Newspaper Page Text
wRPNKf*n\T. ArorsT n, nw*
President Stenslanc
Said to be Held Await
ing Extradition.
By Mset* I-wired Wra.
Chiraco, Aug. 22.—A private menace
received In Chicago from El Paso a
midnight reported poeltlvely the arrest
of Paul O. Stensland, fugitive prest
dent of the wrecked Milwaukee Avenue
State bank, at Acuae Callentee, Me*
A telegram was at onco sent
Springfield to ascertain whether Gov
ernor Deneen had heen notified of the
arrest, and what action ha£ been taken
leoklac to the extradition of the fuel
tlva. It was learned that a telegram
baa been received by the governor
which Is now In the hands of his sec.
ret ary.
Chicago police claim to have rocelved
po Information of the affair.
Depositors to Get Cash.
Payment by Receiver Ketsex of
dividend of 20 per cegt to the hank's
depositors ordered, by Judge Bretano
Will begin at 0 o'clock Friday morn-
Ing. Preparations for making the pay
ments as expeditiously as possible
have been completed by Mr. Falser, who
will have to cope with a crowd that
will be limited only by the number of
.the depositors—22,000.
He has arranged for nn ample force
of police to hold the expected onrush.
The msn with ft on deposit will be af
forded the same opportunity to draw
out 20 cents as the ynan with thous
ands. To avoid* any appearance of
favoritism. Mr. Ketscr has determined
flrst come, hrst served, nm ■
. the 22.000 depositors accordingly will
be mailed simultaneously.
The last vouchers will have been
prepared some time tomorrow and In
the afternoon the notices will be placed
In the mall nnd will reach their destl-
. nation early Friday morning.
Warm Spring*, Ga 5 3.75
Chick Springs, 8. C 8.30
Asheville, N. G 10.50
Waynesvllla, M. C 11.50
Hendersonville, N. C 10X0
Lake Toxaway, N. C 12.70
Tryon, N. C 10.00
Tate Springs, Tsnn 11.35
St. Simons, Qa 12.00
Cumberland Island, Qa 13.00
Atlantic Beach, I la
Chicago, III
Saratoga Springe, N. Y .
Atlantic City, N. J
Asbury Park, N. J
Detroit, Mich
The above rates are
for the Round Trip.
Ticket* an tala dally limited for re-
turn until October 31, 1905
Pastangar and Tlckat Office No. 1
Peachtree Street. 'Phono 143.
Dlltfiet Paetenger Agent.
Events In Cuban revolution up to date:
SATURDAY. Aug. 1*.—Uprising In province of Plnar del Rio. Ru-
ralcs disperse 10 rebels after fight. Colonel Pino Guerra and Colonel Lora
reported In wosde heading band* of revolutionists. Government dentes
uprisings are serious.
SUNDAY. Aug. 19.—Prominent officer* arrested In Havana, accused
of plotting assassination of Palma and overthrow of government. Arrest
ed men Include Generals Carlne and Justo Garcia, Monteaguds and Loy-
nSa del CastUlc and Colonel Pedro and Aibartl. General Loynas del Cas-
ttlle escapes. Seditious proclamations Issued and more revolutlontsta
take to the woods to Join rebel bands.
MONDAY, Aug. 20.—First formal light occurs at Hoye Colorado. Gov
ernment forces outnumbered and retreat. Colonel Roque, of rurales, killed.
Revolutionary forces estimated at 1,000 fo 2,000 men. Telegraph and rail
road communication at Plnar del Rio City cut, but later restored. Gen-,
oral Jose Miguel Gomes reported to have Joined revolutionists, but de
nied. President Palma Issues decree Increasing rural guards 2,000 men.
Several fights reported In Plnar del Rio province, but not confirmed.
TUESDAY, Aug. 21.—Colonel Guerra, at head of over 600 men, repre
sented marching In plnar del Rio City. Rebels plot to make to city their
headquarters. Rebel* plan attack! on American property owners to force
Intervention. President Palms decides to call extra session of congress to
vote raising volunteer army to put down revolution. Quentin Banderas at
tacks Hoye Colorado, but la repulsed with loss. General Jose Miguel
Gomes arrested. Havana police discovered to be In plot. TWo captains
arrested. Other arrests. Other skirmishes In other parts of the Island.
Drive Outposts Into City and Prepare to At
tack Place—Government Rushes
Troops From Havana,
Iljr Private !s«n*ed Wire.
Havana, Aug. 22.—The rebel forces
are reported to have scored their flrst
victory shortly before daylight this
morning, when a force under Pino
Guerra attacked the rurales' outpost*
nt Plnar del Rio and drove them back
toward the city. '
The Insurgents did not follow up
their advantage, as they arc reported
to be awaiting reinforcements, but a
concentrated attack on tho small force
loyal troops at Plnar del Rio Is ex
pected at any hour.
Aid Is being rushed the government
forces from Havana.
Special Cable—Copyright.
Havnna, Aug. 22.—With General Jose
Miguel Gomes, believed to be the head
the revolutionary movement, under
arrest and General Qucnten Banderas
defeated at Hoye Colorado after a hard
fight and reported to be surrounded,
the government takee a rosier view of
the situation, and Is confident of ita
ability to stamp out the revolution.
In the meantime, however, the revolt
spreading, and lighting Is reported In
Idety separated districts. .
The town of Catalina, near Quines, 40
miles from Havana, has been captured
by the rebels and alarm I* felt In the
Rural Guards Destrting.
An attack was made In Qulneas by a
small force of revolutionists, but they
ere repulsed, lnslng two prisoners and
number of wounded.
In some sections the rural guards are
deserting and going.over to the rebels.
The hardest lighting occurred at
Hoye Colorado, wher* Banderas made
a desperate attempt to capture the
place, only to meet with as desperate
resistance by the smalt force of rurales
stationed there, reinforced by the In
habitants of the town. Banderas' force
was repulsed with considerable loss,
and the report now Is that he 1s In a
trap, from which he can not escape.
It la the best opinion that should
Banderas bo raptured the revolution
will collapse. With him and Juan
Gualberto Gomes In the hands
J iovernment, there will be no race
eaders of the negroes In the flel
6,000 Men Arrested.
Up to the present snore than 6,000
men have been arrested for complicity
In the plot to overthrow the govern
ment. Including most of the leaders of
the discontented element. Deprived of
their leader, It Is not believed the
rebels can long remain In the field.
The revolt under Pino Guerra Is the
most threatening movement against
the government at present. The re]
resentatlves of his strength place tl
number of men at his command as
high as 2,000. He marched across the
ovlnce of Plnar del Rio and camped
front of the city. It Is his avowed
irpose to capture the city and make
the center of the revolution. Active
measures are being taken to foil the
Rebels Have Dynamite.
Troops are being sent os rapidly as
possible to reinforce Colonel Avalos,
In command at Plnar del Rio. Rush
orders have been sent to the United
States for horses and munitions of war
for the new troops.
Troop trains have arrived here from
the east and have transferred 100 men
and horses to the Western railroad,
and these were rushed to the city of
.Plnar del Rio. Eleven cars were drop
ped at varloue points In Santa Clara
Matansas and Havant* provinces.
The Insurgents are well armed, hav
ing much dynamite. Ex-Governor
Louis Pcrex, of Plnar del Rio province,
Is with the Insurgents. A Catholic
priest,' San Juan Martlnex, Is out with
the force, having great Influence among
Ouerrn*' followers. Other Insurgents
surrounding Plnar del Rio ure gradu
ally coming closer, expecting a Junc
tion today from Guanajay.
Colonel Avalox already has had
smart- brush with Ouerras’ men
which several men were killed and
wounded on either side. The report
of, lighting In Mntanzae province la
given credit.
Another political canard exploded!
The fair name of another candidate
waved from haae Insinuation*.
The lingerie of an ardent campaigner
preserved, and peace hroodeth where
wan once gloom and Htrlfe.
Hooper Alexander’* »ultca*e came
back Wednesday morning without u
gnrinent missing.
When that wiry south Georgia steed,
borrowed from a friend down In HparK*
last Saturday by the elof|U*nt DeKalb
county man, while he was away spell-
binding for Hoke Bmtth, tore loo.e from
Ills anchorage und fled with buggy, lin
gerie el id., shadowy rumora of an
fjatUI plot “tnrted. ....
Home overxealoue partlaan started
the whisper that E*tm adherems hud
deliberately swiped Mr. Alexandra* a
campaigning lingerie for the sole pur
pose of embarrassing him* . h|
Mr. Alexander came back minus his
*ultcns<> and Its contents, nnd no notion
whatever ns to where the obstreperous
Are You Still Paying Rent? If so, I am Surprised.
Rent Receipts Remind me of Money •
Thrown Away. ; ,
Do you know that the Standard Real Estate Loan Company of Wash
ington, D. C., will sell you a home-purchasing contract whereby j«u
can buy or build • home anywhere In tho United States and pay for
It In monthly payments for leas than you are now paying rent? They
will lend you from }!,000 to 26.000 at 6 par cent, simple Interest, al
lowing you to pay It back In monthly Installments of 27.50 on welt
thousand borrowed. For prospectus and plans of our propoilUoD.
coll on or write J. St. Jullen Yates, State Agent, 321 Auatell Bldg.. At
lanta. Go. Bell phone 2653-J. Atlanta phone 1913.
Truihful Hustling igents Wanted in Every County in the Slate.
At the Roll Call
Will have the call. .. It’s got it already.
Good on all buildings, flat or steep roof*.
ATLANTA SUPPLY CO., Sole State Agents, •
29 and 31 South For*yth Str**t ATLANTA, GA.
C CKllMfliLD. frta/dttf-
c i PttM. Stent*,
horse had landed. Ho didn't have any
thing to do with the report that It was
an Kstlll plot, but he preserved un
broken silence. Efforts to secure state
ments were einavalllng.
Wednesday cleared the mystery. Mr.
Alexander's grip, with a note saying
that tlm horse was enptured and re
turned to tho owner, reached Decatur.
"Kstlll didn't have anything to du
with It, nohow," concluded the writer.
Nursing Moiners and Malaria.
The Old Standard, Grove's Tasteless
Chill Tonic drives out malaria and
builds up the system. Sold by all
dealer, for 37 yoers. Price (0 cents.
Culberson is the winner.
He is leading in every pre
cinct in the county.
special to The Georgian.
Knlelgb, N. <\. Aug. <2.—With tho finding
of tho braised body of Ml** Waddell, tho
16-yea robt daughter of George Waddell, In
n marl pit near her homo In Wayne county,
a shocking crliuc waa brought to light.
Mlsa Waddell left her home at 4 o'clock
III the afternoon Holiday to v|g|t Ml** Hoi*
laud, who llvo* half u mile away. Imto In
the evening when ahe failed to return to
her home Mr. Waddell, fnther of the girl,
went to Inquire altout her and learned that
*he had not l*»e« to the plan*. Henrch wn»
Instituted and the lusty wu* found in the
marl pit In a held near her home. She had
lieen fetrnnglcd nnd drcnmatnneea Indie * *
that ahe had Ihhmi outraged. There i*
teime excitement.
fly Private Leased Wire.
Peoria, III., Aug. 22.—Refusing to read
Committeeman Roger C. Sullivan out
af the convention, the Democratic
state convention yesterday Indorsed
William Jennings Bryan for the Demo
cratic-nomination for the presidency of
the United States and laid on the table
Mr. Bryan's request for the ousting of
In a letter to Judge Owen Thompson,
of Jacksonville, Mr. Bryan had stated
he did not care for the convention's
Indorsement If Sullivan was to remain
a* committeeman. There wa* a spirit
ed debate over the question of follow
ing Mr. Bryan's request to fire Sulli
and for a time It looked as If serious
trouble would result, personalities
were Indulged In to a great extent.
Mr. Sullivan, In a speech, defended
himself, saying Mr. Bryan hnd been
poisoned against him, and that the real
demand for his resignation came from
his (Sullivan's) personal enemies.
By a vote of 1,028 to 570 tfcj conven
tion tabled the request to oust Sulli
van. During the voting a delegate
from Warren county declared that the
vote from hie county hod been deliber
ately garbled.
'he following state ticket wee nom
For State Treasurer—N. L. Plotrow-
skl. of Chicago.
For Superintendent of Public In
struction—Miss Carolina Grouto, of
Pike county.
For Trustees of the University of
Illinois—Daniel R. Cameron, of Chi
cago; John 8. Cuneo, of Chicago; Miss
Clara Bourland, of Peoria.
As a Candidate for the Favor and Patronage of'the Peo
ple and the Business Public, the New and Won
derful System of Shorthand, Taught at Bag-
well’s Business College, is an Easy Win
ner Over All Competitors. *
Astride a huge brlndle ox, with black
rag dolls dangling from saddle bows
and tied to the caudal appendage of
the- meek-eyed bovine, J. C. Cox, a
Hoke Smith supporter, paraded the
principal thoroughfares of the city
Wednesday morning.
As the saddled ox swung elow-galted
through Whitehall, East Hunter to
South Pryor, about 9 o’clock, a yelling
bunch of email boys, Caucasian and
African, streamed to the rearward, giv
ing voice to various advice and Irrele
vant remarks.
Cox didn’t mind. With his spread
ing sugar-loaf straw hat, farmer’s garb
and spurred boots, he urged the patient
steed along the sun-baked streets. NY
and then he {minted to the dandling
rag doll fastened to the steer's tall and
shouted to the crowds lining nls tri
umphal way:
"Put the ‘hope of the state' where he
belongs. Vote for Hoke Smith."
“Ferglt It, Reuben. Dat steer's like
yer man for gov’ner. Cla'k Howell's
de boy fer me/' Jeered a small and
exceedingly dirty-faced youngster.
“Wha' fer dat white man got dat
dar nlggah rag baby swingin' to '
ox's tall? Dey's mo' fool dnln's 'b
des yeah white fo'ks 'lections dan’
evah seed,” said a very black and very
fat mammy as she gaxed pop-eyed at
Cox and his steed.
At some of the polling places the
crowds seemed to think thet to make a
noise like a victor was to win In a walk.
Therefore the ardent supporters of each
candidate, mostly under the voting age
It seemed, let up a lusty yell pvery time
anything that looked llko a voter en
tered the gauntlet of card and circular
The dignity of the sovereign voter nor
his Infirmities were not any drawback
to the enthusiasts, who were lined up at
the entrances to the polling places, and
dinned the names of their favorites
Into the deaf ears of their victims—
deaf because, as one man expressed It.
"anybody would vote ug’tn a man what
yelled dt him that way."
Candidates had been profligate In
their orders for prlntsd matter. Al
most everyone could get nice, clean,
new cards to hand out, to drop Into
voters’ pockets or down their necks or
nn their hat brims. A few street Iftds,
however, were too young and dirty to
be entrusted with thla imparting to
the voters' Information about thetr
the Information that “Chief
was the whole cheese.
But the real vote-getters were on the
outskirts of the" crowd. They didn't
make much noise, but when they hand
ed out a card with a little confidential
tnforamtlon about dlsfranchlrement or
railroad rate regulation, for or against,
the man they had favored with their
Inside facts tumbled to tlielr view If he
had not Intelligently already made up
his mind.
Mary Delpltey, 2 yearn old, died at 32
i‘liiliunlt street.
Martlm KI*tior. 17 yeara old, died of
idiold favor at Grady hospital.
Jlahy Mnrtltl*. 16 month* old, died at 101
Lambert Htrwt.
John A. IlnrrlRon. 44 year* old, died of
tuberculosis nt 326 W«N»dward avenue.
Hubert 1*. Griffin. -60 year* old, died of
cerebral hemorrhage at 17 Went Cain street.
N. O. Thrower, 26 year* old, died at 43
OrletniH Ntreet.
K. A. Moon*, CO yenra old, died at Holdlers
Mnry Gnlmoiid, C month* old, dlad of
piieumotiln, Mel humid street.
—I\ A. Ivey, 2ft year* old, did
li nt 208 lllehardMoii street.
led of cousuinp*
dysentery nt 8 l
$1,00*—.1. Frank lteek to II. M. Grant, lot
a North nvenue near Uoulevnrd. War
ranty deed.
$3.000—William Hiatt to J. B. Martliu
[out, lot on t'ltlu street near Luckle street,
liirranty deed. „ ,
$7f»—Ge«toti Garner to 1. Y. Hnge, lot on
timer Kstortu ntreet and Kirkwood nvuiiue.
leoan deed.
$470 -Atlanta Ileal Fstate Co. to 4. E.
Hoke, lot on ltl«|mrdiM»n street near Fraser
street. Warranty deed.
$1.10.) A. H. Ihiehl to W. II. Hunt, lot on
Grant street near Georgia avenue. War
ranty deed.
$t.W)ft—W. II. Hunt to 8. W. Hnltlrnu,
lot. Warranty deed.
O p
O Special to. The Georgian. p
P New Orleans, La^ Aug. 22.—A P
P campaign lor a uniform cotton P
P bale will be Inaugurated Imrnedl- P
P atoly by the Maritime Exchange, P
P the slxe of which It la proposed to p
P make 24 by 54 Inches and weigh- P
P Ing 500 pounds. 8uch bales will p
P have average density of 22 1-2 P
P pounds to the cubic foot. Steam- P
P ship agent* will charge less p
P freight for bales of thee* dlmen- P
P alone.
Endorsed by Leading Court Reporters ot Georgia.
.FFICE..COCIIT HOUSE. Augusta. Gn. t March 27, im.
for tluT rcaftuu: Fit**.
sny other system v.f n hleli we bnve nuy knowledge;' second, these’ sim
lines represent from 200 to 300 per cent more reeling JSwct; Ilblr.|”f^ B ml ill
ruhs lu the system. It should Iki learned In oiie-f.nirtii the time.
pleasure in recommending Cbarucr .Shorthand to the careful eons
alien of nil prospective student*. Very respectfully, - eousnn r
Young men and women from every
section of the state and the South are
headed for Bagwell's Business College
and School of Shorthand to avail them
selves of the. splendid opportunities,
never before offered to young people of
this section, to prepare for remunera
tive positions In a few weeks or months
and At a comparatively trifling cost.
Is It True?
The proof Is conclusive that Charller
shorthand Is superior In every respect
to any of the old systems, and that It
can be learned In one-half to one-
third the time. Every Intelligent and
unbiased person who has honestly In
vestigated Its merits has been con
vinced. If you belong to that class
and are willing to make an honest In
vestigation. we have no doubt of the
When you know the fact* and have
been Informed aa to the marvelous re
sults obtained In Bagwell's Business
College, you would no more purchase
a scholarship for a course In Graham.
Gregg, Munson or any of the Pltmanlc
systems than you would ride on an
ox cart when you could take an electric
car for less money.
Does it 8tand to Reason
that over one hundred of the biggest,
best, oldest and moat conservative bus
iness colleges of America, Including tho
great Eastman College at Poughkeep
sie. N. Y„ would adopt this system, and
after thoroughly testing It, would make
the same claims that we make for It,
If these claims were not true?
Mr. Gaines, president of Eastman
.allege, perhaps the largest -business
college In the United States, says:
“It is so simple that a child can learn.
It; so comprehensive that every word
In the English language can be writ
ten: and Its speed power I
that of any other system."
E. n. Seldlltz, president Rubicon
Shorthand College, at St. Louis, Mo.,
the leading shorthand school of the
West, saysh
"During September, 1905, we placed
twenty-five Chartler shorthand stu
dents In positions paying from 350 to
275 per month. The greatest number
of days required to master the system
was slxty-n-
Special to The Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 22.—Anoth
rr sham battle was the program at
Chickauiauga today. The Browna were
:ed against the Blues, who are to
checked by the Browna, who were
located at Roseville. Another battle
will be fought also on Friday.
Tho Third North Carolina regiment
has arrived at tho park.
By i
'rlvste Teased Wire,
r York, Aug. 22.—Mrs. Isola
ttrown, friend of Mrs. Htua Vurmult. nnd
alleged head of the "love syndicate."
after s|>vndlug many hours In a ••ell nt lh<
Mercer street police stntlnu on n chars*
of grand larceny, preferred hy Alslutln
llnhceli. s Syrlsu denier 111 fare*, wni
released tndny.
The halt for Mrs. Ilrown was not chtalu-
ed nnttl after midnight. Generally, In csivfl
of grand - larceny, nail of li.wu or more
Is required. Magistrate t'rnne, however,
accepted $5rt) lain for Mrs. Krawii.
The Tmndainan stag '-—* ■ "
Patrick J. I'rsWIey,
Hpcclnl to The Georgian.
Romo, Oft-. Aug. 2$.—Llgc* IJrewir,
white! engaged at work on the new
Lanham building, yenterday afternoon
fell a dlatnnrp of 12 feet w*lth an Iron
beam.ftftd fractured him left arm. laoer-
ateid hi* face and probably received In
ternal Injuries, from which be will not
$3,076—Walker White to T. II. Wingfield,
wiiim* lot. Warranty deed.
$3,860 -T. 11. Wingfield to F. It. McCulloch,
wtnin li>t. Warranty (IM.
$1,800, I’onnl Hum—B. 1*. An*ley to W. W,
Moore nnd N. H. Tlioinn*. tot on lModmnnt
venue. Itoud for title.
$Mft—W. F. CiirrhIU to Guy M. IlnrneU, lot
n Belgrade avenue near Kenranrge avenue,
leoaii deed.
$7M-J. t\ Klein, t«» add to two-atory
frame dwelling nt 176 Forfeit avenue.
$H0iv-G. W. Aker*, to build oue-atory
frame dwelling nt 723 Enat Fair *tivet.
,70ft—Mr*. 0. E. Allen, to Imlld three
story frame dwelling* nt 66-63-64 Math-
$3,200—Mr*. M. Andenmn. to bnlbl two-
rory frame dwelling at 161 West Peachtree
$6)0—(Mara Collin*, to hulld one-atory
frame ilwelling nt 406 Crumley *treet.
97.200—Mr*, ft. L Foreman, to Imlld two-
story frame dwelling «t 938 iVnchtree
WhSs-Q. A. and F. M. Schofield, to hulld
two-*ti»ry frame dwelling nt 121-3 Lowndes
$4,600—4. R. Daniel, to Imlld three one-
atory frame dwelling* nt 15-7-9 Bedford
$316—M. L Thrower, agent, to repair *
brick building nl 168 Whitehall *tr»H»t.
$800—Dr. L. t\ FUlior. t«* build ono-atory
frame dwelling at 240 lthode* streut.
By Private ImsxI Wire'.
East Radford. Va., Aug. 22.—Anton
Cachora, a well dressed foreigner,
about 45 years nld, hanged himself by
hlx leather belt from the limb of a tree
an the public highway, 4 miles from
Radford, yesterday about 6 o'clock.
Hpeelnl to Tho Georgian.
Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 22.—Frank
Selrer, a deputy sheriff, recently, rob
ed himself In woman's clothing In or
der to niukc John Culvyhouse, a man
charged with assault and u fugitive
from Justlre. believe that he was tHh
mother of the ullegod clrlmlnal. Cut
vyhouse had perched himself on a high
peak In the mountains and the officer
approached In woman's clothing, and
when the prisoner attempted to put
his hands Into what he believed was a
basket of delicacies, the officer held
him up at the end of an ugly gun.
Funeral of Mrs. Bankston,
Special to The Georgian.
Burnesvllle, Oa.. Aug. 22.—The funer
nl of Mrs. J. B. Bankston, wha died
here yesterday, occurred this morning
at Fredonla church, near this city. Rev.
C. W. Durden officiating. She had been
III for weeks and her death was not
unexpected. She was 46 years nld and
sealous member of the Methodist
Stuart Bagies, Hilcomh, Curtis A
Co.. Adams A Drew, Bessie Phillips,
Marvelous Merrill, fnmeragraph.
Sale at Bijou Box Office.
Hpcclat to The Georgian
Decatur, Ala., Aufc. 22.—The case of
Mrs. Llixle Lee against Dr. MY C. Bar.
ellffe, for alleged assault, In which Mrs.
Lee claim* 110,000 damages, will go
to the Jury this afternoon. The evl-
ilence was completed this morning, and
the attorneys commenced the argument
of the case during the morning ses
Chargsd With Assault.
gj>crlal to The Georgian.
Anniston, Ala., Aug. 22.—Joe Row, a
white man, employed at the car shopa,
was arrested yesterday by Deputy
Sheriffs LeGrande and Reily, charged
with assault with Intent to murder J.
L. Jackson, a fellow employee. He was
locked up in default of 3500 bond.
Mary Delphy.
Sfary Delphy, the 2-year-old daugh
ter of J. c. IJelphy, died Tuesday night
at the residence of her father, 32 Rein
hardt street. The funeral was held at
2: JO o'clock Wednesday afternoon and
the Interment was at Westvlew.
ve and the best record was
thirty-two days. Tho young lady
who mastered It In thirty-two days
was Immediately placed In n 155 posi
tion, In one of the leading dry goods
houses of SI. Louis, and she still holds
the position.” ,
Additional Proof.
A number of pupils who entered pag-
wcll's Business' College on June 4 and
studied only six to eight weeks are
now holding positions paying from $40
to $65 per month and giving perfect
satisfaction. Nothing like thla has ever
before been accomplished In the city
of Atlanta. The seme results could
not be obtained with any other recog
nised system of shorthand In less than
five to eight months.
What’s the Use
to spend from six to ten months In
studying any of tho old Pltmanle sys
tems If you can learn chartler Short
hand In half the tlmo at halt the ex
pense. nnd at the same time make a
better stenographer? Do you know
of any sensible reason why you should
do It? According to past records ninety
out of one hundred who take un the
old systems of shorthand wll| have to
remain In college six to twelve months
or return home to suffer the chagrin
of failure and disappointment.
Why Take Any Risks?
There are no failures in Chartler
Shorthand for those of average-intel.
ligence who are willing to work. We
guarantee results, because'we know
that Chartler Shorthand is all that we
claim for It. W* can save you from
three to six months' time and from
$200 to $300.
Thousands of boys nnd girls from
every section of the South will enter
business colleges durlifg the months
of September and October. Any one
who Intends to tako a business course
will do himself a great Injustice not to
Investigate this wondoYful system of
Repenting of Their Mistakes.
Many student* of other business cot.
leges in the city have called to Inves
tigate Chartler Shorthand In behalf of
friends who are thinking of taking a
course. After seeing Its wonderful sim
plicity and being convinced that both
Its speed and reading power are greater
than that of any of the old systems nnd
seeing students who had been study
ing only four to six weeks write or
dinary unfamiliar matter at the rate of
fifty to one hundred words per min
ute nnd read their notes back without
the allghteat hesitation, have expressed
themselves ns being very sorry that
they did not Investigate before paying
their money for a course elsewhere.
Do not wait until It Is too late. Do
not be governed entirely by statements
of competitors. They do not hnvn the
right to teach It and cannot afford to
recognise Ha merits.
Bagwell's Business College
posed a number of tlmtfs and still pro
poses to contest a six weeks' student
of the Chartler system against three
months pupils of tho Graham. The
matter dictated to conalst of ordinary
unfamiliar matter which none of the
contestant* have ever seen before. It
has offered Its competitors $100 In cash
to accent the proposition. Why do they
not accept? Evidently because they
are afraid of the result.
Goodyear-Marshall Bookkeeping,
taught at Bagwell's Business College.
Is as far superior to most other systems
os Chartler Shorthand ts to the old
system of shorthand. The location of
the colloge I* more.attractive than that
of any other college In the city. AH
student* are given Individual attention.
The object la to get result*.
« Dormitory for Boys
furnishes a wholesome discipline and
board at actual cost. 8poclal accom
modations provided for young ladles.
Positions are secured for all gradu
ates Immediately. No school In the
South has better facilities for secur-
'or full particular* address Bagwell’s
Business College, 118 Peachtree street,
Atlanta, Oa. ,M .
For the Rlx Months Hnding June 30, 1906, of the Condition of
Onptiiltw! mulrr tho Inw* of th* *111(0 of Miii*ncliiisctt*: untile to the *uvorn«»r of
tin* *rnt«> of GtMirxlH In jnir*uiin<*9? of tin* )n\v« of uulil etltc.
I'riui'liHil olilre, 176-WO Fitlont! *tn*i , t.
1. AiiHHiut <»f capital stock $l.onft,ooo.oo
2. AlUOUUt of cuplMl stork psld Up ln«rnsli l.OOft.OOO.Oft—tl.Oft'.OOO.flO
II. A88ET8.
Total asset*..... $3,w03.rt.i."6
Total IlnMIltlr*
Total disbursement* $877,741.97
A copy of the art of Incorporation, duly rortlUinl, Is on flic In the office of the
Insnriturv commissioner.
HTATK OF MA.SHAriirHKTTH—County of Suffolk. . , . ,
Personally npia’iircd Iwfora the umlrr*l*n$H| William II. Brown, who. bmmr
sworn, depone* nnd snys that ho Is the secretary nnd treasurer of The Columnuu
National I4fe Insurance C’tnnpnny, and that Hie foregoing statement la correct auu
Mtvoru to aud subscribed before me this 20th day of Anuust. 1906.
Commissioner of Deeds of the State of Georgia.
Reliable Agents Wanted in Every Town.
Managers Southern Department,
208-209-210 Candler Building, AIM, 6a.
Culberson is carrying ev
ery precinct in the county by
large majorities.
DO YOU WANT $16.00?
Kira you the dealer’s pioflt'of $164)0. Why
not tasks this profit yoursslf by buying direct
front our fbeUry?
•&0& PmodseiMly finished Bad light ron-
"lc*. Don't bu, e Buggy asm mnt os,
asMlosw. aid greet Hsram offet. Wttw te
ds, fereelelogos No. if ted BtresMogtr.
feu u Golden Eagle Buggy Co. 11101,,$^