Newspaper Page Text
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Mrs. George C. Bail, Editor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants.
. The -charming luncheon at' which
Mies Evelyn Orme entertained Friday
was a compliment to Mrs. Edward H.
Cabanlss, of Birmingham, who Is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Q. H. Caba
nlss. Mlsa Orme's luncheon brought
together ten or more congenial women,
and the table talk was on "The Mod
era fVoman," a subject which no doubt
elicited some very clever opinions from
those who participated In the discus,
Miss Orme's home was decorated In
“golden glow," this charming flower
being used profusely throughout the
house and forming a centerpiece on the
luncheon table, which was elegant In
Its appointments of cut glass and all
Miss Orme received her guests In
white lingerie gown, trimmed with lace,
and Mrs. A. J. Orme wore a handsome
gown of black net.
The guests were: Mrs. Edward Cab
antes, Mrs. O. H. Cabanlss, Mrs. Charles
Harman, Mrs. E. R. Black, Mrs. Dan
Cabanlss, Mrs. Ham Jones, Mrs.
Charles Black and Mrs. H. H. Ran
Saturday afternoon Miss Mildred
' Cabanlss will entertain at a charming
bridge party In honor of her cousin,
Mrs. Edward H. Cabanlss, of Blrmlng.
ham. Miss Cabanlss' guests will In
elude sixteen of her Intimate friends,
and the occasion will be one of the
pleasantest of many Informal affairs
which have been given In honor of Mrs.
Cabanlss during her stay In Atlanta
with Mrs. O. A. Cabanlss.
Mrs. Edward Cabanlss Is a sister of
Governor Jelks, of Alabama, and her
home In Birmingham la the center of
a very delightful social life. She la one
of the most popular, attractive and
cultivated women In Alabama society.
Miss Cabanlss' home will be deco
rated with fragrant cut flowers, and
she will be assisted In the entertain
ment of guests by her mother, Mrs,
H. H. Cabanlss.
Monday a number of the members of
the Atlanta chapter of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy will go
to select a site for the Frances Bar
tow memorial dormitory, which the
Daughters of the Confederacy will erect
there. They will meet there Mrs. A. B.
Hull, of Savannah, president of the
Georgia division of the United Daugh
ters of the Confederacy, and among
others who will be with Mrs. Hull are:
Mrs. M. A. Lipscomb and Miss Mildred
Rutherford, of Athens.
On Tuesday the party will be honored
with a picnic and the stay at Rabun
Gap will be made most pleasant for the
visitors. Among those who will go from
Atlanta are Miss Alice Baxter, Mrs.
Lott Warren and Dr. and Mrs. E. L.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Waters, at tholr
lovely home. “Tekenlnk,” on the Brown
Mill road, entertained a large party of
friends Thursday evening. The spa,
clous grounds were brilliantly lighted
with numbers of Japanese lanterns
hung from the boughs of the large oak
trees. Long tables laden with melons
were placed beneath the trees. After
the melon cutting, dancing and games
were enjoyed by the guests led by the
host and hostess until a late hour when
the party returned to the city. Among
those Invited were Mr. and Mn. J. F.
Sheehan, Mr. and Mrs. Qua Harden,
Mr. and Mrs. 0. D Knight, Mr and
Mrs a H. Ellerby, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cj
Wells. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Slate, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Adams, Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Conley, Mr. and Mrs. George
Farr, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Manry, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Prlckett, Mr. and Mrs.
Jamea Lynch. Mrs. Macklnley, Mrs. E.
S. Andruss. Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Weekly,
Mrs. Hudson, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs.
Wooley, Mrs. Banks, Mrs. Warren,
Mrs. Toung, Mrs. Orlftln, Mrs. Winn,
Misses Andruss. Klrven, Porter, Ben
nett. Mims, Adams. Olmstead, Mac
klnley, Powell, Rhodes, Simpson: Hlt-
mow. Banks nnd Lassiter, and Messrs.
R. L. Doolittle, T. F. Hicks, J. Baker,
J. Neville, A. M. Corrle, W. E. Tolll-
ver, Tom Harper, Childs, Klrven
Weekly, Knight, Nat Love. Joe Banks.
Music for the evening was furnished
by Messrs. Lively and Spinks.
Mrs. W. R. Hammond will entertain
at an Informal tea Friday afternoon
at ( o'clock at her home on West
Peachtree street In honor of Miss
France* Hammond, the guest of Mrs.
Thod Hammond.
Invited to meet the gueat of honor
are: Miss Josle fetockdell. Miss Harris
Stockdell, Miss Katharine Gholstln,
Miss Mary Deas Tupper. Mlsa Elisa
beth Adair, Miss Alice Steele, Miss
Eugenia Oglesby, Miss Nannie Nlcol-
aon. Miss Sarah Collier, Mrs. Vaughn
Nixon, Mr. Lynn Werner, Mr. Hugh
“ — * — “)b-
A number of yopng people enjoyed a
tally-ho party Thursday evening. Mr.
and Mrs. Van Winkle chaperoned the
party, which Included: Miss Elisabeth
.. v „ r Rawson, Miss Ida May Blount, Miss
Cl^.%Wthir rt &tark;, R Mr; «'« Mary Ander-
■ - ~ »on. Miss 8usan Spalding, Miss Annie
Caverly, Miss Julia Rosser, Miss Lida
Brown, Miss Aliens Gentry, Mr. Victor
Plane, Mr. Charles Collier, Mr. Mar
shall Johnson, Mr. Herbert Allen, Mr.
HarlS ” r ' Louis Parker, Mr! J. C.
ert _
Hugh Robinson, Mr. J. B. Connally,
Mr. Edward Austin, Mr. Alex McDou-
gald, Mr. Dan McDougald, Mr. Myron
Freeman, Mr. A. D. Adair, Jr„ and
Mr. Ulrlc Atkinson.
TO MI88 0WEN8. Montgomery, air.
Mrs. Claude Shewmake will enter-I ™omaa, Mr. John Harrieon, Mr.
tain at a pretty porch party next week r ““**•
In honor of Miss Charles Owens, who
Is her attractive guest at present.
Miss Alice Lanier, at her handsome
home at West Point, Go., will entertain
at a house party next week. Her
guests will be Miss Christine Cole, of
Newnan; Miss Mary Powell of New-
nan: Misses Willie May Harr,son and
Lucile Kiser, of Atlanta, Miss Sallle
I-eroy Betts, of Huntsville, Ala., and
Maria Price, of Farmington, Oa., and
Mr. George Yancey, of Birmingham.
Several del|ghtful entertainments are
being planned for them.
Miss Jessie Turner and Mr. Percy
Travis, both of Carrollton, Go., were
quietly married Tuesday afternoon at
4 o'clock at the home of the bride's
father, Mr. A. D. Turner, at Carroll
ton. The marriage came as a surprise
to the many friends of the young cou
Mrs. Franklin Mlkell will entertain
at an Informal bridge Tuesday In honor
of Mrs. Joseph Pou. of Columbus, who
arrived Friday morning to be the
guest of Mrs. J. Frank Meador. Mrs.
Mlkell's guest will Include the ladles
who formed such a congenial party at
Warm Springs this summer.
Friday momlng Mrs. Muse entertain
ed Informally In honor of her guest,
Mrs. R. H. Warren. The occasion was
a "500” party and brought together a
small number of congenial friends.
Mrs. Muse received her guests In
lingerie gown of soft muslin, trimmed,
with Valenciennes lace.
After the game a dejlclous luncheon
course was served.
Mrs. Muse's guests were: Mrs. R. H.
Warren, Mrs. A. P. Coles, Mrs. W. S.
Tarvor, Mrs. J. D. Twiggs, Mrs. W. S.
Wilson, Mrs. George Howard, Mrs.
Alleo Muse Thomas, Mrs. W. C. Raw-
son, MYa. Joseph Moody! Mrs. B. M.
Blount, Mrs. Agnew Hlllsman and
Mrs. W. A. Gray.
Thursday evening Miss Mildred Har
ris entertained at a very enjoyable
straw ride for her guest, Miss Haxelle
Alexander, of Forsyth. The party was
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Giles,
and after a tong drive a luncheon waa
enjoyed at Grant park.
Mlsa Harris' guests were: Miss Edith
Cofleld, Mlsa Haxelle Alexander, Miss
Louise Norman, Mlsa Lillian Harris,
Miss Mildred Harris, Mr. Joe Arnold,
Mr. Frits Wagoner, Mr. Roy Abernathy,
Mr. Wnlton Irby, Mr. Percy Gentry,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Giles.
Mr. Charles Montgomery, Mr.
homai -- -
Hunter Muse.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Meador en
tertained a number of friends at an
elegant dinner Friday evening at the
Piedmont Driving Club In honor of
their guest, Mrs. Joseph Pou. The
party Included Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alston,
Mrs. Milton Dargan, Mrs. Franklin
Mlkell, Mias Harry Fumade, Miss Lou
ise Joseph, Mr. W. E. Chapin. Mr.
James Nunnally, Mr. Lowry Arnold,
Mr. Chapin,
Dr. and Mrs. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Hatcher, Miss M. A. Phelan. Miss
Eflle Beale Phelan, Miss Laura Wlth-
am, Mr. Samuel Sllcer, Mr. Hall Mil
ler, Dr. R. T. Dorsey, Major J. S.
Personal Mention
Mrs. Milton Dargan will entertain at
delightful supper Sunday night In
nor of Mrs. Joseph Pou, of C "
bus, tho guest of Mrs. Meador.
Friday evening Misses Lucile and
Kate Moyers will entertain at a picnic
at Grant Park In honor of Miss Cater,
a charming young woman of Forsyth,
Ga. Their guest list Includes forty or
more young men and young women.
Friday Miss Louise Joseph, of Co
lumbus, arrived In the city to be the
guest for several days of Mrs. Edward
Peters. Monday evening Mrs. Peters
will give for Miss Joseph an Informal
dinner which will be followed by i
box party at the Casino.
Saturday evening Mlsa Harflle Fu.
made will entertain at a box party at
the Casino In honor of Mrs. Joseph
Pou, the gueat of Mrs. Frank Meador.
Mrs. Henry Grady will entertain at
an enjoyable bridge Thursday of next
week complimentary to Mrs. Joseph
Pou, of Columbus, the guest of Mrs.
Mrs. Robert Alston will entertain at
bridge Tuesday afternoon In honor of
Mrs. Joseph Pou, the attractive guest
of Mrs, Frank Meador.
Mrs. J. Frank Meador will give a
■Idge Wednesday afternoon compli
mentary to her guest, Mrs. Joseph Pou.
The Informal bridge at which Mrs.
William Rushton will entertain Satur
day morning will be a pretty compli
ment to Mrs. W. S. Tarver and Mrs.
John Twiggs, of Albany, the guests of
Mrs. A. P. Coles.
Mrs. Rushton will receive her guests
THE “BOOM CAMPERS," I In n dainty lingerie shirt-waist suit.
The "noom Campers" will leave Sat-
urday morning for their regular sum.
mer outing on the banks of the Caney
Fork, the banner Ashing stream of Ten
Preparations for a great fish have
been made, as well os for a good time
The Campers have a beautiful new
combination tent, with dining room at.
Inched, and have added a gasoline
launch to their outfit. In addition to
the rowboat which they carry. Two
men cooks will attend to the wants of
the pnrty, and with the skilled fisher
men who aro of the party, It Is safe to
say the Campers will live well while
on their outing. The objective point
will be Walling, off tho Sparta branch
of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St.
Louis railway. Those comprising the
party are: Mias Elisa Mitchell, Carters-
vlllc, Oa.: Miss Marie Cobb, Spring-
field, Tenn.; Mlsa Aline Reese, Atlan
ta, Go.: Misses Jessie Thomas and
Mary Morgnn, Nashville | Dr, T.
VanZandt, Loulsvlblle, Ky.| Messrs.
Eugene Laurent, A. Armstrong, Gra.
ham Hall, 8. F. Green, of Nashville,
and Mr. Y. C. Jones, of Chicago. Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Leftwtch and Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Parke will be chaperons.
They will be absent two weeks.—Nash
villa Banner.
Diamond Customers
We have adopted a most liberal policy for our diamond customers,
and we are making It known, too. Our diamond business becomes more
extensive every day and whatever we do to help our customers, helps
our business.
It Is better to make more sales at less proflt, than to make less sales
at a big proflt. Our plan Is most convincing.
The Diamond Palace. 3 7 Whitehall Street.
Reliable Druggists,
We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free
Atlanta Agent* for
^ 80c Pound
luncheon will be served at the card ta
.Mrs. Ruahton'a guests will be!' Mrs.
John Twiggs, Mrs. W. S. Tarver, Mrs.
A. P. Coles, Mrs. Mark Tolbert, Mrs.
James Dougherty, Mrs. Frank Boland,
Mrs. T. S. Lewis, Jr.
Wednesday of next week Mrs. James
Dougherty will entertain at luncheon
for Mrs. John Twiggs and Mrs. W. 8.
Tarver, at Mont Crest, her beautiful
summer cottage, which la within the
grounds of the Athletic Club at East
Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Dougherty and
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Daniel, who aro
cupylng Mont Crest together for tho
summer, have made tho place charm
ing, and have entertained frequently
there since taking possession of the
place for the warm months.
Next Tuesday evening Miss Edith
Cofleld will entertain a number of
friends In honor of Miss Haxelle Alex,
ander, the guest of Miss Mildred Har.
rls. Invited to meet Mrs. Alexander
are: Misses Lillian and Mildred Har-
. Miss Louise Norman, Mlsa
gonla Harper, Mlsa Hargle Jefferson,
Misses Willie and Adeline Helfner,
Miss Hattie Bloodworth, Mr, Frltx
Wagner. Mr. Roy Abcrnnthy, Mr. Joe
Arnold. Mr. Alton Irby, Mr. Percy Gen
try, Mr. Fred Dlsbro, Mr. Stannard,
Mr. Max Berry, Mr. Phil Huffman, Mr.
Rlgdon Berry. „
The parishioners of Father Ounn,
pastor of Sacred Heart church and
president of Martst College, will give
Informal reception In his honor on
Friday evening from 8 to 10 o'clock on
the lawn of the presbytery. The re
ception will be In the nature of a
welcome to Father Gunn, who has been
absent In Europe for several months,
and who will arrive In Atlanta Friday
The King's Daughters and Sons, Cir
cle No. 2, will meet with Mrs. Ooree
Friday at 3:30 p. m. sharp at 39 West
Linden street. Take West Peachtree
Corresponding Secretary.
Mrs. Joseph Ralne entertained at a
buffet supper Thursday evening, the
occasion being In the nature of a sur
prise party to Mr. Ralne. whose birth
day It was.
The table had as Its centerpiece a
birthday cake, which was cut during
the evening, Mr. Robert Reed helr.g
the winner of the ring.
The guests Included: Mr. nnd Mrs,
Krc.I Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gold
smith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Reed, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Albert Collier, Mr. nnd Mrs. Van Rens
selaer, Dr. und Mrs. Robert Ridley,
Jr.. Mr. and Mrs, Van Astor Batchelor,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stockdell, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Hewlett. Dr. and Mrs.
Troy Bivlnga, Mr. and Mrs. John Ralne,
After a pleasant visit to Knoxville
ana an enjoyable outing In the moun
tains of East Tennessee, Dr. and Mrs.
George H. Mack returned to the city
Friday. Df\ Mack will fill his pulpit,
corner Spring and Harris streets, next
Miss Anna Klrtley and Mr. T. P.
Klrtley, of Horse Cave, Ky., are the
guests of their slater, Mlsa Carrie Klrt
ley, at the Ballard, on Peachtree street
Mr. Klrtley will spend a few days in
Atlanta en route to Indian Territory.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Zellft left Fri
day for a visit to relatives North. Mr.
Zellff will return to Atlanta In a few
days, but »V». Zellft will be absent sev
eral months.
Mrs. D. B. Gray, Misses Gray and
Master Gray have returned from an
extended visit to relatives In Missis
sippi and are now at their home at Col
lege Park.
Governor and Mrs. William D. Jelks
and Miss Katherine Jelks, of Alabama,
are among the distinguished guests at
Battery Park hotel, Asheville, N. C.
Miss Lillian Bingham will visit New
York and Boston during August, and
will stop with Mrs. Roosevelt In Bos
ton before returning to Atlanta.
Misses Rita Lockes and Annie Wade,
of Roanoke, Vo., are the guests of their
aunt, Mrs. A. M. Perkerlnson, on
Spring street.
Misses Clara H. Covington, Annie
Carlisle, Imogene Newton, Jennie Mc
Rae and Sallle Carlisle, of Barnettvltle,
8. C„ are at the Marlon.
Dr. E. B. Elder, of Macon, passed
through Atlanta Thursday en route to
Asheville, where he will spend a month
with his mother and sister,
Mrs. M. R. Hardin, Mr. and Mrs. F.
H. Lansdell and Mrs. Augusta Hardin
left Thursday for Cumberland and St.
Mr. Arthur Klrtley, of the National
Cosh Register Company, Is the guest
of hla sister. Miss Carrie Klrtley, at
the Ballard, on Peachtree street.
Mr. Alf Ford, Is much Improved and
all Indications point to his speedy re
covery from his serious attack, of ty
phoid fever.
Miss Viola Slaughter, of Jackson, Ga..
has returned to her home after a
month's visit to friend here.
Miss Annte Adora Anderson, accom
panied by Miss Irene Keneflek, of Kan
sas City, returned home Friday.
Miss Harris Fumade leaves soon for
a visit to Mrs. Henry McAlpIne in Sa-
Miss Sara Callaway has returned to
West Point after visiting Miss Lucile
Oslln, In Atlanta.
Mrs. Charles Holt and two children
are the guests of relatives at Herat
Miss Mary Douglass and Master
Walter Douglass are visiting relatives
at Haralson.
Miss Janet Horsley, of West Point,
Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. K
Mrs. Frank Pearson and young son,
Moore, leave Saturday for a visit to
Miss Nells Bacon has returned to
her home at Eastman after a visit to
friends In Atlanta.
Mrs. John R. Hosch, after a visit to
relatives In Atlanta, has returned to
her home at Hoschton, Oa.
Mrs. T. A. Splan left Wednesday
night for n two months’ visit In De
trolt and Toronto, Canada.
Miss Henrietta Smith, of Greens
boro, Oa., Is visiting her father. Rep
resentative A. H. Brntlh, In Atlanta.
Miss Cornelia Dunn has returned
from a visit to friends at Watklns-
Miss Genie Hood has returned to her
home at Cuthbert, after a visit to At
lanta relatives.
Miss Maggie DuBose "has returned
to her home In Gadsden after a visit
to Atlanta.
Mlsa Mamie Jarvis, of Rome, after
a pleasant visit In the city, left Thura.
day foe Asheville and Lake Toxaway.
Miss Charles Owens, who Is the
guest of Mrs. Claude Shewmake, spent
Thursday and Friday at Llthla.
Dainty Night Dresses of Nainsook
69c each, Selling Usually at $1.00
We sell great quantities of these beautiful Night Dresses each season, hundreds and
hundreds of dozen, in fact, yet here’s an assortment composed entirely of regular $1.00
garments, and all of them are offered at 69c.'
Softest of Nainsook, Chemise effect, square yokes of Valenciennes lace and ribbon.
No Jess than twenty attractive styles included. Some are very handsome with em
broidery insertings and edges; high neck or low neck, long or short sleeves.
Colored Wash Petticoats, 69c—Were $1.00
Cool, stylish summer Petticoats of Chambray, good widths, in oxblood, tan, blue
and gray, also a variety of fancy stripes. Deep flounces with clusters of large and
small tucks alternating.
$1.00 values reduced to 69c.
• Embroidery Collars, 10c
The Price Usually is 25c
Once before this season we had a sale of these; .sold twenty-five dozen in a single
day.' That shows how unusual they are.
Light weight Lingeries Collars of Swiss, with long or short tabs. Eyelets and dainty
blind figures—embroidered in beautiful designs—a large variety of very pleasing ef
fects to “go” with summer waists and dresses. Don’t delay. 10c each.
Mounted Back Combs Half Price, 25c each
That’s very little for an attractive and stylish Comb, artistically mounted as these
are. 50c, their former price, was very little to begin with, and now they are reduced •
to 25c each. '
New shapes, a variety of them, brightly polished and mounted with neat gilt
bands. Some are set with stones of different color. A whole counterful for selection.
- Hat Pina and Brooches, 10c each.
The ones wo sell usually at 25c. Violets and various other designs; those of French
enamel are quite attractive. Take your choice; Hat Pins and Brooches; they are 10c
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
Store of Many Departments.
In Cuthbert.
Mltx Grace Beaxley la visiting Miss
Daisy Zachry, at West Point.
Mrs. J. C. Slaton Is the guest ot rel
atives at Gadsden, Ala.
Miss Claire Ridley will go to Cuth
bert In a few days to visit relatives.
Mr. Edward Russey Is visiting friends
Perpetual Values.
Diamonds are not fads of recurring
periods. They are a standard and a
lasting mode, and the quality of our
stones Is as constantly ta beat
Davis & Freeman,
beautiful line of
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Bulldtn*. Whitehall 8L
Mrs. H. M. Beutrell and aona are
spending some time at Tallulah.
i Dean at Norcrosa.
Mlaa Leila Jernlgan, of Greenaboro.
Ga., la vlaltlng frlenda In Atlanta.
E. Ladler, of Hawkltiavllle,
la spending aome time In Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hollenbeck have
returned from Warm Springe.
Dr. and Mra. Michael Hoke have
returned from Wrlghtavllle.
Mra. Clarence May and children have
returned from Flat Hock, N.
Mr. Evelyn Harrla has returned from
Mlaa Mary Lou Montgomery, of Cave
Spring, la vlaltlng frlenda In Atlanta.
Mr. Charlea Hlght la the guest of rel
ative! at Cave Spring.
Mr. Harman K. Klckllghter haa re
turned from a trip to New York city.
Judge Van Eppa la at Warm 8prtnge.
Ad enjoyable social event recently waa
the reception given by Mlaaea Cecil and
May Ola Little for their gueata, Mlaaea
Opal M<*Knlgbt. of Benoit; 11a Mae Bus-
•ey, of Warm Springs, and Pauline Burks,
of Clarkeartlle. The home waa appropriate
ly decorated with ferna and cut flowera,
and the lawn waa lighted with Japanese
which lent much to the appear
iamea of varloua kinds wero eu
Little Mlaaea Annie Mlm Little
and Bather Stovall aerved punch nnd Icea.
*ata were Misses Batelle
iiriiht, m; oqantion, Halite Stapler, Clara
Hale. Cliff Daughtry, Floy Shannon. Guo-
ate Caraon, Emma Gober, Edna Watson,
Mamie Owens, of Toccoa; Pauline Burns.
Opal McKulght, Ida Mae Buaaey. and
Messrs. Ernest Jackson, Park Holbrook,
Kobort Black, Homer Harber, Roy Daugh
try. George Hubbard. Joe Holbrook, May-
field Pendergrass, Frank Wright, Henry
Williamson, llo,
Iloy Shannon and Carl Step-
Mlaa Halite Stapler baa returned from
" gtou, where she waa the gues* *
[chard Lowe.
Hettle Carson, who la visiting her
brother. Dr. M. F. Carson, at Griffin, will
be the guest of Misses Bright, of Toccofc,
before returning.
Mra. Charlea Cooper and children are tU-
Itlng frlenda In Jonesboro.
Paul T. Harber has .returned from Look
out Mountain. Tenn., where be attended
the national conclave of the Kappa Sigma
Mlaa Itowena Jordan la at home after a
Geraldine Hood is
with relatives at Mr
I., Hardman, of Atlantn, visited
friends here last week.
Miss Estelle llartier Joined a Jolly party
Miss Fannie Mahaffey, of Jefferson.- was
the gueat of Mlsa Clara Dale recently. .
Mrs. W. A. Shannon nnd Mlsa Leith
are visiting relative* at East Point.
Mlaa Nora McConnell, of Anderaon. 8. the guest of the Mtaaes Wataon.
Mlaa Erie Hardman and Mrs. G. T. Jones
have returned from Franklin Springs.
Shelley Ivey haa returned from 8avan
nah and Tybee, where he spent a week
with a party from Atlanta,
Walter Irving Knox, of Atlanta, who has
been the gueat of 8helley Ivey, returned
to hla home Sunday,
Mlsa Clara Lee, of Bridgeport, Ala., who
haa been vlaltlng her slater, Mra. E. K.
Turner, returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. D. J. Fusselle, of Cuasetn, Oa./who
has been the guest of her brother, Dr.
W. W. Evans, left last Saturday.
Mlaa Adeline Guard, of Atlanta, after a
stay of several days with Mra. T. W. Oli
ver, has returned to Atlanta.
T. W. Oliver, secretary to Dr. James B.
Dickey, spent Saturday and Sunday with
his parents at Lojrnnsvllle.
Mlaa Virginia Peed la spending several
days with her aunt, Mrs. Arch Avery, In
Dr. and
Florida, are expected In a few
vlalt their parents In Oxford.
Mlaa Sarah Branham, who haa been
spend I ng a month In Atlanta with her aunt,
Mrs. Howard Palmer, will return to Oxford
this week.
Rev. Frank Bakes came down from At
lanta Monday to spend the week with hla
family In Oxford.
Mlaa Nina Wilson, after a month's stay
1th her slater, Mra. W. L. Weber, haa re
turned to Baltimore.
Mrs. Eugene Bnrnard Heard Is spending
the summer In Oxford.
Mlaa Annie Sue Bonnell, after a stay of
a month with her sister, Mrs. John Poer,
of West Point, haa returned to Oxford.
meats of the season waa
by Mlsa Carrie Smith one evening recently
complimentary to her charming gueat, Mlsa
Lucile Bay, of Macon. The eutlre lower
floor of the house was thrown open for the
occasion and waa tastefully decorated with
ferna and cut flowers. Delightful refresh
ments were served.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Bray are spending
this week at Cumberland Island.
Mr. It. 8. Williams waa a recent visitor
In Macon.
Mlaa Bessie Smith, of Round Oak, la the
guest of Miss Marie McCords
Mr. Jim Lunreford la
with relatives In Cor Ini
Mrs. Harry Pi * *
visit to friends l_ _
Mr*. John Duke
ollle Minimum, of
Mr. Lon Pitts spent Sunday with Locust
Grove relative*.
Sheriff T1 Holland, of Forsyth, was a
visitor In the city this week.
§yth Edg>r H P elr ■P en t Saturday In For-
Mrs. Ines Williams complimented a num
ber of her young friends with a lawu party
one evening recently.
Mrs. Joe Johnson has returned from a
jtolt i ^i^riendiM^rA^janUu iB(M|i--B— ^^
All new etylee and alzea In
Kodaka and Brownie Cameraa.
Fresh Kodak Supplies
Beat In the South. Develop
ing, Printing, Mounting, En
14 Whltthall St. Bell Phone 1990
10 Cents
.— - — _ Haa Atlanta.
Exposition and
Will Spend Each
We will (rive *1,000 to the
or One Cent for every official but
ton or pin eold.
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