Newspaper Page Text
JX». W poptllfttlo
S*ren wain lin*»s of rnllroadt.
1W Bjlfo* Of Btreet rallnur.
122,000,000 of backlog capital.
The Atlanta Georgian.
VOL. I. NO. 79,
T>r?rPr'* Atlanta TWO CENTf
I , )n rrahiH FIVE CE.N'TM
No Developments In
Southern Cotton
Ass’n Case.
Investigators and Judges
Are Subordinate Mem
bers, All of Georgia.
There were no new development*
Friday in the ca*e of Representative
Anderson, of Chatham vs. certain un
named officials of the Southern Cotton
Association, Indictment for Interest In |
bucket shop* and marginal gambling.
President Harvle Jordan, of the
Southern Cotton Association, was Fri
day out of the city, having gone to
Senoia to deliver a speech.
Secretary Richard Cheatham said
that he had nothing to say, either for
himself or for the Southern Cotton As
Representative Anderson, of Chat'
ham, whose allegations made Tuesday
In the legislature, precipitated the In'
vestlgatlon, himself says he has noth
lng to say until Monday momlng at 10
o'clock, when he will appear before
the Investigating committee named by
President Jordan.
All Georgia Members.
The fact that this committee, to be
Judicial and Inqulsltory, was chosen by
Mr. Jordan' from Oeorgla members of
the Southern Cotton Association has
caused considerable comment. Messrs.
M. h. Johnson and John D. Walker, are
member* of the association subordinate
to Messrs: Jordan and Cheatham, and
Hon. W. L. Peek Is a national commit
teeman from this state. None has ever
insinuated as to the integrity of these
gentlemen, but, as one fellow said:
"It reminds me of that Frick lnsur
ance committee, which last summer In
vestigated Itself.”
The Investigation Will be open to the
public. It will be begun at 10 o'clock
at the headquarters of the association,
212 People's building.
Investigators Investigated.
It Is a peculiar coincidence that the
association Is being Investigated at this
time, when Just one year ago It was
making a rigid Investigation of the
government agricultural department
for the leakage of "inside Information"
before the proper time for the divulging
of such news.
Aside from this feature, the point
being discussed most widely Is the 15-
cent cotton proposition. The dissatis
faction resulting from th* advice to
hold cotton for 15 cents had been wide
ly discussed for several months, and by
the allegations now being made has
been given a new Impetus.
Will Not Announce “Return to
the Democratic
Party.” |
The Macon Telegraph of Thursday
carried a story, under a Dublin, Qa.,
date line, which said that Hon. T. W.
Hardwick had said while In that town
that Hon. Thomas E. Watson would
Friday announce In a speech his return
to the DemocraUc party.
The statement, which was of a nature
to attract a great deal of attention all
over the country, was wired out by the
various press associations.
However, Hon. Thomas E. Watson
Friday wired the following to The
Georgian In response to a query:
”1 will make no announcement dif
fering from the position I have already
Warships Are Orderec
To Cronstadt in
a Hurry.
Reports of Outbreaks in Va
rious Parts of Empire
Seep Through.
He is to bo candidate of Independence League for Governor of New York#
Justice William Gaynor, It Has Been Decidec
Will Not Oppose Editor in
His Campaign.
By Private Leased Wire.
New York. Juligfj.—The Press says
this morning:
William Ri Hearst will bs nominated
for governor In Carnegie hall on Tues
day, September 11, or on the following
day. At the clone of the convention
the nomination will be tendered to Mr.
Hearst at a mass meeting In Madison
Square Garden, and then the campaign
of tha Independence League will be
formally under way. Justice William
J. Gaynor will not he a candidate
against Hearst. The state Democratic
leaders know Justice Gayrior's position
and have been informed that his name
must not be used to obtain delegates
to the state convention.
The Hearst program was finished last
night after a conference of the leaders.
It will be ratlfled <on next Tuesday at
meeting. In thla city of representatives
from every county In the stats. The
executive committee will on Tuesday
Issue a call for the electron of 'delegaten
to the Carnegie hall convention. These
delegates will be chosen not at pri
maries, but by the Independence
League organisations In each assembly
district. There will be one delegate
for every thousand voters or portion
thereof, and this will cause the election
of about 1,(00 delegates to the Carnegie
hall convention.
It Is expected the convention will last
two days, and on tho last night an ad
journment will be taken to Madison
Square Garden, where Mr. Hearst will
accept the nomination. A complete
state ticket will be named by the dele
Congressman From New York Says
Would Be Willing To Make Race
With Nebraskan.
B r Private Leased Wire.
Salem, Ore., July 27.—The state
insane asylum, with 1,500 in
mates. is renorted on fire.
By Private Leased Wire.
Washington, D.'C., July 27.—Charles
A. Towne, representing In congress one
of New York's Tammany districts and
prominently mentioned as the most
available man In the Democratic party
to Join with Bryan In the next nation
al campaign, today practically admits
that he would be In a receptive mood
If the vice presidential nomination
happened around his way.
Mr. Towne came In from New York
yesterday and left today for Oklahoma
City, where on Sunday he will begin a
stump-speaking. tour that will last a
“If Tendered, I'll Accept”
Of course, this Is no time to accept
a nomination for the vice presidency,"
said he to The Georgian's correspond
ent "but my friends tell me they are
pushing the boom, and that It seems to
be taking very nicely. When the nom
ination Is actually tendered it will be
time to accept It, but the Idea has Its
attractions. I have no desire to remain
in congress Indefinitely. I should be
glad of the opportunity to make the
light, and I believe I could help the
ticket considerably."
"Would you accept the vice presi
dential nomination on any but a Bryan
ticket 7" he was asked.
"No. 1 would not. .Mr. Bryan and I
are friends, and I believe In him po
litically. Besides. 1 know that Bryan
has determined. If ever he does get
elected to the presidency, to make hi*
vice president a membr of his cabinet
council. Bryan’s vice president will
be asked to participate In the discus
sions whlcu concern the welfare of
the country and It will be a precedent
that all future presidents would have
to follow. I' should not caro to I
elected to the vice presidency undi
existing conditions. For that reason _
should be willing to make the race
with Mr. Bryan, but with na one else.”
"Do you think Mr. Bryan could gel
the conservative vote?"
Bryan Is Conssrvativs.
"Why," replied Mr. Towne, with
more than ordinary emphasis, "Bryan
Is one of the most conservative men In
either of the two great political par
ties. Those who know him Intimately
know that he would not have advocat
ed In forty years such radical measures
ns have been fostered by- Roosevelt.
And here Is a case,In point: Bryan
never would have rushed Into print
with the packing house scandals. He
would have accomplished the same
cleanliness and the same protection to
the American republic without bring
ing down on the heads of persons who
were In no way responsible for the
conditions the loss of millions upon
millions of dollars.
"That Is what I call radicalism, and
It Is against such disregard for the
welfare of American people that the
'safe and sane' Democracy will wage
war In 1»0(."
By Private Leased Wire.
Mayfield, Ky.. July *7.—Concealed
In a coffin to avert a threatened lynch
ing. AUen Mathis, a negro. Is being ta
ken to Paducah today. Mathis at
tacked Miss Ethel McLane Wednesday
evening. 8he struggled desperately
end retained bis collar. By means of
this he was arrested.
A crowd quickly gathered about the
jail, and while preparations wgre being
Mrs. 8ellie Jolley.
Mrs. 8allle Jolley, M years old, died
at her residence, CO South Delta Place,
Inman Park. Thursday night. The fu
neral arrangements have not been de
cided upon pending the arrival of her
son from New Orleans. She Is sur
vived by her luisbsnd and several chil
By rrtrste Leneed Wire.
St. Petersburg, July 27.—While Pro
mler Stolypln and other ministers still
profess to believe thnt the crisis
past, and . that the revolutionary so
ctetfes have been crushed, If not stamp
ed out, urgent ordere have been sent to
all Russian warships on duty at for'
elgn stations to rendesvous at Krom
stadt with the least‘-possible delay, snd
It Is frankly stated that the reason
for this extraordinary order Is the se
rious unrest among the Russian sail
Another Indication of the uneasiness
felt by the government Is the appeal
to the people, Issued through The Bo*
sla, which Is regarded as a seml-offl
vial organ, which calls upon the people
to assist the government In putting
down disorders and declaring.
, To Cut the Revenue.
That the Liberals do not share the
Idea that the crisis Is over Is certain.
At a meeting of the workingmen's or
ganlzatlons a resolution was adopted
calling on nil workingmen to abstain
from the use-of llqotir In order to cut
down the government'.- revenue.
One bright feature' Spf the situation
for the government is the fact thnt
Mendelssohn A Co, ths Berlin agents
of the minister of finance, have mu
ceeded In aecurlng 5®,000.fl00 roubl
to meet the Immediate financial re
qulrenieni.i of the government.
By Private leased WJre.
London, July 27.—Although the cen
sorship on telegraphic dispatches Is
very strict, a few reports came through
from St. Petersburg today, which flat
ly contradict the optimistic govern
ment reports. These show that the
situation throughout Russia Is more
than critical.
Bandits, taking advantage of tho
revolutionary movement, are causing a
reign ot terror. In Moscow ten armed
men entered a Jewelry store In Tver,
skoe street, one ot the principal thor
oughfares of the city, seised eeveral
thousand dollara' worth of Jewelry and
eecaped. No nrreets were made.
On the Vistula railway a daring rob
bery was made, on tho outsktrta of
Warsaw. , A band of armed bandits
•topped a passenger train by pulling
the emergency brake. After assuring
the frightened pssaengere that no harm
would be done them, they uncoupled
the locomotive and a. car containing
several strong boxes filled with the
cash receipts of the read.
A gendarme In charge of the car
was killed and the engineer was forced
to drive his locomotive to a spot where
the line passes through a wood. Thirty
srmed men appeared, broke open the
boxes and decamped with 17,(00.
Other robberies are reported In va
rious sections and the government ap
pears utterly unable to cope with the
Were Not Aware That Writ
Had Been Granted Stay
ing the Hangman.
Mperlsl to The Georgian.
Birmingham, Ala., July 27.—When
the petition for the writ of habeas
corpus for the body of John William*,
the man who was to haveebeen hanged
today at Cullman, Ala, was called up
before Judge Weaver this momlng,
Congressman Sidney Bowie, for the
state, offered a motion that Judge
Weaver had no Jurisdiction In the case.
Court gave the attorneys for defense
until 2 o'clock to show the authorities
as to his rights In the case.
The military was around the county
Jail ready to go to Cullman with the
sheriff and prisoner.
Williams will not hang today, tin
less the governor respites to a certain
day it will be necessary for the Cull
man Judge to flg a new day at the next
term In the fall.
Special to Ths Georgian.
Pittsburg, Pa, July 27.—"The heart
less things which my sister Florence
has been saying about our dear, sett-
stcriflclng mother are more than I can
bear In alienee any longer. In her
heart my sister knowe that In all thla
world there cannot be a better wom
Howard Nesbtt, the brother of Eve
lyn Nesblt Thaw, made the foregoing
statement. The youth—he la scarcely
more than a boy—then continued:
"We all feel keenly thg disgrace
brought upon Florenre, or Evelyn, ae
she la called In New Yerk, by this
laylng-bar# of her past career. But I
can forgive everything except that she
has declared she has never known'the
meaning ot the word 'mother.'
She Wat'S Good Mother.
Our mother has done for us every
thing that any mother could have done.
She worked early and late In order to
make us happy and give us a good ed-
u. .ilIon. Our father aleo treated us
very kindly. Ills death was a terrible
blow to us. But mother stood It cour
ageously. She sent us to school, clnd
us properly nnd did all In her power
to bring up Florence to a point where
she might be,proud of the girl—she
ligil grown so exceptionally handsome
and was so talented.
The maternal love of our mother has
displayed Itself moat unmistakably In
this, that no matter what Florence has
been saying, our mother has not spoken
a single word of reproach. But 1 can't
how Florence ran now forgst her.
■elf toward us passes my comprehen
Sister Was Stage 8truek.
T am perfectly well aware of the
attitude which my mother took In re
gard to ths relations between Florence
and Mr. While, and when the time
comes I shall not fall to take the stand
In behalf of mamma. It Is a lie that
my mother nlaced Florence on the
stagy. My sister was always stage
■truck, and desplts every effort of
mother to the contrary, Florenre would
not allow herself to be swerted from
her determination to become an actress.
“I remember dlatlnctly that Florence
threatened that If mamma did not at
low her to go on the stage she wnul<
run away from home. When Florenre
finally did come to New York either
mother or I alwaye accompanied her to
the theater. iAtar, when they were In
London, Florence ran away while moth
er lay sick In bed.
"Florence then became arrogant and
declared thnt she no longer wanted
mamma In her house. ‘A inald would
be of more use to me than her,' were
her words."
Young Nesblt denied positively that
hie mother had Introduced hie sister tn
White. He said Edna Goodrich, the
actress, had dons It. Whether his
mother would be a witness at-the
trial of Thaw the y.oung man said he
waa not able to say.
Great ^Financier Dis
poses of $80,000,-
000 Estate
GET $25,000 EACH
If Any of These Object to
Probate of Will They
Lose Bequest.
o a
Ily Private Leased Wire. o
New York. July 27.—The of. O
O oflce of Russell Sage In a fen O
O months wilt rease to be the r O
O flee of sn Individual money len- O
O der. It will be retired (tn as ft O
O meriy by Mr. Osborne, Mr. Sag- o
O confidential mannger, except ti ■ o
O no new lonna will be made. Oth- O
O er customers will be secontmo- o
dated through the Mercantile o
Trust Company, but eventually O
there will be formed the Bank o
of Russell Rage, and that great O
business built up by an Individ- O
ual wll be carried on by a corj — o
O rollon.
By Private Leased wire.
New York, July 27.—It hay been defi
nitely decided, counsel for the defense
etated today, that Harry K. Thaw will
go on tho wltnees stand and tell why
he killed Bltnford White. If the de
fense deems It necessary, Evelyn Nee-
bit Thaw will be called as witness to
corroborate her husband.
Harry Thaw has listened to ths
pleading* of hla mother and consented
to plead emotional In-unity, without
slag sight of the "unwritten law."
Hatred Wss Justified,
The defense will try to show that
Thaw's hatred of White was Justified
and so great as to make him tempo
rarily Irresponsible at the eight of the
architect. Insanity experts will be
called to prove this.
It will be shown that Thaw has made
the honorable amende for any pre
vious misconduct by marrying Evelyn
Nesblt. There will be no effort to
prove him above the manner of life of
which he has been accused of leading,
but counsel wilt try to show that ail
haa been wiped out by the wedding
except the shadow of Stanford White,
which darkened an otherwlee bright
Ha Will Tell Why.
It Is hinted that Thaw'a lawyers will
be able to .rceent evidence that White
had pursued the girl niter her mar-
rla--, which hna been denied by the
r 11 -1 I I *' I llt'"fllcy.
'Then na a climax," said a friend to-
day, ‘Thaw will be put on the stand
and In telling why he killed White,
will use the wonte he uaed after the
tragedy. Tie ruined my wife. I«nm
glad I did It.’"
His counsel believe that with Thaw
willing to admit the deed and appar
ently ready to take the consequences,
the defenso will be atrong.
Unless the prison commission or ths
governor Intervenes, J, O. Rawlins,
Jesse and Milton Rawlins nnd the ne
gro, Alt Moore, will be hanged In Val
dosta Auguet 2 for the murder of the
Carter children.
In a decision handed down Friday
morning the supreme court denied
new trial to the accused, affirming
the plea of Attorney John
The appeal was only for the boys, but
the elder Rawlins and Moore were re
spited pending the supreme court's de
It Is hsld that the ruling made by
the eupreme court when the cooes were
before It before on exceptions to the
overruling of former motions for new
trial, are binding and conclusive ad
judications, and a motion to rsvlsw the
decision then made cannot be enter
"New!y discovered evidence which Is
merely cumulative or Impeaching In
character, relatively to that Introduced
on the trial, will furnish no ground tor
the grant of a new trial on an extra
ordinary motion therefor, made after
Fortson Holds His Job.
Efforts to put Samuel A. Fortson out
' the council of Augusta because be
moved temporarily from the third ward
to Sumervllle on account of hi* wife’s
health, failed. The supreme court Fri
day momlng affirmed the lower court
' denying and dismissing the petition
the plaintiff* for leave to file plead-
invg In the nature of quo warranto.
Ik Feared Car Men and Strike
Breaker* Will Claah at
in Tliat City.
Ily I’rlrele I.eased Wire.
New Bedford, Mass., July 27.—Gov
ernor Guild has ordered the state
troops heavy artillery, now on duty at
Fort Rodman, to be In readiness for
Immediate action In case they are
needed at the strike of the street car
men here today. The situation today
Is more serious than at any time since
the strike began and more riots are
Today the situation grows more se
rious, ss the citizens are becoming
more aroused over th* presence of Im-
G rted armed strike breakers, who
ve repeatedly announced that they
are looking for trouble and are pre
pared to meet it.
There was much disorder In the
street* In the vlcjnlty of the car bares
last evening, ana several passengers, a
police officer and some of th* employees
were burt by missile* throw!! at the
cars. Windows of four cars were
the overruling of an original motion for
a new trial has been affirmed by this
R Is held also that J. O. Rawlins'
confession that he was guilty of send
ing Alf Moore to murder the father of
the children, but that he did not au
thorise th* killing of the children, end
that hie eons were not connected with
the clime, but Innocent, would not con
stitute grounds for a new trial. No
error was committed, therefore,
overruling the appeal for a new trial
on this ground.
The plea of Insanity for Milton Raw,
tins Is not entertained for th* reason
that no such evidence was adduced at
the trial.
It Is held finally that none of th*
grounds of th* estraorillnary motion
required the granting of a new trial,
and there was no error In overruling
If Attorney Cooper follows his sn-
nounced Intention hs will now come be
fore th* prison commission In a final
effort to save the two boys, Jesse snd
Milton Bawling. Th* long esprtesed
desire of J. O. Rawlins to be allowed
to die seems near to bslng Anally grab
Son of Well-Known Parents
Blows Brains Out with
gpeetsl to Tb* Georgian,
Dublin, Ga, July 27.—News
reached this city of the supposed sui
cide of Tom Walker, the ll-year-old
son of T. J. Walker, of near Lauren*
Hill, this county, by blowing his brains
out with a shotgun.
The report Is that the boy was very
anxious to go hunting end permission
lo do H> was denied by th* boy’s fath
er, which Is said was the cause of th*
rash act.
The family of the young man la
well known, a number of relatives liv
ing In this city.
Richard T. Upchurch.
Richard T. L'pchurch, (2 yean old,
died at htc residence, it Berean ave
nue, Thursday afternoon. He Is sur
vived by a wife end three children. Th*
body was shipped to Uloster, Go, for
funeral and Interment Friday morning.
By ITIvate Leased Wile.
New York, July 27.—The will ..f
Russell Beg* waa offered for*
In Manhattan shortly after J o'<; .<
this afternoon. While no msntl n t-
made In the will of the vast amount of
money left by the dead financier. It
wns said that the real and pe> n il
property would easily foot up to 280,-
With th# exception of a few minor
bequests to nieces and nephews, the
entire estate go** to Mrs. Sage, "to
have, to hold the same to her absolutely
and forever."
Nothing for Charity.
No mention whatever Is mad" .r .my
bequests foV charity or educational pur
Mr. Rage declare* emphatically tliat
If nny ot ths beneflciarle* under rim
will other than his wife object t.> iim
prnbato of the Instrument, or Iti any
wise directly or Indirectly contra!
aid In contesting It, the bequests shall
tie annulled lo such beneficiary.
He adds thnt such beneficiaries shall
h* rut off entirely from any shore In
the estate.
Wants Debts P*Id.
Th* will was dated February 11,
1101, and covers three typewritten
pages. It Is divided Into eleven ac
Section 1 directs the payment of
debts nnd funeral expense*.
Bectlon 2 bequeaths to hi* sister, Mrs.
Hamuel Chapin, now deceased, $10,000.
Section 2 bequeath* to hli nephews
nnd nlsre* 225,000 each.
Section 1 devises snd bequeaths the
residue of the estate to Mrs. 8age, to
have and to hold ths same aha■ dm-ly
and forever.
Section 5 makes this bequest to Mrs.
Huge, In lieu of dower.
Provides for Executors.
Section * empowers th* sale of real
Section 7 provide* that lapsing be.
quests shall fall Into ths fetid uory
Section I appoint* Mrs. Cage Hr.
John l'. Munn and Charts* W. Ost ««
Section t authorises th* executes lo
rent offices snd hire clerks In C'.nnei -
Ron with the business of th# caint.-
Section I® revoke* former wills, . i t
section II forfeits th* bequest of any
heneflelary who objects to the prsh.ite
of ths will or Indirectly contests the
same. •
Think Contest Futile.
The peelllve announcement ti.'t
Russell Bags’* will would be filed
day for probation drew to th<- , <■
gate’s court a group of lawyers rep
sentlng h*lrs-at-law, who had m.
preparations to fight for a share of the
financier's estate, even na If the ex
pected blow of dlslnheijtments bad fol-
Desplte the claims of the un
bernl relatives, many shrewd lawyer*
declared today, that In their opinion,
the prospective sensational contest*
would be futile. It wss declared that
the only bequest mad* to a relative,
that of Mr*. Fannls Chapin, the old
note broker’s only sister, died with
Mrs. Chspln two years ago. and her
next of kin cannot get the amount elm
we* to have received for the rea- .n
that ehe did not aurvlve Mr. Rage
Owned Much Realty.
To succeed In a contest It would ha
icessary to show that th* testator was
not of sound and disposing inlnd. and
thst he did not have mental rapacity
enough to know reasonably lie
was doing. This requires strong proof
for the presumption I# In favor of ths
sanity ot th# testator always.
It la announced today that a* a part
ot th* “surprise," Mr. Sag" promised
many year* before hi* death, It u III he
shown, that he waa the owner .if many
millions In real estate. In addition to
railroad stocks^ railroad bonds and
mortgage bonds. HI* realty holding*
are said to be located In many cities,
and It Is blnted that UMf nM will
raise the total of hi* estate far above
the 1(0,000.000 which le said to repre
sent only his cash on hand, loan* and
Determined to Fight.
A. Wells Stump
resents the relatives of the dead multi
millionaire, today began gathering evi
dence to prove (la Insane when the
Instrument was -igned. Lawyer
Page Three,