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Mrs. George C. Bill, Editor. Chtrlotte Stewart and Selene Armstrong, Assistants. |
Latest Hints
For Fall Fashions
At live a* maiden's wants nre few,
A net of (dock*, n doll or two;
A little place Inside to play.
If It should come a rnfnV day;
A pair of shoes, a nlnnfpre;
I really think of nothing more.
„ ritdion for her hair,
A little I letter dress to wear,
t'erhaps. a pony cart to drive—
A hit more than she did at live.
_ ... that she may 11*
With hrlm hrnr and eandlceflek,
I quite forgot to add—a lieau.
M’oo'lug and who dare
All dangers; and she keep* apart
For him the castle of her heart.
At twenty live her fancv goes
To bonnets, frills and furbelows.
A country place, a house In town,
A better rig than Mrs. Brown
Or Black or Jones, and Just a wee
8mall figure In society.
At thirty—well, a little tea
For the distinguished Mrs. C,
Who wrltes^a prince to vntortnlu,
A long haired lion to make vain
At thfrty-flv# and forty—well,
There isn’t much that’s new to tell;
A little bigger country place,
A real good lotion for the face,
And some reduction made In those
Oue caii afford to say she knows.
At fifty—docs her fancy end?
She wants, ah, yea—she wants a friend
To prove her years wen* not In vain;
She wants the dreams of youth again,
When prlnccserrant, tall and fair.
Lived, loved and came a-woolng there.
At serenfy she wants to know
Why vanity and hollow show
Tempt wisdom from Its lofty sent.
Hhe wants but ease for gouty feet,
At peace to wonder what must In?
That last leaf’s musing* on the tree.
—New \ork Times.
The wedding of Mr. Frank Tucker
Maaon, of New York city, and Miss
Elizabeth Venable will take place Wed
nesday evening at 6 o’clock at Mount
Rest, 8tone Mountain, the country
home of the Venablea. Rev. Orme
KIJnn, of the North Avenue Preaby
terlan church, will perform the cere
mony In the presence of the relatives
and friends of both parties.
The brother of the groom, Mr. Fred
Maaon, of the Isle of Pines, will be
best man, and Mrs. Arthur Kellogg
and Mra. Austell Thornton, nieces of
the bride, will be matrons of honor.
Mr. I. E. Phillips, of Winchester.
Tenn., and Mr. John 8. McKelvy, of
Wllkinsburg, Pa., will be the ushers.
Master Ronald Vernon Venable will be
ring bearer.
The bride will wear a gown of white
chiffon cloth, trimmed with- Valen
ciennes lace. The matrons of honor
will wear white toilets of chiffon and
AnjQng the guests who have been
entertained by Mrs. 8. C. Venable at
Mount Rest for the past week and
who will be present at the wedding are:
Mr. and Mrs. William Mason, of New
York and Far Rockaway; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Mason, of New Rochelle; Mr.
Fred Mason, nf the Isle of Pines; Mr.
Thomas J. Kenan, of Pittsburg; Mr.
Harry 8mlth, of Hartford; Mr. George
Forbes, of New York, and Mias Made
line Wylie, of Rome, Ga.
Assisting Mrs. Venable In her enter
talnment of the guests Wednesday
evening will be Dr. and Mrs. James
N. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. ArthXir Kellogg,
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Venable, Mr. and
Mrs. Austell Thornton.
After the reception Mr. Mason nnd
his bride will leave for Canada, where
they will spend September, later visit
ing Far Rockaway and New Rochelle
before sailing for their winter home on
the Isle of Pines.
Miss Mildred Harris will entertain
at a watermelon cutting Wednesday
night In honor of the guest of the
Mtsaes Helfner.
Those Invited are: Misses Wills,
Leonle and Adeline Helfner, the
Misses Fletcher, Miss Luclle WoodrufT,
Mlsa Houtse Norman, Miss Harriet Lee
Angler, Miss Marguerite Chaffee, Miss
Edith Cofleld, Miss Lillian Harris, Mr.
Charles Moore, Mr. Robert Hopkins,
Mr. Fred Dlsbro, Mr. John Norman,
Mr. Frank Spratllng, Mr. Charles Dyer,
Mr. Percy Gentry, Mr. J. C. Harris, Jr.,
Mr. Roy Abernathy, Mr. Joseph Arnold,
Mr. Fritz Wagner. Mr. Alton Irby.
The engagement Is announced of
Mias Mtlledge Wilson, of Beech Island,
8. C., to Mr. John Hall, of Chester,
8. C. Both Miss Wilson and Mr. Hall
have many friends in Georgia, who
will feel a sincere Interest In their
approaching marriage, which will take
place In the autumn.
The Misses Snook entertained at
bridge Wednesday afternoon at their
home In Inman park. In honor of their’
guests. Mrs. Mary J. McConnell and
Mrs. O'Donnell. After the game a de
licious salad course was served.
The guests of honor were presented
with silver powder boxes and the first
This la a picture of Miss Edith Wetmore, whoso engagement to
Francis Otis has been denied by Tier father, George Peabody Wetmore,,
of Rhode Island.
They should have little Intrinsic vnlun;
they should owe their preclotisnesa * to the
timid that gives. The gift should not by
its hesuty or costliness distract the at
tention for one tnnnibut from Its meaning—
heart speaking to heart. In language elo-
pient, though dumb.
What nre the objects that have been
gased npon, and kissed, and wept over as
priceless treasures? A isiltry ring, a glove,
a true-love knot In hair or ribbon, or as
likely as Hot a few faded flowers. Is
there one of us who has loved who ran
not recall to mind the throb of eestney,
the glow of bliss, with which the first love
Ift wns received—the silent messenger that
f ht the full assurance of love's re-
Would nny of my girl renders, os she
sits In her room alone, turning on her
finger the slight ring that binds her to him
who hns won her maiden troth, change It
for a clrrle of the costliest diamonds? Not
for worlds. Hamlet's presents were prince
ly, hut Ophelia tells us that—
Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove
One of the simplest violets that "with-
. .*ed" when her ’’father died" waa more
preiious when Hniulet loved her. Why,
even Hhylnck would not have onrted with
the turquoise Leah gave him wnen In* was
a bachelor "for a wilderness of monkeys,
n those dsya of auperstltlon the turquoise
.van considered a preservative of truth;
tt sympathised with Its possessor and be
came pale or faded In (hues of sickness
>r narrow.
tokens. The rings that Portia and Nerlsaa
present to their betrothed huahnnda play
a conspicuous part In the Inst act of •'The
Merrhnut of Venice," King Fdward
ng Hdward gave to
gagement ring set
- »uby, topaa. jasper
nnd another emerald, all forming the name
As the giving of the hand la a pledge of
amity nnd steadfaatnesa, the gift of a glove
la often the precursor of the engagement
ring. When such a gift la from the Indy,
It Is one that hns 'been worn wheu her
smitten wooer accompanied her.
I” ,,mC thT g,0V *’ th ° U my
But of all gifts that lovers have devlned,
S raceful ns flowers, and,
-time langunge hns lx*eoi
quickly :
— r - _ . .. the dlffi.
ence lietween the bouquet of occasion nnd
a love pony. Burns, next to Shakespeare,
wrote aome of the most delicious lore-songs
In our language. Take thls-
Ves, customs alter and fashions rhnng
ornmnents once valued nre thrown anld .
Toys that pleased the child are neglected
by the maiden, ami girlish pastimes nre
scorned by "aweet allteen’’—but It Is not
so with love-gifts; they .never grow old
fashioned or out of date; memory nnd
hoUPfnst there, nnd they nre
ret recess, nnd hearts
tree Intlo
hidden, In .....
thrill anil eyes moisten at tbeJr touch.
prize waa a allk fancy work basket.
The Invited guests Included; Mra.
heaaley Howard, Mrs. Harvey John
son, Mrs. \V. T. Smith, Mrs. Franctr
Smith, Mra. Dan fabanlss, Mra. Chaa.
Pbllllpa, Mra. Peter Erwin, Mra. Louise
Spalding Foster. Mrs. John Waytc,
Miss Adelaide Everhart, Mlsa Lula
Slaton, Mias Ret Dargan.
Tuesday afternoon at her home on
Central avenue little Mias Mary Agr!
cola entertained twenty or more girl*
nnd boys. The party was a pretty
ompllment to her little friend, Master
Nicholas Stafford, of Savannah. From
3 to 6 o'clock g«tne* were played, and
Reliable Druggists,
We Send for Prescriptions and Deliver Free
Atlanta Agentt for
80c Pound
there were neveral merry contents
which afforded much pleasure to the
little guests. Those present were;
Misses Gertrude Haines, Geraldine Vlg-
nnux, Elizabeth Miller, Marie Oliver,
Dorothy Wilhelm, Sarah Wilhelm.
Louise Vignnux, Lillie May Scarratt,
Dorothy Vlgnuux, Lillian Burkhart,
Almeda Carlton, Annie Catherine Agri-
cola, Masters Sam P. Manly, Hey wood
Wood, Albert Horner, Frank Donohue,
Willie Rhodes Carlysle, Ernest Stan
ford and Earl Duncan.
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mr. W. F. Crusselle, on Spring
street, the marriage of Miss Julia
Ramsaur to Mr. Philip Clayton Wil
liams took place. The simple cere
mony was performed by Rev. R. F.
Fakes In the presence of relatives and
intimate friends, and was followed by
an Informal reception.
The bride's gown was of white chif
fon cloth, trimmed with lace, and she
carried a bouquet of bride's roses and
ferns. The hmy«e was decorated with
bride roses, palms and ferns, nnd the
marriage ceremony wns performed be
fore an altar of green and white.
They will make their home in Dub
lin, Va., where Mr v Williams Is promi
nent In educational work.
Miss Ramsaur will be much missed
In Atlanta, where she Is generally be
loved. She Is a young woman of high
culture and great charm of manner.
The' entertainment which the ladles
the Altar Society of the Sacred
Heart Church were to have given on
Wednesday afternoon, August 2% on
the lawn of the Martat College, will
take place in the gymnasium hall of
the college If the weather Is Inclement.
In the *afternoon games aod amuse-
meuu* of Jill kinds will be provid' d for
the children and the evening will b*.
devoted to the grown people. Every
one Is Invited to attend, as the enter
tainment will be given, no matter what
the weather may be. If It is pleasant
the fete will occur on the lawn, and
If it rains, it will be given In the gym--
naslum hall of the college.
Miss Willie Fort Williams enter-
talned at a birthday .party Wednesday
afternoon, her guests Including: Miss
A!fe Cooper, Miss Elizabeth Bancker,
Miss Roberta Quick, Miss Rebecca
Wyatt, Mlsa Mary Brown, Miss Mary
Bowen, Miss Lethe Hunter, Miss Dor
othy Douglas, Miss • Wick 1 Iffe Wurm,
Miss Frankie Howald, Miss Louise
Parker, Miss Joan Clarke, Miss Rose
Cantey, Miss Catherine Crichton, Miss
Martha Louise Casels, Miss Dorothy
Fain, Miss Elolse Peck, Miss Elizabeth
Hendon, Miss Margaret Fraser and
Miss Claire Sower.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crusselle enter
tained Tuesday evening at a charming
dinner at their home on Spring street,
complimentary to tne Wllllams-Ram-
sauer wedding party.
w. cTt. U.
Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
the Atlanta Willard Woman’s Chris
tian Temperance Union will meet as
usual In Alliance Hall, No. 72 1-2 North
Broad street. Visitors cordially In
vited and members urged to be pres
ent to transact Important business be
fore the state convention.
MRS. M. L. McLENDON, Pres.
MRS. J. A. ADKINS, Rec. Sec.
An approaching marriage about
which a most cordial and sincere In
forest centers In. Augusta Is that of
the Rev. Joslah Sibley to Miss Ade
laide Webb, of Bellebuckle, Tennessee.
The Rev. Mr. Sibley Is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Sibley, formerly of
Augusta, and has wide family and so
cial connection In Augusta and
throughotu Georgia.—Augusta Tribune.
The social event of this week, among
thtf younger set, will be the masquer
ade which Miss Sllvey Speer gives on
Thursday evening at her home on
/Peachtree road In honor of Miss Julia
Howell, ,who .leaves soon to attend
school- In New York city. The guests
will wear fancy costumes representing
Mother Goose characters and all the
quaint little people so dear to child
life. The affair will be al fresco and
the picture which Is to be presented
will be one of great beauty and pic-
An eVent of piuch Interest to a wide
circle of friends, in Atlanta and in
othei^ ptfrts bf kfate, watrflie mar
riage of Miss Elda 'E. HamII, of
BamesvIIIe,. Ga.. and Mr. Elatqher
Knox, of Atlanta, on Tuesday evening
at 8:30 o’clock.. Tlje ceremony was
performed 'by. Rev. J. E, Briggs at his
residence on Capitol avenue In the
presence,of only a few Intimate friends
of the bride and groom.
The bride Is one of the most popular
and accomplished young ladles o'
BamesvIIIe, while the groom Is a pop
ulnr young business man of Atlanta,
holding a responsible position with the
Dowman-Johnson Company, of this
city. They are at home to their
friends at the Aragon.
Tuesday evening, Miss Marie Mitch
ell gave a very unique and enjoyable
party complimentary to Miss Eleanor
Goodrich, of Augusta. Each gudfct
represented a popular book, and prizes
were awarded for the best Impersona
tions. A flower contest was one of the
most attractive features of the even
The ladles' prise, a pretty fan, was
on by Miss Annie Lee Thornton, and
the gentleman's prise, a scarf pin, was
on by Mr. Mathew Freeman.
Miss Mitchell and Miss Goodrich
ore becoming white lingerie gowns,
trimmed with Val. lace.
By Charlotte Stewart.
The shops are beginning to clothe
themselves for winter in the moat al
luring colors and materials. The styles
this fall and winter will not be very
different from those of last year, the
«hort sleeves, elbow and three-quarter
lengths, long black gloves, and the pony
coats are as conspicuous, if not more
so, than last season. Plaids, large and
small, checks In silks and' worsteds,
are all the rage..
The new suits are made with short
jackets with vests of white or some
light color, and the short sleeves are
finished with soft ruchlngs of lace and
chiffon. The skirts are very full, most
of them being made with Inverted box
plaits and trimmed elaborately.
One very smart suit Is made of vel
vet In the new shade of gray, London
smoke. The short Jacket, which Ik full
and trimmed with braid showing pale
blue and white. Is gathered In at the
waist line. The sleeve Is Just below
the elbow and Is full, with a deep cuff
turned back showing dainty ruffles
of white lace. The skirt is made quite
full on to a narrow belt cut prlncesse
style. Suits in green, brown or black
velours are very fashionable.
Another stylish suit Is made of la
dles' cloth, showing a small check in
blue and green. The coat is Just
to the hips and Is quite plain, except
for the vest of solid blue, which has a
touch of gold In the braid that trims it.
The skirt is made with plaits to the
knees and the whole suit is trimmed
with Hercules braid, showing the col
ors of green and blue.
An attractive runabout gown, suit
able for shopping or marketing, Is
made up In a black and white plaid,
the tone of gray'Predominating. The
coat is fashioned with braid and
trimmed with gold buttons. The skirt
Is. plaited and has the usual ami
Separate Wrapt.
Separate coats are quit* a necessity
at all times of the year, and especially
so Just at present. Long motor rides
require a wrap of some kind, and noth
ing Is so satisfactory as one made of
some lightweight material that will be
serviceable during the fall months. The
lines of the latest coats are long, bor
dering on the princess rather than the
empire style, and are made of almost
any material, cloth, worsted, cravenette
nnd heavy silks. For fall house par
ties and traveling these coats are a part
of every woman's wardrobe. Plaids
In green, red and grayish tints are
most In vogue. The collar, cuffs and
facings are made in velvet In solid col
ors. Leather, Instead of the velvet, as
a trimming, will be used again this fall.
Early Fall Hats.
A few of the fall mo'dela In hats are
shown In the down-town shops. The
shapes* are small and flt the hair close
ly—which, by the way, must be very
fluffy, according to the latest reports
from Paris. The walking hats are
particularly Jaunty, most of them be
ing turned up on the side with a wing
or quill used as a trimming. Buckles
are seen on a great many hats, and, of
course, for dress plumes and’paradise
aigrettes are the thing. There Is really
no one color to be the lead In hats or
gowns, judging from the varieties of
colors shown. But it is almost too
soon to predict any fashion, as we
are still In* the midst of the warm
weather and every one knows how
quick fashions change.
“Do You Admire Diamonds?”
What Is your honest opinion of a person who wears a nice diamond.
You will give the people that same Impression of yourself If you wear »
beautiful stone. Our plan enables you to wear a nice diamond while JL *
lng for It. Do the right thing for yourself. w *
The Diamond Palace. 37 Whitehall St.
cup and saucer, while the visitors’ first
prise was a bonbon dish. The consola
tion prise for visitors was a hand-
painted pin tray. Miss Archer, the
guest of honor, was presented with a
Pfetty piece of linen.
Invited to meet Miss Archer were:
Misses Ruth Johnston, Lee and Ger
trude Brandon. May Taylor. Ethel and
Jessie Tutwller, Nettle Mills. Mamie
Schane, Nan and Kate Carroll, Annie
Grace Nixon, alary and Caroline How
ell, Annie Sharp, Margaret Brown,
Mamie Parish, Marie Parks, Clara Bell,
Augusta Hardin, Eva Williams, Ade
laide Allen, Alice Shropshire, Mrs.
Walter Rowbotham, of New Orleans;
Mrs. W. R. McClellan, Mrs. Robert
Daniel, Mrs. Arthur Norris, Mrs. Floyd
Johnson, Mrs. Walker. Mr,. B. F. Ul
mer, Mrs. Tom Calloway, Mrs. S. V.
Russ, Mrs. Albert Marbut.
Miss Martha Hill, of West Point,
who is the guest of Miss Llzxte Lyon,
at her home on Harris street, will be
entertained Thursday morning at whist
by her hostess. The occasion will be
a most enjoyable one and will bring
together twenty or more congenial
young women. Invited to meet Miss
Hill are: Misses Mildred Holley, Hen
rietta Dull, Bessie McDowell, Caro
line Perdue, Dorothy Breltenbucher,
Margaret Miller, Mary Baron, Louise
Johnson, Mary Lou Kellam, Willie
Mae Harrison, Clara Brantley, Lillian
Lathrop, Luclle Strickland, Etta Beau
mont, Irene Beaumont, Marian Mortis,
Marlon Wood. Kate Williams, Fanny
Stewart, Alma Curtis, Nell Smith, Lillie
Trottl, Mrs. Thomas Respess, Mrs. A.
V. Clark.
Friday afternoon Miss Mildred Holly,
at her home on Holly street, will en
tertaln at a -'Hearts” party for Miss
Martha Hill, of West Point. Miss Hill
Is visiting Miss Lizzie Lyons, and
many pleasant informal affairs have
been planned In 1ter honor.
The Informal dinner dance given by
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rossman at the
Piedmont Driving Club Tuesday eve
ning was an artistic and beautiful
event. The table was decorated *lth
quantities of white and pink roses, the
graceful asparagus fern adding the
needed touch of green.
The place cards and the favors were
unique and afforded much merriment,
as they had been choSen with the In
dividuality of each guest In mind.
Mrs. Rossman and her guests made
_ most attractive group, she herself
being a charming hostess In a gown
of blue chiffon over blue silk. Its trim
mings of real lace. Her blue hat
showed a Frenchy touch of pink.
Miss Alexnnder, of Brooklyn, wore
white organdie over white silk, her hat
being of white lace.
Mlsa Eagle, of Selma, was gowned
a silk eollenne, fashioned with quan
tities of lace.
Mlsa Palmer, of New York, wore
white net over white silk, the deep
girdle being of pink panne velvet. Her
hat was a smart one of pink straw.
A Pretty Sight
The modish bracelet on a rounded
arm, and women today are wearing all
kinds. Our Jeweled effects, hoops, and
etched banda are alike popular.
Davis & Freeman,
Just Received. Look at Them.
Charles W.>Cranhshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler.
ding. Whitehall 8L
Century Bulldli
The ladles of the Decatur Baptist
church will give a reception to Rev.
and Mrs. J. E. Sammons Thursday
evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
J. H. Goes, in Decatur. Mr. Sammons
has recently tendered his resignation
as pastor of the Baptist church and
the occasion will be a token of the
high esteem In which he and his fam
lly are held by the people <ff Deca
Wednesday evening Mr. Louis
Hlrschberg will entertain at dinner for
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rossman and their
guests, the dinner to be followed by a
party at the Casino. Mrs. Rossman
and her guests will wear lingerie and
linen gowns.
Miss Annie Thornton gave a charm
ing domino party Tuesday evening
from S to 7 o'clock, at her home at
College Park, complimentary to Miss
Johanna Lang, of Columbus, Ga.
Ferns and pink and white roses were
used effectively In the decorations,
and the refreshments were In green
and white tints. Miss Lang and Mrs.
Reid tied for the first prise, a pretty
burnt wood box. Miss Lang winning It,
on a cut. The consolation prize, also a
burnt wood box, was won by Miss
Ethel Wlckersham.
Miss Thornton wore a becoming toll
ette of pink mull; Miss Lnng's costume
was of white batiste, lace trimmed.
Mrs. Stacy Thornton served punch
and little Misses Mary Thornton and
Freda Ashe served refreshments.
Miss Thornton's guests were Mrs.
John Temple Graves, Mrs. E. C. Mason,
Mrs. D. G. Lyle, Mrs. Connally, Mrs.
Sterling Elder, Mrs. Alonzo Richard
son, Mrs. Ashe,' Mrs. MoCrory, Mrs.
Willingham, Mra. Retd, Mrs. Myers,
Mrs. Bradwell, Mrs. Btacy Thornton,
Mrs. Eva Thornton, Misses Ethel
Wlckersham, Mary Crenshaw and An
nie May Hardin.
Mrs. A. M. Lewis, of Hearne, Texas,
announces the engagement of her
granddaughter, Adeline, to Mr. Howard
Shults, of Atlanta, the marriage to
take place In September. This an
nouncement will be received with In
terest by the many friends of Miss
Lewis and Mr. Shults. Miss Lewis
has spent the summer with Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Maddox, of Inman park, and
has been much entertained.
Mr. Shultx Is a prominent young
business man, who la esteemed by a
wide circle of friends.
A pretty event of Wednesday was
the card party and linen shower at
which Miss May Archer entertained
for Miss Alma Archer, whose mar
riage to Mr. Jack Shropshire on Sep
tember S will be of wide Interest.
Miss Archer’s guest list Included the
members of her card club and a small
number of the Intimate friends of the
bride-elect. Her home waa beautifully
decorated with nasturtiums and ferns,
and the score cards were dainty and
Miss Archer was a charming hostess
In a gown of white mull trimmed with
lace medallions, and Miss Alma Archer
also wore a white lingerie gown
trimmed with tiny lace mffies.
The clut prises were a beautiful
hand-palmed plate and a hand-palmed
Kpeelnl to The Georgian.
Columbus, Ga.. Aug. 29.—Dr. Reuben
Chasson, a young dentist of this city,
and Miss Lll Allen Dickenson, of Don
aldsonvllle, Ga., yere married at the
Hotel Racine today, Rev. O. F. Cook
officiating. The marriage Is the re.
suit of an Intercepted letter found by
the uncle of the young lady, Mr. J. L.
Dickenson, which disclosed the fact
that the couple had been secretly mar
ried about four months ago at Gaines
ville, Ga., where the young lady was
attending school at Brenau College.
Her uncle was so opposed to secret
marriages that he Insisted on another
wedding, bringing the young lady here
for that purpose.
Special to The Georgian.
Rome, Go., Aug. 2D.—Mrs. William
A. Wright announces the engagement
of her daughter, Mary, to Mr. Don
Peabody, of Sanford, Fla., the wedding
to take place In Rome on Wednesday,
October 3. It will be a quiet home
wedding and the couple will leave at
once for their home In Sanford.
Miss Wright Is quite an attractive
young woman. For the past three
years she has been traveling with Mrs.
Emma Tucker In her evangelical work
and her beautiful voice has charmed
thousands of people In all parts of the
Mr. Peabody Is a prominent young
business man of Sanford.
Dr. A. It. Vnugbsn Is spending some time
In the mountains of north Georgia.
Misses Motile Itowlnud and Mlttle Robert
son are In New York.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ah Imnson hare returned
from the vocation, spent at Borden-Wbcel-
er Springs.
Mrs. E, I). Willett, of Carrollton, Ain
Nathan’s Home Bakery
and Vienna Cafe
Bread, Cakes, Pies, etc., fresh daily.
Atlanta Phona 1896. Bell Phone 1486
10 Cents
Want ths
Exposition and
Will Spend Each
We will give $1,000 to the
or On* Cent for every official but
ton ur pin sold.
Solid Metal Gold Plate Button.
For Sale by Dealers.
717 Fourth Nifional Bank Building,
Atlanta Phone 1910
Miss Willis Little, of Weat Point will
arrive In Atlanta Friday, to be 7h»
guest of Mrs. A. W. Hill, at her apart?
meats at the Marlborough, on Peach!
tree street. Miss Little has spent th*
past,two months In New York with
ton " ,t - er ’ Mr *‘ Co °I >er > at the Yore-
Mrs. L. C. Flanders and her son, Mr.
lull f, hl I P8 ’x ana her grandson, Mr.
Mitchell Handers, are the guests of
Mr. W. L. Flanders at "The Oranges,"
New York. Miss Elisabeth Flanders,
t°his ?rintl?. r * W, “ " ma ‘ n Atlanti
Captain C. DeWitt Wlllcox, U. 8. A,
left for Chlckamauga Tuesday night
after a visit of a few days to Atlanta
relatives. Captain Wlllcox la stationed
at Washington, D “
the general staff.
Mrs. W. H. Born, of McRae, Ga, and
Mrs. J. N. Cobb, of Jacksonville, Fla,
are visiting their sisters, Mrs. Ed Mat-
thews, on Capital avenue, and Mrs.
Press Huddleston, on Washington
Colonel John Temple Graves left
Tuesday for New York, where die will
take part Ift the splendid welcome to
Hon. William J. Bryan, oti his return
from his trip around the w-orld.
Mr. James Wlllcox and his son. Mr.
James Wlllcox, Jr., returned to their
home at Montgomery Wednesday after
a visit of several days to relatives in
Mrs. Martha Wldeman Thomas and
her daughters. Misses Ethel and Lu
clle ' Thomas, will be at home after
September 1 at 231 Capitol avenue.
Miss Helen Willard, daughter of
Judge E. E. Willard, of Jacksonville,
Fla., Is visiting her cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Davies.
Mrs. Joseph Thompson, who has
been traveling In Europe for the paet
four months, arrived in the City Wed
nesday afternoon.
Miss Mamie Bonle, after a visit te
Mies Jean Robinson, In Montgomery,
has returned to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Andrews, of 93
' are visiting f ‘
emorest, Ga.
Mrs, Cay McCall will arrive Thurs
day from Jacksonville to visit her
mother, Mrs. Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown will
make their home In Marietta during
the winter.
Mrs. E. H. Goodhart, Jr., and Mrs.
Daniel Ruden return Thursday from
Miss Frances Burke Harris, of Ma
con, Is the guest of Miss Caroline
Hon. and Mrs. Pleasant A. Stovall
returned Tuesday to their home In Sa
Mrs. J. T. Crass, of Vicksburg, Miss,
Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Elliott Miller
are spending some time In New York
Mrs. G. G. Roy has returned from
a visit of several weeks to North Caro
Mrs. Joseph Shearer has returned
from a visit to friends at Montgom
Caverly leave soon for New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Booth hav*
reurned from a visit to Birmingham.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tolbert will re
turn this week from Mt. Airy.
Mr. Hugh Richardson has returned
from Asheville.
G.- Miller has returned
Mr. and Mrs. McAllen Marsh arc la
New York city.
visiting her mother, Mrs. C. B. Ridley.
After visiting various points of Interest
throughout the state, Mr. end Mrs. F. L
Cellswsy returned to the city lest week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. O. Awtrey sre spending
the summer st Wrtghtavllle Death.
Miss Lizzie Reeves*Is visiting her brother
i Tupelo, Mlsa
Miss Mildred Hardy, of Atlanta, was the
guest of Miss Alice Burks recently.
Miss Mary Jim Hudson Is spending s few
weeks visiting In Motintvllle, Bollocbvllfs
and Worm Kprlngs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. \V., I-lneksrri end Miss
Effle Swanson returned Friday front a two
weeks' trip lo fit. Lotlls.
Mr. W. 7'. Gowlwln Is visiting his sod, I’r.
Gnudwln of Rullnebvllle.
Mrs. Wnrren Shafer. of Atlanta, Is th*
guest nf Mrs. Henry llollst. _ ■ „
Mrs. T. J. Bell and Miss Bessie Bell have
J ust returned from s slz weeks’ visit
asper, Tenn.
Mrs. J. H. Norman Is spending some time
In New York. .
Mrs. Mike Cody, of Montgomery. Ala.. Is
the guest of her poreuts. Mr. and Mrs ■
.. Ferrell. In a week or two she will •
hu vjiripim »r»i»
w. r. f’orllx* null rhllilivn will rfturii in
nhnnt t»»n «lny». . t
Mr». J. (i. Addjr mm children bnve J'*']
return'll m Atlnntn. nfter upending
time rMtlnje relxtlrex In l^t/ninge.
3lr. nnd Mnc Torn fjine, «if BuffnJ".