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For the South.
Of the South.
Two Million Dollars More Than Any Insurance Company Wrote in the Entire Year of 1906.
Georgia Business WRITTEN FIRST TEN MONTHS 190d:
State Mutual Life,
Georgia Business Written Whole Year 1905:
'■> '
Penn Mutual $4,677,720
Mutual of New York 3,690,128
New York Life 3,116,661
State Life, Indiana 2,777,657
Equitable 2,759,223
Prudential — 2,076,428
Northwestern Mutual.' 1,843,300
Union Central 1,810,079
National of Vermont 1,507,771
Mutual Benefit i.... 1,379,368
Mutual Reserve 1,351,000
Aetna 1,115,222
New England Mutual 813,294
Manhattan 711,630
Franklin Life 591,261
Fidelity Life 548,395
Home Life 532,555
Providence Savings ;:.... 495,092
Reliance 464,610
Missouri State ;— 443,120
National of U.S. A 387,192
Union Mutual 378,960
Chicago Life 332,750
Germania : — 327,000
State Mutual of Massachusetts 300,020
Illinois Life ’ ! . 284,150
Travelers —, ., — 269,820
Hartford Life ;. 117,164
Connecticut Mutual 112,000
The State Mutual Life Insurance Company of Rome, Ga., holds
the record in this State for amount of business written in 1906. In the
first ten months of this year it has written $6,692,000 of business in
the Empire State of the South. This is more than the highest record
of any company in the State for 1905. Just $2,014,280 more than the
Penn Mutual secured in Georgia in the whole year of 1905. With the
aggregation of agents which this northern company has organized
after many years of business it has been outdistanced by the home
company in the first year of the State Mutual Life’s existence as an
old line company.
Indorsement at home, in Georgia, where this company is most
accessible to examination, is the highest indorsement that could be be
stowed upon the State Mutual Life Insurance Company. The Insur
ance Year Book for the year 1905 tells the story accurately of 1905
business written in Georgia. The Penn Mutual wrote $4,677,720 in
that year. Following that company closely was the Mutual Life,
which secured insurance in 1905 amounting to $3,690,128, while the
business of the New York Life amounted to $3,115,661. The State Life
of Indiana wrote $2,777,657, the Equitable $2,759,223, the Prudential
$2,076,428. That was in 1905, remember, and in the first ten months of
1906 the State Mutual Life of Georgia, which invests its money in the
South, has taken the lead over all these old, long established insurance
concerns. »
It is largely the superiority of the State Mutual Life policies, as
well as the generous support of Southern people, that has induced the
enormous business. These policies are backed by a financial condition
of the company that is unassailable and which Georgia people have as
surance of. TheStateMutualLife hasdeposited gilt edge securities with
the Georgia State Treasurer for the absolute protection of its policy
holders. Ask one of the agents to explain to you the liberal clauses
of policies of the State Mutual Life Insurance Company of Georgia.
He can showvou why the State Mutual Life policies are worth more
to 3’ou than those of any other life insurance company.
Insure your life at home with a strong, safe company which gives
your family the maximum of protection. The State Mutual Life In
surance Company does not carry a load of old business obtained under
circumstances which make it a burden tonew business. It is unen
cumbered with the old methods, and is administered according to the
highest ethics of conscientious life insurance business. Any clay you
can investigate the laws under which it operates. Always it is un
der the supervision of the government of Georgia, and its record is
with the State. I
Atlanta Manager
The State Mutual Life Insurance Company of Rome, Ga., holds
the record in thqUnited States for the largest business written the
fii'st year qi its existence as a legal reserve company. The business
written the first ten months of 1906 amounts to the gigantic sum of
$21,484,000. Tliis prosperity of the company will be written in divi
dends to the policyholders. It is a benefit to every man who holds a
policy in the StateMutual Life that this amount of business has been
placed on itsbooks. It is a benefit to the entire South that this busi
ness goes to a Southern company which invests its money in the
South, whichoperates under the economic conditions possible in the
South. }.■■■ |
The great Mutual Reserve Company of the Southern States is the
State MutualLife Insurance Company, of Romo, Georgia. There is
a wave of conversion to Southern Life Insurance sweeping over the
South. The State Mutual Life is on a basis that makes it the nat
ural recipient of Southern business. An insurance company of the
highest financial standing that is as “Solid as the South,” of the
South, for the South, and spending its money in the South, deserves
the generous consideration of Southern men. The giant life insur
ance companies of this country drew to the nation’s metropolis last
year $223,000,000, and practically all of this vast fund passed into the
hands of Wall street brokers. The State Mutual Life Insurance
Company of Georgia offers a safe financial source for keeping a large
percentage of this in the South.
The State Mutual Life Insurance Company distributes its profits
among its policyholders annually, and it will keep money in the South.
The investments of the State Life Insurance Company of Rome, Ga.,
are made in the South, and while the high rates liere increase the
earnings to policyholders, it builds up the enterprises of the South.
Fifty million dollars annually pours into Wall street from Southern
life policyholders. A saving of fifty million dollars to the South annu
ally will mean the full development of every piece of unimproved
farm land in the South. Investments in the South are safe, there is
less fluctuation of values here than anywhere in the United States,
and When the State Mutual Life Insurance Company loans money at
6 per cent it secures larger interest and better security than the in
surance companies of Wall street.
The reason you should insure in the State Life Insurance Company
of Georgia is that it is a safe, strong company, which will give your
family the best protection. When it is capableof doing so you should
give it preference over concerns whose head offices are thousands of
miles away. The State Mutual Life Insurance Company is at home,
where von can learn all about it, yourself, any time.
C. R. PORTER, President