Newspaper Page Text
Financial Matters Are
in Serious Con
Several Members of Czar’s
Council Resign Because
Douma Was Dissolved.
Bv Special Cable-i-Copyrlght.
si. Petersburg, July 26.—The flnan
rial situation la becoming alarming.
Already the government has received
notlflcatlon from the underwriting of
the Russian bonds In Berlin and Parts
that subscribers to trie last loan are
balking and decline to meet the second
payment which Is now falling due. tt
Is, of course, too soOn yet to determine
wf •' ‘ -
hether or not the suggestion of the
douina that the people refuse to pay
foreign financiers
believe that there Is danger of Russia’s
ability to pay becoming seriously .Im
It Is understood that Minister of
Finance Kokov-off will start In a few
days for Berlin and Paris to see If
the matter cannot be adjusted.
A well authenticated report Is cur
rent today that, a meeting of several
committees of the Social Democrats,
Social revolutionists, peasants' league,
railroad men's union, telegraph opera
tors' union and military committee has
been held for the purpose of discuss
ing plans for the establishment of a
provisions government and the In
auguration of a revolutionary move
ment under a thorough organisation.
It Is said that a majority of the mem
bers of the douma favor this line of
action ultimately, but council delay
for the present.
Six of the elected members of the
council of the empire, the upper house
of parliament, Including four of the
representatives of Science In the coun
cil, resigned today to show their dis
satisfaction because of the dlaaolutlon
of the douma.
At Helsingfors, Finland, 1,500 aol-
dlers and sailors of the garrison look
an oath to light on. the aide, of the
Youthful 8urglara.
On the charge of burglarizing
house at 409 Whitehall street
stealing from H. R. Fridell, Frank
Copper and Frank Wilton, negro boys,
wsre arraigned In Judge Broyles* court
Wednesday afternoon and bound over
under <100 bond each.
Young Drunkard,
for being Intoxicated Frank Bitch
anan, a 14-year-old negro boy, was
lined 13 and coats In . the recorder's
court Wednesday afternoon. The youth
was found by his slater In a drunken
state near the old depot some time ago,
and although the police searched for
him they were unable to locate him
until Wednesday. The youth clelma
strange man gave him a quantity
beer, which left him In the drunken
Night Watchmen Injured.
George R. Boyland, night watchman
In the railroad yardi below the old de
pot, Is confined to his home at ir
Terry street, a* the reault of an accl-
dent early Wednesday morning, when
a slight collision between two cars
threw him heavily to the ground. Hla
Injuries, although painful, are not ee.
Revenue for First Quarter.
For thb months of January, February
and March the sum of $1,326,224.08 was
paid Into the state treasury from the
general tax. For the same period $182,-
136 was paid In for poll tax, making
total revenue of 11,488.360.08.
By Private hensed Wfre.
Washington. July 26.—The headquar
tera of the Isthmian canal commission
In this city waa advised by cable from
Civil Governor Magoon, of the canal
zona, of the death on July 21 of Civil
Knglneer Robert L. Dunn, who waa
killed In a wreck In Culebra. Mr. Dunn
wee from Peteratown, W. Vo.
Governor Magoon report* one death
yesterday In Colon from smallpox.
Rperlal to Tbs Georgian.
Nashville, Tenn., July 26.—Mrs. Van-
leer Wills, wife, of Postmaster A. W,
Wills, of Naahvllle, died this morning.
She waa. prominent In Nashville social
circles and was a grandniece of Gen
era! Anthony Wayne, of revolutionary
fame. Her husband. Major Wills, who
waa an officer In the Federal army,
S urchaaed th* plot of ground at
lartetta, Ga., for the location of
F.<d.ral cemetery.
Dr Private Leased Wire, * • ■
Berlin. July 26.—Official Information
has reached the government here that
th*- cmpcri.i .if i'li Ina c. an fin j'l.u*'- pr.i-
claiming tvv .>’iil n bu m- and cn
forcing their acceptance throughout the
empire. The reforms are the abolition
of pig tails and the mutilation of wom
en's reeC-
By Wireless Telegram from Steamer
Anterlka, via Marconi Station, Cape
Bare, N. F.. July 26.—John D. Rocke
feller Is enjoying hie homeward bound
trip to New York with aa much gusto
end energy aa ha djd on hla eastward
passage alx weeks ago. Thera la a dif
ference In hla attitude toward hla fel
low voyagers. He le not so social as he
was going ovar. Mr. Rockafeller has
paid little attention to any of the other
passengers outatds of the members of
his own party, but ha has been con
stantly In evidence.
Deaths ahd Funerals.
Mrs. Harrist Brown.
Special to The Georgian.
Charlotte, N. C„ July 26—Mrs. Har
riet Brown, widow of the late t’aptaln
w. P. Brown, died at her home In this
county yesterday morning gt an early
F. M. Terry.
F, M. Terry. 61 years old, died atl
noon Wednesday at hla residence, 146
Grant street. The funeral services will
be held from the late realdence at ■
o'clock Thursday afternoon and the
Interment will be at Westvtew.
Thomas B. Mulfin.
Thomas B. Mullln, 71 years oldH
Confederate veteran, died Wednesday
night at S o'clock at the Presbyterian
h. spltal. He leaves a wife and two
'children. The funeral services take
place Thursday afternoon at 8 o’clock
at the chapel of Harry O. Poole ft Co.
The Interment will be In the Confed
erate veterans' lot at Weetvlew.
Charles Harrison Morris, Jr,
Charlss Harrison Morris, Jr., the In
fant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H-
Morris, died at the residence of hla
parents, 2(7 Highland avenne, at (
o'clock Wednesday night. Funeral ser
vices were held at 2:26 o'clock Thurs
day afternoon at the residence, Rev. C.
C. Jarrell officiating, and the Inter
ment was at Oakland.
John C. Bucher.
The body of John C. Buclier, a cltl-
sen of Decatur, was brought to Atlanta
Thursday morning at 7:60 o'clock and
carried to Patteraon'a undertaking es
tablishment. Mr. Bucher waa killed
Tuesday afternoon at a saw mill be
longing to him near Waycroaa by being
struck with a piece of flying timber.
The funeral service* will be held at 4
o'clock Thursday afternoon at the res
idence In Decatur, and the Interment
wilt be In the Decatur cemetery. Mr.
Bucher la survived by a wife and one
'That doesn't concern me.'
tbe nervous man. ‘"Th** aunt 1
. an»w»*red
, man. -The question la ‘What
,0 i0 * l,h “* r
By Private I-aesed Wire.
Washington, D. C„ July 26.—Senator
Dick, of Ohio, chairman of the state
committee, who has been In Washing
ton several daya making hla plana for
the coming campaign, has secured tho
promise of Secretary Shaw to make
several speeches In Ohio during the
campaign. The senator left for Now
York today, where ha will have a con
ferenre with Chairman Sherman, of the
congressional committee, regarding lit-
distribution In tho Buckeye
erature for
state and the assignment of speakers.
Tomorrow Mr. Dick will visit the pres
ident at Oyster Bay and solicit his aid
In saving Ohio from the assaults of the
Democrats, who are making a deter
mined fight to retake some of the dis
tricts now Republican, but which are
normally Democratic.
By Private Leaied Wire. .
Berlin, July 26.—Duke I.udwlg of Ba
varia, who la 75 years old, announces
his Intention to renounce hla second
morganatic wife, whom he married In
16(2, and to contract a-third morgan
atic marriage with Frauletn Tordek, a
young prims donna of the Royal Opera
House at Munich.*
By Private Leased Wire.
Washington, July 36*—Rural delivery
route, established to commence Sep
tember 17.
Varnells Station, Whitfield county,
Georgia. Route No. 1—14 miles; pop
ulation served 101. Number of houaea
on routo 86.
Special to The Georgian.
Nashville, Tenn.,. July M—Prenkltn,
Tenn., wns the scene of ss attempted as
ssnlt today, says s special. Miss l’esrl
Knott, oldest daughter of Mrs. Victory
Knott, wso attracted to the door by the
loud tHirklng of n dog. On opening the
door, she was seised by s men end drag-
She broke away from her
ant nnd ran back to the koage. closely
pursued. Her neresms Busily brought
neighbors to her rescue,
By Private Leased wire.
Raleigh, N. C., July 86.—The btggeri
and most Interesting congressional con
vention ever held In North Carolina
will be called to order at 2 o'clock this
afternoon at Fayetteville, when the
Sixth district Democrats will meet to
nominate a candidate to succeed the
present congressman, C. B, Patterson.
The principal competitor is Slate Sen
ator J. A. Brown, of Columbus. There
are two additional candidates. Cook,
of Cumberland, and Ooodwtn, of Bar
O Special to The Georgian O
Savannah, Ga, July 26.—liar- O
O mon Rxtey, of Savannah, aged 60, O
O waa married last night at the O
O union station to Mis* Jlncy Nabb, O
O of HurryhllL aged 26. The young O
S woman did not want to get mar- O
tied In the country, so they came O
O to Savannah. O
The groom I* a well-known O
O truck farmer and has been mar- O
D tied twice before. O
In Georgia and Adjoining States
Pleasant Mention From Other Cities
On Thursday, the 19th, waa th# an
nual picnic at Chalker. A number of
Sanderavllle people attended. The
'Dick Russell Club" was quit* In evi
dence. Among those who went up In
the afternoon were Mleeee Mamie
Sparks. Minnie Young, Rozalia Mathl*
and Louise, Sullivan, Messrs. C, D.
Shelnutt, Thomas Sparks, . Battle
Sparks and Sam Devereaux.
Profesosr and Mr*. Gibson are visit
ing friends In Agricola.
A delightful outing was given the
visiting young ladles by some of the
matrons of Smith street. The Invi
tation waa to a luncheon to be given
at Idylwild, the picnic grounds on the
W. <6 T. It. It, about 20 mile* from
Sanderavllle. The guests of hhnor were
Mlae May McConnell, of Savannah, and
Mia* Neill* Whllden, of Mllledgevllle.
The party of twenty couples nnd the
chaperone left on the 1 o'clock train
and returned at 7:20 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Shelley are on a
trip to the mountain* of North Caro
Miss Varlna Long will leave on Mon
day for a vlelt to her home In North
Carolina. T
Mis* Bertha Williamson leaves Sat
urday foV a two weeks’ visit to Wrens.
Dr. If. A. Hermann I* In New York
for a vacation. While there he will at
tend lectures at the Polytechnic.
Miss Zettle Durloo Is spending a
moth In Portland, Me.
Mias Bertha Hermann has returned
from a delightful visit to Rom*.
Mrs. Gordon Boatwright, of Roches
ter, N. Y, Is the guest of Mrs. Lee
Mlae Ruth Klnnard, of Atlanta, la
visiting Miss Mamie Sparks.
Miss Belle Hopkins Is the guest of
Afro. II. M. Carrere.
Mr. nnd Air*. C. H. Klttrell are
spending two weeks at the Hotel Ju-
Ihln. *
Afre.. Carlos Rodgers, of Savannah, Is
With Mrs. fl. G. Lang.
Mr. Colin Campbell, of Macon, la on
visit to his mother.
Mrs. C. D. Shelnutt and daughter.
Ida, are visiting Athena and Walnut
Miss Susie Warthen, of Bartow, af
ter n two weeks’ vlelt to; Mrs. George
Evans, ha* returned home.
Mr. Andrew Sparks Is n member of
delightful house party at the home
of Mr. Sydney J. Taylor in D*vla-
guest. Allss Kirkpatrick, has returned
to her home In Montgomery.
Mis* Eleanor Matthews Is the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. E. D. Smith, at
Blount Springs,
Misses Claride and Mamie Sue Ber
ry have gone to St. Clair Springs.
Miss Mary Ware, with Mr*. Clay
Clopton ami Mis* Alary Turner Clan
ton, Will leave soon for Greenbrier
White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.
Mrs. K. J. Know and Airs. Owen
Brown are at Blount Springe.
The Ladles' Afternoon Euchre Club
was delightfully entertained by Mrs.
c. T. Nolan Thursday afternoon. The
prizes, a hat pin holder and pin cush
ion, were won by Airs. Agnes Hlllsman,
of Albany, and Mrs. George H. Keeler.
After the game a salad course and lee*
were served.
Mr*. \v. A. DuPrs entertained the
Young At at runs’ Bridge Whist Club
on Friday uftemoon.
Air. Hilton Holmes entertained
number of young people at euchre on
Wednesday evening.
Alls* Jennie Wellons Is spending this
month with Air. and Mr*. J. D. North-
cutt at their summer home In north
Mrs. Walter Sessions and children, of
Birmingham, are visiting her mother,
Mrs. L. N. Trammell.
.Air*. Will Pomeroy and little daugh
ters are the guests of her mother, Mrs.
L; N. Trammell.
Mrs. MaybrII Glover Williams,
New York city. Is visiting her parents.
Air. and Airs. J. B. Glover.
Alisa Ellen George and Mias Issle
Brumby are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M.
H. Field In Cantor).
Professor Northcutt’a dance Friday
night was largely attended.
Mr*. L. N. Trammell, Jr., Is spending
home time In Atlnnta.
Mrs. L. D. Hoppe Is visiting Air. and
Mra. Fields In Canton.
I Mias Nell Atkinson, of Atlanta, Is
tho guast of Alra. C. T. Nolan.
spending some time at Tybee.
Misses MaybeUe Hawkins and holt
Williford have returned from a pleas
ant vlelt to Cordele.
Air. Jeff Taylor, of Tampa, Fla., Is
spending some time 1n Amerlcus, hla
former home.
, „ ' MT. AIRY.
Mira Dora Dtiuwooriy has returned to
Macon sfter a visit of several weeks with
Mra. A. It. Maywood. Jr.
Airs. B. Conlter and daughter, Miss
rsullne Coulter, returned to Atlanta Hun
day. -
Airs. Robert T. Walker, of Savannah, Is
occupying her summer cottage on Mount
.'(Tsv Alice White, of Atlanta, Is visit
ing her. sister. Airs. O. T. White.
Mrs. K. II. HtalUngs and her ltttls
of Atlanta, are among the guest# at
An event of th# past week which af
forded much pleasure to the younger
society set was the dance on Tuesday
evening given by Miss Sadie Gillespie
In honor of her guest, Allas Hope, of
Portsmouth, Vr. Miss Gillespie, who
Is to be a debutante of the next sea
son, wpre a gown of embroidered lav
ender chiffon and her guest a'white
not over taffeta. Delightful refresh
ments were served during the even
M2. Arthur \Y. 8. Chalrsell, who poa-
sesses a high baritone voice of rare
quality, returned home Friday after
studying for the past winter In Dea
Moines, la.
Alias Mary Ruth McLeuter will spend
the remainder of the summer with Airs.
P. Wilson nt hsr summer home on
Lookout Mountain. -
Dr. and Mr*. F. F. Bnedecor will
leave about the first of August for
Thousand Islands and the great lakes.
They will be gone a month or two.
Misses Addle and Ethel Norton ere
the guests of Hon. nnd Mrs. J. Q. Rob
ins In Tupelo, Mlsa.
Mr. Wallace W. -Wilson has returned
from a visit with friends at Lake Tox-
away and Asheville.
Miss Leone Cosby has returned from
Mr*. Frank B. White and her daugh
ter, Alls* Marguerite White, have gone
to Glenwood Springs, Colo., Yellow
stone Park and Portland. Ore. Captain
hlte will Join them later.
The marriage of Miss Katherine
Lydia AlacKnlght and Atr. John Purcell
Burke, of Jacksonville, took place Wed
nesday evening nt the home of the.
bride's parents, Air. and Mrs. J. A.
AlacKnlght. In Calera.
Dr. and Mr*. George Stubbs left
Thursday for New York, by way of
Mr. and Mr*. Harvey Woodward left
the city In their automobile for Cleve-
' fid. Ohio, from whence they will go
I Sidney and then to Welds*, Me.,
their former hqme.
Air. and Mr*. David Thompson hav*
gone to Asheville, where they will
spend part of August and then go to
Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mra. Atlchael Clifford,
Mlsa Clifford and Mr. Albert Clifford
have gone to Atlantic. Alls* Clifford's
Allss Mary Trammell entertained
about thirty guests Friday evening In
honor of Alls* Hill, of Nashville,
At|*f Lucy Burton, of Buford, Is the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Rein
hardt. , ,
Miss ines Parker Is entertaining the
member* of the J. B. L. Club at a house
party this week. The guests are: Allss
Fannl* Stokes, Mlsa Martha Hunter,
Mlea Anlce Speers, Alls* Sara Robert-
eon. and Miss Kitty Newton.
By Prlrat# I-ensed Wire.
New Bedford, Mass., July 26.—Btrlke
breakers are being brought here today
by President Crappo, In an attempt to
break th* strike which has lied up the
lines of the Union Street Railway
Company, and the crucial point In the
fight of the trolley men for more pay,
shorter hours and the recognition of
their union has been reached.
It I* declared by some that H. H.
Rogers, one of the (largest stockhold
ers In the company, will personally
come to New Bedford and take a hand
the conflict.
Mrs. It. W. Anderson nnd daughter,
of Alexander City, are the guests of
Dr. and Mrs. A. AI. Stovall.
Alls* Ili-no Lnmkln, of East Lake, la
the guest of Misses Kate and Douglass
Rowe. •
Miss Florence Is able to be out after
an attack of fever.
Mr. Asa Cranford haa returned from
a trip to St. Louis.
Aliases Everett nnd Mary McGuire,
have returned from a few day’s visit to
Tuscaloosa relatives and friends.
Mies Irene Hogue, who hns been vis
iting Air. and .Mrs. W. 'W. Hogue nt
Dora, ho* returned to Jasper, nnd la
the guest of her sister, Mra. Charles D.
Mrs. Mollle Daflln, of Mobile, la Vi*
Itlng her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. L.
Alias Lena Comer, who has been the
guest of Miss Laura Parrish, has re
turned to her home at Birmingham.
Mlsa Carrie Lamar It visiting friends
at Dorn.
Mr*. J. Af. Shnw Is the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. T. AI. Cross, at Dora.
Alls* Ives gave a very tntereettng
and enjoyable dramatic recital for the
benefit of the Confederate soldiers'
monument fund at the school atfUlto-
rlum recently.
In Atlnnta after a visit of two weeks with
Mrs. J. F. Itubley.
Mist Mary Waller,
‘ with lier mint, '
her summer cottn'gi
■ MB
er, of Columbus, Os..
Mrs. R. T. Waller, st
Airs. j. F. Chariton, of Columbus, Ga.,
I* with her slider. Mrs. It. T. Waller.
Mis* Alice Lynn Lewi*. of trrluc, Fla.,
t Mr*. Runteyis fur a week.
Is It . „ HP
Miss Lula T. F'oud. of Albany, la
Occupying her summer cottage on Liberty
Mrs. A. R. Reinhart, with her son: Free
man, la visiting relatives In Green. H. C.
V. A. Quick, wife nnil haliy, left the
Monterey Ritiidny for Highlands, N. C.
g . A. Harris, wife snd son, left Mount
y Sfondny for New York city, where
they will stay for several weak*.
Tolbert left Mount Airy
— ... McfnlTough arrived from Atlanta
Raturaay nnd Joined hla wife for a trip
to Highlands, X. c.
Mra. Allen P. Rlee and little son, Allen
Rlee, Jr., of Commerce, ore at tho Monterey
for the Mason.
O. T. White, Hr., of Haddock, Ga„ Is
visiting his son. Dr. O. T. White, Jr.
C. Gresham made a business trip to
Charlotte nnd Asheville Wednesday.
Special to The Georgian.
Valdosta, Ga., July 26.—Sheriff J. A
Campbell, of Colquitt county, and Dep
uty Sheriff Croaby, of this county, had
a desperate light with a negro named
.Will White at Olympia, Ga., yesterday
afternoon while trying to arrest him
The negro- waa wanted In Colquitt
county for burglary',
•unty for burglary.
He attempted to snatch a pistol from
Campbell when the officers went to a
house in which he wm staying, and
Waa shot by the two‘officer*.
The negro Is atlll alive and may re
Brook Springs, Tenn., during the pai
few day*. Among them were Mr. Noah
P. Renfro, president of the First Na
tlohal bank, and hi* family.
Mlie Clam Leo. of Bridgeport, Ain.,
the client of her sister. Mrs. E. K. Turner.
Mozelle and Eddy
Macon, are spending some tli
Oddle Stone.
Dr. Y. H. Yarbrough of Grady Hospital
•pent Sunday with his parents !u Oxford
Itev. Henry Branham, wife and little irl
g*ev. Welter Brtinlinin. of Jackson: Hi.
Mattie Moore, of Bolton, and Mra. waltei
Emory, of Atlanta, spent Inst week JITith
their brother and sister, Mr. J. W. Bran
ham and Mix* Lynn Branham.
Miss Mattie Griffin, of College rark,
te guest of Misses Helen nnd Bat Menus.
Dr. C. E. Dowrann, of Atlanta, spent
_,rs. McMichael, with her daughter,
spending the summer In Oxford with her
daughter. Mrs. E. II. Johnson.
Miss Kn.le Hmidlford anil two brothers.
to bury their father, who rtle.1 last Week.
Mlsa Winona Thomas, of Augusta. Uh..
will arrive this- week to be the guest of
xs. Joe Carr and children, of Savannah,
are spending tho summer with Mrs. Stev
ens. the mother of the former.
Mr*. Howard I'nrk and children, after
W. McGregor, wife and baby, of
Lthens, Is at th* Monterey for th* Besson.
Air. and A4ra. Barrett PUSMy are at the
Mr. and Mra. David Thrisher, of Macon,
are at the Alonterey.
Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Foreman and chil
dren, of Atlanta, are it the Alonterey fo>
a few days.
Mrs. A. J. Hanaell. of Atlanta, I. the
The Misses Maude Kirkpatrick, Marion
Wood, Hazle Corrle. Genie MeCnslln, Olivo
Hhropehlre, of Atlnnta, are tho gueste of
Alls, Marlon Morrla.
\ Allss Fluellyn Plant, of Macon, Is the
honored guest of Miss Emily Thompson.
Allss Era Thomasson entertained the
Lit Mu Club last Friday afternoon at
her home on Maple street. Ella Wheeler
Wilcox was the study of the afternoon,
and nn Interesting and profitable pro
gram waa enjoyed by all.
The Presbyterian Aid Society enter
tained the Ladles’ Aid Society of the
Methodist church and the Willing
Workers of tho First Baptist church
al fresco at the horn* of Air. A. A. St-
monton on Maple street.
Air. Loafer Blade, who has been vls-
Special to The Georgian.
Tlfton. Ga., July 26—Although Tlfton
unable to meet the population,requt-
slte, she Is an applicant for free de
livery under the annual receipt clauss.
The gross receipts for the fiscal year
ending June lo, in Tlfton'# postofflee
department, shod* an amount over
110,000. not Including the money or
der*. Under the United States post-
office regulations any city with a pop
ulation of 10,000 or more, or any city
n hose .postofflee Shows an annual re
ceipt of 810,000 In Its regular course of
business, Is entitled to a system of free
Mty delivery.
Special to The Georgian. O
Nashville, Tenn., July 26.—A O
special from Kingston In William- O
son county, lo The Banner, states O
that a negro woman near that 0
place gave birth this morning to O
six children. Alt of them are alive O
and are reported to be doing well. O
. O
. returned to his home In Colum
bus last Monday.
Airs. Joseph Klngsberry Is quite III at
Oak Lawn.
Allss Ethel Carroll, of Tlfton, Is vli
lting .Mrs. Dr. Sewell.
Congressman and "Mr*. W. C. Adam
son attended the meeting of the Geor
gia Bar Association at Worm Springs.
Wayne Sharpe la spending the week
In charleston. 8. C.
Mias Willie Ridley, of Ridley, Ga„
spent Thursday night here, en route
for Cleveland, Ohio. She will spend
most of the summer on Lake Erie.
Allss Nella Lou Walton, of Newnan.
I* vlntlng Mra. Cliff Turner. *
Airs. W. D. A. Anderson, of Fort
Leavenworth. Kan., Is visiting her par
ents here, Air. and Airs. W. F. Brown.
Mra. J. W. Slone left Wednesday for
a visit to Douglassvtlle and Austell.
Mis* Katherine Wooten, of Atlanta,
will visit Mlsa Paulina Morris this
Mlsa Lucy Harris was hostess at a
apend-the-dny party Tuesday. The
guests Were: Mrs. Snrah Meador, Mr.
and Mrs. George Fuller, Mr. and Airs.
Cliff Turner, snd Misses Nella Lou
Walton and Amle Mary Fuller.
Mrs. A. C. McDonald and Alls* Lucy
Harris will leave Tueaday for a vtslt
to north Georgia.
Mrs. Sam Avery has as her guests
the Misses Ramaeur, of Toccoa.
Mlsa Lula Hogsed and Mlsa Edna
Payne, after spending several days
With Miss Lecle Wells,’ have returned
to their home at Toccoa.
An enjoyable event of the week waa
the party given Thursday night by
Alisa Bessie Wsde In honor of Alls*
Kva Burns.
Misses Lewis, of Elizabeth. N. J.. are
at the Grant Hotel, visiting their rath
er, J. AI. Lewis.
L. Penn la at Borden-Wheeler
Misses Alary Winnie and Susie Lee
Harris entertained Friday at the home
of Mr*. J. B. Greene, In honor of their
visitor. Miss Sophie Chapman, of Co-
dartown, Ga.
One of the pretty events of the week
was the luncheon at which Miss Annie
Shapard entertained In honor of her
attractive house party visitors, who are
Atlases Nonle and Hattie AfcWllllams
and Alary Ellen Graham, of Prattville,
and Miss Ataud Brown, of this city.
The meeting of the Social Club, which
wns to have been held with Mrs. Orrln
Brown, Wednesday afternoon, was
postponed on account of the critical
llqess of Airs. Fannie J. Banks, the
mother of Air*. Warren B. Watkins.
The Book Club meeting, which was to
have been held at Mrs. A. L. Dowdell's
Tuesday evening, was also postponed.
Mrs. Banks' condition Is precarious and
grave doubts are felt as to her recov
Yesterday afternoon from 4:30 to
6:80 o'clock Mra. Jack F. Gay was the
hostess to a number of friends at pro
gressive whist In honor of Mlsa Lena
Bingham, of Talladega, the popular vis
itor of Mlsa Effle Smith.
Mias Jennie Lane Mitchell, who was
the recipient of manV pleasant social
honors while In the city, the guest of
her coualna, the Misses Dickinson, hat
returned to her home In Atlanta.
Mr. and Airs. H. T. Woodyard and
son and daughter, of LaGrange, who
spent a few days, with Mr. and Mrs. Jo*
L. Renfro, have returned home.
Afra. D. T. Hurdmon and daughters,
Mlaaes Lata, Genevieve and Bertha, left
a few days since for East Brook
Springs. '
.Managing Editor W. T. Wear, of The
Dally News, has returned home from a
week’s trip to Shelby Springs, where
he went to recuperate.
There have been quite a large num
ber of Opelika na who visited East
.ura. Iiownru in™ mm emiuiw,
spending sorernl ilnys with Allis Nannie
Hose Thomas, have tetnrned to their home
In LaGrange. , .
Dr. Arch Avery, of Atlanta, spent last
week with hla wife nnd children In Oxford,
who are spending the summer with Airs.
M. T. 1'eo.f
spending several days with her parents,
Oxford, hns returned home.
Her. It. F. Enkee. of Attaota, came down
last week to visit his family at the home of
Dr. and'Mrs. J. S. Moore.
Mis* Emmie Rtunrt hat gone to sooth
Georgia to bo the guest of her sister, Mra.
Dr. Jamet E. Dickey spent Monday
Atlanta on buslneas.
Miss Janie Urowu Cofer Is expected to
day front Atlnntn to spend a month with
Alls* Nell Itamsey Lotvrey.
Miss Lynn Branham has gone to BoltoD,
' ->n
Miss' Fannie *HI
Fannie Singleton
Ub., lo bo the
Mlsa Fannie
■letora at Sparta,
lest of her sister,
nzleton Is visiting her
Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Turner entertain*.
the other members of the summer sclioo
~ las Humble. N. A.
faculty, Messr. Dougina Rumble. N.
Goodyear and James Hinton, at dinner.
Miss Pauline Marler Jiae returned
from a visit to Athens.
Mrs. C. T. Mitchell continues quite
Airs. Mattie Bell Roberts and chll
dren are visiting the former's stater,
Mra. Burtz, of Elljay. •
Mra. Sam Kelley Is convalescing af
ter a severe- attack of fever.
Protracted meeting la being conduct
ed this week at the Baptist Church.
The pastor. Rev. F. L. Ward, Is being
assisted by Rev. L. E. Roberts, of Alon
Mr. W. C. Wills visited In south
Georgia last week.
Mr. and Airs. McGaughey moved here
from Campton this week.
Mr. Allen M. Flanigan was In the
city Tuesday
Mr. Fred H. Randolph spent Thure
day In Atlanta.
Dr. Bennett has returned from
vlelt to Wrigthsvllle Beach.
Alltses Opal McNight and Ida Atay Bns-
, Little.
Mlsa Lillian Carson has returned
Mrs. Gordon Taylor Jones and Allis Earl
Hardmnn nre spending the week at Frank
lin Springs.
Mra D. J. Blackwell and children are
visiting In Anderson, ft. C.
Mr. and Alra l'ltt Brown, of Alteon,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. *
G. L. Canon, 8r.. Is In Atlanta.
W. II. IUce has returned from Roys ton.
Misses Wllllo and Fnnnlo Carson are rls
Itlng Mlsa Haze, In Toccoa.
Miss Halil* Stapler Is at home after a
Photograph of Filipino midgets,
who have Just arrived In this coun
try. The father of this remarkable
family Is 32 years old and la but 29
Inches tall. At the left of the group
la Juan DelaCruz, the husband; next
Is his wife clasping theln. midget
hand. To the right Is
baby by the
the elates of the head of the family.
The other figure ta that of Mark
Evans, their manager.
Among the out-of-town guests at the
recent Lewla-Councll wedding were:
Air. and Afr*. AY, if, McKenzie, Air. and
Mrs. E. B. Lewis, C. N. and E. N. Lew-
la of Alontexuma, Airs. S. B. I.ewls
Airs. Edward Wolfe. Airs. C. AI. Clarke.
Airs. Julian Clarke of Albany, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Holmes of Atacon, Mr*. Ed
ward English of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs.
Brooks Coley, Mis* Pearl Lewis, Cara
Lewis, Miss Lamar Lewis and Atlas
Helen Lewis of Valdosta, Miss Bertha
l^onard of Vienna, Mr. E. R. Clarke of
Eufaula. Mr. Nat Lewi* of Macon, Mr.
and Mra. A. F. Belltngrath of Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Moreland are
Council Committee Is Find
ing Much Uucleanlinesa
in Meat Supply.
New stories nr* coming to light dalle -
about the methodi of butchering cattle
In the local yards, all of which help
toward the hoped-for munlcIpaLayitem
of inspection which the council com-
mlttee, Dr. Walter A. Taylor, chair
man, Intends to install.
The committee will again hold ses
sion Tuesday afternoon, when much
e aK ? ln,t the present methods
will De neara.
Thursday Dr. Taylor. In speaking of
the campaign, said It was one of the
best things ever undertaken by Atlanta
and that The Georgian, being the first
paper to take up the Important matter
waa deserving of great credit
Smasliup Occurred Near
Cartersville Thursday
A» the result of a head-on collision
between Louisville and Nashville and
Western aid Atlantic freight trains,
two mile- scith of Cartersville, shortly
after midnight Thursday morning,
John Green, engineer of the W. and A.
engine, lies at hla home, on Jones ave
nue, with a broken arm and aerlous
Internal Injuries, and damage to the
amount of several thousand dollars
was done to the rolling stock of both
roads Involved In the ahcldent.
The cguso of the accident has not yet
been determined, on account of the In
juries sustained by the train crews,
Green being the most seriously Injured.
The two engines and seven freight
cars, all of the refrigerator type and
empty, wire piled In a huge mass by
the terrlflc Impact, and It was the work
of hours to clear away the debris suf
ficiently for traffic to be resumed.
Immediately after receiving word of
the accident In Atlanta, Superintendent
McCollum, of the Western and At
lantic, and wrecking crews from both
roads were sent to the scene. Passen
ger trains were enabled to reach At-
ante, by making a detour, but no at
tempt was mode to move freights until
9:40 Thursday morning, when both
tracks were cleared.
visit to her sister, AIrt. Lowe, lo Wishing*
ton. Ga. •
Miss May Hudson has returned to At*
lnntn after a visit to Mra. Charles Goodin.
Mrs. K. L. Ilanlinan. of Atlanta, Is spend*
ln« the week with her sister, Mrs. W. L.
Mrs. W. S. Erwin, of Cornello, spent Mon*
day with Mrs. W. B. Burns.
Charlie llawklus Is In Asheville.
Mra. W. A. Shannon n/id children ars
visiting In East Point.
Henry Williamson spent Sunday la Toe*
Judge and Mrs. W. W. Stark have return
ed from a visit-to Carlton.
Mr. and .Mrs. W. D. Williford visited in
May Blackwell has returned to her
homo In Dae West, S. C., after a visit to
her brother, R#v. J. I>. Blackwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Blackwell are Is
Charleston. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, of Pidt*
adelphla, will visit relatives here this week.
8peolnl to The Georglnn.
Culloden. Ga., July 2T».—On last Monday
evening, tue young gentlemen of Culloden
complimented the visiting yonng Indies of
route to Captain Wll*
rbere It was their lu*
tentlon to surprise Miss Fanny Blount
tutherford. While they stopped to have
dies Annie Amelia McAfee Join them, the
adieu of the perty served a most delight
ful picnic luncheon.
The entertainment of the evening wns
chiefly musical—Miss Mary !*ou Morgan* «f
Macon, sud Miss Mnry Costlln. of Culloden.
contributing l»oth Instrumental and vocsl
selections. A Iter gnmen under the manage
ment of the hostess. Miss Rutherford, MI«
Thomas C. Roqueinort, of Culleden, read
Mary B. Wilkin’s story, "An Object of
Love." The hostess later eerred fruits of
all’ kinds. ,
Those present were Misses Mary Im
Morgan, Macon; Clyde Wright, Knoxville;
Mattie Armlntrout. Rrtnnsb Armlntronf,
Ashhurn: Bnrmsh Bankston. Mary Castlen.
I.lzxlo Martin. Dorothy Martin. Thomns
Roquemore, Rallle Colbert. LIlUan ( ham*
Idlsn. Annie McAfee. Culloden: and Messrs.
Charlie Martin, Chatfleld. Mallory Fltfl»t'
Grady Holmes. Calvin Battle. Hniullton
Jones, of Culloden: Job» Jones,.Boston,
La.; Hereehel McGInty. Ituston. fa.; and
the chaperones were Mr. nnd Mra. t. A.
Holmes and Mr. snd Mrs. C. II. Holmes.
Sllssn Kstfiarinf* snrt^TSmh* QnllUzih
rom* visiting MI4»*« Jails non
Mamin I-oil Bnnlrtt In th* «*ntry.
Miss Usorgtn I'rooch r.turn«l W *itnf«d*{
from Sharon, where oho was tbs guMt "t
frl.nds fnr sararal dsys. ... ,
Miss Kll.a Callaway, of Augusts, Is fi
tting Mrs. Bran'tl.y Callaway. - .
Miss Ksthartn. Aubrey raturnnl
iniui niikiiM. .
-. MM. May 8t.r*ns. who wm to*
font of Miss Berth* Wood, has returm-d
■ i her houio In Atlanta. . .
Mlsa Cornelia Ftukrr..left Thnradnr .h'r
ng friend* and relatives.
Miss Lillian Ramsey, of Warrentoii. B
with Mlmrl Elizabeth and Frame* Rsm-
“it'lsa Florri. KHIngton will leave Wed
nesday to visit Ml*. Lurlle Nonunn la
Miss Will Afatt Blms. of Atlanta I. vis-
i ting nt the home of her psrents, Mr. sod
W M. M. Sim*. hnr .
Air*. Wyl!* Da Boa# add rhUdran hn»*
returned from n month's stay with rein
tlvos In Anderson. 8. C. . ..
Mra. Fsnny Lon Cozsrt and
leave next week for the mountains or
(North Carolina. . .
Mia* Ilalll* Rtspter retorwd to her
home la Commerre Wednertay. •«*» *
short visit to h*£ sister. Mr*. Rlehard
E Mtaa Maggie Czrawell. of Lofff*vl».|.,fJ.'
rived Monday to he the geest of Mi*
Mira*ret Hill. Vi ,
Mbs. Mary Dante* ts risjtlnf Ml*«
nianrhe Azliury la CmwfotdvIUe. h
Mrs. W. II. Toomlis Is wltb her .liugh
ter, Mra. Harvey Phillip*. 1* Atlanu, tbtr
Mias Berta Kllg»re. of Columbus, ts t*s
i"»t ..f Mis. Bestride Kilgore. .
aOaa Re«froc Embry, who baa
Itlag bliss it. by/Kinhi.r
returned to li**r home In Alabama tod*/'
Ml- .Velma Neal he. mono te
t or jiw"•"> *•.
MIm Jr^i. Ibigw.di Is flt boa* from
lanf.n for n few weeks. •*.***. art
end Mrs. n-vr <>rne*._of Trioa*™
"NlMiaHifli Afrmfcifii i iiM' I • S'!' I - ■ I ' r'lfrl ti ' rirtifth
f Trio*.,*"
J. Test