Newspaper Page Text
Time Is Approaching! C - u - M’CLURE AN INDORSER
'■*><» it till it's done.”
This v.'t*s the sententious remark
written on the application blank Bent
to The Georgian Tuesday by C. \V.
McClure, head of the McClure Ten
cent stores, for membership in the Mu
nicipal League.
When asked for his views on niunici-
thiligs get buKy. The League » ZCX'ti hXZ .» «-
Mmv/£ **M , Ugh to DO pressing llln’ sentiment and In com-
THINGfe. I mending The Georgian for Its stand on
ltllt don’t wait for others.I ,ht ‘ question.
Don’t wait until everything is well " A c,t " ! ‘ lloal,! no*, rush jnto a thing
started and then join in. V>'<' need I tUl> ' 1,0 B4W ' " uml
Have YOU joined the League?
Others are joining. There’ll he
something to ell you soon.
It will not be long now befor
j lunhapi If it undertake* both a gas
| plant and electric light plant at the
This is not going to lie anv eut W.'J® 11 ™* 11 might ttfcklc too much,
ud dried affair. The meeting we I pla ‘‘ M,*
intend to hold will he a mass I , lli,n b ' J lld an electric plant, Hut if it
Is proposed to build a combination
I plant. as Im being done now. It might
lliout ; be v.rll 10 undertake both at once.
"There la no doubt that Atlanta
needs a municipal plant,
sources of light under one manage
ment there is a monopoly, and gas costs
loo much. We ought to supply gas
from a municipal plant at 60 cents a
thousand feel. I understand this is
being done elsewhere. A dollar h thou
sand Is too much to pay."
When a man like C. W. McClure
Newport, R. I., Oct. 31.—-Rushing to
ward a flic at the rate of 50 inile<"an
hour, the automobllo of Miss Ethel De-
Koven, daughter of the composer,
meeting in every senne.
We want YOUR ideas
this matter. We want YOU to
press yourself freely. Perhaps
YOU have something to say that
is worth consideration.
Don’t be backward. Send in
your application and join the
League. The Georgian wants to J
know who are the friends of the I , * D<I " m * encouragement to a question
snow woo ait im menus oi tile of thu k | lld he d0C8n . t do u wUhout
proposition. I careful consideration. Mr. McClure did
And remember that the earlier not bu,1<i up hl * own busln< ‘ 5 * from one
yon get in. and tell your friends
to get in. the sooner Atlanta will
have her own light plant, and (lie
sooner YOU will draw YOUR div
idends in the shape of smaller
light bills.
YOU have d good deal of failli
in the judgment of a level-headed
business' man. YOU know that
when HR takes a stand on a prop
osition which affects the city
where he has his investments he
must have a pretty clear idoji of
what he is doing.
Read what C. W. McClure
thinks about municipal ownership.
'Read what a number of other busi
ness men have to say about it.
Hare arc ionic Inters and express
ions from men whe have thought It
"To the Editor of The Georgian:
"We Inclose four applications for
membership In the Municipal Owner
ship league, which completes our
'home circle.' We expect you to lead
us to victory. Blow yoqr bugle and
we will answer the call with all the
power and determination that we pos
(Signed) "C. F. Kalres, B. W. Har
grave, W. R. Moore, J. M, Hoyt.”
"To thp Editor of The Georgian:
"This la the best expression of the
opinion of the clerks of the Western
sad Atlantic Railroad In Allantn on
municipal ownership,"
Ten applleationa were Inclosed, with
the foUowIng signatures: W. -S. Rich
ardson. .1. r„ Woods, E. M. McGee, H.
R. Christian, George P. Dickson, M.
Walker, C. 1). t'uren, G. X. Woods, E.
W. Orernway, J, H. Bishop.
Here are some more expressions from
the people:
Lotlln H. Jones, physician, Engllsh-
Amerlcan building: "Uwn gas and
eleelrlc plants."
8. W. Crawford, machinery, 45 Ev
ans streets "I have seen the results
In Jacksonville. I Indorse it."
G. W. Bancroft. 7 Hopkins street:
believe the time Is now or never.”
II. Edgar Fry. manager business col
lege, 133 Peaehtree: "Success to you."
M. (larlnnd Cooper, broker. Grant
building: "l favor the city governing
the lights.”
A. G. Wood, 68 1-3 llrond street: "I
am highly in favor of city owning Its
lighting plant."
S. A. Tucker, physician. 438 Pulliam
street: "I Indorse all your sentiments."
M. W. Hardwick, bookkeeper, 633
Glenn street: "Let’s not let the cause
grow cold."
E. II. Qoodhurt. Jr.. 33 Central ave
nue: * • "And all propositions for the
betterment of the people."
A. O. Hobbs, oculist, English - A merl-
ran building: "By all means. Tills Is
the only solution of the problem."
T. 8. Pytnm, merchant. 15k East Lin
den street: "I have ever favored this
Who built up great system of
stores and who knows good busi
little store Into a chain of establish
ments without learning not to hurry.
He thought over this question, made
his decision, anil Joined the league. He
will be In the movement when It Is
Great Auditorium-
Armory Assured
of Success.
Reginald DeKuven, struck two bicy
The unconscious men were hurried In
her machine to Senator Wetmore's
home. They will recover.
L. Peel. 14,000; McCord-Stewart Co..
33.000; Henry Durand, 31,000; L. B.
Folsom. 31.000; Ktscman Bros., 33,060;
E. Vanwinkle Gin and Machine Works,
31,000; Daniel Bros. & Co., 32,000; A.
M. Robinson Co., 31,000; A. Bluthen-
thal, 33.300: I. H. Oppenhelm, 31,000;
Maurice W. Thomas, 31,000: Angler A-
Foreman. 31,000; Pittsburg Plato Glass
Co., 32,000; Lougee & Zimmer (Klm-
bali House), 34,000; Harvey & Wood
(Piedmont), 34,000; J. Lee Barnes
(Aragon). 33.000; Ralph VanLnndlng
bam (Majestic), 33,000; Dabney Sco-
vllle (Marlon), 33,000; H. R. Durand,
31,000: L. B. Folsom. 31.000. Total of
3354,000. r
T. (7. Johnson, advertiser, Century
West End line between hours of
and 0 a. m." ... _
J. M. Moffett, salesmen. 10! South
Pryor street: "Am with you, Hist, last
and all the time.”
Willis B. Parks, physician,
Xational Bank building: "The Georg
ian deserves great pfWan f ' ,r •** "B 1 *
tutlon." .
George Battey, Jr., student: Erep
up 1 he fight and conquer the octopus.
Here are some other signers: they
are rolling In every day: '
P. VV. Conry. 300 Hast Pine street.
C. Jl. Shropshire, 7 East ■ Alabama
street; A. O. Byers. 192 Mcst Blmball
street: A. P. Wood, ,134 East Georgia
avenue: W. L. Anderson. 2. East Ala
bama street; B. V. Weaver. 60 V\U-
Mania street: J. C. L,ltu> ' . 39 .,‘ 1
Boulevard; II. II. Burney. 2# !•- White-j
The )2u0,000 for the erection of an
hum^nne auuituilum-armory in Atlan'a
lias been raised.
It wan 1 o’clock Wednesday afternoon
when W. g. (ro ei. who h'Ml wwktd
.ImJefatlfch)*' Uice the inception of
1 j the movement, announced that tlv* full
_; amount wan In hand, and that he had
$4,000 to Itpaie,
Every dollar that lias haen *ob-
gcilbed in bona fide. The Hlgnnturen
of tench of the *ub*ci1ber* to thr
nmount of his xubacriptlon ban b*t?rt
secured. And the full amount In haitd
la $254,000. more than thj *»:m aet.
\\. G. Cooper, aecretary of tha
Chamber of Commerce, who ha* been
leading the fight for the auditorium*
armory, *ay* It i* too early to diacuaa
plan*, Much a* location and the time
work will begin.
He said that In hi* canvas* W'ednea-
»lay morning there neemod to be great
feeling that the amount ahmtld be
raised to $800,000. Many expressed this
opinion, he »al<t
*i have no doubt,” he *ald, / chat we
could raise the difference In a f ‘tv days,
but we will leave It to council to »a\*
whether the capital stock «l»all be
larger than was first plitnn?*”
ft seem* that a few of the !jo»c« men
failed to produce when the time came,
Fourth; and the $25,000 which was to ban
John Candler Makes
Charges Against
New York, Oct. 31.—That Bloouilng-
dale asylum Is "the basilic of the four
hundred" Is th« stnrtllng charge made
by John Armstrong Chauler, millionaire
clubman, who was Imprisoned there for
four years, and who now publishes n
book to further affirm his aanlty that
upheld by n distinguished com
mission before the courts of Virginia.
Mr. (’hiliter’, book details the hor
rors of life In Bleomlngdnle, which, ac
cording to him, Is a colony for wealthy
criminals or for millionaires' whose
families with them out of the way. It
Is entitled "Four Years Behind Hie
Bars of Bloomltigdalc; or the B.lnU-
from them Is only 319,000. Those ruptey of Law in Xew York," and Is
who did sitbscrllie. however, did so wl). a powerful arraignment nf the system
llngly and liberally. whereby, within two miles of the me-
Their names are Included in t':e list ,ropoll*, rich men and women are kept
that follows. ,..,1,'
Following Is the complete list cf sub- be L? , * pl1 * ono1 '
acrlbers: I It Is * strange tale, and today there
David Woodward, 34,000; Robert F. | are scores of persons, prominent In
Maddox. 34,000; Frank Hawkins. 34,- j N'ew York society, who are trying to
000: <'oiisatutiOii 34/Wi1; Journsl, 34,- connect the disappearance of friend*
Telepho’ne^Gmnpa n 3 4,00(q* > John^lfl I «'<•> <»« bouse of
iturphy. 34,000; Sam D. Jones, 34.000; M I
(*. E. t'averly, 34,000; E, R. DuBose,
84,000; Peters fount Company, 34.000:
haBalreiq W ”e “spawYng" 401 Eqult-jt'. L. Anderson. 32,000; George W Par-
..Si f riillette.104 Orange rott, 34.000: J. Simmons, 34,000;
nn Noi'tli P'orsyth j Asa (I. Candler. 33,000;, J. W. E.tgll.h,
viT U^Kenip 10 GiuM Imll.IlL: 34.00a: J. K. orr. 32.000: Georgln RMr-
T^'s'i'.h'rnSi.tavraiif. 1 ivrtj- and Elect He I'ontpsny. *10,0110;
J. V. Stubbs, 53 I-orrist n\en i yylG. Raoul, 33,000; J. Carroll I’nyne.
: 35.000; John ,\Y. Grant. 33.00(1: Walter
P. Andrews. 34,0oo; E. H. Thornton,
CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTING 34,000; Henry Johnson, 34,000; G. W.
TO FIRE COTTON BALES. Connors. 31.000; E. Woodruff. 31.000;
TO FIRE w [Thomas H. .Morgan, 31,000; Keely Com.
l«py. 34,000: E. G. Wllllngluun, 34,000;
■—Mason ‘ George Muse, 32.00a; K. J.
' arrested i P" x " n ' *--°"0: Martin Amorous,
According to Mr. Chanler, there are
many welBUnown persons there, vir
tually prisoners for life. He soys a
mail worth a million has been confined
there and beaten to death, although
It Is stated Hint he worked faithfully
and attempted to please those whom he
served. •
After Mr. Chanler left Bloomlngdale
he entered a sanitarium for three
months, and being pronounced sane by
the physicians, took the matter before
(he civil courts of Virginia. There he
was exonerated from any Imputation
of dementia and he entered a complaint
against Ills committed Thomas Slier
gpr-lit) to The U.wrgiau.
Newberry. **■ c„ Oci.
Wright, a young man. was aun»“ j J;ouo; ,■ Hanson, 31,000:
yesterday on the charge of attempting, Van Harlingen. fl.DtW; R. M. ’ -riq. nV.inn
•e •* afiHAii on tli# 4 niat* 1 ip\ 8500* pifih rcciniaute 825,000: • hiAn, of u. Wall Btww. *hta action
to set Are to cotton stored on tne pim ! lc ': , .( noo- Forrest and I Is In the Federal courts, nnd Mr. Chan-
form of J. P. Neel. Die imm. In P» ,:eorge adalr, 32,'o#o: 'oeoige Wlnshlp, ler hopes to thus regain control of hi*
log the cotton yard. H I* nllegeo. struck j. e^o, 32.«00; Dr. R. D. | estates.
several matches, and attempted to 1 grilling. 31.00«: Sclple Hons. 32.000; ,
the cotton, but each time thd j K. U; , B ' A S; Twenty Bale. Burn.
Uf re extlnoalHhad by the ulml. I > » ; p r ovlc*,‘$i.(Jjo:‘T. J. Hlfhtmvar. $1,000; 1 to The lleorflaa.
aaid that h* Urinklnff at th* Hallman, $1,000; <*. J. ffad«n,( Xewbeny, 8. C„ Oct. 31.—What
' WHfht waa bound over to thf*'cotnt j |j Albert titatner, $3,00a; A. K. j would in ull probability have been n
of general ae^afona In the auni of $*w>. ThorntoBe-H^W; C T, Ljulaon, $2d)0«». mo|lt »iiaa*trous cotton fire wax nar-
• ; !ft ‘SSSSrt’tffiir W M&; H “^:!~*-‘y »v.rt*d here yesterday. .Vs It
sl-odeiil. 32.000; Bagiey ' * Willett,. ". ,orP ' ha, l 50 • >al '’ 8 of . cotton were
Mrs. Julia Cothran. M\"s) A. V. Glide 31.000; J^K. Ott- tom*?- T: * «rc occurred at hJsuu 2
The funeral of Mrs. Julta Cothran., "j. 3.oo»: J ;< W. Pope. 3I.O00; Walker o'clock on the platfonn of the Coluni
who died Mdnday ... - ......... ... ... w
Wednesday i
In the chapel
The tntermeu
was survived
A Few Specials In
Bed Covering That Ar«
* I • ‘ . /
Exact j/ In Line WitK
TKe Weather
Imported fringed satin quilt, n fine twilled
weave, with a beautiful design.
12-quarter size, a $7.50 value
An $8.50 quality ut
A $10.00 quality at
.. ..$8.50
A $12.00 quality ut
.. ..$9.50
Fine hand-embroidered, guaranteed handwork,
Bedspread in clover leaf design.
.12-quarter size—A $22.50 Spread,
‘ :/
Fine light-weight brocade satin
white; a 12-quarter size
worth $8.50, at
Spreads in
A $15.00 Spread in the same weave,
Same in a $12.00 quality
Tu a $10.00 quality
. * $8.50
All iu the 12-quarter size.
Eleven-quarter, fine imported satin Quilts with
tulips and maple leaf patterns.
$12.00 ones at
. .$9.50
White Bedspreads, three-ply; double and twist
ed with 4-inch fringe all sides.
(Size two and three-eighths yards by two and
three-quarter long.
A $2.25 Spread'at
With cut covers at the same price.
Faue.y Blankets for Imth robes, slumber robes
smoking gown or jacket—enough in a blanket
to make any of these garments of negligee,
Eleven-quarter, all wool, white Blanket, with
blue, pink or red borders and bound with silk
braid; pair,
Tcu-quarter, all-wool checked Blankets.
Tan and white, blue and white, pexJc and white,
black and white, red and black. Bair $4.50.
Eleven quarters,
13-quarter line Blnukets with delicate blue or
pink border. Pair,
15-quarter fine Blankets with pale blue or pink
borders; extra large size. Pair,
$7.50 ones at $6.00
$4.00 ones at $3.50.
$4.50 ones at $3.75
Eleven-quarter, light weight deinity
(guilts, will wash like a siieet.
Down Quilts with fine Sateen cover and whit*
lining inside with the finest down—odorless.
Size 6x6,
. $4.50.
Chamberlih-Johnson-DuBoss Cq.