Newspaper Page Text
The South’s Leading
Military College-Pre
paratory Home School.
College Park (8 Miles from Atlanta), Georgia.
COL. J. C. WOODWARD, A. M., Proprietor.
Motto: Every Opportunity
for Every Boy, Under
Personal Supervision.
Prospective Patrons
Are Urged to Call
and Inspect the
& v f ?
HlwMlIifi i!
'• iliN
• -W'.gX/iJjg,.
1 ’ I! | ||
(Mil, j It V II,
In Georgia and Adjoining States
Pleasant Mention From Other Cities
Sunday. Will Perkins, an employee of
Trigg, Dobba A Co., was married to Miss
Leila Whltlce, the eldest daughter of the
late W. W. Whttce. The wedding oc
curred at the home of the bride's aunt,
Mr*. Mary T. Dover. The ceremony was
Informed by Iter. J. T. Matthews, pastor
of the Central Baptist church. The cou
ple will reside in east Chattanooga.
After n visit With her daughter,'Mrs.
Ttox E. Welser, of South Prospect street,
Mrs. John D. Culley returned to her home
la Atlanta last week.
Mrs. Claude. L. Norris, of Atlanta, has
nrrlved to visit her sister, Mrs. Rex. E.
Welser, for a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John White bad as their
S uosts last week Mrs. John Pill and chll-
ron, Howard and Louise, of Carbon Hill,
AIh., and Frank Paynt, of Knoxville.
MlOrlmahaw, deaconess of Christ ca
thedral, New Orleans, is on the mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. Edouard Reed are in New
Mis „
to visit her aunt, Mrs.
Mrs. Wilbur Rogers and aon, D Antlgnac,
arc In Auguata, visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Julias Young Talmadge
have retruned to Athens, Oa., after rlaitlng
vllle, will visit here and In Atlanta for alx
Miss Mary Grahamr of Atlanta la rlalt-
tng hojj plater, Mrs. George M. Good, on
[argaret Hackney, are rl
ognn, at 8nnnyslde, Tenn. , _
Alias Dorothy .Greve baa returned from
visit to Cincinnati.
Mrs. RIx Stafford has arrived from At
lanta to visit, Mlaa Marie otafford for
teveral weeks.
Mrs. Thomai M. Randall, of Atlanta,
will visit friends here shortly, en route
iome from Sonth Carolina. .
Mrs. B. F. Holder. Jr., hna aa her
guests her sister, Mrs. F. R. Talmadae,
and her two daughters, of Forsyth, Oa.
Miss Nettle Talmadgi Is a very talented
young elocutionist.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Shaw have
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Seagle and son are
oni route home from Paris.
Mr*. Caroline Arnold is* the guest of
Miss Adeline Wright, of Rome, Ga., In her
cottage on the mountain near Mentree,
Miss Addle Du a Inn Taylor left this week
with her brother, W. It. Dunlap, for Chi
cago, on a two weeks’ vacation.
Miss Ifester Clarkson has returned to
Decatpr. Ala., after a brief visit to her
aunt, Mrs. C. M. Drake.
Miss Charlotte Metcalfe has returned
home from a brief visit with friends in
Rome and Atlanta.
The 42 Club was delightfully entertained
on Tuesday afternoon by Mra. W. B. Er
vin#. Fruit punch was served on the ar
rival of the guests, and at the conclostod
of the games an Ice course was served.
The guests were Misses Mary Cline, Katie
Cline, Scott Whitaker, Annie and Louise
Case, Elisabeth Robson, Mesdames E. A.
Tlgner, Sam Evans, Jr., J, H. Vinson and
Charles Moore.
Mrs. E. J. Flemlster and Mr. Malcomb
Flemlster are at Indian Spring.
Mrs. Adah Evans-Anstln la at Oconee
^.“.foertn-da Horne la visiting la Ma
Mr. W. T. Coun, Jr., of Cartersvllle,
Mr*. Mary MeOorkle and Mrs. J. A. Cal
laway nre at Tate Springs.
Miss Orie Whitaker entertained last Tues
day evening in honor of her gueat, Mlaa
*. .. «. ..— 0 f Athens. The —
Marguerite Furlow,
The Bell Telephone
accomplishes the
maximum of results
with the expenditure
of the minimum
amount of time, en
ergy and money.
The long distance
lines are indispensa
ble to the modern
business. You can
reach anybody al
most anywhere over
the Bell.
<1 Reasonable rates.
Call Contract Dept.. M. 1300
tern, and presented an
Game, were Indulged la and a pleauut
time .pent.
Mlue, Abide Webb and Bnhr Stevens,
of 8 terras Potter/, are the gueita of Mlaa
Lena Wood.
Dr. J. n. Carter, who ha, been aslsstnnt
ph/ilclan at Dr. II. D. Allen', sanitarian),
ha, rsturned to hla former home. In Au-
Dr. E. A. Signer haa returned from the
Worm Mprlng, camp meeting.
Ml,, O'Nora Brlna ho, returned from
New York.
Mr. and Mra. Richard D. Bornette an-
Louisville,'tbe marriage to take place at
the New Florence iome time In September.
Mbs Roberta Hawkins, who la ,pending
the»,ummer at Virginia Beach, entertained
a few frlenda at luncheon on Monday at
ie Prlnceu Ann hotel.
Mra George F Juckson and Mlaa June
Jackson are gueat, uf Mra. Juckson a
brother, Mr. II. Carroll Fallen, at Lake
Ilebroa, Maine. ..... ,
Mra. Warner Shook and little daughter
hare Joined Mr. Shook In Tnacalooea. Mr.
ley are at Tate Hprlnga.
Mr. and Mra. Prank <
hare gone to Cape May to apend several
Mm. William Sibley and Mlaa Grace Bib-
Prank Grider will apend
iue inner pan oi August In Colorado.
Judge and Mra. A. A. Coleman are In
V>rt!i Carolina.
Senator B. W. Pettits la at Tate Springs.
Mleaes Carrie and Nannie Lum hare re
turned from a three weeks' rlalt to New
Mr. and Mra. B. P. Moore and children
bare returned from a trip West.
Mr,. Weil and Mr. Harold West have
goao to Loe Angela,, Cat
C. G. Smith spent Tuesday In Atlanta.
Mlaa Virginia Poed has returned from
Ml*, ollle Lewi, rlalted relative* In LI-
thonta Sunday.
Mrs. James I, In Birmingham, Ala., rlalt-
lag her brother.
A. I,. Byrd and wife are visiting relatives
at Jersey this week.
Mlaa Sadie Loyd la rlatttog friends at
King, this week.
Mlaa Bra Bjrril Is In Jersey rlaitlng her
Mrs. A. ■ rerry naa rerurneu nicer n
rlalt to north Georgia, ,
Mlaa Hattie Horton la spending this week
with Mias Walter Lewla.
Mr*. J. S. Camming,, of Florllla, Is th*
gueat of Mra. Terrell.
Colonel Lawson Lamar spent Tuesday In
Manaflpld on legal business.
Mlaa Bettle Adama, of LawreneeTlIIe, Is
Mrs. J. A. Ramey
icdalde of her slater, euu
J. A. Farmer, of Atlanta,
. _ a Ilayattm at the
:er, who Is very III.
... Atlanta, paid Mb friend*
herd a ahort rlalt last Friday.
Mlaaea Mildred and Resale Kelly are at
home after a visit to friends In Shady-
Mlaa Myrtle Byrd will leave next week
for Atlanta, wher* aha will visit rela
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harman, of Jackson,
Friday to visit Mrs. W. J. _
Mrs. A. C. McDonald and Mlsa Lucie
Harris will return from Piedmont Springs,
Ala., Thursday.
friends it Y birthday
Six month* old daughter of Dr,
and Mra, J. M. Staples, of Sherman,
Toxaa. Mra. Staples, formerly an
Atlanta girl, Is viaiting her moth
er, Mr*. A. M. Burks, 81 West
North Avenue.
of Piedmont Springa,
Central Coal and Iron Co. _ .
Mra. Julia Neely Pinch has gone to West
Gurley, N. Y.. to ' '
Luelle Finch.
Join her daughter, Mia*
frlenda In Gadsden and M being exi
entertained. .
Mr. ami Mra. Edward D. Smith, who have
spending some time at Blount, hare
returned and are occupying their new home
nt Wnrerly place.
Mrs. John O. Bradley and eon ere spend
ing some time at Manl‘“ —
other reaorta In Colorado
Cnatfl'llan'r/prtnga, ¥enn* n ?or'thV month of
A llbla t 'Wmie E. Vaodergrlft la the gueat
of her sister, Mri. C. D. Smiths In Ham-
Mra. Lewis Minor and Mlsa Fern Minor
have pone to Pennsylvania, to be absent
“°Mr. and' Mr*. Paschal Shook and little
daughter have returned from. Tennessee.
Mrs. Alex Cecil and aon have returned
from Bellevue.
\fiflfi Ludle Lane ana —
rett retemed Saturday from Bellevue, where
they were the gue-ta of Mrs. Louis Hart.
Miss Sadie Gltleaple has gone to Gi
boro. N. C., and Norfolk. Miss Mar:
leaple h*a gone to the Gillespie plan'
near Huntsville. , . . .
Mlaa Kathleen Nixon hat returned from
Waynearllle, N. C., where ah* was th*
gne«t of Mlaa Retells Nabh.
Ur*. J. W. Sibley and Mis* Hsttle BIMey
dary Oil-
The Only French Dry Cleaning
Process in Georgia
Dry Cleaner of fine Gown*, Silk Robes and all garments of
BNorihCr"'' Price, reasonable. Phonet 4,
‘special attention to express orders.
Mrs. C. A. Upshaw, of Ptedmon
Is rlaitlng relative. In the city.
Mlaaea Eugenia and Nellie Mandavlll* en-
tertalned at luncheon Monday eompllmra-
tary to Mlaa Lanr* Coleman. The guests
weta Misses Era Thomasaon. Katherine
Beese, Cora May Hlmonton. Uura Coleman,
Katherine Fain, Janie Bsld, Jennie Letham
and Mrs. Maude Anderson.
Miss Ethel Carroll, who haa been
Ing several week, with Mm. Henry
son, left Wednesday for Piedmont Springs,
Ala. Later ah* will return and teach a
vocal else* In this elty.
Mrs. J. J. Thomasaon and daughter, Mlsa
Era, left Thursday for a trip to Arkansas.
Ileveriy Thomasaon spent Wedneadny In
N Mr? W. C. Adamaon entertained the Lit
Mu Clnb Thursday afternoon at bar home
on Adamaon arena#.
Mr. and Mrs. Clere Klnssliery, whose
marriage occurred here Wednesday morn
ing. left on the noon train for n month's
atay at Cumberland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roap spent Mon-
day In Atlanta. . .....
l *MUs t jenn , |* llnthnm*' of Falrburn, la via-
■ting In the city. . __
Miss Paulin t Harris spent Thursday at
Tallulah Falk.
Much speculation I* being Indulged
In by the smart set of New Tork so
ciety as to the possibility of an engage
ment ezletlng between Harold Vander
bilt and Miss Elesnor Sears. Cbolly
Knickerbocker, In discussing the mat
ter, says:
Down at Beverly Farms the other
day, I noticed the matrimonial drag
net slowly but surely enmeshing this
season’s greatest catch of the smart
set, Harold Vanderbilt
It waa up to Harold to lose hla heart
sooner or later, he hea been going
about in anch a care-free way. That
much obviously was Inevitable, but
Just what he was to get In exchange
for hie heart and hla millions waa th*
problem that was. perplexing the fash
ionables, and more especially those
with marriageable daughters.
The chorus girl, we all knew, Har
old would eachew, but what more grati
fying alliance could possibly be Imag
ined than the one that bide fair to be
come a reality? Mlsa Eleanor Sears
Is on the very tip of the pinnacle of
Boston’s exclusive set and probably the
most eminently fitted gtri In the Uni
ted States, from a social register point
of view, for a Vanderbilt to marry.
Mlaa Sears Is with her parents, the
Frederick Sears, Jrs., of Storrow Hill
estate, Beverley Farms, and Harold
Vanderbilt Is visiting Harold Tweed
for a few weeks at Beverley Farms.
At the end of these few weeks, when
the young Vanderbilt Borneo goes back
to Mrs. O. H. p. Belmont at Newport,
what then?
A Calumet Club man ona described
Hint Sears ss the moet "un-Boston 1
Bostonian he ever met.
"She's more like a Westerner, don’i
you know,” said he.
Her appearance certainly doea not
auggeat the blue stocking.
When I taw this prospective matron
of the house- of Vanderbilt the other
day I was struck by a certain similar
ity In her manner to that of her chum,
Mrs. Longwortlr. They both have the
same rollicking laugh, that kept New
port on the surprised qul vlve during
the season of 1902, when these two took
the town by storm and always had
some adventurous escapade to relate.
In the midst of this season of th*
double veil. Miss Sears-Is as careless
as ever about protecting herself from
the sun. She Is gathering unto herself
s coat of tan similar to tha one she
had three seasons ago, when her ath
letic arms wore a resplendent copper
color and her cheeks were brown as
The Incongruous part of the efTalr Is
that Harold has gone and fallen In love
before he haa made hie debut—not that
this Is going to Interfere at all with
the presentation ball Mrs. Belmont
la what n man wants when he
seeks protection for thoso de
pendent upon blm.
A Policy
protects him, while he la pro
tecting them, as It provide* In
surance agalnat the loe* of hla
Earning Power by Accident, Ill
ness or Total Disability aa well
aa by Death.
A broken leg or a case of ty
phoid fever would not seem so
bad if he knew bla Earning
Power waa Insured and be was
not suffering a Financial loss as
well as pain.
to reduce the premium or In
crease the Insurance as desired.
In asking for Information and
rates, give your ags and occu
J, Clements Shafer,
413-14 Peters Building,
A. Lips-
President—Mrs. James Jackson,
East Linden avenue, Atlanta.
First Vie# Presldent- Ura. M. A. L
comb, Athena.
.Second Vice President—Mra B. _.
Humphreys, West Point.
Useordlug Secretary—Mra Robert Tay
lor Gridin.
Corresponding Secretary—Mr*. Hugh
Willett. Atlanta.
Treasurer—My*. J9- P. Dlsmukss, Jr.,
Auditor—Sirs. Msllorr Taylor, Macon.
Directors—Mrs. 11. A. Peeples. v*i-
dosta: Mias Louis M. Ness, Augusta;
Mra. fc B. I [card, Middleton; Mr.. W.
P. Pattlllo, Atlanta;11ra, I.wl. Brown,
Fort Valley.
Mra. Lindsay Jobnaon, director Ufa.
Geueral Secretary for Georgia— Mra. A.
O. Granger, Cartararllle.
State Editor—Mra. J. Lindsay Jobo-
son, Roms.
Mrs. A. Mel). Wilson elected president
of Atlanta woman's Club en May 14.
The tenth annual convention trill be
The tenth annual convention m
>ald In Macon November I, 1901.
Federation Cetera—Green and
List of Committees.
Education—Chairman, Mrs. J. LI
Jobnaon, Ulo Vista, Iloms; Mrs.
Junta: Mr*. William Tift,
J .,,,.. A. O, Granger. Carter*,
ra. A. V. unde, Atlanta; Mrs
■ w:
Griffin, Columhua; Mra, Lyman Amsdsn,
Atlanta; Mra. O. U. Whaler. Jeanpi
Mra. J. L. Stewart. Athana.
Director* of Model Bcboola-Danlela-
jille (Matilaon rountr), Mra. Bngsna
Heard, Middleton) Cass Station (Bar-
Ltptcomb, Atbtnt: Wtttnra Djitrlct
(Flojrrt coontT). Mr* C. l>. Wood,
uoraa; Freo Rjiulvrgtrttna. Mr*. N«UI«
P*ter« Black. Mr*. T. A. Hammond.
Mnale—Cb«lrtn*o, Mr». 19. T. Brown,
Mf PMchtrM strMt. Atlantai MIm M.
L. Wlkl«, Cartartvllla: Mra. itufua
Brown. AufnaU; lira. Iibodta Drowna,
t'nlumhtia; Mra. Alexander I'roudflt,
Social Berrleo-Chalrtoaa, Mra. A.
McD. Wilaon. 410 Poacbtree afreet, At
lanta: lire. W. H. IUce, Mariballrllle:
Mra. L*. D. Clark, Atlanta: Mra. Robert
Zabner, Atlanta: Mra. Thomai .Mill*,
Griffin; Mra. J. M. Talley, Macon.
Arta and Crafta Chairman. Mra.
lie Petet M I ~ ‘
’in; Mra. J. M. Talley, Macon,
te and Crafta—Chairman, Mra. Nal-
f'etere Black, •! Peachtraa atreet,
uU: Mra. Bdwin Lent, Writ Point;
Georgia Donaidaon, Bainbrtdge;
Ml«« Mattie L. Hoff, Dalton; Mimi Io
nic Blalock, Yatcarine; Mra. O. A.
Woodward. Atlmta. 4
Garden and \\- ag>* ImproTtmcnt—
Chairman. Mra. w. C Illne*. Cathoon;
Mra. Uodtraj. Corlagtos: Mr*. C. 8.
Sparka, ionie; Mm fearl n Edwarda.
Norcroea; Mra. A. p. Rltchlc, Rabun
Gap; Mra. II. C. Whit**. Atione.
IJbrarr—Chairman, Mr l!. O. Mc
Cabe. IV Peaebtreo atroet, Atlanta; Rra
W. O, Tift, Tlfton; VIre. £ A. Cmoo,
Jewall: Mlaa ll> *a M ->ll.ury, Atbroa;
Mra. Minnie llllyer Caaaln. Atlanta:
Mra. J. C. 1‘rtntui', Rom#; Mra. William
King, Atlanta: Mra. L'lw*rd lirown, At
lanta; Mr# rirm'njr duBIgnon, Atlanta.
Clnb Bxtenaton-^Cbalrtnan. Mre. w P.
G attlllo, Ml »>at Fair atraet, Atlanta;
taa Anna ISonnlag, Colnubna; Mrs. J.
L.T” -
Kettt H«“rX UU
i; Mra. C. C. anudera, Oalneeriiia;
Lou la# N#C a. A a roe U; Mr*. 0. C.
ley, Valdosta; Mra. J. Lindas/
lanU: Mrs. Mnllor
a SSJ:
kdtria Atiunjn; B^ra. 1 *^
ranaon. Fairborn;
ivti-i Ht It, 1 I ft '>ii; Mih
ham, Macon; Mr*
Innta* Mr*. Allco V*uno i mm
Mra. 7. T. Moody, Atlanta.
Woman’s Club of Fairbum
The Village Improvement Club,
Falrburn, I* an earnest body of wo
men, who are working for th* Interest
and Improvement of that particular
place. The success of the club has
been remarkable and the result of the
work has been a wonderful beneflt to
the public places and the happlneaa of
every person Individually, for the rea
eon that In beautifying a place I
more entrancing and restful to
eye and spirit.
The meeting* are well.attended and
the club has added In a large measure
to the social Ufa of Falrburn.
The officers are:
Mr*. W. T. Roberta, president
hire. V. 8.. Roan, treasurer,
Mrs. H. Glynn Swanson, correspond-
Young, recording aecre-
Mr*. C. B. Vickers, vice president
The members are: ,
Mr*. W. If. Elder, Mr*. W. 8. Me-
Lain, Mr*. Emma Swann Floyd, Mr*.
J. II. Longlnn, Mra. H. P. Hnrvey, Mr*.
F. J, Dodd, Mr*.- C, B. Floyd, Mr*. Will
plan* to give her son at Marble House.
Mra. Belmont, early In th* season,
decided that, a* she tied no more
daughter* to Intnxluce, ih* would
change the conventions—Mrs. Belmont
can—and present her youngest aon at
this boll, which doubtless will be the
iargeet and grandest affair of the sea
hla sister 1*'the Duchies
Round Trip —Chattanooga
and Lookout Mountain
via Western & Atlantic R.R.
Battlefield Route.
Shortest Lino and Quickest Tim*.
Tickets on sale every Saturday; good
till Tuesday following.
An opportunity to visit Chickamau-
ga Park during tha encampment of the
Georgia 8tate Guard.
For ticket*, schedules and further
Information, call on
A. THOMAS, City Paas. & Tkt. AgL
’Phone* 189 M. Bell; 183 Atlanta.
C. B. Walker, Depot Ticket Agt.
’Phone 213 Main.
C. E. Harman, G. P. A.
Doctrine Causes Trouble.
Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 11.—-The com*
mitten on the Drago doctrine ia pro
ceeding slowly. It Is the only subject
on the program about which there Is
any possibility of great trouble. The
Argentine delegates want the doctrine
stated definitely and specifically. Th*
congress may not adjourn until Au
gust 30.
Wind Damages Buildings.
Milan, Aug. 11.—Heavy wind and
. _ln -have further damaged the build
ings which suffered In the fire of Au
gust 3, and the re-bulldlng of which
hea begun. In the hope of drawing
crowds to compensate the suffering ex
hibitor* the government has reduced
railway fores to Milan 78 per cent.
Train 8tepe Kill Man.
Staunton, Vs, Aug. 11.—Ffsnk Har
low, the 20-year-otd aon of A. m. Har
low, of Augusta Springs, waa struck
and Instantly killed yesterday by the
steps of a coach wrenched from Ches
apeake god Ohio passenger train No. L
Mrs. Peeples Honored
Mre. Oscar T. Peeples, of Chatta
nooga, has been honored by being
chosen to represent the Tennessee
Pres* and Author** Club at tha Nation
al Pres* Lcnguc, to be held 'In Denver
the latter part of August Mr*. Pee
pies, though now residing In Tennes
see, I* by birth a Georgian, aa before
her marriage she was Mis* Louis
Munford, of CartersvUla, and waa
prominent In tbs society of the etat*.
Since her marriage and residence In
Palmetto Woman’s Clut
Palmetto has a well-organlasd club
of sixteen active members, who have
done much toward the advancement of
the Woman’s Club, The member* or*
at present engaged In th* study of
early history of Georgia, taking each
county separately, th* origin of th*
name and the settlement of each
county. Recently a very handsome
Confederate monument erected In the
city- perk wea unveiled with fitting
ceremony and exerdaea.
Much credit Is due to the monument
committee for this work having been
accomplished, th* committee being
composed of Mrs. 8. M. Dean as chair
man. Honorabla Stave Clay waa In
strumental In securing from th* war
department two large Howltser guns,
which will be mounted and placed at
the base of the monument. The club
also haa a charity committee, and
through their efforts boxes of cloth
ing have been collected and distributed
among the children of the different
orphanages, Mra. M. Brittain la chair
man of the charity committee.
The village Improvement committee,
with Mre. C, B. Moseley aa chairman,
takes an active Intereet In the sanitary
conditions of the streets, and the cul
tivation of the flowers and greens of
ths city park.
Miss Callle Abraham* Is the chair
man of the library committee, and
through this source a number of eplen-
dld volumes have been presented to
th* school. The club Is officered by a
president, vice president, recording
secretary, treasurer and executive cem-
mlttee, whose duty It 1* to arrange
programs for each meeting, making
them both attractive and Interesting.
The president, Mrs. M. A. Wiley, Is a
woman of splendid ability and -has
taken a wonderful amount of Interest
In the success of her club work.
Tho members of th* club are among
IChattanooga she 1ms hero prominently
associated with club work and tho In
terest thereof. As president of the
| Tennessee Press and Authors' Club
-11 • * ini h -wy.iI in rnmnrkably ac
ceptable manner, and has demonstrated
hej II 1,1111 V mill le-r In 111 In nt mind. Mrs.
I'.-epI, 1 Id d[Ulid- i, mill ldented
with u n 11 ntetl v.i and
winning miinner. The .Mar-/ Munford
Library,' which Is at Cartersvllle, was
dedlrnled and endowed to the memory
of Mrs, Peeples' slater.
the prominent women of Palmetto and
Mrs. M. A. Wiley, president; Mrs.
S. M. Dean, vice president; Mrs. Ed
ward Duke, recording secretary; Mrs. '
Wnlter Herrington, treasurer; Mrs. c. ,
11. Moseley, Mrs. It. It nan. Mrs. N P. 1
Zcllurs, Mrs. L. M. Ilrltlnln, Mrs l>. I
Hilliard, Mrs. M. D. Morris, Mrs. T. J
Culbroath, Mr* C. Morris, Mrs. A. i
Hnchelor, Mrs. F. Smith, Miss C'alll* '
Abrahams, Miss Louise Hceknutn, Miss 1
Cochran. .
10 Cents
Want tha
Exposition and
Will Spand Eactv
We will give $1,000 to tho
or On© Cant for ©very official but
ton or pln*aold.
717 Fpvrtli II itid ml Bank Bullfling,
Allinta PhoM 1910.
You Can Cure Catarrh at Dome
Herring’s Catarrh Cure
no alcohol or narcotic*. an<1 th© dir©©
tions arc ho #aay a child o©n uaa It.
H©Sling's Catarrh Cor© la an internal
a.# well a a local treatment, will pnrifj*
th© blood while curing th© membrane©^
and mak*<i parmanant eurva.
It d«*atroyii germ*, b««!« tho taaaa*
bran**#, pnrlftaa th# blood and build* up In©
For Sale by alIDruggiitsat$1.00 a Bottle
uttuncrutio onr »r-