Newspaper Page Text
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hday, ji i.\ :i. nr
The U. D. C Founder Vacation Schools
Mr*. II. C. Goodlett, of Nashville,
tenn.. I, the founder and flr*t presI-
of the United Daughter* of the
Confederacy. Phe Is a very modest and
Interesting woman, who has the honor
of accomplishing a wonderful work for
#Tlr.g patriotism, thereby perpetuat
ing the memory of the heroic dead of
tfca entire Southland. Mr-. Ooodtett
worked for many years In organizing
the United Daughters of the Confed-
erzry. before the association of which
the was president would nsalst and co
operate with her In calling a conven
tion and Inviting other Daughter* of
the Confederacy to unite In forming a
national association. On September 10,
1191, the United Daughters of the Con-
fsderacy was organized In Nashville.
This society now numbers 40.000 mem-
hen. all due to the untiring effort and
Influence of Mra. Goodlett. Her object
In uniting the women of the South waa
. to bring them together, to pull shoulder
to shoulder with the Confederate vet-
trans in extending all necessary aid
to the needy survivor* of the war be
tween the state*; to protect historic
places of the Confederacy; to record
tut part taken by Southern women, aw
well in untiring effort after the war In
the reconstruction of the South as In
jatlsnt endurance of hardship and pa
triotic devotion during the struggle; to
honor the memory of those who fell In
the service of. the Confederate states,
and to cherish ties of friendship among
the members of the society.
A vacation school, wherein the city
bound children may enjoy a holiday Is
one of the greatest features for club
work. It Is not only, a work for wo
men's clubs, but goes further than
that, and gives an opportunity to those
who wish to do some good In the world,
by, subscribing and donating to a most
worthy cause. In Cincinnati, the wo
man!* club, has successfully operated
a school of this kind for seven years,
and In the school for this summer there
are enrolled ISO children, with many
more on the watting list. Four morn
ings during the week these children
are taught, during the hours of 9 toll
o'clock, a class In Instructive manual
work, such as basket weaving, model
ing in-clay, kindergarten work, sewing,
drawing and painting, carpentry work
and cardboard cutting. On the fifth
day of the school these children are
given an outing of some description, at
which they are the guests of the school
patrons, and .are royally entertained at
an all-day picnic and • romp. These
summer schools are nonsectarian, free,
bookless and devoted entlrsly to man
ual work. It Is an admirable work
and Is surely a means and way of de
veloping the minds and hearts of many
a city child, gives to each one a very
beautiful way of spending five morn
ings of the week and keeps them off the
District Nursing
Birmingham Is to organise district
nursing on a new basis, and as on aux
lllary of the United Charities.
Miss Grace Smith. Miss Nannie Ham
ilton, president of the Trained Kurae’a
Association, and Miss Barry, the su
perintendent of the Hillman hospital,
all of whom are widely known In Birm
ingham, are most actively Intereeted
In making the movement a success,
having observed the tremendous good
the system has accomplished tn other
cltlee and the absolute need for Just
such an organisation here.
The district work Is not entirely new
In Birmingham aa the Hillman hospital
employed a nurse up until a few
months ago for Just this sort of work.
As an organization, however, .on well-
laid and definite plans. It will be a new
When Its plan and methods of work.
Its significance and scope are fully
comprehended the organisation will
nfeet with unanimous approval as It
deserves and hearty support..
At the present writing Miss Lucy
Kenon Is the only district nurss In At
lanta. She Is officially a parish nurse,
aa she Is entirely supported by the
Episcopal churches of Atlanta, but she
Is subject to any calls from any de
nomination, and stands ever ready to
aid the alck from any part of the city.
She has accomplished a world of good,
tome of which It known, but ths great
er part Is dons so quietly and so un
heralded that her true success and
worth la known only to the sufferers
who have known and felt her minis
tering touch.
Out Work in 'Summer
Kelr Hardie. member of parliament,
the leader of the British Labor party,
writes aa follows as to women who
"To those who are opposed on prin
ciple to women having ths votes at all,
I have little to soy. Theta I find It
easier to pity than to reason with.
In ths English colonies women are
voters, but they have not, because of
that, ceased to be wives or mothers.
Their outlook on life has been broad
ened by the possession of ths vote
which forces them to Interest them
selves lit political and social questions.
They are thus In a fair way to be
come better companions of their hus
bands and I say this with deep con
viction—heller mothers. A woman
whose clrcto of interests la circum
scribed by her pots, pans and scrub
bing brushes, varied by an occasional
gossip with a neighbor or a quarrel
with her husband, can never, however
affectionate, be other than a curb upon
the opening, citgerly questioning Intel
ligence of her children. Broaden the
outlook of the mother, and you open a
new world for childhood to grow In,
and bind many n wild, v,ayward youth
to his home llfo who Is now driven out
Into ths hard world for lark of that
sympathetic, Intelligent companionship
which an educated and enlightened
mother can alone supply.
•The "half angel, hnlf Idiot," period la
over In the woman's world. She la
fighting her way Into svery sphere of
human activity. Her labor la coming
Into competition with that ofcman In
nearly svery department of Industry.
Women should Insist upon political
equality, whatever ths conditions of
that equality may be."
During the warm summer months
there Is naturally very little work of
any consequence being dons by ths
Osorgtn club women. Almost everyone
Is enjoying the vacation at the moun
tain or seashore resort, and of court*
club work Is a thing which will only
be begun In the fall. When cooler
.weather approach** the members of
the Georgia clubs wilt return f> each
session with active minds, and sver
willing and ready to carry out tome
magnificent work which Is always un
der the management of the federation,
While we are enjoying the much
needed summer rest, 1st each on* of
the club women occupy her thoughts
and attention with somo new and en
gaging subject which may be placed
before t!.l club at Its fall and winter
Already on* cluft haa been formed
during July, and haa among the num
ber of member* the prominent women
of College Park. They are: Mra. Nina
H.. Thornton, Mrs. Emma D. Willing
ham, Mrs. Moggie W. Willingham, Mrs.
Lurlle Castleberry Woodward. Mrs.
Line H. Whits, Mrs. Cornells W. Al-
frlend, Mra. Emms C. Connolly. Mrs.
ilsssle J. Boyd, Miss Mnry Crenshaw,
Mrs. Madge C. Eldar, Mra. Annlo C.
Graves, Mrs. Alma C. Gray. Mrs. Ora
It. Guinn, Mrs. Grace L. Martin, Mrs.
Fannie A. Mason, Mrs. Carrie G. Mc
Crary, Mrs. Fannie T. Lyle, Mrs. Mory
C. Reid, Mrs. Bella R. Rlrhnrdson. Mrs.
Bessie H. Hhsefer. Mrs. Kate F. Shaw,
Mrs. Anita M. Sturdivant, and Miss
Annie C. Thornton.
In Georgia and Adjoining States
Pleasant Mention From Other Cities
A reception was held nt the home of
Mr. and Mra. A. L. Kirkpatrick Tues
day night, In honor of their guests,
Mias Rose Sewell, of Alabama, and
Mias Bert 8ewell, of Summerville, Ga.
The evening was spent In the enjoy
ment of games and refreshments.
none present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mr. Wit
llatns, of Columbus, On.; the Misses
Sewell and a number of others.
Mias Motile Thatcher has announced
the marriage of her niece. Miss Nancy
Bell Thatcher, to Mr. Eugene New
kirk, of Jersey City.
Mr. Ballard Td’erly will Tjrolong 'his
visit In Jackson, Miss., for several
weeks longer. Mr. Lyerly recently
iradusted with high honor from V.
Mieses Ada and Elite Stone have re
lumed from Catoosa Springs.
Mrs. W. M. Stone and Sons, Master*
Milton and Dan, "have returned from a
visit to Catoosa Springs.
Misses Elisabeth and Alice Head re
turned Friday from Cumberland Island,
where they have spent the past three
Miss Marie Flemlster has returned
front Catoosa Springs, where she was
the guest of Mlsa Catherine Martin.
Ur. Reginald Keith, of Natchez,
.Miss, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Keith, on Cherry street. He
*111 leave In a few days for Carters-
ville, Ga., where he will Join Mrs. Keith,
who Is visiting relatives In that city.
Mrs. \v. C. Gaston will leave this
week to Join Mr. Gaston at Wrights-
Vllle Beach, N. C.
Mrs. Fllmore Gibson, Miss Alice Gib-
ana. .Mrs. Williamson and daughter,
Miss Ethel, have returned from Whlto
Mrs. j. b. Neely Is visiting friends
In Atlanta and Tallulah Falls, Go.
Miss Anntelson Miller, of Rldgev
entertained a few of her friends Fr!
afternoon In honor of Miss L
Fowler, of Morgansvltte.
Mre. .Marion Howard, of Atlanta, Is
flatting her aunt, Mrs. L. O. Walker,
on Ulndsny street.
Mr and Mrs. G. E. McKennsy end
family have returned from a visit to
et- Simon’s Island and Atlanta.
MUaes Susan, Kate and Martha Fort,
Ml. Airy, Ga.. and Kate Ellis, of
Macon, Os., arrived this vret\. The
quartette of charming girls left for
Tate Springs, chaperoned by their
»um, Mias Kate Fort.
Sir. and Mra. Roy Sweeney and Mas
ter Gorge and Miss Margaret Sweeney
Jove gono to Alabama. They will make
* brief stop *4 Lookout mountain.
Miss Eleanor Salmon has returned
irom ratoota.
Mra. j. n. Quarles Is here from Ce-
Jartown, visiting her daughter, -Mr*.
Bowman, In 8t. Elmo. Mrs. Bowman
5"i little daughter, Lida, will return
borne with Mrs. Quarles.
Mrs. l.tzsie p. Boise and Miss Fannie
”• Boise, of Washington, D. C., arrived
time ay * n<1 ar ® Bt th# ,nn tar a
.Little Miss Julia Luke Wlnnett Is
"If, ,rom Nashville visiting friends.
Miss Fannie Lee Rawls, a charming
Foung lady of Athens, Ala., Is being
•ntertalned by Mrs. Wi R. Steele at the
Misses Octavla Phillips. Vallle
Thoiupv.n am j Bobln Craige have gone
I®* Irxlnls Beach to spend their vac*.
Ml'a Florence Peeples Is her* frmn
Bridgeport visiting her sister, Mrs.
Miss Mary Stivers has gone to Birm
ingham to visit friends.
Mrs. C- E. James Is the guest of Mrs.
Webster James at Durham, Ga.
Mrs. W. H. C. Dudley, of Amertcus,
Ga. Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. L.
E. Brooke, on East Fourth street.
kllss Estelle Barber entertained Monday
evening complimentary to her visitors, Mias
Jewel Inin, of Greenville, sod Miss Era
rule Moore, of Msyarllle. Tbs horns was
appropriately decorated with ferns and
growing plants, and Japanese lanterns were
hung from ths trees, which eddeji much to
the Ireanty of the occasion. Ices wars
served and the srsnlsg was spent pleasant
ly. Those present were Misses Jewel Ir
vin, of Greenville: Emmie Moore, of Mars
eille: Lou Ona, Ceell aud May Die Ut
ile, May Hudson, of Atlanta; Guosle Car-
son, Mabel double, of Oreenrllle. H, C;
Cliff Daughtry. Nine Boyd, of Quttmsi,
anil Messrs, ulln Mhsnkle, Dnvls gbspnon,
John Ilsrber, Roy Daughter, George Unit-
hard, Henry Wmiatnaos, Ernest Jackson,
run Barber. Park Holbrook, Iiobhrt Black,
tori Paul and Albert Ilsrlier.
delightful outing was the ddhlng par
ty one ilny reecutly, glren liy Mr. end Sirs,
c. It. Stark, for their popular visitor, Miss
Slabel Usable, of Greenville, 8. C. The
pertly left early In the morning for tbs
lake, which Is I miles west of the city, car
rying dinner and delicious fruits along.
After spending a pleasant day,_the t party
returns *" ' *■ *-
"Ir. at... —.
lope DUry, Misses Ctuble, Irvin, Moore.
Isrber, Hudson. Pittman. Mattoi, end
dessrs. Hat her, Black, Holbrook, Shannon
nml Mattox.
Mra L. Brown, of Macon, Is ths guest of
Mra It. L. Daughtry.
MK and Mra. J. F. Shannon ar* .
tending the convention of Georgia editors
at Hartwell. . . ,
Misses Ins Bacon and Sarah Moore, of
Msyarllle, were the gaests of friends here
Ur, I- G. Hardman, of the legislature,
•pent Sunday st home.
Mlaa Woodls Williamson Is visiting Miss
Francis Stephens, near l-eilMtun,
Mrs. R. I.. Hardman nnd daughter, Miss
Srle, of Atlanta, are with Mrs. W. T. Har
bor for several .days. ,
Professor J. M. Stephenson, of Athens,
•peut Sunday with frleuds here.
Frank W. Neal Is at home In Thorn
ton for a few days.
Misses Belle Harrell and Avis Wim
berly are vlaltlng frlenda at Bullards.
ing ff
Dr. M. A. Beall Is home
Mra. W. C. Faulk ha* returned from
Macon, where she hae been visiting.
Miss Julia Smith, of Dudley, la vlelt-
Ing her parents this week.
Misses Estell Jones and Eunice
Harrell and Ben Jones are back from
Tybee. , .
Mr. and Mra. D. P. Edwards Is on a
vacation trip to Thomaston and At
lanta. Mr. Edwards' place being filled
by the assistant cashier, Charle* W.
Lancaster. , „ _
Miesre Nellye CtOpmsn and Mary
Faulk are visiting Mis* Cornelia Sfeth-
rick, of Tarveravllle, were gueate of
our city.
Professor John B. Query Is with us
Rev. E. M. Hemming haa returned
from a visit to New York City.
ills* Fannie Hudson Is at home for
the summer, and haa aa her guest Mlaa
Charm Oliver, of Atlanta.
Mr. Jim Ramsey Is at home from Ma
con on his vacattorf.
Misses Georgia Crane and Eddie
Hunter, of Decatur, Ga., are spending
several days with Miss Luclle Gamble.
Miss Ruby McCook, of Robeline, La,
Is spending the sumqier In Georgia,
and Is now the guest of Miss Margaret
Farmer tn this city.
Mr. R. L. Gamble, Jr„ Is at home
from the Citadel, Charleston.
One of the most enjoyable occaetons
of the season was the picnic given by
the young men of the city at warren's
Mill, on Thursday, In honor of visiting
young ladles. Those In attendance
were Messrs. A. S. Keith, F. A. Stone,
William Little, F. M. Kirkpatrick, W.
A. Ramsey, R. L. Farmer, K. L. Gam
ble, Jr., W. J. Clark, Jim Ramsey, An
drew White, R. L. Rhodes, and Misses
Ruby McCook,- Annie Clark, Luclle
Gamble, Eddie Hunter, Nell Barron,
Alice Roberts, Bettle Farmer, Eunice
Hudeon, Fannie Hudson, Charm Oli
ver, Julia Warren, Georgia Crane, Mrs.
T. B. Preskltt, chapenone.
The Forty-two Club wee charmingly en
tertained by Mrs. K. T. Alfrlend on Friday
morning. After Iho games s delicious salad
coarse and Ice ten were served. The guest*
were Misses Louise end Anna Cose, Mary
tarrett, Gertrude Horse, Scott Whitaker,
Mery nine. Merle Whitaker. Meeds me* W.
I. Irvin, E. A. Tlgnsr, J. H. Vinson, A. It.
Marchont, of Atlanta; Karauet Kvass, Jr.,
and C. W. Rlchtsr.
Mrs. Adah Kvass Austin entertained In
formally st cards on Ktidsy afternoon.
Mrs. 1. P. Atchison will entertain tbs
Forty-two Club on Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Frsncle Perklss entertained s few
friends ou Friday morning.
Misses Mettle end Meybelle Moore eo-
talned a few friends In honor of their
slater. Mrs. Louis Hjioilea, of Ms con,
Report sf Art Crafts Cem- Repsrtsf Library Committee
"Life without Industry l» guilt; In
dustry without beauty Is brutality."
Ths work of ths art-crafts commit
tee for 1904-19AJ constated tn the of
fer to the clubs for a period of one to
two weeks each of the Instruction
Mlsa Frances II. Lyon, state director
of art-crafts, and graduate of Pratt
Mis* Lyon went during the sea
to clubs In Augusta, West Point, Cal
houn and Falrburn. beside* work un
der same conditions In Florence Crtt
tenton home and Hspevtlls Orphan
home, Atlanta.
Art-crafts committees were formo
tn each' of these towns and much In
terest excited. In Atlanta at this time
the local committee. Mrs. A, O. Wood
u-ard, chairman, < la giving to two
the rural schools of Fulton county In
■traction In designing from a Pratt
The nrt-crafts committee of West
Point Woman's Club has three good
departments—general hand-crafts, bss
ketry and embroidery—with Mr*. Ed
win l.nng, Mra. M. J. McAfee and Mr*,
James Lanier as chairmen.
■Calhoun's work Is with ths public
schools and with ths placing of orders
for hand-woven goods, etc., among tbs
mountain woman.
games Ice cream with ess* was
vln. near the city.
„,lsses Mattye and Maggie Balkomb,
of Macon, are visiting Mra. A. F. Mar
tin on Rose Hill. _ . ,
W. L. Thompson, of Berwick, .waa
In the city this week.
Mlsa Iris Jons* Is attending a house
party at Spread, Go,
Mis* Alma Tharpe, of Dty Branch,
waa the guest of Mlsa Bessie Harrell.
Misses Madge and Nellie Fltxpat-
Jlra. T. L. McComb. Mrs. L. II. Thome
ml Mrs. U. T. WVIdcnuau are st Indian
tipring*. 1
Mies Kngcnle Dellemlimigh Is the guest
at Mrs. A. D. Nrsblt. SU-; will return to
her home In Tennessee this week.
Her. end Mrs. J. T. Daves are visiting
Mr. Mslcomh Flemlster I* st Indian
Wad Mra Thomas Conn, of Cart ere
villi-. are the gneste of Captain W. I. Conn.
Miss Annie Tennent Is vlaltlng Wrights-
VIII# Beach, N. C.
Mra. Beach sail children, of Columbus,
■re the guests of Mra. Beech’s mother,
Mra Ell* Wlmbueh.
Misses reullne end’ Vernon libeller srs
on an extended trip to Asheville, N. C„
Tonway end other points.
Mr. T. Kills Duckhsrl, representing Ths
Georgies, was lu the city this week.
Miss Hn-de Elliott entertained st her
home on McDonald «venue Tuesday even-
tug. lu an Interesting gam* or word*
building, Colonel J. W. Harris and lllaa
j The Only French Dry Cleaning
Process in Georgia
Bfltalt entertain.
derson, of Hephlxbab, who la the i
Mra. G. V. Beall.
Mlaa Maude Ka
. Euchre Clal» Wedne
and cake were eenred. _
w.»a the prise. a pretty fan. ,
On Wednesday evening Mlaa Carolyn
»ttonor 1 of Ufes" Hel*n*WtJraoa 8YYmw Mra. c. Whltennrst ana enuaren navi
r SP #l fc» jfnlU' retnrned from a to friend, at Dong
I rr^.mks * losoelllo
nndtf wlth ifr. and
Mlaa i.
la tba gutat
Foray Hi, am the gueata
and LeHa Adama.
Mlaa Belle Nolen, of Atlanta, baa been
ir gneat of .Mrs. J. If. Glover for aov-
Mlaa clam Thompaoo. of Flotilla, la tie*
Inc Clara nml Alma l’rlakcll
Mlaa limb lirynnt, of Flotilla, woa
popular gneat of Mlaa Maude McUeo
Hemal aorTlroa are t*lng conducted at
the Julietta Mathodlat ebureb tbla wcef
v. Mr. ArneM being In charge,
flat Willie Mee l’mldy complimented
inber of her young frlenda with n i
Utful biwn party one evening recently,
xra. Guy Williams la vlaltlng friend. In
IIm l!ea.le Hmltli, of Round Oak, woa
returned from an extended vlalt to rein-
tlvee In Washington county.
Dr. W. J. timltb .pent Tuesday In Jack
Mra. II. J. Ilarrlaon. of llayneballc, baa
returned homo after .pending tome time
with Imr dau.htri Mra
Mr. Cbarlla’ Sellncr and ulitera. Mlasea
Itoanlle nud Wllln. are upending this we<
at <;unihcrland Inland.
Mia. fictile ffnrivell, of Atlanta* !a tt
guest of Mlaaea I.tilu and Ray Mitchell.
Mlaee. Lawbon, of Marietta, apent Nun-
day hero with tba Mlaaea Logon.
Mr. Londo Awtrey baa returned from
vlalt to Morlctta.
Mlaa Jennie Mao Hledger, of Kmenoo, II
vlaltlng relative* here.
Mlaa Bvn Smith, of Dalton, I. spending
.n®»te* time with relatives here.
Mra. A. J. Johoaon nnd children have
gone to ap*ud two weeks at Florida and
Indian Knrltig.
Mrs. Fierce i — —
lie, aro the guest, of Mri.
" a. Wayne Farris and llUle ami, Alton,
i dmq tbe
bavo I
tbe guests of Mrs. Mary bmlth*
Miss Ada Lewis, of Towdor flprfngf, spent
last week with the Misses Lunaford.
kilts Maggie llallenuer. after unending
several weeks hern with Mrs. B. M. D/nr.
has returned to her homo at Cr/atal
• — a while
Mia* Wanrim lllnsler left yt+tertiaf tor
Pittsburg, Pa., to vlalt relative*.
Rev. CT A. Norton ami wife arrived Tnos
day to vlalt th. latter's sister, Mra. J
. and Mrs. C ft. Miller, of Ohio, are
•burping nt the Bewell house.
Mrs. Ilarrls and daughter, of Home, who
bavo (Mwa at f be Cars Hut lug hotel for
to pnst t*n days, returned hcmio toda/. I
MIbo Rertn Mosoler, of nirmlnghanj, l«
[tb# guest of Mlaa Minnie Nmitb.
Mr. Jaab Tuinlin has returned from At
l.ntlc Beorb, Pla.
Mr. F. f*. atm* and Carl Clark, of Rome,
■Nt MMSV jMft.
Mr. Frank Park sad mother, of Row!
der, Colo., will arrive today to visit
Miss Maud Miller haa returned I
Mrs. R. /. Mlmmona and aon. of At
lanta. are at the Deaf and Dumb Inatl
tattoo, the gin»*ra of Mra. Connor.
Mlea Huale Wtlroi left Matorday for her
borne at JaekwmvIUe, Ga. h
Mr. loo C. Forbes, of College Porir.
la towa.
Ml«s Mar/ Ilarrleon. of CodartOWI*
rived Monday to visit Mrs. Paul Moat-
M. Garrett. Mra. T. B. Tur
ner ami children laave tbla morning for
Princeton. Ky.
d bo thanked for books,
Th.‘\ ,n*' th*- \*d. im "f tiie distant and
the dead.
And make us heirs to the spiritual llfo
of past ages.
—\V. E. Channing.
The library work of the Federated
Clubs throughout the state Ineludao
three divisions, namely: The perma
nent state library, the traveling libra-
rSea of Individual clubs, and the gift
libraries of Individual clubs.
The permanent library. In the hands
•f th*' H\I '** Hill.It \ r tMM.Iftee, now
c mxiata of about 200 volumes In groups,
daallng with the following subjects:
Music* art, lltarature. history of dif
ferent nations, domestic science, archi
tecture; nleo sections on Browning *nd
Nhnkeapeare and a completo Kncyclo-
pedla Ilrltanlca.
Too much atreas cannot he laid on
tho values of these section libraries
to the newly formed clubs of the stnt*.
Clubs or Individ nig po^Hsii,* i„>oks
of reference or research considered too
valuable for use In th^ -lavcim* li
braries, or for gifts to any special lo
cality, are urged to eend them to the
federation state library, tn care of the
chairman of the state library commit
tee, where they can be nt the service
of the various clubs tn small towns or
country neighborhoods, where bonk* of
reference are not otherwise available.
Any gifts of hooks are ueimmed by
the committee and particularly de.
•Ired ara volumes of Sbakaepeare, and
coplee of Hhaktapenre'a plays, with
Hudson’s notes or others.
Regarding the means of transporta
tion, it la well that those making ap
plication for the books should be ready
to pay the small sum required for
freight and express. Yet. by the kind-
ness of tht railroad officials, and of
club members having express frank
privileges, collections are often sent out
with no expense at all to the receiver*,
and thla la arranged In all pouMble
Tha work of managing traveling li
braries la carried on successfully by
many cluba throughout tha state, es-
i*clally those In rural localities, where
short Journeys for the cases are possi
ble, prompt returns of cases nHsur«®d
and the coet of delivery at tho club
headquarters not oxceaalve.
Clubs that find tho traveling libraries
difficult or too expensive have In sev
eral casta changed thetr system to that
of book collections of from forty to
schools or
library committee especially re
quests all clubs to keep a systematic
record of library work and the dis-
ttlliuthui "f i'"r l“-l »* fiN during the com-
Ing year, that a completo report of tho
state work may bo Included In tho next
year book.
Tho state committee desires to ex-
Imorh Its fh inlet r . »»,.• *.«tlr* *.t«l^ f..r un
failing klndnf«« In th** m.ittrr --f honk
fr«!iH|»t»rtjitlon, and to main Individual
donor* of book*, and to the Aiqil*»t«m
Publishing Company, which Is sending
out sots or encyclopedias on the recom
mendation of tho library committee.
This gift of the Appleton rompanv l.a
upphfng n valuable Ilhn*r> nm letis
to many schools where tho purchnse
of such a work could not bo thought of.
The Importance of this library work
by the clubs cannot bo overestimated.
The value of the I'Vdel fifed Club work
has nlwMVM lain hi the fai t that It an
swers the call for help of tho mind
and the soul of the people. Hook hun-
K*'I I * "M* ..f til*' Mli-IIM ..f awalonlng
Intellrrtim! f«insr|.n|Mne«s, and oil over
th»* Mat#* In plat * •* u In-re hooks and
porl'MlIruls have never found fhelr
way tho children aro crying to ths
women of the Federated Clubs to feed
t h *• 111
Let ns send to every corner of our
beloved state the books and pictures
that will In-Ip t" open the great world
to those whoso lives must otherwise be
barren grid unenlightened
M Its. D. O. M'CARK.
VN Votary Lake Hbeldoa, Addle Iloge
nnd Fannie Cilbertson have return«i
from Rome, where tbsy went to r
stylo with oton coot. Bonds of light gray broadcloth are used as trfmmlo
and around the jacket and cufTs there 1s a frill of valendannea lace. A full
white waist of some soft material may be worn under the coat.
Mtee Irma Ere baa retained to bet home
after a visit to relative#.
Mra. C. Whitehurst abd # children hava
Mlaaea CohlAo Hood and Ethel and An-! '"Slr’w. J.
stte McDonald are apendlr
ling a few days da;
*nV’Kseey left Thursday for At
J lanta, where be bss accepted a position.
s I .wiunii rium,
’I Ur. Karl Krarer Use returned to Jsek-
I aomille.
Mr. and Mrs. B. I* Walker entertained
" Wed-
-, of Atlsnra, spent Ren-
bare returned
Dry Cletncr of fine Gown*. Silk Robes and all Raiment, of
•h* finest texture,. Price, reason,ble.
MNorfft Pryor. Phone, 43
. J. Reader, of AtlsnU,
* Ell!! 2fif£t*,nd deurtter hsre ra-
Ml from * rlrit to retetlre, at Illr-
turn. At*.
„.. C. Wbltrksret bee returned from
'‘tir* J MP 2.”^imoee. Jr. left Sunder for
rhlreco. New York end other points on
quite u number of jroun* people test Wed- ImriDoea.
vender ermine In honor of Hr. Kurt > Hr. B. C. H,boner spent Bunder In Uu
Wearer, of Jerkeonrlltr. In un luterauttn* i con.
tS*°f 1 ■ * X J ' OBy,on Mn
end Mrs. bter* Buber the emtleasn'e
prise. « pearl rtfeh pt*. A denebtfsl eeled
JJ J. Diner* I, at WriebterlU*
, . , . InlMjBmrh. If. C. _ _
.-miree wee eenred. Her. Genre* C. Tbompeon, of At
Mra. Geoiy* T. Moor* I* In Ethertno. > rerent Ir rtelted friend. In the rltj.
Unlonel J. W. Herat. I* spend!,, * few Mr. J. W. Brrne t* tn Atlsits on
dare with home Mbs st Herod. , nee*.
Mr. end Mra. G. H. Perry ir* st Tybee
for the week.
Mr*. A. I. Farter, of Attests, spent part
of last week l* tbe dtr, tbe (ueet of Mtee
Mra. E. W. Mofrork, of VI
C.. I* the eueet of Mrs. If.
Miss Meeele I’.ttlllo be, I
■ to Meroo.
Mra. J. W
Mr. L P,
■ml.tlsf In ■ pro-
_ returned from •
-V - . Tud^mtly en Is
r. Moreork. of Weshlneto„.
Mre.' j." wMttokes I, rteltls, retetlre* it
. u ,. Baum bse returned from ■ trip
to polnte In Mouth Ueorits.
Ml m Msrttra t.'obtt returned Me furrier to
her bom* lb Alhuny. uftee ependlu, *oai»
time lu the ritf. tbe xneaf of Mleueu
Btauehe usd Ad*Une Baum.
Mies Ven Arnold le rial tin* I* Meron.
Ml** Gertrude Harris be* retunrad to her
bom* 4a llawklusrllle.
Mr*. W. t*. Allen bee retunrad from *
TtsJt to retetlre* lu North Georzl*.
Mr. IL F. Deem spent Baud*/ In Surta-
n *Mr. W. F. Walker bss returned from ■
bail nee* trip In Mouth Ger-rd,.
Mlm Mettle Jollies Is risltte, friend* la
Home, wl -
Mteelonery rally
Tlr. Ilorae* Wells, of Zeliulon,
arrir* tomorrow to friend..
Min Fey EtfcrMee returner!
B iturrtey from Winder, eeeomf
* from a visit
las Ilnllldsr, of Atlanta,
lag Mr. and Mra vr. D. Holllilay.
lira. Wat tor Mlditl wai tb»* encit of
her motkar, Mrs. ft. A. Johnson, this
Jraalc Thurmond and children, nt
Fit sacra Id. hava been guesta of Mrs. A.
C. Appleby for two weeks
Mr*, r. If. Matthews rootlnueo critically
ftuamer ftqilth
on roe. Is lo the
and little
■UtOfnirfl BNIIBIBIr «**• william-
•on have rotnroed from a trip to TaUolab
MIm Barney Stead, of Atlanta, le tbe
gneet of Mies Bageofe Ilarrlaon at the Her-
rlson house.
MIm C. R. Durham, of Athena, la the
gue«t of the MIseee Montgomery.
Mlaaea Irene sod Ruth Htcvcne have as
flid-lr guest Mlsa Ilertha Htevcns, of Den
eighty volumes aent aa
gift to carefully chosen
Nolle Cola _
IIns llrlghtv
Ir. Howard Darber la
of Mlsa
i I *lyde
visiting rflatlren
Mra. J. J. Well wm able to
lirrme of W. T. Well this wek,
se of some time.
MUaes Madge ami Neill
rsvllle, vlslfpd frle
M. J. Carswell'e residence on Mala street
nearing completion.
Misses Avte \VlmUerly end Relic Ifsr-
r* ll arc visiting friends thl* wrek nt Hal*
' irds
('ashler Thompson, of the Rank of Rsr-
If k iltirMl'i, «,.t gr**etr»l hit frlontfi
l*DNMantlj on our etroets a few «l«rs More.
Mitt L'll/alfth ll'ii kett visited Mist Ke-
tcilf. Jooes last week.
Frank Neal Is vlsltlog Mpsrta and Thom
son on a vacation far • few days
II. Vaughn and II. R Wlmt-rly ••took
tho r. M. A. Ideate n» Sh-ilatone
•st Matvrday.
■OuIiIt D. I*. E'lwnrds, of the new Rsok
Ji-fTf-rsooTlile. vl*!f*-d relatives at Thom
es! no end Atlsnte Ust
II. I*. D. Ha
the eegeteo of
et Tneedey.
*Jlse Alma Thorpe, of Dry Rrsneh, t#
Itlng Miss It-—I- Ifnrrell tills wt*ek.
Dr. M. A. Reell came up from Dudley
‘ sad ftendoy with-home
nnd spent ftatorday i
fnlka *'
to Tybee.
• *te I». P. L...UW- .■
this week at Tbomo:
r*. |i, p Ldwnrds Is vlsltlog her moth-
l»r. J. O. Elder and Mr. I
Mr. ,*4 Mra. W. H. Wllllem
An 1 r. ♦ • •: * .'ing *-wnt ..f fh** we»*k was
tlio song recital Monday evening bv
Mt Neu**ll A Wm n»*r, <.f New Voric
ID HI« \ <ii'‘** lx ;f 11< ti termr <»f
wonderful range. •
.Mr. and .Mre. H. Lynch, of New York,
an* with ilra. David Wall.
Mr. and Mra. II. H. Illrsch,*of At
lanta, are at the Hotel Ilrunewl* k.
Mra. Simmons and her granddaugh
ter, Mies Elisabeth Patlllo. are at tho
Hotel Brunswick.
Mr. Newell A. Warner, of New York
Clly, and Mlaa Hope Kingsbury War
ner, of Columbu-. ' tit . Ri'i'i- the recent
guests of Mies Harriett Webster
The Norcross Woman’s Club met
with Mre. Dora Kl**»r Webster last
Thursday afternoon. An IntercMtlng
talk waa given by Mre. Homer Jones,
the president, nnd rminy plans were
made for early fall and winter.
H.i-il* ff WibMor will visit Miss
Misses Meal# Hancock eed Belle ftadth i * | H^ rn '
were gnrtm of friends la Galaeevine re-1 Ml"
eently. for th<
MIseee Rearb sod Terry are here from
Daley Tick nor In Cbls
Mrs. K. Winn Horn
George Rojm in .Ktlnni
Mlse Nibble Me Dan I
i see of the Walking
visiting Mrs.
Bert Joi
visiting friends
>f Atlanta, fa
id Mr. Graham
re here during