Newspaper Page Text
TT'KSDAY, AVOrPT * 19"0.
Air*. George C. Ball, Editor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants,
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. IV. R. Ham
mond will be hostess at a- charming tea
at which she will entertain Informally
eight or ten Intimate friends.
The occasion will be tn honor of Mrs,
R. H. Warren, of Albany, who Is now
the guest of Mrs. George Muse at her
home on Capitol avenue.
Tuesday evening Miss Frances .Con-
nally will entertain Informally at a
birthday dinner In honor of Misses'
Courtney Harrison and Julia Rosser,
who always have the pleasure of cele
brating their birthdays together.
Miss Connally's guests will be Mr.
and Mrs. Warner Martin, Miss Court
ney Harrison, Miss Julia Rosser, Miss
Nora llelle Rosser, Mr. Morris Prlo-
leau, Mr. Luther Iloseer, Mr. Charles
Collier, Mr. HatTy Joyner.
Miss Cnnnally will be assisted In en
tertaining her guests by Mrs. Warner
Martin, and the occasion will be mark
ed by the Informality and cordiality for
which events at •The Homestead" are
noted. ■ ,
Miss Freddie. B. Shlff will entertain
during the present week at her home at
Amerlcus a.delightful bouse party.
The out-of-town guests Invited' by
Miss Shlff are Misses Zarelcla Martin,
of Albany, Ga.: Janie Johnson, of Orlf-
fln, Oa.; Lois Williford, of Atlanta, Ga.;
also Misses Kate Wheatley, Elisabeth
Hollis, Mattie Lewis Dodson, Nellie
Turpin, of Amerlcus,Oa.
Thursday morning Mrs. Henry Tan
ner will entertain, Infortnally at bridge.
The occasion will be a pretty .compli
ment to Miss Louise Joseph, the guest
of Mrs. Edward Peters.
fully Informal, her guests to Include
only eight of her Intimate friends.
Tuesday evening Miss Edith Cofleld
will be hostess'at a card party at which
Miss Haselle Alexander, the guest of
Miss Mildred Harris,-will be the guest
of honor.
Miss Cofleld's guests will be Misses
Haselle Alexander, Lillian Hnd Mildred
Harris, Louise Norman, Eugenia Har
per, Hargle Jefferson, Willie and Ade
line Helfner, Hattie Bloodworth,
Messrs. Frits Wagner, Roy Abernathy.
Joe Arnold, Alton Irby, Percy Gentry,
Fred Dlsbro, Stnnnard, Max Berry,
Phil Huffman, Rlgdon Berry.
Mrs. Henry Lamar, Jr.. Mrs. Brown
Taylor, Mrs. Charles Bannon, Mrs.
Charles Jones of Mississippi, Mrs. Dave
Hill, Mrs. John Winn Bhlnholser and
Mrs. Olln Wlmberley.
Mrs. Henry .Lamar entertained at a
very pretty party Thursday morning
In compliment to Mrs. Robert Hemp
hill, of Atlanta. The affair was a bridge
luncheon, and the apartments In which
the guests were entertained were gay
with great masses of coreopsis, the
rich yellow flowers being banked on
rich yellow flowers being banked on
mantels and thrust Into big Jardinieres
and vases. There were three tables ol
The , top score was made by M rs
Walter Reeks, who received a*, a prtxe
two decks of. handsome playing cards.
Mrs. Lamar's party was much en-
‘ >y the Ac '
very charming event was the
bridge at which Mrs. Frank Mlkell
entertained Tuesday morning In honor
of Mrs. Joseph Pou, of Columbus, Mrs.
Meador's guest.
Mrs. Mlkell'a guests Included a con
genial number of women, who ■ were
together at' Warm .Springs earlier In
the summer.
Mrs. Mlkell'received her frlendsin a
white lingerie gown, hand-embroidered
and trimmed with lace.
Mrs. Joseph Pou was attractively
gowned In white batiste, trimmed with
embroidery. The prizes were hand-
embroidered silk hose.. , -
At the conclusion d£ the game, a
delicious course luncheon was served.
Mrs. Mlkell'a guests were: Mrs. Jo
seph Pou, Mrs. Frank Meador, Mrs.
George Crandall, Mrs. Thornton Marye,
Mrs. Frank Butt, Mrs. Edward Mc-
Cerren, Mrs. Milton Dargan, Mrs.
Clarence Angler, Mrs. 'V. C. Badhan,
Mrs. A. T. Brown, Miss Jennie Dar
gan. t
mer, Mr. Valdemlr Gude, Mr. John
Kirkpatrick. Mr. Enell Gay, Mr. Wim
berly Peters, Mr. Charles J. Bayne,
Mr. Will Glenn, Mr. Robert Clarke,
Mr. Ernest Dallls, Mr. Arthur Lane,
Mr. William Parkhurst, Mr. John Greg
ory, Mr. Tom Lyon, Dr. J. R. Hopkins,
Mr. Willis Ragan, Jr., Mr. Eugene
Haynes, Mr. Dick Palmer, Mr. Win-
ship Nunnalfy, and a large number
of the delegates to the convention of
the Atlantic and Gulf compress compa
nles, now In session In Atlanta.
Miss Mary Adair Howell will enter
tain at euchre Thursday afternoon In
honor of her charming guest, Mrs.
rge Cunningham, of Washington.
Mias Howell's guests will Include,
besides the members of the O. M. Club,
a few of her Intimate friends.
Monday evening at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Holcombe the mar
riage of Miss Mabel Claire Evans and
Mr. Thomas E- Mason took place. The
ceremony was performed In the pres
ence of relatives and a few Intimate
friends by Rev. A. C. Ward at 7:46
The bride and groom , are popular
oung people and are followed by the
:ood wishes ol a host of friend*.
They will spend thfctr honeymoon at
Tuesday Mrs. E. L. Wright entertain
ed at a spend-the-day party at her
beautiful country home, Belmont Farm,
near Smyrna. The occasion was
charming compliment to Mrs. John
. Twiggs and Mrs. W. H. Taryer, of Al
bany, the guests of Mrs. A. P. Cole*.
A number of Mrs. Wright’s friends
left Atlanta early Tuesday morning for
A delightful forenoon was spent at
cards and other amusements, and at
noon a delicious luncheon was served,
the patty returning to Atlanta late
Tuesday afternoon.
Wednesday afternoon from 6 i
o'clock Mrs. Woods White will enter
tain at tea at her home In College Park
In honor of her guest, Mlsa Slna Lee
Miss Harris la one of the moat ad
mired young women In i-oulsvllle so
ciety, having made her debut there last
winter. She possesses In a marked de
gree the beauty and charm for which
the Kentucky woman I* noted, and her
visit to Mrs. White will be the occasion
of many happy social events.
Mrs. White's guests will Include her
College Park friend's and a number of
Atlanta people.
Hon. and Mr*. Clifford A. Lanier
and their daughter, Mr*. Wlltsey La
nler Dorr, of Montgomery, spent Mon
day In Atlanta en route to Chautauqua,
N. Y., to remain a month. Upon their
return they will spend several day*
In Atlanta. Mr. Lanier (himself a na
tive of this state) feel* a profound In
terest In everything appertaining to
Georgia affair*; he'Is a brother of the
late Sydney Lanier, whose marvelous
poetic genius ao richly endowed South
ern literature..
Mr. Clifford A. Lanier I* rarely gift
ed as a wrller. and also as a literary
critic. Mrs. L*nler and Mrs. Dorr are
among the most charming and popular
social leaders In Alabama society, and
are aleo very prominent In the club life
of that' state, being especially notable
useful m< I
members of the Alabama
division of the United Daughter* of
the Confeleracy.
Mrs. Frank Cunningham gave a beau
tiful party Thursday afternoon, at
which Mrs. Robert Hemphill, of Atlan
ta, was the honoree.
.The lovely residence on Coleman's
Hill wss derogated lavishly for the
pSty-cfTf tA-rlptlon hall was a bower
of blackj-ejRri Susans, palm* and ferns.
The two parlors open to guests Were
decorated with large vase* of roses, In
one room, the roses being plhk and In
the other white .and rdd.
•Delicious refreshments were served
after the game of bridge. Score was
kebt by Miss Annie Rogers, and the
top score prise was won by^Mra,Wil
liam Brunson^ R was a bonbon dish In
glass. The guest prize was
beautiful piece of cut glass also.
Mrs. Cunningham had fdhr tables,
her guest* being: Mrs. Robert Hemp
hill of Atlanta, Mrs. Mallory H. Tay
lor, Mr*. Charles Preston, Mrs. Walter
Beeks, Mr*. William Brunson,
John Reid. Mr*. Cuatls v "" "
The wedding of Miss Josephine
Bradley, of Colorado, and Mr. I.ouls
R. Brine, of Boston, took place Monday
morning In the parish house of St.
James Catholic church, In Philadel
phia, Rlv, Father Monlhan Officiat
Miss Bradley, who Is an adopted
daughter of Mr*. Maxwell, of Puetyo,
Colo., Is spending the summer with
her mother, Mrs. Maxwell, and her
adopted sister. Miss Maxwell, In' New
The engagement was announced sev
eral months ago In the Philadelphia
papers and the marriage took place In
the presence of members of both fam
ilies. Miss Josephine Brine, sister of
the groom, went from Boston to at
tend the wedding, and Mr. Fred Brine,
of 'Atlanta, was also present at his
brother's marriage.
Mrs. Brine, at the death of her pa
rents, which occurred when she was
three years old, was adopted by Mrs.
Maxwell. Since she finished school,
kite,' With her mother and sister, have
been traveling for several year*.
Mr. Louis Brine, who Is a Harvard
man, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George
R. Brine, of Boston. Ills father I* the
well-known editor of The Cambrdlge
Times. Mr. Urine has two brothers In
Atlanta, Mr. George W. Brine, vice
S resident of the Georgia Railway and
lectrlc Company, and Mr. Fred Brine,
who Is connected with the same com
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brine arrived
Tuesday afternoon and are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. George Brine for a few
dnys at their home on, Ponce DeLeon
As Miss Bradley Mrs. Brine was In
the city about a month ago, the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. .Brine. "It
Mr. Brine, who Is connected with the
Atlantn, Birmingham and Atlantic rail
road, will, with hi* bride, make their
home In Falrburn, Ga.
Madam,e Adelina. Patti,.Baroness Ce-
derstrom, sang In Ldndon. in June at
Albert hall. The vast’ building was
crowded from pit to dome, Its seating
capacity being 10,000. Patti was over
whelmed with floral tributes, which
more than filled her rooms at the Carl
ton. Patti has spent part of the sum
mer at Mont Dare lea Bins, where
she and the de Resskes go every year.
Rhe and Baron Cederstrom are now
at Carlsbad.
lanta; Miss Bue Culpepper, Thomas
vine. Go.; Miss Lydia Leydes, Baxley,
Oa.; Mr. Ralph Smith, Atlanta; Mr.
L. Robert Straus. New York; Mr. O. 8.
Marston. Virginia; E. L. Howell,
Birmingham. Ala.; Mr. William 8.
Jordan, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mrs. Wil
liams, Brunswick, Ga.; Miss Cossllls,
Brunswick, Ga.; Mr*. J. T.• Culpepper,
Mr. Jim Culpepper, Thomasvtlle; Mr.
David Brandon, Thomasville, Oa.
The marrlage'of Miss Julia McDow
ell, of Macon, to Mr. Alexander Calson.
Dowell, of Macon, to ftr. Donald Mar
tin, of McIntosh, will take place on
Wednesday at Macon. This double
ceremony will be of Interest to a large
number of friends throughout Georgia.
The brides and grooms will leave on
Wednesday night for a honeymoon trip
to Tybee.
Mrs. Robert Alston's bridge Tuesday
afternon was a pretty compliment to
Mrs. Joseph Pou, of Columbus, the at
tractive guest of Mrs. Robert Alston.
The house was decorated throughout
with yellow blossoms, vases filled with
sunflowers and astors being placed on
the mantels and cabinets.
Mr* Alston received her guests In
a becoming gown of flowered organdie
trimmed with lace and oink ribbons.
Mrs. Pou wore an attractive gown
Mrs. William Peabody will entertain
at bridge on Thursday complimentary
to her sister, Mrs. F. P. Petre, of
The many friends In Atlanta of Mrs.
H- Stiles Bradley will bp delighted to
knolv that She Will , arrive In the city
this week to be the guest for several
days of Mrs. Floyd McRae. Baturday
afternoon Mr*. McRae will entertain
Informally at tea In her honor, and the
occasion will be one of the pleasantest
of the week. Mrs. McRae's guests will
be limited to the members of Trinity
Mis* Kenefick, the attractive guest
of Miss Annie Adore Anderson, will
be given a dance at Segadlo's Thurs
day evening by a number of young
Mr. Frank Ortne will entertain at a
small Informal dinner Saturday evening
at the Piedmont Driving Club In honor
of Miss Irene Kenefick, the admired
guest of Miss Adore Anderson. Mi
Orme’s guests will Include Miss Kene
flek. Miss Anderson, Mr*. Clifford An
demon, M r Jams* Alexander, Mr. My
ron Freman.
Miss Adela Tucker will entertain a
few friends at card* complimentary to
Mr*. Harold Browne, of Savannah, who
Is the guest of Miss Tucker.
Among other entertainment* being
arranged In honor of Mrs. Browne Is
a box party at the Casino.
A picnic party will be given Tues
day evening at East Lake, If the
wenther permits. Mr. and Mrs. Hodges
will act as chaperons, and the party
will Include Misses Ethel Kelly, Rollne
Clarke, M. A. Phelan, Elizabeth Adair,
and Messrs. Edward Barnett, John
Dean Bteward, Dennis Pertreet and
James Callaway.
large and fashionable audience
witnessed the first night of this
week's vaudeville. Among those seen
In the audience were: Miss Annie Fit
ten. Miss Nannie Nlcolson, Miss Kate
Robinson. Miss Janie Speer, Mlsa Mar
tha Whitman, Mis* Bes*le Woodward,
Miss Martha Woodward, Mis* Florins
Richardson, Miss Rollne Clarke, Miss
Adorn Anderson, Miss Irene Oeneflck,
Mias Ethel Kelly, Mlsa Julia Porter,
Miss Norfleet, Miss Effle Beale Phelan,
Miss McGowen Phelan. Miss Janie
Thornton, Ml** Nina Gentry, Mis* a*,
muella Whitman, Miss Allene Patter
son, Miss Emma Robinson, Miss Helen
O'Brien, Miss Laura Wltham, Miss
Louise Joseph, Mr. and Mr*. Edward
Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dargan,
Mr. and Mrs. Austell Thornton, Mr. and
Mr*. Albert Thornton. Mr. and Mr*. T.
B. Felder, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Meador,
Mrs. Joseph Pou, Mr. Carroll Latl-
*Impressive Diamond Argument
There I* a great satisfaction In possessing * diamond of unques
tioned value. The lovqr of diamonds lover refinement, too. By
our liberal method you can wear a nice diamond while paying for
It' That’s why our diamond sale* are Increasing dally.
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall Street.
Mrs. Arthur Leland Norris will com
pliment Miss Alma Archer, a lovely
bride-to-be, and Mrs. W. W. Willis,
who leaves soon for Los Angeles, where
she will reside, with a large reception
Thursday afternoon from 4 to 7, at
her home, on Capitol avenue.
The house- will be beautifully deco
rated with palms and ferns combined
with white flower*.
Mr*. Norris and the guests of honor
will receive In the front parlor. Mrs.
Norris will wear white stlk and carry a
bouquet of white roses. Mrs. Willis
and Miss Archer will be gowned In
with Vallenclennes lace. Her hat, _
white chin Was trimmed with black
ostrich plumes.
Mri. Meador wore a toilet of white
Irish embroidery made princess. WJth
this gown she wore a hat of white Ne
...lined with pint;
After the game a delicious luncheon
was served.
The first prize was a bridge set and
Mrs. Pou was presented with one of
the late book*.
Invited to meet Mrs. Pou were Mrs.
Meador, Mrs. Albert Thornton, Miss
lama Dooly, Mrs. George Traylor, Mrs.
Harry Stearns, Mrs. Archibald Davis,
Mrs. Clark Howell, Mrs. Albert Howell,
Mrs. Henry Grady, Miss Cabanlss. Mrs,
O. O. Matthewson, Mr*. Dan Harris,
High Grade Vs. Cheap
Ice Cream.
Ice Cream ordinarily found on the
market sells for something like one
dollar and a quarter per gallon.
Nunnally’s Ice Cream sells for
two dollars per gallon.
What’s the difference?
The main difference is that Nun
nally’s Ice Cream is pure, of a very
high quality and unusually deli
cious, while the cheaper grades pos
sess none of these characteristics.
Nunnally’s product is real ice
cream. It is made of twenty-five
deman, Mrs. C.
Crandall, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Charles
Sclpte, Mrs. George Howard, Mrs. Rob
ert F. Bhedden. Mrs. Roby Robinson,
Mrs. E. R. Black, Mr*. Edward Blah-
op, Mrs. Hduston, Miss Houston, Mrs.
Ikdtey, .Mrs. Wllmer, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs.
W. A. Wlmblsh. Mr*. Sam D. Jones.
Mrs. Ivy T. Harrison and Mr. M. J,
Vickery were married Monday after,
noon In the parlors of St. Joseph In
flrmary by Rev. Mr. Mack of the Cum
berland Presbyterian church.
' The ceremony wa* witnessed by only
a few intimate friends and relatives of
the bridal couple, and was performed
In luce.
A salad and Ice course will be served
during the afternoon In the dining
Punch will be served In the back
Blzelle Blocks,
An orchestra stationed In the re
ceptlon hall will ndd greatly to the
pleasure of the afternoon.
Assisting In entertaining will be: J.
H. Brad field, Mrs. J. L. Mell, Mrs. C.
P. Taylor. Mr*. O. O. Venable. Mr*.
M. M. Anderson. Mr*. W. M. Nichols,
Mr*. J. I,. Jernlgan. Mr*. T. W. Jol
son, Mrs. J. W. Rite, Mr*. Hammer,
Miss Irene Ingraham, Miss Georgina
Still, Miss Bailie Carmichael, Miss
Cordle Scott, Mis* Willie Edwards,
Miss Nell Hightower, Miss Regina
Lynch, Miss Margaret Eakln, the
Misses Norris and the Misses Davis,
The following excellent menu will
be served by the Young Wpmen'
Christian Association Wednesday from
17:10 to 2:00 o'clock, at the rooms of
the association In the Bteln^r-Emery
Vegetable Soup Steak, (to order)
Fried Chicken
Balmon Croquettes
Sliced Cold Tongue
Rice Browned Potatoes
String Beans .
Okra Corn Sliced Tomatoes
Cold Slaw
Hot Biscuit Corn Pone
Bread and Butter
Peaches and Cream
Pineapple Ice Cream
Coffee ' Tea Milk
Bread and Butter served with meat
Among those who were registered
at the Ocean View hotel at 8t. Simon's
Islnnd Sunday were:
Mr. Ben Watt*. Rome, G*.: Mr. W.
Stephens, Jacksonville, Fla.; Mr;
H. H. Steiner, Atlantn; P. -A. Car-
son and Vlfe, 8ylve*ter, Oa.; J. H.
Westberry and wife. Sylvester, Ga.;
Hon. t'hestley H. Mathews, Atlanta;
Miss Emma Tryer, Blakely, Oa.: Mlsa
Kathleen Odum, Blakely, Ga.; Misses
Florence Hughey arih Hattie Sick,
Plalnsvllle, Oa: Mr. E. A. Northen,
Atlanta; Miss Marlon Caulklns, Thom-
asvllle, Oa.: Mr*. M. D. Smith. Blakely,
Ga.; Mr. A. I.. Jones and family. Geor
gia; Mr. E. M. Mallettn. Thomasville;
Mr. E. 8. Majette and family. Jesup.
; Mr. William Ourtman, Atlanta;
B. Arlington. Jacksonville, Fla,; C.
Roan, Douglas, Ga.; Mr. J. II. and
Mlsa Sue Tusael'. Fitzgerald, Ga; W.
H. White and B. N. Bussey, Chauncey,
Ga.; T. P. Glansey. Eastman, Ga.; L.
D. Thompson and family, Waycross.
Oa; Messrs. Fred B. Davl*. L. A.
Warner and Charle* 8. Bate*. Chatta
nooga. Tenn.: Ml** Ruby James. Doug-
lasvtlle, Ga.; Ml*» Augusta Hardin,
Atlanta; Mr. T. Ellis Lockhart, At-
(lie III mill IGUim, OMU ****** l n,»uuiivu
at the Infirmary because of the recent
critical Illness at this institution of the
groom, Mr. Vickery, who la only now
Mrs. Vickery Is an accomplished
young woman, of unusual beauty, and
the daughter of Major W. S. Tllllng-
hast, a prominent lawyer of Buford,
Mr. Vickery Is a successful business
man of Atlanta.
The bride wore a handsome blue silk
toilet with Eton Jacket and white lin
gerie waist. Her hat wa* of straw
trimmed with blue ostrich plume*.
Mr. and Mr*. Vickery will be at
Llthla Springs for several weeks.
Mlsa Ellen Richardson will entertain
at cards the latter part of the week In
honor of Miss Leila Waggoner, of Ath
ens, who arrives .soon to be her guesL
The Ladles' Auxiliary to the Saint
Vincent de Paul Society ha* post
poned Its barbecue dinner at Werner’s,
2-4 Broad street, until August 15 and
Henderson Visits Atlanta.
W. L. Henderson, agent of the land
and Industrial department of the
Southern railway, and well known to
local railroad men, was In the city
Monday on business, returning to his
offlee in Mobile, Ala.. Tuesday morn
ing. Mr. Henderson has entire charge
of the company’s Industrial business
In the states of Alabama, Louisiana
and Mississippi,
a Month Will Do.
Insures Against
Any Sickness, 6 Months
Any Accident, 24 Months
Accidental Death.
703 Prudential Building,
Phone 5330.
Perpetual Values.
Diamonds are not fads of recurring
periods. They are a standard and a
laating mode, and the quality ot our
stones la as constantly U beat
Davis & Freeman,
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Bull dine. Whitehall BL
per cent cream exclusively, and not
of a mixture of milk and water!
Furthermore, Nunnally’s Ice
cream is guaranteed pure to the last
drop in the bucket. Every ounce of
material used is thoroughly tested,
and we know that it is pure.
Nunnally's is a high-class prod
uct, sold at' a fair price, and really
worth every cent that it brings.
The lower grades of Ice Cream
are a cheap product, sold at a price
that is higher in proportion to what
you get than is Nunnally’s, and are
really not Ice Cream at all, but sim
ply Ice Milk or Ice Water.
That’s the difference.
Personal Mention
After an extended visit to. Eastern
cities. Mr*. J. M. Van Harlingen and
Miss Louise Van Harlingen are at the
Majestic. Miss Van Harlingen will re
main In Atlanta until November, when
she will go to New York to continue
the culture of her voice. She possesses
a high 1 soprano of rare sweetness.
Mlsa Annie P. Muse will leave In a
few days for New' York city, where
ehe will visit her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mra. W. M. Pendleton. Later on
she will be the guest of Mrs. Freder
ick Van Rensaelaer Bronck, In Hart
ford. Conn.
Mrs, Herbert Maflnon has returned
from a visit of several weeks to her
brother, Mr. Walter Hull, In the City
of Mexico. Mrs. Manson will proba
bly leave In a few days for the springs
to remain until the autumn.
The many frlenda of Mrs. H. Stiles
Bradley, who 1s now residing In St.
Louts, will be glad to know that she
will arrive In Atlanta this week for a
visit of several days.
CO. f 20 S. Pryor St., on WEDNESDAY,
Aug. 8, Commencing at 10 a. m.
Wo will sell the contents of 274 Whitehall and 461 Bass streets,
consisting of bedroom suites, parlor suites, carpets, '3 extension
dining tables, 18 dining room chairs, gas stove, some handsome
rockers, a lot of chairs, a lot of fine shades, curtain poles, Iron beds
mattresses, etc.; In fact everything that two well-furnlahed homes
contain. We also, at the same time and place, sell a lot of office
fixtures, consisting of large bookkeeper'a desk, roll top desk, Iron
safe, sectional book case, typewriter desks, flat desks, letter files
and a fine Invalid's or dentist’s chair.
B. BERNARD, Auctioneer.
S 88888228888238
days with relatives In Gwinnett county.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelley Ivey, who were
married Sunday afternoon in Atlanta,
by Dr. C, E. Dowman, are making their
home at Oxford, ,Oa- with Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Oliver.
Mrs. George S. Lowman and her
daughter, Miss Margaret Lowman, ac
companied by Misses Alice and Annie
Thomas, are at Virginia Beach for
yeral weeks.
Miss fcellie Howell left Monday night
to Join Mra. William Inman at Tox-
nway. Later ahe will be with Mrs.
Smith Pickett at Falrfleld Inn, N. C.
Mrs. Thomas M. Randall left Mon.
Mra. Rlx Stafford left Monday after
noon for Chattanooga, where she wilt
be the guest of Miss Marie Stafford for
several weeks.
Mr. A. W. Raoul Sams has returned
i Atlanta and will be connected 4n
■lth J. C. Melllchamp after
August 16.
Mrs'. W. R. Joyner and Mr*. Richard
Joyner, who apent a few days In th»
city last week, have returned to Ma.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Astnr Batchelor
left Monday for a trip to North Caro
lina. Later they will vlelt New York
city, ,
Mrs. Richard Petera left Tuesday for
Bayhead, N. J., to visit Mr. and Mra.
Ralph Peters at heir summer home.
Mr. and Mra. L. 61. Broad have re
turned to their home In Lawrencevllle,
after a visit to Atlanta frlenda.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Pierce have
returned to the city, after a two weeks'
visit to Tybee and Gainesville.
Mra. Harold Browne, of Savannah,
will be the gueet of Miss Adela Tuck
er during the present week..
Mrs. Wellborn Hill has returned
from a visit to friends at Philadel
phia and Roanoke. Va.
Mra. J. O. Hollenbeck will go to
Jacksonville Saturday. From there she
lall for Boston.
Mr. C. C. Chapin has returned to
Richmond after a visit to his brother,
Mr. W. E. Chapin.
Mr. and Mra. Clifford L. Near and
children are at home from a visit to
Michigan resort*.
Mr. James Speddlng Fetish, of Vir
ginia, will be In the city for a few
daye this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Phlnisy have
returned to Athens, after a visit to
Asheville. N. C.
Judge Howard Van Eppa la at horns
again from a stay at Warm Springs.
Rev. Dr. John E. White and Dr. W.
W. Landrum are in Richmond, Va.
Mr. Luclua McClesky Is spending
thle week at Tate Springs.
Mrs. John F. Bronsford. of Augusta,
Ga., Is at the Piedmont.
Mrs. L. Dick and Mrs. A
have returned to Marietta.
. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Orme left
Monday for Lyons, N, Y.
Mr. and Mr*. Lee Lawman left for
New York on Sunday.
Miss Lucy Franklin will soon return
from a visit to Rome.
A* J’knpinnn, Macon; U. J. Perryman, cltr;
i f; WJJf. Griffin; G. B. Bidet, Nawnai*
H. C. Dunlap, Gainesville.
_*’• H- Hutton, Augusta; C, Strickland,
\atdoata; Johu WlUUuu* nwl wrte, Com
merce; W. II. hotter, Eastman; F. E. Field,
wife and children, Statesboro; E. D. Gra
ham. wife and .child, Mcllae; John R.
Moore, Gainesville; Mra. G. W. Perkins
■ n 2 ‘fA 1 ?* Mllledgevllle; Mra. J. 8. Gibson,
and child, Newnau; T. B. Illce, Greenalioro;
MUlxA’.*- .Hawklnavllle; Mlsa Knte
W. Reeves, Car*
Smith. liawklnavllle; ... vm .
teravjlla; A. C. Bloenck, Jonesboro; Curran
R. Ellis* Macon * “
E., Lepa, Rome/
W. K. Hagler. Aug
Special to Tho Georgian.
Augusta, Oa., Aug. 7.—Miss Ida
Cal hound, aged 18, niece of Rev. C. M.
Wlnklnaon, a prominent Baptist di
vine, escaped from McNaughton’s prl-
private aanitartum, last night, and,
stealing Dr. McNaughton’s pistol,
walked to Weatvlew cemetery, two
miles from here, and while a sanity
commission was considering the quea-
tlon of her mental capacity, fired a
bullet through her heart. Pressed
next to her heart, beneath her clothing,
was the photograph of a young man,
through which the bullet was fired.
The commlflslon reached a decision
of Insanity before It was learned that
the girl had escaped.
Group Photo of 8enate.
A group picture of the senate of
1905-6 was placed on exhibition In the
senate ante-room Wednesday morning.
The only face missing Is that of Sena
tor Murphy Candler. All the senate
officials are included in the group.
Icis; J. C. Couch, Amerlcus; P. II. Cohen,
Havnnnab: E. T. Tetieau. Hnvsnnnli; W. F.
ttlwleu. Savamish; A. A. (Mason* Havnn-
uah; K. II. Dixon. Thomasville: E. B. Bill-
ley, Htxgerold; Charles F. Mckentle, An-
W. -Wsttew and wife, AI-
l*ny; Thornton Wheatley, Amerlcus; Mar-
fha0 J. Smith, Macon; J. A. Peacock, Dub
lin; E. C. Rrnson. Athens; Charles D. Beit-
e® 1 *. Cordeie; Joseph C. Pul ford. Macon;
\\. E. Estes, Savannah; Charles V. Rnluey,
Mavsnnnh; J. W. McIntosh, Goss; II. II.
Perry/ Gainesville; h/'M, brown,’ Macon,
J. I.ouls McLeod, Abbeville; C. M. Hitch,
Mrs. P. J. Murray. Thnnuiston. j. iN
Pearl Daniel. Thomnstnn; Miss Clyde Dan
iel, Thomnstnii; Miss Emmie Daniel,
Thomaston; I*. A. Rhodes, Angusta: J. F.
Fender, Valdosta; C. B. Ayers, Daniels*
vllle; D. A. Moseley. Danlelsville.
at theIumball.
Burnett, Waycross;
field, Amerlrtts
J. G. J
nah; J. ...
LaUrange: tt. C. Nortnnn, Washington: D.
B. Jo/, Fltxgerald; C. D. Jordan. Moiitleel-
. G. James. Cordele; C. II. Medly. Havan-
. B. James. _Havannnhj E. G. Head.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gavan have re
turned from an extended trip to North
ern resorts.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bfirbank and
children are, at Tallulah Falls for a
short stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blosser have
returned from an extended visit North
and East.
Miss Loulle. Roper arrives In a few
days to be the guest of Miss Thorn-
Mr. J. M. Clower Is spending several
lo; \\. K. Knight. Donaldson: John Robert
son. Monroe; W. II. McI,cndon, Fort
Gaines; T. G. Hntucll, West Point; A. C.
Blalock. Joneslioro: M. T. fiend, Hawkins*
vllle; T. M. Scovllle, Oglethorpe; E. M.
Howell. Athens: C. C. Howland. Ball
Ground; R. II. Rowland. Ball Ground; L.
V. Hatcher. Augusta; W. W. Umbdln,
Bartlesville; C. Rhyne. Jasper; 'C. P. Car
michael, Monroe; R. G. Daniel, Mitten; j.
J. Bouden. Clarkesvllln; II. p. Camp.
Mays vllle: Mrs. C. Joifes. Fltsgentld; F.
8. Harrell, Tlfton: L. F. Livingston. Cov
ington; J. R. VsnBuren, Jones county; \V.
10 Cents
Spend Each
W* will give 11,000 to th*
or One Cent for every official but
ton or pin sold.
Solid Metal Gold Plate Button.
For Sale by Dealer*.
717 Fourth National tank Building,
Atlanta Phone 1910.
The pictures are tastefully framed and are among the best work of
Charles Dana Gtbaon. They would make an excellent decoration for that
vacant (pace on your wall.