About The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1906)
12 THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, kEDNERDAY, OCTOBER 31, OPENED LOWED M EXPECTED New Tork, Oef. 31.—In view of tb« strength displayed l»y the market at Llv* arpool and reporta of front from Teiaa, the opening of the local cotton market was not favorable. On the late cablea alone. It ahonld hare started on an average of #6* point* up, whereat the active poalttona •bowed a gain of onlyr964 point*. After the call tbla Improvement waa loat under heavy local bear preaanre. preaumably de signed to force / ' — J " * * several large atop be located. Liverpool early* advices were not eg- imaging to tbe bulla In cotton. Open ing prlr-e* were 9614 point* lower, where as a decline of 667 points had been ex- pected. Later cable*, however, were bet ter, part of tbe early lot* being recov ered. The clone wa* barely steady 8%fiH points below the previous, tbe latter for Uetol*er delivery. Following I* tbe range tr. I he acLrt months in Llrcrpbol today: Open. Ulgh. Low. November .. ..6.50 L6S 5.60 January-February... .. .M* 5.5. ^<7 March-April... .. .. -fl* §••} £?$ MavJuue.. .. .. ..5.62 6.57 6.62 Spot market down 12 point*; middling 6.flri. ■ The New York market for future* open ed steady. Initial Price* for the active month* showing advances of 264 points, which was Inter lout on pressure by the t*enr*. only to again advance on report* Oi frost from Teiaa. . . . There Is an Interesting fight going on be tween the bulla and bears. The former are endeavoring to keep the price of De cember at 10c or above, while the letter are working to fore* the price below tb l'»c mark. l>elow which point they claim ato orders will be reached and a severe decline will be the result. 4 ' * Neill Bros., of London, estimate the crop at 13.000,000 to 13.600.000 bales. Neill Bros., of London, are ‘ old-timers * it crop esti mating. Their estimated figures and the actual figures at the end of the season, aa complied by Secretary Hester, do not tally, the Me end always being held by Neill Bros., tendon. . . „ , .. Thursday, November 1, and Tuesday, No vember 6. are both legal holidays In New Orleans, and the future business on those ... c«* mate. E eV’recelpta today tme day last year M* 4 ” Increase.. .. ***** Total receipts for four days Sf*S Same days laat year »&<*• Increase 121.522 Total receipt# alnce September *2*S1’5S Same time last yesr Increase.... 108,164 Movement at Atlanta:"* ; Receipt* today }*ff? Same day last year.. * U*l Increase...,. .» 702 Shipments today ••• }*J5J Same day last year I- 850 Decrease • mm,*...*#* Stock on hand today .. Same day last year .. .. « NEWS AND GOSSIP Of the Fleecy Staple. .>**»»■ torn. wc. «Ji.~- Liverpool » #J0 lower. Was expected 7 lower. On this basis, we should open 46$-.lower. * • Liverpool cables:. “Market scf* sold out and would respond sharply to advance in ” * ^elpta may cause already pledged owing to a decline, but ail to consumers." The opening waa continued offariu Think liquidate ... for gradual Improvement. was dIsan|K)lutIng. ov nga of Price brokers, tfon about over, aui\ a ml look Edited by Joseph B. Lively Mr. Lively*# twenty-five year** experience of ed iting ^narkets In Atlanta nud the South baa m:ula him a recognised au thority in bis specialty. TIt'S FLASHED b rom U’oii Street. RANGE OF NEW YORK STOCKS AND COTTON MARKETS of London, estimate tlio crop at 13.0UU.0® to 13,600,000. Place tbe acre age at 31,000,000. Flat!mate damage by storm and frost 750,000 bales. Llrerpol buying here ou reports of kill ing frost In Texas. Liquidation seems over af preent, and some people nre buying cotton on private s or killing front In TAxna. iiectitk reports down Is well outside of due 667 lower on our r Llrerpol cables: “The decline I* In cou sequence of the disappointed hopes of bulls. Expect further liquidation. Later advance due to temperature report of 36 In Okla homn." . ...... . Our Texas correspondent write#: With ail the Inferior presses block*!, it Is only natural thnt port receipts will ** ~ heavy when all this cotton moves expect to see Galveston receive di „ . — month of November close to 750,000 liales. With all the decline,’ the Interior doea out come clown In spots, and for the last three days I bale. «/u me iiiiiiaci. A aiteclal to The Time* Democrat from New York saya: "The Journal of Commerce cotton report aaya the outlook In Texaa may be considered bright. Weather, with very few exception*, naa been favorable, ami picking has progressed without Inter ruption, $0 or 70-per, cent being gathered, aa against 73 per cent In 1906.and 88. per cent In 1904. Pickers, ; however. are In- sufficient to gather the* large.: quantity of open cotton, which exposes the staple to possible damage by unfavorable weather. Killing frosts have not been general, but localities where touched have not been greatlv harmed. Top crop prospect* are poor, the boll weevil having destroyed most of it. The fall hna been dry, which will greatly diminish the quantity of waarlla uext year. Cotton la marketed rapidly, but a good proportion are boldine anywhere from 10 to 26 per cent of their crop/ The niurkrt I* quirt but fairly stMub-, .aere being no business to speak of. While froat caused at flrat a little nervousness. 1908. .. 8,000 to 7,600 10,000 to 23.000 .. ..16,000 to 11.000 tlOlIBIOU. •• vw **• " At the close the tone was steady, i 52 points higher, •• compared with 8POT COTTON MARKET. 280 1906. 8.171 BT net 1 yea- ,pot .cotton «Ml«r; middling Liverpool, nplnnda 6.8m; win i.w’i sw ul tlou and export 600; receipts 8,000; American 4,100. Atlanta, steady at 10%c. Sew York, quiet at 10.60c; salsa 184 con sumption; delivered on contract 1.*#. New Orleans, steady il WWfcj rales %■ 700; delivered on contract 600. Savannah, quiet at 10c. Baltimore, nominal at Memphis, quiet at 10%**. Mobile, steady at 10c. Charleston, steady at 10c. Wilmington, firm at 10%c. TODAY’S PORT RECEIPTS. Tbe following table ahowa receipt* at the porta today, compared with the same day last year: New Orleans. . Galveston. . . Mobile. . . . . Savannah. . . . Charleston. . , Wilmington. . Norfolk Philadelphia. . Pacific Coast. , Pensacola. . . 8171 19619 2389 11912 INTERIOR MOVEMENT. The following table ahowa receipts at the Interior towns today, compared with the same day laat year: Ilouaton. . , . Augusta Memphis. . . . 8t. Louis. . . . Cincinnati. . . Total IKS 23428 2909 7207 2037 1372 36911 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. New York, Oct. II.—The coffee market opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points, which was n little bet ter than some had expected, In view of unfavorable cables. The Brasilian tnnrkets made a very dl*n|>oplntlng showing from tbe bull standpoint. KeceTptn at tbe two had expected toward the eioae of the cur rent month, and many now liell^e thnt receipts will be Well maintained Inte In Sorember, or Just before the imposition of the 60e surtax.—Ulbert A Clay. re a — fur to- March,. April.. May. ,. Opeuing Bange. 6.20 6.25 .. ..6.25 6.35 6.40-8.46 6.46-4.69 6.55 6.60 . . .6.406.70 6.70-4.S0 6.76-6.45 6.90-6.95 6.10 6.13 idy. 6.15-6.20 6.25-6.30 6.36-6.40 6,80-6.90 H.Ol-6.06 6.06 6.10 there being no business froat caused at flrat a ...... the feeling rather aeems to lie that the damage la practically nothing, owing to the generally completed growth, and also to the fact that u long protracted dry ■pell preceded the cold wave. Today’s map ahowa lower temperature* generally prevailing over the northern por tion of the belt, but the government • fore- cast Indicate# a continuation of dry weath er and higher temperature# by tomorrow. The western forecast Indicates fair and colder weather for Louisiana and Arkansas tonight, with warmer weather Thursday; fair and warmer weather for the Territories and northwest Texaa, and partly cloudy In eastern Texas, with probable showers on the coast and higher temperature#. Tbe eastern forecast Indicate* fair weather generally for the district, with colder weather In North Carolina and South Carolina, and frost in northern portions 0f !Ur*e b *hut ISItlc* fSth P fn hl|her price*. The speculative Interest of th* South, while ■mull. Is short. Neither movement nor ul- tiuiate crop prospect# will be curtailed by froat, aa same baa come after protracted ■pell of clear, dry weather, and hence baa done no harm. Giles’ estimate of crop, tomorrow expect ed 11,800,000; look* absurd, but qnnalng few nervous jrhortf to cover Ip anticipation of tomorrow boll- No change In :ui—u.v’ic.j - ..-rroua bear# an- willing to allow their Interest to remain over the holiday. °' BeHT SS^|0TT0NL.TTER New Orleans. Oct. H--The liquidation of disheartened hulls in the early session of the foreign market caused more than a full response to yesterday's American decline. Later reports of frost In Oklahoma brought Atmut a temporary improvement, prices finally closing 9 points, lower, while apot •ales aggregated «♦ " '"*■ •« fat Ions of *“ t „ loss In . The cold wave the northern portion of the ■wept i „«*urn i»elt ---i- - .i for the higher levels attained on tL ki*t‘* opening. hot pnch tiny It IwcfflBH muff unit murf crMi-nt thnt tbn Iufluriirr Ilf thi- went her I. |ia,,lng. t.'li-nr. tlry wonther prernlM prior to th- nuri-nt nf the prMonl lowering of toinpprnturen. nnfl It In thnt tho barm multlog to > nrnctl. cully nin.lc crop umoiinl- to little if miv- tliliiE. More ami more will the heavy «li lly receipt, mill the .lowly accnniulstlw itoeli, at tbe poll, ami Interior town, lie. nln to tell upon the market, Mil tin- nn- realrlcteil Idea, rcEarilln* the nlttoMo yield, even nfier .objected to the moat unfavorable Influence,, are undeniable Indl- cation, of the feeling that not only elUtl. but thnt will nl,o ananine more langlble fhnpe In n further deprewlon of price; mhen elreumalances are more favorable for the encouragement of convictions. On the other hand. It mint not be forgotten that nn excellent business Is lwlng done by the world's mills, and thnt it lergo cohmuiny. tlon appears at the moment Inevitable. New York. Oct. M.-Uterpool. though due nnlv 7 points down this morning, came 8 eio, bnt New York refused to respond, opening unchanged to 4 up for the active months, on covering by shorts account of the colder weather prevailing over the Western belt. There was very little re- newer! buying, however, henee prleea• jni- mediately Iwgan selling off until December cached l‘V. where soiue support develop- I and prices rail!oil again. The tone, however, up to this time Is deelde«lly unset tled, and It Is difficult to get nil Intelli gent line on the course of prices for the next few Unvs. However, we believe that bottom la about reached for the present, nnd think well of nurehnae* on n scale down. Receipts continue to run heavy, but e are of the (Mdufon that they will begin . decrease with price* nt the present lev- . An Inclination on the part of planters i hold back supplies nt this time would ork a vast Improvement In the market. WEATHErTn WHEA^TBELT. Rxtreme Northwest—Tempemture 24 to 34; geiiernlly fair. Ohio Valley—Temperature 28 to 34; fair. weathefTforecast. Georgia—Fair Wednesday nnd Thursday; colder Wednesday In north portion. Louisiana—Fair Uednemlsy and Thura- in. West Jslorldn nnd Mississippi— slightly fcler Wednesday; Thura- ,»xan-Fnlr AVednes*!uv. t»r«HV«led be const; Thuraday fair »y. Alabama Fair and dev fate. Fast Texas— F rain nnd eohle nud warmer. ... . , Arkansas and West lexas-Fnlr nud armor Wednesday and 1 hnrsdny. Tennessee-Fair W'edne*.!ay: colder In east portion; Thurailny fair nud wurtuer in west portion. «g E ALABAMA AT. New York Stock New York Cotton New York Co ft** GI BERT & CLAY STOCKS. BONOS. COTTON, CRAIN. COFFEE, PROVISIONS. MEMBERS: ATLANTA. OA Chicago Bonn! nf Trade. * Colton Asa'u. Cotton Ex. Local and Long Dlttanco Talcphona 5298. C. E. KEPLINQER. Manager. ALONZO RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Empire Building. Bell Phone, Main t- < V ATLANTA. GEORGIA, C?* NAME OP STOCK. Anaromlit'. Anirrlnn I^irotnonre. do. preferred. . . . A A. Stnclttog lief. do. preferred. . . . Atchison do. preferred. Chesapeake 4c Ohio. . Colorado Fuel Iron. Central Leather. . . . do. preferred. . . . ■’hlcago ft Great.W. . Chicago, M. ft St P. . .If la ware ft Hudson. . Dlatlller'a Securities. Erie lo. preferred. , . . tr#! EleCtrlC. a a a Illinois Central Am. Ice Securities. . . Louisville ft Naahvllls. Mexican Central. . . . Mlaaourl Pacific. . . . NAME OF STOCK. W. Y., Out. & Western. . . . -National Lead . Northern Pacific . New York Central. ...... Norfolk ft Western, Pennsylvania Peoples Cut * * . Pressed Steel Car do. preferred. ....... Pacific Mall Beading ..... . Republic Steel Rock Island . . . do. preferred do. i»referred. . , SIoHs-Shefflcld. . . , Tenn. Coni & Iron. . , Texas ft Pacific. . . . , Union Pacific United States Steel. . do. preferred. Western Union. . . Wabash do. preferred. . Wisconsin Central, do. preferred. . am 34H 86% 19'4 Special to The Georgian. Sow York, Oct id.—Marshall, Spader & Co:s Notwithstanding tlm character of the United States Steel September quarter statement, the market wifi doubtless prove dull and narrow today, and some' tilings print to a heavier temumey. Tho situation in London is not unhealthy, hut Is such aa to discourage speculation In Americans Horn this (muse, as well as.from what Is now looked upon n« election uncertainties. Daniel Odell ft Co.: Dull trading market till utter election./ 1.00k for Improvement « ' ** iariou does not Bny ouly on NEW YORK. The following Is the range tn cotton fa< The following is tbe rn tores In Naw York Joday: Oct. . . Nov. . . Dec. . . Jan. . . Feb. . . March. , April. . May.. . June. . July., . ill s 10.22 10.22)10.13110.171 Noin’l. " " 10.1*10.02110.11110.09-11 10.00 10.10110.09-10 10.07110.17 10.17-18 10.26; 10.26 10.27-29 10,26110.36il). 35-36 iO.SSil0.38 10.38-40 10.34 10.44 10.44-46 10.47-43 10.45 10.63 10.64-55 10.06-Qp 10.0H-W 10.08-09 10.15-16 10.25-26 10.33-34 10.37-39 10.43-44 10.46-48 10.62-63 LIVERPOOL. . Futures opened easier. Upening Previous Ilauge. Close. Close. October 5.53 -6.64 5.61 5.66 October-November. .5.60 -5.61^ 6.61% 6.61 November-December.5.45 -5.47 5.47 5.56H December-January. .6.46 JiAI't 5.47 6.56*4 January-February. ..5.47 -5.49Vi 5.50 5.69 February-March.. ..6.63 -6.51*4 5.53 5.62 Mnrch-Aprll 6.54 -6.56% 5.66 6.64% Anri1-May 5.58 $.58 6.67 May-June 5.52 -5.61, 5.00% 5.69% June-July 5.63 5.62 5.71 July-August 5.62 -5.C4 5.63% 6.72 Closed barely steady. NEW ORLEANS. The followlog la the range In cotton fu tures In X»w Orleans today: 1 O £3 5 2 3-1 I u gsRK&ra? r r f 5 y- r * * * •‘“o* ib'ii 10.21 10.38 To.ib io.75 S0J& 10.27 10.45 10.65 10.75 10.07 10.13 io.ji lo] 49 io! 75 iil! 20 10.27 10.44 io!55 iol75 10.03 I0.17-19 10.1920 13.26-27 10.31-33 10.43-44 10.4H-60 10.57-58 10.62-64 10.73-74 10.17- 20 10.07-(« 10.10-11 10.17- 18 10.22-24 10.36-37 10.41-42 10.53-51 10.5556 10.70-71 Louuuu , . tiimn cuuiiitoii sens up* in London nearly a po.ut ou 11s quarterly »iUiouAcui, steel stateiueut sno»,s uet eatiyiigs for quarter eimeu oeptemoer iUjo, or «oa,U-i,- .t. yJt ue.S ou' aSua I,9wU,AM Kill ft. ragiu ucuiaua lor bnM» fl tu iuo loan ero\» aaoi.ey iuay # stiffen today over end of moutu, but up strlugeuey is expecteu. Great Northern report showed 13.li per ceut enrued ou capital stock. Twenty-three run us lor September show 11 it vers go uet Increase of iw.3 per ceut; In crease for three mouths .13 per ceut. Steel surplus now 393,647,000. Stock exchange holiday in London to morrow and holiday on tbe continental liourses also. Forty roads for the third week lu Octo ber show on average gross Increase of 12.8 per cent. Twelve Industrial* declined .17 per cent. Twenty active railroads declined .20 per cent. New Y’ork Financial Buranu: Tho ten dency of Pennsylvania continues upward nnd some shrewd professional* bought the stock lu the afternoon weakness for )ther moderate turn. Bull tips continue ~ •Irculnte on the Mexican rails, which should he bought on recession*. Anntlgnmated Copper may In* bought ou my weukiiess*of cousequeuce, with a small itop below 109. We understand IjiiIoii Pacific Is strongly mpnorted around 181 now, hut It Is In the ‘railing rut of the present. On wenktiess we think Reading should be bought for n turn. St. Pan! Is held for the present be tween 169 and 172. UK Is held between 153 and 166. wove Atchison should be bought NOTES ON GRAIN Pointers on Provliloni. Private Wire to Glbert ft Clay. Chicago, Oct. II.—Wheat opened strong and hlgnor with more general lnterst. Min neapolis ran up Immediately after the opeuing to %c above last ulght's close. 8hqrts evidently nervous. Corn opened steady to n shade easier for May and it shade firmer for December. Weather prospects are for fair weather for several days. Chicago Record He**hl: ‘'Wheat trade conditions are sound nud healthy, although in the main quite unsatisfactory to the speculative element. There Is a steady ex- * *— *b In nil grades of wheat, larger . of the export houses will ad mit. except In confidence, and the export trade In flour Is liberal, not only from win ter wheat mills, hut from the spring wheat millers on both sides of the Canadian line. One of the prominent exporters of the coun try, whose mnny years of experience enable him to talk with intelligence, points out the plain common sense view that Is evidently a vital factor In the present pricemaking of wheat. American wheat of tho lies! quality known to the trade Is going on the basis of aliout 80c per bushel frefi on board vessel at the seaboard. 'With present mod erate ocean freight, this gives 11 lower* priced food supply thnn the consuming countries have been accustomed to, and they are, therefore, steady buyers. Thus far In the crop year, America lias shipped about 82.000,000 bushels more wheat than during the corresponding period last year. Russia meanwhile has shipped about 30,- 000,000 bushels leas, and the Dnuube and Ar- — short about 25,000,000 and other shipping countries show trifling gains. Evidence of n broadening speculative trade In corn has been accumulating nil week. It has evident- Ijr iMn liorn Urjelj of, toe H«M Joral Ic tiring of «r eoru. toTa trten'luiutuble condition. Supplle* of old corn nl»o hnvo rtnt llulit during the wccV. ilcnplte the jiro- vnllluif premium.. The rntUcr hirge .hurt Intcreat In In oilier hn. n gnml iiorllon of It. open The .hipping triple Improved 11 little townrd the end of the week, but the enr .hortnge m.de n birge trade Initio,.Pile, n. well n. Interfering with the mnrektlng. from the }'«<• Thwn In It widening |Kiimlnr belief thnt corn nt current flgure. I. gmnl value. The pre.cnt level bn. lieeit aliout low |Kilnt for tore ml enrn. It In notable nl.o thnt therein, .ecu a widening 1 nco ns betw COTTON REGION BULLETIN. ’or the U hour, ending nt I t. m., I STATIONS OP ATLANTA D1BTUICT. Max. Min. iil sis 1=1 •Atlanta, clear ... 'oliimhufr clear. . . . I'liattaiHHiga, |»t. cldy... Gainesville, clear. . . . Greenville, cloudy. . . • Ineon. clear nitlei-llo. clear., .. .. •wnnn.j dear. Spartanburg, clear. . . ■■’nllnpoosn. clear. ... n. clenr 1‘olnt. clear. ... •Ml 11 Iniutu temperanire* ^TeTor iwoJv„ boui perliid ending at S n. m. this date. UGHt"fU«\RT: Arlington. Brownsville. Milan, Ten it.; De entur, Ala.; Hernando, Mias. HEAVY FROST: , •ovlngton, Tenu. (8B. Dyeraburg. Tenn ’* ‘ " KILLING FROST: Sherman. Tex. i36); Holly Springs. Miss. Oklahoma: Okla*. <28*; HUawnee. Okla I aw; Stillwater, Okla. «•»: ^eatberford, Okla. (2D: Ardmore. Iml. T. Marlow, »te -This Is the last laaue of the bulletin the year 1366. WHEAT OPENED FRACTION BETTER ago, Oi under the lead of wheat, hut the trade in all the pits was of the small volume, nud prices ranged within narrow limits. At the close, wheat was %®%e higher; corn %c lower to %c up. Oats unciiniiged to a shade 1*01ter. Frovltlont after a weak pe riod In tho morning closed higher. Fork 15c better; bird 2%to<ftTJc up, ribs 5{#7%e higher.. A late factor lu the wheat's strength was the reports .from the east .and southwest a lien/the flour business, a large trade hav lug bene consummated tbe past few days Cush markets were firm everywhere. Clearances of wheat ami flour were 566.000 bushels, while primary receipts were but 815,154 bptsheis. agaiust 1,494,000 bushels last year. Corn clearances were 78,378 bushels mid oats 6,000 bushels. Local cash sales were 75,000 bushels c.f wheat, 90,000 bushels of corn nud 145.0X1 bushels of oats. The seaboard reported 5 loads of wheat, 2 of corn and To.txw bush els of oats. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Chicago grain aud provision quotations for today follow; Previous Open. High. Low. Close. Close WHEAT— Dec.... May.... July;. rnl 9.17% 8.60 8.42% 8.05 7.60 7.02% CASH WHEAT- No. 2 red 74%&74H; No. 3 do 72«74; No. 2 hard winter 73} 4 <&75; No. 3 do 71^74. CHICAGO CAR LOT8. Toilay. Toumr. title Itoel emiihls.. *ddle.. .. Savannah, irk'■burg liming t 1 ic£ = a - I list. Avernces. It- (ndieab** liia|ipree|at*le mluMlI. REMARKS. In the nlmportnnt. Uvlrl. t; else fair. •r temperatures pre . ..ite-u ih.rtbm of the Ii 1 portion llt-v were .le. ide.Uy entrcl imrt the efmnges w *re Light rain fell In Galvest.m COTTON SEED OIL. . . . »V 4 fr37% 37*44(37% . . 33%016 36\|ZS6 . ... 3SU4«JR% 35\Ci“/, I May . . v - ....... .. SW, .• Hales,‘ 1»-March *» 36V UIoswl itepdy. I ifirvii 1 . 5 ' Wheat—UiNcIpts toilay 851.009 bushels; last week . v $7,w0 bushels, against 1,491,000 bushels last year; shipment* fislay 502,000 bushels; last week 8ti*»,00<) bushels, against 929.060 bushels Inst year. U»ru—Receipts today 427,000 bushels; last week 671,000 bushel*, ngalnst 489,000 bush els last year; shipment* bslay 236.000 bushels: last wek 65o.000 bushels, against 181.000 bushels lost year. northwest" cars. ATLANTA MARKETS. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Officially corrected by Atlauta Fruit and Produce Exchnnge. Pineapples, $2.5i>tf3.00. Bananas, straights, nor bunch, 81.5031.75. Culls, per Imnch. $1.00^1.23. POULTRY AND COUNTRY PRODUCE- Llvo heus, 37®40e; fries, 22%039c; broilers, 15620c, Dressed friers, 16c pound. Dressed hens, per pound, 13614c. * * ducks, Pekin, 35c; puddle, 25627%c. 15c. , per pound, 6c; Navy, $2.10 per THE WEATHER. LOCAL FORECAST. WEATHER CONDITIONS. During the past twenty-four hours the weather has become colder over tho coun try east of the Roekle,«. excel) along the Atluntic coast and In Montana. 'Hie great est falls otvured over Texas, uTTero tem peratures are 10 degrees to lfL degree* lower than at 7 a. m. yesterday. Teuinem- tnres are below freezing from central Texas TRADE IN STOCKS SMALL IN VOLUM Ne «' York. Oof.'31.—The doubts uncertainty welshing upon the Intlve community made themselve^S more positive l„ today’s security have for some tlnfe pa Without the selling being Ba £1” volume or so veiy urgent, the pie.iu nevertheleee continued ateadllv durl n the morning and price* at’midday Ter down a point on an average for th regularly active shares. Several devel opments of the day added a new efi ment of depression to the market o- was the general heaviness of security abroad, which was partly base,: „ n ‘, prehensions that the Rank of |. : ..2|? n l In Hra he 1 .? i"? <11SCO , Um ,at * l»2r In the best-informed uuarters such o' tlon Is not thought probable, for nn sumably the bank has been able to substantially to its reserves ,2 week. « oi£f.£l wlthlalnroit weirtblngoi? KU ower. I'eunsylvaala wn.-olf ti s.„ H.Meel cDimnnii tj, Auulgnumte,) ■„ nnd Union IVeltle H. 8t. Riot. It-'olli i 1 New lurk Central nml Urooklrn Transit were uuebnuged. Auticm ll , „ ‘",2 2 point* off. -rut The volume of business continue small during the llrst hour and tt. price movement was generally name and without Importance. Room Iradei were disposed to take the bull ,IJ, an were buyers of a few slocks, Includl, Mexican Central, Reading and Reu! sylvanla. Qovernment bonds unchanged nth. intia tioilitn ’ vu *' bonds active. SEABOARD AIR LINE, < to'-ir iuh riusnig quotatm 8caboard Air Line stocks nnd lionil*: Senhoord Air Lino, common.. do. first preferred do, second preferred do, 4a do, three-year 5a do, ten-year 5s MINING STOCKS. weather at most points west of the Rockies. There has been rain fit southern Texas, southern Florida, along the north Atlantic roaat. nnd rain or snow In the lake region aud Ohio valley. Snow was falling at 7 n. n». nt Oswego. N. Y. aud Pittsburg. Pn. .The heaviest rains were In southern Tex- np and southern Florida. .Conditions favor fnlr weather In this sec tion tonight and Thuraday. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. estimate*V for tomorrow 17.0Q0; *5.9666.32%; mixed 154606.37%: 66.40: rough ^.7065.90;- pig* fa/.*! Honey, new, 8@10c pound; In one-pound racks. 10612c. VEGETABLES—Irish potatoes. No. 1 stock, per bushel. 80690c. Cabbage, w Lima beat bushel. Onions, per bushel. $1.10. New sweet fiat a toes. 3OQ40c per bushel. Kraut, half-barrel, $3.75. Rutabaga turnips, l%c. Lemon*. $6.00. FLOUR, GRAIN. PROVISIONS. FLOUR—Poster* patent. $6.00; Diamond patent, $5.26; Mnscotilnn Htar. $4.70: funcy, .. ... patent, $4.50; R«d Engle. $4.26; Blue Ribbon. 090. 5Inrket steady to a shade lower; $3.90; fancy, $3.90; spring wheat patent, $5.0Q quality fidr; left over 5.873: bulk $5.95@6.30; (h5.50. # estimated^ for tomorrow 17.000; light hogs CORN—Choice red cob. 70c; No. 2 white,’ •*«***"*• 68c; No. 2 yellow, 69c; mixed, 66c. OATH—Choice white clfpnad; 60c: No. 2 white, 48c; No. 2 mixed, 4ft; Texas rust proof. 56c; )* MEAI^JjPlnln wnter-groun4 • per bushel, 66c; Imltcd. 14<>-paaii<! jutes, |*i»f Imshel. 62c; Short#, white, $1.50: medium. $1.40; brawn, $1.35: pure bran, $1.20; mixed bran, $1.15. HAY—Timothy, choice large bales, $1.25: do.. Hioleo small bales, $1.20; do.. No. 1 clover mixed, $1.10; do., No. 2 clover mixed. $1.15. Choice Bermuda. F5c. I Tennessee, 90cr- Bar* The above prices nre f. o. b. Atlnntif GROCERIES. 81TGAR—Standard granulated, 55.10. New York refined. 4%c; plantation. 5c. COFFEE— RaastciJ Arbiirklo'*. $16.50; bulk In bags or barrel#. 13c; green, 10612c. R1CE—Carolina,.4%67%C. according to the grade. CHEESE—Fancy full cream dairy, 13%c; twin*. ir*%c. PROVISIONS—Supreme hams, 15c. Dove hntus, lu%c.' California hams, $9.00. Bed Cross bnms, 15c. Dry salt extra ribs. $9.25; . heavy $5.70 _ ... 1*066.16: vork* era f6.2560.30; gooil to choice heavy $6,106 6.40. Cattle—Estimated receipt* 18,000. ket strong ro JOc higher; quality Mur* ... fair; beeve»0J 1.6065.25; caws $1.50^4.40; heifer# $2.40^5.25; calves $567-76: good nrlme steers $5.3067*26; poor to medium $3.9065.30; stock* urs and feeders $2.4064.60. THE LIVERPOOL GRAIN MARKET. Wheat—Opened %e higher: nt 1:30 p. %6%e hlghrr; closed %c higher. Corn—Opened tinchaiiged; nt 1:31 p. m.. %6%c higher; closed unchnugeil to %c higher. THE METAL~MARKET, New York, Oct. 31.—Considerable activity developed In tin, which wna offered on n liberal scale at a recession of %c In spot and near by deliveries. Boston. Mass.. Oct. 31.-Frank!b» 22. (V, teiinbil Copper Range 80. North Butt -tt. 015 gomlliton Mtt. iliiriuon lSV.' li hawk 68, Trinity 11*4. STOCKS REVIEWED BY NEW YORK SI? New York. Out. Hl.-Tlw Hun «:iv«: -Snt only upon on. pravlou. uvra.lm; ihn. h this year the total volume of trnnsaetloi In stocks yesterday reached the smalla amount of any full day's Imsliims hi II year, and «■ It was yesterday * «l«.itiliij were practically aa small ns that of day In twelve month*. Tliere i* n<* hoik for questioning the correctness of common explanation of the market in „ financial district thnt It Is due to the lei fancy of speculative Interests. Cotimil! houses are Invariably chary about *•; gins until iOo; Know Drift coiupouiid, $8.25. SOUTHERN* EXCHANGE Oldest Established OfTIce South. conos STOCiiS BONDS—GRAIN Ground Floor Gould Building. Bally market letter nnd market manual mailed on application. cars of today, last week Today. L. J. ANDERSON & CO Bankers and Brokers, COTTON, STOCKS, GRAIN Gormpontfeot’s Capital $250,000 REFERENCE. THC NEAL DANK PHONE 1417. PRUDENTIAL BLOG WM. L. I 1 BEf«, President. ROBERT F. MADDOX. Vice President THOMAS J. PEEPT.ES. Cashier. JAMES G. LESTER. Assistant Cashier. JAM. P. WINDSOR. Assistant Cashier. MADDOX RUCKER BANKING COMPANY. CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS . . $500,000.00 Accounts, small as well as large, invited. 3 1-2 per cent interest paid and compounded semi- annually in our Savings Department. HEAVY RECEIPTS CAPPED CLIMAX Sen- York, tiel. Sl.-The Sun unv.: "An early ndruuiu of nearly n ilullur a hale, due partly to 11 firmer Liverpool market mid froat in the Atlantic and -Eastern Gulf states, ns well as In Arkansas and Okla homa, was merely the prelude to n slump. Liverpool, It Is true, reported good buy ing by America, the continent and Egypt, smaller spot offering* reduced spinners* holding*, and n liquidation of the specu lative market. An advance, therefore, set lu, nml continued n* long ns short* cov- elect ■■ -----Ito be decided, and although . fide nee 1* undlmlnlflicd In Wall street to the favorable result of the present test, ns I* shown by the heavy betting Hughes, buying of stocks except by )».•« who nre abundantly able to safeguard ventures. Is to a greater or less e discouraged by heads of commission li lt wn* the general observation, how this morning that the market did not like a market that would have nn tlon scare.”—Glbert ft Clay. ered and wire houses bought for f«'<» who believe In Imylug after a drop of JT Imle. The buying for n time was hrf from New Orleans. But there came a Is then a rain of gelling order#, hedging a speculatlvc, nnd the advance melted «*« Crop estimates of 12,750,000 to 10,WM bales are becoming more frequent. Sua reports put tbe deerenae In tne cm during October nt only 2%65 per ecu the unprecedentedly heavy receipt* ; ports yesterday capiHMl the climax people are against cotton—about th* thing In Its favor next to tho big work trade.” f New Orleans. Oct. 31.—The Time* I#»• ernt say*: “The record-breaking tuormw the apathy of the speculative public the gradual expansion of crop (dens u. than offset Europe'* adherence to the l* side of lhe account, the promptness nil which cable stmt offers were gobbled a nud the scdinlug logic lu moderate vW expectation*. Consequently, definite forts to bring nhnut a reaction fulled accomplish the desired result. Th- c« eral situation has undergone practically i change. Niue out of ten professlounD a pear arrayed against the staple hecnnw*| the monumental movement, large yield « pectatlona and Isdlef In an early id** face In Euro|»o*a favorable attitude. Ti I iext glnnerV report may pan out 1*1'™ rom the viewpoint of the apedstor. while, the world I* buylug cotton «t tl currant high basis In ninnle volume. •* efua ly, .... . — ..... w. to look for very lit the not distant future. there Is now but scant display of hum prowess. However, nobody looks for gain counter cotton this year, nml uo culntlon* are being based on such e: tatlonn.” Safe Deposit Boxes For rent in our vaults in tbe basement of the Empire Building for only $5. 00 each per annum. Absolute Security and all Modern Conveniences You should not be Without one. We invils you lo call and inspect them. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. THE AMERICAN AUDIT COMPANY Home Office, 100 Brondway, New York City. F. W. LAFERENTZ, 0. P. A., President. C. E. Manwarlng, Vice President, Theo. Cocheu, Jr., C. P. A., Sec. end Treat. BRANCHES: NEW YORK—Waldorf-Astoria. ATLANTA—Fourth Nat l Batik Bldg. BOSTON—Exchange Balldlng. CHICAGO—Marquette Building. WASHINGTON—Colorado Building. PHILADKLPHIA—Bellevue-Startford. NEW ORLEANS—Henneit Building. SAN FRANCISCO—Belden Building. LONDON, ENGLAND—4' King Street, Cheapstde. ATLANTA BRANCH 1016-18 Fourth National Bank Building. LOWRY NATIONAL BANK Designated Depository of the United States. Capital $500,000.00 SURPLUS 400,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS 140,000.00 A general banking business transacted. Foreig-n exchange, Letters of Credit. Corresponds direct v/ith the National Bank of Cuba. 0. B. BIDWELL, Besident Manager. Telephone, Main 872. Cable Addreee, Adir.lt, N. Y. I Prank Hnwklne, Prnl.lrat. >pra, A,,t. cutler. Third National Bank Capital .... $200,000,00. Surplus .... $300,000.00. Dr. A. W. r.ihrMin. DIRECTORS! Frank flawklee. II. 41. Aikhitoa. Jntofib A. McCord. tlarlil Weednid.