Newspaper Page Text
■ ■■
TirrnpnAT. jrr.v *. iva.
Joseph O. Ward, premier of
Zealand, who points out the
municipal owner*
‘ and his daugh-
V- Rl.-hsrd Peters nn.l family are Tie-
I i„ Moultrie.
W jf. salt Mrs. William Wood ere spend
few ilsys on Cumberland Isltnd.
'Xi„ | lorn Knenn, of Bersnntb, la ria-
Mrs. C. Plnrkney.
I yfa lladdle McCullough and Miss Irene
ire spending several days on Bt.
[ fleons Island, ss guests of the Misses
rissels Mason has gone to Ken-
(Jsr, where ihe will spend some weeks
.its' friends.
"Sirs. A. V. McCroene, who has been the
E l ot Hr. end Mrs. W. C. Ilateber,
returned to her home In Wsynes-
■rs. Kdwln Fleming end son ere the
pnts of Mrs. Fleming s father, Dr. J. A.
Jlr*'Frank Fox nnd MIm Marguerite Fox
Urr returned home, after a visit t<r
Mends In Jacksonville, Fla.
Jlr and Mrs. 8. T. Wingfield and (laugh
ter tossed through the elty this week, en
Lute to Cumberland Island, where they
sill spend some days.
Mr * Sat Tilton and Master John TIP
t e n , of Savannah, are visiting friends In
"nr'and Mrs. Thomas Wilson and chil
dren. and Mrs. T. It. Wilson, of Atlanta,
its visiting friends In the eljty. They will
visit St. Sljuoss Island before returning
l jjTs. W. B. Cook. Miss Francis Cook ant
Ilrs. A. A. (laddla are spending severs
weeks In Allentown. N. J.
Mrs A. A. Knight and son are visiting
relatives In ijttltman.
Mr. arid Mrs. J. W. Dillon, of Tbomss-
vine, are visiting Mr. end Mrs. K. F.
C Mr.Lnd Mrs. F. II. Mallard hate return-
et front Moltlle. Ala., where they have been
for several weeks.
Mr. Wlllmr Coney, of Savannah, baa i
turtle,I Ironic after a visit to Sir. nnd Ml
E F. Coney.
Miss Mnttle Ilelle I’OJte
res. of Mnron. . .
Ifmtsennlti, 111 this elty.
Miss Ultra lam Hoatwlek, of Atlanta, la
ire visiting
MISS Ulirn leni noeiomi, v
Melting rein ft res In this elty.
Mrs. lienrgc Painter Hriilth has returned
front n visit to relatives In Jacksonville,
Miss Katie Ilntler. of Cochran, Is visiting
friends In Brunswick. '
Mrs. I., c. carter and little son. of Jesup,
ire visiting Mrs. J. It. ItoMnson.
Miss Estelle Miller
■all in friends ' ”
la middle (leori^H
Mr. and Mrs Curry,
vlslllttj Mr^^yrwlft
baa returned from a
In th
K. F. Twlftv
Paris, of Nichols, Is a visitor
la the elty.
Mr. K. e. Bagwell, of Savannah, was In
Brunswick one day this week.
Mr. H. T. McDonald, of Atlanta, spent
s tlar nr two In the city this week.
“■ ) Florrte May Heath, of Thom
guest of Mrs. F. II. Mallard.
Edward Bsrdett and son are visit-
* Wa'tkinsville,
MIm Flora Qullllan It visiting her sister,
Urr W. II. Aiihforde
MIm Huth AlwrcroniLIn returned Thurs
day from u visit to Atslnts.
Mm. Itaniildson, of Atlanta. Is the guest
of the MIwfi Jscksnu this week.
MIm Nolle Cocroft fa visiting friends In
Mndloon nnd (tarUl Circle.
Her, E. II. Jennings Is conducting a
meeting nt Farmington this wm»lt.
MIm Amanda llntrhewni, of Athens, was
• visitor to Watklnstille lust week.
MIm I'ornelln Dnun. of Atlanta, Is th*
fnett nf Misses Hath nnd Loufe* Aber*
Ura. A. W. Ashford and Miss Jails Ash*
ford left Tuesday for A visit to Stanton,
Dr. Thomas 8txoa, of Melvins, was In
town Tuesday.
Mr. oran *i*. Vesla spent Monday In
imes Alice, Kins and Fannie Arthur,
.. Athens, “ * “ k% '
Mrs. Andrew.
Mbs Mattel !
pretty guest <
visit to
Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Hinton, of High
rb**in, were In town Thursday.
Mbs Dnlsy Ashford Is spending several
dm In Atlanta.
A deligtitfnl affair given In honor of
Jjeksou, Mrs. Itonnldson of Atlsuts^si
hr., q. B. Thompson. Measrs. I:ol>errBII-
l»p«. Henry Harris, Bov Thrasher. Fred
Branch. Jess. Maxey, Othu Branch. Ed-
aiiia,l Anderson, Oran Voale, Clinton A.h
fool and Addison Price.
Mr. anil Mrs. John Hollmnn, of Atlanta,
•pent .Sunday here.
Mn. tlrncw Uroen and Mlaa Nora Oreen
•tout Thnradar In Atlanta.
Mr., 8. O. Fielder and children art at
Amtell for a faw works.
Messrs. Hearn nnd liennls, ef Eatonton,
•ere In the elty Monday,
, Uln Annla Rath Sewell, nf Carrollton,
I*'he gnrat of Mlau Idler Windsor. .
MIm Florence Green, of Deltas, la beta
f"r the iiimatr,
Mrs. A. B. lhivao lo here from Amtell
Me.sra. Ivrnon 1'errymun. Urndy Bob-
«ta ami Claude Griffin, of Temple; Silases
Jola hjkes,'Nettle la>u Bagwell, ltd (Iraee
Bnittli incut Wednesday nt I.lthla 8ptings.
Mlaa Ell. arilfln amt .Mr. Claude Grinin,
Jf Temple, wan recent visitors to Villa
Mlaa Nannie Little la (pending the sum-
Iff at A bear and, Cordrle. ,
VPlaits* " ,Ter *° n '• on • buotneoa trip to
Attaafs WlmbCTly ratnrned Saturday from
MIm Tamale Colbert, of Fltxgonld. la
vlritlng Miss Claude Doherty.
A'r*- 8. P. Idisaster has returned from
Th.- young people of the H T _ __
jmjoyed g watermelon cutting Monday even-
filra Ciandla Scott, of Atlanta,
IW of Mrs. Otto lteekam.
Mr. J. A. Beeknm la rlstlng friends In
Montgomery and Auburn. Ala., this week. I
Min Mary Powell Is the guest of Miss
Leaole Hearts at'Bhlae.
Mr. O. P. McCord, of Tallahassee. FIs.,
mads a burincM trip hen Wednesday.
. Mrs. Fannie Hhenly and MJu C. A. 8healy
here relumed heme from n vtalt to Gaines* I
rllle, (la.
-Mrs. .Frank K. Boland nnd little son.
Frank Kells. Jr., returned to their home In
Atlanta Monday, after spending sertral
itlsnta Monday, after spendini
reeks with Dr. J. 8. Hondry'o lro., v . ,
...Meoars. Banka and Matlbewoon, of Ope
lika. wore here Wednesday.
Mlaa Martha noraler espeeta to go to
LaGrange Kntuntay. where oho will bo the
guest of Mn. It. O. Pharr.
Mlaa Flora Hagedorn returned from a
!«!* to Montgomery Monday.
Miss Sara Callaway la In Atlanta, the I
aeat of »n.- • - 1
gueat of Mlaa l.nelle Oalln.
Mra. It. B. Dixon, of Athens, la
rlsltlng her parents, Mr. and Mrs
-- ... 8enoln.
Mra. I* 8lrong Is visiting her daughter,
Mra. o. w. Mheoly, In Opelika.
Master Gene Hsndall entertained his lit-
e friends at Kolilnaona Park Thursday.
Mra. Mark MeCullah entertained delight-1
illy Saturday morning In honor of the
laara Frame, of Virginia, and Mlaa Whita
ker, of Columbus, Ga. Bid domino was the I
wine played. Mlaa Hess Smith wlnnf
prise, a lace handkerchief. The „
Frame were presented will, lovely fans
nnd Miss Whitaker with prrly pins. After
the game a luncheon was served.
A bevy nf bright, entertaining yonng lady |
visitors are rullvenlng aorlety this week.
Misses Ileulab Glhson and Mary Ilalcom, of I
Macou, are with Mloe Martha Mathis on
Bait Hill. Misses Lily Ashe of Athens,
Bailie Thorpe of Crystal City, Fla., nnd
Marie Boatwright of ictinllle are gueata of |
Mrs. Joarph llrrrlugdliin lu laiugdon.
Miss ltuth Klnnanl, of Atlanta, is vlsltln
MIm Mamie 1 " "
of Melnlyre,
dors Newman.
A reeepl ‘
rt r r
klnnanl, of Atlanta, is visiting
Sparks, and MIm Julia Todd,
Is with her coustu, Mrs. Isa-1
igdoa. Mlaoea Asha, Thorpe and Ms-1
Boatwright, with Mn. UerrlDgdlns,
aed the receiving party. Meadamea
ny Private t-eased Wire.
New Turk, July *1—Mias I,iida An-
Ikrin and Curtin Day, both of Ken
tucky, swore they would get married
deeplte family opposition, end they
The 17-yesr-nld Kentucky beauty
had boon Imprisoned In the house of
her aunt, at Btelnway, L. I., but she
eluded the vigilance of her guards,
climbed out a window and down • rain
pli ■
rt hnd
nted ncrM*
trhlch her *t>
Violently p -ntert. If or elst^r, MIms H»-
*el, accompanied her.
Xot more limn an hour nftor the pair
h*d drpnrted Mrm*. Mhvab, h**r Aunt,
returned to the house. elm nm
hurrying around and trylnir to find
•ome trace of the *lrL the *phon»» ran*r.
aald a rnan w vole*. ,, Thl* In
Curtla Day. Luda and her nleter are
with ma. Wa are volnjf home. Good by,
aunt. H
.*• the remit of a plight Accident near
| (Vdortown, on the lllrtnlnghaui tllvltlou of
Heahoard Air I«lue railway, early
I Wcdncedny evening. In which one freight
I c«r wnn derallist, dnmngo to the Amount nf
I Aevernl thoimund dollum was done to the
I property of tb«* couipAiiy au«I traffic dHnyrd
many houra Ihm aupc of the Mfter-effc«'t *of
locm ninm or in* mnipAuy.
Injumt. Ample warning hart
of the InipeuiUng dauger.
The IMsarugertraltt Iravln
At 4:06 o',
AtlnntA At •:
only a few ml
lhi» pimple occurrence.
InuuiMllMtcly .iftcr th
1 crew from AtlnitU
' Acem* of the Accident, wl
sifter the Accident the wreck
...Jit, which had
near a treatl* a few mile* from
. r®. While Arranging the halky
crane for nae In replAdng Ihe deralleil car
n the i
rrtsl i:
(line of the Accident to the wrecker. A« a
retnlt of the delay, tho train did not
fetch thla cHy pntll 4 o'clock
luornlng. And. leAVlug eleven nilmit* « Inter,
iwirtldpnted In Auotbnr wreck on the H.-a*
unord at dowelle I!tattoo.
»• Brat tn
ilngham m
ml I u Wet
| By Private I-raSeU Wire.
Victoria, B. C., July II.—According
I to naws received here, a Japanese wo-
I man has been arrested at Osakl for
the wholesale murder of Infanta. Mora
I than twenty babies were killed by the
wnmaij. who narrowly escaped lynching
| after being arrested.
The naval program nf the govern-
lineqt line teen arranged whereby the
strength of the Japanese navy will
j ranch J20.O0H tons In 1101, b'P. It la not
j believed thla strength will be peima-
I nently retained.
Advices were received from Korea
that consequent to the surrounding of
tbs palace with Japanese troops on
July I, the seal of the Korean einparoi
was secured to a new mining treaty,
effective nn September I. whl.'h will af
fect Ameiican mining Intare-ta In Ka
Inasmuch as concessions now held
must not be sold or mortgaged without
the consent of tho Japanese govern
ment, foreigners will be bound by the
regulations of this treaty.
A Japanese comnnoelon of 700 mem
bers has been Investigating the ,v-
sources of Manchuria, and will leave In
garlands of sinllax aud pink roses. Howls
of roses and ferns Wrre used lu the dining
room, whrre at a late hour rrfrestmicnts
wore served. Those present were: Mlsa
Klnnanl with 0. A. Adams, Miss Baleom
-lth II. J. Tarbiitton. Miss (ilbson wIP
. Quinn. Mlaa Arerett with Then
Ilss Sparks with T. A. Illebboure. Ml«s
ntlc Iinrrls with Mnrk Newman. >flss HT
Ivan with II. II. Brown, Miss Mathis with
T. V. McCarthy, Mlsa MaltUtul Tanutt
with Brerard I'.tolsy, Miss Hsdlr Tarlmt-
ton with W. II. Wood, MIm AUle Jones
with Battle ft
with Snni May,
wtiu Ales Chnml.iw. ,. ,
laivelt. Bob Davlv, Frank
Herman, Owen aud Davis
ipArkp, M
. MIm Mn
iibdIm T.
1 faint
M*rjr I 1
iil 1 . tS? I Filipino Rebels Use Ameri
can Tactics in At-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward'Schaefer and tho I' . ,
Misses Schaefer entertained about dfty of fnpjr
the young people nt n homo party .lam I
Tuesday ulfbt. In spite of the tbreatenlng I
wi-etber, nearly all tu« rurits Invited were -
present. Mlse M. H. Schaefer looked hand. I „ „ . . . .
Some in a white lace gown, and Mlaa Carter By Private Leased Wire.
« rooo? w b iS e .5My°
thi color AchHNi Iwluc griin aih! whlt^, *ho acene of ytitAnUy • battle In Loyte
which waa aIao cArrlni out In tl»» rtfrosh* I placet th* killed and wounded amonff
a: con jiVt l .7 'srir'Usssu- *»«*"«»»»• Af.. r . h .
it th* punch tiowl. Aftrr rafrc»bm*nt« had | repulao ot tha bandits thay attacked
Vl . - ,
Mr. Tbomns M. ItoawAll, of Anderaon, I ^ .
C.« vtalted Mr. F. Clifton Brtl at tba ...
Alhimarle rrientljr. . \ Major Neville, commandlnc the dt-
tSshsM? .S ,r <ir“'ai«!5 0 ?!Bf °l “? ,ubntor > r - h v Tpyr 1
UthouU are gueati of Dr. and Mra. J. W. that tha Pulajanaa ware draaaad In
"iil2r'i*...le fUmnley. of Crae^IHe. J'SS'iJKSSL.'S ihVF
a gueat of Mira Vivian Vernon Cappa tha ciothiny of the native soldiery, and that
pA/t weak. . .. t thay numbered more than 100 and ware
Mr r i'.la*e? r 6)mp M n* C J?' iVluadJi lm.* I • r ‘ n « d with Sprlngn.ld rifles,
Mr. Alii Craig, of Charlotti, N. C., la vl
(ting ralAtlvig ht»rr.
22 HOURS TO SAVE HIS LIFE\"™"°"°""’ p
By Prints loosed Wire.
Washington, July 27.—'Thomas Tra
cey, of Boston, Mass., la to be the cam
paign manager of Ihe American Feder
ation ot Labor, acting under the In-
Mr. and Mrs. John Iiunran. of Doaelssi
e 1, *T n ‘Junday here with Mr. au.l Mn
Miss Huhy ^
Jjjr will go up to Llthla springs the last
« the work.
ker.' M , nr ''°, W f ^ d P ,?‘*«'• ° f Gr,BlD ’ "
Mr. Al ITpshaw, of Ptedmnnt. Als., spent
►vcral days hrra this sreek.
•'lamra A. O. Paxson, J. W. Doherty.
I «M* charged tht Amaricsna three tlmes;
_JSs Eufaala Gregory bos returned from being repeatedly driven back until they
visit_t.o Atlanta. _ | anally moved eoutb with some of their
rfi-1 Mausors and, he thinks, a few Krag-
11rs. Claude Edwards and Uttla daughter,
Martha, an visiting rrlatlrra at Maysvlll..
MIm Myrtle Bell has returned to. her |
home la Ulurlteld, W.
hor^brolhrr, Mr. Frauk
Dr. Robert
Ida brolbtr,
use in Ihe regular army, and bdi
More Trouble In Bight
Army offleers are at a loan to account
for tha many uniformed men among
rt Fowlj^ of MlMdMlppt vlelled th , Pulajanea, and think It Is sn In-
’ Cooke of Aiiauta!' U vIMtliig I dlcstlon that tha uprising Is of a mors
1 general nature than was at flrst
his brother, Ur, vf. A.
Mr. OUa Cooke, ot J
rrlstlres this week.
•MIm Mamie Swift, of
"JL for Blue Bldge Mountains,
Mrs J, i>. Glrartlcau nnd little daughter
Ira visiting relatives nt Vienna this weak.
lla furnlahirifg
o«*l tAtti.
Tf Wpbonc la
*ra rara, rich tnd la gorwi i
Uth rooms vtotlTnting
tto open g(r a feature. Tfkpho
ThlA kotil offers to Pirmnnint And
’pnslint guests superfor nccommcxls-
•loas, nt tamptiag rstra.
*kn4 for Illustrated booklet.
visiting borne Mis iivmf&ys'^t 'TJS «h<m*ht Wheth.r there Is any defl
Kwlft Until. Inlte orffmnlMtlon among them It not
known. Ihm to comIdtrable talk
JESS. “• rr * BdmoUl * r ’ ,tat to th. effect that chief, of marauding
bands prefer to light In native drees.
IRY. The persistency displayed In the re-
Mra. WHItenT II." Stagier, of Albeny, la pealed attseke, after meeting with such
with ber sister, Hiss Lola Pood, for the Is severe lose In tbs Drat engagement,
summer. Is considered by army offleers to b«
i of Boswell, Is visit- proo f that the reinforcements will And
MU. f'l.!«. ftiionr Of Albenr Is visit- *hey have a more serf one task on thslr
tn« 5u.. lS7s t p f'oud T ' hands than keeping a few outtawa on
O. T White retained to Atlanta Moe-1 the quiet,
dev *ft* r » rialt with his son, Dr. O. T. I Uaa American Tactics.
xHi*’ K r ’ B. 8tailings and her sen. White Blnre the does of the Philippine In
stalling!. returned to Atlanta Monday after surrectlon the natives have never re*
IKC.iLml'ta'riririS Srie'tRra ta *%k- *»">•<> ‘® «>• “ ‘hJF *»•
N. c. I light yesterday. The sending of troops
'. end Mra. jjtmtj .Pkljflsy Wf Wrt- t0 dloaffacted districts, where ledrones
,pwI and small bands of outlaws were caus.
bmsS7Mt*WsdaMdsy for Ing troubta, generally ended tha trou-
T.m^ fSr .'KT^aUm.^ral wJki bl. M theae bands always tried to
with ner grandmother, Mra J. P. Crich- avoid meeting regular troops.
ton. .. • I After an attack on their own Inltla-
J. T. Weller, of Atlanta, le visiting bin ,| T# yesterday, resulting In a heavy
Igtkefj Mis Athene laM - th * Pulajanaa charged throe
-Tnoillnoon roft ratnraed from 4, b* n, | t | m e,. From the small amount of news
Ta' Swift a ad son. B. B. Bwm, Jr., received from Ma^or Neville lt_ has
K. It. Kwlft and eon. It. B. Bwiri, or.,
1 , »arWW Wrotmra
By I’rirate Leeaed Wire.
New York, July 2t.—A light of
twenty.two houra to save the life of
Walter K. Freeman, a chemist, charged
with embessllng 22,500 from Clarke
Davie A Co., after he had tried to
commit suicide, ended In victory at (
o'clock thla morning, but the struggle
was the most strenuous ever resorted
to by tho police and physicians and
nurses at St. Vincent's hospital.
Freeman had swallowed morphine
while In a cell at police headquarters.
Ife was found unconscious yesterday
and then began the heroic efforts to
Mr. Tracey Is a clgarmaker by calf
Ing, although he has not worked at hie
save him. Freeman was taken Into the I tr,<,e for many y '* r " Kor But
hoepltl yard and compelled to walk seven years he has boon a member of
constantly, tn work off the poison. I the legislative committee of the Fed-
Whllo he was being put through the eratlon, end as such has frequently in
humane torture hla wife stood near peered before house and senate com-
encouraging him. Then he was put to I mlttees, urging the passage of the
bed, and It la hellevsd he will recover. I bills, tbs failure of wblrh bus aroused
A previous charge, preferred against the sntsgonlem of organised labor
Freeman by a girl who swore she was
loaders to many of IHs members who
seek re-election to tho next coagrMH
He knows personally most of the mem
bers to whom tabor has found It ner-
essary to appeal In the past, and hi,
judgment will bn potent In the prepa
ration of the "black list" soon to be
Mr. Tracey will take up the work hi
soon as he returns from hie vocation
and tbs first thing he will do will prob
ably be to |>erfeci the "block list" In
•lueitlon. It will contain the names of
loin-. H.-p'iMb .in I'I.ooIhti m bon op
position tn the Iiaet to the elshi-honr
nnd anti-injunction blits has been eith
er active or tacit, nnd whoso
line given
15, was proved false, after he had been I
by Recorder Bmyth, In 1525. At that
time he had a suit against the West- I
InthoAee Air Drake Company tor In-1
frlngement of hie patent of a motor
Bpeclat fo The Oeorxtnu.
Chattanooga, Tenn., July 2d.—The
story of Industrial progress In the
Bouthern states for one week reflects
considerable light on the' momentous
movements which are taking place In
this section. The accompanying Hat
of new Industries established tn some
of the Southern states during the week
Is taken from the reports mods to The
Tradesman ■ and fully vsrlflsd. It In
cludes only the more Important new
Oklahoma reports a lead and sine
Insures Against
Any Sickness, fl Months
Any Accident, 24 Months
Accidental Death.
703 Prudenlisl Building,
Phone 5330.
ny capitalised at, and
Ing company capitalised at 21,-
000,000, besides other large concerns.
Alabama adds to the list a 1500,000
coal and coke company.
Arkansas presents a 1100,000 mining uumivno
company and a (100,000 trust company, ... . T .,„
Georgia reports a (100,000 clothing I **?**? , *° "* <J r * l * n ' _ .
■ i Bristol, Tenn., July to.—The Bouth
By Private 7>ee«d Wire.
Marion, Ind., July 20.—While attend
ing Mrs. John Trimble, during her
I death sickness. Dr. O. F. Williams and
a daughter of Mrs. Trimblt, Mrs. Byl-
veeter Newhrant, srs said to havs be
come Infatuated with each other. While
the mother of Mra. Newhrant lay a
corpse, the doctor and Mrs. Newhrant,
Kentucky comes to the front with aland Western railway, now btlng con
(500,000 steel company. Istructed between the Virginia coal
Ixmlalana swells the list with a (100,- | flfM , , h o Carolina!, In order lo
make a direct outlet to the Atlantic
board, has Issued (16,000,000 In 6
000 foundry.
"Bring. This fact has given rlw to the
. - ., theory that among the fanatics thera
GLo?* 1 *' mhtn ,h * y w,u “ are men who mive itrved In the native
Mra ATC. Welker sad daughter. Mlaa | eceuts or constabulary.
Maris Walker, are vtaltlog railatires In I _____—
A P r 5! ll Mci'lel'n, of Rle)BOBd, V#.. Is st I oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
"jodg^J^L Hopkins returned freta a ® |T - 3 A BABY OIRLi <>
»o picket * smoke - g
Srike 5w Mercer’ ou'lr^lrTtUonn. * O By Private Leased Wire. O
Jlr. end Mrs- K. J. Doeier end ckHdeea. I o Columbus, Ohio, July It—Cel- C
. f Birmingham, Als., srs among the guests 1 0 ^prating the arrival at hie home O
2*7^?®mR? - " '"8 a v“i. h&'SSks x s
‘ ill?. Mlr spenn*. Of damIUe. Oe„ to o Jeffrey Manufacturing Company. O
■King her sister, Mias Lawson Spence. o gave to each of the pickets of the O
; o striking moldera a One cigar. The O
HAWKIN8VILLE. o strikers Immediately held a man O
Mra W. II. Brigkasi entertained on Mon- Q meeting and reaalutlons of thanks O
dsr afternoos tn koaor of ber guest Mtse O were adopted. Mr. Jeffrey's gen- O
Lnrto Morel, ef Sr Ira ale. T(mn» enjorlm: IO eroslty was not confined to strik- O
tteocraries were Ml— • Lnrto Morat ttoe o era alone. All of the employees at O
rie Anthoor. Blrjto Msanr. Kara Jleijne. 0 the .p op4 MSS, received similar O
Mamie Kauth. Melt Hmltb._C1;-(to " 1 o retnacihr-dice o
Jertrile Htrrie. Bole Hsrrl. Min O remembrance. O
i-Atp Maadr IwIbt KovbUIP- LBa |® ^
P!K? , L- , ^ 0#0 w,rehou ” COD >- per cent notes, It ta stated; which were
f!IrinIn/traDi^-nol s%ra«ram«» *Old tO Bl»lr A C*0^ Hp*)T*r A CO. ftt1>l
twTioTi Company ' the Old Colony Trust Company. This
, means that work Is to be rushed on the
0.(11 * d *** — * ,# ' M0 °* m * nd * rl,t roed with ell possible speed. George
m U'' . IL. Carter, chief of the construction
Bcottsboro— (5,000 cotton gin and work, to quoted as saying that the most
W R3?°“£' --- , serious difficulty In the way of prompt
Cullman—(1(0,004 coal and col^ com- [completion of tile road to tha difficulty
P*A y ' I In securing sufficient labor. At pres-
Montgomery — (17,(00 development I ent the company Is working about
company. I(,000 men.
Florida. 1
Gainesville—Canning factory.
Atlanta—(10,000 brick works; (100,-
000 clothing factory.
Nashville—Water-works and slsctria
It le alleged, deserted their families
and eloped.
The husband of Mrs. Newhrant said
he received a letter from hie wife
postmarked Dayton, Ohio, In which >he
naked forslveneee nnd pleaded »lth
him to allow her to return home. New- .ip,| .Mi- Williams fll.-.l ,|mr*es
,'IK'lln-l Hie |..ilr end deel.ile tliey will
prosecute them.
Kprelal to The Georgian.
Dallas, Texas, July it. -While LdPira
Ollvtr, a negress, was Ironing at bar
home In this city last night about lo
o'clock, sn unknown negro man (dipped
up behind her and sent a bullet ri.,m
a revolver through her brain, killing
her Instantly. No cause to known for
the deed.
Band Issue Loses.
Bpeelal to Tbs Georgian.
■Macon. On.. July Id.—When the voles
cast In the recent election ware count
ed It developed that the proposed bond
Issue of (100,000 for street paving pur-,
poses failed by 7( votes. The result
waa a gnat disappointment to many
light plant.
Cash—1’lsnlng mill and shingle mill. |
Brunswick—(40,000 tie and timber |
Clinton—Building and loan company. I
Greenwood—Concrete block factory.
McHenry—(26,*00 lumber company.
Osyks—175,000 water-works.
North Carolina.
Henderson—Buggy factory.
Plymouth—150,000 lumber company, I
Wendell—1100,000 lumber company. I
Raleigh—(26,000 land company.
High Point—Planing mill.
Cornelius—Clothing factory.
Llledoun—(60,000 cotton mill.
Winston-Belem—Woolen mills.
Rocky Mount—((6,000 lumber com
Durham—Clothing factory.
8outh Carolina.
Oreenvllle—Land company.
Laurens—Drug manufacturing com
Nashville—(20,000 land company.
Tlftonvllle—Electric light punt.
_ SI 7.75
Atlanta to Washington, D. C.
— v i a
Southern Railway.
By Privet# Lrawd Wire.
| London, July i(.—The delegates to |
the Inter-pari lamentary peace confer-1
ence were visitors this morning to I
Buckingham pataca,' Where the distin
guished foreigners who make up the
conference were received by King Ed- |
Tickets good on Washington and South
western Limited as well as other trains.
On sale July 27th, 30th aud 31st. flood
until August 8th to’ return. . Also by de
positing tickets with joint agent prior to
August 8th and payment of 50 cents some
can be extended until September 8th to re
turn. Call at City Ticket Office, No. 1
PeachtrecSt., or Terminal Station for tick
ets aud Pullman reservations.
J. C. Beam, District Passenger Agent