Newspaper Page Text
The Atlanta Georgian.
F. L. SEELY, President.
Subscription Rates;
Published Every Afternoon
One Year
Except Sundsy by
Six Months
Three Months
at 25 W. Alabama Street,
By Carrier, per week
Atlanta? Gs.
.pares, , J/
^ L
Entered as eeroaddaea matter April 3. UM, at the rootofflra »t
Atlanta, Oa.. under act of eoocreaa of March 1 lift.
A mm m.y well bring a hor.e to the water.
But he canliot make him drink without he will.
Georgia Answers Virginia.
Tho passage of the Jameatown expoeltlon bill by the
house of representatives on Tburaday will carry genuine
and unalloyed pleasure to the great majority of the peo
ple of Georgia—because all Georgia lovei Virginia, and
the Confederate veteran* and the ions and daughters
of Confederate veteran* will alwaya Indorse any evl
dene* of appreciation and of loyalty which Georgia
shows to the old commonwealth whose chief city was
the capital of the dead Confederacy.
There was never u bill that passed the legislature
In cleaner fashion than this Jamestown bill, which
has enlisted the support and Indorsement of the lower
house of our general assembly.
It has been passed without money, without lobbying,
without any unworthy argument, without an appeal to
prejudice and without any action on the part of anyone
that le susceptible to the slightest criticism In this sensi
tive period of American public life. The bill was drawn
by the Georgia commission of the Jamestown exposl
tlon appointed by the governor. The president of that
commission is Mr. W. N. Mitchell, himself a Virginian
by birth and a gentleman of honor and of character by
inheritance as well as by breeding. Mr. Mitchell, with
the moat patriotic enthusiasm and acting upon the high
est ethics, has been the able, eloquent and Indefatigable
friend of the bill, and Its success must primarily be cred
ited to his splendid and tireless efforts In Its behalf. Mr.
Charles R. Russell presented the bill In the house of
representatives and baa spoken In Its behalf and has
been from the beginning vitally Interested In Its welfare.
He is to be congratulated upon Its successful passage
through the house.
The most eloquent speeches that have been made
In behalf of the bill have been made by Representative
Alexander, of DeKalb; Representative AnderBon, of
Chatham, and 'Representative Snffolil, of Emanuel. Those
and other gentlemen who have spoken In less elaborate
form, are to he congratulated upon their, efforts. And,
The Georgian does not hesitate to say that the action
of the house of representatives will be approved and
applauded by nine-tenths of the people of Georgia whom
It represents.
It la to be regretted, however, that the full amount
of the appropriation asked—$50,000—was not granted by
tne house. Georgia’s representation would have been
better and her anawer to Virginia’s call would have been,
heartier had the full sum been raised. Georgia It rich
enough to give almost any sum, and It Georgia could bo
polled today we are convinced that three-fourths of tho
people would vote the larger rather than the leaser sum.
But, large or small, through this appropriation the
legislature haa spoken and If the aenato shall see lit to
lend Its approval to the action of the honae, we are fully
assured-that Georgia will be ably and brilliantly repre
sented at Jameatown and that wo will reap from our ex
hibit golden profits both In the Held of national develop
ment and In the richer and Inrger Hold of patriotism and
noble sentiment.
has Insisted, and will always Insist, that her children
shall not be taught that their fathers were rebel* and
traitors. She insists that they shall know the truth aa
It la and not aa men like Hapgood would have them see
It, namely, that the people of the South went to war for
a principle of government which was espoused by the
leading states of the North and the leading statesmen of
the North before the republic had put on Its swaddling
clothe*—the principle of the larger autonomy of A*
states, which has been uniformly upheld by the decision*
of the supreme court of the United State* ever since
the civil war, and which the common sente of mankind
baa been approving ever since.
It It not necessary to say at this late day that the
South has accepted the Issue* of the civil war with phil
osophical resignation and haa sent her own sons to shed
their blood In the cause of our common country, from
the death of Worth Bagley, the Southern boy who was
the first victim of the Spanlsh-Americsn war, to the
death of the latest Southern private In the guetrilla war
fare of the Philippine*.
Theie would be no talk of rebellion, and no neces
sity to guard the truth of history In our textbooka, if it
were not for such cheerfully Irresponsible critics a*
Collier’s on Southern Text-Books.
It the editor of Collier’s Weekly haa any definite
opinions about the South which would be warranted to
keep over night we would like to hear them expressed
once, Jnst tor the novelty of tho thing. In some issues
of that alwaya Interesting and sometimes accurate mag
azine the bouquets are scattered at the feet of the South
unUI we are aa fragrant at the gardens of Out and as
Immaculate aa Hites of the valley.
At other tlmea, when Norman of the House of Hap
good Isn’t feeling very well he takes a fling at us which
would be really Irritating If It werja not simply ‘‘pretty
Fanny’s way," which every one has come to expect now
and then.
In the current laaue of Conifer's he writes learnedly
on ’’Knowledge,'' a subject which la alwaya dear to hit
heart He points out that when a Russian reader sees
a page blacked out he ‘'knows that he has been deprived
of truth." But the thing la managed differently down
hare, he says. The truth la skillfully adulterated. A
certain textbook for public schools, he tells us. Is adorn
ed with ‘‘a picture of the log cabin In which Abraham
Lincoln was born.” For the southern trade the label
which Identified the picture with Lincoln was removed,
and It was marked ‘A Typical Log Cabin.”’ He goes
on to say that “for the Southern trade textbooks which
deal with the civil war give an account of that con
test which must make Southern children, when they
grow up, surprised to learn that the capital of their
. country la not at Richmond, Va., and at a loss to account
for the fact that the soldiers of tbetr country wear blue
We are not familiar with the textbooks In question,
bnt this we can say without fear of contradiction, that
If the publisher of any textbook designed for use In
the South shies at the life and achievements ot Abraham
Lincoln, and particularly slurs over the humble origin of
the great Kentuckian, be doesn't know his business as
well as such people usually do. We do not believe that
there la a school teacher In the Southern stales who
would not go out of his or her way to call attention to
the humble origin, the determination which triumphed
over all obstacles, such as are Illustrated in the life ot
Abraham Lincoln. He would be, and In point of fact Is,
held up as a brave and sincere man, whose life Is well
worthy of emulation. He has been slandered Infinitely
more by uninformed men of the Hapgood type than ho
has ever been by the people of the South.
Nor Is there a scintilla of truth in the statement
that the children of the South are put through a course
of history which would leave them to wonder. In after
years, why the soldiers of our common country wear
blue uniforms. The South simply Insists, as she always
Harvie Jordan Should Not Appoint
His Own Committee.
We respectfully submit to Mr. Harvie Jordan, presi
dent of the Southern Cotton Association, that it is
scarcely ethical for him to appoint out of his own state
and among .his own friends a committee to preside elver
the trial of hie own administration.
For Mr. Harvie sfordan may as well understand that
he himself Is on trial in the Implication! which Involve
Richard Cheatham, his bosom friend, and the secretary
of the association. The closeness of the association,
both personal and professional, between these two men
readers It Impossible to separate one altogether from
the other, and the trial ot Richard Cheatham, of the
Southern Cotton Association, must and does Inevitably
Involve as well the record and the rectitude of Harvie
Jordan, the president, his Intimate friend, co-worker and
superior officer.
Nor does It seem either proper or ethical that Mr.
Jordan, president of the Southern Cotton Association,
should select hit own committee to Investigate the char
acter ot hi* administration from the ilngl* state In,
which he Uvea. Mr. Jordan and Mr. Cheatham are not
president and secretary of the Georgia Cotton Assoclir
tlon/ but ot the Southern Cotton Association, and the
charges which by Implication affect these men affect
also the Southern Cotton Association In the states of
Alabama, the Carolines, Tennessee, Florida, Louisiana,
Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas. There la no prece
dent that will Justify Mr. Jordan In choosing from his
own state a committee ot his Intimate co-workers and
associates to pass upon questions which so vitally affect
the character ot hit administration and the prosperity
ot tho entire Southern Cotton Association.
'Re It understood that there can be no possible ob
jection to the personnel ot the committee of three whom
Mr. Jordan has named. President M. L. Johnson, of the
Georgia Stato Asoaclatlon, Is one of the truest and high
est types of men In Georgia. Ho Is above suspicion and
above reproach. Hon. John D. Walker, ot Sparta, Is the
soul of honor and the pattern ot public Integrity. No
man could question the Integrity of Mr, Walker’s views
or of bis character. And Colonel W. L. Peek, of Con
yers, la a citizen cf blameless and stainless repute whose
character deserves and commands the confidence.of his
fellow ctUzens. But It is too great a strain upon the
feelings, and too large a tax to lay upon the public ser
vice of these gentlemen to ask them to sit In rigid nnd
Impartial judgment upon friends and co-workers with
whom they have been Intimately associated for the past
several years. Every instinct of Justice and of ethics
would suggest that Mr. Jordan, If he has the right to
appoint at all the committee to Investigate his adminis
tration, should enlnrgo that committee to represent not
only his own state of Georgia but the other states which
are Involved In the affairs of the Southern Cotton As
It aeonia also proper that ho should call that meet
ing, not In his own little 10x12 personal and private
office where only n few pcoplo can bo gathered to hear
the deliberations, but In a hall of such publicity and
magnltudo that the public which la Interested can be
there to hear and to reach an opinion upon the lasues
Involved; and It la equally evident that he should not tax
the honorable and excellent Georgians who are hla per
sonal friend* with the embarrassment and responsibility
of deciding by themselves upon a great and Important
Issue In which their decision, however Impartial, would
be absolutely certain to be criticised by reason of their
personal relations with the accused administration.
We respectfully submit to Mr. Jordan, president of
the Southern Cotton Association, that the Southern cot
ton growers and tho Southern people will not be aatlafled
with a amall acsslon of three men. arbitrarily called by
Mr. Jordan himself in his private office to pass upon
matters ot such Importance to so many farmer* and to
ao many business men, and we therefore In behalf of tho
association for which we stand and In whose Interests
alone we apeak, request that the widest publicity and
largest possible Jury from tho Interested parties be
brought to pass upon this vital question.
Nothing less will satisfy the public, and nothing
less than this will vindicate'the present administration
of the cotton association.
Growth and Progress of the New South
Uiuler this
remarkahlf* ft*'
In* attention.
The fools are not oil dead yet. Shortly after mid
night on a recent Saturday a number of devotees of
dancing met In a public ballroom in the Rue de la
Douane, Parts, with the object of competing In a test
of endurance. At exactly 1 o’clock In the morning a
musician placed himself at a piano, and played waits
music without a -tingle break until 2 o'clock on Sunday
afternoon. Meanwhile ten competitors, of whom one
was a girl of It years of age. took the floor. The child
was the first to stop, having danced for four houra.
Constant Foxzoll continued eleven hours; but the record
was made by Corslni Gualtlero, who. with (lx con
secutive partners, waltxed without stopping until 2 In
the afternoon, or thirteen hours without a break.
The South’s Material Independence.
A striking Indication of the growth and progress of the South was
furnished by the fact, presented In yesterday's Issue of The Georgian, that
five Georgia counties show an Increase of 21,129,000 In their tax rotums
for the present year over tho year previous. One county showed an In
crease of 20 per cent while another came forward with an Increase of 23
per cent Such figures aa these cannot fall to make a strong Impression
upon any student ot our commercial and Industrial development, and the
facts will become more Imprqgslve still when the returns are Jill In.
In this Connection we present today some facts taken from a recent
addreas by Hr. Festua J. Wade, president of the Mercantile Trust Compa
ny, of St Louis, one ot the most prominent and substanUst of the business
men of tbe South. At a recent meeting of the Hankers’ Association of
Tennessee he dwelt at length on the Independence of tbe South In Its agri
cultural resources, Its manufacturing Industries, commercial establish
ments and financial InstltuUoni. He showed, what will come as n matter
of surprise, perhaps, to a number of readers, that while cotton was (Ull
the principal product of the South, still only 44 per cent of tho farms of
the South now derive tbetr principal Income from cotton. Cotton Is still
king, but there are a great many other things which contribute to our
commercial and industrial greatness.
The cotton production of tbe South has grown by leaps and bounds
since tbe period, 20 years ago, when the crop was something like 7,000,-
000 bales. At about that period the valuation of the' crop was nearly
3300.000. 000 a year. Last year It exceeded 13,000,000 bales, valued at
1623.000. 000.
Mr. Wade might have stated that the exports of cotton from 1895
to 1899 averaged $213,378,000 per year In value. For tho fiscal year
ending Juno 30. 1905, tbe exports of cotton were valued at practically
$380,000,000, while tbe manufactures of cotton added nearly $50,000,000
Mr. Wado points out that “the home -grown cotton demand by the
mills of the United States Is now over 4,000,000 bales annually. In 1890
It was 2,325,000. Yet, notwithstanding this remarkable Increase In cot
ton manufacturing, a large percentage of It in tbe South, we nro selling
to other countries more than ever before.
‘‘Agriculturally speaking, the southern states are an Independent peo
ple, even of ‘King Cotton.'
“Nothing will more thoroughly demonstrate the Independence of the
South than the atatlstlcs which show a constant and yearly Incrcaso In
Improved farm acreage. We find that tbe Improved acreage of the farms
of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mlsslslppt,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, was by
the government reports as follows: ,
1880 78,082,484
1890 98,663,008
1900 107,753,678
“Let us see to what conclusions our figures ot production and grown?
bring us: (
"The marvelous Increase In the output of the manufactories of certain
Southern states has been placed before you in some detail. If we take
only the 8outkorn states south of tbe Potomac and Ohio, not Including
West Virginia, we find that the products of their manufactories were $450,-
000,000 greater in 1900 than in 1890.
"It we take the Increase year by year from 1890 to 1905, we find that
In the aggregate they exceed $6,000,000,000.
"The rvalue ot tho farm products of the same states was $600,000,000
greater In 1900 than In 1890. The Increases In farm products of'the South,
taken year by year, from 1890 to 1905, will be found to aggregate more
than $4,000,000,000.
“The permanent value ot farm property In these states increased $1,-
000,000,000 In the ten year* from 1860 to 1900, and at least $500,000,000
more In the five years from 1900 to 190S.
"The deposits In the banks and trust companies were $600,000,000
'greater In 1905 than In 1890.
"Add these permanent Increases of farm values and bank deposits to
the yearly gains from manufactures and from farm products. What Is the
result? You have an aggregate that may well startle. Who of uk realizes
the magnitude of $12,000,000,000? By comparison, we know that this pro
duction ot farm and factory and these Increments on farm property and
In bank deposits of the 8outh for fifteen yekrs represent more’than the
stock of gold, silver and paper money In the entire world today. Bnt
better than that, we know that they represent magnificent progress to
ward the financial and Industrial Independence of this great section of
our common country."
Tbe Poet, who live* in a palatial Italian
villa lour dour* to the south, aud who
wears clothes that would be the eury ol a
bookmaker, ssys i do not appreciate tbe
esthetic possibilities of iny garden
tic ssys that It he had celery and salsify
and carrots and atriu*be«us mud parsley
and rutabagas slid radishes and gourds
growing In his bsck-ysru he woulu turu
them Into copy and buy himself Atualgu*
mat.ji < ..pjH?r with the proceeds.
••'Tom Moore,*’ he observed y«**terdajr.
“nnd Shakespeare and JcMtjulu Miller nnd
Edwin Mnrknnm nod Clinton 8co!l*rd are
perpetually singing about dowers, which
hnve nft real vuiue as food* and conse
quently do not appeal to the public when
put Into verse. Think whst a hit you
could make, and huw publishers would
flock to exploit you, it you would write
something like this, for example:
“Let others sing of tender leeks
Bedimmed with diamond dew.
Or of the radishes whose checks
Are of transccndlug hue;
Of cantaloupes that dreamlljr
Lounge In their foliage lush,
Of turuipa grave; lint as for me.
Give me the squash, b’gu»b”’
X pointed out to the Poet that lash was
not a good ryhme for squash, but be said
that was a matter that could be readily
corrected by making tho sixth line read:
Lie In their foliage. Both!
Tbe fact that this did not make sense,
he sold, would give the poem whst the
editors call “appeal," and insure Its sale.
“1 hare long thourht," he continued,
“whst a mistake It was to waste eudlrsa
words on the i**rfuine of the rose or the
violet, when the onion, which Is of far more
real use In the world—and influence, too,
holly ^ ^
About |
People 1
Judge J. T. Flt-mlax, of Oklahoma, tarred
In Iba Confederate army, voted thu Aral
time In bla life for Oraut and tbe but time
for llarrioon.
Archbishop Moaomer, of Milwaukee, baa
wtared against the peek-a-boo walat In bla
diocese. and aaya tbe long glove la "too
murb like a stocking to be appropriate.'
Ellen Terry baa written tbe following
latter to the atudents of tbe Leada Dra
matic College: "I have lioen naked to any a
word to you. If 1 say one word It wilt be
‘Work.’ If It were two worde I should say
•lie patient.' and If It were three worde,
’Don't be vein.’ ”
Lawrence O. Murray, assistant secretary
of commerre and labor, la spending bla va
cation at Klkland, Pa., and, like hie chief,
le nictating tbe farm hands through bay-
making nnd harvest. Murray Is one of tbe
famous quartet of tenula players, of which
the president Is another, wbo enjoy gsuiee
almost dally back of the white bouse.
William B. and Boone Thompson, sons of
lajor Thompson, of Katamasoo, Mich., are
rnrktng on tbe etreete there ae pavers.
Tbetr father la rich, but he believes that
bta l»ji will put n Mgber value on tho
money they earn than on wbat be gives
■■ ■' - IS graduate. Ills
from a course at
Parts In tbe hope ot Interrating prominent
persona In bis scheme for fnendlng a sani
tarium In tbe mountains, where be would
hare only children as bta petlente and
would l.rfng them up to lire a purely nat
ural life. Neve lives on raw fruit and veg
etables, never touching rats, milk or butter
or meat ot any kind, fie does not evan
drink water end bribes only about once a
Tom Taggart Should Go.
To the Editor of The Georgian;
I read your worthy editorial in a
recent Issue of The Georgian on "Tag
gart Should Resign,” and I Just want
to say that I thoroughly agree with
you In your position taken In this arti
cle. The truth la. Mr. Taggart has
never added very much to the Demo
cratic party as chairman, neither has
he done us any good. It does seem to
mo with the very large number of moat
excellent gentlemen they had to aeleet
from the party should have had a man
who came nearer representing the type
of manhood of which bis party la com
posed than Tom Taggart. Yes, he
should resign by all means, and do It
quick. He Is not going to do IL though.
You will see that he will stay In there
until he Is put out. The question now
la, will thoee who are empowered to do
so make this very much needed
change? You are not alone In your
position. Mr. Grave*. Put Tom Tag
gart out and do It at once. He haa
already hurt u* much and will hurt ua
more It he remain* chairman of the
party. Tour* very sincerely,
Montezuma. Ua.
Benjamin Jeans, who recently retired na
guard on the London and Birkenhead ex
press after flfty-fonr year* of service, prob
ably holds tbe world’s record for travel. It
amonnA to more then 4,000,000 miles, or the
equivalent of lOtta times around tbe equa
How many Perl,Ion people boro In Psrla
ere there living In Paris at tbe preeent
time? According to the tait census about
M par cent of the total population. Paris
has tbe smallest Indigenous population ot
any Europeon ranltal. St. Petersburg baa
40 per cent, Berlin 41 per cent. Vicuna 46
per cent, end London 06 ner cent.
An artlet named II. Costa, known as
"The Men with tbe Bevoluttonary Heed,”
has been examined at a meeting of tbe
German Medical Hqolety at Prague. He
turned bta bead round naturally ae far as
tbe shoulder, and then twtatnl It farther
with bla bands until be looked directly
. - .u—nun luuucum
for that matter—Ilea Uterly neglected.
"Besides, there are human qualities which
vegetables posies* that are utterly over
looked by the writers of alt times. Listen
to tbla: .
Dora It delight you wnen you feel
A doseu eyes ou you?”
"That,” Mid I, "la no good. In the flrat
place, yon etart out wt nnlneod 904:hBf9oG
place, yon atart out with au ode to a pota
to's eyes, and you finish with au address
to the potato itself. Besides that, it’s thu
merest doggerel.”
"That depeuds on tht jpolnt of rlew, said
the Poet. “No doubt when Kelly was writ
ing poetry his work was called doggerel by
the envious.”
‘Kelly’/” 1 asked.
T mean Shelley. You are altogether too
Insistent on details. How does tola strike
“Asparagus! Asparagus!
Though life with us is strenuous.
You eslmly germinate and sprout
Your yet unfolded lingers out,
Unmindful of tbs Cannon boom,
Unmindful of the Doutua’t doom.
And point up toward thu sky to show
The wsy our every thought should go.
From sin and greed nut! malice free,
l’ont« it with your philosophy.
Ah! wbat a puce you set for us,
Asparagus! Asparagus!”
“If jot. don't like that," h« concluded,
-you have no soul. You derive no benefit
from being olose to the earth. You are
not much of a gardener, anyway.”
There may be truth In wbat the Poet
said. There certainly was precious little
poetry lu It
Mr. Jerome’s nsn.
reeslls "to mind tbe spat
which these two officials recently had con
cerning tbe difficulty of prosecuting rich
criminals, but It wus hardly serious enough
to prevent their entire concord on a presi
dential ticket If expediency should demand
that they be thus balanced.. The ticket
would be territorially well balanced. Gov
ernor Folk Is a Southerner by birth and a
Westerner In residence, and - would make,
In that aspect of the situation,
running mute for — ”—
Nashville Banner.
This Georgia Indorsement (of Jeroms) Is
By Private leased Wire.
New York. July 27.—The Gaekwar
of Baroda and his suite haa gone home.
After making an extensive tour of the
country ho took passage on tho Codrlc.
Tho Gaekwar said that In ton weeks
of their stay they had covered an Im
mense area of country, from Texas to
Minnesota and from Boeton to Seattle
They had visited Chicago, Denver, San
Francisco, Portland. Seattle, fit. Paul
and the other big towns in the West,
and the entire suite was returning with
lofty Ideas of what the country has
"We were amaxed at whqt we saw
at every,, point of our travels." he said
On our part we were astonished, and
no-little pleased, at tne Gaekwar. While
differing vastly from the common idea
of what a Maharjah should be, hit
highness proved to be a quiet, unas
suming gentleman, who would have
made a fine American had he not been
a Gaekwar.
statesman. They were anxious to
get rid of him In 1900, and It la altogether
probable that they would like to avoid the
tbe Democratic nomination look slim. But
Evidently tbe Georgians took to him at
sight, as others have doue before them.
They liked hit brief address—tbe part
about the North minding Its own business,
the part about Kecretnry Taft, and the
rest. They liked his talk at tbo hotel. He
told them about Judge Parker—"n very
charming man after you get under tlm
Judicial air that enfolds him —and bow be
once cooked dinner in his east side den for
the jndge nnd * another Judge.—Hartford
Those Georgia lawyers who excitedly In
dorsed "Jerome nnd Folk” for the next
Democratic presidential ticket bate short
memories. Hardly n month ago Joseph Folk
" in “
amount requireu uy tne average
according to Professor Weygaml, of the
of Wuraburg. lie ascertained
University __
experimentally that reduction of tbe usnal
period of sleep by three honrs diminishes
the |>ow»r ©£ the jmrmory by half. Fast
found, had * much less injurious
Asbestos ran fairly lay claim to tbe
title of being tbe most useful of all min
erals. It bee been railed e mlucrsloglral
vegetable. It le both fibrous and crystal,
line, clastic, yet brittle, e Hosting stone,
which ran bo readily carded, spun and
woven Into tissue. In Germany It le
known as etcln-fiarbs tetonc flax), and
tbs miners of Qnelicc give It quite ee
expressive s name—pterre coton (cotton
Tbe Southern Colonising Compsny, recent
ly Incorporated under The taws of New
York. Is making It a business to locate
settlers In Ibc Southern states. It bee
agents In Northern, Eastern snd West
ern states snd In Canada, and Is.making
arrangements for agents In Europe. Lands
ore sold on easy terms to emigrants, and s
class Is sought after which would be s
great advantage to tbe South.
4 little i
A tiny 1
A little graft—
A little hta-
A threat of Jell.
And then-gee whist
A Uttle will
To quarrel by—
A mile tomb.
Aud so-gooid-byel
aud pertinent comment _
method of not punning the life Ini
hoodlera. Tbe Georgia suggestion of
Identlat ticket Is not only absurd t_ ___
oral principles, hut It Is almost on Insult
on tbe Jerome
s pres-
on gen-
to Governor Folk.—Norfolk Landmark.
"The moral yearnings of rural communi
ties" ore plentifully known In tbe South,
snd the district attorney baa done much
service to sutlsfy them; but genial prompt
ings—the desire to make a guest feel com
fortable—are even stronger Tu that section
than moral yearnings. Mr. Jerome win af
fably present In person; whst more noturnl
thnn that he should he even more nlfnhly
treated, and carry sway with him the most
plensant recollections of bta Georgia visit?
Under sneh circumstances could anyone sup
pose that Georgians on their ndtfre heath
would have proposed s "presidential team"
with Mr. Jerome si the ’•off horse" or the
tell of the ticket?—Kansas City Star.
One of the most talked of men In
New York today Is Samuel Byerly, the
express clerk who bought nearly six
million of government bonds for 4 cents
In stamps and sold them for $57,040
profit. A great future Is prophesied
for the young men In the ftnsnclol dis
trict. He will go to Europe and spend
several weeks In Parle and Normandy
The one hobby of Mr. Byerly has been
the study of the French language and
lltreature, and he-has hoped for the
day when he could visit France. His
employers have complimented him,
granted him a vacation of two months
and announced that on hie return from
abroad he would be promoted.
His mall now take* the time of one
mall carrier, and constats largely of
offers of employment ae s promoter of
various things. It Is probable when
he returns that he will blossom out as
a full-fledged financier.
Although Magistrate McKane, of
East St. Louis, III., le not from Mis
souri, it was necenaary yesterday for
two musically-inclined spectators In
his court to "show him” before he was
convinced they ought not to be sent
up for contempt. There was a wlfe-
beatlng case on trial and the court was
greatly annoyed by Silas P. Chapin
and Alexander Flannlgan arguing
about music.
This annoyance was Intensified when
the two men began to hum tunes. They
were ordered before his honor, who
made Inquiry as to the disturbance.
Chapin says he was formerly a minis
ter. Flannlgan owned up to having
sung In a church choir. They said
they could sing hymns. The Judge
ordered ’em to prove IL
So, to the amusement of the other
spectators, the two men faced about
and sang “Shall We Gather at the
River,” “Sweet Bye and Bye," and
others of like character. They deliv
ered the goods, but were told that la
future they would not be permitted to
sing In court.
Major Charles L. McCawley, the
president's white house aide, and a
bridegroom ot a few days, demands
one tone color schema In his room.
His room Is constantly filled with
rare blossoms, but only such as match
In color his pajamas, coverlid, pillows
and other accessories. When a nurse
shows up with a pillow of different
shade from the color scheme of that
day she gets a rebuke from the fastidi
ous major which sends her outside the
room flying.
By Private Leased Wire.
New York, July 27.—Here are soma
of the visitors In New York todsy:
ATLANTA—W. T. Crenshaw, B.
Duncan, J. J. Hell, W. H. Mitchell,
Miss E. H. Parker, E. D. Richardson,
M. R. Wilkinson, W. T. Colquitt, E. L.
Hood, A. W. Kirk, C. G. Meriwether.
AUGUSTA—L. S, Price, R. P. Tur
MACON—J. I. Hell, C. C. Williams.
SAVANNAH—J. Bell, H. D. Clarke,
Miss A. Dawson, Mies M. L. Flynn,
K. N. Goldman, M. F. Miller. A. A.
o 0
0 O
O To the Editor of The Georgian: O
O Recognising your paper as fair O
O and impartial I aak space to say O
O that the alleged statement at- 0
0 trlbuted to me by one T. L. Me- O
? Curry with reference to the can- o
O dhlacy of my brother, Judge O
0 Russell, and published In The O
O Atlanta Journal, hi a deliberate 0
0 and malicious lie. “
Yours truly, “
Macon, Ga., July 2(. “
O00000O0P00000000000O0< I < ,oa
what a substantial increase your business
would enjoy if you advertised judiciously
and constantly you would not hestitate to
of the people through the columns of The
Georgian aud tell what you have to offer in
the way of desirable articles.
if they see your advertisement in The
Georgian, because they know this paper
will not accept objectionable or fake adver
are good result bringers because everybody
reads these little ads. Those who have tried
them know