Newspaper Page Text
SEPT. 4th,
11:30 A. M.
Ou State, Plum, Huner-
kopf streets. Near the Steel
Hoop Works, Atlanta Car
Wheel Works, City Water
Works, 'Southern Iron and
Equipment Co.
Lots worth $100 to $300,
but will be sold for what
they bring. Plats at our
List of the Democratic
Nominees in All But
Twelve Counties.
With the exception of twelve counties
every county In the state has named
Its democratic representatives for the
legislature of 1906-07.
In some few Isolated cases the nom
inees may be defeated, but the list
herewith presented will practically go
Into the next house without changes.
In Burk county Daniel K Nesbitt, nom
inated as one of the two representa
tives, has since died, and a man by the
name of Lively has been named In his
In Crisp county J. T. Hill was nomi
nated, but resigned, and his successor
has not been chosen. The offlclal list
as It stands non- was furnished by
Speaker John M. Slaton:
Appling—J. It. Tsjlor, Baxley.
Baker—J, C. Odum, Newton.
Baldwin—K. It. Illnea, Ulledgrrttle.
Banks—P. F. M. Fnrr, Silver Bhonla
Bartow—J. A. Price anil W. J. Neel, Car
tersrlllo. '.
Berrien—C. K. Parrish, Sparks.—Joe mil Hall, 'r. K. Ilysls, Ben
Fowler, Macon.
Brook*—M. K. Pope, Qultnmn.
Bulloch—T. B. Thorn. Irlc; J. J. E. Ander*
»Ji, Htute»l>oro.
J * MIMftit *hd Mr. Lively,
Butts—8» II. May*. Jnekson.
(nlhouu—E. L. Smith. Edlaon.
Camptiell—Clande C, Smith. Falrburn.
Carroll-M. I). Matklna, Wbltearllle; W.
F. Brown, Carrollton.
Camden-Thomas M. Godly, Klniralnnd.
( hnrlton—David C. Barrow, A. Pratt Ad*
nia, Joseph McCarthy. Hnrnnnah.
Chattooga—B. H. Edmondson, Summer*
Chattahoochee—E. E. Cook, Cusseta.
Cherokee—B. >f. Moore, Waleskn.
Clarke—J. J. McMahan. Athena.
Clayton—D. M. llule, Ulverdale.
Cla^r— Emmett II. Hhnw. fort Guinea.
Representative Milikin An
nounces pate Offi
The Joint leglalatlvs comlmttee
Investigate the Soldiers' Home . will
meet at the state capttol on Tuesday,
September 18 at 10 o'clock In the
Official notice comes to that effect
from Hon. Ben Mlllkln, of Jesup,
Wayne county, .one of the members of
the house committee. Information
the capitol Wednesday was to the ef
feet that the meeting would be held
September 10, but Mr. Mlllkln corrects
that Impression.
The Joint committee Is composed of
Senators Adams, Alt Blalock, of the
Thirty-flfth. and W. C. Bunn; Repre
sentatives Mlllkln, of Wayne; Knight,
of Berrien; Williams, of Laurens; Hall,
of Bibb; Rudlclll, of Chattooga: Long,
ley, of Troup; Kelljr, of Glascock.
' As a result of a petition presented
to the legislature from Inmates of the
home and statements of Representative
Williams, of Laurens, on the floor of
the house, the Joint committee was ap
pointed to Investigate the charges of
It Is understood- that the resolution
set forth that the meetings were to be
fuff*# I' A Wnpfl I innnu lurin u,0 i iiietsiins* were iu uw
cXKr'S! Poster in T D Anderson held at thc Home, but Mr.
Msrietts. Anderson, MmUn gtBte , the r g pltnl . A , any r » te ,
Columbia—W. W. Hamilton, Orovetown. the meetings will be open to the press,
Colquitt—W. A. Covington, Moultrie. and the committee will make a thor
Cowetn—I. N. Orr, Newnnn; M. II. Couch,
Crawford—R. L Picket. Muoetla.
Crisp—J. T. Hill. Comole (resigned).
Decstnr—W. Ii. Hheffleld nml E. M. 1
Candler, Decatur.
Dodge—W. J. William*. Eastman.
Dooly—J. P. Heard aud T. A. Adkins, Jr.,
Special to The Georgian.
Holschton, Go., Aug. 29.—A negro by
the name of Marcus Morrison was
killed by h!s brother, Mack Morrison,
at Braselton's store, In the suburbs of
this city, on Monday evening.
The brothers were hauling wood and
they drifted In a dispute over a' very
•mall matter and Mack struck Marcus
a very heavy blow with a stick of
wood across the head, which fractured
the skull. He lived about sixteen hours
before he died.
Bpcvlnl to The Georgian.
Paris, Aug. 29.—Turlnax, the belli
cose bishop of Nancy, yesterday met
with a serious accident. After preach
ing at Lourdes on "Suffering," and car
rying the* host among the pilgrims, he
placed the monstrance upon the head
of the sufferers, who, making a sudden
involuntary movement, drove the or
namental rays of the monstrance onto
the bishop’s face, cutting the right
temporal artery. The wound was sewn
up. The bishop will recover In a few
Fire Destroys Residence.
Bpc liil to Thu Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala., Aug. 29.—The home of
John DaughdriU, on Henry street,
was destroyed by Are at an early hour
yesterday morning.
Fixtures for New Postoffice.
8p«vhii to Thu Georgian.
Newberry, 8. C., Aug. 29.—The fix
tures for the new postofflee have ar
rived and are being Installed. It Is
expected that the postofflee will be
moved Into the new building on Sep
tember l.
r.nriy—vv. a. nuonnnnn, iwnkoiy.
Kchol*—Mr. Cnlbresth, address not given,
Effingham—C. T. Guyton, Guyton.
Kll»ert—W. B. Adams, Elbcrton; L. II. O.
Martin, Middleton.
Emanuel—8. J. Tyson, Swnlnsboro; B. L.
Rountree, Summit.
Fannin—William Bntt, Blue Ridge.
Fayette—J. W. Wise, Fayetteville.
Floyd—Seaborn Wright, It. L. Chninbleo,
anti L. A. Dean, Rome.
Forsyth—Andrew K. Bond, Sliver City.
Franklin—8. B. Swilling, Cnrne*vlllc.
Fulton—R. B. Blackburn, Madison Bell
and J. M. Slaton, Atlanta.
Glascock—W. A. Ultwon. Gibson,
Glynn—II. 8. Io*e, Brunswick. •
Gordon—O. Calbeck. Calhoun.
Grady—R. R. Terrell. Whlgham.
Greene—It. E. Davison. Woodvllle.
Gwlnnett-O. A. Nix, W. W. Wilson, Law
Hnbcrshnm—J. C. Edwards, Clnrkesvllle.
Hall-11. H.' Perry, Gainesville; II. I!
Stephens. Murrayvllle.
Hancock—Hen born Ileeae, Sparta.
Haralson—W. T. Eaves. Buchanan.
Harris—H. L. Ellison. Ellerslle.
Hart—A. J. McMnllan, Hartwell.
Heard—W. S. Trent. Franklin.
Henry—H. C. McWilliams. Htockbtidge.
Houston—J. II. Da via and F. V. Fagan,
Fort Valley.
Irwin—E. J. Dormlny, Fitzgerald.
Jackson—A. M. Flaunlgan, J. N. Holder,
Jenkins— Robert O. Daniel. Mlllen.
Jeff Dnvla— Lott W, Johnson, Hnslehurst
Jasper—G. F. Johnson, Motitlrello.
J efferson-vll. N. Hardeman, !,oulnvllle.
ohnoon—W. J. Flanders, Wrtgbtsvllie.
Jones—J. B. Jackson. Clinton.
I^mrens—G. W. Williams, Dublin, and D.
J. Clark, It. F. D. No. S, Dublin.
Mncoln-W. C. Powell, Pansy.
:*owndes—<J. It. Walker, C. R. Ashley,
Vn bloats.
Liberty—Donald Fraser, Hlneavlllo.
Macon—J. E. Held, Montezuma.
Madison—L. A. White, Danlclsvllte.
Marlon—E. II. MeMlehnel. Buena Vista.
McDuffie—8. M. Haywood, Denrlug.
Meriwether—W. It. Jones, Greenville; G.
J. Keith, Oakland.
Miller—William I. Greer. Colquitt.
Milton—K. I*. Walker, Alpharetta.
Mitchell—A. T. Jones. Camilla.
Monroe—Ben Hill and George Ogden Per*
kins, Forsyth.
Montgomery—'W. J. Peterson. Mt. Vernon.
Mnscogee—Charles II. ltussell and Peter
Greer. Columbus.
Morgan—Paul M. Atkinson. Madison.
Murray—J. W. Austin. It. F. !>., Tilton.
Newton—F. I>. Ballard. Covington. ■
Oglethorpe—Paul Brown, Islington.
Oconee—J. I). Price, Farmington.
Paulding—'Thomas B. Kendall. Hlrsiu.
Putnam—A. H. Held, Eatontou.
ltandolph—B. T. Rogers. Sbellnmn.
Richmond—Boykin Wright, It. E. Allen,
. K. Dunbar, Augusta.
Rockdale—J. Will Cowan, It. F. D. No. !,
Rabun—R. E. Cannon, Clayton.
Schley—M. K. Cnlluni. Putnnin.
Screven—H. 8. White, Sylvanla.
Spalding—J. I>. Boyd. Griffin.
Stewart—G. I’. Lunsford, Liuupkln.
Sumter—James Taylor and 5V. W. Dykes,
A inert cut.
Taltmt—W. M. Ilnrker. Tnlbotton.
Taliaferro—J. It. Kendrick. Crswfonlvllle.
Thomas—M. L. Cook, Boston
; J. if. f
: - ■ ^ z
"In the Land of the Sky"
Situated In a Private Park of 1(0 Acres, Blltmore, Near Ashe
ville, N. C.. 2,500 Feet Above the Sea Level.
Hfcofnlxwl as the iMdltif hotel la the motintnlns of
North Carolina. No ecroery Ts the world will compart with tb. tI.w
from thla hotel. Mount Mltrh.ll and Plaaab In fnll rl.w. Adjotna
and or.rlooka the Blltmor. ntate. Cool. Inylforattnf climate, mas-
nIOc.ntly fnrnlahed. catalne nnanrpaaaed. I'nr. water. All ..(.tablet
from onr private tarden rathered fresh ererv mornlnr. Orchestra,
folf. pool, billiards, tannls, litery, beantlfal rtdea and dnrea.
Coach aeeta all tralna at Blltmor. stxtlon. Conaumptlrea not ac
commodated under anj drcnmatancea. Coach la operated by man-
acement, running ererv half hour between trollev from Athevflle and
the hotel. Open nil the year. Write or wire for booklet nnd rntea.
EDOAB n. MOOItB. IToprlstof.
ough Investigation of conditions.
The standing committee of the Sol
dlcrs’ Home Wednesday made Its reg
ular monthly Inspection of that tnstl
tutlon. This standing committee
composed of the following membera ot
the board of trustees:
Colonel Charles D. Phillips, chair
man; Captain William S. Thomson,
Colonel Thomas E. Winn, of Greens
boro, and Colonel R. A. S. Freeman, of
West Point. *
Captain ''Tip'' Harrison, secretary of
the board, says there are now 115 In
mates of the home. Three have been
recently, admitted, one of them being
from Savannah, and another from Au
gusta. There are other applications
for admission on hand.
Three Inmates of the home were re
cently suspended for drunkenness.
This committee was busy Wednesday
Ipapectlng the home, listening to the
complaint! of the Inmates and gener
ally overlooking the management of
the new superintendent, Captain Rob
ert Barry.
This standing committee of the home
le separate and distinct from the spe
cial legislative committee, which la to
Investigate the home on September 18.
Improving Private Park.
Rpeelol to The Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala., Aug. 29.—The Eto<
wah Light and Power Company have
announced that they will begin the
construction of a car line to their plant
at once and will convert the property
around the lake and site Into a park
and amusement resort. A batnli
house will be built and the lake will be
stocked with flah.
May Undargo Operation.
Special to The Georgian.
Gadsden, Ala., Aug. 29.—Congreaa
man Burnett, accompanied by his son,
Phi, went to Nashville today, where
the latter goes to nave hla eyes, which
have been troubling him very much of
late, treated by a specialist. An oper
ation may be resorted to.
Sam Jones Tabernacle
Meetings, Carters-
ville, Ga.
On Septemper loth to 23rd, Inclu-
live, the Western and Atlantic rail
road will aell tleketa from Atlanta-
Dalton and Intermediate atatlona, to
Carteravllle, at rate of one fare for
(he round trip.
Sam Joaea will be asalited by
Evangelist Oliver and other mlnlatera
of renown. Prof. E. O. Excell will
have charge of the music, and other
gospel lingers of note will attend.
Three services each day, 10:30 a. m„
3:00 p. m. and 8:00 p. m„ and the
people ot Carteravllle will welcome
the great crowds with the same hos
pitality they have always shown.
Gen. Pass. Agent.
Oclilncknne; W. L MacIntyre, Thomsarllle,
Tift—K. P. Brown. Tlfti-n.
Tniu|>—W. T. Tuntlc, It. M. Young, La-
Turner—J. M. Sumner, Antihunt,
Twiggs—I. N. Maxwell, Jeffersonville.
Tattnall—W. T. Rurkwalter, Held* vllle;
W. 11. Wnrnell, Hogan.
Terrell—J. II. Merrer, Dawson.
Tooabft—Peter Clifton. Lyon*.
Towns—Dr. J. F. Johnson. Hlawszsee.
Upnon—J. R. Atwater. Thomaaton.
Wnlton—Hal O. Norwell, N. L. Gnllawsy,
Ware—N. A. Friar, Way crow.
Warren—Is. R. Maaiongnle. Warren ton.
Wilkes—8. A. Wool ten, Tlgnali; It. O.
Barkmlale. Waabliigtnn.
Wilkinson—C. II. Adams. Allentown.
Worth—Claud Payton. Sylvester.
Washington—C. I. Duggan, J. Frank Wal
ker. Sanders vllle.
Wayne—Ben Mlllkln. Incumbent, defeated,
hut name of aueoesaor la unknown.
WelHrter—C. C. Tracey, Ii. F. D. No. L
White—Jesse II. Luinsden. Santee.
Whitfield—Geor*e G. Glenn. Dalton.
Wilcox—8. It. Belli, Rochelle.
In Bryan. Catoosa. Clinch, Crisp. Dade,
Gilmer. Lumpkin, Mrlntosh. Plrkenm Quit-
man. Union and Walker the memlier baa
not lieen chosen yet, itr the names have not
reached S|>eaker Slaton. Moat of the coun
tip* given will ehjft In October.
Twq D
If you Ye let 8 days pass of this 10-
days sale don’t put it off longer. Two
days only, Thursday and Friday, and
positively no reduced prices after closing
time Friday night.
This sale includes every article of Furniture
(excepting office desks) ih the entire stock. -
ChamberlinJgknson DuB?se Co.
The revival aervlcea at Shlppey'a
hall are being well attended each night
and great reaulta are promlned.
Many ladlea are attending theae
meeting, and the mualc la a atrong fea
ture. Good men from both branchea
of the T. M. C. A. are provided aa lead
era each night, and next Sunday there
will be a grand rally at 3:30 p. m., alao
at 7:46 p. m. It la expected that Rev.
Sam Small will preach at both eervlcea
on 8unday.
W. A. Welle will conduct the eer
vice* Wednesday and J. T. Loftla on
Thuraday night Entrance to hall la
on Pratt atraet, Juat off of Decatur.
Special to The Georgian.
Brunawlck, Ga., Aug. 39.—The echoon.
er Frances C. Tunnell haa arrived In
thla port, after a very tedloua voyage.
The veaael left New York a month ago
for Brunawlck. She encountered very
rough weather and contrary wlnde,
and did not get down to Capa Hatteraa
until Auguat ft. After ahe alghted
Hatteraa ahe again encountered con
trary wlnda, and waa beating around
In the neighborhood of the cape for
over ten daya before favorable wlnda
brought her aouth to Brunawlck.
Rpeelnl to The Georgian.
Oalneavllle, Ga., Aug. 38.—A meet
ing waa held at the rjty hall frlday
afternoon to Interest the cltlaena of
Hall county In the location of an ag
ricultural achool for the Ninth con-
greealonal dlatiict. Profeaaor T. H.
Robertaon waa elected chairman of the
meeting and Colonel W. I. Hobbe waa
choaen accretary. After paaalng aome
reeolutione, commending Colonel Perry
for aecurlng the paaaage of the bill. It
waa decided to laeue a call for a maaa
meeting of the cltlaena In Oalneavllle
Saturday, September I.
Special to The Georgian.
Barneavllle. Oa., Aug. 38.—An elec
tion waa held yeaterday at Aldora, the
recently incorporated community, em
bracing the big cotton mill Juat out-
alde the city llmlla, and the following
were elected: Jamea Butterworth, may
or and A. W. Eppha, T. H. Parker and
W. L. Stalllnga, councilman.
Hon. Howell C. Beaaley, a prominent
attorney of Leeaburg, and editor and
publtaher of The Lee County Journal,
waa a caller at the capitol Wednesday.
Attorney Beasley was one ot the candi
dates of the returns of the recent pri
mary In Lee county, and had a copy of
the official vote with him.
Thle vote dlaputes the claim made
by Hon. Mark Johnston, of Baldwin
In the morning paper that Lee county
waa one of the counties he carried, and
that Instead of getting every vote cast
In Lee except 8, aa stated, he received
103, a* agalnet 2(0 cast for Blate
School Commissioner Merritt. The
number of votes cast for school com
missioner In Lee county was 2(8.
Mr. Johnaton la quoted In Wednea-
day's Constitution, referring to an arti
cle by a Georgian reporter. "Why did
he not say that I secured every vole In
Lee except eight?” For the very sim
ple reaaon, a* the return, from Lee
show, Merritt carried Lee by over two
to one over Johneton, and Instead of
getting every vote except eight, he got
only 108 out of a total vote of IM
The Kryptok Invisible bifocals are a
distinct scientific advance over all oth
er double vision glasses. They are
fuaed Into one solid piece with no seam
to collect dirt. John L. Moore ft Sons,
sole manufacturers In Georgia, 42
Broad street. Prudential building.
gpeHal to The Georgian. ,
Brunawlck, Oa., Aug. 28.—Brown ft
Co. have cleared the Norwegian Steam
ship Fortuna, and Baxter ft Co. have
cleared the eteamer M. C. Holm, both
vessels carrying cargoes of hewn cy
press railroad croaatlea for the Isth
mian canal commlaaion, to be deliv
ered at Colon, latbmus nr Panama. The
Fortuna had a cargo of 42,000, while
the M. C. Holm carried about 28,000
ties. The shipments on these two ves
sels about complete the big contracta
which these two Brunawlck croaatle
dealers had with the canal commleslon.
Tralna Leava Atlanta. Now Terminal
Station, corner Mitohall and
Madison Avenue.
N. B.—FoIlowlUk schedule flguree pub
lished only ae Information and are not
zunrii nf(*4Ml:
4:00 A. M.-No. 23. DAILY. Local to Blr*
tnlngham, making all stops; arriving in
Birmingham 10:15 a. tn.
5J0 A. M.-No. 13. DAILY. "CHICAGO
restlbuled train Atlanta to Cincinnati with
out change, composed of restlbuled day
coaches and l’ullninn drawing room Bleep
ing cars. Arrives Home 7:ju a. m.j Chat
tanooga i:45 a. in.; Cincinnati 73u p. in.:
Louisville * : i in.: Chicago it. m.
Cafe car service. All meals between At-
0 0
O By Private Leaned Wire. O
O Boston, Aug. 29.—In order to O
O accept a position aa profeaaor of O
O foreatry in the University of O
K>rglA at Athena, Ga., State For- O
O eater Alfred Akerman ha* re- O
O signed hla office with the atate. O
lumbus 10 a. ui.
4:11 A. 12. DAILY, local to Macon,
Brunawlck and Jacksonville. Makes all
atopa . arriving Mncoti 9:15 a. tn.: Bruns
wick 4 p. to.; Jackaonvllia 7:40 p. in.
7:00 A. M.-No. 35. DAILY.-Pullman to
Birmingham, MetcpnlOo Kanaaa City and
Colorado Sprluat. Arrives Metuptua 1:05
p. m.; Kansas city 9:45 a. m., and Colorado
A*' 1 U.-No. It. DAILY—Local to
Charlotte, Danville, Richmond and Aihw
and Rmitbwait.rn Limited.
S ires all meals an
f to4 4:11.,. M.
*• v
■sTEwne railhoau:
i t— T No.—Depart To—
• 8 Nashville.. 7:10 in ' I Nashville. 8:36 ana
78 Marietta... 1:35 am) 74 Marietta..12:10 pm
•W Nash rill#..11:45 am.' 92 Nashrllle.4:50 pm
75 Marietta... 2:5) pml 72 Marietta.. 5 30 pm
• l Nashville.. 7:35 pml* 4 Nashville. 8:50 pig
L’liNTitALTTF <3i:onun;
art to*
JacksonvlUe.. 7A0 amlSnvannah.’^.
Macon....... .UA0 amjMacon........ 4:00 pus
Savannah..... 4:05 pm:SavannaU 9:15 pm
e From—
h 7:10
dlle.. 7:50
Depart _
nm,.Mncon........ .11:01 ens
8:00 an
■■■■■■ . light-
Sleeping, library, observation nnd club
r through without rhangu. Dining caral
re all meals tn mate. Arrives Wi
'RS J .
Uoy coaches between Atlanta nml
CbYrTotfr and \V..7ilngtim!* t ^aTT| 1 Tea i \va.b’
Ington 11:46 a. m.; New York I p. m.
. 1*.. U.-3jo. ». BaAt—Local for
Moron, arriving Macon 1:4ap. m.
4:10 V. M.-No. to, DAILY.—Macon and
ll.m kiii.ellie. fnllman ounrvatlon chair
Vmri DAILY—Pullman
sleeping car and nay coaches to Ulrmlng.
ham. Arrives Birmingham »:U p. m.;
Memphla 7:15 n. m.
4J« K il—No. lt DAILY, except Sun
day. “Air Une Bella" to Toccoa.
<:» P. M—No. 22. DAILY.—Griffin and
Colnmbuo. Pullman palaco aiocptog
ami Oar coaches.
4:33 P. 3L—No. a DAILY—Local to
ottavllla and Fort Valley.
4:60 P. M—NO. 14, DAILY—Thl
drawing room an.l sleeping ears to do-
clanatt and Memphis and Chattanooga u
l^ulsyllla. Arrive. Home 730 p. m.; Dalton
•tops, local to lladln; arrive. Iledln 10:53
.lid's p. »l—No. 14. DAILY—Florida Lim
ited. A aollit vestlliated train lo Jackson
ville. Ha. Through slseptng cars ami day
coaches to Jackaonylllo and Brunswick: ar
rises Jacksonville 1:10 a. m.: Brunawlck
~ a. m.-, 8t. Augustine 10 a. m.
£ 11:20 P. U—So. 27. DAILY—Tkrongh
allmao drawing room aiaeplng cur. Al
ula to Hhreveport. -ocaI sleeper Atlanta
to Birmingham. Birmingham 6:35
a. m.: Meridian II n. m.; Jackaoo 2:S p.
m.; Vlekal.urg. 4:u6 p. m.; .Shreveport 10is
Sleepers open to rectHra passenger*
12 fijonT-No. 26, DAILY—Dnltad Blare*
Fast Mali. Solid veatllmlen train. Hlecping
cars to New 7 ork, Richmond. Charlotte and
Aabevllle. Coaches to Washington. Dining
cart serve all meals en route. Arrives
Washington 9:33 n. m.r New York <:23 a. m.
Local Atlanta-Cb«rlo*te steeper open to
receive peseengera at 9:00 p. tn. Local
•Belnia U:40am(*3iontgomery 6:30
‘'Montgomery. 7:40 pm rMontg’m’ry. 13:46 pm
'Hairoa.... . .11:35 pm,*8elmn 4:20 pan
-aGraoge 1:20 amiLaGrange.... 6:30 pas
Montgomery. 1:40 pni,*Mootg in’ry.11:11 pin
•Dally. All other*trains dally except Run-
ft All trains of Atlonta and West Point
Railroad Company arrive at nod depart
from Atlanta Terminal station, corner ot
Mitchell street and Madleon arenue.
{) ft Iig I A"Tt A! LH0 A b. " ‘
Arrive Prom— 1 Depart To—
•Augusta |:00 am •Augusta 7:45 tag
Conyers 5:45 amjLtthonta.... .10:06 am
Covington 7:4*: nm,*Aufu»ta 3:30 pm
•Augusta.. . .12:3-) pm Con vers 6:00 pus
Llthonla 3:25 pm Covington.... 6:10 pa>
•Augusta 9:15 pm,'Augusts.. ...11:46 ptn
•Dally. All other trains dally oxcept Sun-
d " r >tHAn<tAKfi All. LINK RAILff\r~“
Arriva From— I Depart To—_
Washington... 6:30 amiBlrmlngbnm.. 6:40 sra
Abbeville 9:00 a ml Mon roe....... 7:20 am
Memphis 11:46 a ml New York. ...12:00 m
New York J:3) pm Abbeville.... 4:00 pm
Monroe 7:40 pro.Memphls 6.00 pm
Birmingham.. 9:25 inn. Washington.. 9:36 pm
T Shows In Central time
Tic ket Office No.
Peters building, and new Terminal Station.
K if ... - y Try oftii **, 14.’ uiuln; Jvpot,
. 2, on Torrnluol exchange.
cured at home with
out pain. Book of pa^
Hpcc-lnl to Thc Georgian.
Newberry, 8. C., Au«r. 29.—The first
bale of new cotton for Newberry coun- *
ty was sinned and marketed Monday
afternoon by John C. HIpp. For the
past few years Mr. Hipp has sinned the
first bale of the season here.
Will Open Skating Rink.
8poelnl to The Georgian. ■
Newberry, 8. C„ Au*. 29.—A modem
skating rink In every nartlcular will
be opened up in Newberry within the
next fow weeks by A. H. Mon tel th, of
this city.
“The Doubloons” The Georgian’s new serial will
start Thursday—Don’t fail to start with it