Newspaper Page Text
'Quake Shocks Con
tinue in Destroyed
Chilean City.
By Private Leaned Wire.
Loadon. Ah*. A reetirreitee of large
Art*, at Valparaiso. Chile, u anuouueed In
a private message received by Hath & Co.
' Ni? Intimation Is given In the message
of the extent of the Area or how much ad
ditional tlamage has Itcen wrought by the
tlames In the city, which suffered so henvllv
In the earthqiinlte and subsequent eon-
tluarnilous of last Thursday.
The dispatch adds that the earthquake
shocks continue.
Special Cable—Copyright.
Valparaiso, Aug. 2.—The city la calm
today ant) the people ore optimistic.
C'arefull estimates place the property
loss at less than >100,000,000 and while
the death Hat will be awful, the first
reports, it la now believed, were mori
or leas exaggerated, and the best Im
pression now la that the number of
dead will be near 1,000 In Valparaiso
and perhaps as many more at other
points In the provinces which were af
fected by the shock.
The authorities are putting all the
able-bodied men to work clearing away
the wreckage and some progress Is be
ing made. Martial law still Is rigidly
enforced and short shrift Is given to
the crooks found guilty of looting.
There are still 60,000 people depend
ent upon the distribution of food and
while there are rations for them for
several days yet, the authorities will
be glad when new suppliea begin to
come In.
President-elect Montt and retiring
President Fresco have been powerful
Influences In getting the situation in
hand. News which cornea In from the
surrounding country Indicates that the
heaviest damage was done In the pro
vinces of Valparaiso and Aconcagua.
Business houses are beginning to
open up again and plans are being dis
cussed for the rebuilding of the city.
Advices from Savannah In
dicate Selection for
Long Term.
Norcross Suspect Does Not
Fit Descriptions of the
Party Wanted.
Fixed for Brannon, Shep
herd Goes on Quiet Quest
for Plum.
Reliable advices come from Savan
nah Wednesday that Colonel Walter
IV. Shepherd, a resident of Liberty
county, but whose law ofllce la In Sa
vannah, Is running a phenomenal race
for congress from the First district
tor the long term to succeed the late
Rufus E. Lester.
Home time ago'Savannah had tacitly
decided to he "hands off" In the race,
and It was generally understood that
J. A. Brannen, a prominent attorney
of Statesboro, would be given the long
Colonel Shepherd did not say any
thing, but' quietly disappeared from
his accustomed haunts, nnd began a
still hunt. He worked quietly but ef
fectively, It seems, through the ten
counties of the First district.
According to the advices coming to
Atlanta Wednesday, the Liberty county
man Is polling a remarkable vote, with
Splendid chances of receiving the nom
ination for the long term. Colonel
Shepherd was one term In the state
senate from that district, and he also
served for some years as Colonel Les
ter's private secretary. He Is about 35
>ears of age, and said to be an nggrea-
site. capable young man.
Colonel William Clifton, "the liberty-
loving cltlien from McIntosh,” seems
pretty sure of receiving the nomina
tion for the unexpfred term, ending on
March 4, 1907.
Special to The Georgian. Q
Gainesville, Ga., Aug. 94.— O
Sheriff Crow left here at noon 0
today with bloodhounds In an Q
effort to run down a negro be- O
lleved to be the one who aa- O
saulted Miss Ethel Lawrence 0
and her niece. Miss Mabel Law- O
fence, near Copenhlll Monday. .0
This negro jumped from train O
No. 36 on the Southern yester
day morning and soon after
Sheriff Crow was notified and
went In pursuit,
cash at* . - il
He trailed him nearly all last
night over the mountain region
near Candler down the Gaines
ville Midland railway, ten miles
from here, and the sheriff be- O
lleves this negro Is the one who O
Is wanted. <1
A negro who answers but varuely
the* description given out by Mabel
Lawrence as the one who assaulted her
and whose name Is Albert Travels, was
brought down from Norcross at 1 9
o'clock Wednesday morning by Marshal
Sudder, of that town. The negro was
caught Idling and loitering around Nor
cross, and some one suggested that he
nnswered the description of the man
who had perpetrated the assault In
Copenhlll. The negro was taken to the
Norcross Jail Tuesday night at 8 o’clock
and Marshal Rudder says he tried to
force his way out of the cell by break
ing the grating.
Sergeant Detective Lanford and sev
eral other detectives held a consulta
tion Wednesday morning and decided
the man didn't answer to the descrip
tion well enough to warrant keeping
him here. He waa carried back to
Norcross, where he will have to answer
to the charge of Idling and loitering.
Reed Taken to Tower.
Arthur Reed, the mulatto who an
swers so minutely to the description
given by Mabel Lawrence of the negro
wanted, waa hurried from the city • rla-
on to the Tower, Just before dark
Tuesday afternoon. Reed protests his
innocence in spite of the fact that there
Is blood on his underwear. Reed, when
questioned more closely Tuesday after
noon by Detective Coogler, said that he
had been working on a rock crusher
Monday morning, the day of the crime,
the rock crusher being but 400 yards
from the scene of the crime. Reed says
about 9 o'clock he became III and asked
for a leave of absence for the rest of
the day. The assault occurred between
the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock Mpnday
morning, and by his statement Reed
places himself very near the place of
the sassault. At the time he waa caught
Reed was sneaking around near the
corner of Fort and Decatur streets, and
had blood on hla face. He was arrested
by Officers Hannah and Russell.
Mobs, seemingly as determined as
ever, are still scouring the neighbor
hood In the hope that by some chance
the right negro may be caught and
brought before Mabel Lawrence.' If
this Is done a lynching Is Inevitable.
Miss Ethel Lawrence, who was car
ried to the Wesley Memorial hospital
Immediately after the brutal assault. Is
declared to be practically out of dan
ger by the physicians of that Instltu-
tlon. It was stated Wedneaday morn
ing at the hospital that although 4tlss
Lawrence will survive the attack of ths
fiend, she has lost the sight of the left
Continued from Pegs One.
Speck.! to Jhe Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala., Aug. 22.—Sheriff
' handler has applied for requisition
pai>ers for Lee Moore, wanted here
on a charge of assaulting John Aston
*lth a knife two years ago. Moore
made his escape to Georgia at the
Mine, where he committed a crime
shortly afterwards and was sent to
the penitentiary In that state. His sen-
tince expired today and Sheriff Chan-
"ler \yent to Atlanta last night for his
Cr iM late for Governor.
Ity over Hoke Smith, hut the town
district la doubtful.
The total white registration In Wilkes
Is 1,500. Out of an average of 500
votes recorded generally at Washing
ton only 275 had been polled at 12
ADD STATE ELEC—Bibb county\....
Special to The Cleorglnn. <
Macon, Ga., Aug. 22.—The vote In
Bibb Is very light, with a reglstrtUlon
of 1,000 short of two years ago. The
weather Is warm nnd fair, with no
excitement whatever.
Both Smith and Howell leaders are
claiming the. county, but It Is Impossl
hie to form anything like a correct es
tlmate, as the secret ballot Is being
used. The Hoke Smith men are more
cheerful than the Howell leaders.
The country vote, which Is quite
large, Is conceded to Smith, and the
contest will Rave to be settled in Ma
Special to The Georgian.
Thomson, Ga., Aug. 22.—Indications
at this hour (11 o'clock) are that Jim
Smith will carry this county by a small
Special to The tfeorglnn,
Savannah, Ga., Aug. 2, 1:30 p. m.—
W. W. Sheppard, candidate for long
term In congress has probably carried
Chatham county by a good majority.
Indications are that Gordon Saussy
will get that vote for the short term.
Special to The Georgian.
Savannah, Ga., Aug. 22.—The later
estimates are that Estlll will defpat
Smith In this county by nearly 2 to 1.
Smith workers are very active around
the polls.
Special to The Georgian.
Comer, Ga., Aug. 22.—Madison county
Is going for Jim Smith 3 to 1 against
Hoke Smith. 'Phono messages from
... Athens say Russell will carry Clark
by a small majority over J|m Smith.
« Hoke Smith la not getting many votes
Special to Tlie Georgian.
Warrenton, Ga., Aug. 22.—Hoke
Smith waa running ahead here at 10
Special to The Georgian.
1’hlpley, Ga., Aug. 22.—Hoke Smith
will carry Harris county beyond a
doubt. /
Special to Tlie Georgian.
Fayetteville, On., Aug. 22.—2 p. m.—
Indications are that Hoke Smith has
carried this county by a good majority.
Special to The Georgian.
Brunswick, Ga„ Aug. 22.—With over
one-third of the vote of Brunswick city
already cast, Hoke Smith Is leading by
a good majority. If thla ratio con
tinue! he will get the county by a
large majority.
The vote tn Olyrn county outside of
Brunswick city Is always small and
only Influences result In very close con-
Indications nre that a full vote will
be polled In this county. The weather
Is threatening rain, which may reduce
the county vote. The county polls are
open only between 10 a. tn. and 2 p. m.,
and open ballots art being voted. The
result nt 11 o'clock showed Hoke Smith
j 235 and all other candidates 56.
Special to The Georgian.
Valdosta, Ga., Aug. 22. 12 noon.—At
11:20 o'clock It looked as If Clark How
ell will carry this city and probably the
county. Out of 500 votes polled here
at this hour. It Is generally conceded
that Howell haa a majority of prob
ably 100.
Howell will also very likely carry
Echols county.
In Berrien the fight Is between Hoke
Smith and Estlll, with the chances best
for Smith.
Hpseinl to The Georgian.
Balnbrldge, Ga., Aug. 22, 12 noon.—At
11:20 o'clock the voting Is lively and
90 per cent of the votes In Balnbrldge
are for Hoke Smith.
Estlll supporters claim precincts out
side Balnbrldge will give Estlll a good
vote. Present Indications are that Hoke
Smith will carry Decatur county by a
large majority.
.Special to The Georgian.
Covington, Ga., Aug. 22.—The elec
tion Is very quiet here and a large
"vest pocket" vote Is being cast. Hoke
Smith considered to be In the lead at
this time. Many voters are holding
off until the country precincts are
heard from.
Special to The Georgian.
Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 22.—11 a. m.—
Vote very light, less than one-fourth
In the Thomaavlllo district at hla hour.
Hoke Smith Is leading: Estlll second.
No farmer votes heard from.
Special to The Georgian,
Ellavllte, Ga., Aug. 22.—It looks like
Hoke Smith for governor and K. B.
Lewis for congress In Schley county.
Special .to The Georgian.
Rome, Ga., Aug. 22.—Up to II o'clock
this morning 450 votes have been polled
at the Rome, precinct. It Is generally
conceded thut Hoke Smith Is In the lead
to 1. No reports from outside dis
tricts thus far.
Special to The Georgian.
Barnesvllle, Ga., Aug. 22.—The voting
here and throughout Pike county Is be
tween Hoke Smith and Russell, with
Smith leading by a safe majority.
Hj»erlnl to The Oenrglon.
Albany, Ga., Aug. 22.—At 11 o'clock
Howell Is slightly leading In Dougher
ty county. The result will be close,
howovarr nnd only the final count will
tell the story.
Special to The Georgian.
Gainesville, Ga., Aug. 22.—A reason
ably good vote Is being polled In Hall
county. Indications are that Bussell
will carry Hall.
At Onlnesvllle precinct the vote be
tween Hoke Smith and Russell Is prac
tlcally the same. A majority of the
country districts are for Russell.
Special to The Georgian.
Amerlcua, Ga., Aug. 22.—The race be
tween Hoke Smith and Clark Howell Is
very close. It Is thought that Howell
has a smnll lead. The other candidates
are not In the race here. Schley coun
ty seems divided between Smith and
Russell. Estlll Is strong In Dooly. In
other surrounding counties It Is close
between Howell and Smith.
Special to Tlio Georgian.
Savannah. Ga., Aug. 22.—In a'vote of
1,200 cast tn noon In Chatham, Estlll
has received about I to 1 over Smith.
The latter's vote Is nearly all tn.
Special to The Georgian.
VV'ayrross, Ga., Aug. 22.—Out of nine
ty-five votes polled In two Waycroas
precincts up tn S o’clock, Hoke Smith
gets 78, Estlll 16 and Ilowell 1.
. AUGuiTA.
Special to The Georgian.
Augusta, Oa., Aug. 22.—There Is ab
solutely no Interest In the primary here.
It Is believed now that there will not
be much .over 2,000 votes cast out of
the erglatratlon of 5,600. There Is no
rush at the polls, and the only sign
of there being an election la the saloon*
being closed. All sides are looking for
Special to The Georgian.
Dalton. Ga., Aug. 22.—Three hun
dred- votes, had been cast by 11
o'clock. Estlll and Hoke Smith nre
neck and neck, with Russell or How
ell third. Practically the same pews
.comes from Murray county.
Special to The Georgian.
Brunswick, Ga., Aug. 22.—The battle
of Che ballots Is being waged right vig
orously In Glynn county today, nnd
surface Indications are that the coun
ty will give a majority for Hoke Smith
for governor. The fight here Is solely
between Hoke Smith nnd Estlll, and
the -friends of both candidates nre
working hard arounfl the polls today,
ns they have been working for the past
several weeks. However, the Hoke
Smith people have the older and tha
better organization. A Hoke Smith
eltdbj with a membership of some tint)
was,organised here about four months
ago, and the lenders In that organisa
tion, have never for a day let up In
thelt work for their candidate, cm
the other bund, the opposition to Holes
Smith In Glynn has but recently per
fected any organization worthy of the
name, in the beginning of the entn-
palgh the nntl-Smlth people were
nearly all advncntlng the nomination
of Clark Ilowell, but there was no
concert of action and no systematic
work In his behalf. Only within the
last month or less, when It had be
come apparent to the most casual ob
server that Howell stood no chance of
carrying oiyn county, have the op
position to Hoke Smith gotten busy and
centered on J. II. Estlll as the candi
date, who stands the only ehnneo of
the rounty out of the Ho)<e Smith col
umn. Since the fight has been Inau
gurated In behalf of Estlll considerable
bitterness anti feeling Imve developed
In the contest. Tne Hoke Smith men
are stating against Estlll that he en
dorsed a negro for collector of -the
portjof Brunswick ngalnHt a white Re
publican candidate, and that when the
same negro, some time afterward, ap
plied for a position In the United
Staffs service at Savannah, .Mr. Estlll
matlf a very vigorous light ngHlnst
him, on account of his color.
The Estlll men, on the other hand,
nre (nuking a fight against Hoke Smith
on qrrount of hla "port rate" theories,
claiming that this port rate Idea, If
put Into prat tire, will he prejudicial to
the business Interests of Brunswick.
■Tfie friends of both these candidates
are ,claiming n victory for their re
spective favorltec today.
Skeletons of Valencia Pas
sengers are Found in
By Private :-eased Wire.
Vlctorli, Itrltttfli ColumMu,
life {tout niul a ponfwm fmu;
Rteumer Vnlowl.i Imvu lietji
('itveff near rn*rtntmiali r«lnr.
Then* nre ttmtirmtt* *ko!oi
wnrcheil for them.*
Culberson is. carrying ev
ery precinct in the county by
large majorities.
So many people going to far distant points have The
Bllang Cavite Province, Philippines, July I, 1906.
To the Commercial Bank of Cedartown, Ga.;
Pay to The Atlanta Georgian, or order, 14.50, for one year's sub-
Georgian sent to them. It’s like a
member of their family.