About The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1906)
■HK ATLANTA UiiJUKlilAN. ■1UK8DAT, SEPTEMBER is, raw DID il COME placed the Condition at 72.5. Slum of 6.4 in Two Weeks. jT WAS DISCREDITED : Aud After an Opening Ad- •anee Prices Gradually Worked Lower. i mlvii'ct iliirlns the morning :i .loi'liloillT oncoumglng rhsmcter, __.,llv III the fnturn, dopartnunt. tin* If,”lni! thuning 6tt lo Point* advance. dose wmi barely steady. 4 to 8 points Wsh'" ‘f’ii pool today: Oft.-Nw March-April.. Hay June Open. Hlch. I. !eOW. *.07 5.03 5.14 5.08 5.14% 5.17 5.13 . . .5.18 5.21 6.17 On tli'* better Liverpool advices New York fsturei ictivo positions. but up to 11 n. in. opening ",i,.,.„ wore higher i» most lnstnnees. prices p - hour showing almut even with the ,* clos report wns expected bjr the sustain prices If not cause a sharp Most of the early buying was on that"'theory, ns It wns expected to show considerable deterioration. - n»*t the expectations of a very few nnd discredited by a great many, unde tlo* condition 72.6. . weeklv weather report Is satisfactory with little or no etfect upon market prices. Tho weather ns a rule wns warm, but the precipitation for the most part wns below . astern forecast Indicates showers toidzht and Wednesday for tho Cnrollnns nnd Georgia. Partly cloudy weather In Florida and fair tonight In both Alabama and Mississippi with probable showers In Alnhnniii tomorrow. lionvv rainfall wns reported In sections nf Georgia nnd South Carolina, resulting Ik uslderabh* dntuntte to cotton, which, bow , r. could bo repaired with clear nnd warm i*fl flier. Comparative receipts at all United States ports: .\.-t receipts today . 47.134 Same day Inst year 48.593 i,•crease 24.913 tnl receipt* since September 1 311,721 mo time last year 618,544 (ecr-nse 1QM23 >t linn ted receipt* tomorrow: 1006. 1905. « Orleans 8,W0 to 4.900 2,676 Ivcstou 8.000 to 10.000 11.224 m „o,i 8,600 to 9.500 11,623 At the close the tone was barely steady 6 to 11 points lower. SPOT COTTON MARKET, Liverpool, cotton,JiP^t t qulet rt itud steady; NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. Private Wire to Ware & Loland. New \ork. Sept. ra.Mveruo.il future, « l-olnt* up. At 15:15 p. m.. U| ’* ®nd quiet, but steady. Rales 1 points up. Futures due to come 3U«6 up. I rlvnte Liverpool cable: "Market nf- reoted favorably by short covering. South offering less freely." this t Our open ting. morning n bit dls- Edited by Joseph B. Lively MARKETS Mr. Lively’s twenty.five yenrs* experience of ed iting markets in Atlanta and the South has made him a recognised au thority In his specialty. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS New York quiet nt 9.75. New Orleans firm at 9 516. Augusta fl«*m at 9%. h steady nt 9%. .ifllvpMicn firm nt 9 7-16. Wilmington steady nt 91-16. Bid timer*- nominal nt 9%. TODAY'S PORT RECEIPT8. Tim following table shows receipts nt the today, compared with the snme duy 1746 18721 1812 11940 3474 3667 6939 INTERIOR MOVEMENT. The following table shows receipts at the Interior towns today, compared with the ny last year: GIBERT & CLAY’8 DAILY COTTON LETTER Yen Orleans. Rcpt. 18.—The Improvement l.herpiHd wns attributed by cable* to iiHldiTnlde covering by shorts ami also to •• fa, i that offerings from the Houtti were ‘re limited. Options netted on the close wbi f 7 to 8 points, while spot sales •re 6,610 Imles, quotations 4 points higher. the early trading of the local market ''••s ruled strong nnd steady oif covering Mmrts. but outside speculation continues Indifferent that advances lacking a more •althful support from the soot situation • difTieult of mnlntcnnnce. Todny a grow- lImposition on tae part of holders to "» »he Improved basis was observed, rthe’oss there wns a g*w1 demand In .. . 1 •• and offering* were more or let* limited when contrasted with the new!* of ••I'ligations. vent her for the past week, ns Indl- r the government report, was gener- 1 orable for picking, the rainfall l»e* >w the normal and the sunshine nm- ■iii which it might be Inferred nml rene»* is supported by the receipt of advices to that effect, that the •nt shortly will assume very large The market for the moment, displayed a tendency to resist v , * to force values down nnd until • *t*. i !„. r shipments are flnnlly fulfill***! ruble steadiness III prices will prob- ANDER80N & CO.’S DAILY COTTON LETTER York, Sept. 18.—Liverpool was j - •f" r than expected this morning, caus- ,n 8 ’h'* N«*w York market to open nt an nml the demand was very poor. Liverpool, New Orleans and commission •houses nil sold. Do not believe this advance will hold. Ilntton continues a Mg buyer ngnln this morning. Some here think Price covering in Liverpool this morning. New Orleans, Sept. 18.—Liverpool cables are favorable enough, so far ns futt concerned, but spot sale? of 6,00 are nothing to hrag of. Taylor, Tex., wires: "On account of the vast amount of cotton now l*clng gath- ?«*«*! • beginning tonight alt gin* of the \\ lllianis Bros., of this city, will run ulgf and day, working double forces, until Tl present week Is over." Around the closing yesterday, a raft of December was for sale at 9.30c. It la said that one firm, which wns it good buyer nt times yesterday, l>ougbt 7,000 bales of this cotton after the market closed, and I ►egged for more. The market is narrow nnd dull. No de cided tendency either way Is displayed. Spots are firmer unchanged to l-16c high er. About 600 boles have been traded In. The weather map Is favorable. Practical ly no rain Is reported over the cotton belt. The cotton market has shown some Uttle Inclination| to work np since opening buying by roinmlslaon house*. Locals fighting the advance, however. Weld, (.wiltlimey, Dave Miller, Springs and lleutx are aJJ heavy so!lorn of December ami Jan uary. The ndrnnee of yesterday nml this morning looks fictitious. Don’t believe it will hold. The weekly weather reports more favorable than otherwise. o. b. have been sold. Weld nnd locals selling since Silts •port. The market Is not remarkably stro spite of the very bullish attitude of pooh Sf>ofa were quiet and Arm ou a mount of business. Well Bros., Montgomery, Ala., say: lug general now through Atlantic a Movement for next mouth will like record-breaking. Prlrate Wire to Oibert A Clay. New York, Sept. 18.—Liverpool c, "Advance due to shorts covering and offering less freely." Market Is due to advance a little, but do not expect a material advance. New Orleans, Sept. 18.—Liverpool 8 up Is a surprisingly good market. Wns due about 5 up. Spot sales are below the aver age recently established, amounting to only 6,000 bales. our traveling correspondent wires from Vaco, Tex.: "Crop from Temple to Waco good; opening very fast." A c’nineron, Milan county, Texas, dis patch says: "The excessive rains for the past month have very greatly Injured the cotton crop. While In the bottoms In this county very fine crops have been made, some farmers claiming a bale to ths* acre, the rain has caused a very great deteriora tion. large quantities of It rotting on the stalk. Cotton pickers nre In great demamb ltd farmers are rushing every uit comes to get the cotton out. Market hesitating, some long realising and Inclination of room trduders to hammer, causing easiness. The western forecast Indicates for west ern Texas fall 1 nnd eolder weather tonight and Wednesday, for southeastern Texas showers tonight, fair tomorrow, while for the balance of the western belt showers nnd colder weather throughout tonight and tomorrow. .... Today’s map Is only fair. Heavy rains hnve fallen In the Atlantic*, and. the storm reported in that district Is said to be heading for the north Mississippi valley. Texas Is dry and cloudy, with much low- er temperature, nnd nt Santa he, N. Mex., light frost has occurred. Director of the Census North makes a correction in rtnnliigs of 1906 as follows: Published, total bales 10,697,018. Corrected, total bales 10,725,602. WARE A LELAND’3 _____ DAILY COTTON LETTER, New Orleans, Sept. 18.—The worst puzzled people In the world today were the professional traders In the cotton market. Liverpool was very strong and heavy buying on the curb here last evening created the impression that the Giles report was very bullish and had leaked. Early In the day rumors said that the Giles estimate of condi tions was 72.5 nnd two hours later It was officially announced that these were the correct figures. It was hard to persuade the trade that some one had been a good guesser, and that the figures were not known last night. Evi dently the program that had been mnpped out was to load up In antici pation of the bullish efTect on the pub lic of this estimate and then to unload when the figures were Issued. Some operators even went so far as to say that tho estimate had been manufac tured to order. This program was car ried out so far as the loading up was concerned, rumor having It that one firm alone bought 7,000 bales of Decem ber nt 9.30 on the curb here last even ing, and the advance of 10 points In the Liverpool future market wai un doubtedly a continuation of this load ing up. The public, however, refused to take kindly to the figures put out. The dose was a little too strong. Even the chronic bulls refused to believe that the condition of the crop had fallen from 78.9 (Giles estimate of the condi tion on August 31) to 72.5 In two weeks time. The consequence was that yes terday’s buyers were sellers at a loss Instead of a profit. In the early hours prices made a half-hearted response to the advance In Liverpool, but later they fell oft until they were a few points be low the level of yesterday's closing. At the middle of the day It was hard to Hind any one with a very decided opin ion. The weather was good, except in the Atlantic, which were swept by a tropical storm. Spots were In fair de mand and moderate supply. J NEW YORK. j The following Is the range In cotton fu ture* In New York today: ' a =* | i II 1 il 1 8epf Oct - Nov • Dec Jan Feb March. . . . May 8.92 9.10 9.22 9.36 9.43 9.52 9.67 9.68 8.92 9.10 9.:: 9.36 9.43 M2 9.60 9.09 “TH 8.92 9.08 9.22 9.31 9.61 9.46 9.67 *.** 8.92 9.08 9.22 i!n 9.51 ii 9.67 8.92-93 9.06-07 9.21-23 $.ti-r 9.37-39 9.46-48 9.66-68 90-96 .02-03 16-16 29-30 37 JW .44-46 62-53 66-67 advance of 5^8 points. This strength wns occasioned by the unfavorable weather pre vailing over the eastern belt and the ru mor o" a bullish condition report to be Is sued by a young Indy statistician. The higher level nt the opening, however, brought out the usual profit-taking and short selling nml prices broke doun to 9c for October. The market Is almost entirely In the hands of the ring traders for the time lietng. and they seem to l»e content with scalping operation* ui.tl the situation clears up. I’orts were miner heavy today ns compared with last year, and the believers In a large crop Halm that the movement will Increase rapidly now. bearing out their opinions ns to the alx.. of the yield. In the meantime, the anot demand continues good and nil offer ings are promptly taken. The report front Vti-- Giles for the semi-month showed a condition of 7° 5 nnd was considered bull- fsh. Wo believe the large crop wthnates will now begin to scale down rapidly. NAMB OF STOCK. Amalgamated Copper.. Atlantic Coast Line. ,. American Sugar Bef. .. Anaconda American Locomotive.. a preferred. . . • Arner. Smelting Bef. . , do, preferred. ... Atchison , . do. preferred. . . . , American Cotton OIL . . Car foundry. .. Baltimore A Ohio. . ,. Brooklyn Rapid Tran.. £nnadlan Pacific. . . . Chic. A Northwestern.. SSfWpftka a Ohio. . . Colorado Fuel a iron.. , Central Leather ; Ul.tlllor'. B*curltl*. ! Brl. ilo, nr.f.rrwl Oj-ner, 1 Klwtrlc Illliml, Central. Loultrllle A .Va.iirllle.. Mnlran Central.. ... . Wuuuri Pacific NAUR OF STOCK. .V V.. Ont. tt Western. Nuticiml l/Wid Northern 1’adfic. . . . New York Central. . . Norfolk A Western. .. Pennsylvania. . . . , . People’s Ga* Pressed Steel Car. , • , do. preferred. , , * , Pari tic Mall Rending • * • Republic Steel Bock Island do. preferred United States Rubber. , do. preferred. . . . . Southern Pacific. . . . , Southern Railway. . . « do. preferred. , , . . Sloss-Sbeffield. , * , • « Tenn. Coal A Iron. . . , Texas A Pacific Union Pacific United States Steel. . . do. preferred. . , • . Va.-Car. Chemical. , • , do. preferred Western Union Wabash. . • do. preferred. . * . , Wisconsin Central. . . , referred. Totnl stock aalea today 1.467.000 ■hnres. LIVERPOOL. The following table gives the opening range and dose, compared with yesterday'* clo*e: Futures opened firm. Opening ** September. . Sept.-Oct. , Oct.-Nov. . Nov.-Dec. . Dec.-Jan... Jan.-Feb. . Feb.-March. March-April. NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provisions. Private Wire to Ware A Lelnnd. Chicago, Sept, 18.—Very little wheat on the market. Freedman buying In some short stuff, and the general oenttn bullish. No disposition to gat shot.. Cables do not reflect the weSknuss of wheat here yesterday. Weather Is good lu the northwest, which will stimulate the movement. Expect to fee another good market for wheat and corn. A good demand noticeable for the De comber oats. Receiving houses been large buyers. It looks ns it the shorts In Sep tember and December outs have a mer ry time. Chicago Inter Ocean: Exports of flour nnd wheat from the United States during August were equal to 12.688.000 bushels, compared with 4,231.000 last year. Corn exports were 3,163,000 busBele, gainst 4,844,000 last year. Of oats, exports were 640,250, compared with 1,096,439 last year. * Kansas City message said that they lota of corn down there this year, and that the farmers nre now feeding some of crop, of contract grain In Chics Whent 8,838,278; corn 66,182; ont* 814.742. Stocks of grain In elavutors In Chicago: Whent 13,878,000; corn 1,107,000; oats ' 480,000. Ames Brooks, Duluth, wired: "Durum whent Is lc lower under^jweaaurejif coum present direct export and 16,000 buahela of made lots. Sales of corn were 260.000 bushels nnd of onta 100,000 bushel*. At the aen- board, exporters aold 120,000 wheat nnd 100.000 corn. „ . . . „ # At Duluth, exporter* for whent to Buf falo nre 2%e. There ha* been tonnage en- for 2.000.000 bushel* of wheat Inst half of November. The rate Is 4c, Including warehouse storage at Buffalo. THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The storm that was central on the eonat of North Carolina yesterday morning has taken a very unusual course, moving to the west, nnd Is now centered nenr Knox ville. Tcnn. It has caused general rains In the Carolina*. Georgia, east Tennessee and Virginia. Over the rest of the cotton belt Hear weather prevails. The following heavy rainfalls hnve occurred In the last 24 hours: Greenwood, 8. C., 2tfO; Bateshurgl 8. (\, 2.38; Columbia, H. C„ 2.30; Blackville and Greenville, 8. C„ 1.90; St. George, 8. C., 1.86; Waynesboro, Ga., 1.80; Washington, Gn„ 1.62; Griffin, Gs., nnd Toeron, Ga., 1.35; Spartanburg. H. C., 1.16; Augusts, Go., 1.30 Inches. Bain has fallen at a number of stations In the west ami northwest. The northwestern nrea of high pressure i moving slowly east, centered In Mon tana. The conditions favor clenrlng weather to night, fair Wednesday. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. For the 24 hours ending nt 8 a. m., loth meridian time. September 13. 1906. Range. < . . .5.09 -8.08 . . .5.12 . . .5.14H-6.13 . . .6.16 -6.16% . . .6.18 -6.17 ► steady. 5.28 5.15 tt* 6.10 5.01% 6.02% 5.03% WHEAT STRONG ATJHE CLOSING Left Off at Sharp Advance. Com and Oats Closed at Better Prices . NEW ORLEANS. The following Is the range In cotton fu* The following Is the rang' tnres In New Orleans today: ih*c. . . Jnu. . . Feb. . . March. . . . May. Tloi 'tosedi steady. 9.1 I i - 9.47-48 9.62 63 Z2 9.24-26 9.24-26 9.28- 28 9.29- 30 9.38-391 9.44-46 9.62-63 9.65-66 TIPS PLASHED From Wall Street nt. :>»rtnnt, but Berlin bank rate advanced to o per cent. Stocks abundant In loan crowd and the rise lu call money to 10 per cent late yes terday may bring about further selling In the active stocks enrly. It Is expected that the dividend on Ana conda will be raised todny, and there la very bullish talk on It; also Copper, Smel ters, Car Foundry and other railway equip ments. I^>ok for good huylng In Steels, especially tho preferred, on any dip, nnd there may be more activity In Republic Steel; also Fuel. the 4.49 deposits : $4,000,000 Chicago, September 18.—Sentiment was bullish around tho opening on wheat. There was some good buying early with little disposition umong the trade to go short. There was very lit tle wheat on the market early, and a slight advance wa* recorded, which about cleaned up the shorts. The market was strong most of the session, the close showing advances of 3-4 to lc. The world’s visible supply according to Bradstreet’a Increased 4,693,000 bushels. Corn was slightly lower at the open ing, but the decline wns recovered la ter, the closing being strong with ad vances ranging up to a cent. The vis ible supply decreased 198,000 bushels. On liberal buying oats were firm ear ly. The selling was scattered, but the crowd generally was after them. The visible supply Increased 794,000 bush els. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Chicago grain and provision quotations for today follow: Open. WHEAT- Sept. .. 7031 Dec. . . 72% May. . 76% CORN- Bept. Dec. May. OATB- Hlgh. t. . 46% 48 . . 41% 42% r. . 42% 43% » gg i Mny. . 34% 34% 84% 34% 12.70 '12.96 34% 8e , pt , . R *«$*H 16.92% 16.92% 16.92% 17.00 .bin. . .12.90 12.90 12.70 *" ** “ Lard— Sept. . 8.72% *.7?% 8.72% Oct. . . 8.82% 8.82% 8.70 Jnn. . . 7.62% 7.62% 7.57% SIDES— Sept. . 8.87% 8.95 8.52% 6.90 6.86 8.72% 8.75 7.67% 8.95 8.50 6.87% 8.85 8.82% 7.70 6.96 No. R y red!^72*44272%: No. I do.. 70«71%; No. 2 hnr4 winter. 7tVilT74; No. 8 do., 68^tz. STATIONS OF ATLANTA DISTRICT. 11 *• ALABAMA GIBERT & CLAY Sotton. ?.Sa?2: ATLANTA, OA COfrtll-fiOVUION, iDcnx S'* ,?'>* Stock BictunfO.IHcw Orion, Cotton ffjKSJ.'lur^Joo^c’eton'iT^J&tlta Yo r rt cottM I«S;SS:|n>2 88ZS fiSaS«|.“iJ8S. cotton EW . , Prlvnte Wire, to nil Excbonfc,. FA0AN> M,n,n,r. ►•oenl ,nd Lonn Dlttano, T,l,phon» 5298. v. ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone. Main 858. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Gainesville, rjrnidj Greenville, cloudy. Griffin, cloudy. . •Macon, cloudy. . ••MontleeHo. rain Newiutn. rain. . , Rome, cloudy. . . Spartanburg, rain Tallapoosa, loudy. . . West Point, cloudy. If E ■2~ E 43 Minimum temperatures nre for 11-hour port™. ru-ljng -M ^Tn'kaU-T' St. George, S. C .* ••1-6* Bnteshurg, S. 2.®* Blackville, 8. Jg t'olunibla. S. •• Greenwood, 8. C 2.90 WnHliliifton, Ga }-62 Wsynesltoro. Ga l-3» Charleston. . . Galveston. . . Little Hock. . Memphis. . . . Mobile Montgomery. . New Orleans. Ka van nab. . , Vicksburg. . . Wilmington. . Temp’ture. p Mux. Min. i si 11 Dlat. Averages. m m T Indies tea 1 n « gjreHsljb^ rainfall. Temperature* were slightly higher In n few of the extreme eaatern districts, but over the central nnd southern portions of I lie belt the tendency wns to cooler. Rain full .n-curreil lu the coast districts, the nmonnts lielng heavy In South Carolina nnd eastern Georgia. . „ . fAnnirlfV Wheat. Corn.. f»nts.. . Hi,,,.. COTTON CONDITION SHOWING DECLINE •urred since the government’s last condi tion data wns gathered, coupled with con tinued active demand for actual cotton with which to fill September c ed mine* and ultimately Ish tone of yesterday's market. While there Is ns yet no proof tjmt spinners will early embrace whatever opportunity la of- sentiment more In that direction, for the reason that the trade as n whole fj coming to recognize n less promising prospect In the matter of ultimate yield, nnd the cur rent firmness of the spot market, though largely due to the complications lu the wake of over-confidence on the part of the Sep tember exporter. Is nevertheless Inspiring some cumulative force In behalf of the staple. But the mnrket has yet to nequlre Its new season swing, consequently caution rather than adventurous appetite Is the moving spirit of ring activity.—Ware A I.e- LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Corn opened % lower; 1:30 p. tn., % to % lower; closed % to % lower. PRIMARY MOVEMENT. The following figures show the primary .movement of whent nnd corn: Whent—Receipts Inst year 1,326,000 bush els. Shipments todny 511.000 bushels against 445.000 bushels Inst year. Corn—Receipts todny 879,000 bushels against 707.000 bushels Inst year. Shipments todny 249.000 bushels against 336,000 bushels last year. SOUTHERN EXCHANGE OldMt E.tabllahcd Office South. COTTOR STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Ground Floor Oould Building. Dally markot letter nnd market manual mailed on application. IDirrhnsus. St. Paul, Atchison, Pennsylva nia. Norfolk nnd Western, Baltimore and Ohio, nml C. nnd (>.. hut would only take them on when sold down. The market may display some Irregnlnrity with some bear pressure, but all lu nil look for stmng support In the active stocks. Dow-Jones' summary: American stocks Iu London steady. Berlin bank rate advanced to 6 per cent. American Smelting equity lu earnings of Securities Company estimated nt 3 per cent on common. Stocks plentiful In lonn crowd. Missouri, Kansas and Texas July net In crease $249,936. C. and O. surplus overcharges and divi dends increase *1.1^.000. Report shows equal to 3.77 per cent on common stock. Hear llocklng Valley nnnnnl report per cent earned ou capital stock. Primary elections In New York today. United States Steel corporatIon expected to purchase 1,000.000 pig Iron from Independ ent companies this year. Total gold engagement* against del ow $23,398,000 and probably about ot so secured. Twelve Industrials advanced .10 per cent. Twenty active railways declined .18 per cent. New York Financial Bureau: Amalgamated Copper Is strongly tipped for higher prices and so Is Anaconda, nnd both are In a po sition to be raised sharply. We again give It ns our oplnlpn that mlon Pacific should be bought when Weak for tiirui on this reaction; also should be iMiught on the recession after yesterday, ns we hnve reasons for expecting It to cross 80 soon. When the Cuban revolution la over condi tions Indicate If* relegation. Sugar should hnve nu advance. Bullishness on the Steels aud Fries In the Morgan house Is ns great as ever. At pres ent the pool seeniH Indisposed to remove checks lu either stock. We think Atchison may be bought on the reaction. Canadian Pacific la worth oticb higher prices, but It may take time to raise It. St. Paul rontlnuea on the trading position nnd Is so treated bv professionals. Missouri Pacific Is getting rendy for a rise. Humors nre current of a drive at the shorts lu It. ^ Bull talk Is very strong, and In the *x* continually good Institutions now on Penn sylvania, which should receive attention. We would, ns stated yesterday morning, buy Heading only on reactions for the pres ent. A number of stocks are time, namely; Smelters, ridently marking Brooklyn Rapid i ranslt. C. nnd O.. Colorado Fuel and Iron, New York Central, Southern Hallway, and Rock Island, but we believe their turn will come later. The pool tips Ice, Distillers. 8t, Louis nnd Southwestern nml Texns Pacific for In* provement of a gradual nature. WEATHER REPORT BY GOVERNMENT Alnhninn—Frequent showers fell In the ex treme southern counties nml showers oc curred In other counties during the first three dnys. The remainder of the week was fair. Generally the rainfall wns light, but scattered falls were heavy. The tem perature wns above the normnl until th* 16th, when the weather became cool. EARLY II ON STING LINES Strength of Call Money Rates Continues to Af fect Sentiment. MADE SELLING GOOD Sterling Exchange Sold Off. May Increase Continua tion Gold Shipments. New York. Sept. 1*.—The early trad ing wa* at flret on rather strong line,, but anticipations ot harder call money rate, and the character ot the selling movement yesterday brought Into tho market another selling movement which cauaed an easier tone and an Irregular price movement. Following the announcement of a meeting of stockholders called by Tennessee Coal and Iron directors to act on an In crease In capital stock of $20,000,050, a sharp advance In Republic Iron and Bteel took place, which waa taken to Indicate th'e truth of recent suggestions concerning a closer affiliation of these two corporations. The strength of cat! money continues to affect sentiment, and the fact that notwithstanding Im ports of gold, promise to exceed $25,- 000,000, the gain of the banks from this source has not been reflected to tills extent, perhaps Justifies belief in the continuance or high Interest rates In the nenr future. Sterling exchange again aold off today, and this may mean a continuation of gold shipments, but the stock market at present ap pears to reflect liquidation and pressure from this cause. Some attention waa given today to the reported sale of a large block of Baltimore and Ohio to Union Pacific Interests, with the sug gestion that the carrying of control ot this property would Involve $120,000,000 obligation*. Inasmuch as the trading today was largely influenced by hard call money rates, a steady market Is expected to follow. LONDON STOCK MARKET. Anaronds. .~. . . . Atchison famuli,n I'nclllc. . . . . ■ 'hiego, Mil. and S. Paul,, Honthern Pscldc. . . Union I-sclOc. . , . United Stnte, Hteel. do. preferred. , , , rant WEATHER IN 60TT0N BELT. Texas—Fort Worth anrt 8nn Antonio clear . .. . ami hot. Tyler clear an»l pleasant. Dal- ArkftnNn*— 1 Tho temperature waa nlx>ve the ln« clear nnd warm. Houston ] f L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, - COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Correspondent's Capital $250,000 aercacNCC. tmi neal dank PHONE MIT. PRUDENTIAL. BLOG cottonYgraw, Provision's,Hkicks^bonds, I nr Mni'cS'lllluiuif. tWrii, ]|<t* frcliam. Llttroeel Colton Asioclttlon. . How fork Collet lnhaofa. Irlrate Wires la How York, Haw Orleaas, Chicago. B. C COTHKAM, Manager. Mo. 2 Wall SI., Paler* Building, Atlanta t Ga. MtMilHS: Chicago Board at Trada. Manager, idard Phai ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK ATLANTA. GA. C. E. CURRIER, PresIdsnL A. E. THORNTON, Vlc-Prssldtnt. H T. INMAN, Vlc-Presldent. QEO. R. DONOVAN, Cashier. JAMES 8. FLOYD, Ass't Cashier. Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $500,000.00 We Solicit Your Patronage. HUBBARD BROS & CO., MERCHANTS Atlants Offices, 2I9-2JI Century Building. Members New York Cotton Exchange, New Or leant Cotton Exchange, Liverpool Cotton Asso ciation, Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cof r fee Exchange, New York Produce Exchange Business solicited for the above exchanges. Direct wire service. Correspondence Invited. Phones 454, Long Distances?. A.S. Hustscc. Mgr. norma! In oil cmintlos. The precipitation wns below tho normal except In the ex treme northwestern counties and In some southern counties. The sunshine wns slightly below the normnl during the latter part. The weather conditionn generally were rnvornlde. Georgia—Temperature was unseasonably high itiost of the week, the mean being from 2 to 5 degrees nhovc the normal. There is no precipitation In portions of the rthern and eastorn divisions. BUeWbere local showers occurred from the lOtn to 13th. while locally heavy In scattered dis trict*. Generally the precipitation wns be low normal. I^iulslann—The week waa hot and sultry, the menu temperature Mag 6 to d degrees nlHive the unrtual. Light scattered showers occurred In some IocsIIties every day, irhlle there wns no rnln In others. The weekly rainfall generally was much below the nor mal. The sunshine wns indow the normal. Mlsslsstppl-The went bar waa partly cloudy anil sultry. The temperature was very uniform nnd from 6 to 8 degrees above normnl, Katurdny t»elng the hottest day. The ralnfnll wn* local and considerably be low the normnl. North Carolina—Generally tho weather wns fair with nn abundance of sunshine The mean temperature averaged 4 de gree* above the normnl. The forepart of the week waa warm and the latter part cool. Unlnfall waa much below the normal except In the western counties, where It was heavy. Oklahoma and Indian Territory—The mean temperature was from 2 to 6 degrees above the normnl,-the excess being greatest lu the eaHtern nnd central portions. Heavy shine were above the normal except last two dnys. which were cool and cloudy. The precipitation was lielow the normal, although a few place* hnd heavy rainfall on the 12th. Texas—The week was uniformly warm, the menu temperature being from 2 de gree* to more thnn 6 degreos above the normal except In the extreme western counties, where It wns normal. There was considerable sunshine. Generally the pre* clpltntlou wns light nnd uneveuly distrib uted. n large number of countleo receiving none. In n few counties between the Brains nnd Red rivers nud In FI Paso, Hays nnd Hnrton counties the rainfall exceeded the normnl. Tennessee—The week waa hot and dry. I,o4*nl shower* occurred on two or three dnys, mostly In the eastern counties, but the precipitation generally waa light. Tem perature average 6 degree* above normal. The rainfall was much below the normal. nnd warm; good rain yeaten partly cloudy in yesterday. Temple nml pleasant. Belton clears 74; Fort Worth, clear, 70: Waco, clear, 76; Texarkana, clear, 80; Tnylop, clear, 74; _ . * - f„ir, 78; Galnea- fair, 84; Dallas, . _ ir, 80; Galveston, clear, 79; Han Antonio, clear, 78; Uustou, clear, 77. Mississippi—Jackson clear and pleasant Yasoo City partly cloudy and cool. Vicks burg clear and cool. Meridian and Hatties burg clear and fine. Amory, Tupelo and New Albany clear and wnrm. Aberdeen elenr nnd pleasant. Brookhnven and Ha- sleburst clear and hot. Natches clear and warm. Alnhamn—Huntsville clear and warns. and cool. Moblla ; mw vuuii rained Albany clear and pleasant. Atnerlcua partly cloudy and pleasant. Atlanta raining and cool; rained all night. Columbus partly cloudy and cool. Florlda-Jacksonville clear and warm. Teaneasee—Memphis dear and pleasant WEATHER FORECAST. .... ... — the coast Virginia—Fair In the north, rnln In south portion Tuesday; Wednesday fair, except rain In extreme southwest portion; frcNh northeast winds. Winds; Wednesday fair. Western Florida nnd Tuesday and In north porl.__ . fresh to brisk northwest winds. MIssIsslppl-Falr Tuesday; weunraaay [towers; variable winds. Isoulalann—Fair Tuesday, except shower* and cooler In the north portion; Wednes day showers; fresh and variable winds. Eastern Tea**— Fair In the south, show ers nnd cooler In tha north portion Tues day: Wednesday ebowert, fresh sooth winds on the coast Western Texas—Fair In the south, show ers In the north portion Tuesday; Wed nesday fair. ArkanMs--Showers and. cooler Tuesday; Wednesday ehowers. Tennessee- Fair In west ahowers In east portion Tuesday; ^Wednesday shower*. Kentucky and weat Virginia—hair Tues day; Wednesday increasing cloudiness. WM. L. l'EEL. MADDOX-RUCKER BANKING COMPANY. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . $500,000.00 Accounts, small as well as large, invited. 3 1-2 per cent interest paid and compounded semi- annually in our Savings Department. Safe Deposit Boxes For rent in our vaults in the basement of the Empire pudding for only $5.00 each per annum. Absolute Security and all Modem Conveniences You should not be without one. \Ve invite you lo call and inspect them. Title Guarantee and Trust Co.