Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. George C. Ball, Editor. Charlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants.
’ A beautiful function wait the card
party at which Mr*. Molae DeLeon en
tertained Tuesday afternoon ' at her
home on Piedmont avenue. The occas
ion was In honor of her cousin, Mrs.
Nina Solomon, of Sumter, S. C, and
her guests included thirty of her mar
ried and unmarried friends,
i The DeLeon home was made doubly
attractive by quantities of fragrant
summer flowers and by handsome ferQS
and palms. The flrst prise was a hand
some candlestick In the design of a
rose, and the consolation, a fern dish,
hand-painted. Mrs. Solomon, the guest
of honor, was presented with a white
gause fan. A pretty Jaiwnese fan was
the booby prise. Mrs. Solomon wore
a dainty white silk gown trimmed wlthl
Val. lace, and Mrs. DeLeon was also
gowned In white silk.
Those Invited to meet Mrs. Solomon]
were Mrs. Julius Alexander, Mrs.
David Smith. Mrs. James Morrow, Mrs.
Harrison, Mrs. Porter King, Mrs. C. L.
Pettigrew, Mrs. Herbert Brown, Mrs.
D. H. Lopes, Mrs. W. E. Foster, Mrs.
Irvin Walker, Mrs. Beall, Mrs. W. R.
Fagan. Mrs. Fair Dodd, Mrs. Peter
Erwin. Mrs. T. J. Ripley, Mrs. James
Morrow, Jr., Mrs. Edward Vnn Winkle,
Mrs. Albert Spalding. Mrs. Edmund
Berkeley, Mrs. Clarence May, Mrs.
William E. Wllmerdlng. Misses Sisson,
Miss Sophia Clark, Miss Aline Ruse,
Miss Lula Slaton, Miss Mattie Slaton,
Miss Lucllla Hitt, Miss Solomons, Miss
Monday evening was sufficiently cool
to provide Ideal weather for an even
ing at the Casino, and a large audience
was out to enjoy the vaudeville. No
mode of Informal entertaining has been
more popular this summer than the
congenial supper party followed by a
box party at the Casino, and now that
tbe days of the summer theater aro
numbered It Is to be expected that un
usually large audiences will gather
there each evening. Among those seen
Monday nlglit were Misses McGowan,
M A. and Effle B. Phelan. Miss
Florlne Itlrhardsnn. Misses Joale and
Harris Htoekdell. Miss Helen Cay. Miss
Mnrlon Peel. Miss Bailie Cobb Johnson,
Miss Ethel Kelly, Miss Busan Bpnldlng,
Miss Helen O'Brien, Miss Natalie Taylor
Miss Florence Dobbs, Miss Dora Ander
son. Mrs. William Montgomery, Mr.
and Mrs. Vnn Landlngham, Mr. and
Mra Harry English. Messrs. John
Morris, Travis Ruff. Will Parkhurst,
Dr. Evcrard Richardson, Messrs. Will
Tanner, Jim Calloway, Hughes Spald
ing. Hugh Foreman, Vnldemar Gude,
Lynn Werner, Joe Brown Connally,
Jesse Draper. Brooks Berkeley, J. Glas
cock Mays, Ed Dougherty, Edward
Cay, Burke Clark, Clarence Haverty,
Leo Watson, Dr. Clinton Brockett, Mr.
anil Mrs. Forrest Adair.
T Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, at 1#f>
Plum street, the members of Jenifer
hive, Ladles of the Maccabees, will give
Tuesday evening Mr. and Mra J. G.
Rossman will entertain at the Pied
mont Driving Club for the pleasure of
the guests whom they are now enter
taining at Maplewood. The occasion
will be a dinner party, followed by an
Informal dance. The table will be
most artistic In Its floral decorations,
and the place cards wll be especially
attrnctlve and unique.
Mra. Rosaman will receive her
gueata In a charming white lingerie
gown, elaborately fashioned with lace.
Invited to meet the young women
who are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Rossman at Maplewood ore: Miss
Lucy Hlnea, Miss Theatt, Miss Barker.
Mr. Joe Brown Cnpnally, Mr. F. P.
Gamble. Mr. Ed Alfrlend. Mr. Eugene
Alfrlend, Mr. Will PorkhursL Mr.
Charles Bayne and Mr. Alex Irvin.
One of the largest events of the
week among the younger set will bo
the card party at which Miss Irene
Austin will entertain during the latter
part of the week, at her home on Fifth
utreet. Her guests will Include elkhty-
Ova of her friends.
Friday Mlsa Cora Hemphill will en
tertaln In honor of the guests of the
Mlasea Helfner. The occasion will be
a bridge party, and besides the young
women who make up the house party
there will be present only four or fly*
of Miss Hemphill's Intimate friends.
Among those who will be Miss Hemp
hill's guests are: Misses Wills. Leonle
and Adeline Helfner. Misses Fletcher
of Forsyth, Miss Woodruff of Colum
bus, Miss Hattie Lee Angler and Mlsa
Mildred Harris. _
' on account of the death of Mr. J. B.
Whitehead. Mrs. William Austell and
Mrs. Asa O. Candler have recalled In
vitations which had been Issued by
them to a basket luncheon at East
Lake Tuesday evening.
i An event of Interest to a wide circle
of friends will be the apnroarhlng
marriage of Dr. Arthur G. Hollowell
to Mlsa Margaret Ware, only daugh
ter of Mrs. Cyrus Doggett. The wed
ding will take place at high noon
Saturday, September 1, at the home of
Photo on the left la
Mlsa Ethel R. DeKo-
ven, whose oomlng
out party at Newport
the responsible position of ad
vertl.lng manager of the Southern
Dental Laboratory.
"Miss Ware Is a cultivated and
charming young woman, nnd has drawn
OI me about ,tier_t»»ny friends because of
tea. to which a cordial In*- hef'gehtTe womanly attributes,
extended the public to he •« i m ■ _—
The Atlanta Civic League will meet
the bride's mother, Mra. DoggetL 134
Angler avenue. It will be a very quiet
home affnlr, only the most Intimate
friends being present.
Immediately after the ceremony .tho
bridal coupln will leave for un extend
ed trip North, visiting the Great Lakes
nnd other points of interest. After
October 1 Dr. and Mrs. Hollowell will
be at home to their friends. No, 134
Angler avenue.
Dr. Hollowell Is a very successful
It not the Hollingsworth Mattress
Co. will make It to by renovating the
old mattress and making It new.
Bell Phone 2562. 381 E.
Atlanta 1175. Hunter St.
Cor. Grant and Hunter.
Residence Music Studios,
271 Ivy StrssL Ball phone 918 Main.
npoaltloo. iPnplTi
on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
at Carnegie library.
On Sunday, afternoon, August 38, at
t, o'clock, as Mount Cnrmel Baptist
church, neWDemoreat, On., Mr. Jasper
Brooksher was married to Miss Carrie
Tbe ceremony was performed by
Rev. F, L. Prater.
A delightful picnic of last Saturday
evening was that given In honor of
Miss Robeanln Summers, of Cave
Springs; Miss Corlnne Conner,
Adalravllle; Mlsa Ida C. Abrams, ",
Rome, the guests of Miss Anna Belle
Rbbeanla Hansen.
Those njoylng the outing were: Miss
Robeanln Summers of Cave Springs,
M'ss Corlnne Conner of Adalrsvllle,
Miss Ida C. Abrams of Rome, Miss
Anna Belle Robeanla Hansen. Miss
Lillie Eskridge, Miss Alberta Conner,
Miss Addis Moore, Miss May Caw
ley, Mr. J, Lovette Milner, Mr. Fred
erick A. Hansen. Mr. Quarrels, Mr.
fhulthenl, Mr. Guy Dobbs, Mr. Cunle
Dobbs, Mr. A. Eskridge.
The chaperons were Ml\ and Mrs.
George J. Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. E.
A. Dobbs.,
Mr. and Mrs. John Dillon, of Savan
nah, announce the engagement of their
daughter, Katharine Elizabeth, to Mr.
George Wellington Chandler. The mar,
rlage will be solemnised September 3 at
the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
at .Savannah.
Miss Harrtet'Lee Angler gave a most
enjoyable picnic Monday evening at
Grant Park, complimentary to Miss
Adeline Hellner nnd her guest, Miss
Clare Fletcher, of Forsyth. Miss An,
gler's list of guests included Misses
Willie Loytess, Hattie Loyless, Seable
Adams, Hattie May Holland. Floy At
inand, Irene Almand nnd Messrs, Fain
Adams, Howard Parker, Joseph Klby,
Olmstead King, Frank Baker, Gordon
Rlchawls, Robert Hopkins, Guy Nor-
min, Dick Henry. Fenton Gentry, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Malone.
The trustees of the Georgia Orphans
Home are requested io meet Wednea,
day morning at 10 o'clock at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whitehead, 583
Peachtree street, to attend In a body
the funeral of Mr. Whitehead.
Quite a large gathering of young peo
ple enjoyed themselves Monday even
ing at the home of Miss Myrtle Bell,
near Fort McPherson. The huge melon
fete was given In honor of Miss Bell's
guest. Miss Belle Brendlove. Games
were played and refreshments served
during the evening. Among those
present were: Miss Belle ltrendlove,
of Macon: Miss Maggie Zschy, Mika
Ida Kalin. Miys Myriam West, Miss
Marguerite Duffy, Mra. Ward, Miss
Myrtle Belt, Allen Bunnle Bell, Mlsa
Jennie Reynolds, Mr. John Kirk, Mr.
G. B. Edge, Mr. Sol Love, Mr. C. A.
On Wednesday evening Miss Mildred
Harris will entertain at her home In
West End at a watermelon cutting In
honor of the Misses Helfner and their
guests. Miss Woodruff, of Columbus,
nnd the Misses Fletcher, of Forsyth
Miss Hnrtis' guests will Include Misses
Wllha, Lonnie nnd Adallne Helfner. the
Misses Fletcher, I.uclle Woodruff, Lou
ise Norman, Harriet Leo Angler, Mar
guerite Chaffee. Edith Colloid, Lillian
Harris, Charles Moore, Robert Hop
kins, Fred Dlsbro, John Norman, Frank
Bpratling, Charles Dyer, Percy Gentry,
J. C. Harris, Jr.. Roy Abernathy, Jo
seph Arnold, Frits Wagner, Alton Irby.
On Wednesday evening, August 33,
In the spacious drawing rooms of the
handsome home of Mrs. J. P. Fort, at
ML Airy, a delightful Concert waa given
by Mrs. Emma Terry Pollard, assisted
by other well-known musicians. One
hundred and flfty guests were present,
nnd evinced their appreciation of the
excellent program by enthusiastic ap
plause. Mrs. Fort's home, which Is
Ideal for entertaining, w'as profusely
decorated In clematis, roses and golden
rod, and the audience was In full eve
ning dress, presenting a brilliant ap
The following program was rendered
by Mrs. Pollard, soprano: Mr. H. W.
Card, pianist, and Mr. William F.
Chase, violinist:
1. Vanya's Bong, Vom Htutzman.
3. (a) "Rockin' In de Win'," Neldllng-
■; (t>) "Rosalie," De Koven.
3. Piano tiplo, Selected.
4. (a i "The Sweetest Flower," Haw
ley; <h) “Three Green Bonnets,"
D'Harelelot; (c) "Bobolink," Blschotf.
5. Violin Solo, Selected.
8. (a) "Margery," Bischoff; (b)
'Pickaninny Mine, Good-Night.” Tro-
tere; (c) "Nymphs and Fauns.” Sem
ite rg.
A most picturesque event waa the re
gain at Lake Toxaway the past week,
when the .trophtes. twit sliver loving
Cups, were won by Miss Blythe, of
Philadelphia, and Mr. Wlnthrop, of
New York. The beauty of the scenery
whlch Is said by those who khow to
he cnmiiarable In many respects to cer
tain portions of Switzerland, the scope
of the lake and tho boats In their many
colored flags and decorations, and their
fair occupants, combined to make the
occasion one most enjoyable. ■
Among the the Georgia beauties tak
ing part In tho festivities of the re
gain were: Mrs. William Inman, Mrs.
F. B. Dancey, Miss Dancey and the
Misses Ladsont from Augusta, Miss
Anita Phlnlzj* and Miss Tobin, and
from Athens, the Mlsaea Phlnlzy.—
Macon News.
The social event of Wednesday will
he the marriage of bliss Elizabeth
Vsnable and Mr. Frank Tucker Mason,
which will take' place Wednesday even
ing at the beautiful country place of
the Venables at Stone Mountain. Mra.
Austell Thornton and Mrs. Arthur Kel
logg will be matrons of hohor, and Mr.
McKelvey, of Tenneaae, and Mr. I. E.
Philips, of Pennsylvania, will act aa
groomsmen. Mr. Fred Mason will be
beat man, and Mr. Samuel Venable will
give the bride away.
One of the moat delightful affairs of
the week was the coaching party given
yesterday affemoon In honor of Mra.
Frances Arnold De Bardeleben, Mrs.
L. A. Shipman and Sir. and Sirs. Brad
ley Johnson Saunders, of Birmingham,
who are staying at the. Battery Park
hotel. After a drive through BlltmofC
the guests returned to the Battery
Park, where an' elegant dlnne|j?*,was
served. Those Invited ' to meet the
guests of honor.were Sir. and Mrs. Jef
ferson B. Brown, of Key West Fla.:
Mrs. W. B. Wright, of Florida; bliss
Kelley, of Mobile, Ala.; bliss Leila
Johnson, of Eufaula, Ala.; Miss Daisy
Hycr, of Pensacola, Fla.; Messrs. Bur
ton E. Dryden. Vernon Badham, 'M.
Knowles and Knowles Hyer.—Asheville
Gasette News.
A very delightful meeting ■>< the
North Side Bridge Club was held Tues
day morning at the home of Miss Jaciv
Speer. After the game a delicious
course luncheon was served at the card
tables. Those present " were Mlsse-j
Jennie English. Nan and May duBIg-
non, Joste Stockdell, Etfle B. and M. A.
Phelan and Nellie Hightower.
| If a young woman weare an ame-
thyet she has an amulet against fllghtl-
ness and folly, and may Join In any
frolicsome venture without fear of be
ing ■ led too far.
If she wears a sapphire she will be
proof against deceitful suitors, no mat
ter how artful their wooing may be.
Certain varieties of the aqua-marine
likewise give .the power to divine the
thought# of others,'and have the de
sirable tint and qualities of sapphires.
If she gets possession of a ruby she
hn» a charm nxalnet rheumatli
| kindred diseases, and a prompter to
vivacity and fascination of manner,
j Falling the ruby, the carbuncle and
the garnet will exert a similar Influ
ence, quickening the circulation and
warming the fancy.
In the turquotse the wearer has a
talisman for self-possession. The
gleaming blue gem will enable her to
think, clearly nnd keep her presence
of mind under the most trying circum
Olivines have electric properties, and
conduce to ready wit nnd facility in
conversation. The girl who wears these
magic stones In brooch, neck chain or
hatpin Is sure to be an animated. In
teresting companion.
Emeralds are a spur to ambition and
promote the spirit of a leader.
A piece of Jade worn In the bracelet
clasp or vinaigrette ring will exorcise
bad luck even more effectively than
the rabbit's foot or horseshoe,
you wish," "whatever you will," are
the Inherent meanings of this stone so
long associated with the sacred sym
bols of the Chinese.
In the moonstone the wearer has an
aid to beauty and-the gift of pleasing.
Under this stone's Influence she sees
everybody and everything about her In
the best aspect. The moonstone Im
parts .magnetism and a gentle, evasive
quality to tho .wearer. Some ancient
writers believe the moonstone cured
epilepsy; others that Its powers waxed
and waned with the moon; but all as
cribed meaning nnd Influence to it.
The topaz banishes melancholy and
Imparts serenity and a contented mind.
A series of hnppy entertainments
have been planned for the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Rossman. For the
past week the country . place of Mr.
and Mrs. Rosaman, on Peachtree road,
haa been the scene of a constant round
of gaieties, and pleasures have been
planned for each remaining day of the
iresent week, Wednesday evening
Ir. and Mrs. Rossman wilt entertain
at a theater party at the Casino.
Thursday they will take their guests
and a few friends to.Stone Mountain
for the day, and on Friday there will
be another picnic excuralon.
Tuesday evening Miss Marie Mitchell
will entertain Informally at her home
bn Forreat 'avenue. In honor of her
guest, Miss Eleanor Goodrich. The
occasion will bo small and Informal,
only the intimate friends of the young
hostess being Invited. There will be
games and music, and an exciting
guessing contest wilt afford much mer-
rlmenL , .
The Tennessee Woman’s Press and
Authors' Club will be represented next
week at the sixteenth annual conven
tion of the International League of
Press Clubs, to be held in Denver,
Colo., August 37 to September 1. The
gates are Mrs. Oscar T. Peeples,
Jhattanooga, president; Miss Ern-
“Do You Admire Diamonds?”
What Is your honest opinion of a person who wears a nice diamond?
You will give the people that same Impression of yourself If you wear a
beautiful stone. Our plan enables you to wear a nice diamond while pay
ing for 1L Do the right thing for yourself.
The Diamond Palace.
37 ^Whitehall St.
win meet ms ueicgaics in nenver, niiu
Miss Llbble Morrow, of The Nashville
Banner. Miss Bettis Garland, who waa
elected an alternate, and who haa been
In California since June, may also be
In attendance,
Tuesday morning and leayi
The delegates will assemble In phi-
ig and leave at
0 o'clock bn a special Rock Island
train for Denver. On the trip the presi
people In attendance will be the guests
of the Denver Press Club and their
friends throughout the state of Colo
rado, who will make the convention,
held for the third time In Its history
west of the Mississippi, moat memora
ble and successful. Many social pleas
urea and Interesting expeditions have
rraqged for the visltt
En route
been an
|ged for the visitors.
) to Denver a atop at Oma'
ha may be made and a feature will
A Pretty Sight
The modish bracelet on a rounded
arm, and women today are wegrlng all
kinds. Our Jeweled effect*, hoopa, and
etched bands are alike popular.
Davi--* & Freeman,
Jewelers. • ■
be a typical cow camp breakfast, simi
lar to the one given In honor of Presi
dent Roosevelt.—Nashville Banner.
Tbe aoclil event of the w;ek wss tbe
•oclable given on tset Tueedsj evening by
Misses Rosalie end Wills Zellner, compll-
mentsry, ta their populsr guests. Misses
Msttls end Lesste Maynnrd, of Forsytb.
John McGee bee accepted s position with
the Southern Railway Company, and moved
bis family to Atlanta,
Miss Annie Waldrop, of Flovllla, was tbe
guest recently of Jilts Bessie Smltb.
Iain I’itH spent Tuesday Id Atlanta,
Hsrry Prddy has returned from a rlelt
to friends In New York city.
Jim Chamblets Is visiting relatives In
Boston, Mass.
llnnry Hunt, of Hillsboro, wss a visitor
In the city Friday.
fir. suit Mrs. w. J. Smith complimented
the young men and young ladles of tbs
city with an Informal reception last Thors-
< sy , evening. The house wne tastefully
deeornted with roses, ferae and cut flow-
tempting dalles ties were eerved.
■« Genie and Ethel Zellner, of For-
nre the guests of their cousins,
id Bills '■ “
liases Klorrle
' Mac Zellner.
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
Century Building. Whitehall St.
ladles —
last Wednesday evening In the spurious au
ditorium of Juliette academy, for tbe hen-
rat of the chorrb, wss s brilliant suc
cess. An Immense crowd waa present
from many sections nf the state. The
auditorium was Illuminated with beautiful
Japanese lanterns and presented s scene
of much beauty. Sixty-six dollars wss
raised for the church.
By Private Leased Wire.
Lextlnton, Va., Aug. 38.—General
Bcott Shipp, superintendent of the
Virginia Military Institute, today at a
special meeting of the board of visit
ors of the school, presented his realg,
nation, to take effect at the close of
the academic year. A committee waa
appointed to report upon the resigna
tion at the meeting In June, 1807. Gen
eral Shipp haa been connected In some
capacity with the school for fifty
By Private Leased' Wire.
Blairgowrie. Scotland, Aug. 28.—Miss
Emma Van Norden, daughter of War
ner Van Norden, of New York, who
was Injured August 33 by the over
turning of a carriage In which she
was driving with several friends, died
this morning. The others of the par
ty who were hurt are recovering.
Special to The Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala., August 28.—Emma
Ganaom ramp, United Confederate
Veterans have re-elected the follow
in'- odicers for the ensuing year: R.
A. E. Dunlap, commander; Obal
Christopher, flrst lieutenant command
er; W. M. Meeks, second lieutenant
commander; James T. Brooks and
Alto V. Lee, Sr., third lieutenant com
manders; J. R. Hughes, adjutant; W. C.
Wright, color bearer; John F. Adams,
chaplain and secretary.
Among the very prettily gowned girls
dining.Sunday evening at the Capital
City Club were Miss SI. A. Phelan, In
a white toilette with lingerie hat; Miss
Speer, In a blue gown with black chip
hat, trimmed In blue plumes; Miss
Emory, of Jacksonville, Fla., In pink
mull, with hat en suite; Miss Jean
nette Swift, In embroidered suit o
white linen nnd large white hat, with
a touch of black, and Miss Nlcolson,
In white lingerie gown, with white hat,
trimmed with red roses.
Miss Loulte Roper will leave Sep
tember 3 to visit Mrs. Walter Thomp
son at her home In Philadelphia. Mrs.
Thompson Is much loved here In At
lanta, where aa Miss Lute Gordon,
she was a reigning belle. Since her
marriage, Mrs. Thompson has resided
largely In Bremen, Germany, but It will
be a source of pleasure to her friends
to know that Mr. Thompson's business
Interests will keep him for some time
In America.
Mr. nnd Mra. J. E. C. Pedder have
moved from "The Lorraine," and are
now occupying ah apartment In “The
Wilhelm,” 52 East Baker street. Mr.
and Mra. Pedder have Just returned
from.a month’s trip North, where they
Visited New York, Boston and Lewis
ton, Maine. They were the guests for
two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Benn at
their summer cottage on Mere Point,
Caaco Bay.
Mr. Clayton King, of Lexington, Go,
Is the guest of his grandparents, Dr.
and Mrs. William King, at their home,
on Courtland street. Mr. King will re
turn, to the Georgia Military Academy
September 5. He will be. a member
of the house i
feasor and Mrs. J. C. Woodward, at
College Park, the latter part of the
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. McCullough, ac
companied by their daughter, Mlsa
Helen, and by Miss Alleen Tolbert, left
on Friday for New York to be present
at the great reception to be tendered
Hon. William J. Bryan In that city
during this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Cullough and party sailed from Savan
nah on the Kansas City.
Mrs. John M. Cutler. Master Jack
Cutler and Miss Emma Bell, of Atlanta,
are spending some time at Wrightavllle
Beach. Master Jack Cutler Is the fpr-
tunate possessor of a remarkably sweet
and lovely baritone voice and gives
much pleasure to the hosts of people
who gather around the music room
dally.—Macon News.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Snowden, of
Richmond, spent a few days In Atlanta
en route to Virginia. Mrs. Snowdert,
who was Mlsa Edith Angler previous
to her marriage, haa many friends In
the city who are always delighted to
welcome her upon her visits to her for
mer home.
The many friends In Atlanta of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Brown will regret to
learn that they will make tholr home
In Marietta during the coming year In
the hope that Mrs. Brown's health will
Improve. They have taken a houso at
too Kenesaw avenue.
Mies Francis Burke Harris arrived
In the city yeeterday from North Caro
lina, where ahe has been enjoying a
delightful trip In the mountains, and
before returning to her home In Macon
will be the guest of Miss Carolyns Sas-
nett for several day*.
Mrs. Frank EMI* will In n few daye
close her cottage at Narragansett,
which has this summer been the can
ter of a very delightful social life. Mrs.
Ellis will not return to Atlanta before
the latter part of October,
Mra. Charles P. Byrd and children
have returned from a visit of several
weeks to "Aylmer," the country home
of Mrs. Byrd’s mother, Mra. Lula Turn-
lln Lyons,'near Carteravllle.
Mr. and Mra. John Stewart have
given up their house In Inman Park,
and after Tuesday, will be at home to
their friends at tto Wllmer Moore
- Baker
apartments, on
Miss Carolyns Sasnett has returned
from North Carolina, where she has
been apendlng the summer months,
and has as hsr guest Miss Frances
Burke Harris, of Macon.
Mra. R. M. Klrbln, of Columbus. Ga.,
who has been the guest of Mrs. Hugh
Martin, of New York, la 'spending a
few day* In Atlanta aa the guest of
Mra. W. S. Wltham.
Mlsa Marie Gtlreath, of Carteravllle,
and Mlsa Rhela Hervel, of Providence,
seed through the city Monda;
way to Carteravllle. They wll
visit- Atlanta later.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tolbert are
apendlng several week at Hotel Mont
erey, at Mount Airy. Upon their return
to Atlanta they will occupy their home
on Currier street.
Mr. Fred Stockdell and hit daughter,
Miss Ford Stockdell, and Miss Maud
Johnson, of Griffln, are guests of Mr.
and Mrs* Frank Stockdell. on Piedmont
Mr*. Frank Moore Pearson ha* re
turned from a delightful stay at Tal
lulah Falls, and, with her family, Is
now at her apartments, 68 East Baker
Miss Lillian Warner, of New York,
arrived In Atlanta Tuesday morning,
to be the guest for some time of Miss
Elolae Stewart on Weat Peachtree
Mr. and Mr*. Geddlngs Tupper have
purchased a beautiful home near Ard
more, a suburb of Philadelphia, and
will reside there In the future.
Mrs. R. H. Shaw and little daughters,
Robena and Idell, have returned home
after spending several weeks at Car-
tersvllle and Davis Springe.
The many Atlanta friends of Mr. Alf
Vernoy will be grieved to hear that he
met with a painful accident on a street
car while In Houston, Texas.
Mr. J. M. Owlna, Mr. Henry Hull,
Mr. Lucius Drewery, and Mr. Rees
Marshall are attending a delightful
house party In Carteravllle.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe)-Hunter will move
from 269 North Jackson street to their
Mr. nnd : Mrs. McAllen Marsh left
Tallulah a few days ago for a visit
to New York and other Northern cities.
Miss Hezelle Alexander and Miss
Hattie Blooilworth passed through At
lanta Monday on their way to Forsyth.
Mrs. Harry Jackson and Miss Flor
ence Jackson nre the guests of Mr,
and Mrs.'Wllmer Moore at Marietta.
Mr. Leonard Day,' who has been the
guest of Mr. .and Mrs. George Allen,
left Monday night for New York.
Rev. T. pi Cleveland lias moved to
480 Whitehall street, where his many
friends can And him at any time.
Mr. Fulton Colville has returned
from Buffalo, entirely recovered from
his recent serious Illness.
Miss Etbleen Dobbs has returned
tram a visit to her aunt, Mrs. D. A.
Glffen, at Nashville, Tenn.
Mra. Jq G. Addy and children have
returned from- an extended visit to
relatives at La Grange.
Mln Luetla Mnisby left Monday for
a two weeks' visit to Miss Jessie Mize,
In Thomaaton. ,
Miss Isabetle Postell, of Savannah,
Is the'guest of Mrs. S. W. Postell, on
Martin street. j .
Mr. and Mrs. R, F. Eawes have re
turned from a visit to relatives at Ox
ford. ; i j?
Mias Jllldred Hardy haa returned
from a visit to friends at La Grange.
home in s
lellah, of
Mr. Sam McClellan, of Knoxville, Is
the guest of Mrs. Hugh McClellan.
Mrs. Warren Shafer Is the guest of
Mrs. Henry Hollst, at LaGrangc.
Mr. Gilbert Alfrltbid haa returAkd.
from a visit to Waycross, Ga.
Miss Adete Blue, of Macon, Is the
guest of Mrs. S. A. Swann.
Miss Nell Lowry, o( Oxford, Is the
guest of Miss Janie Cyfer.
r. Charlie. Klngaberry apent the
week-end at Indian Springs..
Mr. Harry Hall return* Thursday
from Highlands, N. C. r
Mr. w. E. Chapin hda returned from
a visit to Saratoga.
Special to The Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala., August 38^-9A.petition
it of the ordinary has' bein ’ filed in
the probate ofllce here. It I Stan appll-
t>n of W. B. Fleming to bo ap
pointed administrator-of the «state of
hts brother, J. G. Fleming, who left his
home thirty years ago and haa hot been
heard of since. His mother.teft an es
tate which has never been settled.
By Private Leased Wire.
Richmond, Va., Aug. 98.—Jacob
Bernstein, nn eccentric proprietor of
a cheap eating house of Carey atfeet,
was found In his room this morning
nearly unconscious from a wound' In
his breast.
He declared some unknown map allot
him In the night. The -police are un
able to find any dew. Bernstein was
supposed to keep a-largeaum of money
In his room. i .
Special to The Georgian.
Jackson, Miss., Aug; 28.—The five
candidates for governor are calling 1
loudly on Hon. Earl Brewer, of Cp*- ‘
horns county, to name the man who la i
the nilnola Central’s candidate for.
rovernor. Mr. Brewer made the charge .
n a speech at a picnic near this city
that one of the candidates for gov
ernor was being t " ""
Central Railroad.
Nathan's Home Bakery
• i
and Vienna Cafe
Bread* Cakes, Piet, etc., freah daily. ;
Atlanta Phone 1896. Bell Phone 1486 t
10 Cents
r —i — Has Atlanta.
Exposition and
Will Spend Each
We will give 11,000 to the
1910 EXPQ8ITI0N,
or One Cent, for every official but
ton or pin sold.
Solid Metal Gold Plate Button,
For Sale by Dealers.
717 Fourth National ?ank Building,
Atlanta Phone 1910. '