Newspaper Page Text
beautiful marriage of the week In
i Bl “ u . ...Hoi ar%A e ni'Ai'P
!, cordial and sincere Inter-
an.ored was that of Miss Callle
Mr. Albert L. Boy* T|t.
the presence of a large num-
rf friends, the house being beautl-
l-decorated for the occasion. The
* n handsome traveling suit
,‘ ..|„th with a dainty shirtwaist
a « becoming hat to match. She car-
bride's roses. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle
a after the marriage for a bridal
,t after which they will reside In
n^J^It^LIttleton, of this city, and
ms' Mary Marland. of Griffin, da.,
married Tuesday evening. They
* now away on a Northern bridal
1 "and will return within the next
weeks to make their home. Dr.
mieton IS one of Augusta's well-
known physicians, and will Introduce
m. bride to a wide circle of friends,
"urf <• G. Kelly entertained the
Wood lawn Euchre Club Thursday af-
wrZon in a most delightful manner.
Miss Albina Olfson entertained In
fernally at euchre Wednesday even-
f r The prizes, a Dresden vase and
honk were presented to Miss Daly
.a jii'ss Louise Vaughn.
Aususta friends of Miss Harry Delle
Hallmark. of Philadelphia, will be In-
to learn that she will leave In
few davs with a party of friends on
two-months' visit to the Philippines.
Mr» Harriett Gould Jeffries and Mr.
id Mrs James Jeffries have returned
om* Blue Bldge Springs, Va.
Mrs Sparks W. Melton, who has
Keen visiting relatives In Virginia for
the past several months. Is expected
borne next week.
Mr« James F. McGowan and chil
dren have returned from New York
,nd Virginia.
Miss Grace Dugas will leave In a
few davs to Join her mother, Mrs.
Margaret Dugas. In New York.
Mrs A Blndewald has returned
home after a visit to Louisville, Ky..
where she placed Miss Loretta Blndo-
ald at school.
Mrs. R B. Doolittle Is visiting Mr.
Doolittle’s mother, Mrs. McCants, In
Spartanburg. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Porter Fleming have
closed their summer home on Bath and
returned to the city for the winter.
Miss Golden, of Savannah, is the
Sliest of Mrs. T. B. Irvin, having come
o attend the marriage of Miss Callle
Kolb Irvin to Mr. Albert Boyle.
Cards are out to the marriage of
Miss Jennie Lee Walton to Dr. H. J. M.
Selden, of Sewunee. which will occur
the evening of Wednesday, October
at the Church of the Good Shep
ierd, on the Hill.
Miss Sallle Harris, of Athens, li
he sues! of her aunt, Mrs. Charles
'hlnlzy. Her approaching mnrrlnge to
Mr. J. .V Carter, of Mexico, has bein
Miss Emily Welgle entertained a
number of her little friends Wednes
day afternoon In celebration of her
eighth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Dunnlngton have
returned from an extensive trip to
Panada. New York and other Eastern
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Harrison and
Mrs. Inman Belt have' returned from
Origin, Ga., where they attended the
marriage of Dr. J. R. Littleton to Mlse
(try Marland. •
Mr. Thomas Ussery, of Atlanta, vis-
led friends In the etty this week.
Mrs. \V. E. Dupont, of Savaqnah, Is
is guest of her daughter, Mre. Fred
Mrs. Charles Love, of Atlanta, Is th?
rest for several days .of Mrs. Albert
Mrs tv. H. Fleiplng Is In Atlanta,
here she Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
K. Ayer.
Dr. Charles Hickman and Miss
hd.'s Hickman are expected home
rtly from New York.
Broil and Miss Helen
»tt "111 return In a few days from
nh Hatley, Canada.
Miss Annie Foster has returned from
lemon, B. where she has been
sue»t of Mrs. Augusta Bush.
Mrs. Jacob Phlnlty and Mlsa Anns
union Phlnlzy are now In Paris.
' r «. O. H. Seyd will spend the wln-
ln Augusta.
Miss Charlotte Walker, who played
hi Parole" In-this city Wednesday
renlng, was entertained during her
nort stay In th# city by her ktnswom-
■t Miss Harriet Adame Ganahl. Mias
zlker Is a descendant of the Plnck-
T*. of South Carolina, and Is well
loan In Augusta. She will spend
undny win, Mr. and Mre. Pleaeant
•wall In Savannah.
hI™?".!!,. Mr *' ,' Vatkln > Crockett ten-
„ ”“.™ m * handsome dinner at the
Hermitage club Tuesday evening, at
which twenty-four guests were 1 pres
ent, and on Wednesday Miss Shirley
*•“"• « av e a pretty luncheon fop
M ss Knowles, Mr. J. T. Howell com
plimenting Mr. Knowles with a stag
®V fa,r ■ Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mc-
C ung Gardner entertained them at
Llnwood. thgtr country home, Tues
day afternoon.
Mias Louise Clark, who Is a leader
In Boston society, will come to Nash
ville next week to visit Mrs. William
D. Haggard, who will give her a lunch
eon and afternoon card party at the
Golf and Country (.Tub Tuesday.
Mrs. Frank Washburn and children,
Frank, Jr., and Elizabeth, of Nashville,
will be in Atlanta next Tuesday, re
turning from a stay of several months
In the mountains of North Carolina.
Mrs. Glascock Mays will either accom
pany them to Nnshvllle or follow In
a few days to visit Mrs. E. W. Cole
at Colemere. Mrs. C. L. Dibrell and
Miss Mary Lee Dibrell, who alio spent
the summer with Mrs. Washburn at
The Highlands and at Lake Toxaway,
and who spent Tuesday In Atlanta at
the Piedmont and with Mrs. Mays, are
at home.
Mrs. M. P. O'Connor has returned
from a visit to her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Collins, In Atlanta.
The state fair, which begins next
Monday, will attract many visitors to
Nashlvllle. The chief event will be a
brilliant ball at the Hermitage Club
next Friday evening. The woman's
department at the fair la housed In the
former Cumberland Park Club house,
and prominent women will serve as
hostesses each day. A number of
luncheons and dinners will be given
at the tea room at the building. The
department will be opened with appro
priate exercises next Monday after
noon. over which Mrs. Katherine P.
Wright, director, will preside. For each
day special features are arranged.
Thursday Knoxville ladles will give
the program and Friday Is set apart
for Memphis.
A new German Club has been form
ed In Nashville, composed of a large
number of dancing men of the city,
who will give a series of germans at
the Duncan and Maxwell hotels dur
ing the season.
"State Prohibition." On Tuesday
local chapter of the W. C. T. U. was
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Carpenter, of
Stephens, are vjslting Mrs. Belle
Mrs. Edwin Brobston, after an ex
tended visit to relatives, has returned
to her home at Brunswick.
Miss Nona Martin has returned to
her home In Atlanta, after a visit to
Mrs. Fannie Gibbs.
Misses Sue Reid Walton and Edna
Pou are visiting In Covington.
„ Messrs. Pat Winter, of Atlanta, and
Wallace Jopltng, of Aurusta, attended
the Wlnter-Jopllng wedding Monday.
gadsdIn, ALA.
Mrs, R. A. Mitchell and daugh
ter. Miss Myra, have returned from
a visit to friends In Birmingham.
Mrs. A. E. Goodhue entertained the
Embroidery Circle at her home on
Forest avenue "’hursday afternoon.
Mr. o. R. Goldman has retuened
from a business trip to Chattanooga.
The young men 1 of the elty gave _
dance at the Prlntup hotel Monday
evening In compliment to several vis
Itlng young ladles.
The Twentieth-Century Club met In
the parlors of the Prlntup hotel Tues
day evening and resumed their work
and outlined their plans for the com
Ing winter season.
-Sidney Mitchell, who has been the
guest of his uncle, R. A. Mitchell, has
returned to his h»me in New York.
Mrs. Luln McCracken and son, of
Huntsville, have arrived here and will
make this elty their home.
Mrs. Edward Ross has returned from
a visit to relatives at Guntersvllle.
Mrs. T. A. Keith Is visiting her moth
er nt Chattanooga.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Petree have
arrived from Russellville and will re
side here In the future.
Mrs. William Fleming has returned
from a visit to friends at Blrmlng
ham. »
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Johnson, of
Philadelphia, have taken npartmenta
at the Prlntup hotel for the winter.
Tennis Is a popular pastime with the
young people here since the cooler
weather has commenced.
Mrs. A. W.' McCullough and little
daughter have returned from a visit to
The date selected for the marriage of ° ra ? ttnl " 1
Miss Louise Warren and Mr. A. Roy h °w 8 b r• 7;,
Thompson- Is October 2d. at the bride's '» fwnJ?
home. An the 16th Mrs. Thomas L. C 'e haa
The notable marriage of next week
„ M^vute society Is that of Miss
McEwen and Mr. William Ul-
V, New York, on October 10, nt
Meet Presbyterian church, with a
™' nm , reception afterwnrde at the
th £ br,< '®'* mother. Mrs. John
, * n The attendants will Include
sroornsmen from New York, with
”*■' '""I. Mr. Harry Reynolds,
York; Miss Lilia Horton.
ilftS*' ma,< * ,,r honor, and the
Mla " Klt,l « Stubblefield,
^ 'ell known to Atlanta society,
l,v L, ! rla McEwen. On next
umer 5 „ m" 1 "* Mr - n >"l Mrs. R. W.
'-bn,in! * ve 8 hdKet supper for
them 1,3r: I; and Mr - Reynold, will
undo- ", i dlnner at the Golf and
lob the night before the mar-
It of’thl*!'. C L Kn °yi«". Vice preai-
""'Mechanics’ National bank,
■“ rin.> £- h ' al ? < ’ hl * daughter, Miss
» tn\ ao “J e, ' NWho spent sever-
N^vlhe this week, were
entertained during their atay.
Herbert, Jr., will tehder a cloudburst
to Miss Warren, a new name for
miscellaneous shower, and on the 19th
Mrs. Fred Kirtland will compliment her
with a linen shower.
Mrs. Alice Cummins Branch, of At
lanta, Is here to spend the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. Campbell- Trahue,
In tveat Nashville.
Mrs. Fred Morris entertained the
Young Matrons’ Bridge Whist Club on
Tuesday afternoon. After the game
delicious refreshments were served.
The Ladles' Afternoon Euchre Club
was entertained on Thursday afternoon
by Mrs. G. F. Keeler at the residence
of Dr. nnd Mrs. Setze. After a pleas
ant afternoon at cards dainty refresh
ments were served. The prizes, n
drawn work piece and a beautiful
plate, were won by Mrs. C. T. Nolan
and Mrs. Chlpley Setxe.
Mrs. W. D. Anderson and two chil
dren returned to Macon laat week.
Mrs. Couch, of Senola. Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. George Nolan.
Mrs. B. A. White and children, who
have been the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Jordan Black, have returned to Bruns
Mrs. W. F. Bennet and daughter,
Lilian, have returned home.
Mrs. Comer and children, S. A. nnd
Nannie, have returned, from South
Carolina. _ . . _
Mr. and Mrs. James Brumby left
Wednesday for their home In Duneden,
Fin. They were accompanied by Mas
ter Bollan Brumby.
Miss Estelle Lindley and Mr. Lltch-
nen Lord were united In marriage on
Sunday. Rev. D. J. Maddox performed
the ceremony.
been for the benefit of her health.
D. J. F. Klnnett, of Huntsville, le
visiting his parents on Sixth street.
Sam .1. Powers, of Rome, Ga., was
a visitor Wednesday.
John Wf d, of Sanger, Cal., la vis
Itlng his m-other, C. S. Ward.
J. H. Harden nnd family, of Annls
ton, have arrived here and will make
this elty their futurA home.
Captain W. H. Weller nnd family
arrived from Anniston Wednesday and
will reside here again,
i Mr. and Mrsl W. G. Brockaway will
remove from Birmingham to this city
next week, where they will make their
Miss Carrie Ifpooks Is visiting
friends In Anniston nnd Jacksonville.
Mlsa.Annabel!# Vandiver, of Talln-
dega, wtio has been visiting Mrs. W. O.
Bellcnger, has returned home.
Mlsa Annie Williams has returned
to her home at Birmingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christopher
have returned from a visit to Atlantic
Mrs. M. A. Smith, of Texarkana, Is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Mc-
Mrs. Eugene Thompson and children,
of Baltimore, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Beggs.
Mrs. Ira F. Hawkins and little daugh
ter have returned from a visit to Port
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Vdughn have
arrived from Selma to make this city
their home.
On Saturday evening as the resi
dence of the bride's aunt. Mb's Marie
Goodman and Mr. Malcolm Sylvester
were united In marriage by Rev. Mr.
George. The bride was given away
by her brother, Mr. John Goodman.
Mr. George Irln wae best man and Miss
Roberta Goodman was maid of honor.
The bride wns handsomely gowned In
white radium silk made princess. The
veil wns held In place by a diamond
brooch and she carried 8 "hn'veT bou
quet of bride’s roses. Mlsa Roberta
Goodman wore a lingerie gown of
white mull elaborately trimmed with
laco and carried white roses. After
the ceremony n buffet supper was
Miss Cadle Winter and Mr. W. I*
Jnnllna of Augusta, were very quietly
married on last Monday afternoon at
4 o'clock. Immediately after the cere
mony the couple left for Augusta, where
they will make their home.
Miss Bessie Butler ls«pendlng a few
days In Mlltedgevllle this
Mrs. A. G. Johnston left Wednesday
for Meridian. Miss., where she wlh
* P Mre. "sMUe* Vnson Is visiting friends
ln M?s‘ h M. h0 F. , ' , 'Brooks and Mis. Dot
Atkinson are . v, *> t . ln * 1 , '"n^Mar'letta Is
Miss Martha Black, of Marietta. I.
dartown, are the guests of Mrs. Laura
A Mrs° V Mary Armour, of Easton the
H»S P to‘i d packed hoise last- Sunday
nl$ at thf Methodist church, on
aucon, ga.,
For full information, call upon any ticket agent of
he Georgia Railroad.
R, E, MORGAN, General Agent.
Account Georgia S'* 1 *, II _T, l 5^, t !
on aale October 9th to 20th, limited to
October 2Id.
Account Macon Centennial Fair. Tick
ets on sale October 1st to morning
trains of October 10th, limited to Oc
tober 11th.
Miss Katherine Bethea, of Marlon, Is
visiting Mrs. John Stratford at her
home on Adams street.
Mrs. Charles Stewart, with her son.
Is spending two weeks with her pa
rents. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Cox.
The engagement of Mlsa Elsie Ret-
tlman, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Mr.
Mortimer Meyer, of this city, has been
Mrs. J. W.-Durr, Jr., and daughter.
Miss Kate Durr, have returned from
an extended visit to the mountains of
Mrs. Edward Graham and daughter,
Miss Dorothy Graham, who hnve been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stokely, In
Newport, Tenn., and in Asheville, have
returned to their home on South Court.
Mrs. C. A. Locke, who has been vis
iting In Birmingham, and her sister,
Mrs. Edward Oraharn, here, has re
turned to her home In Eufaula.
Mrs. W. F. Vandiver and her daugh
ter, Mrs. L. B. Whitfield, have returned
after spending the summer In Chi
Mr. Joseph Gardner Is visiting Mr.
and Mrn. DeCotles, on Goldsmith
Mrs. Ell P. Smith, of Birmingham,
who has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Mapes, has returned home.
Mrs. Shirley Bragg Is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Penruddock, In Blr.
Miss Richmond, secretary of the
Young Women’s Christian Association,
has resigned her position on account
of 111 health and will leave January 1.
Mrs. Lula Glllon, of Atlanta, has
been the guest of Mrs. F. D. Johnson,
on Pleasant nvenue.
Misses Mohr and Merit* have
turned to their duties at Sophie New
comb, In New Orleans.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Phillips and
son, of Atlanta, have eome her# and
will make this their home In the fu
Miss Dora Worthington, who has
been visiting In Louisville and Bir
mingham, has returned to her home In
Mr. N. C. Davidson has gone to New
York to meet his daughter. Miss Kate
Davldsop, who has been abroad all
Mrs. J. Klrkman Jackson has re
turned from a summer stay In the
mountains of North Carolina.
Mrs. Louis Farley and Mlsa Jetta-
llne Farley have returned from a visit
to Mrs. Hoke Smith, of Atlanta, where
they were th# recipients of many de
lightful aoclal attentions.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Thigpen hnve
returned from a visit to New York.
Mrs. Hubert Dent and little son have
returned from a visit to Louisville,
K Mrs. W. M. Wlikerson and three
children have returned from Chicago
and New York.
Mrs. Haffold. of Selma, Is spending
the winter with her daughter. Mrs.
Ing Europe. They will remain for three
weeks before going to Washington,
where they have rented apartments for
the winter. They will return to Ashe
ville c.-irty In tin- si i! Ing ;iml "111 pr.ih-
ably stay nt Blltmore until they sail for
Europe again.
-Mr. Vanderbilt has arranged several
house and hunting parties, which will
begin soon after Ills arrival here.
Miss Cora Lee Drummond enter
tained Tuesday' evening nt the Swnn-
nanoa Country Club In honor of Miss
Baldwin, of Mississippi, who Is visit
ing her. There were about one hun
dred guests present, who participated
In dancing from 10 to 12 o’clock, after
which a buffet luncheon wns served.
A number nf.the young people of the
city enjoyed a dance nt Overlook, on
Suneet Mountain. Wednesday night.
There were about twenty couplespres-
Morris Yow, of Toccoa, Ga., enter
tained at a coaching and dinner party
Monday afternoon, In honor of the
Misses Pelzer, of Montgomery, Ala,
who have been spending the summer
In Ashovllle. ^
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dfcose, of At
lanta. hove returned home, after spend
ing several days In Asheville, the guest
of relatives.
Mr*. West has returned to her home
In Savannah, after spendlhg several
weeks In Asheville.
Mrs. D. R. Thomason and little
daughter, of Atlanta, who have been
In Asheville for several weeks; have
returned to Atlanta.
Hon. and Mrs. Alexander T. Lendon,
of Birmingham, who have been at
Victoria Inn for the summer, left Fri
day for their home.
W. T. Mason has returned from an
extended stay In Atlanta.
Mrs. Rogert Grant and little daugh
ter have gone for a visit to Mrs. Mills
In Atlanta. They will remain for a
Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Hunter, of Atlan
ta, are expected to arrive ihe first of
next week for a ten-days’ stay. They
wore In Asheville early In the sum
mer. *
The Macon History Club held Its
first meeting of the,season on Tuesday
afternoon at the home nt the president.
Mrs. Alexander Proudflt. Two Inter
esting papers were read, one by Mrs.
William U. Turpin and the other by
Mrs. S. C. Moore.
Miss Camille Lamar entertained de
lightfully the Young Ladlee’ Bridge
Club on Wednesday afternoon. The
members present were Misses Fannie
Harris. CJafre Bolfeulllet, Rosslter Cn|.
Ilns, Marcella Griffith, Cora Burr, Fan
nie Plant and Lillian Griffith.
Mlsa Lila Cabantsa has as her guest
Miss Louise Williams, of Aiken, s. I’.,
and many social affairs are being plan
ned for her entertainment. In honor
of Mlsa Williams Miss Cahanlss enter
tains with a reception on Thursday
afternoon from 4 to 6.
Mrs. Nathaniel F. Jackson has re
turned to her horn* In Atlanta, after a
visit to her sister, Mrs. Hampton L.
Mrs. Anderson Reese, Miss Martlm
Ross, Miss Ida Holt and Mr. Will Holt
arrived In the city on Wednesday, after
an absence of several months spent at
Aahevllle, N. C.
Mra. William Lee Ellis will arrive
the last of this week from a several*
months' stay In Michigan, Indiana and
Illinois. ~
Mlss Rose Crutchfield went to Bol-
Ingbroke on Wednesday, where she will
be the guest of Miss Sara Wadley. Miss
Crutchfield, accompanied by her father,
M r. W. A. Crutchfield, leaves on the
19th for a visit to New York.
Mrs. Ben Willingham entertained the
Vlnevllle Neighborhood Club at Its first
meeting on Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming, of
New York, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Calder Willingham, Jr., on College
Mrs. T. C. Burke and >Mlss Martina
are expected home on Saturday from
New York. Miss May Burke will re
main In the North to complete her
course at the 8acred Heart Convent at
Major and Mrs. J. F. Hanson are
spending this week In New York.
Mrs. Annie Speer Burr has ns her
guest Miss Hattie Collins, of Forsyth.
Judge and Mrs. Emory 8pcor, who.
have been at Lake Toxaway all sum
mer, are now nt Mt. Airy.
Mrs. Calder Willingham and Mlsa
Lila Willingham are at home again,
after a delightful summer abroad.
Mrs. Fondren Mitchell, of Thornes-
vllle, Is the guest of Mrs. Walter Grace
in Vlnevllle.
Mrs. George Duncan has returned
home, having spent the summer at
Warm springs, Va. Miss Tracy Dun
can Is at Madame LeFebverea In Bal
timore for another year. *
Mr. and Mrs. Leon 8. Dure have re
turned from While Springs, Fla.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hartley Hall
have gone to Chicago,for a stay of
two weeks.
Mrs. H. M. Wortham has returned
from New York. , ,
Thit various elulit of the rltyare liegln.
a to reorganize for the winter n study
... amusement, nnd many announcements
are made for meetings during the comhijt
One of the most unique as well as
one of the most stylish waists shown
In the shops. The shoulder piece Is
made of slik and adds greatly to the
beauty of the waist, which Is made of
figured goods.
W. T. Catahan, who Is III, does not
Improve. —
Mrs. Louis Taylor has as her guests
Mr. Bob Key and wife, of Wooster.
Mr. Judson Herndon, of Cedartown,
Is In Haralson,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Morgan Cnlahan were
In Haralson it few days ago.
Mr. George Cagle nnd Mr. Van Rob
erts were In Atlanta Monday.
Miss Myrt Rawls hss gone to Means-
vllle, where she has an Interesting mu
sic class.
Mr. Frank Hatchett and Miss Pearl
Hatchett, who have been visiting the
family of Mr. A. H. Foster, have gono
home. ,
Ncwb has been received of the death
of Mrs. Mary Park, of Sandersvllle.
She tens the daughter of Major John
Hodnott, a veteran of the rear of 1912.
and sister-in-law of Captain R. E.
Park, of Atlanta. Out of a family of
eleven slaters nnd brothers only one
survives. Mrs. Sara Gray, of Woolsey.
Mrs. Gray Is 92 years old and on her
last birthday went to an all-day pic
Rev. H. P. Counti goes to Rural Re-
treat, Va., to take charge of the Luth
eran church there.
Miss Minnie Miller, of r-nr Griffin,
Is the guest of Miss Anna Foster.
Mr. Louie Taylur is lem eu. with
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge W. Vanderbilt
will return to Blltmore House next
week, after spending the summer tour-
week. On Monde/
will meet nt the St -
dent. Mrs. Alexander I’romlfil. _ .
The Walnut Street Neighborhood Club
wns entertained on Monday by Mrs. I eray
Chentney. Mrs. Hnm Pearson mndo ton
wore In the game of bridge and raptured
the prize. • .
Mra Henry Lsmnr. Jr. was hnatraa on
Thnradny morning for the Bridge Club of
*hf» In a momlitT.
The* Stnti* F«Ht<«nitl*n of Womor» , n Club*
will lx* th# ““ *‘ J — "
,NoT#mb#r 7. ~ ----- - . . t
Mr*. William Ilrnrr Roaa hna r#turn<*<1
from Aahevllle, N. t\, having apent n month
th fl5. Trnejr Baxter. Maater John Baxter
nnd Mina Theo Tlnalev.Unve.returned home
from their aununer trim which Included n
vlait to Tnte Hprtnjra. Tenn., Toxawny, nnd
llenderaonvllle, .V. t*.
Mra. Arthur Overton nnd Mlaa Pnullne
Overton, of Hnvnnnah, arrived *hla week to
Join Mr. Overton and they will make thla
«... Engen^Harrla and Mlaa Marie liar-
rla are attending the month of Hepteml>er
at Knludn. N. O.
The many frlendn of Mra. John M. Cutler
nfe delighted to know that ahe hna fully
recovered from the Injurle* which ahe re
ceived In an automobile accident In At
lanta aevernl week* ago. . 4 .
Mr*. Fill* T*llw>t hna returned to her
home In Illchmond, * V«., nfter a vlait to
Mr*. 8. It. J*«iue».
Mra. 8. R. Jnijne* and Ml** l.'onatance
Jnque* left on Tneaday for Baltimore,
where Mia* Jnque* will enter achool.
Sir. 87 8. imiilnp, Mra. If. M. Wortham
and Mr. nnd Mr*. John It. Little ure ex-
peered to nrrlve In .laron on Aatimlfly.
Mr*. K. K. Illnea nnd Mlaa lllnea hnve
•turned to the -eity from a trip to Lake
..eorge, Saratoga, tJloueenter, Mai*., nnd
New Y'ork. - t
Mr. r.mory t’abnnlM will attend the
tate I nlvcralty thl* year.
Mr. A. 0. Sehotleld. Jr., ha* gone to Terre
Haute. Ind:, to reaume hfa atudlea at the
Unae Polytechnic Inntltnte.
Mr. and Mra. Samuel Taylor Coleman
and children have returned from Saluda,
* V m!** Mnttlhel Pope and Ml** Lillian
Wright left for New York laat weelf.
Mlaa Clnlre Bolfeulllet hna returned to
the city from riarkeavlllc. Ha. Mlaa Elian-
beth Bolfeulllet will remain lu T’lnrkeavllle
aeveral week* longer.
Sir*. Tliomn* A. Hall hna returned from
a vlait to friends In Corner.
Mra. 8. «•’. Moore hna returned home from
Rev. Mr. Cmtntn and family will
lei»\'e In a few day* for Virginia.
Mlaa Kate Thompnon In III with
Mr. and Mrn. Lee Culahan were In
Haralson Sunday.
Mrn. Agnen Findlay, one of the
mont popular teachern In the -Waycronn
public school, han returned from Ma
con, where ahe npent the nummer.
Mm. John E. Wadley entertained on-
Tuenday afternoon In honor of Minn
Mary Lyon, whone marriage to Mr.
Watta, of Jacknonvllle, will take place
October 8.
Mlaa Halcla Bower, of Balnbrldge, la
spending a few days with frlendn here,
before going on to Jacknonvllle, whero
ahe han accepted a position In the high
Mr. John W. Qreer in back from a
trip to New York.
Minn Iloberta Cook In visiting her
ulster, Mm. C. R. Murphy.
Mlsa Vay Harris, of Germantown,
Tenn., han returned and Is with Mm.
Robert I. Jalar.
Mrn. Exum and daughter, Minn May
guest* of Mr. and Mm. W. A. Price.
Invitations have been received In the
city from Mr. and Mm. William Rufus
Walters, to the marriage of their
daughter, Mary Lucllo, to Mr, Frank
Barton McDonald. The marriage will
take place at the home of the bride,
at Montexuma, Go., on Wednesday,
the 8d of October, at 1 o'clock. Miss
Walters In well known in Waycrosn,
having taught In the public school
here two years ago, and on her return
to the city as the bride of Mr. McDon
ald she will receive a warm welcome
from her many friends made at that
Mm. T. J. Gurr has returned from
spending the summer with relatives In
Miss Willie Beck has returned from
Florida and resumed her work In the
public school.
Mm. E. P. Gaines and children, who
have been visiting Mrs. C. E. Murphy,
left last week for Montlcello, Ark.
Mrs. F. M. Hawkins and children,
who 'have been spending some time In
the city, left Monday for their home
in Jacksonville.
Messrs. C. E. Bostwlck, Jr., and Chas.
Ost have returned from a trip to Tam
pa, St. Augustine and other.points in
Mr*. L. L. Campbell and son, Lewis,
returned from McRae Saturday night.
Mr. and Mm. VV. H. Ham and daugh
ter arrived In Waycross Saturday from
Youngstown, Ohio.
Mrs. Clark, of Rome, Ga., Is the guest
of her daughter. Mm. 8. C. Gentry, on
Ninth street.
* Miss Lily C. Mitchell entertained a
number of her friends Friday evening
with a bridge party at the home of her
sister. Mrs. George E. Turrentlne, on
Turrentlne avenue.
Mrs J. D. Dunlap was the hostess
to the Wednesday Euchre Club this
Miss f*aurene Goodhue has gone to
Rome, Ga., to enter school.
Mr. and Mm. W. J. Beggs entertain
ed the Kylonlan Club Friday even-
Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Beggs entertained
the Kylonlan Club Friday evening.
Airs J. H. Leader and children will
leave shortly lor California, where they
will spend Ihe winter.
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Newman are vls-
JHng friends at Center, where Dr. New-
inan Is assisting In a revival service.
Mrs. George 8. Womack has re
turned from a visit to relatives at
Shelbyvllle, Tenn.
Percy Nmlth, of Selma, L visiting
nls parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence
Smith, on Ninth street.
The members reception at the Young
Men’s Christian ^Association Monday
ovenlng wai one of the most pleasant
social affairs of the week.
Mr. J. M. House Is spending a few
days at home with relatives and
The Woman’s Christian Temperance
Union gave a concert Friday evening
which was quite a success financially.
Mr. J. N. Finney, who has been vis
iting relatives here returned to Hunts
ville Thursday.
Phi Burnett Has gone to DeLand,
Fla., where he wWJ enter school for
the winter.
Rev. 8. L. Dobbs, of Birmingham,
was the guest of Rev. Ira F. Hawkins
Mrs. R. A. Mitchell and daughter,
Miss Myra, are visiting friends *
The Embroidery Circle was enter
tained by Mrs. T. C. Ewing Thursday
Mr. Leon McCord, secretary of the
state supreme court, visited friends
here Wednesday.
Mr. nnd Mm. D. Reich have returned
from a visit to French Lick, Ind. '
Mr. Morris Bush will leave shortly
for a visit to Europe.
.Mrs. L. W. Dean Is vlaltlng Mm.
Stllwell in Bit mlngham.
Mrs. Talt. of Chicago, Is the guest
of Mrs. E. T. Schuler.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Kyle and Captain
and Mrs. *J. M. Elliott, Jr., will go to
New York next week. -
W. P. Cobb, of Tuskeege, was look
ing after hi* property interests here
during the week.
Mm T. E. French nnd children, of
Corinth, Miss., are visiting Mrs. Ira F.
Hawkins on Turrentlne nvenue.
Major W. J. 8*bert, U. 8. A., of
Pittsburg, has arrived in the city to
Miss Annie Hudson was the guest of
friends here this week.
Mrs* J. C. Barnes, of Opelika, Ala.,
visited relatives here recently.
Mrs. A. 8. Edmondson has returned
from a vllst to Sparta.
Mrs. Taylor Hodges Is the guest of
relatives at Meda. ,
Miss Virginia Marshall has been the
guest of Miss Fannie Lee Carter.
Mr. Hugh Park will visit Atlanta
next week.
Mrs. Hattie Sawyer, of Macon, Is vis-
I fcc present at th”* golden wedding of
j hlM parent?*, Majoi Slbcrt and wife.
! Itlng Mr. and Mra. Lee Wilcoxson.
.Mra. T. J. Park gave a dining in
honor of Mrs. J. C. Barnes, of Opelika.
Mi-. It. \V. Hutchinson "111 *p«*nd
the winter In New York, where Mr.
Hutchinson will be engngctl In busi
ness. y
Miss Mattie Edmundson will visit
Miss Josephine Edmundson Reid at
Monroe soon.
Miss Louise Edmundson Is the guest
of her brother nnd sister, Jtid«jo and
Mm. Joseph S. Turner, of Eatonton.
Mr. Marvin Turner has returned from
a business trip to Atlanta.
Dr. Roland Hall, who visited his
sister here last week, has returned to
Mra. E. M. Hudson spent a few* days
with friends at Meda recently.
Mr. J. E. Mysick, of. Mllledgevllle.
was among the welcome visitors here.
Miss Lillian Park wHI visit friends
In Crawford vllle nextsweek.
Miss Mary Eugenia Reid visited her
father’s -Mentation this week.
Mr. Joseph Boone has returned from
a delightful visit to Florida.
Mr. Burnette Harris has returned to
Savannah after a visit to his sister,
Mrs. A. 8. Edmundson,.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Turner, Sr„ have
been the guests of the family of Mr.
Z. J. Edmundson.
Hon. John T. Dennis has been the
host at the gathering of several rela
tives at "Glen Dennis."
Mrs. R. N. Etheridge, of Jackson, is
expected to be the guest of the Misses
Edmundson soon.
Mra. W. F. Little wna Iioatc** nt n moat
charming party on Inst Friday afternoon In
honor of the Matrons’ Club nt her hand
some suburban home. The game of 42 wna
played nml highly enjoyed. There
many handsomely gowned womeu present.
At the conelnaton of the game* n salad
course, followed with Ices, wns served.
Mins Corlnne Crawford entertained the 43
Club In honor of Mrs. Fielder M. M. IlealJ,
•vho has recently returned from Alaska,
where she spent the past two years with
her huahsnd. Captain Ilenll, of the United
States army. Mra. Beall's most lutlmate
friend* were guest* on this occnalon, which
•roved a thoroughly enjoyable oue. Tempt*
game of 42 wna puu
course wall served.
The ninny friends of Dr. T. O. Powell re
gret to learn of his continued aerloua 111*
neaa. There la little change In his condition.
Mr*. F. M. M. Beall Is the guest of Miss
.Scott Whitaker.
Miss Helen Iloper. of Feruandlna, Fla.,
who has lieen the guest of Mrs. E. E. Bass,
lias returned home.
Mr*. A. It. Miller and little son. of Port
Tampa, Fin., are visiting Mra. Ellen Perry.
Mrs. A. V. duBIguoii has returned from
Luaon county.
Misses Mary. Both Hnd WlUle Thomas, of
Crlffln, are visiting Mra. J. II. Vlnaon.
Mra. John Vinson nnd Mias Mary Ruth
Thoms* spent several days Inst week lu Ms*
>n, the guests of friends.
aikenTs. C.
Mrs. Elisabeth Byrnes and her dnughter,
Itlng Mr. ami Mrs. James F. Byrnes, on
Park avenue.
Mr. Elliott Wood has returned from New
York nml has now gone to Atlanta, where
he will attend the Ueorgla Hdiool of Tech*
W. W. Stallings, of Atlanta, visited I. N.
E'lbnuka Monday, nml left for Beech Is
land, where he will spend n few days.
MIm* Mamie IMcka. of Chattanooga, vlait*
ed Mrs. II. O. Murray Inst week. She has
uow gone to Kdgeneld. where she will
tench In the Kouth Carolina Co-Eihicatlonal
Institute. >
Mias Mnrr Keith, of TIutmonsvHle. 8. C.,
nnd Miss Vivian Mnrjihy. of t’harleston.
8. C„ arrived In the city Inst week. They
will tench nt 8t. Angelas nmdeitiy for the
coming winter.
Misses Ellii Croft and Elliertn Rhtud leave
tndn.v for 8|mrtnnburg, where they will
reenter t'onverae college.
Dr. II. Workman, of Woodruff. 8. t’„
la registered nt the Hotel -Aiken for a few
days, after which he will resume his work
nt the Medical College of Mouth Carolina
for the coining winter.
Edward Henry Henderson, son of K. P.
Henderson, Esq., tills week enters the law
classes of our atnte unlrerslty nt Colum
bia. lie graduated this year nt Davidson
<oltego. tnklng a high stand lu a large
class, getting an A.B. degree of that exOol*
tieorge Burkhnltcr. of Louisville, Da., via*
Ited rHntlvea and friend* In thla city Inst
Messrs. Laurie, Edward nnd Theodor*
Croft left thla week for the Cnlveratty of
Houtli Carolina. •
Miss fterrio Hudson has returned to the
city nfter spending some time In. the moun
tains of North Carolina.
Miss I^olln Murphy, of Charleston. 8. C„
and Miss Mamie tfwenrlnger. of Hrnnlte-
vllle, 8. I\, visited nt 8t. Angela* nrn.l-
emy Tuesday afternoon. Septem!»er 2...
Miss Isabelle Hyer arrived In Aiken Sat
urday, Meptember 29, previous to reaumlng
her work n* teacher lu the Oakwood graded
On Monday evening Mlaa Stella
Johnson entertained the teachem of
the Methodist Sunday achool at the
home of Mra. T. H. Wynn. During the
evening a oalad courae waa eerved. >
Little Mlaa Ann Hill Drewry enter
tained about seventy-five of her little
friends at a bfrthday party Tuesday
evening from 4 to 8 o clock. Gnme*
were flayed upon the lawn nnd another
feature waa the pinning'of cuea to a
Chinaman. Douglas Brown won the
prlxe for pinning the cue nearest In
$a38 '
. —TO—
Macon, Ga., and Return
Central of Georgia Railway.
Account Macon Centennial Fair, the
Central of Georgia Railway will, on
October It: to 9th, Inclualve. and for
tralna scheduled to arrive Macon bo-'
fore noon, October 10th, aell tickets
from Atlanta at rate of }3.38 round
trip, final limit October lSiu, 1906.
Correspondingly low ratei wlU apply
from other points In Georgia and from
Columbia and Eufaula, Ala.
D. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
Mra. Marie Knoller.
The funeral aervlcea of Mra. Marie
Knoller, who died at t'artersvllle laat
Friday, were held at the chapel of the
Swift ft Halt Company, at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon, nnd the Interment
>.vaa at Oakland cemetery.
"WHEN IN THE COURSE of human eventa It becomea neceaaary” to
build a houae, a home, a hovel, a hut. a barn, a bungalo, a factory, a tene
ment. a ahelter. a shack, a shed or any place requiring roofing, consult
ua about
It la the logical thing to use, for reasons too
numerous to mention. People who have bought Vulcanite are buying
It when they need roofing again. There are facta which actually hap
pen and they apeak louder than word,. It does not require expert
labor to apply It. It la recommended by Ihe National Board of Un
derwriters and Southeastern Tariff Association.
See that this 8eal Is on
evtry Roll.
29-31 South Forsyth 8treet, Atlanta* Ga.
C.I. PEEK. Stc>.