. 0°“’
dard leave next week to be gone »om»
time. A!n. Alltchell Honor will »
greatly missed this fall, as she leave!
Monday to Join her father. Air. Emer
son, and hsr sister, Mr*. McKIm. to
travel several months abroad. Mr.
Mrs. George Dexter left last Sunday
and Air. and Alra. Boykin Roblnaon
leave In a few days for Europe. Among
those who are already enjoying tne
pleasures and pain* of the tourist* «*•
Air*. Joseph Thompson, Alias .i*w
Thomas, Alisa Emma Bcott, Alls*JWa
ste Chandler, Mr. and Mra. J otl " Kl *1 r l
Mr. and Mr*. John D. Little, Mr. *M
Mrs. Telemsn Cuyler, Mrs. A. B. Steel*-
Miss Alice Steele, Alls* Edna Met inn-
leas. Air*. Edward McCandleM. . M»
Belle Robinson Butler, Mrs.
Dixon, Mr*. Nellie Peter* B ack.
Louise Black, Miss Nit* Black. Be*.
John R fXnnn Mr*. Wilson. Mr.
John E. Gunn, Mr* Wilson. Mr. ana
Airs. Steiner, Air. Willie Bag»*
Jennie English, Ml** Contlenrf
Knowles, Mr*. Clarence Knowlea, »r.
Clarence Knowles.
Cox College and Ceaaemtory ‘
free seholarahlp to each congrMeloo* 1 *
trlet of Georgia, awarded by .■oujpcliov*
examination. These aehblarahlp* "™
available In the flrat, third, aeventh. ela*"
and eleventh district* and eisrom*™"
will be held la the rfrloae roomie* (•
posing these district* for the pnrpoeew
awarding them. Thorn* desiring to cop
pete for these scholarship* w |n ’f "
nlsbed full Infonnstloa on *PP II ‘'\ ,I ' 3 V.
the President, Co* Cel lege snd i
story, College Park, Georgia.
?StrA°,; R Y AP 5? 8 ^ C * N ,U " L '