Newspaper Page Text
!*.«• populntlo
2i.M0 borneI.
1L000 telepbOBM.
I^rra BUi» lines of rsUroflds.
1W mile* of street railway.
£2,030,000 of banking capital.
The Atlanta Georgian.
VOL. I. NO. 78.
Morning Edition.
Morning Edition.
Charges Against Cot
ton Ass’n Officers
to. be Aired.
Fairchild Is Manager of
Publicity of the Cotton
An Investigation Into the allegations
and rumors afloat about the Southern
Cotton Association, which have con
nected members of the association with
bucket shops and manipulations In cot
ton futures, will be held Monday morn
The call for the Investigation was Is
sued Thursday morning by Presldsnt
Harvle Jordan.
The committee to conduct the Inves
tigation, as appointed by Mr. Jordan, Is
composed of three prominent officers
of the Southern Cotton Association—
M. T>. Johnson, president of the Geor
gia division; John D. Walker, treasurer
of the Georgia division, and W. I*
Peek, national committeeman.
Representative Anderson, of Chat
ham, whose charges, made In the
house Tuesday, have precipitated the
Investigation, Is requested by President
Jordan to appear and specify as to his
Mr. Anderson ta/s he will be present.
He declines to ‘‘show his hand," as re
quested by a mein'ocr of t . e house, un
til this meejins'.
Rumors,">; nf Ucrs of. the
association v, In but aft .hop.
Beveral hours after a reporter of The
Georgian secured Information from
Manager Love that A. A. l-’alrchlld had
held In his name an Interest In the
Piedmont Brokerage Company, a card
was Issued by Mr. Fairchild In which
ha asserted that he had bought the
stock In question, subsequently sell
ing It.
Manager Love late Wednesday after
noon declined to say whether or not
he had communicated with Mr. Fair-
child after having admitted to The
Georgian reporter that Sir. Fairchild
had been a stockholder. -
Mr. Fairchild's card follows:
“To the Public: Owing to certain
reflections cast upon high and honor
able officers of the Southern Cotton
Association, I feel It my duty In Justice
to the parties In question to make the
following statement:
"Early last spring I was solicited by
one E. D. Hotse to purchase stock In a
brokerage company, being Informed
that reputable and honorable citlaens
of Atlanta were stockholders. I pur
chased and paid for with my personal
check one-eighth Interest In the Pled-
mont Brokerage Company. I did so
considering It a good Investment, hav
ing no conscientious scruples against
owning such property. I coundled no
one In this connection, nor did the of.
fleers of the Southern Cotton Associa
tion know of the transaction. Upon
learning that places of this character
were decidedly distasteful to the of
ficers of the Southern Cotton Associa
tion, I Immediately disposed of my
"I have recently heard rumors that
Secretary Cheatham was a stockhold
er; this 1 have always firmly and em
phatically denied, stating that his name
has In some way taken the place of
mine, and aa a former stockholder In
the Piedmont Brokerage Company I
state again to all who so accused him
or were under such an Impression that
he never owned one share of stock In
the Piedmont Brokerage Company.
'1 am employed by the Southern Cot
ton Association to compile the different
proceedings of their conventions, It be
ing necessary that work of this na
ture have the attention of a person
experienced In this line of work, and
until this work Is completed I do not
Intend to have an Interest In any sort
of an exchange, nor speculate In fu
tures, although I personally am not
opposed to such transactions. If Pres
ident Jordan or Secretary Cheatham, to
whom I recently reported my previous
connections, desire me to discontinue
my work for the Southern Cotton As
sociation, feeling that It has been In
jured by my actions, I will willingly
tender my resignation. This Is writ
ten for the purpose of forever setting
at rest the minds of certain Individ
uals who are ndeavorlng to question
the character and sltcerlty of Innocent
officers of the Southern Cotton Asso
"Very truly,
of the association to stand unc!
longed. Positive and definite proofs
must be presented rather than hearsay
. ASeytluUflB, the tnv t'llUKU the-aeso- evidence,-and the names of the alleged
elation has ttlnays dill met] to be most
strongly agulnst, hnve come thick and
fast dbrlng the past two weeks.
It was learned Thursday morning
that one-etghth of tha stock'of the
Piedmont Brokerage Company, an al
leged bucket shop, was held In the
name of Arthur A. Fairchild.
Arthur A. Fairchild Is manager of
publicity for the Southern Cotton Aa
The fact that this stock waa held In
Falrchlld’e name waa confirmed Thurs
day morning by the statement of Man
ager Love, of the Piedmont Brokerage
When asked about this eighth part.
Manager Love aatd:
"I em now the largest holder In the
Piedmont Brokerage Company. I have
bought up all the available stock. This
I did before the bill wee Introduced In
the house. I bought Mr. Fairchild's
share and that belonging to Dr. Craw-
ford. Mr. Fairchild sold his share
about the same time Dr. Crawford
When asked who were the other
stockholders af. the present time, Mr.
I.»ve said he waa not at liberty to tell
the names of any of the stockholders
other than those mentioned, as the
others still held their shares, and It
would be a violation of confidence to
make their names public.
Another Important piece of evidence
which has not up until this time been
published was a statement made by
Dr. J. M. Crawford, who said:
"On several occasions while 'In the
Piedmont bucket shop references were
made to assumed names under which
'deals’ were put through, and on sev
eral occasions Manager Love, of the
■hop, said In reference to the name J.
A. Lee, '.Why, that's Cheatham’s
Dr. Crawford said further that he
held a converaatlon over the 'phone
with Manager Love Wednesday end
that Manager Love said he would not
divulge the names of any of hts patrons
or the stockholders In the company, as
It would Injure hie business.
B.r Privets Leased Wire.
Baltimore, Md, July 26.—After mak
ing six attempts to take his life, while
’■offering from delirium tremens. Fred-
trick C. Grelf, 21 years old. Anally auc-
> ceded at 4 o’clock this morning. He
hanged himself In his room at Bay-
ylew asylum, where he had been taken
for treatment.
Sr Priests Leased Wire.
Sen Francisco, July 24.—Any woman
*n San Fnmdaco who wll confess to
wearing a number S shoe can have as
many pairs as she needs by applying
at the relief warehouse, where wearing
apparel la waiting to be carried away
by refugees. Tha shoes were sent to
"an Francisco from Chicago, Where,
according to an ancient tradition, a
number I shoe Is reckoned as dainty.
President Harvle Jordan Thursday
morning furnished the preae with the
following statement:
"Representative Anderson of Chat
ham has publicly withdrawn all ref
erence or any Intimation to me In hie
alleged charges on the floor of the
house last Tuesday, which la entirely
satisfactory to me personally. As
president of the Southern' Cotton As-
soclatlon, however, and In my official
capacity I cannot permit tho alleged
parties nr party given out to the pub
lie. I have therefore appointed tho
following officers of the association to
hear whatever testimony Mr. Ander
son or others may have relative to the
matter, and bring the facta or falsity
of the alleged charges to a final de-
clsldn aa promptly aa posalble.
"Colonel W. L. Peek. Cony era, Ga.,
national committeeman: Hon. M. L.
Johnson, Atlanta, Ga, state president:
Georgia state
"These gentlemen hold high posi
tions In the Southern Cotton Asso
ciation and are well known to the peo
ple of Georgia and can be depended
upon to Impartially and thoroughly
conduct this Investigation. The com
mittee has been notified and requested
to meet next Monday morning, July
20, at 10 o’clock In the president's of
fice. 212 Peeples building.
“Representative Anderson has also
been officially notified of the appoint-
ment of the above named committee,
the place of meeting, and requested to
be present and testify to hie alleged
chargee. The trial of this matter will
be open to the public, ae the Southern
Cotton Aseoclntlon hm nothing t" cou
ch] with reference to tin- acta I
doings of lie official work or that of Ite
"Secretary Richard Cheatham also
demands a full and complete Investi
gation of the charges preferred by Mr.
Anderson, and every opportunity will
be given Representative Anderson eith
er to sustain his alleged charges, or
withdraw them In - aa public manner
aa Is necessary."
By Private Leased Wire.
Cleveland, July 26.—Mayor Tom L.
Johnson waa before Judge Ford today
on a charge of contempt of court. The
mayor had ordered the street railway
tracks torn up on Fulton road so as to
permit the running of street can by 2-
cent fare lines.
The attorneys for the Cleveland Elec
tric Railway Company offered proof
that the directors of public service and
the mayor had been aerved with no
tices to discontinue the tearing up of
tracks, also that the Injunction waa not
Mayor Johnson was In court with his
attorneys at 2:20 o’clock.
Judge Ford announced he would ren
der hie decision tomorrow.
Mr. Anderson, of Chatham, la one of
the ablest members of the house.
Also one of the most popular.
Wednesday he made his first formal
speech In the house.
It wee a dulcet discourse of astound
ing edjectlvlty. Sonorous sounds
poured from the llp» of the gent from
Chatham like honey from a punctured
bee-gum. He perorated periods so well
rounded that when they dropped from
his tongue they rolled down the elele
like rubber balls, bouncing here end
there, and winding up finally among
the bunch of newspaper men.
That speech mode a hit.
It was the talk of the statesmen and
politicians Wednesday night, and
Thursday morning It waa still the par
amount subjact of discussion.
80 shortly after the house convened
Mr Wright, of Floyd, himself an ora
torical bulbul of note, arose and pre-
aented tha following resolution:
"Whereas, the gentleman from Chat
ham. Mr. Anderson. In hU eloquent
speech on the Jamestown Exposition
bill used every beautiful word In the
English language with the single ex
ception of tne word 'ambrosia;' there-
f °"Resolved, That the distinguished or
ator he allowed one minute's time to
Incorporate that Incomparable word in
h *"Bs*l < t 0 hirther resolved, That In the
event he Is successful, the sum of SO
cents or so much thereof as may be
necessary, be appropriated to secure
Ita publication In all the papers of the
, *Bluahlng to the rim of hair which
ornaments tha rear of his heed, there
hetof a paucity of each on top end In
front, Mr. Anderson arose and Mid that
realisation of hts own lack of hair was
always upon him and that In his
speech he had not Included "ambrosia"
because he felt embarrassment et any
reference to a word related In any
Three-cant street car fare In this
city, for which Mayor Tom L. Johnson
has fought tor years, la nearer a reali
ty than at any time since the begin
ning of the light agalnet the Cleveland
Electric Railway Company has been
The Municipal Traction Company,
the town fere line, by the s.ct of the
city yesterday In tearing up certain
tracks of the old company to make
way for those of the new company,
now Is able to reach tha heart of the
city from the big outlying districts on
the west side.
"The threefer" line today had gangs
of workmen laying tracks for the low-
fere line on the disputed territory on
Fulton road. The "con-con" or old
company made resistance to the effort.
A big detail of police waa on hand.
U. S. Government Evident
ly Fears Uprising in
Dj Private Lasted Wire.
Fort Worth, Texas, July 2«.—Twenty-
one can loaded with Federal troops
have passed through here en route to
Mexican border posts. It la believed
the government la strengthening the
poets In anticipation of the threatened
uprising In the sister republic.
By Prints Leased Wire.
Leeds, England. July 14.—The fire
which started In the center of the city
last night waa finally drowned out
early this morning. The total loss Is
estimated at 21,260,000.
"Nothin' doin' In the meat line today, hey, John?"
"Well, I guess not! I stvore off eating canned meat, ham, bacon, eto., about a month ago, and last
Wednesday I quit eating FRESH beef. No more for mine!"
Prisoner Swears Brother is
the Man That’s
By Prime leased Wire.
New York. July 36.—The Jealousy of
one sweetheart untl hie devotion to an
other brought about the arrest of
Frank J, Constantine, In Poughkeepsie,
charged with tho murder of Mrs. Ar
thur W. Gentry, nrtlst-brldo of the
president of the Universal Trading
Company, In Chicago, In January.
Constantine wns positively Identified
today, despite his declaration that the
lollce have confused him with hts
irother and double, by Miss Ella
Bchrleber, a cashier In the Owl res-
tuurnnt, In Chicago, which he fre
quented. It was through her that the
story of his capture through the Jeal
ousy of his former sweetheart, Edith
Blair, employed as a waitress In the
restaurant, became known.
After the atrocious murder of Mrs.
Gentry, Constantine, who had been
attentive to Edith Blair, lied from Chi
cago. Some time afterwards his for
mer sweetheart heard through a friend
In New York that he was here and was
paying attention to Miss Mamie Holt,
of Medalln. near Poughkeepsie. The
Chicago girl promptly told the police,
and through Miss Holt, whoes home
was watched, Constantine was located.
The prisoner today denied that he
had any knowledge of the murder, or
thut he waa the man for whom tho
police have sought more than
months. .. , , * „
I never wee In Chicago In my life,
he Mid. "I know nothing of the mur
der of Mrs. Oentry. I do not, know
this Bchrleber girl, who says she
knows me. The police are continually
wanting me for what my brother has
done. I have not seen him for eighteen
months. I have not been away from
New York or the vicinity for three
years. After the murder the police
of New York came to see my mother
and they saw me. Why did they not
arrest me then If they want me? It
Is my brother they should arrest. He
Is the Frank Constantine they went”
New York, July 16.—Harry Thaw
yielded today to the Importunities of
his mother, wife end lawyers, and con
vened to n plea of emotional Inaanlty
aa the hails of his defense.
The final agreement was reached aft
er conference!) in which the elder Mrs.
Thaw, Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw, Judge
Wm. IC. Olcott and Clifford Hnrtridgo
Mrs. Thaw, Hr., for the first time,
called upon Hertridge. Evelyn Nssblt
Tlmw also saw him. Later the elder
Mrs. Tlmw saw Judge Olcott.
Elmer Leffew Hit By
Southern Passenger
Train Near Howell’s.
Witnesses Say Seaboard and
Southern Trains Wero
Racing on Parallel •
Tracks. ,- ■*
Hpedsl to Tbs (IsorglaB.
LaGrange, Ga., July 26.—At 1 o'clock
Thursday afternoon In an explosion of
three cases of dynamite In the store of
King Hardware Company, a branch of
the Atlanta company, one men. Will
Stewart, was killed and four others se
riously Injured. The store waa almost
completely demolished by the explo
sion, and the fire which followed com
pleted the work.
Will Stewart was about 21 years old
He wm the son of V. E. Stewart, ono
of LaGrenge's most promlnsnt mer
chants. Its waa employed as a clerk
by King Hardware Company.
Those Injured were a white man
named White, end Parker, a negro, and
an unknown white men who hu been
unable to disclose his Identity since the
way with hirsute appendage, but that
because of the bMutlful silvery locks
of the gentleman from Floyd he would
be glad to apply to them the fitting ad
jective, "ambrosial."
Try One of These Little Ada.
“They Do the Work.”
By Print# Leased Wire.
Baltimore, Md., July 26.—On the
barren marshes of Rmlth's Island, Wil
liam Lee, (he negro who SMaulted two
women of Somerset county, wee hanged
at 6:26 o'clock this morning.
With a confession on his lips, the ne
gro met death on the scaffold that had
been used for the Winder execution In
Baltimore county. The hanging wm
orderly, the mob that had threaten*!
burning at the stake being completely
outwitted. Aboard the state steamer
McLane that secretly brought the
hangman’s party to Somerset, was
Robert Barnes, husband of on# of tht
Husband Is Dsputy.
Sheriff Brown had sworn him In os a
deputy and he was told that he could
help pull the trap. When the time to
disembark cams Barnes remained
aboard ship slating that he was satis
fied to see the dMth at a quarter-mile
range. Shortly before the McLane
came to anchor Lee requested that
Barnes come to the cabin where he
was confined. When the husband in
tend Lee Mid:
’I want forgiveness.”
"I cannot forgive you," said Bnmes.
"God forgive*," sold Lee, "can't your’
Then Barnes started out of tb* room.
The McLane anchored off Solomon's
light In Ksdgs's straits shortly after 4
s. m. At twenty minutes after four
two skiffs put out, one carrying the
dismembered scaffold, ih* other carry
ing deputlM who wars to erset It. The
gallows was soon erected. The sight
of a doxen boats making for the spot
caused those aboard the ship to think
the mob hod heard of the plan, but
nautical glasses proved the scurrying
figures to be fisher folks.
The boy cried s little as he viewed
the scaffold. Landed, the negro wm
seated a hundred feet from the gallows
and by his side wm his minister. There
were no steps to the gallows, a ship's
Iron ladder taking their place. Lee,
with his hands manacled, was helped
to the platform. His limbs pinioned,
the rep and shroud adjusted, the negro
preacher began a fervent prayer. Be
fore this Lee had again confessed his
At 1:16 Sheriff Brown pulled the
drop. Eighteen minutes later two
physicians folded their etethescope and
pronounced him dead. The rope and
body was then placed In a crude wood
en coffin.
By Private Leased Wire.
New Yorks July li-Th# district at
torney's office Is In possession of tvl*
denes today that Harry Kendall Thaw
In the fall of It02 took lessons In hyp
notism for the avowed purpose of ob
taining control over Stanford Whites In
order to break the Influence .White ex-
cried over a young woman wboae name
Thaw did not mention.
If he failed to win the girl by this
hypnotic Influence, he would kill
White, It la claimed.
This emetlng statement was mads to
the district attorney by Thomas J.
M Innock, who said hs was connected
with s school of hypnotism In tht fall
of 1102.
"Thaw cams to us In response to
one of our advertisements/* said Min-
nock. "He did not give nls name on
hl» first visit. Ht told us hs was deep,
lv Interested In s young woman that
another man sxsrted a power of In
fluence over, end that he wanted to
break that Influence and obtain control
A race betwoen passenger tratna on
ths Seaboard Air Line and the South
ern railway early Thursday morning
resulted In a collision with a Western
and Atlantic train near Ilowell'a Sta
tion and the probably fatal Injury of
Elmer Leffew, 13 years old, an em
ploys# of the Western and Atlantic.
Young Leffew Jumped to avoid the
colllilon and was truck by ths South
ern train.
Ths cast-bound Seaboard passenger
train left Atlanta at 4:25 o’clock, near ly
eight hours late. A passenger train of
the Southern, with parallel tracki
through the yards, Isft at about the
same time, and, according to witness.«.
the two trains raced toward Howell *
Station. At Hell wood crossing, at Ma
rietta street and the city limits, a
Western and Atlantic switch engine
pushing an empty car and a hue
refrigerator cor loaded with Ico. Th»
switch engine was making ready to
move tho two care from the Hoahoaid
tracks when the passenger struck tho
curs, BmnH>ilng through thorn and con
verting thorn Into fragments.
Tho engine of the Seaboard train
aa damaged to some extent, the pilot
b«lng smashed and the boiler almost
torn from the trucks. The batt"go
coach behind the unglno was slightly
damaged, hut tho com hen escaped in
jury. Neither tho engineer nor any
passenger was hurt.
Boy dumped In Front of Train.
Elmer Leffew, who lives at IBS Jones
avenue, is employed na a mi'nengi'r
boy by tho Western and Atlantic. 11**
was standing near the track and when
he saw that a collision was imminent
ho Jumped to the center of tho South-
<1 n trill k, Jin.1 IIH 111.' iai log train "ii
that line dashed past. He was stn< k
and hurled from the track. The boys
right leg waa badly Injured and It lx
believed that he suffered severe Inter
nal Injuries. Ho was removed to the
l.lkln-• '....pfr Munitui lum * < n I.uckln
street, whero he waa given medical at
tention. The officials at the snnltnrlum
were reticent about giving any detail*
of his Injuries. Tho boy was plac'd
under tho Influence of an anaesthetic
and had not recovered consciousness
during the early afternoon.
Voting Leffew It the non '*f II, F.
Leffew, of 168 Jones avenue, a car In-
xp.M t.,r on Him th-orgla railroad. He
has been employed ns u messenger boy
by tlw UVhti-rn and Atlantic since the
close of school.
Jumped From Pilot,
W. It. Johnson, an employee of the
lid, W I • M M.-ilf. 'I I'M tho pilot of
the passenger train. He Jumped Just
before the collision and received sev
eral cuts In the face and head. He was
not Injured seriously.
It was reported that several slight
hurts had been sustained by other rail
road men, but their names could not bt
Rpeclel lo The Georgian.
Asheville, N, C„ July 26.—Sapphire
Inn, one ot the principal resorts In
the Sapphire country, wa* burned t»
tha (round this morning at 1 o'rlm k.
None of tho cottages were burned. The
amount ot tho lose has not been ui.-.r-
talned, but It will reach several hun
dred thousand dollars.
The cause of the fire Is unknown.
The building wh fully covered by
Insurance and will be rebuilt.
About 1 o’clock tbla morning a bell
man discovered tb* blaxe end gave th«
alarm to the 160 guests In the houxe.
All the attaches ot the hotel ran to thn
assistance of the guests and saved
them, together with their baggage.
The Sapphire Inn wu known nil over
the country to fishermen and sports
men as a delightful, but simple place,
and has been filled with Southern tour
ists since early In tha saason. .Sap
phire wm the beginning of the Tox-
away system of hotels. It was erected
In 1660 as the headquarter* of the Sap
phire Valley Mining Company, who
were operating the corundum mine..
In 1266 several cottages were built,
and since that time the hotel has been
one of the moet popular resorts In
the mountains In Western North Car.
ly 36 Be
By Prlrele Leased Wire.
inses City, Mo, Jt
Devld Tent, a 17-year
mania for kissing pretl
street, he Is to he sent
The boy came here rec
atrlre, Nebr., where he
tending a school bo the feeble-minded
He has been arrested several times.