Newspaper Page Text
The Are upon the hearth la low.
And there la stillness everywhere,
Willie winged spirit* here and there.
The Prelight shadow* muttering go,
And a* the shadow* round me creep,
A childish treble breaks the gloom,
And softly front a farther room
Comes, “Sow I lay me down to sleep.
And somehow, with the little prayer
And that sweet treble In my ears
Sly thoughts go back to distant years
And linger with n. loved one there;
And as I hear my child's amen.
Sly mother's faith comes back to me,
Crouched at her side I seem to bo,
And mother holds my hands again.
Oh. for an hour In that dear place!
Oh, for the peace bf that dear time!
Oh. for that childish trust sublime!
Oh, for. a glimpse of mother's face.
Yet. as the shadows round me creep,
I do not seen! to be alone—
Sweet mngtc If that treble tone,
And, "Xow I lay me down to sleep.'
Mrs. William Kiser entertained at an
elegant'reception Wednesday afternoon
at her home, on Peachtree, In honor of
Mrs. John Kiser, The house was dec
orated with roses and chrysanthemums.
In the drawing room white chrysanthe
mums were used, and In the library
yellow was the prevailing color,
the mantels and cabinets tall vases of
dowers were used. In the dining room
the table, which was covered with
Cluny lace mats, had as Its centerpiece
a sliver loving cup,Piled with meteor
rosea. The silver candle shades were
lined with red and the color scheme
was carried out In the other details.
Mrs. Kiser received her guests In a
gown of coral colored cloth, fashioned
with Irish lace and gold embroidery.
Mrs. John Kiser wore an Imported
gown of blue silk, made empire. The
bodice was of lace and chiffon and the
skirt was hand-embroidered. ■■■
Asrlstlng Mr*. Kiser In the entertain
ment of her guests were: Mrs. Luther
C. Rrud, Mrs. Robert F. Maddox, Mr*.
Morris Brandon, Mr*. W. D. Ellis, Jr„
Mr*. Henry Inman, Mr*. Jullsn Field,
Mr*. Wllmer Moore, Airs. Preston 8.
Arkwright and Mrs. Eugene Robert
Miss Laura Payne, Miss Louise Haw
kins. Miss Emma Robinson. Miss Flor
ence Hobbs. Miss Ruth Hallman served
punch In the smoking room.
Air*. Luther Read wore a toilet of
white chiffon and point applique lac*
over chlfTon and tnffetn.
Alra. Robert Maddox's gown was of
light blur silk, fashioned with baby
Irish lace end ombro'dered In sliver.
My*. W. t>. Kills. Jr., wore a toilet of
oyster, colored cloth, embroidered In
Sirs. Preston Arkwright's costume
f oink silk, trimmed with baby
Mrs. ReLscca Lowe Guhton Is Seriously
Mrs. Julian Field wore a checked
chiffon t loth, made over blue taffeta
and trimmed with blue velvet.
Aftsv 1 aura Payne wae becomingly
gownMTn cream batiste embroidered,
and! ah nit the yoke there w as a touch
of b|**e v. I vet. t
Miss Emma Robinson wore n toilet
of white chiffon over taffeta.
Miss Florence Hobbs wns gowned In
pale blue silk and lace.
Mis* Ruth Hallman wore while silk,
and Alls* Louise Hawkins was geivned
In pink messnllne.
An elaborate and beautiful event of
Wednesday wn* the afternoon teu at
which Dr. and Mrs. Jnmes B. Baird
Introduced their daughter, Miss Louise
Baird. *
Nearly two hundred Invitation* wert
Issued and during the hours of the re
ception the home of Dr. and .Mrs. Baird
presented a brilliant scene.
The decorut lobs were of palm*, ferns
and pink roses. In the dining room,
where delicious refreshments were
served, the table had for It* centerpiece
a tall cut glaes vase Piled with brld*
roses. Numerous candelabra shaded
with pink allk shades added to the at
tractiveness of the scene.
In the receiving party were Mm.
Jam** B. Baird, Mm. Joaeph At. Ter
rell. Mm. C. Klnloch Nelson. Mr*. Ben
jamin Franklin Noble, of Montgomery;
Aim. Bartow Blount. Airs. Kdward K.
Van Winkle, Mr*. Julian Field. Mm.
John Ralne, Aim. John Grant Wilkins,
Jr, Mm. Joseph Ralne, Mis* Florence
Werner, AIDS Ella It. Kushton. Miss
Gertrude White anil Miss Antoinette
Mrs. Batrd was a charming hoatess
In a gown of pink brocaded satin, fash
ioned with duchess lace.
Mis* Louise Baird, whose brightness
and attract I vent'** have made her al
ready a social favorite, wore a beauti
ful gown of while net over white eetln.
The comage was embroidered In pink
roses, as were the ends of the long
eetln saeh.
Mrs. J. M. Terrell wss most attract
ive In a prtneesse gown of white lace.
Atrs. I!. K. Nelson wore un elegant
gown of black marquisette ever pink
satin, the corsnge embroidered In pink
Airs. Benjamin Franklin Noble, of
Montgomery, was admired In a white
satin, made prlncesse. The yoke of rose
The critical Illness of Mm. Rebecca
Douglas Lowe Gunton with pneumonia
at the home of her husband, Professor
George Ounton, at Hot Springs, Va, as
announced In a dispatch. Is a source at
general regret throughout the country,
Atrs. Gunton at one time was presi
dent of the General Federation of Wo
man's Flubs and Is well known both
North and 8011th, where she took an
active |!art In the social as well as club
life of both section*. As Airs. 1 si tvs.
Mrs. Gunton made her home In Atlanta
until recent years, where she was a so
cial leader.
Professor Gunton, the political econ
omist, Is editor of Gunton's Magaxlne
and Is pronllnent In political and liter-’
mry circles.
Mm. Gunton's two children, Aim.
James Warren English, Jr., of Atlanta,
end Mr. Will Lowe, are at the hed*ld£
of their mother. Atrs. English left At
lanta Saturday night for Hot Springs,
A bright occasion will be the silver
tea which will be given on Friday
evening at the home of Mrs. J. W.
Stauffacher, on Highland nvenue, and
there will be many attractive features.
A musical program will be rendered
■nd refreshment* served. The offering
will be a free will one, and the liberal
patronage of the general public Is
hoped for.
Aim. Russell Hopkins, who was Alls*
Vera Slegrlat, of New York, before
she eloped with young Russell Hop
kins, of Atlanta, on his yutch, attracted
attention at the New York horse show
Monday night.
The New York Sun, In reviewing the
list of handsomely gowned women m
the horse show, follows the description
of Mrs. Elisha Dyer's toilet with the
“Mm, Russell Hopkins attracted con
siderable attention In a box on the
north side of the Garden. Every one
aeomed to recognise the bride; she Wns
pointed out In the nftemoon, when she
wore n cloth costume of delicate yellow
coloring, ami at night she had another
hundsome costume of u very pale helio
crap* de chine trimmed with lace and
nmdc over pink silk.
Mrs. Jim* Ralne's beautiful toilet
of pink chiffon doth trimmed with sat
in bands.
Alls* Florence Werner wo* handsome
In a sown of pink pm I uiilour silk.
Miss' Ella. B. Rusliii n wore radium
silk, made prlncesse with trimmings of
prlncesse lace.
AID* Gertrude White was In pink
silk, i
AID* Antoinette Blount wore‘pink
radium made empire and elaborately
fashioned with lace.
Misses Harriet Calhoun and Sura Lee
Evans served punch, both of them at
tractive In dainty frocks of taffeta;
In the evening, when caller* were
also received, their places were taken
by Misses Alice May Ilushton and An-
nl* a Stone.
The beautiful ^.exhibition at 38 1-2
Whitehall street' I* open to the public
from » o'clock la-the morning until
« o'clock In Hie afternoon. In the morn
ing* the gallery Is well Ailed with those
wlm prefer to spend nil their lime In
studying the pictures, while In the uft-
emwm there are some very pleasant
social features, which, however, do not
Interfere with enjoyment of the pic
ture*. Caller* may chat over a cup of
lea and a bright musical program Is
rendered. On Wednesday afternoon teu
was served by Mlsee* Jennie English
and Constance Knowles, who hod as
sisting them .Misses Eugenia Oglesby,
Anne Fltten, Knte Roblh«on, Josle am
Harrle Stockdell, Hnrtense Horne nnd
Katharine GhoDtln. There was it splen
did attendance which the names of the
attractive young women In charge ns
euretl from the first.
A beautiful event was the cotillion
nt which Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Phelan
entertained at the New Klmbull on
Tuesday evening, the occasion being tho
Introduction of their lovely young
■Inughlcr, Alls* AlncOowan Phelan.
There w ere present over one hundred
and fifty guests. The cotillion wo* led
before sapper by Mlsa AlacOowan Phe
lan and .Mr. Sum Sheer, end after sup-
per by Alls* Aflltu Penn, the charming
guest of Alls* Phelan, nnd by Mr. Tra
vis Huff. A delicious supper was
served In the ladles' cafe on the first
floor of the Kimball.
The ball room of the Kimball House
presented a beautiful and brilliant
scene with Us decoration* of palms,
ferns snd smtlax. In the windows
great Jar* of chrysanthemum* were
placed, giving effective touches of
The favor* were numerous and un
usually beautiful. Two long tables
were nited with them, muffs and boaa
point lace finished with a duchess lace I of colored tulle, picture frames, flow
bertha and trimmed with seed pearls.
Mr*. Bartow*' Blount wore black
Chantilly lace.
Air*. Edward Van Winkle wore blue
taffeta made prlncesse and trimmed
with ecru lace.
Mm. Julian Field's gown was of
chiffon cloth, showing a dainty blue
check and trimmed with baby Irish
lace. This was made over blue taffeta.
Mrs. John Ralne was gowned In pink
ers. Iiht*. butterflies, all of them won
derfully fashioned of delicately colored
tissue paper. Wests paper baskets and
Japanese umbrellas, caps, canes and
fan* were also among ihe favors.
Airs. Phelan made a beautiful hostess
in a gown of black lace, made prlncesse.
Miss MacGowan Phelan, who pos
sesses beauty a* well as a charming
personality, was gowned In white chif
fon voile made over white satin and
embroidered In sliver. Her corsage
bouquet was of Parma violets.
Miss Anita Penn. Ihc cat of Miss
Phelan, wore a charmir.^ empire gown
of pink crepe ile chine, trimmed with
duchess lace.
Alls* At. A. Phelan wore white chif
fon, trimmed with satin bands, and
Miss Eflle Beale Phelan wus lovely In a
prlncesse gown «f while lace.
Alls. Harry English wore white chif
fon aalln, trimmed with lace.
Mrs. W. 8. W’ltham was handsomely
gowned In white lace over taffeta, and
Mrs. William Montgomery, also one of
the chaperones, was gowned In black
net sparkling with sequins.
Air*. John E. Murphy wore white lace
over silk.
Among attractive visiting girls. Miss
8*m Tinsley, of Macon, was admired
In pole green chiffon.
Alls* Emma Williams, of Portsmouth,
wore blue mesmline silk.
Alls* Sarah Wadlsy, of Bollngbroke,
was gowned In pale pink IDsc. .
Miss Martha Whitman and M|s>
Blanche Carson, the popular guests ol
Alls* KID* Lipscomb, were the hon-
orees of a luncheon party Monday, at
the Golf nnd Country Club, and later
Vnl Taylor gnve them an auto party
to Bell* Meade. .Monday evening. Ehl-
rldge Benlly gave them n box party at
the Vendome, followed by u theater
This afternoon Lewis williams Is to
give them a box party at the Bijou, and
tonight Is the date for Mias Lipscomb's
entertainment of the Dinner-Bridge
Club In their honor at the Hermitage
Wednesday evening Alfred Williams
will be the host of a Vendome box
would let us know about It, and I am
sure we could help them to put these
things to good use,
AIRS. S. F. BAKER, Secretary.
Saint Anthony’s Fair opens Novem
her 26 at Turn-vereln hall. 71-2 North
Forsyth street,- and will be continued
for five days.
Monday will be Atarlst College Mil
itary night. There will be a drill by
the cadets and dancing from 10 until
12 o'clock.
Tuesday will be Ancient Order of Hi
bernian day. Dinner will be served,
and suitable entertainment provided.
Dancing will be Indulged In from 10
to 12 o'clock.
Wednesday will be Knights of Co
lumbus day. There will be dinner and
special features for the occasion.
Thursday will be children's day. and
a special Thanksgiving dinner will be
Friday will be devoted to raffling and
drawing of prlxes. with dancing In the
evening from 10 until 12 o'clock.
The Daughters of Isabella will pre
pare and serve all meals during the
Miss Sarah Tinsley wax the guest of
honor at a pretty luncheon given by
Mrs. Robert Alston, In Atlanta.
The young women Invited to meet
Miss Tinsley on this occasion were
Miss Alberta Rankin, Miss Adora An
derson, Miss Lottie Wyley, Miss Mc
Gowan Phelan and Miss Constance
Miss Tinsley has had a charming
stay In Atlanta, as the guest of Miss
Margaret Ladson. She returns to Ma
con tomorrow.—Macon New*.
Afrs. Bourke Cockran, who was mat
rled to Congressman Cockran Weil
nesday night, was formerly Miss Annie
Ide, nnd was reared in Calhoun coun
ty, Alabama.
Mrs. Cockran spent her girlhood.days
In Jacksonville, Ala., and has visited
Birmingham frequently, where she Is
well known. Henry Clay Ide, who Is
a native Alabaman, was appointed by
President McKinley ns one of the com
missioners of the Philippine Islands.
He was lately made governor general
of the Philippines.
Mr. and Mm. Cockran have gone to
Europe and to Asia on their bridal trip.
Mrs. Cockran is n distinct' type of
Southern beauty. Prior to the time he
was appointed to a government posi
tion. General Ide, the father of Mrs.
Cockran. wns a prominent and well-to-
do merchnnt of Jacksonville, Ala He
Is well remembered by the business
men of Dlunlngham, having been n
constant visitor to the city for the pur
pose of purchasing goods.—Birming
ham News.'
Miss 8arnh Wadley has gone to Au
gusta to be the guest of Miss Mary Lou
Phlnexy and to attend Miss Phtnexy’s
debut reception, which will be the most
brilliant event In Augusta society.
Three hundred guests will be enter
tained at the afternoon reception and
equally as many at the dance that fol
lows on the same evening and at which
wilt be present the younger social ele
ment and many of the married people.
—Macon News.
Rev. Dr. Gunn will hold a doll baxaar
at his residence, 289 Ivy street, on De
cember 6th. There will be all kinds and
conditions of dolls on sale and during
the day chocolate, tea and sandwlchea
will be served and In the evening a de
licious bird supper will be served. The
baxaar Is to be given tq help defray the
expenses of decorating the Sacred
Heart church. i
The marriage of Mr. James U, Horne,
of Washington. D. C„ and Miss Ethel
Burke will take place Wednesday even
ing at the home of Mm. A. M. Burke,
on North avenue. The ceremony will
be performed by Dr. W. W. Landrum.
The wedding of Mr. Ralph Smith
and Miss Augustp Hardin will take
place Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co. Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.
One Seam Brussels Rugs 9 9x12 feet,
$16.50 Values for $13.50.
These Rugs are heavy and serviceable, a splendid grade of Tapestry
Brussels, woven with one seam. The patterns are new and attractive, col
orings the choicest to he seen hi Rugs of this kind.
They measure 9 by 12 feet, the popular room size,' and sell regularly at
$16.50. Xow the‘price i,s $13.50, a saving of three dollars, just for this sale.
$22.50 Axminster Rugs for $18.25.
Another very remarkable offering of Rugs, new Rugs, particularly
pleasing in quality and style. Axininsters and the regular $22.50 grade, in
Oriental, floral and conventional effects, bright rich colorings. The most at
tractive range of patterns we have shown at any time. Size 9 by 12 feet, of
course. Priced for this occasion at $18.25. .
Odd Rolls of
China Matting.
Full 40-ynr<l rolls, but just ,one of a
kind. The heaviest, best (trade of China
.Matting. As desirable as when we had full
assortments, in point of style and wear.
And 40 yards are enough for any room
and over. Yet these Very low prices apply:
$10.00 Rolls for $6.75.
$14.00 Rolls for $9.50.
Couch Covers,
$6.00 Kinds for $4.75.
Bountiful Tapestry Couch Covers in Ori
ental designs, charming in pattern nnd
color. Well-assorted variety. Regular and
extra large sizes.
$4.75 Each; TJsusally $6.00.
. New Curtains
Lower Priced.
Much lower prices this week on several
lines of new Curtains in most desirable
styles. The selection among these is re
markably good, about as much so as that
of the savings offered. Excellent Curtains,
all of them; in perfect condition.
$2.00 Curtains, $1,65 pair.
$2.50 Curtains, $1.95 pair.
$3.50 Curtains, $2.50 pair.
— $5.00 Curtains, $3.75 pair.
Portieres In the
Sale, Also.
$5.00 kinds, $3.75 pair.
$6.00 and $6.50 kindi, $5.00.
This includes all styles of beautiful Ta
pestry Portieres, plain colors, stripes and
handsome Oriental effects; full regular
length and width.
Davison-Paxon-Stokes Co.,
*> Store of Many Departments.
- ... — by a John E. White will officiate.
supper at the Hermltnire Club, and
.In i
entertain for them, giving
pnrty nt the Vendome.
A wedding of great Interest to At-
Thunidiy the im vT»itor« will be the j*®" 1 *” 8 . 1,1 ‘J 1 ®. 1 M . r Er!e Donal*on
honoreea of u luncheon, followed by ft, ®r„L M Ar".,r n , °°. rd ° n ’ which taken
box party to pee the football game on p *® c ® ., *dnei<day at the Preebytertan
Dudley Field IwHween Vanderbilt nnd | church In Balnbrldge.
the Indians, fine afternoon during the
Week Messrs. Jo Yowell nnd Vul Tay
lor will give them un auto party to
the Hermitage, and the latter will be
the host of n luncheon party also\-
Nashville American.
Miss Emma Haya, national city sec
retary, Wiu speak at the gospel serv
ice next Sunday at 4 o’clock. All
women are Invited.
Invitations are about to be malted
to members inviting them to a mem
bership tea on next Tuesday afternoon
and evening. It la hoped that all mem
bers will come and meet Miss Hays at
that time.
Several parlor conference* will be
held the coming week and we hope It
may be the means of bringing associa
tion work before the women of Atlanta
ami create more Interest In our local
association. We have only about 600
members und we should have at least
1,000 In a city of this slxe.
The Boarding Home, a very Impor
tant branch of the association, might
be made much more attractive if some
kind friends who have more household
furniture, dishes, table linen, bedding,
etc., than they cen use themselves,
e o
O It Is good for 5 per cent O
O off on all cash purchases. O
O 1 O
0 E. V. HAYNES Co. O
G OC OO sn 005(30000 OO G
5 per cent. Discount on Cash Purchases.
In our extensive experienee in the Jewelry business
we have learned that our customers appreciate a share
in our profits. We will discount every cash purchase 5
per cent. All goods marked ill plain figures. ’
Come in.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Jones an
nounce the marriage of their alster,
Mrs. Mary Thomas Hodgson, to Mr.
I Stewart Floyd Fqster. The ceremony
took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul McLean Smith in Athene on the
evening of November 20th, In the pres-
cnce of a few relatives nnd friends.
The regular meeting of the Atlanta
Chapur of the U. D. O. will be held
In the Woman's Club room Thursday
at 3:20 o'clock. A meeting of the ex
ecutive board will be held In tho same
rooms at 3 o'clock. After the meeting
an Interesting program will be given.
The ladle* of Pryor Street Presbyte
rian church will give an oyster supper
for the benefit of their society and the
church Friday. November 23. from 4 to
10 p, m. at the residence of Mrs. N. B.
Jones, No. 576 South Pryor street. All
the members and friend* of the con
gregation are cordially Invited. A
pleasant hour is promised to all who
There will be a series of services at
the Inman Park Presbyterian church,
comer Euclid avenue and Druid Circle.
B. Flcklen. AH are Invited to attend.
The ladles of Moore Memorial Pres
byterian church will give a reception to
the students of the Atlanta School of
Medicine and tho Southern College of
Phnrmncy Thursday. November 22. at
the church at 8 n. m. Every student
Is cordially Invited.
The Atlanta Willard Woman's Chris
tian Temperance Union will meet in
regular session nt No. 139 Washington
streot Thursday afternoon' at 3 o'clock.
Reports of the world and national W.
C. T. U. conventions recently held In
Boston nnd Hartford. Conn., will be
read. Visitors cordially. Invited.
MBS. J. -V ADKINS. President.
Recording Secretary.
. Committees No. 3 and 6 of the
Ponce DeLeon Avenue Baptist church.
Mm. Colllnsworth. and Sir*. Ed. Green,
chairmen, will have a cake sale nt
Snwtell'* market, opposite Candler
building, on Wednesday before Thanks
giving. One hundred choirs cakes will
be for sale. Cakes may be secured In
advance by telephoning Bell 1190 N. J.
or 463 N. J.
On Monday afternoon last Mrs. J. S.
Harrison and Mr*. Charles Phillips en-
tertalned the Presbyterian church tea
at the home of the former, on Four
teenth street. The occasion was a very
pretty one and quite a success.
The Wynnton Euchre Club had a
very pleasant meeting with Mrs. Frank
Frederick. In Wynnton. Monday after*
noon. , .
Mr*. Juliet Compton entertained the
Kalamazoo Club at her home on Six
teenth street Tuesday afternoon.
Complimentary to the young ladles of the
elty. the young grtvc n da nee nt the
nrmory Friday evening. Thow ureyout sere
Misses Cobble llood. Ethel McDonald.
Louise iiinl Carolyn Worrlll. Allevne Simp
son, Nellie ami Laria Key. Maml and An
nie Ib-ll Miirtln. nnd Messrs. I . K. IDs
Hus. O. II. Mathews. Owen Dunn, ltlshoi
Monogrammed Stationery makes a dainty Christmas
Present for
Visiting Cards are also an acceptable present.
Send us your orders now so that they can be executed
in ample time. Samples and prices furnished upon
application. J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO.,
manufacturers of Society Stationer}', 47 Whitehall
street, Atlunta, Georgia.
/.niter. J. (I. Mittbewm of t’oluuilmn; i
Moye, Granby Owen, G. II. Graham and
Enuni-tt Stanford. ,
Mlsit Itnhy Smith entnrtslnsd n few
friends Friday evening for MDs Ellsnlietli
Baldwin and her guest. Mis* While, of
Gainesville. Tin* guests went Misses ID 1.1*
win. White. I'sullne Shelley soil Salome
Bedding, nnd Messrs. Rcdieet West. J. W.
Harris, If. S. Mutton, I. I. Martin and
’’miss Mattie Redding Is visiting In Shell.
’"mI'ss Ethel MeDounld has returned from
a visit to friends at Thomnsvlll#.
Mlsa Vesta I'aee. of Dawson, has Itceu
the guest uf MDs EllsaD-th Baldwin.
X. II. Brown will leave soon for Hono
lulu. where he expeets to reside In the fu
ture, making bis home with his daughter,
Mrs. 11. E. Hendricks.
Misses Sums and Berry, of Decatur, are
guests of Miss Ethel McDonald
70 Whitehall
Atlanta's Only Popular Priced
Jewelry Establishment
The most frequently con
sulted book is The Bell Tele
phone Directory. Does it
contain your name? Direc-
SySESWEiitory listings close December
each day (except Saturday) at 10 a. m. 1. Call Contract Dept.. Main
and p. m. The service* will N ioaa
conducted by the paalor, Rev. James i l«3Uv.
- - — - -
The New-InvertedL/gfit.
,69 N. Pryor Street, Y. M. C. A. Building.
A Noise Like Bracelets
. .That isislang, but haven’t 4hev a happy ring against
one another on a woman’s rounded annf She expects
more of them for Christmas, and we have a host or new
and beautiful aesigus.
DAVIS & FREEMAN, Jmvelcrc.
Absolutely watel'-proof. 4-‘,0:0 rolls to pick from.
WHITE WALL PAPER CO., 69 N. Pryor Street.
Charles W. Crankshau),
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller.
16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg-