Newspaper Page Text
In Georgia and Adjoining Slates
Pleasant Mention From Other Clffea
Mta. Jnnle Hearn, of Eatonton, re
turned home Monday after n delightful
visit to Miss Sue Means.
Miss Mary Hill Moore has returned
from a visit to relatives In Alabama.
Mrs. John F. Bonnell left for East
•Point, where she wilt be the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. John Poer.
Rev. George W. Yarbrough has re
turned from a visit to his son, Rev.
John F. Yarbrough, of Lavonla.
Miss Ruby Trasher, of Florida, la the
guest of Miss Mary 11111 Moore.
Miss Alberta Williams and her moth
er. Mrs. Lydia Williams, are at Tallu
lah Fails.
.Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Eakes have re.
turned to Atlanta after a visit to Dr.
and Mrs. John S. Moore.
Mitts Nell Lowry Is the gu?at of Miss
Susie Cofer, of Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Ivey have re
turned from Atlanta.
Dr. C. E. Dowman, of Atlanta,
■preached to a large congregation here
Mrs. Lucy Thomas has gone to East
Tennessee after a short stay with her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Means.
Mrs. Tudle S. Robinson Is the guest
of Professor and Mrs. H. H. Stone.
Miss Katherine McOath Is visiting
relatives In Atlanta.
Miss Amelia Starr has returned home
after a visit to Mrs. O. N. Starr, of
Miss Carrie Smith leaves this week
for Montlcello, where she will be the
guest of her sister.
Dr. Avery, of Atlanta, spent Sunday
with Professor M. T. Peed,
t Mrs. J. O. Weldon has returned from
a visit to friends In Alcovy.
Professor and Mrs, J. P. Banner
have returned home after a pleasant
summer In Tennessee.
Mrs. John Wilder Glover entertained a
numlier of her friend, on Thursday with
a delightful luncheon.
The Hound Imxen Luncheon Club was
entertained hy Ml,s Harsh I'aufp.
Mr. and Sire. Charley Dul’re are spend-
Inc come time at Toxawsy Take.
Mr. and Sire. Oeorge Sfontcomery and.
children left Friday for W’rifbtsvIUe
Sir,. W. A. DnPre la vlattlng her mother,
Mra. Ranke. In Oalneevltle.
Mis* Anne Hunt, who tun been vtitt-
Ing Sire. Croeby, of Atlanta, baa returned
h Mrs. Ralph Northeutt la vlattlng friends
l °sils* C< Ne1l Atklnaoa, of Atlanta, la vie-
Itlnc friends In town. .... _ ,
Mrs. Lewis Turnar. of Nelson, G*., la
sjiendlng^aereral weeks with her mother,
‘ MlM^SIarian Rrsrnby. of CsrtersvUte, Is
the guest of Mrs. W. I. Heyward.
Miss Georgia Hnnt hat aeeepted a po
sition ss teacher In the public aeboo at
Valdosta, sod will tears for tbat city In s
fD Mrs7”. , ’W. Shaw, of Knoxville. Is vis
iting Mr. and Urs. James Groves.
SI* and Sirs. Baldwin. of Atlanta, are
visiting Sir. and Sira. Goawell.
I Sir. nnd Sirs. William Htbr, of Atlanta,
are the guests of Sir. sod Sirs. B. P.
I mill,*
Is tbs
entertained on Thursday afternoon by Sire.
V. L. Htarr. At tho closo of the game, a
salad coarse, followed by nn Ice rourse,
svss served. The prises, a chop dish and
bat pin holder, were won by Mies Addle
tho form of entertainment prorlded. The
gueste were sealed nt numerous small to-
Ides, which were covered with handsome
lace and linen. Tho prise, a lieautlful,
hand-emhroldem! centerpiece, was svon by
Sirs.-Emmet Williams, lie rightful refresh
ments, consisting of snlnd coarse. Iced tea,
cream and cake, were served. The gueer
of honor were Sirs. Halite Itrld and Sir
Emmet Williams, ot LaGrange.
Captain J. M. Elliott nnd family have
gone to White Sulphur Springs, Ala.
Mrs. Robert It. Kyle Is visiting Mrs. Lor-
lug Whlteley nt OureuilKjro, Ky.
Miss Emma Duke Is visiting relative* at
. SIlss Illanehe Roy ta vlaltlng her slater,
Mrs. Paul Hpeaks, at Huntsville.
SIlss Silnnie Green, of Tuskegee, is visit
Ing Miss Ella Green.
Mr. and lira. A. W. McCulloch have gone
ta Mount Hope, Ohio, on a visit to rela
Mrs. St. J. Greene, of Talladega, Is with
her sister, Mr*. Ames Stewart, on Walnut
Sltss Fannie Mae Baker, ta the guest of
friends In Anniston.
Little SIlss Nellie Burnett entertained a
number of her little friends Tuesday even
ing In honor of her sth Birthday.
Mrs. J. II. SteAlltster, ot Chattanooga, ts
visiting her sister. Sirs. Browning, on kcc-
Mattle, hare returned from a vTi
Jce Willows Is with her par
ents In Birmingham.
Announcement has been made of the com
ing marriage of Mr. Carl Lay, of this city,
and Miss Joste Caldwell, of -Jacksonville,
Via., the event to take place In October.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Bush, who hare been
visiting the family of Judge J. W. I’enn,
ha-re returned to their home In Tnaealoosa.
Miss Alma Oliver, who has been the guest
of Judge J. II. Lovejoy ami family,
a. - *- "pr home at Dadevllle.
turned to her I
and Mrs. Bass, who have
bat pin bolder, wore w
and Mias Mollfe Belize. a
Mrs. L. Jf. Trammell entertained Infor*
mally nt brldgo on Saturday afternoon
in honor of her aunt, Mra. wllli
of Atlantn.
St A resident 0 of' Mrs*
f, ®u2sra Aia»y, «#..
la spending aevernl days with bts family
at W. I. Heyward - *. „ .
A delightful danco wna given on Friday
night by Profeaaor Northeutt. #
Sites Msrte Waller, who wss the goest
of Miss ltuby Marshall, the past weak, has
returned to ner home In Macon.
H. T. Powell, of Atlanta, apent a day re
cently with his parents, Mr. and Mr*. B.
T 1'ttWCll
Mrs, J. n. Campbell, who baa bfgn ri* -
ltlng her elater. Mra. T. J. SurahaR,
ha* returned to her hum*at Moal&riR
Misses Anna and lfattte Bird Watson
spent several daya Uat week at Indian
SP 5Jr?*nnd Mr*. Ulver MeCoon ar# at the
*"silss° f Anna Wooten, after a pleasant
visit to the Mlasea Bmltb, baa returned to
A Mra!*H. F. Cater Is vlattlng relative* in
r st’« b itoxle Reid returned MM wit to
Walhalla, AC., acewtopanled byher broth-
rr Mi.J. r.' , Su.'i , on C ^t N ^.r-d.y. Uat
W Mrs. 'EmmeMVIlffama. who wo* the guest
of Mr*. Blon Wllllama during the peat
•sa. tsrkiR u <s r ii , 5r. M aS d *r.
‘^kirn'olen* IVaTheraton. after a vMtri
several week* to SHsa SIattle Illrd Watson
here. has gone to Indtsn Spring for Sev
ern 1 days before returning to hsr boms In
^MIss Lnry Sanford and Miss Amanda Da
vidson, of ^Greenville, were guesta of Mra.
W II. Hinton ths past week. .
Dr. II. W. Clements nnd family are visit
ing relatives at Talbotton.
Mist Addle la the guest ot Mra. J. D.
^Strs' lSrane ha* returned WBmm Viet*.
SIlss Slattlo Ilavla baa returned from
if- Btrotber entertained the la
dles - Clnb on Tneaitay afternoon.
One of the m<wt delightful event* of
•he season was the reception by Mrs. J.
A. Gill on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Janla
Williams assisted In rwj^lwlngf ■** •»*•£
talnlng the guests. A telegram patent was
Misses Myrtle and Theresa Fortner have
eturned from a visit to friends at Chattl-
“SS! W. J. Brock, of Piedmont, ta with
her sisters. Mrs. Charles Norris and Mrs.
Frank Cottle.
Mrs. W. U. Paschal has gone to Birming
ham to vlalt flrends.
Mrs. Bruce Armstrong and daughter,
S herine, hare returned from Upton. ,
rs. C. R. Hoir la visiting relatives In
nlngham. Mien..
George Turrentlne entertained
of his friends Thursday evening.
Miss Georgia Iliingman. who has been
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Tolhelm,
hsa returned to her home In Hamilton,
Mlasea Annie and Georgia Woodruff hare
returned from Blount Springs.
Miss Jennie Glover, who has been visit
ing her liorther, Cato D. Glover, baa re
turned to her home at Forkland.
Mrs. O. D. Duncan has gone to Minneap
olis, Minn., to visit her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Goodhue have re
turned from Oshkosh, WIs.. and Chicago
Mrs. I*. W. Dean has returned from
visit to Birmingham.
Mr. Charles Ward has Joined Mrs. Ward
at Erie, Pa.
Colonel Henry Hart, of Montgomery, via-
Ited his mother here this week.
Mrs. W. Guinea Summerlin sad Miss Allla
Jones are away In the mountains of North
Sidney Brown and J. B. White, of Au
gusta, are spending their vacation with the
B irents of the former, Judge and Mrs. K.
. Brown.
II. W. and Roney Shanks, of Wilkes
conty are visiting T. B. Wllay.
I*. G. Brewer has returned from a trip to
Athens and Tallulah Falls,
('harlle Summerlin, who baa been vlattlng
II Springs and Mlledgevllle, returned
. lags
lome ye*terns;.
Mrs. Paul Bi
rown have returned
from a trip to Richmond county.
Mra. Lewis Archer and daughters, I.lla
and Uosallnd. of Meridian, Ml**., are rls-
Itlng'MIaa Nannie Harris, of this place,
and Dr. L. L. Harris, of Wrightsvllle.
Mrs. II. T. fiarfra. of Ifsdlsus, la spend
ing a month with Mrs. 8lmmons at Forest
The younger set of society folk enjoyed
very much a soap bubble party at the resi
dence of Dr. II. D. Jamereon. The enter
tainment was given by Miss Marion Jamfcr-
son liu honor of her guest*. Misses Hath
and Edna Taylor and Gussle Register, of
Cochran. Gs.
Mrs. William R. Long Is In Athens, called
there l»v the aeriona Ulnea of her sister.
Mrs. J. A. Langston and children are tha
guests of Mrs. Carl Lanner on South Harris
lllw* Alt L.
Mrs. Lake B. Holt was the hostess of a
1 a! fresco entertainment oh Tne*
Jng. The guest of honor wss Miss
Allle Belle Holt.
Miss Thena Holt la In Atlanta visiting her
grandmother, Mrs. J. B. Itoljerts.
Misses Fannie and Maria Haynes have re
turned from visits to Macon, Sparta and
~*hlllp I'Hiiis sii v, aasnwn, "r*—\
jonth with her parent,, Mr. .and
Mra. T. It. Cox. . .
Miss Annie Cox. who has been vlaltlng
Monroe, returned home yesterday.
Mra. A. L. ttofera and daughter*. Ellas-
beth and Sarah, are In Waynesboro, tho
guests of Mr*. C. W. Hklnner v
Ml - ' ’ “
aeata of Mr*. C. W. Skinner.
Mlsa Luey nine*, of Atlanta, has lieen -ta
in* her aont, Mrs. B. G. Jordan, at ltlues
110s. . .,
— ijovahle
brtaht little
re, .pent laat
... (meat of Mr*.
M. W. Warve*. She was honored with sev
eral very deUrhtful entertalammta. ,
The Handeravllle tilth School begins It*
fall session September L The following
teachers eomnosa the faculty: HaMriatend-
ent. John Olhaon: principal...«llltaw M.
Gssodwyn; lady principal. V
Mitchell; trade teachers, Hit*
For the Six Mootha Endln* Juno », 1X6, of the Condition of tho
Illinois Life Insurance Co.
r^""* ‘° ,to ,OTWnor ° f ,h '
Principal A. ... Monroe •^^^TOCK.
l SES 3 •tSh'paid'ii'p ioo.oo<xoo-iioo,000.00
||. ASSETS. MMfltM
T0, * , I'M." LIABiLITIES. r ^- *
I v: ,, rNC«5ME DURING' THE' Fi RSf Six ' MONTHS' OFTH E' YE A R ( 1906. ( .
T "*A eattlB*^: ia of ini’ In the oiflea
Reliable Agents Wanted in Every Town
J. C. TUMLIN, State Mgr.,
ad expreealon. Miss BUsnbcth Ixmg.
' ‘~ ** ^Iv l>. Hvhiik. of the sup
•Ing a week with bU brutbera,
ge nnd Willis Kraua
— .-.van*, of Davlsboro,
111, suffering from blood polmm.
On Monday evening, Robert Dennis wna
-• ' 1 s f If'11 III frcft.n party given
at hla home. The lawn nnd porches were
brilliantly lighted with Japanese lanterns,
ami the halls and parlors were decorated
with ferns and flowers. Mr. Dennis wna
Mlssea Mae and Ruth I’oole. of Warren-
ton; Mattie and Kara (learn, Lily Wil
liams. Margery and Hannah Leonard,
Kathleen Hudson, Lugs and Georgia Hatch-
Inaon, and Mesara. Karl Ingram. Millard
White, charfea and Frank Dennla, Henry
Spivey. Kdwln Nelson, Pan! Ballnnl, ltleu
Ifolt, Dennla Turner and Frank Hplvey.
The young men of the town complimented
the visiting young ladles In the city with
a dance Tuesday night. Gnttenhergor**
|orchestra from Macon furnished the music,
and a delightful evening was apent.
Among those dancing were Mlssea Bur
nette. of Hparta; Willie Lewis Croselle,
of Atlanta; Richmond Walton and Katie
Foil, of Madison; Misses Jones, Bullard and
Maxwell, of Mllledgevtll#: Isoulae Jones, of
The Plains; Anna Lou;Klshet. Annie Laurie
Adams, Agnes l-eTtrette. Hannah Leonard,
and Mary Nlstiet, and Messrs. Frank Den
ials. Roy Htubbs. .Fleming Nlsliet. Itoy Me
thane and Mr. Baker,; of MHledaevHle; Jim
Ingram, John Watteraon, I. F. Griffith.
Will Tomlinson. Ibdi Ingram. Brevard Xla-
!n»t and John Hudson and others.
Miss Julia Adams was hostess at a de
lightful party given at her home on Mag
nolia hill Wednesday night In honor of her
l^nerts, the Mlssea Adams, of Bouth Caro-
I. F. Griffith, Jr., was the host Wed
nesday evening nt n reception given In
& Honor of Ida cousin. Miss Butler, of Pbe-
m, On. A large crowd of the younger
(set was present, nnd dancing was enjoy
ed until a late hour* when delicious re
freshments were served,
the visiting yonng ladles In
Among those present were Mb
i/cwle Crussella. of Atlanta:
the city,
sea Willie
.... _JIH» Kins
<w jihcaiii; and Meaara. Brevard Nlalmt,
Frank Dennis, Roy Ktuhlni, Bob 8cotte and
John Adauis.
Misses Ltllle Williams and Janie Pen-
ntnston have returned from Pennington.
Misses Bertlm Thomas. Annie Laurie
Adams and Richmond Wsltoa are the
C uests of Miss Margaret DeJarnette. at
er country home, "Oconee Heights,"
vllle. Is the guest of her
Miss Ionise nutter, of l*helan,
or of the Misses Poole, of.'Warrentoi
Mias Ola Ihinlel retarned home last week
from a month's visit to relatives In Wilkes
Mlsa Estelle Medlork. after a vu. -
vl«tt to Mra. Albert Wo.*!raff, left Fri.tar
noon. A Urge number of the young cou^
ple’a friends SK*eml>W‘<l to witness the
ceremony. After the ceremony, Mr. amf
Mrs. Uhlfelrlcr f-ft for an extended wed
ding tour.
Mrs. Motile West and daughter. Mlsa Co-
rlnne, ore nt home fro ‘
Moiitengle, Tcnn,
Mra. V. ltogeri
Miss Mnltel Butcl
peth. Tenn.
Miss Hula Givens, of Evansville, Ind., la
Kiiirr, « o-
Nashville and
rdtos In Nashville.
ell la In West liar-
Mary n
v1*1 tin
g Mra. J. W. Scrug,
.... _nd Johnnie Jonas, ol
ence, nre visiting Mrs- George D. William
Mra. Lanford Jones haa returned home to
home In Huntsville.
Miss t'nrrle Sklllmnn, of New Mexico, la
visiting Mrs. Charles E. Malone.
Mrs. W. C. Buck visited In Hartselle the
past week.
Mra. A. Adams has returned home to
High Springs. Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freudenberg are In
8acramentn, cal.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Mahoney are In Elk-
mont, AU.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mobes, of Birming
ham. nre visiting relatives here.
Mra' Barnes, of Tuscuinbln, visited Mra.
I. N. Butler the past week.
Misses Lillie nnd Ada Haywell, of Shef
field, ore visiting here.
Miss pearl Davidson Is In Birmlnclyii
Mesdames A. D. Pettns nud James Kelley,
of Birmingham, visited Mra. L. S. Henvlf
the post week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. Kerr are visiting In
Louisville and Nashville.
Miss Hollle Compton Is visiting In Clncln
Mrs. II. B. Scott Is In Huntsville.
Miss Nellie McBride Is In MiasUsIp
MBs Ellen Irwin Is homa from .\tnt_-.
*'lsses Ruchhelt nnd Worthington nre In
m“ ‘
Mra Metcalf, of Montlcello. Ky., la here.
„ Mra. Uoscoe t'onklin McKee, Mrs. H.
L**" and Misses Hazel ami IMnn McKee t
visiting In Fort Kinlth. Ark.
Mr. und Mrs. Bcnjnmln Crane have
turned to Athens, Go., after a visit here.
Miss Annie Lou Bplgbt is visiting in
North Cnrotlna.
Ml** Gertrude Mlthon. of Birmingham,
vis!ted here the past week.
Mra It. II. Woleott Is In Huntsville.
Mrs. H. IP 8pmt, of Livingston, Ala.,
Mr. nnd lira J. II. McNeil nre at Vlne-
Mrs. Nellie Morrow Is vlaltlng In Hunts-
Mr. and Mra. R.
Spring. Ga.
Mrs. Rosalie Young, of Salem, N. C., Is
Blch are at Cnte
spend a few
ng to her home In NM
Mlsa Ora Lee Camp will leave soon for
Macon, where abe enters Wesleyan Fe
male college.
A. D. McCurry. J. II. Kilgore and John
Kilgore are In New York.
Miss Ruby Carltbera la visiting In Mon
ts. are the guests of Mrs. J. W. !Iek«....
111m Cable NVIlhlte haa returned from
visit to friends ta Athena.
Mias Clio Bush, who haa been on i
extended visit In North Carolina and 8ow
Carolina, returned home last week.
Mra. A. 8. Gentry. Jr., ta In 8t. Louis.
(siting relatives. She will be away for
some time.
Mra. II. A. Carithera and Mra. Wet-
bom are spending several days at Tallulah
.ucy Jac
attended a bouse party at Tucker last
Mrs*. A. D. McCurry Is visiting her par
ents at Gainesville.
Mra Mary McMillan. Mias Mantle Mc
Millan, Mra. Nora Caraway and little aon,
Harry, all of Jllackahear, are vlaltlng rel
atives here.
of Haddock, are visiting the family
Mlsa Isla Conner and Mlsa Flora Car*
penter visited at McGregor Thursday.
Norman Williamson, of Nonnantowu, waa
a visitor here Friday. .
John D. Coleman aad Mlsa Viola Rabnn.
a popular you%g couple of Vldalla, were
married Thursday.
Hon. C. 8. Meadows, of Normantown,
•pent Friday with relatives hare.
W. T. Jenkins la visiting In North Car
olina this week.
8. A. MeColakey returned from a visit
to relatives In North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gordon, of Reward,
•re visiting Professor M. L. Purcell, of
oar town. *
John N. Patrick and family have returned
front a vlalt to north Georgia.
Mis* Annie May Horne, one of tbt fac
ulty of the Vldalla, Collegiate Institute,
haa returned from attending the Athens
Hummer school, and from a vlalt to rela
tives In Macon. _ _ , .. . „
Colonel Marcus Calhoun, of Mount Ver
non. spent some of this week -with his
mther at t u '- —
Mra C. L.
it extended
Miss Imogens Mcgueen gave her little
friends a very pleasant reception Thurs
day night.
Mra J. W. Poe la vlaltlng at her old
bom- In Booth CarotjM tbl* *rr.k.
Mra. I>r. II. W. KM la aprmllnir **0*
time with relative. In Hall countjr.
Batunlajr afternoon at I o'elork. the
member* of the L-oontrj t.Toh enJojrM «
shower forty. .There w.* mnalc by llott-
men's ImihI and refrrahmenta were mired.
111m Minnie Lee Halner, of 1'iiloa
Bprlnx*. la Iberneat of Mias (ienle Burke.
Ml*..'* Ilattfe Goodwyn nnd Kathleen
Dnvla hare returned after a pleasant vlalt
to like Roed.
Min Balter, of Omaha, Ga., la the (neat
of her brother, GeraU Balter.
Min Elate Miles, of rharlotteerllle, Va„
Is vl.ttlna Mlaa Kate Btelner.
Mr*. W. It. fleymoor amt yennf dau*h-
ter are at <'haut>u<|tu. N. Y.
• MIm Vlrctnta Norwood, Min Janet Har
ter and William liurter ar* at 1-otnt Clear.
Mrs. John Watts haa (one to Kentucky
i ■ vlelt.
Mr, l-ulmer Ellahen
den- for a few week*.
Min Dm Is Nil baa (one to Chle*(o to
Viral! Griffin, secretary to the Alabama
iltroad rotnmlnlon, haa mm* to Chtctpj
i vlalt hla brother, lien Griffin.
Mlaa Mlttle Ellen Ariitey haa returned
Mrs. II. C. iMvtdaon ho* returned from
The Iter. C. A. Blakely and wife hare
•turned from lllonnt Hprine*.
Irwin Jones, of Kranarllle. Ind., Is vl,,
Inc Mr. and Mra. J. K. l-lni'kahl.
Mta* Willie Jean Hteward, of nirmlnx-
ham; Min Alas Barnes, of Tnaruloon;
Mlaa Kina Ilowanl and Min Ella* Mead-
ora. of laiwndealMMro. 'are vlaltln( Mrs. J.
M. Greene, on Adam# street.
Mrs. Iloliert M. t.'otUas and Mlaa Kale
CntiliM ore at Attootle OI». .
Mra. Georffe Marks and Mlaa famlee
Marks have relumed from llloont Bprlnffs.
.. - *. M. Kennedy *■ —
weddlu( trip.
. .' M. Kennedy boro re
turned (rom Atlantle tlty.
The marrlac* of Mlaa t'arrle Faher and
Ur. ITilfetder took idace Tkarsday after-
Min Florooeo tiimeh, of flnntavlUr. visit
erl here the past week.
Ml** Mallei Hnilth la In New York rlty,
Mr. and Mra. Ernest Blmpaon are vlaltlns
In writ Tennessee.
Mra. H. II. Heard and Mbs Greenawald
re vlaltlnc In New Jersey.
kiln Maude Coleman Is rta)tln( at Look
out Mountain.
Sir*. Hnnn M. Nelson ta at home from
Waahliicton. I>. C.
Min Flnrenee Well*, of 8at*m, Tean., la
vlaltlnc Mlaa Edna !-e*. _
Min i-UIzalietb Itlchardsoa, of nnntartlle,
haa returned home.
Mias Annie Bkeccs >• at home from Vine-
Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Alllaon and Mlaa
" rd are attrndlnc the O. A. R. en-
t at Minneapolis.
Bade* nnd dnnchtsr, Mlaa Edith,
nre at home from Bt. l-onla and laiulavllle.
Mr. ami Mrs. James E. Morrow are at
home from Somerville.
Mlaa Dona Stroup, of Neel, ts vlaltlo(
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Stroup, of Keel, were
recent visitors here.
On Thursday nlrht Mlasea Bernice (lor.
row and Helen Blatter entertained a party
of frirnda at the home of Mlaa Morrow la
Decatur. About fifteen conplca were pres
ent and a pleasant cvenlnjs waa spent,
freahtnenti were aerved.
I, urine the past week * numlier of
shine parties hare enjoyed ,h*
... hootln( and flahlnc In
river nnd on Swan lathe,
Mlaa Mattie Bremer delightfully entertain-
ed aome of her friends n fciv evenlnci a(o
at her home on Francis street. Mnalc,
recltatlona ami enmes were enjoyed during
the ereulug and at a late hour dainty ra-
freabmrnta were aerveit.
J. W. Iloetwlck, of the I’hnenlx Hotel,
Waycroee, haa returned from a pleasant
trip to the mountains of North Carolina.
Mlaa mile Gray, who baa bees vlaltlnc
relatives and frlenda In Birmingham and
Atlanta, has returned to her home In this
C kfisa Msod Jenkins, who haa been vlattlng
relatives In Valdoeta, baa returned home.
Little MJai Thelma lHekena dellghtfnHy
Indulged In during the after-
Itefreabmenta were served by the
hey will spend some time.
Mm. Brewer left a few days
___ uclna. where they will be the
guests of their aon, Joe Brewer.
Mr*. J. W. Bmltb. who baa been In New
York vlaltlng her daughters. Mlsm Nora
l-ea and Ada Smith, has returned to her
home In this
Mr*, fl. T.
pleasant trip to Indian Spring.
W. A. Neal has returned to hla home In
^d* k city after a plrasant vlalt to New
Mr.' and Mra. J. E. T. Bowen left Thurs
day night for Tat* Springs. -
spend three or four weeks. .. ,
Mr. and Mra. Fenpermaii and HUo aon,
George, left on* day la*, week for W liming-
ton and Wriahtavllt* Bearh, N. C., where
they will spend oom* time.
Mra.fl Atamfwyamltao ctnftw tfatwtyt
Mra. Owen Black entertained the yonng
heanx and til lea of Heflin In honor of the
homceomlng of her brother, Mr. Bren Gar-
gar* a delightful
cromtile and Jone*. of Jnnea Mill, Ala.
Mr. Will Haley haa returned from At
lantic City. a
Mr. tins Ferryman, ufter spending aer.
enl week* at Atlantic City, hat reached
IJthta Springs, where he wlU remain for n
..berrromble of the Alabama
Slate rnlreralty la In town, talking Khool
to Heflin hoy*. Qalte a number of Heflin
boys will go away to school this fall.
Alonso Atllna, llnaaelt Bean, tins and Jep
Morgan will go to Auburn.
Wyatt Wright, of Itockdala. I* the gueat
ot hla nncte, John Kttehena*
A delightful event of tb* week was the
Indorse,! by the Public, Preaa and Clergy.
Night price* Sc to II.W. Matinee SSc to Hr.
ley. Chae. Fulton. IS
Htrwart Barnra
The Good Kind.
The Pure Kind.
$1.00 Per Gallon
50 cts. Half Gallon.
Promptly Delivered in any
Part of the City.
* A
179 and 181 South
Forsyth St.
!Bcll 1666.
Atlanta 63.
Mimas Mlnnlft Owens ami Llsale JoIiiimoii.
““ ' * abated.on tho poreh, whoro
^suifiNl for the name of ohl
nialrt’a prunreaa. whloh provoked much
lanihter and fnn. I luring the evening de
lightful refreshments were nerved. Thoae
present were MImmu Itla. Klten and Fannla
llnniiloutt. Yala 8trlcklen. Nannie M«N»re,
Vlemle Morgan. Allre, Bell and Minnie Ow
ens, Mary Black. IeOla Tucker. Lizzie John
son and Mlttle Maelernjv Me mra. Hugh and
Amlereou Johnaou, Ilron Garner, l^e Black.
lAllen Wright, Dr. Wright. Alf Tnrner, Wj
...saes Moselle nml ICnte Neal, of Thom-
aon, were the gu*-«t» of honor at a delight-
pnaru waa aerve.i on the verattda lit Mimes
Klolae Smith nml Helm Jernlgnn. The juir-
lora ami sitting remn were lieantlftSD dec-
orated with growing plants ami Jardiniere
of marigolds. Mlaa Smith waa ami ft tod In
receiving hr her mother, Mra. A. II. Smith,
* - T. Iloblnr
c were pr
1 Martin, « . —
been the guest of Mias Kllse Armor, baa
returned home.
Mlsars Sallle Frans and Kmlljr I'ondcr
retarned home Tnesdar after a rlalt to
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Brans/
Her. ami Mra. A. F. 07Cetlejr returneul
Friday from a ten daya' stay at Danlol
■Sdlas*Btoaaor Branch antertaltM , d_twenty-
nut «m ‘
evening Li _
and the houoe party —
Slhiam. and Mlaa Mary Madlaon Jones, the
guest of MIm Branch.
Meaara. Dan and FI
party nt their mothr
ty evening In honor orrtneir guesta, Mlaa
inders of White I'lalna, MIh« ltuby Haynea
id Mlaa Julia Sanders of Fenfleld, and
r. Gordon Haynea. About thirty of the
younger act wore present.
Mra E. II. Armor onlertatned sixteen
young Indies nt n charming domino party
on Thursday In honor of Mlues Jeffle Mar
tin nnd Ktneljn Fonder. Score waa kept
by fastening dominoes to band-pnintod
hearts. The prize, a box of stationery, waa
HNVAraior and Far Ilntehlnaon. M
Armor waa aaalsted In receiving by M
fl. A. Hall and Mra W. G. Armor. ■
Ml Men Lucy and Helm Jernlgan ,gave a
delightful tea on Tburaday evening, nji
which they aotertalnad Mlasea Marla and
Oleate Ihirk. Klolae Smith and .Sara L.
Thornton and Meaara.. Luther Smith, flaw
nett Brant. Miller Armor, Grover High
tower, Healey |Iall ami Arntond JemlganJ
Mra H. B. Overton and son, Roy, bare
retarned from
Limited to 10 boarding pupil*, with ten tenpher*. Special preparation
for Southern colleges. Graduates accepted by colleges without exami
nation. Parents cordially Invited to vlalt nnd Inspect tho school before
entering their sons elsewhere.
COLLEGE and II D IT TLJ A JT Gainesville
Conservatory MJ XV.XL# / a V CIOKGIA
Two butltatloo* uaOtf o*. maa*,em,nt. Yh« Collcce furauhn bleb court* In !*nru*t*.
lUmtur., actrac. nt hl*drt0 iubjcctl; facullr of tJ: w*ll-,qalrwa Uboralorlrl. Tb, con*rrv*lo,v
cITm ben la atiulc, .lecutloo, .ft; .p-rl.l ram. in* tialala, clanc* foiHollcTcacbcii; 90
plttu : tw« p*a- o,«*n* t matt t-autlful coccrrt ball In lb.loulh. Btrnau ha* 279 boardfn 1*11 ycir,
HMMhl 19 ftatM. Baautitutbuliainx*, Ideal location. AlUlode 1.900 fact. For calalort*, addtfll
' "“.VAN 1IOOSE or It. J. PEARCE. A**ocl*to Prvald.nla, GAINcatlLLr. CxonniA j
Mra. J. O. lloblna.
.alia* dintlie Illll. «* »*nn«lu**o». an*
Meaara. llilt t-ewla, nt Mleani. and lunlu*
i, are the guratn of Mra
nd Vletoria Robin*, of
Friday to visit Itev. and
Mr. ■.Vr'M'ti'feV Cnpelnn and children
1 Point Frldny.
and Mlaa Fay Hutrhln
•on returned home Friday after spending
•everal week* arlth relative* here
Mlaa 1*1 la Jernlgan returned Friday from
delightful rlalt to frirnda In Ataltama.
Mlaae* M,Welle and Kate Neal, who have
been tb* gurata of MIm llrnrlrtta Bniin.
return*,! to their horn* In Thomson Frldny.
Pryton King, of Atlanta, la visiting hla
father. C. M King. . ,
Mr. and Mra. W. It. Jarkann nnd family
are at Wrtghtaylll* Bearh.
MIm l-nula* Blekera. of Atlantn. spent
flniHlay with Mr. and Mra. A. L. .Blekera.
Mia* Pearl Lyle *nd Mr*. J**»l« Cald
well «r* In B*not* for a ,Ur or two.
Mr. and Mra. Berry I.yl« are vlaltlng
rahttlve* anal frlenda here today. „
Mra. Whitaker and Mra. John Caldwell,
of Carmel, rlalted Mra W. T. L’alaban
tbl* week. , ..
otto llnlcheaon waa In the rlty recently.
Mr. nnd Mra. Walter Grorenateln and
Mra. fount* will. In n few day*, matte a
vlalt to Havannah and vlelnlty.
Mra. W. T. ,'ahihan la Improving. She
haa lieen quit* III for lAma time.
The Macon friend* of Mr. fbeekley Bhaw,
Jr., formerly of thla plnce, but now of
Chattanooga. Tenn., bare been greatly In
terested thla week In the announcement
engagement to MIm Angel Clarr.
of New York. The wedding dato Is not
yet announced, but tbe marriage will oc
cur tn New York some time In tbe girinmn.
Mra. Borah France. Crawford announce*
the engagement of her daughter, Mario
Antotaette. to Mr. William Gordon Wood-
aide, of MlnaeaDoU*. Minna Tbe wedding
will occur on Tneaitay, September U, at
the home of the bride.
A Urge party or Macon friend* are plan
ning to attend the welding of Mlae Helen
Rolierte and, Mr. Tom Bom. which take*
pUr# In AtUnta. Hentemker S, at the
rcahlencc of tbe bride-, parent.. Dr. and
Mra. J. W. Roliert*. Ml.. IJtllan Bole
■non aid MIm Alice Wllllama, of Macon,
are among the attendant*.
MIm Pauline Houghton eutertalncl with
_ beautiful dinner dance on Wednesday
evening, coraptlroeatary to MIm Ruth Par
ker-* honae party. The gaeat* of hon
or were Mla* noth Parker, MIm Pcu-
op* Clarke. MIm F.llkaheth Oalmru. MIm
Morris. Mr. John Fort. Jr.. Mr.
Coddlngtofl and Mr. T. C. Pnrk'er.
About thirty young people enjoyed
MIm Rongbtonu boapltnllty mi thla occa-
Mlaa Ml* Cahanlaa antertalned Mr*. Au-
guatna Jooca. of Jack ami. MIm.. on Th« ra
dar afternoon. An luterratlng game of
Mra Jam ”*85*: MIm Belle Boa* and
i'tETtte'Wr/S: f* 00 "* dn '* 1 * ), '*
Mra. W J
njftltl**, Ga..
Iw Mra. Me ------ .
Mr. Kiluranl Frllowo. who
Preparaa for College, Georgia Tech and Annapolis.
Thorough courses; Excellent home-life. Fine Discipline. Open*
September 13. For handsome catalog, write
GEORGE GARDNER, Principal, Decatur, Ga.
Georgia School of Technology
A technical institute of the highest rank, whose graduates, without exception,
occupy prominent and lucrative positions in engineering and commercial life.
Located in the most progressive city in the South, with abounding opportunities
offered Its graduates in the South’s present remarkable development. The forty
members of tho class of 1906 wero placed in lucrative and desirable positions
before graduation. Advanced courses in Mechanical, Electrical. Textile, Mining
nn*I Civil Engineering and Engineering Chemistry. Extensive and new equip
ment ot Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. Now Library and new Chemical Labo
ratory. Cost reasonable. Each county in Georgia entitled to fifteen free
scholarships. The next session begins Sept. 26. 1906. For catalogue, address
K. G. MATHES0N. A.M.. LL.D.. President, Atlanta. Georgia
North Avenue and Peachtree Street. ATLANTA.
For Girls and Young Ladles. Boarding Department strictly
limited to provide refined homo life. Classes divided into sections
averaging about ten students to secure personal instruction.
Faculty of eighteen college graduates. Primary, academic, college
preparatory, music, art and elocution. Certificate admit* to Vestor,
Wellesley, Etc. 28th Year begins September 13, 1906.
Catalogue on application to
Phone 647, J North.
1. Nine Buildings.
2. Modern Gymnasium.
3. Ample Laboratories and Equlpmant.
4. New 360,000 Dormitory.
8. Superior Advantages in Music and
6. Health Record Uneurpaseed.
Six miles from Atlanta.
In U mnuftlft. AddlVftft 80FTII1 MIN’ COL-
leEGB OF FHAUMACY. Grant Bids.. At
lanta. Ga. Itomsod for our graduate* rx-
crrdft th* supply.
For tbo Higher Art of Plano Playing and Singing and a thorough
Director Alfredo BeriH.
School Reopens Monday, September 3, 1906.
Studio# 607-508 Lowndes Rulldlng, and Residence Studio:
nlM bare returned home from TsU
**-a. Wllllsm Henry Rom left on Wednes-
sr ft
a month's stay at the Manor In
Mra. C\ D. IVaraoti, Mina Louise Ayres
EL*wr m- rrvs:
After rownletluff s rharmln* motoring J of Anjtnset*. amunpunled Mrs. Fesrson
trip through New Jersey with Mr. and to Mnron. and will lie her fasti for sev-
Mre. Frederick It. rope, of Anjpurts. Mra. \ ersl days.
Mister Wimberly Is now at Newport. H. | Miss t’smllle Umar will tube s dellcfaf
. where she will remain for some time. ful snlmnoldh* trip through New lork sml
Mrs. J. W. Cshsntss sod Miss Ula Csbs- New Jersey la the early ‘autumn, with
of New
-sr-* Silas
Utnar leaves Macon for New York enrly
In Hepteuilier.
MIm Hoftolter Colllnn returns this week
from a charming summer s{»ent In Eu
rope. The Itinerary of MIm Collins* trip
wss tbrosch Italy, 8wltxerlsnd. Spain.
Uernwmr, Kmrland and France.
Mra. Ilrtftll Wise left on Wednewlsj for
Battle Creek. Mich., where she will Join
her sunt. Mrs. I*ee Rllla. B. f--- return-
Inc h«wue Mrs. Wise will vlalt her t»ls-
ter, Mrs. J. #I~ Fearing, In Clii, u^u.