Newspaper Page Text
■ 1
i l KNDAY. ALGL'Hl 7, Ilf-
First of the New Silks
In this Sale at S9c Yard
Value of These Silks $1.00
Here they are—soft, eleunnt Taffetas and Louisines. Newness is their cliitff char
acteristic, newness of coloring nnd design.
Invisible stripps and shadow checks and plaids are shown in the most effective
and pleasing combinations; plenty of the new browns and blues nnfl grays nnd greens
among them. They arc handsome Silks with a beautiful finish, a grade for stylish waists,
and shirtwaist suits.
Not small lots and end-of-season styles, remember, but new Silks here right from
the manufacturer, as fine a quality as is ever sold ordinarily for $1.00,'at 59c yard.
More New $5.00 Skirts
We are very proud of our $5.00 Skirts. For the money they arc the best values
obtainable. The materials are the choicest and the workmanship is of very high charac
ter; all the styles shown being duplicates of much finer Skirts.
There is an excellent variety to select from. Now, better than usual, because of
these late arrivals..
Black Taffeta Silk Skirts and Skirts of blnek Voile form n very interesting pnrt
of the display'. In another group are some attractive new models of blnek Panama; still
another: handsome Skirts in the three popular shades of gray. All the newest designs
are shown in novelty stripes, broken plaids and shadowed effects — correct materials
and shadings. s
The character of these Skirts distinguishes them from any at $5.00 we have ever
seen. A half more than their price is the true value of many of them.
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
Store of Many Departments.
Showing the Arrival and Departure of Tas-
•enter Trains of the Folio wing Roads:
ATLA?T±lt! _ ltATnioATL
i— I No.—Depart To—
2 Nashville. 8:85 —
74 Marletta.,ll:10 pm
1 92 Naihrllle.4:60 pm
i.. 6:80
No.—Arrive From— , _ . _ ...
• 3 Nil shrill*.. 7:10 nm * 2 Nashville. 8:35 am
73 Marietta... 8:16 am) 74
•¥3 Nashville..11:45 92 Nl
75 Marietta... 2:60 pmf 72 MarlettaHHPH
* l Nashville.. 7:16 pmr 4 Nathrllie. 8.50 pm
■ FEN’ftiAl'aP 6EoR<5!a ftltLWIf.
Arrive From— I Depart To—
Savannah 7:10 amfMncou 12:01 ora
Jacksonville.. 7:60 am Hamnnah..... 8:00 am
Macou 11:40 am Macon 4:00 pm
Savannah 4:06 pm Savannah 9:16 pm
Mscnn 7 nm ! .lacbaniud" * “•"*
.11:35 pni|*SeJniH 4:8J pm
Lg»t»ronfe 8:2‘) anilLaGrante.... 5:30 pn:
•Monfc.uuerv. 3:40 pm ,\\lonfg m’rr.ll:15 pm
•Daily. All other trains dally except Ban-
All trains of Atlanta nnd West Folnt
Railroad Company arrive at nnd depart
from Atlanta Terrolnnl station, corner of
Mitchell street and Madison avenue.
ttEottdlA ttAlLkoAE
Arrive From—
•Augusta 5:00 am
(.'oarers 6:46 nm
Coring ton 7:46 am
•Augusta.. . .12:30 pm
Covington.... 6:10 pm
-hkaitcain> AiiruNi: iiaiewiyt
Arrive From—, j. Depart To—
> pm,.Memphis..... 6:00 pm
Shown in Central
Trains Leave Atlanta. New Terminal
8tation, corner Mitchell and
Madison Avenue.
N. B.—Following schcdulo figures pub
lished only as information and are not
4:00 A. M.—No, 28, DAILY. Local to Blr-
mIngham, making all stops; arriving in
Htrmlngham 10:15 a. ni. '•
5:30 A. M.—No. 1*. DAILY. “CHICAGO
vestibuled train Atlanta to Cincinnati with
out change, composed of vcstibuled (lay
<onrbe* and I’ulltnnn drawing room sleep
ing cats. Arrives Rouse 7:30 n, m.; Chat
tanooga 9:45 a, ra.; Cincinnati 7:30 p. m.;
tauisvllle 8:16 p. m.i Chicago 7:28 a. m.
Cafe car service. All meals betweeu At
lanta nnd Cincinnati.
5:30 A. M.-No. SO DAILY, to Griffin and
Columhua. Arrives Griffin 7:11 a. m.; Co
lumbus 29 a. m.
4:15 A. M.—.*o, 12, DAILY, local to Mocon,
Hrunswick and Jacksonville. Makes all
■tops , arriving Macon 9:1a a. in.; Bruns
wick 4 p. m.; Jacksonville 7:40 p. m.
I 7.00 A. M.-No. 35, DAILY.-I'ullnran to
I blrmingbsm, Memphis, Kansas City and
Colorado Springs. Arrives Memphis 8:06
P m.; Kansas City 9.45 a. in., and Colorado
Springs 8:16 a. in.
7:60 A. M.-No. 12. DAILY.-Loca! to
Charlotte, Danville, Richmond and Ashe
7:56 A. IUNi 7. DAILY. Chattanooga.
12 NOON, No. Si, DAILY.—Washington
and Southwestern Limited. Electric light-
• I- SI*.-ping, library, observation nnd elm#
'•ars through without change. Dining cars
**rve all meals en route. Arrives Wash
tugtoa 8:12 a. m.; New York U:*\ p- m.
1:00 P. M.-No. 10. llAILV.-S.w York
Lxpress. Imy n»nclies between Ationtn and
Washington. Sleepers between Atlanta,
• La riot te and Washington. Arrives Wash-;
bigton 21:66 a. m.; New York 4 p. m.
12:15 l\ M,—No. ;i. DAILY f .•
1 i"»n, arriving Macon 2:40 p. m.
, 4:10 P. M.-No. 1». DAILY.—Macon and
■ liiu'Kliisrllle. rullnmn observation chat.
«ar Atlanta to Macon,
4:25 P. M.-No. 37. DAILY.-Pullmau
fleeplog ear and ••ny r<mche» to Ulrtnlag
ham. Arrives lllrmlnghnui 9:15 p. m.,j
i i\ >i“ \V,. i * a i i . v, s:.N
'lay. “Air Uno Belle*’ to Toccoa. VXS-
4:J0 p. M.—No. 22. DAILY.—Griffin and
(°lumbos. Pullman palace sleeping cur
*1117’ DAILY.—Tbronjth I
drawing room and sleeping cars jo Cm-1
cinnatl and Memphis nnd Chattanooga to
- : .■• Aril\p-> K-niir 7:LD |>. in.: Dalton,
I'M p. m.t Chattanooga 9 p. m.; Memphis
8:20 s. ni.: Louisville 8 50 a. in.; 8l Louis
6 P- W*. Cincinnati H:10 u. m.
4:15 V. M.-No. 25. DAILY.—Mokes all
•top* Local to IIearn: arrives lleflln 10.51
P m.
11:16 P. M.-No. 14. DAILY
Wo have .for sale. Immediate delivery:
300 M. "Carolina Specials" Highest grade Cypress Shingles, full
dimension, 5x16, Bests-Prlmes.
500 M., each All Heart Pine, full dimension, 4x18 and 5x16
500 M. No. 2 Pine 4x18 and 5x16 Shingles.
1,000,000 Standard Green Laths, 4 feet long, (exactly 1 1-2
Inches wide, exactly 3-8 Inch thick.
We can deliver carloads and mixed carloads to all points In
Georgia at satisfactory prices. Drayload lots a specialty.
800 tons Hair Fibre and Wood Fibre Plaster ready for Im
mediate shipment from Atlanta, Birmingham and .Montgomery.
Dehydratlne, the highest grade Damp and Water Proofing
Anti-Bucket Shop Bi
Permits the Legiti
mate Exchanges.
Vine, Fin. Throusb .l.aplng car. and day
conebe* to Jacknmrill. nod Urunawlck; ar
rive* Jackaoavllle 1:M a. m.: Urunawlck
k a. m.: St. Auarti.tln. 10 a. nf
11:*) P. II—So. W. DAILY—Tbroueb
Pullman drawln* room ■Iccnlnu rar. At
lanta to Shreveport. ..ocal .leener Atlanta
i? srasMBk ifS’s.flsaaSTdft
m. : Vlck.bur*, 4:01 p. m.: Shrarapott 10:80
n. in. Sleepers open to recslr* passtafers
It fi'lOHT-No. SO, DAILY.—United Stata.
Fast Mall. Solid rentllmlrd tralu. Sleeplus
rara to New 1 ork, Richmond. Charlotte and
Aahertlle. Coaches lo Waabfaston. Dining
earn serve all meals en route. Arrives
Wa.hlaiton (JtIp. m.j .V.w Vork t-Jl a. m.
‘oenl Atlanta-Charlotte steeper open to
•reive panaeneera at »:00 p. m. letcal
tUnta-Asheville aleener open 10:10 P. m.
Ticket Office No, I Peachtree, nn Vladnct.
refer* bonding, and new Terminal Station.
Both 'Phone.. City offlee. 111 rnalu: depot.
Vo. t on Terminal exchange.
Southern Home Pure Lead and Zinc
Palnta, Pure Putty, Varnlahea, Oil
Colore, Window and Plate Glaot.
Wholesale and retail.
Atlanta. Savannah.
Round Trip — Chattanooga
and Lookout Mountain
via Western & Atlantic R.R.
Battlefield Route. J -
Shortest Line and Qulckeat Time.
Tickets on tale every Saturday; good
rill Tuesday followlnff.
An opportunity to vlelt Chlckamau-
ga Park during the encampment of the
Georgia 8tate Guard.
For tickets, schedules and further
Information, call on
J. A. THOMAS, City Paat. & Tkt. Agt.
■Phones 169 M. Bell; 153 Atlanta.
C. B. Walker, Depot Ticket Agt.
■Phone 2t3 Main.
C. E. Harman, Q. P. A.
Reprepentatlve Anderson was
O asked for his opinion on the
O W’heatley substitute to the Boy-
O kin bill, nnd said:
"The Wheatley substitute is
O much stronger than the Boykin
O bill, because It prevents sperula-
O tlon and gambling, drawing the
O distinction between bucket shops
O and legitimate exchanges so
O clearly that there can be no mls-
0 take.
"It prohibits dealing In stocks, O
O bonds or securities when such O
O transactions are not made for a O
O legitimate business purpose.
O "There are forty-four concerns O
O paying the license of $1,000 to do O
O business in Georgia. Atlanta alone O
O has fourteen. This bill. If passed, 0
0 will wipe over two-thirds of them 0
0 out of existence.”
At a meeting of the senate agrlcultu
ral committee held Monday afternoon
the Wheatley substitute for the BdykJn
anti-bucket shop bill was recommended
by a vote of 7 to 6.
Senator Wheatley's substitute Is in
the main similar to Mr. Anderson's
substitute defeated In the house,
advocating this substitute before the
senate commltteo several days ago, Mr.
Anderson stated that it was a much
stronger and better bill than the one
offered by hlrhself.
It drawB the distinction clearly be
tween the legitimate exchanges and
bucket shops. This Is the Wheatley
bill in full:
A Bill, To be entitled an act to define
and prohibit bucket shops and bucket
shopping within this state, nnd to pro-
\ I < 1 ** penalties theiefoi; t.. ;i ■ ,.h'
what shall constitute prlma fade evl*
dence of guilt; to provide that the
books, papers and accounts of any
such concerns or persons charged with
violation of this act shall be competent
evidence in prosecutions under* this
act; to compel nil persons to testify
concerning their own or others' acts
and dealings and connections there
with; to provide exemption and Immu
nity to such witnesses from any In
dictment or prosecution for any of the
acts or doings so disclosed by him
a witness; and for other purposes.
Pection 1. Be It enacted by the gen-
oi.i : assembly <>f Hu «.f Georgia
a.*d it is hereby enac.wJ by the author-
lt> of the same, that a bucket shop,
within tin- meaning of this act Is de
fined to be an office or place wherein
the owner, manager or operator there
>f. whether acting in his or Its own
behalf or as the agent, correspondent
representative of any other person,
corporation or copartnership within or
without this state makes ..r holds out,
or offers to make contracts, agreements
or transactions upon margins for the
purchase or -ale, .n* purchase and sale
of any cotton, grain, provisions or
other commodity, or of any stocks,
bonds or other securities, when such
contracts, agreements or transactions
are not made for a legitimate business
purpose; or when both parties there
to, or said owner, manager or operator
contemplate or Intend that such con
tracts, agreements or transactions shall
not Involve ;m actual delivery of stall
articles, commodities, stocks or secur
ities, but! be closed, adjusted or
settied upon the basis of published
quotations or market prices made upon
any exchange or board of trade, when
the published quotations of such mar
ket prices shall reach a < ertaln desig
nated tlgise or price; or when the said
owner, manager or operator, or one of
them, If more than one. Is not an actual
member of, or agent, representative
correspondent of an nctual member of
some bona tide commercial exchange
or board of trade or other similar bona
tide trade organization In the I’nlted
States upon the floor of which such
commodities, ‘•forks or other articles
are actually dealt in; or when the said
owner, manager or operator does not
Immediately execute and perform such
contract, agreement or transaction by
SI b*»ns tide tinnsnctloii on such « v
change or board of trade of which ha
Is nn actual member, or the agent, cor
respondent or representative of nn act-
mil member, or when the said con-
tracts, agreements or transactions are
for fractional lots, amounts or uuantl-
tles not permitted by the rules of such
exchango or board of trade. It Is the
Intention of this act to prohibit within
this state the keeping or operating of
places commonly known am bucket
shops, and also to prohibit the business
or practice known as bucket shopping
conducted by any persons, corporations
associations or copartnership under ths
guise of ostensibly carrying on a legit
imate line of business: And the of
fense of keeping a bucket shop shall
b«* dci-mrd committ< d bv mu b « on< ••tu,
owner, manager or operator who of
fers, "a hereinbefore provided, to make
any "uch prohibited contracts, agree-
mentR or transactions, whether such
offer la accepted or not.
Section 1. Be it further enacted by
the nuthoi ty aforesaid that from and
afttr^the passage of. this act It shall
be unlawful for any Arm, copartner
ship, association, corporation or other
person to keep, operate or cause to be
kept or operated within this state any
bucket shop as hereinbefore defined, or
to engage within this state In the prac
tice or business of bucket shopping as
contemplated and prohibited by thfa
act. Any person or corporation, wheth
er acting on his or l*s own account or
as a member, office*-, agent, employee
representative of any other person,
_ rporation. association or copartner
ship who shall, within this state, ke^p,
manage, or operate, or assist In the
keeping, managing or operating of any
bucket shop, or who shall do or com
mit anv of the acts and things by this
act prohibited shsll be guilty of a mis
demeanor and upon crfnvlctlon thereof
ahnil be punished as provided In sec
tion 1029 of the Code of this state. Any
continuance of such bucket shop or
bucket shopping after the first convic
tion shall be deemed and held a sepa
rate and distinct offense for each and
every day of such continuance.
Section 3. Be U further enacted by
the authority aforesaid that the follow
ing acta or omission* shall constitute
and shall be deemed and held to be
prlma fade evidence of guilt under this
' ; When any person or cor
poration who is engaged In the busl-
| 1 ness of making or offering to make
■ (contracts, agreements or transactions
Sale of Trimmed Hats
10.00, 12.50, 15.00
and 20.00 Pattern
Hats Wsdnesday
Between 50 and 60 Pattern Hats all
told. , Hats distinctly rigEt for these
midsummer days'and early fall wear.
Hats for street wear, traveling or more
formal functions. Medium and large
shapes in Neapolitan braids.
Black with velvet and flower crown;
white, with lace and roses; pale blue
with roses pf pink.
Black' Braid Hats with chiffon silk
ribbon and tips.
Sailor Shapes in red horse hair with
wing and ribbon to match.
Milan Braids with fruit ribbon and
Exclusive designs and all modes of
the moment WEDNESDAY MORN-
Chamberlih-Johnson-DuD9se Co.
upon margins for ths purchase and or
sale of any articles, commodities or ss- 1
rurlties as contemplated by this act
shall omit or fall to publish or display
such office or place the name of the
exchange or board of trade, or othsr
similar bona fide trade organization of
which ho or they are the actual mem
bers, or ns to which he or they are the
agents, representatives or correspond
ents of an actual member, and the
names of surh members; or shnJl pub
lish said information falsely; or when
any such person or corporation shall
fall or refuse to furnish promptly up
on reasonable demand, to any custom
er or principal, with whom any such
order, contract, agreement or transac
tion iS made, a written etaterm-n' <<>n-
tainlng the names of the parties from
or to whom the said commodities,
stocks or other articles were bought or
sc id. as the case may be. the time
• l ■ •- - •■ r l>> r>-, iind flu* i-i !• *:
m which the same were either bought
■ sold; or shall furnish said Informa
tion falsely, the same not being true in
Section 4. Be It further enacted by
the authority aforesaid that in any
prosecution under 'hi* act the books,
papers and accounis - f the concern or I
person charged with a violation of this
shall be competent ns evidence and
witness shall be excused from testl- I
Tying touching anything done by him
self or others contrary to the provis
ions of thIs act; but no discovery made
by a witness shall be used or made the
basis of any prosecution agnlnst him ;
for any violation of this act because of j
the acta or things so disclosed by him; j
>1 shall enjoy full exemption and im
munity from prosecution or indictment
flection 6. Be It further enacted by I
the authority aforesaid that no person 1
or corporation committing any of the
acts or things prohibited by this act
shall permitted In defense thereof
to plead the payment of any license or
o111•■ l fax f«. flu- .Itat#*. III to am < omity
or municipality thereof, nor shall the
payment of any' such license or other
tax in any wise operate to relieve such
offender from the jiennltlea imposed by
this act.
flection 6. Be it further enacted by
the authority aforesaid that all laws
nnd parts of laws in conflict with this
act be, and the same are hereby re
Hr l*rlv«te leased Wire.
Washington. Aug. 7.—The battleship
Ohio has arrived at Yokohama from
Chefoo with the body of Rear Admiral
Train, commander of the Astatic fleet,
who died after a brief Illness at Che-
BROADWAY at 54th St
The most
hot«*l In Kpw York. Its furnishings
nri> rut#*, rich and In good taste.
Tiled Imtli rooms vrutlTatlnc Into
th#* open «lr a feature. T* tepboae la
This hotel offers to permanent and
transient guests superior ft room mods*
tlmis, senl«-e. etc., nt tempting rates.
Hend for lllufttmted booklet.
HIS THREE WIVES. Or. a A. Wilton.
Johnson and H.rdy, Will Doekr.y, ,..T, he „ of Dr
Chariot F. Stmon, Eddl. Mack, BrlS
damour and Cam.ragraph. , Hm . Th , |n(erl „/ nl '
Sal* at Grand Box Offlco ‘.Westview cemetery.
too ln.t Friday. The body w,i accom-
ptnled by the lute admiral’* non, Llru-
trnnnt Train, rnmmtnd.r of the former
Spanish irunhont gulroa.
The body w ill be brought from Japan
P. either Seattle or 8*n Francisco bv
one of the regular steamship*. It will
be conveyed directly to the admiral's
home In Morrmow