Newspaper Page Text
„ L , |.j, b«n a week of many wed
■ *Augusta. there having occur-
, „ lne ‘within the past four days
gerlPS of weddings was begun
loesday morning at 7 o'clock, when
Maty Vance was wedded to Mr.
,rd Patrick Walsh at the Sacred
, C hurrh In the presence of a large
nf friends. The young couple
• Inert their friends on the same
at a reception at their home,
"rill* street. On the samo mnrn-
.7 s o'clock at the same church
I ~„rred the beautiful wedding of Miss
■ teorr .. Angela Costello to Mr. Edward
Mulherln. Rev. Father Wllkln-
K5’nfBclatlng. The bride was attended
IwVr sister. Miss Louise Costello, as
1 .id of honor, nnd the groom by his
IC'.^n Mr. W. J. Mulherln. The
■ - entered with her brother,
, Costello, of Jacksonville.
w ere Messri. C. C. Mulherln,
Iro-derlck J- Bodeker, J. L. Mulherln
liStUmberger. The marriage was an
IrL—itlne event and united two of Au
I host known and most hlghl:
■Ejected families. The young couple
m New York on a bridal trip.
■ inother wedding of universal inter-
re the day was that of Miss Edith
|$;fr end Mr. Jack Key Toung, which
1ST Imre solemnised at St.
iiSes Methodist church at noon. The
•JSvh decorations and tho gowns of
oui bride's attendants carried out beau
ty the rainbow tints. The ushers
I Ad groomsmen were Messrs. Charles
I7JJ K Sidling, William Irvin,
IfL-clity Miller, Thomas Puryear. The-
IJSfi Caswell. Joe A. Brinson and John
I McAullfte. Mr. Bruce Young, a broth-
1,, 0 f the groom was best
■ Tbs bride's attendants were
IDonchtv Miller, matron of honor. Miss
I Sit Wasner, of Macon, maid of hon-
Iff sad Misses Marian Murphey. Mary
|S M tz, Gertrude Hlghley and Nell
I Bremer, of Charleston, as bridesmaids.
Illra Young Is a descendant of one of
lurista'e oldest families, while Mr.
I Toung Is * non of ex- Mayer W. B.
I Toung. of this city, and a nephew of
I Bishop Key, of Florida.
1 Another noonday wedding of Wed
landey was that of Mies Amelia Wal
lace end Mr. Ralph of Clarks
■ton. Mich., which was a pretty home
I went of general Interest The young
■ couple left Immediately after their
I marriage for their far-away Michigan
I Miss Mary Eve Wilson and Mr. Fred
I crick Doughty Shivers were quietly
I married also on Wednesday at tho
I beautiful country borne of the bride's
| father, the marriage occurring at 1
I o’clock. Mr. Shivers Is formerly of
I v.’arrcnton, but has made Augusta his
I home several years. Ho also made
Atlanta hit home a short while before
On Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock
two other weddings, that of Mias Ator-
jaret Roesel to -Mr. John McCarthy,
end of Mlsa Mary Perry Braccy to Mr.
John L. Watkins.. The farmer wedding
occurred at the parsonage of St. Pat
ricks church and -the latter at St. Pauls
The last of a aeries of Interesting
weddings of Wednesday was that of
Min Lena Ferris and Mr. Jordan II.
Sanford, which was a brilliant social
mint, occurring at St. Paula church at
1:10 o'clock. The bride was attended
by Mra. A. A. Richardson, of Barn
well, as matron of honor, nnd Miss An
nie Delle Sanford as maid of honor.
The bridesmaids were Miss Lila Rey
nolds, Miss Madge Houston, Miss Mnrle
Otrdelle, Mies Lees Raworth, Miss Ella
Smith nnd Mlse Marian Rood. Sir.
Sanford's best mnn was his brother,
Mr. James K. Sanford. The ushers
were Messrs. William Connor, of .Ma
con; Harry Garrett, William San
ford, Bently Calloway, Bernard Hughes,
of Washington; T. Bnshlnskl, of Dub
lin, and R. Ferris. A large reception
« the home of the bride's parents, Mr.
*rd Mrs. Sanford H. Cohen, followed 1
tbe wedding. The bride Is a member
"f the younger society set of Augusta
*»d enjoys a delightful popularity. Mr.
Ssnforrt is principal of the Woodlawn
Grammar school and Is prominent in
Mucatlonal work throughout the South.
Mrs. Charles H. Phlnlzy will enter
tain with a large reception on next
Thursday afternoon and evening, In
. honor of her daughter, Mies Mary Lou
rhlnlzy, who will on this occasion tnnke
Mr formal debut. Mies Phtnlzy has
I JJJJ a favorite among tbe younger
■ s ’ho ts a strikingly handsome and
ictive young woman and her for
mat debut is anticipated with unusual
Mis. W. H. Crane le visiting rela-
u ”» In Philadelphia.
Miss Ellen Hickman l» visiting Mr.
‘nil Mr. Huger, n Savannah.
Mrs. s. I*. Lewis has’ returned from a
with relatives tn Spartanburg,
Miss stary Lockhart will visit friends
■n Momiceiio. Fla, shortly.
Harriet Boykin has returned
5Ir - W G. Llllard announces the en-
**** m ™t of hie daughter, Julia Ellen,
Mr. Fount H. Rlon, the wedding to
Jf ‘optimized at Elm Street Methodist
,,7 h the middle of December.
Jtls.-es Martha Whitman and Blanche
"t Atlanta, who are the-guett*
M's, Elise Lipscomb, are thCrecip-
[Sr? "! much social attention. Mlse
■ rjso l!in won the prize at a handsome
I'bv Wednesday evening given
M, Elizabeth Davison for her
•Misses Annie Keith Frazier, of
(nooga and Washington; Alma
n"T' k - «f Cincinnati; Helen Van
o',,"’ " f Indiana, and Rosa McDon-
f. h ’ ■ f Montclair, N. J.
Idem V v *r ton of Nashville, pres-
" of the Colonial Dames Society,
■■TUI. ,n Tennessee, has been ap-
; chair-
Ml proba-
., ln Ma >’. the day following the
j. : ,n ,he historic old church at
D», *» restored by the Colonial
Rld'iu’' nant ana Mra. William King
' a l‘ e the guests of the former’s
tor, " , fo . r a w *ek. The latter was
luit.i y Ml< * Netta Russell, of At-
•n Ml .,„ !,n '! -'•t’*- Edward Buford have
dan-h,"” ‘»e engagement of their
lv!tn ,";. K11 zabeth. and Judge Arthur
foM , Evana > of Chicago. Miss Bu
rn.'' \t hi Chicago visiting Judge
Ml. V J ' JJ’ Dickinson,
haji ,, ? e Berry will give a brilliant
I tr, r 'he University Club tonight
Sm debutante stater. Mlse Sara
My., •'rid her guests. Misses Marjorie
ha,” f Birmingham, and Jessie
be „ ’ . " f Dandridge. They will also
*•» t. ,, '"''•'eee of an automobile out-
Lr-, "ermltngv Monday and of ti
• ‘ uu November 21, and week-end
Miss Mary Ellen' Stafford delightful
ly entertained the Game Club Friday
afternoon. This was the beginning of a
series of beautiful parties which will
be given by the members of the club
during the winter. White chrysanthe
mums and palms were used In profu
sion. the color scheme In the parlor,
where the game was played, being
green and white. Five-hand euchre
was played, tho highest score being
made by Miss Nettie Lee Grace. The
prize was a silver bell. The consola
tion. a lace handkerchief, was cut by
Miss Ethel Neel. During the game
stuffed dates were handed and at the
conclusion a delicious salad course was
served by the charming hostess. The
guests on this occasion were: Miss
Lillian Alttchell, Miss Lucile Mitchell,
Miss Ethel Neel, Miss Nettle Matthews.
Miss Ada Robertson, Miss Kathleen
Yerger, Miss Myrtlce Nelson, Miss Mat-
tie Nelson, Miss Grace Woodward,
Miss Lucile Blackburn, Miss Helen
Wilkinson. Miss Nettle Lee Grace, Miss
■Mary Mlnhlnnette, Alias Peacock of
Horlda, Misses Marchjcan and Colbert
of The Rock, Aliss Jnez Wiihoit of Ken
tucky. Mrs. Marvin Stephens, Mrs. Tom
Tuesday afternoon Miss Kittle Gor-
dy and Mr. Charles E. Stodk* were
married, tho Rev. J. C. Baird perform-'
ing the ceremony. It was a quiet wed
ding, and only a few witnesses were
present. Both these young people are
well and favorably known throughout
this vicinity, and they have received
the cordial congratulations of numer
ous friends.
Thursday evening, at the home of
the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wap-
pello Summers, on Forsyth street, Miss
Nettle Summers and Mr. E. R. Cars
well were united In marriage. Rev. J. 0?
Grogan performing the ceremony In the
presence of a number of friends' who
had been Invited to witness the event.
Air. and Airs. Carswell are among the
city ■ most popular people and their
marriage . affords pleasure to their
hosts of friends.
Misses May Thompson and Sno Held
Walton, who have been tho attractive
guests of Mrs. P. W. Walton, Jr.', have
returned to their home In Madison.
Ths psrty which Mra r. W. Walton
was to have given for Mis. lleary Spivey
was postponed on account of the death of
Mrs. Turner.
Miss Cecils Ingram was the charming
hostess at a birthday party on Monday
night. Many benutlfor gifts were re
ceived, nnd a most enjoyable evening was
pent. Dellcloua refreshments were served
Jt a late hour. Atlases Wodller Scotte and
lejoise Wallace received the guests, while
Miss Edwins Dsrls served punch. Among
those present were Misses Alary ltemilr
Ituth Park, Luda Hutchinson. Mattio an
Sara Hearn. Hannah and Margery Leonard,
F ;'v -
If '
tfifi-j i
, , ce, sod Me-rx WrlM.
Robert Dennis, Rob and Mlllnrd White.
Grimes Dennis, Howard Wilson, kidney
Wheeler, Olio Iloblnaou, Henry Denham,
-ad othors.
Miss Mary T. Lawrence has returned tc
Mlsa L, B. 8nlret, of the Georfla Nor
ml and Industrial college, MUIedjrovlUe,
who came up to attend the Uennli-fcnivey
wedding last week, ha*- returned to bci
school auttei.
Mis* Wah Walton, of Madison, after 0
charming visit to Miss Anna Lou Nlsbet,
has returned to her home.
Mrs. John Dennis and tittle daughter,
Elizabeth, will return to Atlnut* Tuesday,
Miss Mae Alford, of MUled^tivlIIe, spent
Dr.' Dennis Turner and Garland Wyuu
have returned to Atlanta.
R. B. Ward haa tendered his resignation
as assistant cashier of the Carltou bank,
and ha* accepted a similar position In
Atlanta. Carlton regrets very much to
lose him, as he was quite popular both
In. business circles.
Mr. Hawkins, of the University of Geor
gia, was tbe guest of Mr. II1I! last Satur-
Stevens, of tbe University, visited
ng near the city Sunday.
Mrs. J. G. Deadwyler spen'
7, Mrs. Ed <
with"her-daughter, Mrs. tfd CallKray^at
C Mr. Pr *nd Mrs. Frank Moon have Miss
Crane, of Laurens, 8. C., as governess for
their children.
John Blrebmoro, of Taylorsville, Is book
keeper for the Carlton bank.
Mrs. Thnd Stevens nnd mother, Mrs. Gar*
bett, visited Hnndy Oosm Sunday.
Mr. ond^drs. Walter Whlteheml were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stevens lost
and Mrs. Janies Wright, of Ogle*
* r. were the gnests ' “ “ *
Iberhnrdt Hominy.
are centered mainly in the furnishings.
If the} r are selected in a hap
hazard manner they will lack
that refinement and <aste that a
careful combination of pat-
terns give. In the Rhodes-
•Haverty stock there are so
many different patterns in
pi so many different woods that it is impossible to go |p
g|i through it without finding furniture to match' the
I pieces you have or a combination of patterns to
completely furnish your home in the most tasteful |~1|
manner. Your special attention is called to our
high grade mahogany goods. We make a specialty
of these goods and can give you values impossible
H to duplicate in the entire South.
Pantasote and genuine Leather Couches, with ma
hogany or oak frames. Superior in construction and ex
clusive in design. Over 100 different patterns from
Library Tables, from the heaviest solid mahogany
to light veneered tables. Different designs to suit all
tastes, ranging in price from $14.00 to $100.
Bed Room Goods
In Ladies’: Dressing Ta
bles we offer a very large
stock in veneered and solid
mahogany. These tables
are all of extra fine work
manship and beautiful in de
sign. * The veneering and
cab jnet work is the finest ob
tainable. Prices range from
$19.00 to $85.00.
A magnificent stock of
Brass Beds in handsome
patterns, including Solid
Brass Children’s Cribs. The
designs are all new, pur
chased this year in the mar
kets of the North and East,
and in such quantities as to
enable you to save money on
all of "them. Prices from
$25.00 to $100.
One of the prettieit quiet home »eil-
illnm of tlie .full aeonon w»» that of Ml,.
Ann). Witcher enil Mr. E. O. Kllpntrirk.
which took piece nt tbe home of the
bride', ileter, Mr., David Long, Tbunoliiy
afternoon at half pait 3 o'clock. Iter.' 31.
8. Weaver oltlelntlng. The wedding true it
quiet one, there being only the relntlree of
the bride and groom pretent. The wedding
protein, were moat lieautlful. The hridc I.
one Of Carlton’. mo«t charming young
women, .ml lored hr every one th.t know,
her. - The groom It n prominent cotton
buyer. They lert on nn afternoon train
for Eotonton. Ga„ their furore home.
Personal Mention
party, of which Mlsa Jane Tillman will
je hostess.
Atrs. P. »L. Estes will give a large
reception next Monday, nqd another
large afternoon event of the week will
be Airs. George Schwab's on Wednes
day for her debutante sister, Miss Au
gusta Schwab, who will also be given
a ball at the Hermitage Club by her
parents November 23,
Atrs. T. Garland Tinsley will give an
afternoon reception November 26 and
that evening a dinner dance will be
given at the Golf and Country Club.
Miss Mary Lee Dlbrell, who was re
cently tn Atlanta, where .he has many
friends, will give a buffet supper next
Wednesday evening to compliment Miss
Bara Berry-
Alls. Estelle Shook, the president,
entertained the Bridge Club at a bridge
lundheon Thursday, which was unique
In Its appointments. Twenty guests
were Seated at a table having for an
appropriate central ornament a minia
ture bridge of green wood, several feet
In length, .tretehlng over a great oval
mirror wreathed In fern, and amltax.
On the bridge wtta toy train with a
cargo of tempting bonbon*.
Mr. and Mrs. Charte* 8. Martin gave
a brilliant debut ball at the t'niverslty
Club last night for their debutante
daughter, Ml»s Marlon Mnrttn. ■■ „ _ ■
Mlsa Janie CockrUl entertains the camber Iflth for Japan and Corea.
Twentieth Century Bridge Club tomor- will come by Nashville en route to Ban
row 1 Francisco, which ta her sailing point.
Atr. Orme Campbell haa returned
from Knoxville.
Mia. Sarah Tinsley, who ha* been
the admired gueet of Mia* Margaret
Lodaon. * returned Wednesday to her
home in Atacon.
Air. and Mrs, John Ratne have aold
their home on Creacent avenue and
are at tha Aragon for the winter.
Jflaa Nanette Lincoln left Tueaday
night for New York city.
Mr*; Robert Emory Park la tn Co
lumbus, Ga.
The Young Matrona' Club will meet
Friday morning with, Mr*. Vaughn
Nixon. Lucy King Kenan, who haa
been III for the past week at the home
of her parents 176 Forrest avenue, la
much Improved.
Mrs. George Dexter I*'In Columbus.
severe! weeks wltl .
Sf. B. Pilcher, Jr., leaves the last of
next week for Macon, Oa., where she
will Join Mrs. W. B. Lowe for a short
has been visiting Atrs. B. M. Dean In
Palmetto, Is tn the city, tho guest of
Mies Stevie Timmons.
Mr. and Mrs. B, Marvin Underwood
announce the birth of a son.
Miss Josephine Jones, of Macon, will
arrive soon to visit Miss Katharine
I She goes tn the Interest of the Wom
an'. Foreign Missionary Society of
the M. E. Church, of which site Is sec
retary.—Nashville American. •
During the absence of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Eugene R. Black in New York, Dr.
and Airs. King are staying ut their
home on Peachtree.
Alls. Myrtle Williams has returned
from Acworth.
The many friends of Mis. Mabel
Buchanan will regret to know that she
Is 111 at her home, 81 Cherokee ave
Atr. and Mrs. John Ktser will move
Into the Dunbar Roy cottage tilt. week.
Atajor and Mrs. George C, Ball, of At
lanta, Are the guests of Airs. George R.
Ward at her home, on Twentieth street
and Thirteenth avenue, south. Major
and Airs, Hnll have a large number of
friends in Birmingham who will be de
lighted at this opportunity to meet
them again.—Birmingham Ledger.
Mrs. George C. Ball will be a guest
of honor at the Writers’ Club tomorrow
afternoon.—Birmingham News.
Judge William T. Newman, Judge of _ _ _ __
the United States district court for the | that har marriage will take her to an-
northern district of Georgia, le In Rome, j other city. Immediately after the cere,
for the purpose of presiding over the} mony Mr. end Mrs. Manner left for
November session of that court. Judge Carrollton, where tbe groom Is one of
Newman haa a great many friends hare the moat popular young business men.
who always cordially welcome him on | Mis. Bur Reftl Walton gave a de
ls visits to Rome.—Rome Tribune. Ilghtful luncheon on Wednesday in
I honor of Miaaes Fuller, of Montgomery.
Mls* Lola Dean, of Spartanburg, who Ala.
At 4:20 o'clock on Wednesday after
noon, in the private parlors of the Hotel
Atorgan, the marriage of Mia* Dot At
kinson ahd Mr. Homer Hanner, of
Carrollton, occurred. On account of
the recent bereavement* in both the
bride's and groom'* families, the wed
ding was very quiet, only the relative*
and Intimate Mcnda being present. The
parlors were very prettily decorated
with yellow and white chrysanthe
mums. the Improvised altar being
banked with white dowers and ferns.
The bride entered with ,h*r sister, Miss
Maude Atkinson, who was her only at.
tendant, and was met at the Impro
vised altar by the groom and his best
man, Mr. Henry Well*, of Atlanta. The
bride wore her golng-away gown of
brown chilTon broadcloth, her hat be
ing of brown velvet, trimmed with
brown plumes. As Miss Dot Atkinson
Mr*. Hanner was one of the moat beau
tiful and motu popular young ladles of
Madison, and her many friends regret
of honor were; Misses Katie Pou,
■May Thomason, Martha Foster, Rich
mond and Elizabeth Walton.
The dinner given by Atr.-H. T. Shaw
to the cotton buyers of Atadlson on
Thursday evening was a most enjoya
ble nffair. The color scheme was red
and white, the table having a lovely
lace cover over red satin. The cen
terpiece was « low bowl filled with red
roSfes and with a wreath of cotton
boll, at the bare. The place cards were
decorated with cotton bolls, tied with
red ribbon.. An elaborate dinner of
eight courses was served. Those pres
ent were; Captain J. S. Hogue, Mr.
J. W. Bearden, Air. Steve Tumcll, Air.
Ralph Louis, Atr. W. P. Bearden, Air.
George Bearden, Atr, Cavendar, Atr.
Dave Jacks, Mr. John Barrett and Atr.
W. T. Irvine.
Atr. and Mrs. J. P. T. Austin enter
tained twelve friends quite pleasantly
on Wednesday evening.
Atrs. May Bummers, of Conyers; Atr.
and Atr*. C. G. Hanner and Mr. Height,
of Atlanta; Air. and Airs. Sam Bearden,
of Carrollton; Alls. Gladys Pope, of
Atontlcello, and AIlss Berta Penning
ton were among the out-of-town gue.t.
nt the Atkln.on-Hanner wedding.
Airs. Lizzie Bpeed Hatch, of Bridge
port, Conn., !» the guest of Airs. J. S.
Misses Sadie Foster and Caro Price
are In Atlanta, the guests of Airs. Fitz
simmons. Edna and Carrye Pou are
visiting Mr*. Marvin Carpenter at Ste
Airs. Z. D. Fitzpatrick I* the gue.t of
friend, at Thomaavllle.
Mr. and Mr*. C. L. C. Thomas and
little Miss Florida Campbell are In
Atlanta for a abort
Mrs. J M. Moore, of Greensboro, was
Those present beside the guests the guest of Mrs. Caro Price last week.
The horse show, which took place at
Kuphrtans park on Friday of lost week,
was one of the most successful af
fairs that haa ever been w|tn- --red In
thla city. Over 2,000 spectator* were
present, and were as enthusiastic c.
even the Driving Association could
have desired. It^has been unanlmoualv
decided by Its promoters that hence
forth the horse show shall be made an
annual Institution.
Senator Mallory left yesterday for
points in- south FJortdo, In the Inter-
cat of the rivers and harbors commit
tee. He will spend about ten days In
Pensacola on hit return, nnd then leave
for Washington.
The personnel of the officers and
their wive, at Fort Barrancas this
winter lead, to the cortHmdon that
there will be many social functions and
much gaiety among the army set.
Air. Frank At. Whiting and bride
have returned from their wedding trip
out In the West, and are now keeping
house on West Gadsden street.
Dr. Frank R. Maura, nctli
In the marine hospital
Saguana la Grande. Cul:
turned for a time
city, as the quarai
the Island for this
h mSidn l