Newspaper Page Text
MTrnriAT. AforsT u. ifi
Mr*. George G. Bill, Editor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants.
Pure High-Grade Candy Is Healthful.
Cheap, Impure Candy Is Not.
Monday mornlnif Ur*. _ Bartow
Blount rave a delightful bridge party
In honor of Alra. Edward Van tVInkle.
Thorn present were Mlaa Mildred
CabanTss, Mlaa Nannie Xlcolatm, Mias
Annie Flttsn. Mlaa Mary Klnrabery,
Mra. George Forrester. Mra. Jamea
w illiams, Mra. Joseph Ralne, Mrs.
Hyde, Mra. Harry Htearna, Mrs. Jar-
Mr. and Mra, Edward Peters gave a
f'aslno party Monday evening In honor
of Mlaa Louise Joseph, of Columbus.
The other members of the party were
Mr. and Mra. J. Frank Meador, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Milton Dargan, Mr. Jamea
Xunnally. Mr. Wimberly Peters.
An event of Tuesday morning was
the bridge parly tvhlrh Mra. Frank
Mlkell gave to Mra. Joseph Pou. of Co
lumbus, the guest of Mrs. J. Frank
Meador. Mra. Mlkell's guests Includ
ed a coagenial number of women who
were together at Warm Spring*. They
were Mra. Joseph Pou, Mra. Frank
Meador, Mra. George Crandall, Mra.
Thornton Marye, Mra. Frank Butt,
Mra. Edward MrCerren, Mra. Milton
Dargan, Mra. Clarence Angler, Mra. V.
c. Badham. Mrs. A. T. Brown, Mlaa
Jennie Daigen.
The eodal event of Tueaday after
fioon was Mra. Robert Alaton’a bridge
which was given In honor of Mra. Jos
eph Pou.
Invited to meet Mra. Pou were Mra.
Meador, Mrs. Albert Thornton, Mlaa
l«n»a Dooly, Mra. Georg* Traylor, Mrs.
Hurry Stearns, Mra. Archibald Davis,
.Mrs. Clark Howell, Mrs. Albert Howell,
Mrs. Henry Grady, Mias Cabanlaa, Mrs.
■ t O. Mathewaon. Mrs. Dan Harris,
Mrs. Thornton Marye, Mrs, Frank Har
deman, Mrs. C. C. Hanson, Mrs. George
ci.indall, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Charles
s. ipto, Mrs. George Howard, Mrs. Rob
ert F. Hhrddvn. Mrs. Roby Robinson,
Mrs, ,E. R. Black, Mra. Edward Blah-
op. Airs. Houston. Mlsa Houston, Mra.
Lakey, Mrs. Wllmer, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs.
W. A. Wlmblsh, Mrs. Ham D. Jones.
Tuesday evening Mlaa Frances Con
nolly gave n birthday dinner In honor
of Mlaaea Courtney Harrison and Julia
Rosser. Mlae Connelly's gueeta were
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Ms'lln, Mias
Courtney Harrison, Mlaa Julia Rosser,
Ml-* Nora Belle Rosser, Mr. Morris
Prloleau, Mr. Luther Rosser, Mr.
Charles Collier, Mr. Harry Joyner.HH
Wednesday morning Mrs. Georgs
Famous “Peach Girls"
Of Gadsden, Alabama
. _ ■ Louise Joseph, the guest of
Mra. Edward Patera.
Mra. Frank Meador's bridge In honor
of her guest, Mra. Joseph Pou, wee a
delightful event of Wednesday after
noon. Invited to meet Mra. Pou were
Mrs. Harry Steams, MfV Edward Caba-
nlss, of Birmingham; Mrs. Robert Als
ton. Mrs. George Howard, Mrs. Henry
Grady, Mrs. Edward McCerren, Mrs.
Albert Thornton, Mra. Thornton
Marye, Mrs. Edward Prtara, Mrs. AIII-
<on Dargan, Mra. Edward Van Winkle,
Mrs W E. Wllmerdlng, Mlri Mildred
Ch hanlaa, Alisa lama Dooly and Mlaa
Louisa Joseph, of Columbus.
Thursday Mrs. Edward McCerren
gave a bridge party In her apartments
at the Colonial, on North avenue, In
honor of Mrs. Joseph Pou and Mlsa
Louise Joseph.
Mrs. McCerren's guests were Mrs.
Joseph Pou. Air*. Frank Aleador, Mra.
Georg* Traylor, Air*. Robert Alston,
Mrs. Dan Harris, Mrs George Crnn-
dall, Mrs. Milton Dargan, Mrs. Frank
Mlkell, Air*. J. F. Van Rtnaselaer, Mra.
Edward Peters, Mr*. Ten Eyck Drown,
.Mrs. D. D. Carson, Mra. Edwin Ehney,
Mlsae* Louise Joseph, Martha Whit
man, Blanche Canon, Florenrs Hobbs,
Ethel Kelly, Emma Robinson, Rollne
Clark and Jennie Dargan.
Friday morning Mra. Harry Btenrn*
Informal bridge was a compliment to
Mrs. Edward H. Cabanlaa, the guest
of Mra, G. A. Cabanlaa, and Mrs. Jos
eph Pou, the gueat of Mr*. Frank Mea
dor. Mra. Btearns' guests Included Mra.
lOdward Cabanlaa, Mra. Joseph Pou,
Mrs. Frank Aleadbr, Mr*. Robert Al
ston. Mr*. Henry Grady. Mra. Bartow
It]-unt, Aim. Edward Van Winkle, Mra.
c. C. Hanson, Mr*. Charles Bclple, Mra.
John Wing, Mrs. June Oglesby, Jr.,
Mrs. Robert Shedden, Mra. lienry Pee
ples, Mra. Albert Howell, Airs. George
Howard, Mrs. Vaughan Nison, Mra.
Dan Cabanlaa. Mra. Roby Robinson,
.Mrs. A. F. Cool edge, Air*. Clark Howell,
Miss Mildred Cabanlaa, Allas Harris
Fttmnde and Mlaa Ruth Hallman.
Mrs. W. E. Foster's bridge party Fri
day afternoon waa a charming compli
ment to Mrs. Theodore Petre, of Co-
l imbus, the guest of Airs. W. J. Pea
body, and to Air*. George Cunningham,
of Washington, D. C, the guest of Atlas
Mary Adair Howell.
Mrs. Foster's guesta were Afrs. Pea-
bodv. Mra. Theodora Petre, Aire. W. R.
c Smith, Mlsa Alma Pope, Airs. J. J.
Ripley, Mra. Frank Britt, Allas Howard,
of Augusta; Allas Mattie Blaton, Mra.
s C. Atkinson, Mrs. Alice Muse
Thomas, Messrs, j. h. Baird, Edward
Bishop. Murdock Walker, W. K. WII-
merillng. Charles Wilkins, Samuel
Smith. Mlaa Belle Stewart, Mrs. Prlo-
leiiu Ellis, Mr*. Peter Erwin, Mra.
Samuel MegHI, Mias Mary Howell,
Si 1st Caroline Howell, Mrs. Cunning
ham, Aliases Leila and Nellie Mills,
M i-sea Gertrude and Lee Brandon,
Mr*. L. Z. Ruff, Mra. Marshall Eck-
Saturday afternoon Mra. Floyd Atc-
llae cave a tea In honor of Mrs. Blllea
Bradley, of St. Louts. In the evening
a number of dinner parties will be
given at the Country t’lub.
MRS. M'rTe’8 TEA.
The tea at which Mra. Floyd McRae
entertained Saturday afternoon In hon
or of Mra. H. Stiles Bradley, formerly
of Atlanta, but now of St. Louis, was
one of the moat beautiful social func
tions of the week.
Airs. Bradley has In Atlanta a wide
circle of triende. and la receiving here
a warm welcome.
Mra. McRae's tea, given In her hon
or, brought together Otty or more wom
en who an members of Trinity church,
and who were so happily associated
with Mrs. Bradley during her hus
band’s pastorate here.
Mra. McRae'a attractive home waa
decorated with white and yallow How-
era. In the dining room white only
Here la a picture of a party of society young ladle* of Gadsden, Ala.,
who spent two weeks nt the Elliott Canning Factory, near Gadsden,
and canned peaches. The outing was greatly enjoyed.
Commencina with the top row, and reading from left, those composing
the group are Eva Blair, Captain J. M. Elliott, Jr., Mary Connor, Mary
Murphree, Leo Gaiser, Tommie Manning, Rebecca Sandlin, Nellie Tur
ner, Helen Adams, Miss Prlntup, IVHIIr Boykin, Lola Alannlng, Carrie
West colt. Bessie Boykin, Rosalie Connor, Pauline Connor, Nena Elliott
and Alotlte Manning. >
II ™
waa used, the table holding ■ center
piece of white hydrangeas, and the
mantel being manned with these flow-
The library, which la a spacious room
furnished In rich browns, was mails
doubly attractive by quantities of sun
Mra. AIcRa# was charmingly gown
ed In a pink silk mull made princess.
Mrs. Bradley wore a becoming gown
of white silk eollenne brocaded In pink
Mra. AlcRae was assisted In receiv
ing by Mra. \V. C. Rnwaon and Mra.
L. r. Bell.
Mrs. Kawson and Mrs. Bsll wore
lingerie gowti* of while.
Mr*. Thomas W. Ollvar entertained
quite a number of the younger act of
Oxford Wednesday afternoon In honor
of her sister. Miss Willi* Belle Brewer,
and Alias Mary Ellen Law, of Marietta.
Mrs. Oliver was assisted In enter
taining by Airs. Shelly Ivey and Miss
Marie Lane Evan*.
Several game* were played, after
which delightful refreshments were
Those present were Misses Willie
Belle and Nina Brewer. Mary Ellen
Law, Julia, Annie, Jeesle nnd Claire
Dickey. Virginia and Eugenia Peed,
Clifford Williams, Annie Sue Bonnell,
Katharine Magath, Margaret Eakes,
Leonora Smith, Dorothy Weber, Laura
Thomas, Emma I-oulse Stone. Bert
Stone and Lillian Hyatt.
Mr*. J. Bartholomew gave n pi.-‘y
porch party Thursday afternoon at her
home on Capitol avenue.
The verandas were decorated with
ferns and palms and hanging baskets.
Mr*. Bartholomew wore a becoming
gown of white embroidered linen.
Those present were Mr*. Garret
Shipp, Mra. E. H. iAndon, Mra. A. L.
Starks, Air*. Joseph Brown. Airs. Jo
seph Duncan. Airs. E. L. Morria, Mrs.
II. G. H. Hhepnrd, Alls* Nona Prewitt,
Miss Annie Alorrla, Mlaa Hasel Brown.
Ails* Lillian Bryant.
Airs. D. «. Wilder and Mrs. George
Bern’ will entertain at a lawn party
next week in honor of Miss Katharine
Summers, of Barnesville, the guest of
Mrs. Wilder, and Messra. Wimberly, of
Savannah, who will stive next week
to be the guests of Air*. Berry.
Air*. Robert Ridley entertained the
Thursday Bridge Club on Friday at her
country home, Clalrmont. The top
score was made by Airs. Aloody and
she was presented with a hnnd-painted
fan; Mr. John Fttten won the conso-
lutlon, a box of card*. *
Those present, were: Air*. Fleming
dulllgnon. Mr*. Joseph Moody, Air*.
George Traylor. Atm. Estes of Savan
nah, Mrs. Analey nnd Mra. John Fit-
ten. •
Air*. William Peabody will entertain
at a bridge party next Thursday In
honor of hqr guest, Mrs. Theodore
Petre, of Columbus.
most enjoyable house parly at
which young people from all over the
state, have been gueels was that at
which Misses Florrte anil Annie Me
Boswell entertained Inst week at their
home nt Pentleld.
Misses Alary Myrtl* Corker nnd
Frances' Parks, of Atlanta, were among
the guests, and the party was chape
roned by Mr*. 8. S. Corker, of At
lanta. .' . . .
Riding, cards, dancing and baseball
were some of the nmusemenls In which
the young people participated, nnd a
typical Georgia barbecue, given on
Friday, was a most enjoyable climax
to a week of pleasure.
Tuesday evening a concert will be
given at the Alnjestlc by the guests of
that hotel. The concert has been got
ten up by Atr. .Morgan, nnd among
those on the program will lie: Mrs. E.
C. Cart ledge, Mis* Louise Van Harlin
gen, Air. Dave Silverman. Air. Earl
By our partial payment plan you can wear a nice diamond while paying for
It This i* the beat way to spent: money and at the same time save
it To be successful, look successful; wear a beautiful diamond.
The Diamond Palace, 37 Whitehall St.
Donaldson of Balnbridg* and other*.
Senator W**t and Mr. Nolan will
be among those who will make Intor
tnal talk*.
Wednesday evening Mice Ethel Burke
will entertain at a charming card par
ly at her home on North avenue In
honor of Airs. J. AI. Staples, of Indian
Territory, and Mlaa Sara Belle Bunkley,
of Macon.
Mlaa Burke'* guests will be; Mlee
Sara Belle Bunkley, Mrs. J, AI. Sta
ples, Mis* May Pagttt, Alla* Annie
Lou Pogett, Mies Ethel Kostin, Ml**
Julla'Moore, Ml** Annie Mattlaon, Alls*
Edith Lasarut, Mrs. T. P. Bunkley.
Mr. and Mrs. John Aldredge, Mr. and
Mra. J. Harvey Whitten, Mr. and Mrs.
Randolph Dixon, Mr. Jack 8mall, Mr.
Ernest Duncan. Afr. Georg* Burke,
Mr. James McNally, Mr. Wallace, Mr.
Gardner, Mr. James U. Horae, Mr.
Boyd, Dr. George Edmondron, Mr.
Tueaday afternoon Airs. John AI
dredge will entertain Informally at
bridge sixteen of her Intimate friends.
The occasion will be a pretty compll
ment to Afrs. J. AI. Staples, of Indian
Territory, and the Allas Bunkley, of
Macon, who are visiting Mr*. A. !'
Burke, on North avenue.
In compliment to Airs. H. Stiles
Bradley will be the tea at which Mr*.
Henry Johnson will entertain Tueeday
afternoon. The occasion will be de
lightfully Informal, Mra. Johnaon's
guesta to Includo only eighteen or
twenty of her Intimate friends.
Among the pleasant affair* planned
In honor of Airs. H. Stiles Bradley, of
St. Louie, during Iter vlelt to Afr*.
Floyd AlcRae, will be an Informal tea
at Which Airs. W. V. Raw-son Will *n
terrain for her next week. \
Saturday evening Mr. Fred Dlsbro
will be host of a very enjoyable occa
sion td be held In honor of Miss Ha-
■elle Alexander. A number of young
people will be Afr. Dlsbro's guests on
a trolley ride, and after a most divert
ing ride a delicious luncheon will be
Mias Margaret Bryan entertained at
a small Informal bridge, party Friday
morning at tb* Country Club. After
the game a luncheon waa aefved. Mis*
Bryan wore a pretty lingerie gown of
while mull and lace. The flrat prise, a
handsome book, was won by Mrs. Bur.
Those preeent were: Aire. Harrison,
Mr*. Burdette, Mra. Marie Thomas,
Mlee Julia Ortne, Mies Pickett and Miss
Mabel Power*.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hollingsworth
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Bessie Pearl, to Mr. Oscar
Plunket. the wedding to take place on
September II.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mount, of Hatches,
Alisa, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Bertha, to Mr. Fred S.
Solomon, of Alontgomery, Ala No
Friday evening a congenial number
of young people from Decatur formed
a congenial parly at the Casino. The
occnslon <ra* In honor of Alls*** Wilson
and Prince, the guests of Miss Nell
Hagan, and Messrs. Kamspeck and
June* were the host*.
Monday evening Misses Clemens will
give a box parly at the Casino In hon
or of Allss Hagan's guests.
Among those who wll^ entertain at j
dinner at the Country club Saturday
evening will be Mr. and Mrs. Van,
Harlingen, their guest of honor to be -
Alls* Louise Van Harlingen. The [
guests at dlnnor will Include; Alias j
Loulae Van Harlingen, Allas Blanche I
Carson, Mlaa Marguerite Hemphill,
Mlaa Blaise Stewart, Mlaa France-
Stewart, Air. Eustace Butts, Air. James
Alann and Mr. Westbrook, of Bruns
wick; Mr. Eari Donaldson, of Bain-
bridge, and Mr. Ed Barnett.
Air. and Atr*. Milton Dargan will
have a party of friends dining with
Mr. Frank Ortne wilt entertain at
dinner In honor of Miss Irene Kene-
lick, the guest of Miss Adorn Ander
son. Mr, Orme's guest* will Include;
Alls* Keneflck, Mias Anderson, Afrs.
Clifford Andaraon, Mr. James Alex
ander, Mr. Myron Freeman.
Mr. John K. Ottley will have several
friends a a hi* guest* and other* dining
at the club will Include; Mr. Hugh
Foreman, Mr. Anthony Byers, Air. A.
D. Adair, Jr* Mr. Will Glenn, Mlsa
Nannie Nlcotson. Mias Janie Speer,
Miss Anne Flttrn, Aliases Stockdell.
Misses Woodward.
Airs. W. D. Kills entertained Friday
morning at a delightful luncheon com
pllmenlary to Mra. John W. Aiken, of
Cartersvllle, who la spending the sum
mar In Atlanta, and to Mra. Alexander
O'Donnell, of New Orleane, the gueat
of Miss Bailie Alstons.
White bloasoma In conjunction with
ferns formed the artistic decorations,
the centerpiece on the table being
grape* were arranged at either end
of the table, In g very effective fashion,
Confections and other accessories ac
centuated the green and white color
An elaborate menu waa served. Atra.
Ellis wore a gown of black crepe do
chine; Mr*. O'Donnell's toilette was
of white lace trimmed mull, with pink
Mrs. Aiken wore a white llngeri-
gown, and Alls* Melone's costume was
also of soft white mull, trimmed with
Mra. Ellis' guests Included; Airs.
O’Donnell, Aire. Aiken, Airs. S. H. Me
lone, Allis Snllle Melon*, Mrs. J. W.
Pope, Mr*. Hudson Moore, Alls* Helen
Flynn, Airs. Lyman J. Amsden, Mrs.
Prloteau Kill*, Mr*. Petri, of Columbus,
Mrs. Harry Ellis.
Allas Adelaide Nelson, who Is touring
Europt- with Clark's vacation party,
writes most Interestingly of her travel*
to her sister, Airs. L. L. Knight, of At
lanta. Miss Nelson sailed from New
York In July nnd since that time hae
visited Glasgow, London, Brussels,
Paris, Neuhausen and Lucerne.
She will return about September 1,
when she will re-enter Agnes Scott
College at Decatur.
Alonday evening. August If, Gat*
City Hive will meet at .Iff Peach
tree (In the Columbian Woodman hall)
There will be Initiation, after which
refreshment* will be served. All lady
Maccabees are coedlally Invited.
Rose Colvin Hive No. 6 held a very
Interesting review nt the home of Air*.
Milton Hmlth Inst Thursday afternoon.
Several candidates were Initiated.
Prelude York
Cornet Barker
Voluntary—"The God of Abraham,
Praise'* Schackley
Offertory—"Out of Heaven"....Cowen
(Mr*. Peyton H. Todd and choir.)
Anthem—"Ti ‘ ‘
'each Me Thy Wuy
Poetlud* Cappelen
Air*. Peyton H. Todd, soprano; Ml»#
arguerlte Dunlap, alto; Air. Oecar
Cook, tenor; Air. John Scott, baes; Mr.
C, T. Wurro, cometlet; Air. J. P.
O'Donnelly, organist and director.
Mr*. B. L. Llllenthsl announces the
engagement of her daughter, Jenlne. to
Mr. liouls C. Adler, of Philadelphia.
Pa., the wedding to take place In the
Air. Luther Rosser nnd Alls* Julia
Rosser entertained a large party of
their young friends Friday evening
with a trolley party In honor of Miss
Frances Connelly and Alisa Courtenay
After a charming ride over various
car lines In the city and suburbs, de
lightful refreshments were served at
the home of Miss Rosser and Mr. Ros
ser. nt West End.
Mrs. A. H. Hill-man, of Albany, gave
a charming spend-the-day party Fri
day at Marietta, where she Is spending
the summer at the lleywood home.
The party was lit compliment to Mr*.
A. P. Coles and h • guents. Mr*. J. D.
Twiggs and Mrs. tV. 8. Tarver, but
the latter was unable to be present,
e* to the iUncse of her daughter.
Bring “Her” into
and you will both enjoy
an excellent
for Fifty Cents
and there will be good
while you cat.
When Diamonds are actual values,
their beauty Is a foregone conclusion
and our stones are thua doubly rec
Davis & Freeman,
Pure food is the question of the
day. It is demanded by sensible
people that all food products be ab
solutely pure and of a good quality.
It is a just demand.
Candy, as any other food, is made
in many different grades. Some are
pure and healthful, while others are
scarcely fit to eat. The question 16,
would you rather pay twenty or thir
ty cents for a cheap product, that is
positively Injurious to your health,
or pay sixty cents and get the very
Nunnaily’s candy is made of really
pure materials, under perfect sanitary
surroundings, and by men of years
of experience in making high-grade
candies. It is nourishing, delightful
to the taste, and gives to the body a
certain amount of saccharine matter
that is necessary to good health.
It is not cheap, but is sold at a
reasonable price. It is absolutely
pure, and besides being unusually
delicious, is a real body building
The best proof we can offer of the
above statements is our product
itself. Compare critically a box of
Nunnally’s with any other candy you
may choose, and your decision as to
the respective merits of the two
brands will be a fine advertisement
for us.-
Personal Mention
Air. nnd M«. H. N. Bullard, of Alounil
City, Ala, nnd Mr. Porter Payne, of
Philadelphia, will be the guests for a
while of Mrs. L. L. Knight, on the
Boulevard. Airs. Bullard will be re
membered by a host of friends os Alls*
Mary Paynt.
Air. and Alra. A. AI. Beatty leave
Saturday night for a two seeks’ visit
to Ohio and Kentucky. Air. Beatty
holds th* Important position of local
manager of the Postol Telegraph and
Cable Company.
Mr. tnd Mr*. Chsrles King have
bought the Doughty Manley home on
Spring street, near Third street. Mra.
Lolll* Belle Wylie, the mother of Mrs.
King, will make her home with Air.
and Mrs. King.
Air*. William Broughton and Allss
Antoinette Broughton, of Atadlson, are
at the riedmont for a few days, en
route home, after spending the sum
mer at the resort* of North Carolina.
The friends In Atlanta of Allss Annie
Payne deeply sympathise with her In
th* death of her mother at Alound Cltr,
Mo. Miss Payne returned to Atlanta
Alls* Alary Copetan has returned to
her borne at Greensboro after a vlelt
of several weeks In Atlanta with her
father. Senator E. A. Copelan.
Airs. H. At. Patterson and Air*. Ben
8. Noble, of Alontgomery, will leave
Alorfday for an extended visit to Cleve
land and the lakes.
Mr. and Airs. Walker Dunson and
Miss Kllsnbcth Dunson hava returned
from a visit to Washington, New York
and Atlantic City.
Long Island.
Airs. Hook SpTatllng and little
daughter are the guests of relative*
Mrs. Eugene-Black and children are
kt Atount Airy for the month of Au
Mrs. Robert Ridley, Jr., and Miss
C'i Ire Ridley have returned from Cuth
arrived Saturday to ba the guest ol
Mr*. Minnie Fontaine Stoke*, at th*
Air. and Mr*. Frederick Wakefield
Psttereon have returned from a de
lightful visit to New York sod Bos
Airs. Sarah Orr and Alls* Lena Orr
are the guests of Preside nt and Air*.
Simmons, at Shorter College, Rome.
Aire. W. G. Haynes nnd children, of
Nashville, are the guests of Airs. W. E.
Davidson, on Ponce DeLeon avenue.
Mr. and Aire. Guy Webb left Thur*
day by way of Savannah tot New
York, Atlantic City and Boston.
Mrs. P. A. Stovall and her daughter,
Allis Stovall, of Savannah, are spend
ing a week at the Piedmont.
Mrs. Swift end Mr. and Mre. Fred
Lewi* have taken one of the Scott
apartments for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Doughty Manley will
soon begin the erection of a handsome
home on Fourteenth streeL
Mrs. John Clark* and Miss Rolln*
Clarke are the guests of Air*. Caro
line Foster, at Madison, Oa.
Airs. W. E. Sutton nnd little Alisa
Annie Button, of Worn. I airy. Go., are
visiting Atlanta relatives.
Is the guest of her uncle, Mr.
Sibley, on Juniper street.
Mr. tnd Aire. Press Huddleston will
spend Sunday at Lookout Alountaln
and Qhlckamsuga Park.
Mrs. J. R. Little and children have
been the gueat* of relatives at Heflin,
Aha, during thl* week.
Alias Anne Griffin returned to At
lanta on Saturday from a visit to Cul
Mies Jeannette AIcLeod Is visiting
Alls* Arabella, Dunwoody In Cedar-
Miss Hall and Mies Grogan i
guests of Allss Less* Powell, at Wood
Mis* Essie Bagwell, of College Park,
■ * ‘ ' Lsvonla,
Mr. Robert Cunningham Is spending
a few dayi In Atlanta with his family.
Atlas Ethsl Everhart Is rapidly re
covering from her recent Illness.
Mrs. T. W. Lindsay, of New Orleans,
Is visiting friends In the city.
Alias Florence Hale, of Athens, Is the
guest of relatives In the city.
Mr. and Air*. Paul A. Wright left.
Saturday for New York city.
Mlsa Hasel Vorus Is spending
summer near Gadsden. Ala.
Air. Charlie Little li spending his va
cation at Greensboro, Ga.
Afrer. F. n. Holley Is quite III at the
Tabernacle Inflrmary.
Mr. and Mre. V. R. Davis left Thun
day for a trip North.
Mr. Charlee C. Thorn has returned
from Tate Spring*.
Miss Irene Mitchell left Friday for a
visit to Bllenwood.
Air. Edward Inman has returned
from New York.
Air. and Aire. Leon Lew man are at
Atlantic City.
Mrs. J. A. Wlngo Is visiting In Gads,
den, ^1*.
Mlsa Grace Abernathy II at Nor-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kdelmann and
“ r left i “
young daughter left Saturday for a
Islt to Indian —
lust Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Alloa Laura Turner and Master Ar
thur Bailey Ewing are visiting relatives
In Spring City, Tenn.
Mr*. Jennie J. Anderson, of Cullo-
den. will be th* guest of Mrs. w. Vv.
Griffin next week.
Mr. Hubbard Mitchell, of Kirkwood,
Is visiting th* fsmtly of Mayor Schaef
er at Toccoa, Go.
Alisa Janet Ashby left Saturday
morning for Saluda,. N. C- to spend
three weeks.
Air*. M. R. Emmons and Alls* Eth-
elyn Emmons are visiting relative* at
The following musical program ha*
been arranged for the meeting of th*
Atlanta Psychological Society on Sun
day afternoon, August 11. at 4 o'clock,
at 111 Peachtree street. Professor Wal
ter F. Grace will have charge of the
Plano solo, Professor W. F. Grace.
Baritone solo, Profeasor W. L. Pea
cock, of Macon, Go.
Violin ado. "Le Deslr," M. -Hausen,
by John Purls.
Vocal solo, "Remember the Lilies,"
R. Tohllef. by Alls* Mamie Clybum.
Pleuo accompanist Mra. Hampton.
To Meet in Holland.
Copenhagen. Aur. II.—Th* league
or women suffragtets decided to hold
the next conference In Holland during
the year l»o».
I beg to call the attention of my
friends to my recent move In business.
1 am now n member of the Arm of
Eugene V. Haynes Co.. 37 Whitehall
street where I shall be glad to serve
you. Respectfully,
Very much lias been written of the
beautiful life and the recent pathetic
denth of Lady Curxon—Alary Letter-
end yet there are still being told sto
ries of her remarkable career and of
her unflagging efforts for th* better
ment of conditions surrounding pereons
less fortunate than she was. Among
other Incidents are given the following
splendid results accomplished by her
during her sojourn In India:
When people thought of Mary Letter
In India they thought of her os riding
oh great elephants under splendid can-
oples; receiving native potentates with
viceregal magnificence; being received
by them, In turn, and becoming th*
central figure In, all kinds of quaint
ceremonials; going on exciting tiger
hunts Into the Jungles. All these things
she did.
But she did more than this. She
encouraged In every way the native In
dustrie*. especially those of women.
Her tiny daughters were dressed In
muslin frocks of native texture, and
her own lovely gowns sparkled with
Indian embroideries and Jewels. And
when. In tb* second year of the vice
regal tirm, India was smitten with
famine and plague, she traveled with
her husband through the smitten dis
tricts, administering relief to th*
women and children. Her coming from
Chicago was a fortunate circumstance
then, for It made It possible for her
to send a special appeal to that city,
which appeal resulted In the gift of
a generous sum for the distressed by
her old friends and compatriots.
But Lady Curxon's most Important
and lasting work was that done to
ward supplying doctors of their own
sex to the Indian women. Aa bead of
the Dufferln Medical Atlsslon, which
was founded for that purpose, she gave
freely of her time and energy, and aft
er the death of the^emprese-queen
Lady Curmon Initiated a scheme tor the
founding of a Victoria memorial for the
enlargement of the work. When Lady
Curxon flrst went to India the late
queen expressed a wish that something
might be done toward the training of
Indian women for work In the sens-
nas, and when the hand of death fell It
seemed that no more fitting tribute t»
her memory could be founded then to
carry out the queen’s wish for th#
women of India. 1-ady Cur*on ob
tained the co-operatton of th* native
princes nnd maharanls, nnd a mm «
HO,900 wan raised for endowing \ le-
torla scholarships for the training or
Indian women a* nurses, to take the
place of the unskilled women hitherto
employed In the various town* smJ
villages. To carry out thl* scheme
required all Lady Curxon's tact ana
American shrewdness, for all sort* ol
difficulties had to be met and overcome.
There were the native differences of
caste and the native religious rites to
be considered, and It was not alto
gether enay to provide for th# teaching
nt the medical nnd hygienic aide of th*
subject without Interfering with th#
religious beliefs of the people. But It
was done, and the scholarships *t» na
not only as a memorial to Queen v ic
toria, but also In some degree to tns
energy- of Lady curxon. , .
Lady Curxon Is said to have loved
India, In spite of her. responsibilities
there; to have loved Its Oriental toset-
nntlon nnd the bracing height of Simla
where the court removed In the summer,
nnd which proved so healthful for her
children that she was able to keep them
with her, instead of sending them away
from her to England, as the wives ol
some officials In India have to do.
Increase In Cotton.
Bpsctll to The Georgian.
Royaton. Go., Aug. 11.—Six year* age
the cotton receipts of Royston were
about 1,009 per year, while the l*»
two years have averaged 11,000 b»-«»
or more. It Is thought that this >«»*
will forge ahead of these flgure*.
Plrtore* should represent good art They should bo of superior q«»l'
ltjr. They should have an exclusiveness which especially enhance* the
value and Interest. They should be reasonable In price and appropriately
69 Whitehall st. can supply these requisites. Aloo everything new or oM
In the world of books-